Nouman Ali Khan – Surat Yusuf & The Final Messenger (S) Part 2

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including the treatment of slave laborers, the conflict between Islam and religion, the episode of temptation, the importance of protecting one's identity and reputation, and the use of struggles and negative behavior in political settings. They also touch upon the importance of history and the use of small conversations in political settings, as well as a surprise project they plan to do.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are all the Miller humanists a foreigner Raji?

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim.

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missionary Sabri will assedly Emily Watteau, loksatta melissani koko de la salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He.

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Once again everyone Somali como.

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Today I'm going to try to wrap up some of the parallels

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that both cheeks are hibben I have been contemplating on between what we can extract from the use of and what we can find in the life of our messenger sallallahu sallam, the approach we decided to take, I think it's worthy to kind of comment on I mentioned some historical parallels in our last session, and I thought, I think they're significant.

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But there are other kinds of parallels. So it's not, you know, there's a chronology of events in the life of use of and of course, there's a chronology of events in the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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So you can think of the chronology of the prophets life as the mccunn era, and then the events that transpired in the Medina and era and then finally the conquest and back to Makkah, right. So there's, there's this. And then, of course, back to Medina again. So there's this, you know, sequence of events. And it would be over simplistic to think that the sequence of events can be superimposed from one life legacy onto another life legacy, you'll find some parallels Of course, and I think we've highlighted some of those parallels. But then there are other other kinds of parallels that are that are, I think, even more important, the thing is that the Quran to us, is a,

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you know, a complete document, and it's a complete sacred, you know, teaching. But the Quran in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was actually a, an ongoing conversation between between him and Allah and allies, revealing these sutras to him while he's engaged in a struggle of his own. So he's not seeing the Quran in the same way that we see it, in that he is actually seeing it as a commentary on what he's going through.

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So Allah is talking about these different prophets in these stories in these events. And in the midst of those stories and those events, he can see a connection or he can draw something from that. And also the believers can by extension, the people who believed in him, so a lot more, our lives alone, will be a lot more AntiMage, marry me, Allah be pleased with all of them, they can see a connection between what they're learning from, let's say, the story of Yusuf Ali salam, and the things that they're going through. So in that sense, the story becomes alive for them, it actually comes to life for them, and they can, they can find comfort and support in knowing that we're not

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the only ones to have gone through something like this, or maybe Allah did this here. So maybe that's what he's going to do with us here, you see, so the kind of start making those kinds of connections. And really, you know, one way of looking at those parallels, the connections are actual historical events that kind of tally up. But others are more subtle, and we're going to try to kind of look at a number of them today, I think, 123456 discussions I want to have with you today. And they're not each of them very long. So I think we can go through them rather quickly. So for example, one thing that you find in the story is a a slave, who is, you know, coming rising the

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power, and Allah has given him victory, even though he was in a position of complete helplessness, right. So people who have power could do whatever they want with him. They could humiliate him and place him on display for women to taunt him, they could do that if they wanted to. And they could decide even if they know that he's done nothing wrong to throw him in a jail if they wanted to. And they can leave him there to rot if they wanted to. And by the way, had they chosen to kill him they could have, like nobody would have questioned them. Because what's what are the rights of a slave? There's a pretty strong parallel to be drawn here between the kind of outcast treatment that the

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Sahaba experienced by accepting Islam. They this basically became fair game in Mecca. So doesn't matter didn't matter what influenced us to have before

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Or what family you came from before. It's almost as if you renounce your citizenship because you accepted Islam. And we can do whatever we want with you. And of course, more pointedly, there were actual slaves like below the law on who, you know like yourself, who are being treated however the master feels like treating them. And the story has one of its very powerful themes, a slave of Allah, who who is being honored by Allah, but dishonored by people, right? That's what's happening. He's carrying himself in an honorable way, while he's being dishonored by people. And yet Allah in the end gave him triumph over all those who dishonor him, and all those who had temporarily power

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over him. And perhaps in that even the Sahaba see a ray of light like Allah did that his slave, he did that to use of honey Islam in a in a child, who had no say and no control over the circumstances, against an entire Empire. And here he is rising to that position. So if we find ourselves in a position of weakness, and we find ourselves where we can't even defend ourselves, and our families are being tortured, it's gone far beyond mockery and ridicule. Now, we're actually physically being tortured, or we can be ousted from our homes. If all of that is happening, then maybe we'll find some comfort in knowing we're not the only ones that have been oppressed by others

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for no wrong of their own, except that they believe, right, so they see this parallel between themselves but of course, it's it's also important to note that in the Quran, Egypt, particularly like there's an episode in the story of you. So if that has to do with Egypt, and the you know, the pharaohs later on, and the Egyptian dynasty has been compared multiple times to the attitude of the coronation Mecca. So there's that that parallel that's actually very commonly drawn in between the federal and the correlation between alifair own and and these people, and the solder, of course, the leadership of Quraysh. So with that, in the backdrop, this is still about Egypt. This is still about

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Egypt, and this is still the kind of oppression that's taking place inside of Egypt, at least that episode is. So there is that very pointed lesson to be drawn from that. The other interesting parallel is that Yusuf Ali Salam is being hated. And he's being, you know, objectified and he's being persecuted.

