Navaid Aziz – Introduction 40 Hadiths Of Imam Nawawi

Navaid Aziz
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The Hadith is a movement that aims to achieve a "hassmith" in the church's deity, and is used to achieve a "hasith." The movement uses narratives in various settings, including Islam, Hadith, and media, as well as in documentaries and films. The use of narratives in media and tweets, as well as in Facebook posts, is also discussed. The potential for false narratives to make it "has been harassing the lady" and "has been hassled" is also discussed.

AI: Summary ©

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			In al hamdu Lillahi
00:00:26 --> 00:00:57
			Rabbil alameen Sudan fusina woman sejati Amina Maya de la foto de la la la la la, la la la la la la
sharika or shadow no Mohammed Abu Rasulo. Yeah even Edina hamanako la casa de la Tomas de mon yeah
even NASA Cora Bakula de Kanaka coming up Suma de Vaca terminhandel Jehovah salmon humare john and
Catherine manisa. Water Cooler hannity de Luna de or ham in alohacare nanny con la Kiba
00:00:58 --> 00:01:26
			Latina am an otaku La Hoya colo Conan Sadie de la cama cama. cama de novo waman UTI la hora de la
Rosa nazima, Ahmedabad for inasmuch as defeatable ly subhana wa tada we're COVID howdy howdy
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Sharon Modi my desire to have a coup d'etat in Buda Wakanda
dada dada dada Littlefinger sama my dad, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah
wa barakato.
00:01:28 --> 00:02:05
			So we're going to be starting off with me now is 40 Hadith with the lights on and we'll be doing
this for the next four weeks or so within like a toddler until say, Carson comes back to give
another reminder with Knights Allah. Now, our journey with the nominees for the Hadith, the way we
want to be starting off, is going through the introduction of amendment now is for the holidays
first, so we understand where Mr. manoli is coming from, and then we're actually going to get into
the holidays. So I'm going to apologize in advance. Today's session is going to be extraordinarily
technical. Generally, we have a nice balance of technicality, spirituality, and a bit of fun, but
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			tonight, we have just pretty much technicalities, so be prepared for that in advance inshallah. So
please save your questions for the end. And with that, we will get through it. So let us start with
start off with the introduction. That mmm I know your mala has. So the introduction is up on the
screen, as you can see, and we want to read through the introduction. It's about two and a half
pages long, and they will comment where comments needs to be made. So he starts off by saying all
praises due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the one who sustains the heavens and the earth,
Director of all that is created who sent the messengers. May the peace and blessings of Allah be
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			upon all of them, to rational beings to guide them and explain the religious laws to them with clear
proofs and undeniable arguments. I praise him for all of his bounties, I asked him to increase his
grace and generosity. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, who
has no partner, the one who subdues the generous, the forgiving. I bear witness that our leader
Mohammed is His Servant and Messenger, his beloved and dear one, the best of all creation, he was
honored with the glorious Koran that has been enduring miracle throughout the years. He was also
sent with his guiding Sunnah that shows the way for those who seek guidance. Our leader Mohammed has
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			been particularized with the characteristic of eloquent and pithy speech and simplicity and ease in
the religion, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the other prophets and messengers,
all of their families, and the rest of the righteous. So you'll notice that amendment no your
hamdulillah he starts off by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now starting off with this concept,
there's three Hadith that an individual should be familiar with over here, the Hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where it is attributed to him that he said that every important fear
that does not begin with the best smeller then it is cut off and is short, then it is cut off and is
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			short. Now while this hadith is very common, in the writings and on the tongues of the people, this
hadith in actuality is very, very weak. This Hadith is very, very weak. The second Hadith, which
states the exact same thing, that any important fear that does not have the mentioning of the praise
of Allah that does not have the hand of Allah subhanaw taala then it is cut off. In short, this
hadith is more authentic than the Hadith of the Bismillah. This Hadith is more authentic than the
Hadith of the Allah. And that is why the vast majority of scholars acted upon this Hadith, but did
not act on the Hadith of the person Allah. Then the third Hadith is the hadith of where the
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			Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that every hauteville should have a test
equivocation to it, where if it does not have the test, deification to it, then it is like they are
then which is cut off then it is like the hand which has been cut off. So this is why you will see
that every day when he gives his Juma football when he gives a sermon he will always say why Chateau
La ilaha illallah wa Chateau ana Muhammadan rasul Allah. This is based upon the Hadith of the
prophets of Allah
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			How to set up. Now the question arises this concept of the hospital hijra. You'll notice that when
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to begin his sermons, he always used to start off with
a set script that said script is what I started off with today, which starts off with in Al
Hamdulillah. enactment of understanding the middle. This is reported in the tsunami of epidote. And
this is something that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is recorded to have said,
at the beginning of every quarter, meaning that there was not a quarter that was given, except that
the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this hospital hija. Now, in my mind,
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			know your name, Allah, He recognizes this concept, yet, you'll notice that the Amendment No, no law
does not begin with this. The reason he does not begin with this is because he mentions in his book,
that the scholars are in agreement, that one is not required to begin with what we call hajah.
However, it is good if he does so, however, it is good, if he does.
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			Number two, is that you notice that emammal no Rahim Allah, He acts upon the Hadith, that the every
cookbook that does not have a justification in it, then it is like the cut off hand and that is why
he mentioned that and I testify and I testify. So that is the you know the reasoning behind that.
