Nouman Ali Khan – Prerequisite for receiving Quranic Guidance
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The Quran provides guidance and advice for a good believer, including finding one's moral compass and finding one's understanding of the Quran. The importance of finding one's understanding of the Quran and finding one's own moral compass is emphasized, as it is not a critic or criticized action. The importance of practice and guidance is emphasized, as it is a work in progress and can lead to practical advice and transformation. The use of the Quran as guidance for one's behavior and actions is emphasized, and the importance of trusting and not trying to make one's life easy is emphasized.
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When we say that Muslims are supposed to seek guidance from the Quran too often we just kind of leave it at that, and we leave. What does that actually mean? How are we supposed to figure that out? We leave that to the imagination. Okay? So it's very possible that you hear a whole bar that says we need to see guidance from the Quran. And everybody listening to that is walking away with something else. You understand that? So we I'd like to take this session to kind of dig a little deeper, and understand what does that mean actually to try to seek guidance from the Quran? What emotional state and what attitudes do we have to have? So we can actually benefit from that
guidance. So the first thing I wrote here was prerequisites for receiving Quranic guidance for believers. Now, the first item there is your moral compass is still intact. If you really want to benefit from the guidance of the Quran, your moral compass needs to be intact. What does that mean? In simple language? Here's what that means. Every human being, Allah has gifted them with a morality, a moral calculator inside them. Every person is a moral human being, every human being. Allah put the right hand side every human being yes or no. That rule was in the company of Allah, it was given the knowledge of the basics of the right and the wrong and even knowledge of Allah
Himself. We learned that in so little out of because every human being doesn't matter if they're born in a Buddhist family, or they're born in an atheist, agnostic family or they're born in in a Christian family or a Muslim family, it doesn't matter. All human beings are gifted with a certain basic sense of decency, the Arabic term for that the Islamic term for that is the fitrah the Rasul of Allah salAllahu Alaihe. Salam would say Kulu mo Luthien EULA do Allah fitrah every human being was given or was born with the fifth is a very famous Hadith of the prophets of Allah Hardison, okay. Now, having said that, what does that practically mean? Practically what that means is, even
when a man is, or a woman is 3040 years old, and they're not Muslim, even if they're not Muslim, they still have a sense of Man, that guy is getting beat up on the street. That's not right.
Or these people stole money and didn't give it back. That's not correct.
Or they shouldn't be insulting their co workers that way that isn't right. They have a sense of justice inside them. It didn't come from necessarily even there actually, you go across cultures. It's not even from the upbringing. If you go across cultures, different cultures, you will find everybody has a sense of justice. Everybody has a problem with injustice. Everybody has respect for the truth. Everybody has a disgust for lying, even if they may be engaged in lying once in a while themselves. If you were to ask them, do you think lying is wrong? Overwhelmingly, what are people gonna say? Yeah, yeah. You know what that means that their moral compass is still intact. There's
some part of that fitrah is still alive in there. Okay. Now, I wrote on top for believers, you can see that prerequisites for receiving Quranic guidance for believers, I put a qualification there. So that kind of raises an interesting question. How could you be a believer, a Muslim? And your moral compass is not intact? Why would I put that there? Because it's possible. It's possible that somebody is Muslim, and they've lost their moral compass. They don't have a conscience anymore. It's very possible. It's actually possible that they have a lot of knowledge of the religion, and they have no decency left.
That's possible to Allah talks about that problem in the Quran. On the outside of believer on the inside something filthy, something disgusting. That does happen. Okay. So now how do you and I know that our fitrah is still intact, there are certain qualities that Allah highlights that a human being should have in the Quran, that are all, they all go back to the fitrah. So I'm going to just I will give you all of them, but I'll give you a handful and you get, you could pick, you know, paint the rest of that picture yourself. Gratitude is a quality that a person should have if they have their fitrah intact. Now, let's test that a little bit. If somebody does something nice for you,
you're at the airport, you dropped your bag, somebody picked it up and handed it to you. But at the very least, if you're half decent human being what are you going to do? Thank you. Do you have to be Muslim for that? No. So a sense of gratitude comes with being decent, you understand that? So gratitude is a fundamental quality of the fitrah one of them, okay? thinking, thinking is a quality of the fitrah. To be able to think and process that's a human gift that Allah has given us. patience, kindness.
These are qualities that good people have.