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Even though he's of noble lineage, I mean, he you don't get more noble than the ancestry of Ibraheem alehissalaam, right. So just because you come from noble lineage does not mean that you're immune from the abuse that will come at you from people, and that you're not going to go through trials. And, in fact, it could also be that the people that share that lineage with you will come after you, right. And so the salsa lamb comes from profoundly noble lineage. And he's actually a descendant of his malady Salaam and through him, Ibrahim alayhi salam. So he shares that with use of Islam, he has an ancestral tie to his noble father, Ibrahim alayhis salam. And yet he's also going to suffer

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through humiliation, he's going to be accused, he's going to be slandered. So there's the idea of being powerless, regardless of your origin, regardless of the noble tie, that you have to suffer through this before Allah will give you victory. Maybe there's a there's a kind of, you know, comfort in knowing that in the legacy of use of aneesa.

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Then there's the matter of the episode of temptation. And I'm not going in chronological order. So there's, these are parallels that we can draw. And they're not necessarily chronological, like I said in the beginning.

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So you've got the episode of temptation, and you've got this, this this woman who's trying to have use of honey some slip from his uncompromising character, right, that's her attempt, and literally the words around what to who and FC he

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the word urawa, to slowly reel someone in and to move someone away from themselves to to pull somebody away from themselves, right.

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And of course, you don't find that kind of a situation for our messenger Salallahu alaihe salam, but if you think about it, temptation and getting someone to slip can be of a, you know, an intimate nature of a man and a woman that happens in the story of Yusuf Alayhi Salaam. But you know, the opposite gender isn't the only thing that can be seductive. power can be seductive, money can be seductive, luxury can be seductive, and when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was actually looked upon as really as a star who has a future in Makkah. right he had they had high hopes for him. And they used to even go with their disputes, to negotiate their disputes that nobody else

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could solve. They would go to the civil laws I saw him even though he's not an elder

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He's a youth. And they're going to him like the famous story of john sweat. Right? So when they can't figure figure matters out, they go to Assad. I mean, this is before the prophets like some claims to be a messenger. So his character speaks such volumes that they have already sort of acknowledged him as a social man of influence. And there's an interesting parallel that use of Allah Islam is not in a position of prominence. But even in even as a child, a leader of Egypt is putting him in a position of prominence, the Aziz The one who is he's a slave to. And if you take the biblical account, he's actually taking his counsel and his decisions on disputed matters. That's

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what he's doing is handed him keys to the house. And this is the kind of credibility that came from the character that you serve exhibited on a Salaam. And this is exactly the kind of credibility that was also

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exhibited, or enjoyed the credibility he enjoyed in Makkah, because of the character that he had even before becoming a messenger, even before all of that, so there's the matter of credibility and what comes with it. But then, when he makes the claim to be a messenger,

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then that claim is politically difficult to accept, not just theologically, politically, and I talked a little bit about that last time we were talking about that, and also why he was

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accepting his call as a messenger actually means giving up on these idols. Giving up on these idols means that these idols are all you know, they're not all idols of muckin worship. There's some idol belongs to that tribe that's, you know, 100 miles that way, another tribe from another another idol for another tribe, and all those tribes if they want to worship their God or pay respects to their God have to come to what the Kaaba, and then pay tourist fees for food and lodging, right and make the donation to their God, and all who has the financial beneficiary of keeping these idols in Mecca, the Croatia, and they enjoy a kind of safety and security because if they're traveling and

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one of those tribes, who is used to engaging in banditry and robbery and highway robbery, if you're used to doing that, they're not going to tell you what age because if you rob Quraysh, police will be like, Oh, you you guys are the ones with the purple God, right? Yeah, you're gonna find him with a broken leg when you get back. So nobody's gonna touch Quraysh because their idols are being held hostage at the Kaaba. So if you accept this entire narrative of one God, and smashing all of these idols, and doing away with them, and this house, this house belongs to Atlanta alone, you're gonna offend all of these tribes. And so all of these tribes that have reverence for you as Mark guy and

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keep you keep their hands off claws off of mcca are, not only is this going to destroy us economically, because there's no other reason to come to MCI except that people pay homage to their idols. And now we can travel outside because our security was the This was our insurance policy. So you're destroying our safety and our security, you're destroying our peace and our prosperity. That's what you're doing. So it's a politically it's political suicide, if you will, for the political leadership have courage to accept the message of Islam? Like how can we, you know, so on the outside, it looks like they're just committed to the theology and the mythology of their

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multiple gods. That's not what this is. It's just politics and economics, that that's what it is really in plain and simple terms. So their opposition to him what I'm trying to get at is, their opposition to him may look like it's against the religious teachings of Islam, but actually just a little bit of analysis, and you find underneath it, there's actually a political agenda. Their oppression of him is of a political nature, you get what I'm saying.

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When Yusuf Ali Salaam is falsely imprisoned,

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it's not anything that they have against us.

