Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #31 – Part 41-42

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of being straightforward and not giving up on one's own dream, as it is crucial for individuals to be bold and not just for political gain. The power of AI in bringing forth one's own experiences and bringing others back into their lives is also emphasized. The conversation between two speakers covers a variety of topics, including a video about a woman named Connie and her efforts to overcome drug abuse, a doctor discussing the importance of women in the drug industry and how women play an important role in the overall health of the human body, and a disjointed and difficult to follow conversation about the potential diagnosis of depression and anxiety by women.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Allah Villa homina shaitana Raji

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caller the lady one na hoona regime in Houma, corny Arabic, and Hoshi con Oh the Krabi fella bcfe cgp VC Genie belaz Genie for missionary surgery where silly MD Dr. Tammy lasagna co lead for hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a PHP ama bad once again everybody salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today I'm going to try to cover is number 40 and 41 of Salut Yusuf. And this is two things. One is a concluding conversation that he had in regards to the, the the question that these two young men came and asked us to Friday Salaam, and he's gonna finish answering them and give them the response that they were looking for. And then in addition, there's

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going to be in the final ayah, which is about a request that he makes to one of them, the one that's going to be escaping, so we'll look at some of the lessons that we can draw from it. But at the end of the 14th, if there's something as an overview that I wanted to share with you that I think may be of benefit. And I think some of you that are in the field of the hour, or have experienced speaking with non Muslims about Islam or have held you know, the kinds of awareness weeks or booths or kind of, you know, those kinds of avenues where people come and ask you questions about the faith, this might be of some benefit to you, inshallah, Tada. And I think you can take it a lot further than

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what I'm going to be listing here for you in Sharla. In any case, so let's start with Yes, I have a surgeon, my two companions of the prison, he's repeating that phrase. Now, for the second time, the first time he said, My two companions of the prison are multiple masters better, that are multiple masters of different kinds, pitted against each other better than Allah, the One, the overwhelming, that was the first time you saw my two, you know, my two companions of prison. But now, again, your Sahiba surgeon, my two companions in prison, the phrasing is actually a term of endearment. And it's also, you know, before he even says what they asked about, he's kind of softening it by addressing

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them in this way. So this is, this is a kind of way of acknowledging This is a kind of way of making someone feel valued by actually calling them by their name, or calling them by some kind of title before you, you know, answer what they what they did, and what they asked about. And so in a sense, there's a full attention being given to these two young men, by use of artists, and they're being treated kind of like VIPs, by them being addressed in this way over and over again. And so he did give them a pretty hard message about a law and a straightforward, you know, comprehensive picture of Dawa, he did all of that. But now he also wants to let them know that I'm not just here to warn

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you, or to preach to you, I care about you. You're my friends. And I'm, and I'm talking to you in that capacity. I'm still someone who's concerned with you. And you shouldn't be thinking, Man, we asked about something else. And here he is talking about something else. No, you're my friends, let me tell you what you asked about. So he actually now consoles them again. So you notice a dominant theme in this brief conversation he's had with them, that occur on pretty much records in its entirety, is that it begins with consideration for them, and it ends with consideration for them. And so now that it is coming to an end, he says in my view, kunafa steel of Bahama, as for one of

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you, then he's going to it seems that he's going to then be serving drink to his master and the master, here's a reference to the king. Because, you know, they had ministers and governors who had slaves and they had masters, we're going to find out eventually, that this guy who's serving drinks, the old name is cup bearer, we don't have cub bears anymore. We have waiters in restaurants, or maybe Butler's like Batman or something. But the idea of a cub bear is someone who, whose only job is to make the drink for you, you know, squeeze the juices or make the wine and bring it and serve it to you. So that's the cup beer. So he says, Ask for one of you. Because remember whose dream was

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that I'm squeezing wine, or I'm pressing wine. So he says you're going to be serving wine to your master, which is maybe he used to have that job before you're going to get your old job back possibly. Or when you go back, your master is going to give you the job of having you serve him drinks. You would imagine though, that that kind of a job for especially the king would have to go to somebody experienced in the best making of wine, wine is a delicacy, it's expensive, etc. I don't know anything about that. I have no experience, but I'm saying it's known around the world that wine especially for the higher ups is a different caliber of kind of wine. So the people who make it are

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a special kind, they have a certain specialization. So he must have had some pretty exotic experience in this field for him to come out of prison and get that high profile. You know royal chef or world cup bearer job.

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So it's not just that he's a waiter, but actually he's, he's the one pressing the wine and then serving it to his master. So you're gonna get your old job back. Basically, he's what you so funny, Sam is telling him, Well, I'm an alcoholic. And as for the other for use level, then the thing is that he's going to get crucified, he's going to get crucified suggests, publicly executed. That's what that means. And the idea is the way that happens, it may be on a cross, it may be some other way. But they're hung in public or they're, they're nailed in public, or they're, you know, excruciating Lee killed in public and their body is left outside for others to learn a lesson from

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it, don't repeat that crime, because that'll be you if you do that. So it's, it's left as a kind of a warning and a deterrent for other criminals. Right. So that's why they do that. So that's for use level, he's going to be made an example of his body is going to be been an example of by the way that you're executed for tabula rasa, he, then vultures are going to be eating off of his head.