Now, something else that we might want to pull out from this is the following three points,
basically lightoller number one is that he refers to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam being
given a particular characteristic and he says our leader Mohammed has been particularized with the
characteristic of eloquent and pithy speech. Now this in the Arabic language is known as Jolla Mian
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			cannon. This is known as Giovani on column. And what you want me on column means is that an
individual will speak a few amount of words, but its meanings are very, very vast. And you'll notice
that this is one of the objectives of the mama, no, your mo Hola, in his collection, is that he
wanted to collect those narrations of the pups or send them that prove his very point. So you will
notice that the vast majority of Hadith that environmental uses are very, very short and to the
point, so one of the Hadith will say da da, da, da, da, da, da, da, write a very short Hadith that
states that we will not harm, nor will you allow harm, to be reciprocated, to allow it to be
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			reciprocated to you, and you'll find other short Hadith that are literally just one sentence long,
the hadith of Al Hassan, where he said that my your ebook lm Allah your ebook, leave that which is
doubtful for that, which is not doubtful. And you'll notice that this is one of the gifts that the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given that he was able to speak such few words,
yet in its explanation, volumes were written volumes were written. So this is something to emphasize
that from the objectives that Emma has, is that he mentioned over here that he was given john
McCallum and he wanted to prove that, that he wanted to prove that the number two, he mentioned
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			simplicity and ease in the religion, simplicity and ease of the religion. So the second objective
that amendment no mo law has in his collection over here is to prove how easy and simple the deen of
Islam is that Allah subhanaw taala, he did not send a religion that was meant to be over burdensome
on the people. But rather, it was a religion that was meant to be easy. And you'll notice from the
very first Hadeeth, were introduced to this concept of alkaline and for clear, are these are the
principles that if you were to study, all of these are the five recurring themes that you would find
in them. And one of those principles is Al masakatsu. tangible, a tayseer that anytime hardship is
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			found in a religious matter than the than the Sharia itself will come to bring an ease to you. So
anytime there's a hardship in the deen, then the religion itself will come to you. To make it easy
for you the simplest example being an individual is traveling, then at that time, the city allows
you to shorten and combine your prayers, an individual is traveling, he is not required to fast even
if he's traveling in the month of Ramadan, because the hardship has now arisen, and the Sharia has
come to make things easy. So this is the second thing that amendment no no law came to show is that
this religion of Islam, in its fundamentals is very, very easy. So if a person just wants to focus
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			on the fundamentals, with the lights, Allah, he should not have a difficult time. And if a person is
having a difficult time, with his faith with his religion, then this is an indication that he's
doing something wrong, then this is an indication that he is doing something wrong. And then the
third objective we'll come to see in a bit. So he says, Am I bad? And this statement to proceed, Am
I bad was suddenly I was used by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So when the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would change topics, he would use the statement.
You'll notice that in hospital hija, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually
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			uses it twice, actually uses it twice. So
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			After he moves from the Quranic verses to the Hadith, so he mentioned sort of animal on verse one or
two, then suddenly service one, and then the verse from Surah Allah. He says, Am I bad? So this is
to show that we're moving on to a new topic. And then after the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam
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			about the no the worst of affairs being innovated, once, at the end of that the Messenger of Allah
wa sallam would say, My bad, and then he would actually begin his kotoba. So this was from the
tradition of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, that when you delve into a new topic, you're
changing topics, you use the statement of Mr. Bhatt, and this is something that a man will know your
Rahim Allah does over here to indicate that now let us start off with the actual commentary of Mr.
manoli. He says we have narrated through many chains and various narrations from Alibaba, Khalid
Abdullah bin Mr. Moraga, Benjamin Abu Dada, Abdullah, Omar Abdullah bus and the signal Malik Abu
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			huraira. Abu Seidel Cody, may Allah be pleased with all of them, that the Messenger of Allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever preserves from my alma 40 Hadith related to the religion,
Allah will then resurrect him in the company of the pious and the scholars and other nation states
alone will raise him as an erudite and learn scholar, and the narration from Buddha it is stated on
the Day of Resurrection, I will be an intercessor and witness for him and the notion of the
limitless oath, it is stated that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam stated, it will be said to
him enter Paradise, through any door that you wish and generation of women are one finds the words,
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			he will be recorded among the company of the scholars, and will be resurrected in the company of the
martyrs. However, the scholars of Hadith agree that although this hadith has numerous chains, it is
weak. And then the commentator states that hence it cannot be used as a proof in the Sharia. Now
here we want to comment, this concept of compiling books that have 40 Hadith in them, this is the
foundation for it. So you'll notice that a lot of the scholars and then the next slide will mention
some of those scholars, they wrote books that had 40 Hadith in them. And one of the motivations
behind that was the Hadith that were mentioned over here. Now looking at all of these Hadith, Wali
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			nama Nova Rahim Allah mentions that these Hadith are weak. In reality, when you look at these Hadith
and these narrations, you will see they actually vary from very weak to fabricated, very weak to
fabricated. And this is where we're going to get into our introduction of understanding what
categorizes an authentic hadith. And what are the categorizations of Hadith what are the
categorizations of Hadith, in terms of authenticity, and being authentic. So that having been said,
Let us start off with what are the categorizations of Hadith, the categorizations of Hadith are
seven, there are seven categorizations of Hadith, in terms of that which is authentic, and that
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			which is not authentic. Now, we're going to mention seven over here today, just as a primary as an
introduction, but when you will study Hadeeth even more, you'll notice that not all the scholars
agreed on these classifications, but we'll go with what the majority have stated. So ahaadeeth in
terms of its authenticity, and non authenticity, will fall under seven categories, four of them are
acceptable, and three of them are not acceptable. So, four of them are acceptable, and three of them
are not acceptable. So, the four that are acceptable, the highest, the highest within of itself is
what they call safe is that which is authentic is that which is authentic. The number two is what
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			they call a Sufi lady, Sufi lady, means that this hadith with love itself is not sorry, but due to
secondary proofs, it will now be considered as safe due to secondary proves it will now be
considered as the number three is Hasson so this heading is acceptable. It's not at the level of
sorry, but it is acceptable with itself. And then the fourth and last category is haston. The lady
has suddenly lady and what hasn't lady he means that in actuality, the Hadith is not authentic, but
due to supporting evidences, it has now become authentic duty supporting evidences has now become
authentic. So those are the four classifications of a hadith which is acceptable, then you have
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			three classifications of Hadith that are not acceptable. And those are the if the if Jaden and moto
so they are Hadith which are weak Hadith which are very weak, and then the Hadith which are
fabricated Hadith which are fabricated. So now let us define these in more detail. What does it mean
for Hadith to actually be authentic? What does it mean for this to actually be authentic? So when we
talk about being authentic, there are five conditions that need to be met. There are five conditions
that need to be met condition
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			Number one is a donut or what? Sorry, a condition number one is it to solve senate? Is it to solve a
Senate. And what is the solid senate means is that from the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam till
the person narrating the Hadith, there is a continuous chain of narration. So if you understand the
generations in Islam, you have the generation of the Prophet, which are the Sahaba of the love and
then you have the generation after them, which is the Tabby and then after them are the
backstabbing. So in each of these generations, you need to have at least one narrator to keep the
chain connected, you need to have at least one Narrator In each generation to keep the chain
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			connected. And in reality, you will see that each generation actually had two or three individuals
from that generation to keep the chain narrated to to keep the chain continuous. Now the shortest
chain that is inside Sohail Buhari is inside the * Bukhari is three people. So between the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Emmanuel Bukhari is three people. So you'll
notice that it was even possible that to cover the span of something like 250 years, 250 years that
you know, it could be done with three individuals as we see inside the cell body. So that is what we
call it to solid Senate. Number two, what we call a W two robot, a W two robot and adulto robot is
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			the trustworthiness of the narrator's the trustworthiness of the narrator's and its trustworthiness
is divided into two categories, it is divided into two categories. Category number one is in terms
of their Deen in terms of their actual faith. So this individual should not be known to commit any
open sin, and this individual should not be known for any heresy. So there should not be known for
openly committing sin, nor should he be known for committing any form of heresy. Notice is not
usually we know from committing any form of heresy. A third thing that scholars mentioned in terms
of adultery, what is what they call a model, or what they call a model.