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Or even his character,

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or what he stands for, they have no problem with don't care, they couldn't care less. They want him in jail, because not putting him in jail is political suicide. Because if he is led to roam free, than anybody can ask him what happened. And the truth, he is not going to lie about what happened. And if there is an investigation is not just this one woman who's going to be you know, led out to dry but all these other elite women are going to be humiliated, and therefore all of their husbands are going to be in political chaos. And their careers will be jeopardy. You know, even nowadays, a politician can be in serious Jeopardy if his family is embroiled in some kind of scandal, right,

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with some with a very orange exception, but because there is some people are immune to it doesn't matter how many scandals and they can just operate as they operate. Right. So as the presidency of the United States has been very clear, but other than that, typically speaking, when somebody is embroiled in a scandal, then it it

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affects them economically, it affects them socially affects them politically. So it's a political move. So, in a careful reading of salt useful reveal that the opposition to use of police analysis in that particular moment was actually a strategic political move. That's what they're trying. It's a power move, and the opposite. And that becomes, it starts dawning on the Sahaba. That for some people, it doesn't matter if the truth becomes clear.

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You see, the leaders of the kodesh,

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the truth became clear to them, he is a messenger. But still,

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are you saying that we give up our positions? Are we seeing the money, the way that we're used to having it flowing, we got to find a new source of income.

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That's the too big of an ask. It's just too big of an ask. So what happens is that is a subtle reality being taught. For some people, knowing the truth is not enough to follow the truth. For some people, something is greater than the truth. And what's greater their personal interests, their pride is even secondary, their power, their their their want of power. And their want of money. They're wanting to have control is bigger than this. Now, that's the only thing they've ever known to worship. Think of it that way. The only God they've ever known to worship is power, and money. And then on the flip side, for this woman, for example, the thing that she worships is her standing

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her reputation, her control over the situation. That's what she worshipped, right? It's a kind of worship of power, too. And she wants him to compromise, because in her mind,

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everybody should see the world the way I see it.

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And in the courageous mind when they come to the Prophet sallallahu, Artesia them, Why is he asking for this? Why is he calling for one guy, he must have some underlying political, social economic aspirations. I mean, the the speech on the podium sounds like justice and freedom and all of that, but really behind the scenes, the politician just wants a contribution.

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Right. So the the speech in public is different. And the agenda behind the scenes is something else, right, that we're all we all know that. That's how politics works. And these politicians, there's trying to analyze the profit slice of them

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from that political lens. So they're saying, What's his angle? Like, what's he getting at? Why is he calling for Islam? What does this new religion Well, I mean, okay, yeah, one God, these guys don't mix. Yeah, you get that? But no, what's he really after? Right? So they come to him? And they say, Listen,

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do you want to spot Do you want a position in leadership? Because if you want one, we got one for you.

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Do you want money is our you want to share, because we'll make some serious campaign contribution contributions to you. And you know what, you don't even have to look back to the public, you can keep your religion and some days for your religion some days for hours. So you won't even look back in that in the public. It's even good PR for you. So you won't have to say I backtracked on my religion. So we're taking into consideration that you have to have a press release later, too. So we'll watch out for you. We'll keep you in political check. You know, we'll watch your political back.

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Is it women you want? If you want women just point to her? Well, 100 you will marry you have no problem. Name, your price. So when they come behind closed doors, they're not talking about the data, some, they're questioning the motives and the character of the profits of the character they have known all along. And they're trying to see if he could just I know he's a good person. But come on, everybody has a price. I was gonna resist this. Can you anybody who would be offered this and they turn it down? Come on, let's go. Let's just end this. Yeah, it will cost us a little bit. But you know what, it's a small price to pay. Otherwise, this might turn into a bigger problem. So they

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go, and they offer a price. And also socialism famously offers back, you can try and put the sun in my right hand in the moon in my left, he's not gonna compromise. And when he's not going to compromise, it enrages them.

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They are now on.

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Who did you just turn down?

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We come to you. We make you an offer. You know, we never make anybody an offer, right? And when we give someone something they say thank you. We're used to being in a sense, worshiped. We're used to being surrendered to we're used to being thanked. We're used to being in a dominant position, where we grace others with our benevolence. And you, who do you think you are? You're going to turn us down?

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Oh, it's on now.

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Now, this isn't just about the political agenda. The fact that as soon as I son refuses to compromise, based on what Allah has given him, now the devil has inflamed their hearts against him. Their hearts are set

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Fire, there's a rage inside them to want to see him destroyed. Do you see a parallel with that? And what happens with Yusuf Ali Salaam? I asked you.

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Anybody else would dream of being with me. And I am the one telling you to come to me and you're gonna turn me down. Oh, oh,

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I'll show you what that does. I'll make sure you're crushed. Do you understand? Now what you see after the refusal to compromise, before the before the that offered a compromise. The salsa shalom was being met with Oh, he's poor man's gone insane.

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Or we feel bad for him.

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We're concerned about him. We're concerned about your nephew without him. We're concerned about your nephew.

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But after this clear, defiant, uncompromising stance, now there's animosity and that on animosity, we will call him a liar. We will call him a poet, we will say he steals this information from someone else, we will call him a mind reader, we will call we will make all manner of slanderous accusations against him.

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We will consider him a threat to our well being.

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We basically will slander him because we're upset

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will tell our families stay away from him because he destroys families.

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He's a threat.

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The minister comes home.

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The wife has their use of as there was a rip shirt. What does she say? What should What do you say about someone who intends evil for your family?

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At the very least he should be imprisoned, or some kind of torture.