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So it's interesting that he in both cases, use the third person, for one of you, he is going to be serving for the other one, he is going to be crucified, not you're going to be serving, you're going to be crucified. He didn't say you, even though he started with the US, he started with my two companions. For one of you, here's what's going to happen to him. And the other one, here's what's going to happen to him. And this is important, because for one of them, at least, the news is really terrible. It's a pretty horrifying bit of news that I'm going to get executed in a couple of days. And not only that, my body is going to be mutilated, to the point where I'm not going to get a

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burial, there's going to be vultures that are going to be coming and picking off of my brains. That's how badly I'm going to be, you know, you know, my body is going to be destroyed. By the way, if you think about it, the skull is the strongest bone in the body, including the rib cage, these are the strongest bones that we have. So for birds to come in eat from here, they'd have to break through the skull, you understand that. So that means that his head is going to be cracked open, for birds to come in eat, otherwise, they don't got much to eat up here, you understand. So it's actually pretty excruciating death that he's going to be given maybe a blow to the head or something

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like that, as he's as he's made to lay out in public. And that's why the birds have access to the vultures have access to what this carry and meat that they're going to be eating. So it's pretty graphic, that what he's telling them, though, not using the you, because for one of them, when you say hey, you're going to get out of here, he would feel really good. But that would actually make it all the more painful for the other one who's not going to get out. Right? So the word you would have been really consoling for the one who gets out. But the same word, you would have been a stab an additional stab to the one who's not going to get out who's going to get executed. So he as it seems

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as a mercy to the one that's not getting out, use the third person for both of them, he, one of you, he is going to be serving wine. And the other one he is going to be you know, so he kind of he knows that bad news is bad. So he kind of lessens the blow as much as he can, and breaking it to them. Now, it can also be thought about that what he's going to tell them is one of them fine, he's really happy about the news. The other ones really upset about the news. And maybe I shouldn't tell him because he's going to be so angry with me, you know how we get angry at the weatherman.

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Right? We get angry at the news channel, giving a news report or whatever. So, you know, he because he's delivering the news, maybe they'll be so mad at me. They won't even listen to the Dow I just gave them forget all about it. Right? So maybe I shouldn't tell them this, but it's gonna happen anyway. So why, you know, maybe I shouldn't go out of my way to tell them that the lesson we're learning here is be straightforward. Even if you don't think it's gonna go in your interest. My job isn't your job isn't in use of it. Some job is not to convert anyone. Our job is to clearly convey the message to someone in a considerate and a compassionate way. And we made a promise to help

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someone that we're going to and he already knew that bad news, the moment he heard them tell the dream, he already knew what it means. So as he's talking to them, in fact, he's even the data he's making to them. He's taking into consideration the situation they're going to find themselves in. So they're going to find themselves in this one of them is going to find themselves let's think of one of them at a time. One of them's going to find themselves in a very helpless place where his life is coming to an end. Right where he is, you know, whatever masters he had have decided to end his life. And before he ends his life, he should know about a master who can bless him even beyond this life,

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which is why the first thing he talks about is I have left to people that don't believe in an afterlife, because one of them is about to see the afterlife pretty soon. Right? So that's one of the first things he brought up in his data. So he's taking into consideration I want to prepare this person to meet with a law

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And for that, that took beat for this bad outcome to actually become a good outcome for them. Regardless, he breaks this news to them. And both of them have not been told what their dream means. You can imagine on the other side, the other one is pretty happy that he's going to get out. And all he's going to be thinking about a man, when I get out, I'm going to eat that fit my favorite sandwich, and I'm going to eat these, I'm gonna eat those french fries. I haven't had those fries in a long time. And I can't, I can't wait to go home. I wonder what my home looks like. I can't wait to see my family, etc. He's got all these thoughts in his head. He's in prison, but in his mind, he's

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already free. Right? He's already imagining how things are going to be when he gets out. Right? Because the date, you know, if this is true, then this is actually pretty amazing news. Now he's not. He doesn't believe in Yusuf Ali Salaam as a prophet. But and we're not saying necessarily at the moment they heard it. They absolutely believed what he said. Because it's not like us, if we come to ask a question of if we were living in this time and asked the question to the prophets, I saw them and he gave us an answer, it would be the absolute truth for us. They're not believers yet, right? So even Yusuf Ali Salaam, telling them what this dream means. They don't have to actually

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accept it. And you can imagine one of them even if he doesn't accept it, he kind of hopes it's true. And the other one, even if he doesn't accept it, he kind of hopes It's what? It's false. And those are the two ranges of emotions. When you share the truth with someone. When you share the truth with someone, maybe they like it. Maybe they're drawn to the truth from the inside. And maybe you share the truth with someone and they hate it. They know that it's true, or they have a feeling that it's true, but they hate it. Like why why does that have to be the truth? continuum is some other tool that can make me feel better, like the other one, can you give me here's a kind of interpretation,

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maybe I'll come on and feed birds bread, give me a different interpretation. Give me something that'll make me feel better. The thing about sharing the truth, especially on behalf of Allah is sometimes we share something that gives comfort.

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And if someone comes and asks something on behalf of a lesbian, right and Yusuf Ali son has been taught by Allah how to answer these kinds of questions. We don't have that knowledge. But we have a last book, we have the son of his prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if somebody comes to a person of knowledge and ask them a question about something, it can very well be that they really liked the answer. It could be that answer give me a lot of comfort. That answer made me feel really good. Like which one like the guy who's gonna get out, he's gonna get his old job back?

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An answer that has relief in it, an answer that has the end of my troubles, and answer that has an optimistic future. Not that sounds really good. You know, so if, if I were to give a hope, about hope and Allah, you know, alleviating your troubles, it can feel consoling to my heart and yours. But on the other hand, sometimes you have to on behalf of Allah, share harsh realities.

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Tough Love. The truth isn't always sweet and gentle. The truth is sometimes a painful reality. And that reality can be a pretty hard slap on the face. It can be pretty. And when you get it, your first response is no, there must be another way to look at it.

