Nouman Ali Khan – Hearing and Seeing in the Qur’an

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of hearing and seeing in the context of the Bible is discussed, with a focus on the message of Islam. The speakers emphasize the need for people to be actively engaged in their daily lives to see and hear reality and change their perception of oneself. The importance of hearing and prioritizing what one wants to see is emphasized, along with the use of images to inform listeners of what they want to see and the need for people to be aware of what they are hearing. The speakers also emphasize the power of hearing and the importance of thinking about what people say, as well as the need for people to do their best and not regret on the way.
AI: Transcript ©
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laheem hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He also fishbane Somali, Cora, Ricardo. So we're going to have our last session for Ramadan on, you know some of these beautiful insights from the work of diabetologia Ronnie by Dr. father decided Samurai and today I'm going to talk to you about hearing and seeing in the Quran. So we're still in the section where he talks about the organization of words and phrases. Last section last episode, I talked to you about jinsan humans and humans engines and the order of those two words. So today we're going to look at the concept of hearing and seeing, right and it's interesting that overwhelmingly in the foot on, I'd say pretty

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much with one exception. You have Allah mentioning hearing, first seeing second so there are cases where he describes himself and he says was semi on bus, he is the hearing the scene right in the hall who was semi bossy? Certainly he is in fact the one that hears sees he describes the human being the way He created us in Holland and in Santa may not 14 I'm charging Natalie for Jana, who Sammy and masirah. You know, we made the human being from a fluid, and we made him capable of hearing, seeing. So again hearing mentioned before seeing so he describes himself in this way, Allah is hearing seeing, and when he starts to touch talking about creation, us he prioritizes hearing

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overseeing so some scholars have insights about why he does that. And

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in fact, the lack of hearing when somebody can't hear what do you call them? deaf? And when somebody can't see what do you call them. So you'll also find in the Koran, Latina is azuki Ruby iottie Robbie iottie Robbie him lamea Hebrew la how some men were omiana that were there, you know, the Allah's beloved servants and slaves, when they're reminded of the yachts, the revelations of their master, they don't trip up on them. And then he says they don't trip up on the deaf and blind. So he mentioned deafness, which has to do with hearing and then blindness, which has to do with seeing, so even that is consistent with hearing being prioritized over seeing. Now, why is that? So

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scholarshare? To kind of, you know, contemplate Why would he keep prioritizing, hearing overseeing and there's some really interesting things, the message of our religion, so carry on, totally, okay. I saw it, even though I didn't hear it, okay.

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So, the message of our religion profits came, right and they delivered a message and that deliver the message has always been delivered as something to be heard. Something to be heard. And that even the it reaches people that the messengers have not even seen. So the next generations of believers, they didn't get to see the profit. But they got to what here the profit, right? Or here his words here, his teachings, and that happened with Prophet after prophet after prophet. Right. So hearing is more directly associated with revelation than seeing seeing Of course, yeah, there are miracles that we see. There's prophets, you know, that was a really good swallow. That was really good. I

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think that was he did the toad

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stay ahead.

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well executed.

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command you. Look, these are long nights in Ramadan. It's okay to be sleepy. But I have to acknowledge the effort. Right lady

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that's a sister. Okay, that a lady that's a sister she's a kid too. And so he I shut this boy and the lady with

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the lady.

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Hey, lady, could you wait with the camera? Yeah, there you go. Thanks, lady. Okay, so we just call her lady though we got to change that.

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Anyway, what was I saying something about Islam or something? Yeah, no hearing Yeah, I hear. Okay. So hearing is prioritize because prophets didn't message was heard. And actually the most powerful of all revelations, the final word of Allah the Quran is something to be heard it was recited and it was heard. So hearing has a more direct connection to our spiritual hearts. What we see impacts us spiritually. But actually, it's almost like the Quran is hinting at the fact that what we hear impacts us far more. And it's far more important.

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In fact, on judgment day, it's it's interesting that people went on judgment day that are regretting the fact that they didn't do the right thing.

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Right. They lament they're about to be cast into, you know, into into damnation and they say Akali localness Maru, I will not appeal. Oh, my goodness feels heavy, surreal. If only we had listened and thought we wouldn't be ending up in the place in the burning flame. We listen had only we heard and thought. So they connected listening to thinking, right. And this is again a unique feature of human beings because other creatures respond more to what they see. Right. And human beings respond and process more what they hear. Right. And so we have this does better.