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In other words, now we have to create a narrative in which what the

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police did is they created a narrative in which the prophets lie Selim represents a threat to our tribal values. He has a secret agenda. He's corrupting our new generation. He's a threat. And because we we love our values, we are proud of the people that we are and we must preserve our way of life. That it's this is why it's okay. It's a just cause to fight the enemy. He's no longer one of us, and torturing him and torturing those who follow Him and speaking out against them is us just doing the right thing for our neighbor being patriotic. We're doing the right thing, we're standing up for ourselves. In other words, they're engaged in this evil You see, we think of the Quraysh

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torturing the believers and slandering the prophets lights that have been torturing him physically. Also, we think of that as oppression, right? I want you to go in their minds. They're not thinking of it as impression impression, or they're not selling it as oppression, hey, we're gonna go oppress some believers stand out. They're thinking. They're thinking we're doing what's necessary for the well being of our people.

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We're engaged in a campaign to ensure our homeland security. That's what we're doing.

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This is operation secure nationals or tribal freedom, tribal security. This is exactly By the way, what the pharaoh did. The Pharaoh called Masonic Islam a national threat. We have hobby party party camouflage, this man and his brother, they will do away with your lifestyle. They want to get rid of your freedom. That's what they want. They want Sharia law, this Moses and Aaron.

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We gotta fight them.

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So they're, they're engaging in oppression of the Israelites and Moosa and Haruna Naima ceram. But they're calling it what national integrity standing up for our nation.

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The woman says we got to stand up for our family, we should torture you so.

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And when the Sahaba hear this association of yours, oh, oh, that's how that works. Yeah, we see it all around us. is not the first time.

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It's not the first time this rodeo is taking place. I live in Texas.

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Right. So there's this parallel of the way that that what rationale that process works, it can met, see the formula behind it is the same, right? The characters can change, the scenery can change, the historical location can change, but the formula is the same, isn't it? And so they see that formula play out in the story that they're reading the Sahaba, and the prophets, and they see that story play out the same formula play out in their own lives. So there's that parallel. There's also the matter of, you know, so there's that temptation in hunting that, you know, what do kalon says what dulo to the new for, you know, they just wanted to compromise a little bit. They'll compromise a

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little bit. That's all they want. And here you have use of struggles begin because he refuses to compromise. Yes.

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Rasulullah saw his troubles get exponentially worse when he refuses to what compromise, isn't it? And as soon as I was told, you know, they said, Why don't you just come up with some art that make us feel

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As bad I mean you keep coming up with I'll just come up with some that you know, in our favor to. I mean we are people to Allah says when otoko wala Elena Baba we

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had he made up any statements on attributed to us and he come up with artificially any statements, any part of Quran that he just came up with himself a husband I mean who believe me.

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sama Katana men who

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would have grabbed Allah says we would have grabbed him by the right and sliced his jugular vein.

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Allah says that about his messengers

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he'll not come up with speech on his own. He fears his master

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will use advice and will not compromise his character because he fears what might have Allah Lola Albert hanabi

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he sees the brunt of his master. It's the same principle. And when that happens, when you saw the lesson, the powerful lesson is when you decide to side to stand by what Allah wants, and people will hate you.

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Some people will not be able to stand it. Those who love you can turn against you. Those who want something from you will show their ugly colors. They were just offering you leadership women money. Now they want to see you die and burn. This woman is obsessed with use of looks up to him has a crush on him admirers and positive feelings twisted as they are. But now that she doesn't get what he wants, when he's siding with a love for her. Now she needs to see him burn.

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This is, you know, my way or death is not my way or the highway. I let go ahead and do whatever you want. No, no, no, I need to see you destroyed. This is that's a vindictive need that takes over. And so that's a powerful parallel. Let's switch gears and talk a little bit about the brothers of Yusuf Ali Salaam.

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There has brothers, their sons of a prophet

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he's done nothing wrong to them.

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And even when they are angry at him in the Quran, when they when they describe how they want to get rid of him, what was the rationale? The rationale the use of hoo hoo hoo ha Bula Minami, now when

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you serve and his brother are more beloved to our father than we are has nothing to do with us have

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something to do with what Yahoo feels but has nothing to do with use of himself. They couldn't say one thing bad about us. Why do you hate him so much when he hasn't done anything?

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Let us say I hate you so much. You ate my candy. You keep sleeping in my bed, you keep leaving a mess. You keep it?

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Set. When you tell siblings. I teach a couple of siblings right now. And you say, hey, what makes you get angry at the others? They'll make a list. Here's what's so annoying about him. Here's what's annoying about her. Here's what they do to me. Here's what lists are they coming up with use of?

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They can't they don't have one. They don't have one.

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So what is it?

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This is this is it gets a little bit deep.

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when you want attention

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when you want attention, and you feel like somebody else is taking that attention away from you

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than that person and you want it to be recognized.

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And you feel like someone else is being recognized instead of you.

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That's the original feeling the shape and felt

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are the most creative.

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didn't harm at least in any way.

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Allah created them from dirt not to throw the dirt on the fires of the fire could be pulled out.

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Because it believes a bit of fire right.

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At least is no longer irrelevant. Or extinct. A police is still highly ranked.

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Allies not saying I've created them, at least you're no longer needed. Go go work in the sanitation department now.