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You are so narrow minded. And you are you have a bias. I don't think you properly understand. That's why you're saying this. Because we want to hear something that feels good. We don't want to hear something that doesn't feel good. And from the one who's calling people to a lot, they might have to take that into consideration and say, hey, maybe I shouldn't share this because I don't think it's gonna get a good reaction. I know it's the truth. I know, this is what the IRS says, I know, this is what the prophets lysozyme said. And I studied what the prophets have said. And I came to an understanding clearly with all the study of the evidence in the background, is what this statement

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of the prophet SAW Selim means, but I don't think I should share it publicly. Because some people won't like it. I don't know if they can handle it. They might feel like I'm giving them a death sentence. Get it?

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They might feel like that. And maybe as a result of that, I should not share what I know. Because maybe I everything every time I open my mouth, maybe I should just talk about few good things. I don't want to be the field bad guy then people don't listen to me. I want to be the field. Good guy. That's what I want to do. The problem with that is that you're taking half the legacy of the profits. Not the other half. But Shirin one or the Iran they come to give good news and they come to give warning. Now not a nobody like warning.

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When you want somebody it's not just there's a storm coming when you want somebody you're warning you better stop that because it's going to cost you

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that what you're doing is wrong I'm warning you what you're saying is wrong. I'm warning you how you're earning is wrong I'm warning you. Warnings Don't feel good. What we learned from you so funny, saddam is in no situation is he going to compromise that what he says might be offensive and there's no might be I'm pretty sure the guy who heard his dream interpreted that he's gonna get executed is offended. his feelings are hurt. Seriously.

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Don't like this guy.

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He thinks now, actually, nevermind, I was just kidding. I didn't care. I was just, I just had too much bread. You know that's. So you might even brush it off. Right now you so funny, Sam has to be straightforward about what he just said, because what he got was from Revelation, he didn't tell one of them good news because he likes him. Or the other one bad news because he doesn't like it. His personal feelings had nothing to do with what he just said, right? And nothing to do with what he just said, even though to one, he gave good news and the other he gave bad news. And by the way, this is pretty powerful stuff for anybody who's in the field of data, or sharing something on behalf

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of a large religion, you have to be able to share both and keep your feelings out of it.

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You have to you know, what Allah says is what he says, regardless of how someone else feels about it. And I'm not even talking about non Muslims hearing the Word of Allah and having an adverse reaction. We live in a time where you can share the Word of Allah as best you can, as honestly as you can with believers, and they'll say no, that's not what that means. You're just you're being extreme, or you're doing this, okay. I'm all of those things. But I just if you ask me what a mess says, To the best of my understanding, that's what he says. And then if we try to reinterpret the word of a law with feeling better in mind, then feeling better is our God not a law?

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That's the truth of it. Then our feelings are that dictate what the word of Allah means? But no one dictates what the word of Allah means except Allah. What can Lima tala heal earlier, the world of allies in the highest place? Now what he said, is pretty shocking. And you might even make one of these guys angry at the other you get to go in I got to get killed.

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me how you got to censor, I need a better explanation. Maybe they want to argue back on the guy who's gonna get freeze like so? How much am I gonna get paid? Did you get that too? You know, am I gonna get a house with this too? He wants some more details. Right? What did Yusuf Ali Salaam say to them? Right after he described the answer. He says, hold the umbrella. devita stuff. Deon, the matter in which you were seeking my verdict, seeking a verdict has already been decided? It's already been dictated meaning whether or not you accept what I'm saying or not. This is actually the decree of Allah. I didn't decide this. Allah did I have no, the only thing I can do is let you know

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what he said, what he taught me. But actually, the decisions already been made. And negotiating it with me won't change what the law says. Now, this is an important part. Why even say the matter about which you saw the verdict has already been decided? When do you say to somebody the decisions already been made, the judge has already passed a verdict, when somebody wants to argue after that. Now the hammer has already been dropped, it's done, the case is over, you can't argue anymore, it's done. You know. And that suggests that they will, that there may be room for them not to be happy, or one of them for not to be happy with the verdict that's been given, or to have further questions

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about the verdict that's been given. And that has universal value for us. Because it may be that when we hear the verdict passed by Allah on some issue,

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and it goes against what we were hoping to hear,

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then you know, what we can what tendency we can develop, we can say, Well, I heard this, and I heard the arguments behind it. They're pretty sound, but I don't like this conclusion, because it's not in my favor. So I'm gonna go find someone else who looks just as religious.

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But they'll tell me what I want to hear. But if I go to them, and they still tell me what I don't want to hear, I'll go to a third person and see if they can mold a religion to my liking, until I find a shoe who can shake to my will. And finally, give me the answer that I want to use. So what that becomes is, you can find someone who will give you what you want, but it won't change the decree of Allah. You understand that people can give you what you want. You can buy a fatwa

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replaces you could do that. There are people who can interpret the religion to however you want them to interpret it, they could do that. You know, it's kind of like accounting. When you have when you go to a corrupt accountant, they don't say how much do you owe in taxes, how much you want to pay in tax.

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Then they'll do your tax, how much you want to pay.

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Right? Like it's a negotiation.

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The truth won't change what you what you made is what you made, what you withheld is what you withheld, that's not going to change the same way. He's actually letting them know that I know this is hard to hear. Or this may even be hard for you to believe. But the thing is that this wasn't up to me, this has already been decreed a set of note that I wouldn't use in translation. But I would certainly say in, in, in the linguistic analysis, a literary analysis of these words. It's pretty interesting that the first words we learned about these young men were what da da da ma who cijena

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Patreon Patreon means to young men.