And these are qualities that Allah highlights in the Quran or no, he does. As a matter of fact, in many cases, he highlights that Allah loves people that are grateful. Allah loves people that are patient. He wants you to become people that think so the things Allah wants you to become are the things that Allah loves, are actually pretty much all qualities that we were already given as part of our Federa they were supposed to be inside of us. already. You with me so far? Okay. So if a person has a really big patients problem, or they're not grateful for anything
Just have a hard time being grateful. It's very hard for them to say thanks. It's very, very hard for them to be humble. Humility is another actually fundamental quality of the fitrah. To be and humility has many levels, but the first of them is to be able to admit your mistakes, to be able to admit you're wrong. Or you're not the best or to be able to meet someone's doing a better job than you are. Right? Some people have a really hard time with that, to be able to admit their mistake. So if your fitrah is not intact, then you're gonna have a hard time with the Quran.
Now, let me tell you what that means. That means that you might actually learn a lot about the Quran, you might learn Arabic grammar, it's just been a day for you guys, but you might learn loads of Arabic grammar, you might actually study 10 or 20 DeviceID at one time, but you still won't get guidance out of it.
Because fitrah isn't there. So that you understand that first prerequisite. Okay, so that's something very internal, like, we have to kind of really gauge ourselves where we are to be able to benefit from this first prerequisite. The second is that you're approaching it as a seeker, not a critic, this is a really important one.
Now, most books that we read, what do we do with them?
We critique them.
Any movie, you watch your critique, any game you play, your critique is not true. As a matter of fact, people even critique athletes when they play sports. Ah, he missed that shot. Oh, he's not that good. Etc, etc. Right? So we are prone to critique things that we experience. We criticize cars, that we drive, we criticize neighborhoods, cities, countries, we're prone to criticism. Now when when it comes to the Quran, if you're gonna get guidance out of it,
then you can't come to it with an attitude that I'm going to read something. And it's not going to make sense to me personally. And therefore I'm in a position to criticize.
i If you even have that attitude, and if you don't say anything, if you don't complain about it, but it's in your heart, in your imagination. This doesn't make any sense to me, that attitude, if you have that attitude, you know what that means? What are the implications of that the implications of that are your thinking that your understanding is so superior and accorded the idea of the Quran or the statement made in the Quran somehow does not meet the standards of your understanding. So somehow your understanding is up here and the Quran statement is down here. You're not ready for guidance. You're not ready forget this and I won't give you a dozen Quran today. But I'll give you
just an example from the Quran of how Allah sets the sets the tone right for us as students. The first is after we asked Allah for guidance and the Fatiha Athina stellato, Mr. Team, Allah in the sequence of the Quran, put Baqarah we'll talk about chronological sequence versus the Quran sequence later. But so there's Bukhara what's the first I have sort of dakara
I started first I will
I live lamb meme. Okay, what does that mean?
You don't know. So Allah gave you a book. He gives you a book so you can get guidance. So you can better your life. You're like, Okay, I'm ready to learn. Alright, what's my first lesson? He says an Islamic
what's the point of these letters?
Why did they even doesn't even make sense? What kind of lesson is that? Can you imagine going into a class the first lesson you hear makes absolutely no sense to you? None.
That's what you call attitude adjustment.
Before you learn anything else about this book, you learn that you will not know everything.
There are things that will not you will not be able to process. And if you're not if you're willing to if you're by the way, your your tendency to criticize the Quran can begin with Alif Lam, Meem.
You can just get hung up right there and said, What's that alphabet? It's not even an order. You know?
But Allah is putting you in the right in the right framework. Allah knows what Allahu Allahu wa Antonette Allah Munna you don't know. Allah knows and you don't know. Then he talks about guidance. He didn't talk about guidance. First. He talks he said the left la meme first, because that's actually a kind of attitude check one of the benefits of a deflower meme, of the many benefits that we can think of and there are more than only Allah knows. One of the fundamental benefits of a left la meme is it's an attitude check. Look, we're not going to come to the Quran as critics. Now there is some sub discussions here that I want to make you aware of. And if you have a question about
that, make sure you write that down so we can discuss that at the end. Okay.
What I want to say is sometimes people present what the Quran says inaccurately.
I'll repeat myself sometimes people present what the Quran says inaccurately.
So what they
What you came to hear isn't actually the Quran? It is somebody's perception of the Quran. And at that an inaccurate perception of the Quran.
Are you okay? Is it okay for you to criticize somebody's perception of the Quran?