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There's no demotion, Lisa, still honored as he was at least his position hasn't changed. At least his blessings from a lot haven't changed. Nothing has changed. It's just someone's getting more attention than I am. someone's getting recognition that I didn't get.

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So all the blessings that I do have now feel like there's nothing

00:29:31 --> 00:29:33

because what Why him?

00:29:34 --> 00:29:35

What's so good about him.

00:29:37 --> 00:29:59

And when that happens, that's when you get spite and hatred and you want to see the person who got attention where you need you wanted attention. You want to see that person removed from the equation or destroyed or hurt or you want to show that they're no better than you or worse than everyone. So you want to put them in a position where they can be degraded or humiliated.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:03

Because you want to, you can't show that you're better. So you have to show that they're worse.

00:30:05 --> 00:30:06

This is the devil's game.

00:30:07 --> 00:30:08

He got the brothers with it.

00:30:09 --> 00:30:10

They got him good.

00:30:11 --> 00:30:26

He got him so good. And that's why I use Jacobi some pointedly said, don't tell your brothers, the devil is a clear enemy. We didn't even talk about that when we were talking about that idea. How is the devil a clear enemy, the devil makes you feel what he felt.

00:30:27 --> 00:30:34

He felt inferior to them, right? So he puts in you a feeling of inferiority.

00:30:36 --> 00:30:38

And then he says, Why should I be inferior to him?

00:30:39 --> 00:30:41

Let me prove to you he's not worthy.

00:30:42 --> 00:30:49

When Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is getting more loyalty from his Sahaba than any tribes whenever gave to their own tribe.

00:30:51 --> 00:30:55

When he is speaking in a way that no poet can never compete with,

00:30:56 --> 00:31:05

when he is standing up with reasoning that knows no order, no speaker, nobody can overcome the word of a lot. And he's been given some a lot more.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:29

They don't realize it that they're standing against the word of Allah, but in front in front of them, how can we accept that he's better? One of the private negotiations and conversations among the leadership of kadesh was, well, he's from the Hashem family. We have multiple families here. If we accept him as a messenger, the Hashem clan wills for wins forever.

00:31:31 --> 00:31:40

How can we just accept that they're better cars forever? We're always competing. There's a power balance. There's a power imbalance. Now, if we just accept him, there's no way.

00:31:41 --> 00:31:55

That's the devil's game. And this is important, because if you just take a step back and think, how can brothers from the same father and as a prophet of all things, how can they hate their own brother so much?

00:31:56 --> 00:32:12

That so a lot it's so far beyond like, common sense. To get rid of him to torture him to Philomena? Well, even the idea of suggesting murder is so outrageous, right? But when the prophets are slim, here's this imagine when the Prophet of the Sahaba hear it?

00:32:13 --> 00:32:16

It says, if they've been asking themselves the same question already.

00:32:17 --> 00:32:46

I have lived among these people for 40 years, I have done nothing but good for them. I have been the honest one among them, the caring one among them, the charitable one among them, I have tended to their sick, I have taken care of their poor, I am helped in every way that I can, every time they come to me with a problem I selflessly give myself and help to them. What did I ever do to them? That just because I stand with this truth, that they hate me so much.

00:32:47 --> 00:33:04

Why is this such a level of hate? I don't understand. How can you eat this inflamed, engulfed in flames with hatred? And Allah gives him the story in which if you're shocked that the people of your tribe, shockingly,

00:33:05 --> 00:33:15

you know, unbelievably, are spiteful towards you. Why don't you contemplate how you sort of had to feel that kind of spike from his own siblings.

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And then you realize shaytan is a real enemy. He can take your emotions to such a toxic place. These people are in such a toxic place. They've given him to the whispers of shaitan they can no longer see or salsa them for who he is.

00:33:32 --> 00:34:06

They can no longer they've known him to be truthful all along, they can say the worst lies about them and nothing twice. Because they have you know, the the American expression they've drunk the Kool Aid. They have they have been hypnotized by their own alternative reality that the devil has spun for them, that will spawn a new reality for them, and they live in it. That's what the Chapin did even for himself. You know, one of the descriptions of the outline is my alma mater, hoorah and masoom and motherhood. And, you know, if you take a piece of paper and you crunch it up,

00:34:07 --> 00:34:12

you keep crushing it and making it smaller and smaller. That's actually a kind of motherhood.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:41

And what that means is that the devil has these thoughts against other maladies around and they're crushing him on the inside, and they keep crushing him and crushing. Like there's a spiral of toxicity inside him. And he wants people to have that. He wants people to have a spike towards someone that keeps festering and growing and growing and growing and growing. And then think they're dreaming. They're, they're fantasizing the destruction of this person.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:51

They're, you know, they're they're imagining the day when this person can be humiliated or killed or injured or paralyzed or whatever.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

There's just this is going on in their head, all because why are they happy? Or why are they Why are they Why should they be

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

be recognized, why should they have honor? I need to get honor. The only way I can get honor is if they're destroyed, if they're humiliated.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:20

This is the extent to which the brothers went. And a lot through their example is telling them that yes, the devil can actually hypnotize people.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:30

And they can give it to him completely. And then they can feel the same kind of raging hatred towards you, that the devil feels for all of humanity.