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And at the end of the umbrella de deus stuff DeAnn the stuff Tiana's from the same root letters as Patreon Patreon Steph tea and other stuff Dr. means those of you both of you were seeking are seeking a verdict from me. Now the thing is about this word, the word youth and the word seeking of a verdict seeking a fatwa you heard the word fatwa before, for to actually means youth. And what is fatwa meaning the verdict have to do with youth. The idea is that youth is when you are empowered. Hasn't hasn't Javelin has root analysis, describes in more journalistic hockey and masala Kalamata Quran, that when someone comes seeking a fatwa, and they get the answer that that answer empowers

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them, it energizes them, like youth is full of what? strength and energy. So an answer that empowers you is a stiff behind it behind a fatwa is something that's supposed to empower you. It's an interesting word that's been used here, perhaps to suggest, not only have I interpreted this dream for you, but I have you asked about something that concerns you for your life. But the words that I gave you are more than just your dreams, I gave you things that can empower you and keep you young, even if you get executed.

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So I've given you something that you that and that has been decreed, even that has been decreed. So it's a beautiful choice, it's a subtle thing. Literally, you would translate what you seek a verdict in. But what you seek to be empowered with is kind of under underlying there, what you sought to be empowered with has also been given to you and has also been decreed, meaning not only has your death in your life been decreed, but the deen that can empower you has also been decreed for you. That's also been given to you. Just like life and death, just like the air you breathe, is there is a law provided to you this deed is also what is that a law provided to you that can nourish your heart,

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just like the food nourishes your body. Now, you know, this is the 41st ayah. And this is the end of the kind of the dissection of the story, right. And before we move on what I wanted to share with you, and especially this is for those who are involved in the field of delta, there are lots of double organizations that deal with non Muslims. There are services where people can call in and ask questions of non Muslims. Some of you are in college and university students. And you sometimes set up things like in America, we set up things like Islam Awareness Week, and people come in and ask questions about Islam. Sometimes machines have tours, and things like that. And non Muslims come in

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and ask all kinds of questions. Sometimes you have non Muslim friends at work or other maybe family and they start asking questions about Islam or want to have a conversation with you about the faith. What I wanted to do here is just imagine for a moment that the few words of use of holism In this brief exchange is a book on vow. This is not just a few words, it's actually a book with multiple chapters. Right? And this is a book on Dawa, inspired by the conversation a lot recorded of use of honey Salaam in two strangers, two young men, right? If you were to imagine it as a book,

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somebody can come up with much better framework than I can. But here's what it would look like, and at least at a preliminary level. So here are some chapters of this book. And these chapters are not well named, because they're long sentences. But you get the idea, as I wasn't sitting there thinking about publishing a book on this, but for those of you that are in this field, and have been in this field for many years, I'm sure you can furnish each of these chapters with very real case studies, because Yusuf Ali Salam is a case study, but you may for your 20 years of Dawa have 100 case studies that go into each of these and how, because experiences a teacher too, right? And you may have seen

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these Iok come to life with your experience. And that's the power of AI out of the Quran. There are words in a book for us, but a lived experience also. Right so you can correlate the word of Allah with your experience, maybe perhaps based on this kind of a framework and inshallah even a better framework that some of you might come up with. So the first chapter would be let your character be the first invitation and none of our community mazzini He didn't say a word they saw the way he carries himself they came to him so chapter one let your character be the first invitation chapter to hear others out be a good listener because they came started talking about their dream they

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didn't care about what he wants or who he is or nothing they just get you seen a good person? Here's our dream. Here's what we're having trouble with. Here are people out here their concerns. Number three, let your concern for their concern be known.

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You don't just hear them and say Haha, but what about Allah subhanho wa Taala and the AHA

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you know, like somebody comes to your booth Hey, man, I heard you guys have free pizza. Yes, yes, you can have pizza but

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do you believe? Do you know what the Quran the word of Allah? The word of Willow who's What? Why allow us that? Who's that? What's that? And you just go straight into you're not listening.

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They just say, Hey, man, you have something. Yeah, we got pretty good pizza. You know where we got it from this place this place this place you want, how many sizes Do you want to get? Let me look at two sizes for you. But while I get them for you, I'll tell you about something.

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You see what I'm saying? You hear someone out and you let them know that you're concerned about what they came to you for. And so let your concern for their concern. You know, remember how you separate some stuff to them? before he gets here? I'll have told you so that he let them know that I am concerned with what you share to me share with me. If you're able to help say so? Is he able to help them with their dream? Yes. Is it possible they came to him with some other issue they can help them with? It's possible that somebody asked you for something you're not able to help with? Then if you can't help them, don't pretend that you can help.

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If you don't know then say no. He's able to say this is something my master has taught me so I can help you. So it's not like every time someone comes and asked you for obviously, yep, yep, I can do that. Now. Maybe you can, maybe allows and taught you. Maybe you don't know enough, and you should be okay and accepting. I don't know. But if you are able, then say okay, so if you are able to help say so and give credit to Allah for enabling you?

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In other words, yeah, I can help you I'm pretty good at that. No, the I can help you because that is part of what my master has taught me. Those are his words. Right? So give credit to Allah. Because that again, Dawa has already started that because you for your own self, and they're thanking you for helping them. But you're saying but I think a love for letting me help you. Because I wouldn't have been able to help you if I didn't let me. So you're actually demonstrating gratitude by example. You're not just telling them to be grateful. You showed it yourself first. You just by that word, right. So that's that's our chapter four. Chapter Five share your story. And who and what you

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left behind. And why. And Nutella. Camila, Camila una bella, Bella, Bella to caffeine. And I've left the religion of people that don't believe in Allah. Maybe maybe the one giving Dallas has now it used to be, you know, I used to be Christian. I used to be somebody says, What are you doing here? Like, you're You don't look Muslim? You look like, are you like really Muslim? Now? Yeah, we'll have a little story and maybe share something of your story briefly. You don't have to give you a biography to give us biography. Man, my brothers, you know, tell it to me. And then I was as a pretty crazy story, bro. That's, that's not what he did. He just simply said, I left. You know, I

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left something there. There's a I had a past. And I realized that that was darkness. And I realized that this was, this was the truth. And I became convinced of it. And it brought me it brought me to this, a lot brought me to this. Even sharing a little bit of you know, I've taken a journey myself, is actually helpful for someone else, you know. So that's intellectual mulata calm. So that's chapter six. Number seven, share how blessed you are to maintain faith in just one God, and how this blessing is waiting for everyone if they choose to be grateful

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that this is an open invitation to believe in one single God. And that's actually a very interesting concept. We think that's a very common thing. Yeah, lots of religions believe in one God.