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			And by amarula, we mean that he kept an appearance and kept a conduct that was acceptable, he kept
the conduct that was acceptable. Now you'll notice that the scholars of Hadith, they actually
differed on different types of Mandala. So one of the scholars of Hadith that was the most strict on
Marula was the score known by the name of shorba, ignore her Judge shoba, identify, Judge, and show
them the high judge, when he used to interact with his students, if he even saw them riding upon a
donkey that used to bounce up and down. If the dog used to bounce up and down, he would tell them
that today, you're not allowed learning this from me, because this goes against tomorrow. So if he
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			saw like something that was abnormal, something that wasn't considered good conduct, then they would
disqualify them from their eating. And if they would disqualify them from they really had this. Now,
this third concept of modal, it doesn't have any set guidelines. And this is, you know, it would
differ from one scholar to the other. And the general, you know, understanding of it is that a
person should not openly oppose the culture that he is a part of. So as long as it's not in
opposition to the Sharia, he should actually go according to the culture that he's a part of this in
terms of the way that the eat the way that they dress, the way that they walk, he should be a part
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			of that culture rather than opposing it. So this is a done a total robot. So number three is time
have got term adopt.
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			And term adopt means perfect and complete precision, perfect and complete precision. So the scholar
or the narrator is narrating the Hadith, he should be known that he should narrate Hadith, just as
he heard them. And these are actually tested that when an individual narrator Hadith is there, an
other individual that can collaborate this hadith that will married in the exact same manner, using
the exact same wordings, this is how they check it out. So now if a person has time above that
perfect and complete precision, then this hadith will be known as Hadith which is safe. However, if
an individual does not have perfect and complete precision, then this is when an entire Hadith will
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			start with a very, either go into the category of hasin, or it will go into the very first category
of weak so the very first category of dive, or to the category of huson, depending on his level of
precision. So you'll notice that the first thing that will make a hadith weak is the precision of
the narrator. If he is not precise, then this quality of the audit will actually go down. And this
is what Pamela tamela actually needs. Then the fourth condition of a hadith being authentic is
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			that there should be no apparent contradictions between this hadith and other texts. So the Hadith
should not contradict another Hadith, nor should it contradict the Quran. And more importantly, it
shouldn't contradict the narration of another narrator.
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			People are narrating the same Hadith, there should be no interrupt, there should be no opposition or
contradiction in the Hadith itself. And that is what are the misuse or lack of contradiction means.
And then number five, number five is either more enlightened, or the more enlightened coda and
admire Latin coda. What this means is that there should be no hidden defect in the Hadith, which is
harmful to the Hadith, which is harmful to the Hadith. So can we think of an example where you will
have a defect in the Hadith that is not harmful? And the answer to that is yes, there are certain
defects that will take place inside of Hadith, which are not harmful to the Hadith. So for example,
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			you'll notice that sometimes a narrative will narrate will say had definite Sophia had definitely
Sophia. So he's from the second generation, he is referring to either Sophia and authority or Sophia
Noriega, and both of them are great imams of Hadith. So while the person may not be sure what Sophia
is referring to, either Sophia is acceptable, because they're both narrators of Hadith. And this
works the same way with a narrator by the name of a bundeena. So you'll find many scholars by the
name of bundeena, you have Abdullah bundeena. You no I'm Robin Dena, medica beauty not all of these
include dinner, they're all trustworthy and imams of Hadith. So if he uses a bundeena, even though
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			an individual may not be sure, this is a defect, which is not harmful to the Hadith, which is not
harmful to the Hadith. So now let's look at a defect that is harmful to the Hadith. Let's look at a
defect that is harmful to the Hadith, since the introduction of a Muslim Ummah, Muslim Rahim Allah,
he mentioned the Hadith of the seven that will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
And who can remind me Who are the seven that will be shaded under the shade of Allah subhanaw taala
on the Day of Judgment, go ahead.
00:21:55 --> 00:22:04
			I have no idea what that is referring to. Allah knows best. That's not one of the narrations that
I'm familiar with. Go ahead. I just ruler Excellent. So that's one.
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			We have six more to go. Go ahead.
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			Excellent. So two people who love each other for the sake of Allah.
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			Who's number three? Go ahead.
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			Excellent. So an individual who is alone and remembers Allah subhanaw taala and his eyes start to
flood with tears. That's three
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			you can mixing two of them up. So the youth that raises it that is raised in the worship of Allah
subhanaw taala that's number four. And we'll take number five from that. And an individual's heart
is attached to the mustard that's five now we're looking for six and seven Go ahead.
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			No good attempt but that's not it.
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			Excellent, so Amanda is seduced and he says I fear Allah subhanaw taala now we're left with the
seventh one. This is always like the toughest storm
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			excellent what's the what's the actual point that is mentioned?
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			Which hand is does not know that.
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			Right hand gave right? So the Messenger of Allah says Allah mentioned in the seventh point or origin
on the sadaqa sadaqa tin hut Allah tala machine Allah Martin Fukuyama know that an individual gifts
charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand gave. That is how secretive
it is. Now this is how the vast majority of narrators narrated this hadith guys quiet down. This is
how the vast majority of narrators narrated this hadith. In my Muslim Rahim Allah in his
introduction, he brings the exact opposite. He says Raja Casa de Cabeza de Vaca ha ha tala tala
mommy No, Martin Fukushima know that an individual he gives surely so secretly, that his right hand
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			does not know what his left hand gave. So now this type of defect in the Hadith, it opposes the vast
majority of narrations and this becomes a defect which is harmful, because the basis of this hadith
now can become that it is permissible for you to give charity with your left hand. And this becomes
a defect which is harmful to the Hadith, because the actual message is that the charity should be
given with the right hand, and it should be given in secrecy in you know the utmost sincerity when
it is secret. But now that you mentioned the left hand, it changes the meaning of the Hadith
altogether. So this will be a form of a div which is defective that it has a defect in it that makes
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			it defective. So not the whole idea is defective now, but only this section of this will become
defective. So we go with the way of the majority that this charity should be given by the right hand
so secretly that the left hand does not know what it gave. So those are the five conditions for a
hadith to be considered safe. And we mentioned that a hadith will move from Sahara
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			To Hudson based upon the type of precision and individual height based upon the type of position the
individual had. Now in order for a hadith to become Huston the lady in order for Hadith to become
Hassan Li, then they have to introduce a sixth condition that introduced a sixth condition. And that
is that there should be supporting narrations there should be should be supporting narrations. And
this is not only for husband, lady, but for safely lady as well. Now, let's quickly review
everything that we've taken, because I'm seeing a lot of dead faces. So the first thing I'm going to
ask are what are the seven categories of authenticity and weakness? What are the seven categories of
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			authenticity and weakness?