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You're owning it.

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Like a compilation of like, Yo yoing compilations. Yeah, that'd be pretty good.

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I mean, it is called the dream program. Yeah.

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But anyway, so now, let's look at the exception. But actually, before we go to the exception, I want to make one more observation.

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Have you ever heard the phrase, I'll believe it when I see it? Yeah. Right. I could change it. I'll see it when I believe it. Cuz, you know, I believe in myself. I'll see it when I believe I'll see it. What if I like it? Okay. I saw that from somebody. Okay.

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Doesn't matter right now. Yeah, we're trying to do Islamic things, lady. Yeah, lady.

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That's what I said. Anyway, so, the thing I'd like to add is that

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when somebody says I'll believe it when I see it, especially when it comes to faith, right? prophets would come our Prophet comes and delivers a message and people said, Oh, you know why if if this really is a book from God, why don't we see the angel

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What are you showing does?

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Is it a book one of the pages just come floating down from the sky? pharmaceut will be ID him? How come they're not parchments, scrolls floating down from the sky that people can touch? They said, What can we just touch it? If it's if it's the Word of God? You know, for Chloe Nima Sukira, Nicola Sukira, dubsado una bella no como una Allah says, even if I sent those to you, you would have been like, my eyes must be drunk.

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And we want we must be drunk, because he would you still wouldn't have believed it. But people act like if they if they saw they would believe. In fact, there were people before who saw they saw the she camel of Sally, they saw moose apart the water. They saw Jesus turn, by Allah's permission, take a clay bird and turn it to life. They saw those things they did make them believe. No, it didn't. And when Allah shows you with your for your eyes to see and you still don't believe, then you are guaranteed punishment. But actually human beings should be able to take heed by hearing something and processing it and thinking about it. Right? But they want to emphasize that no, no, no, we're

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not the kind that will believe just by hearing we need to believe only when we want. See. So now with that in mind, the believer wants to emphasize hearing and the disbeliever wants to emphasize what seeing right for us hearing like in Assam, internasional menadione, United illimani and ami nobilo become furama our master we heard the call of a caller calling us to faith. So we accepted the faith. That's what we say endocrine, right, so we hear it but the believer says no i the disbeliever says no I want to see so here's an idea from soda soda that reverses the order it says absorb na or submit now we have seen and we have heard we've seen and we've heard so why is this one

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place in the Quran reversing what's always there as

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you know semi We'll see. Semi and we'll see Allah someone where I'm Yana and all of a sudden I'm Sarna we're semana we see and we hear so let's let's look at this higher. Well Oh Tara imagery una kisoro oc him and r&b him. If only you could see when the moment when criminals are going to have their heads their heads hanging low right before their master declaring our master we that we have now seen and we have heard. So take allow us to return we shall then do good deeds. We are completely convinced. Ah so lysing you were the people who will only believe if you What? See judgment day comes and you people say we see. Okay now and now. Now we've heard no, no, no, we're

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ready to listen. You see, Allah took their prioritization of seeing and he flipped it and said this is the consequences of you really want to see because you want to see judgment a right to believe in it. You want to see Hellfire to believe in it. You want to see the consequences of your deeds to believe that there are consequences of your deeds. Okay. Let me give you a depiction of that scene because it is coming. And then on that day, this whole unbelievable

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I see it is exactly what you'll be saying. But that's that'll be you putting your foot in your mouth, because you'll be saying, we've seen, oh, no, we've heard, please, can you just take us back? we're convinced now. In other words, it's too late, this attitude will lead you to destruction, because it'll be too late. So in a very subtle way, prioritize prioritizing. Hearing overseeing is actually a very profound, powerful spiritual teaching of, of the Koran. And what is that we have to become good listeners. And we have to be think we have to be actively thinking about what we're hearing, the Quran came to be heard, not just the sounds, but it's something to be thought about to

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be thought about. We are now obsessed with what we see, the world is obsessed with what we see, there are no images, compelling images, things that capture your eyes video that you see. And that draws your attention. At the world of advertising is about capturing your attention with the thumbnail, right? We're not good at thumbnails that way, you know,