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You'd be surprised. You'd be surprised. There is no other religion other than Islam, that believes in a singular God in a way that cannot be compared to any creation that has no limitations. None whatsoever is perfect in every way. There is no religion on the face of this earth that has that concept other than Islam. None. Christianity will attribute Trinity, Christianity will attribute a human being being sacrificed. Christianity will attribute other kinds of things that take away from a law being perfect in every way.

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Judaism will say that, you know, the rabbi's will even say that the you know, someone wrestled God. And one,

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or Abraham, you know, finally, when he questioned God, God was proud of him because he was correcting God when he was saying that you shouldn't kill the people of lat, etc, etc. imperfections attributed to Allah. So it's not even in the previous scriptures, books, let's let truth be told the concept of God as an all perfect, you know, loving, perfectly merciful, perfectly, just perfectly loving, perfectly knowing perfectly, why all those attributes of perfection coming together in the way that they do with the concept of God in Islam is nowhere found anywhere else on this planet, and then no other religion, my good friend, I remember, I wonder if he's watching this used to be a

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librarian in Arkansas State University. in Little Rock, john gadelle, he was a librarian, and he was a philosophy major. And he studied different religions. And he This was his conclusion about the way God is described, and Islam and he before he even became Muslim, because he went back to his bachelor's notes when he became Muslim and his bachelor's notes under Islam where this tauheed thing is pretty awesome. That's what he wrote there. Right? That's where I remember him telling me so that, you know, share the uniqueness.

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That one God. And you know, when you say that we believe in one God, there may be others who say, No, no, we believe the one God.

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Did you just come right back and say that? And that's when you start posing the question really are multiple masters better though or one? Because when you say one is it really one, let me show you how they're not. Let me show you how you don't actually believe in one God? And is that the concept of one that you have that will you still divided into other masters or given others authority? Is that better? And one time I had an interesting TV interview, it wasn't supposed to be a debate debate. It was supposed to be a conversation. It was a Catholic fellow. And he was talking to me and you know, wanting to ask questions about Islam. And so I said, so you believe in saints? And he

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said, Yeah, so the, you know, he was bringing amulets, the same so and so protects you? Because Yeah, so Why doesn't God protect you directly? Why does he need a saint to protect you? And why do you have to call on the same? Why can't you just call on God to protect you? And he's protecting the entire universe? Isn't he the saint isn't protecting the universe? He's in keeping the sun in its place or the cloud. So why why do you need to refer to a saint? In order to protect you? Why aren't you Why can't you have direct access to God? He says, you know, Islamic architecture in Spain is so remarkable.

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I was like, yeah, it is but the same thing I still don't understand.

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I Barbuda fabric una hora, Milan, me la vida kaha. pose the question if somebody claims better No, it's fine. I believe in that kind of stuff to actually You don't?

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And how can you? So make that known and then so that's,

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you know,

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that's chapter seven. Chapter Eight is honor people, your Sahiba surgeon, my two companions in prison. speak to people respectfully. Call them out, call them by their name, call them by a title that makes them feel like you care. Nobody talks to them that way. Yo, a

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short stuff, a fatty. That's how they call each other in prison. And he's like, my two companions in the prison is like, my hero realize. Nobody called me sir before.

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The reason? Why is he be treating me with so much respect, and giving people respect can actually already soft in the heart before you even say anything? Right? So honor people? Is it chapter by itself? Then number nine, pose the question, what's the difference between many masters and one chapter 10 Be bold enough to call falsehood falsehood.

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Be bold enough to say these are names you've just made up. They have no value. I'll never authorize them. He's the only one who has rule.

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He he committed that we should only worship Him. Mr. Latta would

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be bold enough to just say what's wrong is wrong.

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And that may be offensive, isn't it. But you have to just come out and say it.

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And then number number 11. Once you've been bold enough to declare a law, and declare false gods or false gods, then you need to be bold enough to stand by the timeless values of your own religion, not just your God, but the values he taught you that you can do.

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That's the dean whose values stand tall. Remember, they don't budge that tree that doesn't move. Right? Stand by your values. You can't just talk about a god and then abandon his values for political reasons. You can't just talk about one Allah and pray to him in the masjid and everything else, but the values that he has taught in his book, you've put them aside because you want to make alliances with people that stand for things opposite to the values of Allah.

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You can't,

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then you have to stand by this Dean velyka Dino km. And finally, he interpreted their dream what I showed you today, yeah. And then that would be the last chapter help people.

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Help people and but help people I would add here help people, honestly. Because helping someone sometimes means you'll hear something like a doctor, sometimes they'll give you a news, your test came back negative, you're clear.

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But the doctor can also give you a test came back positive is not good. You need to go for operation, you need to have surgery to do this or that. The truth is when you help people, sometimes you have to give them good news. And sometimes you have to give them that is to help people honestly, be honest in the way you help people. So these are some chapters in a book of Allah. If there were one, based on the methodology applied by Yusuf Ali Sam is pretty comprehensive. Actually. It's got, you know, a bunch going on in there. Now. It's interesting that they're 12 chapters 12 brothers on silly but anyway.