Is that possible? Yes. Yes. So is it possible for one scholar to maybe criticize the Tafseer analysis of another scholar? Is that possible? Sure, sure. You know why that's possible because you're not criticizing the word of Allah, what you're criticizing is somebody's attempt to understand the word of Allah, you understand that, which means whatever I explained to you is not the word of Allah, it is my attempt to explain the word of Allah is that clear. And if it is my attempt to explain the word of Allah, then my explanation is subject to what my explanation is subject to criticism, you can say, I don't know where you got that from. I don't think that makes
sense. I don't see where the how the language supports this view, or the history supports this view, or other IATA Hadith support this view, I don't think that there's a real basis for this here, etc, etc, you can have a criticism for what I say. And that's perfectly fine. That's actually even encouraged. That's supposed to be there. That's the only way our understanding of the word of Allah will grow, that when we ask questions about what we're learning, you understand, so we cannot be critical of the word of Allah, but we will be critical of trying to understand the word of Allah. What is it? So our understanding is as close to the accurate as possible? Will any human being ever
fully and completely understand the word of Allah? No, because our mind is limited, and the wisdom of Allah and his book is unlimited, the unlimited can never fit inside the limited. So whatever we have will always be limited. It's always going to be limited. And whatever we Allah's word is perfect. And my mind, my ability to understand and grasp is never perfect, which means whatever I explained to you, as good as it may be, it'll never be what, it'll never be perfect, which means it will always have some problem in it, somebody will come along later and say, Well, you know, this could have been done better, or that could have been done. But that wasn't exactly as you know, as
well explained as it could have been, etc, etc, right? There's always going to be room for improvement. Is that clear to everybody? This is a really important line to draw. You know why? Because for some people, they don't make a line between what is Quran and what is the seer.
So if you don't agree with eight of seer, then you're almost a Kafir. Because it's like you're disagreeing with Allah. That's not the case. That's not our entire entire history is a contradiction to that statement. Our entire history is one of open academics, of transparency. There are hundreds if not 1000s, upon 1000s of the fussy written of every I have the Quran, why are there so many authors necessary if there's only one thing that needed to be said?
The fact that everybody engaged their mind, exhausted, learned, and then wrote their thoughts based on what they learned and said, Hey, based on what I've learned, I can't find myself agreeing with this other authors, I'm gonna write something else, you know, their insights. That's our history. So this is part of the right thought process, okay. Deaf seed itself is not sacred. Their seed is not saying Quran is sacred. Quran is sacred. And that line needs to you always need to maintain that line. Okay, that doesn't, by the way, that doesn't mean we don't respect you.
It just means that there is room for what criticism there's room for improvement, there's always going to be okay. Now, the next point,
you are willing to let go of your preconceived notions, when convinced of its message, regardless of the consequences is a pretty hard one. That's a personal one, too. You know, this could be somebody has some ideas about what it means to be fair, or what it means to be unfair. What are the rights of men? What are the rights of women? What are the rights of husbands? And what are the rights of wives? How are you supposed to be with your parents? How are you supposed to be with your children, you have some idea of what you're supposed to be like, the Quran comes along and paints a picture. That's after you try to understand it as best as possible. It paints a picture that is kind of
different from your own notions. If you really came to it for guidance, then you're ready to change your ideas. Because you faced the Quran.
You're ready to change them. Let me give you a practical example of that before we go on because I don't want to speak only in abstract terms. Where I come from. Fantastic country does amazing things. Pakistan.
Yeah, a lot of families have this notion that the husband has a right to ask the wife for money.
Okay, so the husband has a right to ask the wife for her money or he has the right to tell her to pay for the groceries herself
or to etc, etc. Okay? Or ask her her parents or her brothers.
to pitch in for the rent or something, job nearby Simango.
Go and ask your brother go ask your mom go ask your dad, they have good money, they have a car, why don't you ask them to give us a car, etc, etc. So now the husband is making the wife get stash out of his in laws, you get what I'm saying.
The Quran paints a picture. And the Quran describes that, basically,
the wife has absolutely no financial obligations to the husband. None whatsoever. As a matter of fact, the only thing that gives the husband the authority of being the head of the household. And the caretaker. Actually, the real word is caretaker of the household, a one b ma N Falco, Minam. Wylie, him because they spend from their money.
So as a matter of fact, if you ask the wife for her money, then you are relegating your role as Guam from the house.
That's a pretty big preconceived notion and an entire region of the world, that would be a lot tougher for somebody to swallow. So when they hear that, and they come to understand that clearly, then chances are no,
no, no, you're wrong. Yeah, I could be wrong. You're right. What can't be wrong.