00:35:31 --> 00:35:39

He can infect them with his virus. He can if they allow it, and they've allowed it to initiate Anna Lillian Sania do movie.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:43

Then the other side of this.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:48

We're not a police. Even if we listen to a police, we're still lovelies.

00:35:49 --> 00:35:52

Even if we give into a police, we're still allowed to please.

00:35:53 --> 00:36:01

Human beings can be as bad as the brothers of use of human beings can be as bad as the wife of the minister, or worse.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:15

But a time can come that something in their heart turns for whatever reason. And they may be able to get at least out of their hearts at least does not have a permanent home inside here.

00:36:16 --> 00:36:45

And Lisa's not given a permanent station inside anybody's hard. They can remove him whenever they decide to. And when they decide to those same people that were assaulting you slandering you abusing you hurting you can be the same people who redeem themselves and come back and reform themselves and make things right. Isn't that what happened in the story? Isn't it the case that people that fought the profits?

00:36:47 --> 00:36:57

holiday been bullied, fought to profit socialism and fought him so well that he almost killed the messenger slice on them. And his research, the second wave attack and

00:36:59 --> 00:37:08

there are people in the Prophet's life Sahaba that before there was a habit, they were hard enemies of Islam.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:16

I've also found was a leading strategist against Islam. He was the governor of Makkah.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:19

But eventually does he redeem himself? Yeah.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:22

Like the brothers of Yusuf,

00:37:23 --> 00:37:33

you can't have that you can have on the one hand, you know, people who will not repent. You can have that too. You can have the Buddha halves of the world.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:37

He says I you know What's strange about it will have

00:37:39 --> 00:37:41

when the Prophet socialism was born,

00:37:42 --> 00:37:48

the historical record that we have suggests that Abu lahab danced and celebrated.

00:37:49 --> 00:37:52

He was overjoyed that his nephew was born to him.

00:37:53 --> 00:37:54

I would have

00:37:55 --> 00:38:01

the one who then we find celebrating when the prophets liasons baby had passed away.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:36

So sick in the head, his own uncle, overjoyed that his nephews baby has passed away. It was one thing to hate your enemy on the battlefield man, but even when enemies of old used to fight their enemy in battle, and they found that the general on the other side lost his son, or lost a baby, they will save the fight tomorrow in the morning, but tonight I send my condolences there was honored even among enemies. Here, this is your family and he's celebrating that the Son has passed away. But Allah Muhammad Allah Muhammad, Muhammad's name is cut off, yay.

00:38:38 --> 00:38:43

So Allah responds in nashoni, aka who will avatar your enemy, he's the most cut off

00:38:44 --> 00:39:00

your enemy, he's the most cut off. That's the level of spite that also, as I said, I'm happy to see that's the level of destruction yet to see even from family. So he's seen both sides of this, he seen people redeem themselves. And he's seen people that are going to be hard enemies till the end.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:03

Then let's let's move on.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:09

One interesting lesson that comes out of this and maybe was,

00:39:10 --> 00:39:17

you know, a point of contemplation for the people who are in the mission of Islam. The mission of the Quran in those remarkable 23 years,

00:39:19 --> 00:39:19

is that

00:39:21 --> 00:39:23

the story of use of holiday Salaam

00:39:24 --> 00:39:27

is one in which there's one scene that seems like it's kind of

00:39:29 --> 00:39:31

it's not moving the story forward.

00:39:32 --> 00:40:00

Like the way that the rest of the story moves forward rapidly. And I'm referring to the scene in prison when two men come to him and ask what their dream means. Remember that scene. And there's a long passage of him giving Dawa to them. Right? And that whole passage doesn't really seem to fit the rest of the style of the story. So actually, from a stylistic point of view, that passage is unique because he's just going really on and off.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

about Allah and His faith, and our multiple Gods better, he's preaching to them

00:40:07 --> 00:40:29

and preaching to not the rulers of Egypt, not the minister, not the minister's wife, not to prisoners. Right. And he's in this isolated place. What's interesting is our time came in the prophets life Salallahu alaihe salam, where he was boycotted, they engaged in an economic and social boycott of anybody who became Muslim.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:36

So the Muslims, and there was a time where they couldn't even live inside because they were ousted. Right, they're living out in a cave on the outskirts.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:54

And then that time, during Hajj season, of course, during high season, even pagan years, other tribes would come and perform their pilgrimage at Makkah. So the only time the prophets I seldom gets to talk to somebody is when these other groups are coming to perform Hajj.

00:40:55 --> 00:40:57

And one such group.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:10

You know, they would stop in October, one such group comes he starts talking to Melissa because he can't talk to his own people about Islam anymore. He's isolated from them. Right? He can't talk to his society, his people anymore.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:14

Much like use of being an president, he doesn't have access to people anymore.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:28

So he's just talking to some people about Islam, even though he's a messenger sent to liberate the GABA and a messenger sent to Makkah, he doesn't even have access to MCI, he's just talking to these people that are coming from whatever tribes.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:38

Right? And you will think this is an insignificant, small detail in the life of the province. So what are the big events but Are those the big events, Hendra?

00:41:39 --> 00:41:56

But the thing is that small conversation or that zoomed in conversation in the prison, in the story of use of honey Salaam, is actually the first domino that leads to the connection between use of and the King's dream?