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When I know, Jim, in Houma with Courtney and Arabic, he said to the one who was convinced that he said to the one about whom he was convinced meaning use of Islam was convinced that he's going to be rescued or he's going to be saved from the tour.

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So which one is he talking about? Now? The guy that cut beer, right? So one of them, the word vanilla is used, he was convinced that he's going to be saved. Well, OneNote is also used for thought or assumption. The word vanilla basically means when you become convinced of something, or you're sure about something based on certain evidences. Now, some people have very strong thought process, right? So they really carefully look at all the evidences before they become what convinced other people can watch fox news and become convinced. And they can be very sure about their conviction also, right? Whether your evidence is or what you looked at to arrive at a conclusion,

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conclusion is weak, your certainty is still pretty certain, isn't it? You're pretty sure about it. And that realization, or that assumption, or that certainty, that's called one. So one could be false and one could be true. One could be weak, because it's based on weak assumptions. So it itself is weak, or one could be very strong, because it's based on very strong assumptions, then could also be that your assumptions are very weak, but you're pretty hard lined on it anyway. You're stuck on it anyway. So one has this range of conviction.

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This is the word use for Yusuf Ali Salaam, suggesting that what Allah had taught him, he took all into consideration before arriving at the conclusion because Allah had taught him how to analyze dreams. And he took all of that into consideration before actually being absolutely convinced that one of them is going to be rescued and they were Najin isn't some fine. What that means is two things he's going to be rescued pretty soon. That's inside the word and margin also because it's an awesome guarantees that he's going to be rescued stronger language. So he's absolutely getting out of here. And it's going to happen pretty soon. So Yusuf Ali Salaam knows two things about this man.

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He's not going to be here for long and he's definitely getting out of here. Okay, so those two things are inside olevia one of

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Wakanda let me

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go back to the I again I lost my place Okay, well call a little Aviva and the hoonah gym in Houma. He said to the one who he was convinced is going to be rescued from the two of them. What did he say to him was corny and Arabic mentioned me in the company of your master.

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Now he already mentioned before you're going to serve your master drink Remember that? Now he's saying mentioned me in the company of your master. Now this has been interpreted in a range of ways. Some people have said mentioned my mentioned my case to him, tell him I've been in prison falsely, etc. Right? Just bring bring my name to his attention, because I'm not even on the docket. I'm not even my case isn't even on file. I was unlawfully just thrown in here. And they don't even know that I'm in here. Right? Because they just made me disappear. That's basically what happened. Right? So make mention of me when you get a chance to your master. But, and others have said, mentioned me to

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him so that he pulls me out of here. So I can give him that while also, which to me feels like a stretch, at least in this context. But that has been suggested as a possible interpretation. Also, what seems to be more plausible because of the word ENDA, and that means proximity. So if I say an invalid Masjid, I am in the nutshell, what that means is I'm in the proximity of the machine, I'm right by the machine, I'm in the area of the machine, etc. That's okay. When he says, not was corny. Lee Robic mentioned me to your master, instead of saying to your master, he said in barbic, which means mentioned me around your master, mentioning the proximity of your master, meaning you're going

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to be serving drinks. And there are other servants there too. You know, like, I can't believe Yusuf was right.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:44

Right, he just kind of just throw his name out there.

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And the king will be like, or the minister, Governor, whoever other people use of

00:38:52 --> 00:39:30

What do you mean, that same use of they used to work for Aziz, who was his right hand man that used to take care of all of his tax, who was the VP basically of the household that disappeared? We never had that the same use of because we don't know when to use it by then. Why wouldn't they have another use of because usif is not from Egypt, and his name isn't an Egyptian name. So his name is also unique. Plus, he was in the middle of a controversy surrounding VIP women, which means all the VIPs know his name, because they're trying to hide the controversy. Right? So if his name even pops up among servants in a governmental house, anyway, somebody is bound to say, Wait, I just thought he

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disappeared. He's around just his name, my stay up an inquiry, you understand? So he's been very subtle and saying, Just bring my name up. enough people knew me and respected me and appreciated what I did for them. Because he wherever he goes, we know he's Watson, right? He just does good to people wherever he goes. So enough people know what kind of contributor I was, and cared for me that may not know anything that ever happened to me. So maybe just a mention of my name.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:41

Might stir up an investigation that might bring about me coming out of here, you understand? So that's the easiest thing. I'm not asking you to go and make a case and ask him to ask your king what happened to those women that cut their hands or tell him the minister and falsely imprison. He didn't ask for any of that. He just said just bring my name up. Which is pretty remarkable, because the only way this could be a successful strategy is that he has established his credibility in that circle far and wide. Among the servants among the Masters among the elite among the Kings around there. His name is kind of a phenomenon. They know because he stands out, and that goes back to him

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being Mawson that Allah said twice, Athena hookman were elmen maka Delica, Nigel mazzini and Nan Allah, Camila masini. Allah says, that's how we compensate those who excel. And we see you as those who excel. So both times we see that name, and you know, no, no, Master, like the Aziz would come to a slave and say, just ignore what happened here. He will just tell him, you better shut up.

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You better not say it, but the way he's talking to him. His character has elevated him from above slave even to his own master. He won't talk to him that way. He'll, he's like, it's almost like he's negotiating with him. Just ignore what happened here.