The book of Allah can do please explain to me what you think about this, I'm fine, I'm wrong. I already admitted my interpretation could be wrong. I could be entirely misled.
But the book of Allah is still the book of Allah, you're still a believer, you still believe in this idea? So what does this mean to you? Are you saying it means nothing to you? Because that would be a problem.
You understand? So there are preconceived notions you and I haven't, by the way, that was just an example of an anticyclonic preconceived notion. But there are other kinds of preconceived notions, maybe you thought something is a really big part of Islam.
It's a really big part of your religion. And the Quran comes along and says, Actually, that's not a big part of your religion at all. That's not a priority at all, something else is a much bigger priority. So now what was a big priority to you as part of your spiritual life is being reorganized, and Allah is telling you something else is a much bigger priority. That's hard, you know, because people get used to practicing their religion a certain way. But if you're not ready to change everything about your life, your material life, your social life, even your religious life, you're not ready to change for the sake of Allah because of his word. His word is not powerful enough for
you to make changes in your life, then you're not ready for guidance. In other words, I have to be mentally prepared. I've been trying to understand the Quran for maybe 15 years, but I have to be mentally prepared, that I might learn something tomorrow that will make me change my Deen
like, not my Deen meaning my religion, but my practice, practice in my day, are some things I used to think about a certain way, I can no longer think about them that way. Because the now I understand this idea, or I came to understand something about it that has changed my opinion entirely. I need to be because my understanding and my practice of my religion right now is not perfect. It's a work in progress. Which means for every student of the Quran of the Quran, their religion is a work in progress, you understand that? Okay, so that's the that's the the readiness, the willingness to be able to change as we learn more. Okay. Now I'm going moving on to point two,
everybody good. You guys are good. Okay. What does it mean to pursue guidance?
This is actually a this is based on some conversations I have had with college students and people at the masjid and other places and I've heard some good buzz and I sit there and go Ah, don't say that.
People say we have to read the Quran. And we have to bring every ayat of the Quran into our life and we have to put it into practice.
Oh, okay. I'm ready to put every I have the Quran to action.
Let's start
our lives I mean
what's the action?
Oh, fatawa Mooroopna here for Bilasa Hill Oh, Majnoon found turned with his with his posse. And he said Musa is a magician. Let's put this idea into action. Yo.
How do you put an iron into action? What do you get this idea from? Some art asked for action? Does every I ask for action? No. No, that's an oversimplification, isn't it? So we have to have a deeper look. What does it mean? What does the Quran want from you? What does it mean that I'm seeking guidance? Guidance, seeking guidance is not just seeking actions. That's an oversimplification that is very popular. A lot of people make that oversimplification. That is not the case. So let's try to explore what it what it could mean. First, and for
Almost modify the way you think and thus perceive the world around you. This is actually a big one, we're going to have a conversation about that when the word IR comes up in Surah, two Gulf, then I'll explain that to you in some detail. But the one of the great roads to guidance in the Quran is that the Quran describes reality in ways different than you thought. So reality used to be one thing to you before the Quran, and it became something else entirely after the Quran. And you know, when you when you see something as valuable you think about it a certain way, when you see something as useless you think about it another way isn't that true? So the Quran changes your perceptions and
changes the way you think about the things that are happening all around you. To give you a simple example of that the Quran talks about plants coming out of the ground. But even if the Quran didn't tell you about that you already knew plants come out of the ground so what difference does it make when the Quran says it when the Quran says it he says every every time you forget about judgment day just remember plants come out of the ground
Well Wait wait wait wait so now plants coming out of the ground according to the Quran are a reminder of what of judgment what could be you can you tell me what could be the relationship between plants coming out of the ground and judgment?
Oh life out of death. And we're going to be underground.
And we're going to be reduced to maybe something the size of a seed
you know, nothing even even less. And then Allah is gonna bring us out of the ground. And so if you're in doubt about resurrection, then just look at plants coming out of the ground. Now my when I think about a plant, it is now forever changed.
When I think about grass outside, even though we have very little of that in Texas, it has changed. So we have lesser reminders of
here, you know,
but whatever the case may be, you understand that your thoughts about something so simple have changed. So, so simple,
you know, guidance brings different kinds of goodness, that all the Sahaba have the same kind of goodness.