00:41:57 --> 00:42:08

Right. And that is the reason that conversation is the reason in a sense, that use of his running Egypt in a few years,

00:42:09 --> 00:42:21

you see that now that we know the whole story. It's because of their conversation in prison. The chain of events that Allah created as a result that led to him being in charge of Egypt.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:46

Those few conversations the Prophet had in isolation from Makkah, in a lockable Allah Sania those groups that used to come, some of them became Muslim, they go back to Medina, they the entire huge chunks of Medina become Muslim. And those conversations are the reason the Prophet Alayhi Salaam is able to escape MCE and migrate to what? Medina I see a parallel.

00:42:48 --> 00:42:52

What do we learn from that? We learned from that, that calling someone to Allah

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

can change the course of history?

00:42:57 --> 00:43:09

You don't we know in history, we think of major political, economic shifts, seismic shifts as significant historical events worthy of being recorded in the history books.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:14

No history book would record there was a conversation between some inmates in a prison

00:43:15 --> 00:44:03

and he was preaching to them then they had lunch. That's not a there's not a history text worthy event. You know, there was an uprising. There was a drought. The rivers collapsed. You know, those are historical text worthy events. But a lie showing us human beings record history one way, a lot of records history to show you how he creates history. And he creates history from seemingly insignificant events that would never make it to CNN. That will never make it to the BBC. They will never be reported on journalistically. They're not newsworthy stories, hey, I had a conversation with my son today about not doing shirk with a law. You know, yada yada.

00:44:05 --> 00:44:11

Nobody's gonna report that it's too insignificant in the course of human history from the human perspective.

00:44:12 --> 00:44:21

But from a loss perspective, that small minuscule conversation What did Allah show His Messenger in that story? In the story of usage, that that act of Dawa

00:44:22 --> 00:44:30

ended up giving use of Elisa Lam Dominion in a less plan over the mightiest Empire on the planet?

00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

the mightiest Empire on the planet.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:40

If you think of it in a chain of events kind of way. Those small conversations in October

00:44:42 --> 00:44:44

are the reason Islam spread across the globe.

00:44:46 --> 00:44:47

It's not just Medina,

00:44:49 --> 00:44:59

because without Medina, you don't get the conquest of what? Makkah without the conquest of Makkah, you don't get the entire Arabian peninsula. Without the Arabian Peninsula. You don't get the Persian and the Roman

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

empires in the in the Abyssinian empires and Islam doesn't spread to India and China and the Africa is in Europe,

00:45:08 --> 00:45:14

the global spread of Islam because of these private conversations in October,

00:45:15 --> 00:45:16


00:45:17 --> 00:45:25

the entire Egyptian Empire at the disposal of a slave, because of a conversation that happened in a prison cell, you see a parallel.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:43

This is it's profound. It's profound, as if that hasn't even is a monkey suit. None of this has happened yet. The Prophet says he doesn't know yet that this has coming. But it's as if Allah is telling him Don't underestimate who you invite to a lot and what I will do with that,

00:45:44 --> 00:45:45

what will come of it

00:45:46 --> 00:46:02

there's another side to this. The other side to this is Allah used you know how like on a chess board, I'm barely know any chess, but on a chessboard, you have different pieces, pawns, Kings, whatever, right, and they all have a role and they have different kinds of moves. Unless is the entire board.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:08

And in that board, there are some people at the very top like the king and the very bottom like the pawn, right?

00:46:09 --> 00:46:13

On the societal ladder, the very bottom would be someone in jail.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:38

Right? most insignificant character in society would be somebody in jail, no impact on society, forgotten from the world written off. And the most impactful would be the king, right? Notice what Allah did, a lot of took someone from the most insignificant bottom of society, which is the inmate whose kings whose dream was interpreted

00:46:39 --> 00:46:45

and he created a direct connection between him and the highest member of society which is who the king

00:46:46 --> 00:46:49

and then he made the king see a dream.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:02

That leads to the you know, the the coming out of prison for you. So, in other words, Allah used a very unlikely source, a non believing King,

00:47:04 --> 00:47:06

for the support of his mission.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:15

help from a lot can come from angels. It can come from believers, it can come from an Egyptian pagan king.

00:47:17 --> 00:47:23

When Allah decides to use someone to aid his mission, he will use anyone who wants to aid his mission.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:31

I mean, I go in as far as to save and I explained the story of Yusuf Ali saddam, he'll use film for his mission

00:47:33 --> 00:48:01

for Iran is the one who gathered the entire nation. phenomena is the one who gathered all the magicians found is the one who paid the magicians phenomena is the one who convinced the entire nation listened to the magician's. And then he gave them the biggest stage ever created in Egyptian history. And then on that stage paid for by the pharaoh sponsored by the Pharaoh, the gathering of people created by the Pharaoh, the Egyptians fall in size die and say listen to Musa and Harun. Allah use the pharaoh for his mission.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:13

So what that tells you is that sometimes even the prophecy sounds being told, sometimes you will find help of Allah from unlikely sources.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:20

Well, when the prophet SAW sermons coming back from bhyve, he's under the protection of a mystic

00:48:23 --> 00:48:42

who decided to offer him support Guess what, that's not a missionary helping him. That's a law giving the society some aid from an unlikely source. When the Muslims are fleeing to Abyssinia and they're being questioned, they are being given support and and lodging and refuge and and refugee status by a Christian King.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:45

Naja, she's a Christian King.