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And he asked forgiveness. Can you imagine that happening within, like, the slave and the women of the house and she's getting younger, and he's being talked to in this way. That means he wasn't his elevated character, actually had this impression on people, even people that supposed to have authority over him, were intimidated by his presence, and were to speak down with a certain kind of reverence. So his name carries this power, which is, to me one of the most amazing qualities of use of what he said, um, he's not a preacher. He's not going around preaching about a lion, His Messenger, you know, are His messengers, Ibrahim Alayhi, salam, he's not doing we don't hear him do

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that wind up in the castle. We didn't hear him do that when he was a slave we're being sold. The only time we hear him open his mouth is when he sees that he can actually talk about it. And when people came and asked him, otherwise, he was to himself. But what was it about him that was speaking so much volumes, that now he's in a position, when he's in trouble, he can just say, just bring up my name and something might happen?

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Something because people know those who No, no, I have to say anything more than just by name.

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How does someone get to that point, it's only an only character is hookman. Wellman, the way you carry yourself is hokum. And on top of that is the knowledge allows you to make use of those kinds of people. So that's what he says to him with good news in the Arabic on this.

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The next phrase that's coming is actually a pretty complex phrase. And before I get to it, I'm going to finish my commentary on this half of the ayah. And then deal with the complexity next week and shuttlepod on 42. But what I want to share with you today at least is a summary of what I mean. So this law, he and his audience have seen the double Quran talks about which is pretty beautiful, I found it very beautiful.

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He says Allah has made a system a mechanism in the way that he wants his slaves to live in this world. And what he wants his slaves to do is take whatever means he has given them because he says he put whatever on the earth for you.

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Take the resources of this world and put them to use, take every opportunity and make the most of it.

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And while you make the most of it know that success and failure lies in the hands of a large budget. And when you make the most of it and you don't cross a lot lines, then that is exactly your purpose in this life, to make the most of worldly resources within the bounds that Allah set for you to do good for yourself and to do good for others. But stay within those balance. Don't cross those bounds. And when someone stays within those bounds, they are demonstrating their faith in Allah. They are demonstrating that the lacunae in Allah.

00:44:06 --> 00:44:08

Mousavi salaams mother,

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when the baby was floating away, has, she could just sit because Allah By the way, Allah had promised her in Narada who he like you pay attention to this part. It's coming back to this. He says, We will bring him back to you. Pay attention to those words, we will no doubt bring him back to you. If I told you, hey, this, this pen I'm taking from you. I'll bring it back to you. Does that mean you have to come to my house and get it or I'm coming back to your house.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:47

I'm kinda to your house. Because I said I will bring it back to you. Michelle's mother was told Musa Musa, I will we will return him back to you.

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If she heard those words, you know what she should be doing? I'm just gonna sit back unless he's gonna bring it back to me. I see him floating away in the river. But unless it is gonna bring him back in

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Even though she has the promise of a law, that alone will bring him back, what does she do? She tells her, her daughter go follow him.

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You could say you should have a colon, Allah, Allah told you that he will bring him back, sit back and just think Allah that you have the guarantee of a lot. No, no, no, no, no. Whatever resources you have at your disposal, you will use while you have the promise of Allah, the promise of the law that things will work out does not mean you got to take a backseat.

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It doesn't mean that you suffer a sum, the only one who can get him out of prison is who is Allah? But he's not gonna sit back and say, I don't need you to say anything. I'm just gonna just be here. What do you need anything? No, no, no, don't worry about it. Okay? No, he's gonna take whatever resource at his disposal and use it. And that's exactly what we should do. If there's any hope that that might bring up some investigation, then you should use that resource, yes or no. Any human being in that position will do exactly the same thing, that would be the smart thing to do, that will be the wise thing to do. And it's not a negation of one's faith.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:18

That doesn't mean I don't trust a lie enough. That's why I asked for help. Actually, the fact that you're asking for help or asking for your name, to be mentioned, is exactly what Allah would want you to do.

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That's exactly what Allah would want you to do. Because Allah put those people in your path for exactly this reason.

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Exactly this reason, because you were supposed to have this conversation with them, because you will lead supposed to leave a lasting impression on them, and impression that will eventually we know the story forward going forward, and impression that will last several years for the guy who survived to the point that several years later, he remembers a few minutes of conversation.

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Several years later, he remembers it

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and comes back. Why did that happen? Because this conversation took place. It was called knee and Arabic. Now, there is the other view, which were what I said makes this the study of Messiah complex. I will tell you there's a there's a delicate balance we have to strike when talking about profits.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:49

And what I don't personally and if you have you have the right to come up with your own conclusions and study and inshallah you know, find what you feel most contenting to your heart like what what gives contentment to your heart when it comes to this ayah particularly because one of them was kiloton Quran, one of the difficult subjects in the Quran today. Usually I have an hour long conversation with him say today I think we were at it for three and a half hours on this ayah just back and forth questions confusions back, because and I'm still somewhere in the in the gray when it comes to my own thoughts on this ayah but before I leave you, I do want to be transparent enough and

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sharing with you What is the the intellectual problem in this ayah Okay, and I've also asked Dr. Khan for some help in understanding the rest of the site and I want him waiting for his response to me also, and I'll share it with my Koran study group and have some exchange with them about it also, to really get a better grasp of the subject before I talk about it, inshallah. But here's the thing.

00:48:09 --> 00:48:12

There's a common claim made and it's founded the seed

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that Yusuf Ali Salaam, said mentioned me to your master.

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And as a result of mentioning him, mentioned me to your master, he didn't put enough trust in Allah. And as a result of that Allah kept him in prison that as a result of him not mentioning allows origin Allah then decided for libido because the files use and file could be suburbia. So the latter part of the is going to be fun Sahil shaytaan the culatta b which most literally would mean the devil made him forget to mention his master the most literal translation of that phrase if you do no grammatical further analysis the straightforward analysis would be mentioned me to your master then Allah then the devil made him now who the who's there's to him as possible Yes. One him could be

00:49:02 --> 00:49:08

yourself the other hand could be the guy who's the Kabir right. So many have gone with the use of in their deceit.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:21

So, let me go with that interpreted and translated now, if we go with that, then the devil made use of forget mentioning his master when he said what words mentioned me to your master.