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			Okay, okay. Okay. Uh huh.
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			Uh huh.
00:25:53 --> 00:26:39
			Excellent. So those are the seven. Now let's comment on this a bit more. So now we've mentioned how
ahaadeeth becomes weak, is when you talk about precision. Now the concept comes, how does the Hadith
become very weak? And when does it become fabricated? When does it become fabricated? a hadith can
become very weak, when we start talking about the Adana of dharwad when we start talking about the
trustworthiness of the narrator's so if an individual was known to be a heretic, then this hadith
would become considered very weak. Likewise, when an individual is known to be a liar, he is known
to fabricate Hadith. This is when the Hadith becomes fabricated. This is when the Hadith becomes
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			fabricated. So now you understand some basic conditions in terms of what is needed for a hadith to
be authentic and acceptable, and why, you know, it is such a fundamental pillar of our Deen that
there was such a, you know, high level of scrutiny that was being applied to the narrations of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that it was impossible for those Hadith to be forged or to be
made up, because the scholars of Hadith scrutinized it to such a degree in Malibu Chi Rahim Allah,
he had the highest level of scrutiny that he would have he made it a condition that not only did the
narrator's needs to be proven to have live in at the same time, what he called a Lhasa that they
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			needed to be proven that these narratives lived at the same time, he actually made it a condition
that we need to be able to prove that there is a possibility of these narrators actually meeting so
he would go into the books of tadek. If these scholars were not in Baghdad or not in Wasilla or not
in a sham at the same time and could not be proven, then he would not accept those Hadith. And this
is why you see that through these strict conditions. Something likes to * Buhari becomes such a,
you know, luminary masterpiece, as you come to see a man with no mo law even recognizes it. That it
is the most authentic book written by man. It is the most authentic book written by man due to the
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			conditions that Imam Al Bukhari put. Now the second question I want to ask, what are the conditions
that are required for Hadith to be authentic? What are the conditions that are required for Hadith
to be authentic? Who's going to tell you those conditions? Go ahead?
00:28:19 --> 00:28:49
			Right, excellent. So let me just stop over here. This chain of narration, if the chain of narration
is cut off, someone's missing in the chain of narration, what will happen to this hadith will it
become weak? Or will it become very weak? Or will it become fabricated? The general case scenario is
that it will become a very weak or fabricated depending on if we're able to identify who the missing
link is or not. So to go from very weak to fabricated that is the general case scenario. That is the
general case scenario. What is the second condition?
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			If you wrote it down, it's fine. You can read from your notes.
00:29:01 --> 00:29:08
			It's about the narrator's themselves. So the first condition was that it should be continuous chain.
Now what about what do we need to know about the narrator's
00:29:09 --> 00:29:20
			they should be trustworthy? Excellent. This is what we call adultery. What and adultery what we said
had three things related to it. What are the three things that are related to adultery? What who
remembers them?
00:29:26 --> 00:29:28
			Okay, so they need to be upgrading their Deen
00:29:29 --> 00:29:35
			keep acceptable conduct. And then was the third one, I think maybe you combines two of them
00:29:36 --> 00:29:58
			Okay, so in terms of the dean, they should not be any form of heresy, they shouldn't commit open
sin. And the third thing they should keep good conduct they should give good conduct. Moreover, that
is the third one. So that is adult or robot. then number three, we mentioned Tam adopt, like Jason
mentioned and as you guys know, that is condition number three, you should have perfect and complete
precision. What was condition number four? Go ahead.
00:30:00 --> 00:30:13
			So there should be no no contradiction, not contradiction against the Quran not other Hadith, nor
even against other narrators, who are stronger narrators who are stronger narrators and then the
fifth and last condition. Go ahead.
00:30:16 --> 00:30:28
			Okay, excellent. Now are can there be defects in the Hadith that do not harm the Hadith? Is that
possible? So what is an example of something like that? You only give me specifics Just give me the
general idea.
00:30:32 --> 00:30:33
			Okay, so what would be an example of this though?
00:30:36 --> 00:30:39
			Not an example of the Hadith an example of a defect that doesn't harm the Hadith?
00:30:49 --> 00:30:51
			No, no worries. Brother in the back. Go ahead.
00:31:02 --> 00:31:04
			No, no. Good.
00:31:07 --> 00:31:27
			Excellent. So if you have names that are interchange, and both of those names are actually
trustworthy, so someone like Sophia and Ariana so if you're under 30, and even dinner, then these
are all trustworthy, excellent. So that is the fifth that there should be no hidden defects, there
should be no hidden defects. Now, we move on to the next slide, we move on to the next slide.
00:31:28 --> 00:31:30
			Actually, we are missing something here, hold on.
00:31:34 --> 00:31:45
			Sorry. The sixth condition is that if you want to get to silence it or has certainly guided the
need, there needs to be supporting evidences there need to be supporting evidences.
00:31:49 --> 00:31:51
			Okay, there's a slide that is actually missing here.
00:31:53 --> 00:32:33
			Or actually, no, hold on. Yes, just to change up of the slides. Okay, so this is the next slide. The
scholars have compiled innumerable works of nature collections of 40 Hadith. The first one that I
know of, who compiled such a work with Abdullah Mubarak, a turbie. After him came to see a pious
scholar then came and has been able to sufian and nursery and aboubaker jewelry and Abu Bakar
Mohammed bin Ibrahim and honey, delicately and hakima. buena aim, Abdur Rahman tsunami, Abu Saeed
and Malini Abbas Mana savani Abdullah Mohammed Al Ansari, Abu Bakr Al very happy and countless
others, both from the earlier and later times, I have turned to Allah for guidance and prayed to him
00:32:33 --> 00:33:13
			while compiling these 40 Hadith. Following the example of those Imams and guardians of Islam, the
scholars have had have agreed that it is permissible to act in accordance with weak Hadith that deal
with virtuous of good deeds, ie not weak Hadith that deal with ruins or camp or acts of worship.