Now, some Sahaba their their excellence was in spending others in battle. Others in learning, right Saba different areas of excellence. You know, Allah describes this, Allah describes us with, Allah sends rain from the sky, and different color, beautiful plants come out of the ground, same water, same dirt,
same Quran, same human beings. But when the Quran comes inside, different kinds of goodness comes out just like different color, flowers, different kinds of trees. Subhanallah when you see a field of flowers in a botanical garden, now you're not thinking just about flowers, what are you thinking about the different kinds of goods that people do different kinds of great efforts that people make, how not all of us have to be the same to be worthy of appreciation of Allah Subhanallah that's what I mean by the Quran, it changes the way you perceive things, if actually, while you're driving the car, and you see a field of flowers, and nothing went on in your head, then you're not on your road
to guidance. That's what the Quran is supposed to do. It's supposed to change the way you see the world around you. That's its job. That's why the Quran is talking about the mountain and the tree and the bird. So when you see the bird, you remember what Allah said, When you see the mountain, what did he say about the mountain, you know, and what thoughts that he wants you to have, when you saw a mountain, you get that? That's our road to guidance. Now, the next step, modifying what is most important and what is least important to you prioritizing, you know, bubble in Sonoma is in Bhima, kendama, or ACARA, human beings will be thoroughly informed about what was a priority to
them, what he made the priority, what they put off, put off till later. Look, every single day you make decisions about what is priority and what can wait till later. In the morning, when you're getting late for class and you haven't finished your breakfast. Sometimes you say I'll put the rest of this in the fridge. I can't wait for I can't be late to class. So you made a decision about what was more important than something else, you understand that? So all of our life, actually which school should I go to? Where should I buy a house? You know, when should I get married? These are all decisions about what is more important and what is less important on a daily basis and even our
yearly and five year plans and life plans, etc. The Quran one of its functions is to change in you what is the most important to what is the least important? What should take priority in your day? What should take priority in your night? What can be put off in Wait? What was something that you're so obsessed with but actually has no value? And what is something that you had no attention you were giving no attention to but it was the most valuable? That's what the Quran is supposed to do change your your your prioritization in life. Okay, that is our road to greatness. By the way. Everything I've said thus far, meaning modifying the way you think modifying what is most important, these two
things actually, they're all inside. Like these are attitudes. There's no action yet. There's no action yet. So what I'm trying to say through a and b here
is if you want and I want guidance from the Quran, what is really asked of us is a change in attitude. That's these are steps. These are first steps from the Quran. Okay, the third, seeking strength for your heart to withstand life's tests. This is a big one.
Everyday were tested, sometimes the tests are small, sometimes the tests are big. But let's talk about big tests. What are some big tests in life call them out.
Death is a big death in the family death of a loved one death of a friend. Other tests
money related money problems.
Sickness, illness, sure. Failure, disappointment, you know, but you know exam is not a well, but it is a test.
Natural Disaster also been exam on Friday.
family and kids can be a test relationships can be tests, right? We can have trouble with our parents, sometimes we can have trouble with spouses, trouble with siblings, trouble with friends. Isolation can be a test, you feel lonely, you feel like nobody understands you. You feel everybody hates you. Addiction can be a test short. Now, the idea here is these tests. When people are going through a hard time, what do they need? Again, call it out.
comfort, solace, support, someone to talk to someone to vent to,
you know, when people come up to me and say I need to talk to you for two minutes. It's usually two hours,
I have this thing that I can only talk to you about no one else on the planet will understand
my problem, except you because you're on YouTube.
But what in all reality not to not to dismiss people's issues. People need someone to talk to. And people more than anything else needs someone to give them hope. Show them a light at the end of the tunnel, convince them that they can get through this, they are stronger than the trial that they're facing, that whatever they're going through this is there has to be some good in it. You know, they need that. And they need somebody to say that in a loving way, in a kind way in a comforting way. You know, and when that kind of comfort and love, it comes from someone with more authority, like you know when that your younger brother says that to you.
But when your grandfather says it to you, it means something more.
When your dad says it to you, when your teacher says it to you when a great scholar says it to you it just kind of okay. And the husband says I've been saying that to you all this time. It didn't mean nothing. And he said the same exact thing. And all of a sudden, I feel so much better.
Why? Because when somebody from a position of authority comforts you the authority, the comforting itself is authoritative.
One of the roles of the Quran in the life of a believer is I'm having trouble. I need someone to comfort me and guess what is going to comfort you, the word of Allah is going to comfort you, you're going to open up the Quran, and you're going to read something, and it's going to bring you comfort. Exactly in regards to your trial. One of my best friends in life in back in New York, I won't tell you his name, because this recording will go up somewhere and they'll see who you vote for my name. So I'm not going to tell you his name.