00:49:22 --> 00:49:39

So he only talked about mentioned Meteor Master, hopefully this will work out but at that moment, he did not mention who allows origin and then Allah says follow the surfaces you need are seen. And therefore you can translate fires, therefore it can be suburbia, therefore, he remained in the prison for a number of years.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:57

Now, if you read it that way, that means that Eliza was was not happy with the use of honey Salam not mentioning his name, and as a result of him not mentioning his name, the course of history changed and he had to remain in prison for another few years. Okay, that's one reading. Another reading is

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and that would be a

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

Little bit of grammatical

00:50:03 --> 00:50:11

I don't want to say gymnastics but grammatical flexibility to get to that translation. It's not as direct. It's not as direct. And here's what it's going to be.

00:50:12 --> 00:50:26

For Ansel, who was put me under a big mentioned me in the company of your master for Ansel who shape on the cover, be he then the devil need the cup bearer forget mentioning him to his master.

00:50:27 --> 00:51:05

Okay, so you got two very different translations, you've got either use of forgot to mention a law when he was saying mentioned me to your master or the the the copier got out. And when he got out he was so happy with his freedom, and he's got his job or whatever. And he's trying to find the right opportunity to bring up maybe this thing about you so but he's not finding the time not finding the right words, he's too shy to say something. And over time, he didn't get the time didn't get the time didn't get the time and it lost his consciousness and he just forgot about it. Right? And Ally's describing that as the shaitan made him forget mentioning, mentioning what use of to his

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master except the words to aren't there. The words to art can be implied grammatically, it's more of a flexible interpretation of the grammar, it's possible that the more explicit one is actually the one attributing this to use of money. So that use of reason forgot to mention that Shannon was able to make him forget mentioning his master. Now both of these are pretty heavy. Because then it raises a lot of questions. Why is this complicated? It's complicated. Because are we saying that a law punished use of a salon for not mentioning his name for by keeping him in prison for several years? Is that what we're saying? Because a lot of this is the same Allah has told us about him over and

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over again, that he's taking care of him, that he's a nurturing Master, that he's protecting him that he's taking over his affair. And the fact that he even got put into prison is because unless as he removed this, this scheme from them, then the other question that arises is, if we go with that interpretation, you know, he's spent all this time talking about a law.

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And now all of a sudden, we're assuming that he didn't remember Allah.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:49

Right? How do we reconcile those two things? Then it's the fact that the shaitaan made him forget shaitan made him forget, I'll be okay with attributing that to a prophet, that the Shabbat made a prophet forget remembering Allah, you understand? So there are these important questions that would have to be answered if we go with that interpretation. Now, this is a classical interpretation, several scholars have discussed this interpretation. So this is not something obscure or rare, or because the grammar actually very directly points in that direction. A directly point you can ignore that interpretation. Because if you're going to be true to the language of the Quran, then there's

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no way to escape that possible meaning. The other possible meaning is also there that it's talking about the cup bearer, and so the Kabir forgot to mention him to his master. But it seems like I, Lucy and other scholars have mentioned, it seems allies intending both

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allies intending actually implying both the devil did make the Kabira forget. But use of Elisa Lam also forgot to mention the name of his master at this point. So that saying that about a prophet is a very delicate thing. Is that an easy thing for me to talk about? Because I'm pre programmed to have for all of our messengers, all of our profits, an extra level of reverence, an extra level of regard and innocence attributed to them, are they hemos salam, and any way we can protect their dignity we do. And the scholars who work the foreseeable the same way, they were the same way, so we don't give them that we don't not give them credit for doing that. But we also have to be true to

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the text as much as we can be. So that's the balance that I'm going to try to strike in Sharla in our next session. And I think we've come to a pretty good place and understanding it's actually been I, after quite a bit of discussion, but I want to kind of methodically lay that out for you, to help you. Because a lot of times I don't go into the complexities of issues. But this is one of those things where I want to hurt your brain a little bit, I want you to think about these things in a systematic way, and the thought process that goes behind it before we arrive at conclusions, and what conclusions are possible. So I'm going to lay the conclusions out this time. You know, a lot of

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times in other parts of the story, there were several different interpretations. I didn't discuss them as much, because they are not of as much importance as far as fundamentals of our faith.

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But this one has pretty powerful spiritual implications. And this is also important because Allah has said that everything he learned about use of honey, Sam is going to have eye out for us to listen in. Right? So we got to learn something from this a low ones guidance for us from this. So we have to draw that carefully out for ourselves for our own benefit. Because to the best of our ability. We have to do every IRA as much justice as we can to the work to the best of our human ability and then the level to some other slaves and coming generations who will look at our work and our

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work will be a pebble compared to the mountains they do. Right so that's that's just how the nature of this work is. The nature of this book is a lot opens the hearts and minds and wisdom to the world whoever he wants. So we pray aloud which opens our hearts and minds and helps us see and understand this in the most correct and pristine way and not take away any of the honor and dignity that is owed to our beloved profits. And especially in this case, user friendly salon. So with that in shallow and I'll see you guys on Monday with this series barakallahu li walakum Phu Kham and Hakeem whenever any way I can be it with the color scheme salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

00:55:37 --> 00:55:42

Somebody pressed a button. Oh my god, I'm still alive. Oh my god, the internet by

Part 41-42, The Heavy Weight of Leadership

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