Nonetheless, given the fact that have not simply relied upon that weak Hadith mentioned above in
this work, instead, I'm following the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found in
an authentic hadith let him who was present amongst you, and from those who are absent, the
prophecies are also said, may Allah make bread radiant, the man who has heard what I said, preserved
00:33:13 --> 00:33:59
			it in his memory and convert and conveyed it in the way that he heard it and conveyed it that he
heard it. So now this leads us to a further discussion. And that further discussion is that what is
the ruling on acting upon weak Hadith what is the ruling on acting upon weak Hadith, and the
scholars of Islam different into three different camps on this, these different to three different
camps? camp number one is what is attributed to Imam Ahmed and a Buddha code in my Mohamad and a
Buddha code. And this is without any conditions. A weak Hadith can be acted upon. A weak Hadith can
be acted upon. So you find from the soul of the mother, the mother of him Allah, he mentioned that a
00:33:59 --> 00:34:44
			weak Hadith is more beloved to me than a person is a personal opinion. A weak Hadith is more beloved
to me than a person's personal opinion. Now, the statement from Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah is
authentic. However, the scholars have said, it's understanding is what is misunderstood. So scholars
have misunderstood this hadith. So the first isn't necessarily the statement of a mammoth. So the
first way it was misunderstood. Is that Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah He says, I prefer the weak Hadith
over a nucleus alfasud meaning a personal opinion, that is illogical, and it's deduction that is
ilaqua illogical, and it's deduction. Now very few scholars actually held this interpretation. Even
00:34:44 --> 00:34:59
			taymiyah Rahim Allah, he goes to category number two, he goes to category number two. He says the
way that Mr. Mohammed Rahim Allah is statement is meant to be understood that we can this is more
beloved to me than personal opinion, is the fact that before emammal tell me the Rahim Allah
00:35:00 --> 00:35:45
			came along, there was only two categorizations of Hadith, there was only two categorizations of
Hadith. There was here. And then everything else was life. There was here, and everything else was
life. So if you just learned the seven rites now, we mentioned that four of them are authentic, and
three of them are not acceptable, correct. And the title of the management or himolla, prior to the
time, our telemovie they used to have only one category of accessibility, which was safe. And then
in terms of weak narrations, all of the other six would fall under that all the other six would fall
under that 17 year old Himalayas saying that when a man Allah mentions that Hadith is weak, it does
00:35:45 --> 00:36:24
			not mean the way we we understand it after a mammoth tournament, the Rahim Allah came along, but
rather included in his definition of weak is that Hadith, which is hustle and hustle only later he
so when he was mentioning that I prefer the weak Hadith, over personal, over logical deduction. He
is saying that I prefer the Hadith, which is Hasson and Hassan Lee over that of us. So that is what
the statement is actually meaning. So even though it is authentically attributed to Mr. Muhammad, it
seems that scholars did not understand the statement or remember how much properly did not
understand the statement of Mr. Muhammad properly. And the same thing with Abu Dhabi. Same thing
00:36:24 --> 00:37:05
			with Abu Dhabi. So while this opinion is actually portrayed, this opinion doesn't actually exist. Do
you guys understand that? So this opinion is attributed to Mr. Mohammed Abu Saud. But this opinion
actually was not held by them, the way that we are meant to understand it the way that we are meant
to understand it, then camp number two, this is the camp of the majority of scholars. You'll notice
that environment no Isla Mala. He says that the scores are in agreement that you can act upon
Hadith, or that you can act upon weak Hadith. So he says the scholars have agreed that it is
permissible to act in accordance with weak Hadith. Now, this claim of innominate, Allah, that there
00:37:05 --> 00:37:44
			is each man this issue is actually incorrect. The scholars aren't in agreement on this. So the vast
majority of scholars they said that you can act upon weak Hadith, however, with conditions with
conditions, and there's three conditions that everyone agreed upon. And there's two conditions that
the scholars differed over. So there's three conditions that everyone agreed upon, and then two
conditions that they differed upon. Then when they mentioned the three conditions that everyone
agreed upon. This is from the camp that said, you can act upon wickedness. This is from the camp
that said you can act upon wickedness, we all agreed upon these three conditions. Number one, is
00:37:44 --> 00:38:29
			that this hadith must not be extremely weak. Number one, this hadith must not be extremely weak, so
its level of weakness should only go up to dive and should not reach the ifj den or modo. Then the
number two is that the Hadith that is being used should not be used to promote something that does
not already have a foundation in the deen. So this hadith should not be used, that have to establish
something that does not have a foundation in the deen. Now, the most common example over here that
we can bring up is the concept of solitude. The concept of solitude. So now when you look at the
Hadith itself, it seems accurate that this hadith is weak. However, you will see that there is a
00:38:29 --> 00:39:09
			large number of scholars that actually acted upon this hadith from them was Abdullah Mubarak. So
now, why did they do this? Because the concept of Salah is already established, and the virtues of
the statement that an individual will say Subhan, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allahu Allahu Akbar,
when Allah, Allah, Allah, this statement, its virtues are found in other Hadith. So now this concept
is about to disappear is not an actual new concept. There's already a foundation of it in the dean,
and that is why they're allowed acting upon it. And that is what number two is referring to. So now
let's think of an example where let's just say for argument's sake, there is a hadith which is not
00:39:09 --> 00:39:17
			very weak, but it is establishing a new meaning. So I'll tell you something interesting that
happened the other day. So I come home from my flight.
00:39:19 --> 00:39:44
			And my two daughters we have Alia and Ayesha Alia is just 25 and Ayesha is going to be turning four
soon inshallah. And there is an A she's playing in the background that is talking about the names of
Allah subhanaw taala. And then you have Ayesha doing like a whirling dervish. She just like spinning
around. And then you have Alia, she's beating on the pants on the floor. And I was like, Subhanallah
you know, I leave for two weeks and we have like a Sufi party in my house.
00:39:46 --> 00:39:59
			So now the Hadith that talks about, you know, dancing as an act of ibadah dancing as an act of a
vida, right. So now all of these nourishing let's just say if we were to argue for argument's sake,
that they weren't
00:40:00 --> 00:40:34
			Or think that there was a weakness in them that wasn't didn't make them extremely weak. You know,
this is used for argument's sake. But now let us look at the second condition. Is this establishing
something new in the deen of Allah subhanaw taala meaning that is there a basis for this in the deen
of Allah subhanaw taala that a person can dance to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala? And the
answer to that is no, that there's no other evidence that is found in the Quran and Sunnah, that a
person can use dancing as a way of getting closer to Allah subhanaw taala. So this is something that
goes against the foundation that the Sharia came with, it goes against the foundation that the
00:40:34 --> 00:40:36
			Sharia came with. So that is number two.
