Nouman Ali Khan – Behind The Scenes of Quran Studies

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses his experience with the Quran and how it has rejuvenated his heart, soul, and commitment. He talks about how his book's title is a work of art and how it was filmed and translated in Arabic and English. He also talks about his experience with the printing of the Quran and how it has empowered attendees with lenses to contemplate the Quran themselves.
AI: Transcript ©
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After my trip through Europe, I found myself

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in Scotland with my dear friend and colleague,

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doctor Suhib Saeed,

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for what would be one of the most

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productive months I've had this year.

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There is no substitute for us getting to

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spend time with each other in person, studying

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and contemplating the Quran.

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Firstly, the experience of spending hours pouring over

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a single ayah at a time is rewarding

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beyond what I'm capable of expressing.

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All I can say is it rejuvenated my

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heart, my soul, and renewed our commitment and

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love for this work.

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In the first chapter of this trip, I

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sat with Sheikh Suhib Salid in his Quran

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study library,

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a treasure that is meticulously

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organized and incredibly rich.

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And in fact, I am, you know, I'm

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I'm very proud of my books.

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Of course, when people come into the library

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there's a question that they always ask. Let

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me ask it. So you've read all these

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Right. So,

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I would love to be able to say

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that I've read all of it, but that's

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not how it works.

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We went through each section of the library

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and discussed the works and the people behind

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them, both from centuries ago and from recent

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history and even our times.

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But this is so,

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so pretty. You can just literally,

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you know, take a photo of any part

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and it would be just a work of

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art. It's just so beautiful. Yeah.

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Even this one, like, the way they connected

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the fa to the la. Right? Yeah. The

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ula ika is like

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yeah. It's a very intricate sort of,

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it looks like it's architectural.

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These are the amazing souls that made and

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continue to make our study of the Quran

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as fruitful as it is today. I'm so

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excited that this library exploration was filmed and

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will be released soon.

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Well, first of all, we have to consider

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that they were not speaking Arabic.

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Yeah. I know that shocks people sometimes.

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Musa Alaihi was not speaking Arabic.

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Of course he wasn't. Well, Farhan was too?

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Well, he was Egyptian. No, he wasn't that

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kind of Egyptian yet.

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Next, we spent 10 days translating Surat Youssef

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live for our dream intensive,

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bringing our audiences behind the scenes into the

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discussions he and I have as we attempt

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to produce a written translation of the Quran,

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And this was incredibly rewarding.

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We've studied Surat Youssef exhaustively before, and yet

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during this intensive, we were humbled by how

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many things we discovered

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only during this exercise. What about all this?

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No, basically Look, I was all going to

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say something like, on the one hand, on

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the other hand. I think our audience has

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got to see as we do that translation

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is heavy work, and we no longer ask

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the question, what's the best translation? But rather,

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what's the best translation for this ayah?

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One of you is going to pour wine.

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The other will be crucified. So in a

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way, I am missing out some words from

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the Arabic. I I I recognize that. You

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could just use soul.

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Alright. I'm gonna jump in right here. Hey

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everyone, it's Usman, editor at Dayna. Fun fact,

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this translation was then finished and filmed in

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Arabic and English recital

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whilst in Jakarta.

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You can watch that video right here on

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When Joseph said to his father, dad, I

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have actually seen 11 stars and the sun

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and the moon.

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I watched them bow down before me.

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I came to Glasgow 3 days ago. Oh,

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I got admitted, Glasgow Caledonia University. Oh, if

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you wish to a study member, mental management.

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So I finished class, and I just wanted

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to see the city. I said, let me

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just walk. I checked out the map, and

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said, let me see

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the closest park. I could just

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relax and just see Glasgow.

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When I saw Yafa, I was I wanted

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to yell and come and meet you. I

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was like,

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it might not be him.

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What what are the chances? I was like,

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okay. Let me get close.

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I'm I'm happy. Don't

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No. No. I know you're not. I know.

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I'm happy too.

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Alright. Osman again here jumping in. Whilst at

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this park, we also filmed a trailer for

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Quran Week. And so

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here are some bloopers because,

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I mean, sorry.

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And I want you to be able to

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experience firsthand what it means

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to connect with the word of Allah and

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to I just tripped.

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week. I just messed that up. Okay.

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Okay. Give me a call to action.

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Take 1.

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Big clap.

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2, 1. Call to action. Big clap.

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What? Take what?

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The end of my time here was spent

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with the wonderful

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people of Glasgow during the 1st Quran week

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ever, where we took a deeper look into

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Surah Al Dariyat.

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I normally don't get nervous

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delivering lectures. I was telling my wife on

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the way, I'm nervous

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it's heavy.

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It's a lot of stuff.

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Sohaib, I, and Mohammed spent our days contemplating

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and studying a handful of aat each day.

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We pushed ourselves beyond a surface reading and

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investigated our tradition and our own minds seeking

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answers to deeper questions per aayat.

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In In the evenings, it was my job

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to present what we had studied in language

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our amazing audience could understand and internalize.

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His teaching style is amazing in a way

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that he takes you through a journey. That

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last 6 days, what I learned,

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was equivalent to what I probably could say

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learned my entire life. And especially the part

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that stood out to me the most there

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was about the winds

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and how the winds

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have affected the entire course of humanity

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and how the wind carries everything around the

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world and how it's transformed nations. Now I'm

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realizing that the the wind that blows is

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taking my dead skin cells and blowing them

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5,000 kilometers away. I'm a part of that

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too. I'm within the ayat. You see?

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We also got to empower our attendees with

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5 lenses they can use to contemplate the

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Quran themselves with proper support.

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Thank you, Glasgow, for being the birthplace of

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Quran Week, and for inspiring our team to

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spread Quran contemplation

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around the world.

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Since the 1st Coronni King Glasgow back in

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September of 2022,

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over 4,000

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wonderful souls have joined us across 15 Quran

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weeks all over the world for a deeper

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look of various Surahs in the Quran,

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and we have many more to go with

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Allah's permission.

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Thank you for being part of this journey

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and we hope to see you in the

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next one.

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