Nouman Ali Khan – Different Islamic Opinions in My Family – Q&A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses their mother and her grandfather's actions that they try to convince with the help of dictionary. They also mention a terrorist festival where the family tries to convince them to study the Quran, but the family tries to avoid arguing. The speaker suggests educating oneself and finding a way to study the Quran to improve their understanding of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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How are you? What's your actual question?

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My actual question is from my mother.

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I will read it just for you. It's

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about my, you can say my grandfather,

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my grandfather.

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I will just read what my Okay. First

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of all, one of our relatives who is

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in his seventies joined some group of people

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who do who don't believe in Hadis and

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The group tries to understand Quran with the

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help of dictionary,

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hence, coming out with weird explanations. They don't

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believe in prayer or fasting or Hajj. He

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proudly calls him monk.

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Now the problem is that he tries to

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convince other family members also to accept this

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The family tries to avoid arguing with him

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as he's an old man. My question is

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that how should the family deal with the

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issue? We really want to see him on

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the right path.

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The problem is he also we had here

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a Pakistani

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festival here. So, Eid Mubarak.

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And he also tried to go there on

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stage and tell everybody,

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his view of the religion.

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Okay. He's he's,

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perfectly within his rights to express his view

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on the religion. Mhmm. But you are within

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your rights to educate yourselves in proper Quran

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study Mhmm. And to,

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show him the wrongness of his arguments

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Okay. You don't have to,

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and the only way you can do that

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is if you educate yourselves a little bit,

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on, you know so so,

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you know, people like that, they develop very

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strong views, but

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when they when they, you know and the

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dictionary is clearly not enough Mhmm. To study

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the Quran. Okay. And

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what's he gonna do with so many places

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in the Quran which are saying opposite things

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Mhmm. That we understand through context to in

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context and historical context.

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And it's necessary to understand,

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you know, the the placement.

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Okay. So

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I think the the idea behind it is

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the Quran is supposed to be simple. So

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I just gonna everyone should figure it out

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for themselves.

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And that's an extreme that,

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at the end of the day, I want

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I would want everybody to be able to

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understand themselves Mhmm. But based on proper knowledge.

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Yeah. Right? Yeah. So That's true. But that

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that that means you guys are gonna have

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to educate yourselves a lot better. Yeah. We

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try to my father always tries to convince

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him. He also shows him facts,

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that he's wrong, but that there is a

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lot of more thing in the Quran that

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he doesn't understand.

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he's in his late seventies. People are a

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little bit stubborn in this,

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if they already have since 5 Yeah. And

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I when did this start?

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5 years ago. What happened 5 years ago?

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He joined some kind of group here.

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He got to meet wrong people,

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you can say that.

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Yeah. Yeah. This might be, more an emotional

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issue than

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formal intellectual

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especially. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Come on. All

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the best to you guys.

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I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip.

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My team and I have been working tirelessly

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to try to create as many resources for

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Muslims to give them first steps in understanding

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the Quran all the way to the point

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where they can have a deep,

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profound understanding of the Quran. We are students

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of the Quran ourselves, and we want you

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to be students of the Quran alongside us.

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Join us for this journey on

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where thousands of hours of work have already

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been put in. And don't be intimidated. It's

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step by step by step, so you can

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make learning the Quran a part of your

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lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube,

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but it's all over the place. If you

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want an organized approach to studying the Quran

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beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your

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family, and even among peers,

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that would be the way to go. Sign

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up for

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