Nouman Ali Khan – Quran Week Cincinnati & Dayton – Surah Al Maarij

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © A speaker discusses their experience at aley Al Maarij event and how they learned from the teachers' experiences. They express their desire to use the lessons to inform their daily life and feel empowered by the teachers' insights.
AI: Transcript ©
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And understanding each ayah piece by piece has

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really helped me kind of, you know, gain

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a lot of gain a lot more respect

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for Bayina and the

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teaching abilities that Numa'u Ali Khan has.

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There's something much more profound going on.

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Assalamu alaikum everyone. Excited to let you know

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that I'm coming to the Cincinnati Dayton area

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for an entire Quran week on Surat Al

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Maarij. Hope to see you there,

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And I pray that Allah puts Baraka in

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that effort.

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I learned new stuff that I, like, never

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imagined I would learn. He provided, like, something

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that isn't really,

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accessible to people, like, outside of Arab countries,

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especially in America.

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It's been a wonderful experience. I've learned a

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lot lot of many different things. It's been

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a very emotional experience as well, something which

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I hadn't thought would happen. And, you know,

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it really feels like the karam of Allah

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based on how Numa Ali Khan starts explaining

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it, starts breaking it down. And and you

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really understand at a very deeper level

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what you would never have read online, what

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you never have, you know, heard about. I

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have been growing so much

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while doing this Quran week, and because the

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way Ustad is teaching is so impeccable,

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so it's easy to grasp.

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So I'm kind of, like,

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building the connection between myself and the Quran.

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I I never thought

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that Quran is so deep, and there are

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so many profound lessons that we apply in

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our daily life.

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