Omar Suleiman – Focus on the unique opportunities Allah has given You
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The speaker discusses the importance of focusing on unique opportunities for doing good things, such as giving charity and doing a good deed. They stress the value of subhanare and the guidance given by the Prophet sallavi alayhi, which is to pay attention to the unique opportunities and pursue good deeds. The speaker also mentions that the best guidance is found in the Prophet's path to Jannah.
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone.
So a few years ago when I brought
a group for hajj, one of the brothers
comes up to me here in Mecca and
he was really upset and he says to
me, you know, it's not fair.
I said, what's not fair?
He said, how come these people here get
the reward of a hundred thousand prayers per
prayer so easily as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasalam said that one salah here in Mecca
is equivalent to a hundred thousand and they
have such easy access to hajj in Umrah.
And I said to him, I said, first
of all, you know, I want you to
think about the fact that there are people
that work around here and subhanAllah, can you
imagine they will never get to do hajj
because this is their commerce.
This is their season and that is the
majority of people that are here.
Secondly, they don't get to do Umrah much.
Maybe they don't have the means and perhaps
they don't get to pray the way that
you get to pray because they're so busy
tending to things for their worldly needs.
But on top of that, I put something
back towards him and that is that, you
know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam also authentically
said that if Allah guides one person through
you, that is better than an entire valley
of camels, better than the world and everything
that is in it for you.
And that is an opportunity that you have
that people here don't have, you know, the
opportunity of da'wah, the opportunity of guiding
someone to good.
And imagine if someone takes shahadah at your
hands and all of the salawat that they
perform, here or elsewhere, that's on your scales.
And if they have offspring that do the
same, that's on your scales.
And everyone they influence and benefit, that's on
your scales.
So focus on the opportunity that you have,
the unique opportunity.
Don't compare a hundred thousand salawat to that
one shahadah that you have without paying attention
to the fact that Allah has given you
an amazing opportunity where you are.
And that really speaks to something bigger, which
is to pay attention to the unique opportunities
that you have in general to do good
that other people might not have.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam, when the
poor companions came to him complaining that the
rich companions have taken all of the good
deeds because they pray as we pray, they
fast as we fast, but they're also able
to give charity and we're not able to
give charity.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam said hasn't Allah
given you something to give charity with?
And he taught them alayhi salatu wasalam that
the value of subhanAllah, alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, after
the prayer, that is your charity.
That's your ability to give charity as well.
Don't miss out on that opportunity.
And so intentions are great.
And tawfiq, if Allah allows you to do
an action, that is great.
And that's the bounty of Allah when he
allows you to perform a good deed.
But whatever your role is, whatever your unique
circumstances are, there are certain good deeds that
are available to you or easier for you
that are not necessarily so for others.
Pay attention to those and Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala has surely customized the path to
Jannah for all of us should we avail
ourselves of that path.
And the best guidance is always found in
the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.