00:40:37 --> 00:41:18
			Number three, this is a very interesting one. They said that the person that is doing this act
should not expect any reward for doing this. He should not expect any reward for doing this. But
rather he is doing it out of safety out of safety. What did they mean by this condition? They said
that a lot of these narrations will mention specific virtues, they mentioned specific virtues, a
person doing them should not aim for the virtue. But he should do it with the intention that if the
Prophet sallallahu wasallam did this, I want to keep the son alive out of safety of preserving the
deen of Allah subhanaw taala. So these are the three conditions that the scholars who said you can
00:41:18 --> 00:41:57
			act upon a weak Hadith stipulated these are the three conditions that need to be met. Number one, it
shouldn't be very weak. Number two is that it shouldn't establish a new foundation and then or
oppose a foundation that has already been set. And number three is that a person should not expect
reward from acting upon this, but rather should do this for the sake of safety in terms of
protecting the deen of Allah subhanaw taala. Now, something that's important to understand here that
I mentioned, just for the sake of clarity, is that when the scholars allowed the acting upon weak
Hadith, it was not in rulings pertaining to aqidah or akam, meaning that these orange rulings
00:41:57 --> 00:42:36
			pertaining to detailed, normally pertaining to our faith and theology, but rather This is just
pertaining to what they call for Doyle, Ahmed for Dharma, virtuous deeds, virtuous deeds. Now, let
us look at the two conditions that the scholars differed over number one, and half of them know
Hydra himolla. He mentioned that the individual that acts upon a weak Hadith should not do so in
public, he should not do so in public less that people follow him in this and think that it is an
established sooner. So he mentions that acting upon the week needs to not be done in public. But
this is something that you do in the privacy of your own home, that this should be done in the
00:42:36 --> 00:43:15
			privacy of your own home. And the next condition. And the last condition that we'll mention is that
it should not be in contradiction to any other act, it should not be in contradiction to any other
act. Now, particularly pertaining to this point, the score said that the reason why we didn't
mention this condition is because it is already understood that anything that came to oppose this
area will be rejected right away. So there was no need to mention it. But some of the scholars
deferred over it, this divert of it. Now, let us move on to camp number three, let us move on to
camp number three. And camp number three stated that you're not allowed acting upon weak Hadith
00:43:15 --> 00:43:53
			altogether, you're not allowed to acting upon weak ideas altogether. Now, this is a very important
point to state that in any science, when you study it, you always want to go to the specialists of
that field, you always want to go to the specialists of that field. So right now when we're talking
about Hadith, you want to go to what the specialists of Hadith actually have to say and mentioned
about it, rather than going to scores and muscle. Rather than going to scores of IQ. We want to see
what the scholars of Hadith actually have to say. Now, what's interesting is that category number
three, in actuality are the scholars of Hadith. So you have the likes of Imam Al Bukhari, you have
00:43:53 --> 00:44:34
			the likes of Imam Muslim, the likes of Abrahamic democracy. And even at the heart of all of these
scholars, they said that the weak Hadith cannot be acted upon. Likewise from them was a show County,
Abraham, it will not be an Maliki. All of these scholars said that you can't act upon wickedness
whatsoever. their understanding of it is that there's so many authentic narrations. There's no need
to look at the weak narrations. And this is what Mr. Muslim Rahim Allah explicitly mentions, in his
introduction, that the authentic narrations are so many, there's no needs to go to the weak
narrations. And Allah subhanaw taala knows best. It seems that the third opinion is the strongest
00:44:34 --> 00:45:00
			the third opinion is the strongest, because we always want to hold the opinion of the specialists in
that field. And this is the opinion of the specialists. This is the opinion of the specialists. Now,
Mr. Manohar mohalla. This is what he concludes too, as well, even though he allows the acting upon
weak added and virtuous deeds. He says the reason why I'm compiling these 40 narrations is because
of what the Messenger of Allah
00:45:00 --> 00:45:34
			Some said and authentic hadith that less those of you who are present inform those who are opposite.
Meaning that the messenger system is saying that when you hear something from the Messenger of
Allah, you should convey to the people who did not hear it. And likewise the Hadith of the Messenger
of Allah wa sallam where he said May Allah make radiant the man who has heard what I have said,
preserved it in his memory and conveyed it in the way that he heard it. So meaning that now when you
hear Aditya responsibility of preserving the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala so you preserve it just
the way that you heard it and you narrate it to the people so you spread the deen of Allah subhanho
00:45:34 --> 00:46:14
			wa Taala This is why Imam and now he is actually doing it. And then the second reason why you mama
know your handler is doing it is because of the tradition of the scholars that the scholars had this
tradition of compiling 40 Hadith, and that is why mama No, Mama is doing it. So now let us conclude
with this last slide. Scholars have compiled 40 Hadith on faith and belief on practical matters, on
Jihad on a sturdy on etiquette, and even on sermons. All of these collections were concerning
righteous aims, may Allah be pleased with those who sought them. However, I have found it best to
collect together 40 Hadith, which are more important than all of these, these will incorporate all
00:46:14 --> 00:46:55
			of these separate topics. In fact, each Hadith is by itself, a great general precept from the
foundations of the religion. Some scholars state that all of Islam revolves around this hadith. Some
have said about a particular Hadith, that they are one half of Islam, one third of Islam, and so on
and so forth. I've committed myself to including only authentic hadith. So he has said, in this 40
Hadith, the majority of them are from Al Bukhari, or Sahih. Muslim. I've mentioned them without
their chain of narrators in order for it to be easier to memorize them, and thus more people will be
able to benefit from them, Allah willing. After the Hadith, I included a section on the meanings of
00:46:55 --> 00:47:37
			the obscure expressions found in the Hadith. Everyone who desires and looks forward to the hereafter
must be familiar with this Hadith, because they cover the most important aspects of the religion and
offer direction to all forms of obedience of Allah. This is clear to anyone who ponders these days,
I rely upon a line and trust my fear only to him to him as all praise and grace from him his
guidance and protection from error. So now, we will talk about the objectives that a man will know
him Allah had, and here we get to the third objective. The third objective is to present the
complete picture of Islam to present the complete picture of Islam. So when a person wanted to know
00:47:38 --> 00:48:16
			you know, what is Islam all about? a monomial Rahim Allah He preserved it in his 40 Hadith.