But he's from Bayshore, Long Island.
Anyway, so.
So, so he turns on one time, like, this is like maybe 12 years and he's like, Hey, so how do we get guidance from the Quran? I need guidance from the Quran. How do you what do you begin? What do you look up like an index if you have problems with patients read these ayat, if you have problems with health with these ayat? What do you do? I was like, hey, try this. Try this next time you have a problem. Let's have a must have with you a copy of Quran with you and just randomly open any page and start reading. But read with the intention that you're looking for Allah to give you comfort to give you guidance. This is guidance to the heart. Just read see what happens.
Two weeks in a row every night I meet him at AI says Hey, yo, bro, it worked again. Yo man work to get as crazy. People don't know about this man. This is so crazy. I just problem and I was reading and like third I read I was like, oh, that's exactly what I was.
That's what it's supposed to be. But the Quran will not give you that if you come to it as a critic. Remember, Quran will only give you that when you come to it as a seeker or it will give you comfort, it will become your companion and that Salah will be therapy.
That's how will be you know, you can go see a counselor, and then you can go talk to Allah and Allah will talk to you.
It'll become a thing of beauty. That's really you know, when you you can learn Quran, you can internalize it, you can understand a lot of Quran you know, when you really taste Quran is when this therapy happens. And a lot of times it's therapy happens in the middle of salaat
that's the most those are the most beautiful moments in unbelievers life when those moments happen when the idea hits you like a lightning bolt.
What the exact problem you were having? Oh, that's a high. That's I'm not like talking about the kind of highs the mid legal in Colorado. I'm talking about a real high. You know, I was just in Colorado teaching a class, and I did not let those people go.
I had so many jokes about that argument is very high. Like
I was like, I can't believe you still driving one lane around here. Mashallah.
The straight path is very difficult for some people. Anyway.
So now the last one using a, b and c, what does it say using a, b and c what?
What does it say? Tell me call it out. Changing your behavior, action,
action, and putting the book into practice. Does the entire book call you to practice? What did I say? No, I'll give you again, not classical examples from the time of the Sahaba I'll just give you something every day.
But you guys from last year, wanted to go play basketball. And we didn't have the hoops back in this machine yet. So we used to drive all the way to plane or to go play basketball every once in a while. So we drive over to you know, to go play basketball and
all these guys are wearing their basketball shorts and they're you know, they're playing ball and Dan for acid comes. And we're about 15 minutes before us or we're sitting in the machine every spring short every sweating 20 T shirts, whatever. And I was like hey guys, we got some time. Let's read some Quran.
So you open up the Muslim randomly. Yeah, you have Latina Amanu who Luzina taco and Darko Lima Shaden
those of you who believe take precaution of dressing beautifully at every masjid
so we just read this or we didn't read more. I just causes the guys you have a change of clothes in the trunk right? Yeah, okay, let's go change.
So we all go change. And then we finished the rest of the island. We came back anyway, it's a lot and then we changed again and play basketball.
Okay, now you know what that is. It's an opportunity to bring something from Allah's word into practice, we could sit there and recite, okay, you recite it with the whole laws in my work is basketball shorts where they can really
start putting it into practice, dude.
That's cool. It's good that you eat give me Okay, give me the era was an armor file, who the one who started who? Who until very good. Start putting it into practice. Actually, we'll see what the knowledge of Quran where its role is a little bit later. But when we come to understand the Quran, and it gives us advice, then we don't hesitate in putting it into practice. What kinds of people have an easy time putting the Quran into practice? People that have met a, b and c, what are A, B and C again, you change, you're working on changing the way you're thinking, you are changing your priorities. And you keep coming to the Quran for what? For advice, and you you're you constantly
believe the advice of Quran is the best thing for you. You know, when you learn to trust someone's advice, then when Allah tells you to do something, you're not going to do it because you're scared of Allah. But you're gonna do it because you trust his advice. It's just good for you. That's just what it is. Even in the Surah that has so many outcome perhaps more outcome than any other Surah more commandments than any other Surah certainly, so many abcam what does the law say? You read the law holy, you have a fire uncle. Allah just wants to lighten your burden. I'm giving you these rules to make your life easy not to make your life hard. That's what he says in the Surah. That's so
beautiful, you know, but that's an attitude that has to be internalized.