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we have something like

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that the you know, advertising and capturing your attention is all about seeing, seeing, seeing, seeing, seeing, and here you have this religion, that saying pay attention to what you're hearing, process, what you're hearing, critique what you're hearing, think about what you're hearing, and the Quran overall is a message to be heard. 23 years, the Sahaba were not reading the Quran, they were hearing the Quran, the Quraysh was being asked to listen to the Quran, puri Rama muscleman. First me rula who listen to it, listen to it, and then see, meaning what you hear and understand will change the way you see that's the final point I'd like to make. That seeing has been made priority over

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hearing is because if you if you see something without understanding,

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if I give you a real life example, let's just say you don't know who I am, I don't know who you are, right? I just see you walk in, or you just see me walking, right? You have all kinds of assumptions about what kind of person I am. I have assumptions about what kind of person you are. Right? I know nothing about you. Now, after we have a conversation, do I see you differently? Yeah.

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Because when I hear someone, now I understand them differently. And what I what I what I saw with my eyes deceived me. eyes can be deceiving, you can see someone's appearance and they're not what they are. They they look like a certain kind of person, then you have a conversation with them. And barriers are broken, your assumptions are destroyed. And now you see them completely differently. Right. So that applies in the spiritual realm we are, you know, our religion has certain optics, it looks a certain way to people. Then for a non Muslim, for example, Islam can look terrifying. I can look terrifying, right? But then they have a conversation with me and then they're really terrified.

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No, okay. But the point is to have a conversation and they might their perception might change. Right? You know, I'm reminded of the story of failure, but I'ma dosi who was not from Makkah. He was the he was a pretty popular leader of his own tribe, but those and he came to pay his respects to the Kaaba. And when he came to the Prophet, so someone was preaching Islam in Makkah, and the people respected him because he's, you know, famous person from his town. So when they came in, they said, Hey, listen, there's a man. His name is Mohammed. You know how man right is? Uh, yeah, I think I don't. Yeah, don't listen to him. He's spreading some kind of magic with his mouth. It's like

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mystifying people. People are completely transforming. Fathers turning against son. People are going crazy. His magic is really powerful. If you see him, just don't listen to him. Is that okay? Okay. Okay, I'll be careful. Be careful. So he's walking down the street. He sees the profit section, I'm coming the other way, residing on. Right? And he plugs his ears and runs. He runs because he doesn't want to hear. And then middle of the run, he's like, why am I afraid? I'm the leader of my tribe. I'm one of the most well spoken people. I know. I'm what am I afraid of words?

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It's, I'm not doing this. So he unplugged his ears, goes and listen to the prophets and becomes a believer.

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Right? Because he gave it a chance to be what? To be heard. Right.

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To me, one of the really cool examples of the power of hearing is, Allah says himself when he sent Mousavi Salaam to the Pharaoh, and he sent them with a staff that turns into a snake clearly something to be seen. But when he sent him, he said in America, Mr. Merlin, go to the pharaoh go with our science, we shall be listening. In other words, even though he had a staff that turned into a snake, the more important thing was what was going to be said by the pharaoh

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And what is going to be heard and what is going to be said by Mossad based on the conversation was more important to Allah. Allah didn't say we'll be watching as they watch, no, we'll be listening as they listen in America, Muslim Iran. So the power of attentive listening, the power of actually hearing someone out the power of hearing the Word of Allah and processing and thinking about it, that is actually more important than just a seeing something, you know. So I pray that, you know, as a result of just thinking about these things, your your your thoughts about how you take in information, and how you absorb information, change, and what what's more important to you changes,

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like, it's not important how a person looks, what's more important is what they have to say.

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What are they actually saying, you know, the skin color of a person doesn't matter, their economic position doesn't matter. The clothes they're wearing, aren't a measure of who they are, you know, where they live, their accent, you know, those are all outside things, the message, what is it that they're saying that you that you're trying to listen to? That is what makes what gives them value? And that's priority in the front. And for people who didn't make that a priority. They're gonna regret that on Judgement Day, because they only want it to believe or be impressed by things that they want, that they see. And the believer is impressed to move by things that they hear. So with

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that in shallow turn, I'll conclude today's brief reminder and insight from Dr. simonize. Book, Monica Monica. Yeah, go ahead. Do the outro Baraka barakallahu Li walakum, fille Khurana Kim whenever any way Yacon valetti was a grill Hakeem farmers and guys remember, this is our last day of Ramadan for somebody I'm sorry to eat, but you know, you don't reflect upon this one. See if it was just another month or if it was a good month for you, you know, I do my crop but it's hanging.

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So again, guys, remember, do your best and do the rest.

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