Likewise, Mr. manoli Rahim Allah He mentioned that I only stuck to the authentic narrations. I only
stuck to the authentic narrations. Now, this is something you know we'll dispute as we cover the
Hadith midnight Allah that not all the edits that are mentioned by an Imam. And now we are, you
know, the highest level of authenticity, and it's something we will debate later on as we get to
those Hadith biLlahi tala. Now, the last thing that we'll mention over here is that emammal Noah
himolla, he mentioned about some of these Hadith they were considered half of Islam on one third of
00:48:16 --> 00:48:56
			Islam, and so on and so forth. And the absolute foundation of this concept of Hadith being
considered half of Islam or a third of Islam is found in the very first Hadith, which is the hadith
of amadablam katapola, the Allahu anhu where he says, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam say that actions are judged by motives. So each man will have what he intended.
Thus he whose migration was to align His Messenger, his migration is to Allah His Messenger, but he
whose migration was for some worldly think that he might gain or for a wife he might marry his
migration is to that which he migrated married by Al Bukhari, and by Muslim. Now we're going to
00:48:56 --> 00:49:36
			conclude tonight's session with business rights Allah is two things. Number one, is the suburb of
unruled of this hadith. Why was this hadith actually brought forth? And number two, is the
miraculous nature of the chain of narrators of this Hadeeth. So let's start off with suburban route.
So when you talk about Koran, there are reasons of revelation why verses were sent down. So a man
came to the Messenger of Allah wa sallam, and the Messenger of Allah says I'm turned away from him.
So Allah subhanaw taala, sent down our Salah tawanda so this is known as Baba nozel. Now when you
come to Hadith, there is a reason why the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam would mentioned
00:49:36 --> 00:49:48
			particular Hadith, and this in the Arabic language is known as Subbable wuth. Why was the Hadith
actually brought forth? Now here's an interesting case. That why was this hadith brought forth. The
reason behind this is
00:49:50 --> 00:49:59
			a woman in Medina by the name of on case there was a woman in Medina by the name of uncas. And she
made it a condition that whoever
00:50:00 --> 00:50:40
			The individual had wanted to marry her. He had to migrate from Mecca to Medina. Now, this is new see
what happens over here. When a man becomes completely subservient to his wife, he actually loses his
name altogether. This individual is not known by his name, but now he is only known as muhajir on
case, the one that made up for on case. And this was the reason of revelation that some of the
scholars mentioned that some of the scholars mentioned that the reason why the Messenger of Allah
Sufism said this narration was about this man that he migrated from Mecca to Medina, not for the
sake of making his law, but for the sake of marrying a woman. And that is why the last part of this
00:50:40 --> 00:51:16
			hadith is about marrying a woman. So whoever intended to migrate for the sake of Allah, it's for the
sake of Allah. But whoever intended to migrate for the sake of a woman, then that is what it is for.
Common john is, and half of them 200. And half of them know Roger, they said that while this story
is authentic, it's mentioned in the son of Satan muscle, and a torani. They said, while it is
authentic in this narration, there is nothing to actually prove that this story has anything to do
with the Hadith, there's nothing to actually prove that the story has anything to do with the
Hadith. So in actuality, we don't know what the road was. But this is what the scholars mentioned.
00:51:17 --> 00:51:56
			Number two, we want to look at the chain of narrators and subtitle I remember that when I came
across this, this is like something that really increased my faith not only like increased my Eman
generally, but specifically in the science of Hadith to know that there were such geniuses in our
oma that were able to do such things. So now you'll notice that growing up from my time, at least,
you know, one of the most famous books that came out, you know, putting Twilight aside putting, you
know, the Hobbit trilogy aside, and what was the third one? the Harry Potter series aside, this is
like, after my time, these are all after my time. In my town, we had like this concept of the Da
00:51:56 --> 00:52:35
			Vinci Code. That was like the famous book that you know, that was like the top selling book, nothing
better than that. And then where it was such a big phenomenon that there's like all these hidden
secrets that were filled with genius that Dan Brown came up with, but in reality it's vital that
when you study Sohail Bukhari you'll notice that email vocoded Rahim Allah was a bigger genius than
all of them. So in Albuquerque Rahim Allah He mentioned this hadith as the very first Hadith. Inside
Sahil Bukhari. He mentioned this is the very first Hadith inside Sohail Bukhari, in the book known
as Kitab. Why Kitab? And why? Okay, the book of Revelation. So now a person looks at this Hadith,
00:52:36 --> 00:52:57
			and he says, What on earth does this hadith have to do with revelation? Why is emammal Bukhari
mentioning this, so escape goals that the general scholars took was that in all Buhari the reason
why he mentioned this hadith is because this hadith actually has nothing to do with kuttabul. Why,
but the reason why it's mentioned in Qatar is because the mama No.
00:52:58 --> 00:53:39
			Mama wanted to start off Sohail Bukhari reminding himself and the reader that purify your intention
before you read this book. Now that seems like something very noble and very good. And Mashallah,
for the most part that is, it is accurate, but when you study the sahale Bukhari they will have Did
you notice that Emmanuel behind Rahim? Allah did not do things for no reason whatsoever. So I want
us to take a look at the chain of narration that email Bukhari brings for this Hadith, the chain of
narration that email Bukhari brings for this Hadith, so you may want to call him Allah. Let's start
off from the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam to Omar Abdullah Katara de la no trauma, blah, blah,
00:53:39 --> 00:54:26
			blah No. And for those of you that have pen and paper and something to write with, please write
these down so that you can mention you remember the spider. So it was the last one how to add a
comma ignore costs to a comma a blue waqqas to Mohammed bin Ibrahim attorney to Mohammed bin Ibrahim
attorney to yahia Musa Alon Sorry to hear Abu Saeed and sorry. Now up until this point, you only
have one person narrating it after the other. So in this chain, the everyone has to go through this
chain. There is no other chain for this idea except up until you have no side alone. Sorry. Then for
me, I have no say the lungs sorry. You'll see that your head no say that I'm sorry. He narrated it
00:54:26 --> 00:55:00
			to over 400 people. So when we are able to say that I'm sorry, you have 400 different narrators. But
before you hear the silence, sorry, you only have one narrator each. This is the first interesting
thing over here. Then from your Hebrew side, Ansari, you get Sophia and Ariana, you get Sophia in a
blue arena. And then from Sophia Marina, you get the last individual who was known as unfair lady he
was known as an Khomeini, whose actual name was Abdullah Abu Zubaydah Abdullah Abu Zubaydah, not the
Sahabi This is
00:55:00 --> 00:55:28
			Separate of the Lebanese obeyed. So now I want us to take a look at this chain of narration this
chain of narration. You have Omar Abdullah hottub el camino cos Mohammed bin Ibrahim autonomy. You
have no side Alon sorry. And that's all singular. And then from there it splits off. And then email
Bukhari, Milan 400 different chains he could have chosen, he chose the following chain he chose for
me I have to say that I'm sorry, to Sofia in the arena to
00:55:29 --> 00:56:16
			Abdullah bin Isabel, who is known as an homage to Imam Al Bukhari to Imam Al Bukhari. Now we
mentioned that this hadith is mentioned in Kitab. Allah is mentioned at turban ye So where was Omar
from? He was from Mecca migrated to Medina, El Camino cos from Medina, Mohammed bin Ibrahim at me
from Medina. Then you have no side and then sorry, from Medina, then from your human side and sorry
that Sophia no Marina, who was from Makkah and Medina, then from Savannah Marina, you get Abdullah,
Venezuelan lady who was Maki, and on top of that he was from the colony, she was Karachi as well.