00:48:46 --> 00:49:04

Unlikely sources coming for help because Allah will use whoever he wants, for his mission. For his purpose, Allah can use the Egyptian King in the story of use. For a larger mission, to a lot of the king isn't the most important piece of the puzzle. The king is just someone to use for a larger mission.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:09

Just someone to use as part of a lesson plan. He doesn't even know he's part of a lesson plan.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:26

And it's teaching the believer something is teaching the Prophet himself something special. If Allah sends you help you don't sell stuff for a lot coffee I'm not getting your help. I stopped for like Christians are getting their help and stuff for like Hindu not getting their help.

00:49:28 --> 00:49:36

Allah has helped can come so long as you didn't compromise your theme. You didn't compromise your principles help can come from wherever love brings it.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:48

How can come from unlikely places, unexpected places? That's a very powerful lesson to learn in the parallels of the seed of the prophets I saw them and what happened with Lucifer and so on.

00:49:49 --> 00:49:51

And so these are the few things are just the

00:49:52 --> 00:49:56

one last one actually one last one. I was the first one and I skipped it.

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

The minister

00:50:00 --> 00:50:10

And I wanted to draw a more subtle parallel between the Minister and the story of use of Abu lahab. Again, the uncle of the Prophet sighs

00:50:12 --> 00:50:38

the minister had cared for use of had benefited from use of was supposed to be in a position where he was to look out for the well being of use of. And he turns out to be treacherous towards him, and allows him to go to jail. Right? All for his love of power. Because he saw use of now as a political threat. If he stays out the scandal will come back and bite me. So it's better that we keep him in prison.

00:50:40 --> 00:50:52

But it was expected almost that the same one who said when he brought him to the house honor his housing is the one who's putting him in the dishonorable lodging of a jail cell. It's kind of unexpected, how could you

00:50:53 --> 00:51:39

the same kind of thing can be said of Abu lahab and uncle of the prophets, I said, um, who loved when he was born. And all for the love of power, is basically betraying his own family, his own nephew, because he sees him as a threat against the power structure that he's a beneficiary of. So for that, for that benefit to continue, he will gladly throw his son is equivalent of son really, his nephew under the bus, no problem. There's, there's that treachery that came from someone you would expect goodness from because you've given goodness to them. And they've only shown you goodness so far, but somehow that goodness had limits. powerful lesson. What's the lesson here, not

00:51:39 --> 00:51:46

just a parallel, but a lesson. The lesson is, sometimes someone is good to you. So long as it serves them.

00:51:48 --> 00:51:56

The moment it stops serving them, and it serves them better to destroy you. They will destroy you.

00:51:58 --> 00:52:34

So they may be good to you. I mean, the Minister is good to use them. I will have up until the Salah was good total suzzallo they may be good to you. But you should know a politician when you see one. And if you're benefiting from a politician, if you're benefiting from a capitalist, not in the ideological sense, but someone who capitalizes right. And you know that some sometimes you have a friendship, you have friendships in life that are genuine, you have friends that are friends with you, not because you have money, they're not friends with you, because you're famous, they're not friends with you, because you look a certain way or you're popular. They're not friends with you,

00:52:34 --> 00:52:49

because it makes them look good. They're not friends with you for any of those reasons. They're friends with you, because they care about you. And you know that. And then what happens is you get groupies that are friends with you, but their friendship is associated with some benefit that they're getting.

00:52:50 --> 00:52:57

And the moment they're not getting that benefit, or it's they see beneficial. They see some benefit in betraying you.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:36

Then you see them switch, you said, I thought you were my friend. No, you're supposed to be smart enough to know. And you should learn from the bitter learnings of the prophets, that there are some people doesn't matter how close they are. They let you know how what an opportunist they are, what a capitalist they are, what a politician they are. And you are also part of their political gameplay. So long as you fit within their scheme, it's all good, you're out of harm's way. But the moment you get in the way of what they'd like, then doesn't matter if you've done some wrong to them or not, they will wreck you.

00:53:37 --> 00:54:19

They will destroy you or do anything they can to destroy you and you will be shocked that the same person who was so nice to me and so beneficial to me in so many ways and was our you know, respectful towards me and everything was okay, all of a sudden turns into somebody else. Like tabula before the Salah, and the Abu lahab after Salah, like the Aziz all this time, and then the Aziz that's okay with sending him to jail and keeping him there. And keeping him in the there was no plan of letting him out. Right. So these are valuable life lessons, not just parallels that we're drawing between what the prophet SAW Selim experienced, and what he's what what is being observed in the

00:54:19 --> 00:54:28

account of use of harness and I'm, I think we have maybe one last session to discuss some outlying things. And then I have a special surprise for all of you.

00:54:29 --> 00:54:46

Maybe not entirely a surprise, some of you might remember but in the course of our lectures, I did mention something that I was going to do, but I am planning on doing it maybe sometime this week as a loving farewell to this beautiful Surah barakallahu li walakum Hakeem, when finally we are going to build it with the lucky

00:54:50 --> 00:54:51


00:54:54 --> 00:54:56

I mean, I haven't changed the old one, but still

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00

I'll leave it there.

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