Nouman Ali Khan – Quran Week Detroit Surah As-Saf

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
A speaker discusses a Quran week in Detroit where they will be studying the why of things, including the deep dive into the Surah's implications. They also mention their experience in learning from the Exodus, and encourage attendees to attend and experience what Quranic studies look like and contemplating the Quran for an entire week.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum.

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I'm coming for another Quran week. This time

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it's, Insha'Allah, it's going to be in Detroit

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And I'm actually really nervous about this Quran

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week because it involves a surah that I've

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been involved in studying for about 25 years

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now. And now I feel more intimidated studying

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it than ever before, and that's sort of

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the stuff.

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One of my biggest takeaways on Quran Week

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is you really get a deep dive into

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the why of things.

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So this was a lifetime experience for me.

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What an amazing way it's been. So much

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to ponder on and reflect on and contemplate.

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My big inspiration, doctor Asar Ahmed, had studied

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and taught that Surah since the age of

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20, and he did multiple dulus on that

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Surah. And in his own words, he used

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to be extremely inspired

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by the depth,

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and power of the Surah. It really feels

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like the karam of Allah based on how

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Numa Alaihi Khan starts explaining it, starts breaking

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it down. And you really understand at a

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very deeper level. Because I feel like from

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independent study, you won't be able to extract

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that. Myself also have struggled with understanding some

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of the Ayat of the Surah and have

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just gone around the world talking to multiple

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scholars, researchers, colleagues

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about some of the implications of the Ayat

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inside of the Surah. It's been absolutely

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mind blowing. Such a great experience. A very

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emotional experience as well. Quran week, if you

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didn't know, is a format in which I

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try to

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take deep studies of Quran and try to

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present them in as easy language as possible,

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ayah by ayah, phrase by phrase for an

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entire Surah. So even though Surah is a

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very short Surah,

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I'm actually thinking I don't even know if

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a week is going to be enough to

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cover it but I hope it is Insha'Allah

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Ta'ala. I think Quran week is the right

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event to help people. It gives you a

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profound view, a new perspective.

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We have learned so much in such a

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short space of time. What I'm really looking

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forward to is your questions and discussions

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that ensue afterwards.

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So I'm asking you guys to come and

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and experience what Quranic studies looks like and

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what contemplating the Quran looks like for an

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entire week. At the same time, make du'a

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that I'm able to do some service to

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the surah that does at least an ounce

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of, justice to what Allah has given us

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in it.

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