So, number one, the first thing that you notice is that all the binaries from this hadith none of
00:56:16 --> 00:56:58
			them are from a sham. None of them are from Kufa, from Barcelona from Baghdad. They're all from the
lines of why they're all from the lines of wine from Mecca and Medina. So it shows you the genius of
emammal Bukhari, that incredible ye the very first chain of narration he uses. All the narrators are
from the lines of why and that is why he used this hadith in this chain with this chain inside
Kitab. And why? Number two, is that why was there a reason why Imam Al Bukhari chose Abdullah bin
Zubaydah and formating and the answer to that is yes, as well as different headings mentioned inside
Sahil Buhari, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, God demo encourage the give the Quraysh
00:56:58 --> 00:57:37
			preference. So out of all his teachers that narratives Hadees to mama Buhari, Mr. McCauley chose an
ad because he wanted to fulfill the command of the Messenger of Allah to give preference to the
police. So the very first Hadith that is mentioned in science, the * Bukhari he gives preference
to his teacher who was from the crush who was from the koresh. So this shows you the genius that
Emanuel Bukhari hide behind mentioning this hadith inside Kitab ally. And with the light Allah from
next week, we will start off by discussing this very first edition of Islam and, Mr. Lubin yet, in
terms of the lessons that we can derive from it a bit later, Allah, Allahu taala, Allah sallallahu
00:57:37 --> 00:57:45
			wasallam abetik and then the Vienna Mohammed. He also he said them will take three questions with
the lights on. Go ahead.
00:57:56 --> 00:57:57
			heresy Yes.
00:58:14 --> 00:58:46
			All right, excellent. So the type of heresy that the scholars were very clear about is that he
should not be called to his heresy. So anyone who has a minor heresy or major heresy, as long as
he's not a color to his heresy, they would be very easy and lacs with him. So you have the likes of
Qatada. You know, Qatada. He was from the situation from the Tabby, but he had issues with God, even
though he's in the amount of additional amount of tafsir. He had these issues with Carter, yet they
still consider him the man because he wasn't the color to his his innovation. Likewise.
00:58:48 --> 00:59:00
			What's the name I'm thinking of contemporary of Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah. He meant he married a
Shia woman. He married a she a woman. And because of that, he started having Shia beliefs. Sorry.
00:59:01 --> 00:59:30
			No, no, she was from the Shia. He was from Yemen. Abdul Razak, Sonali Abdul Razak as a nanny, he
was, you know, understood that his whole life, then he meets this beautiful woman from Yemen,
Mashallah. And he starts developing Shia beliefs. But the key thing was he didn't start calling to
those Shia beliefs. So as long as he didn't call to the Shia beliefs, they were very easygoing with
him. So that was the key thing. As long as he wasn't a color to his beliefs. They were fine with
him. Whether it was major or minor, as long as it was good omocha for as long as it was
00:59:31 --> 00:59:31
00:59:37 --> 00:59:39
			sure. Let's go all the way back.
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00:59:45 --> 00:59:45
00:59:47 --> 00:59:48
00:59:52 --> 00:59:56
			In the midst of the creation, yes. I'd like to know is there any hope
01:00:00 --> 01:00:36
			Excellent. So in terms of sense of Aloha, he had a halaqa about mentioning salon La Jolla. So the
conclusion we came to is that it is only compulsory in one situation and that is in the last the
shadow of Salah. That is the only time sending salon salon is compulsory upon the Messenger of Allah
so Salah, and all other times it is highly recommended. And that is why mama no mama doesn't mention
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam number two in terms of him using Kali, you know the one dear to Allah
subhanaw taala This is a more appropriate term. So you'll notice that a lot of people refer to the
Messenger of Allah says Allah as the Habib of Allah subhanaw taala. While this is true in meaning,
01:00:37 --> 01:01:15
			there is no actual verse in the Quran or Hadith that says that I am the Habib of Allah subhanaw
taala. Right, but rather the term that is used is that Allah took me and Ibrahim as the holy. So
Helene is a higher level than Habib. And this is why mama Nola mala uses the term Helene over here,
the dear one rather than the beloved one because the Hillel is actually established in the Sunnah of
the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And then the third point that you mentioned that
he is the best of creation, then the process of them says that I am the Sayid of Bani Adam, that I
am the master of Bernie either, and this would make him the best of creation. That is the only way
01:01:15 --> 01:01:19
			he would become master. Allahu Tada. Last question.
01:01:26 --> 01:01:28
			Which ones can be you?
01:01:39 --> 01:02:11
			All right. So if there's a gap in the chain of innovation, then automatically goes to very weak
until we find supporting evidence. If we find supporting evidence, then you look at the supporting
evidence. And this will either make the Hadeeth weak or can possibly make it to hassled the lady now
even as constantly harassing the lady, the scholars different is harassing the lady he actually
category of harassment, or is it still a category from the dive itself? So now leaving that if the
left hand side, they said that if you have a narration that has
01:02:12 --> 01:02:40
			all authentic narrators in it, but some of them have weak memories, and then you have a chain of
narration that has like, I guess, not liars in it, even if those are all weak narrators as well, you
can use these two heads together and together they will become hassled the lady. Well, this is like
a, you know, something that's debated and mostella beyond the scope of our discussion today, we'll
discuss it later on the Knights Allah, Allah husana