Navaid Aziz – Four Imams And Their Biographies 04 – Imam Shafi’

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various struggles and struggles with various issues, including the deaths of various women, struggles of political leaders, challenges of acceptance in the Muslim community, and the importance of protecting one's ear during speech and teaching others to deal with it. They emphasize the need for strong stance on morality and acceptance of transgender people in the West, as well as the importance of understanding the principles of one's life and the negative consequences of blindsided behavior. The conversation touches on the negative consequences of not being able to see and live without a mirror, as well as the negative impact of not being able to see everything.
AI: Transcript ©
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Do you know when the stock photo when I was a human surely on fusina woman sejati Amina Maria de la dama De La Hoya de la la la la la hora de de cada shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa was seldom at the Sleeman kathira Am I bad? My dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So tonight, teleca is on Emma Sheffield I him a whole lot. And in each of the Imams that we've spoken about, we want to highlight a particular aspect of their lives. And the aspect of his life that we want to highlight is something very unique but very relevant to our current situation in Calgary. And that is how to differ with people. And Mr. Michel, Mo law, literally when you look at, you know, his work or recently when you look at his poker face,

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you'll see that he differed with a lot of people. But he did it in such an amazing way that people were not able to tell that he was different with them. No one ever left offended. No one ever left hurt. No one got upset. But you'll notice at times, though, it was this very fact that God imama shahpura him online to trouble as well. But that's something we'll get into later on, didn't they? Tada. So remember chef Rahim Allah, he was born in the year 150 and he died in the year 204. So how old was he when he died?

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54 years old, very, very young, very, very young compared to the rest of the Imams. His name was Mohammed Idris ignore abass ignore a man. A blue Shafi ignore obeyed even rbse even Abdul muttalib Abu Hashim Ibn Abdul munaf, meaning that he came from the same lineage as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he was a quarter sheet by origin he was a chorus she by origin. And in fact, he was born in the Gaza in Palestine. And his family used to live in the Yemeni quadrant of Gaza, and his mother was of Yemeni heritage. Now, Mr. Musharraf, his father, he passed away when he was very, very young, so he's raised as an orphan child. And Mr. Musharraf, his mother was very, very afraid

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that Imam Shafi Rahim Allah would not grow up knowing his, you know, prophetic lineage. So that is why at the age of two, she decided to move back to Mecca, she decided to move back to Makkah. Now mama Shafi molars family grew up very, very poor, they didn't have much money, and it was a struggle. In fact, you notice that in the early phases of email Mushaf era was studying, it was his teachers that are spending on him it was his teachers that are spending on him. Now this would eventually have a great impact on the amount of sheffy. Like the fact that he used to receive when he was a young man, and was encouraged to study. Mr. Chef got him a whole lot, went bankrupt three

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times in his life. He went bankrupt three times in his life. And when he was asked, you know, why did you go bankrupt? He said, I did not see the fitting that when I was a young student learning, Allah subhanho wa Taala, sent someone to provide for me, and here I have many students, a lot of them cannot provide for themselves, then how is it befitting their lives given me money, and I do not spend on them. And he used to say that it is only befitting that is a life that is truly worthy of living is a life that is spent in the health of people. a life that is truly worth living is a life that is spent in helping people. You know, Michelle Obama, like his predecessors, he was an

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ayah from the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala, a sign from the miracles of Allah subhana wa Tada. He memorized the Quran by the age of seven. He memorized the morpho by the age of 10. And his first teacher, Muslim of nokhada zenji. He allowed him to give fatwa by the time he was 15. And this was the young man. In fact, when you look at the story of why you mama shadow him, Allah started memorizing the mortar at the age of 10. He had already heard of this legendary man in Medina by the name of Mr. Malik, and he had the ambition that when he goes to Medina, he wants to be prepared to study with him. So he started memorizing the motto from that time. There is another incident that

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reports that in my medical Imola when he memorized them or thought he was actually already on his journey from Mecca to Medina. And that journey took him nine days. So he memorized it in that time as he was writing the Campbell. And these sort of things are profound, how amazing was his memory, that he would have to block the other page of the book to make sure he wouldn't get confused. So he was able to read something once and he'd have to cover the other side, just so that he wouldn't get confused his mind would not memorize both things at the same time. Now in my mother Rahim Allah, He saw this in the mama Shafi and when a mama chef Mr arrived into Medina, there's a difference of

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opinion when he arrived. He was 13 years old. He was 18 years old.

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Was 15 years old, multiple opinions. But regardless, he was still very, very young 18 or younger. And he had come with a letter from the governor of Mecca. introducing him. I'm a chef. He's saying that this is, you know, the brightest and best of Makkah, and I'm sending him to you. So please take good care of him. Santa Monica Rahim Allah He reads this letter and he asks the mama Shafi, you know, read to me from what you know, and what does he start reading from? He starts reading from the water, you know, that's like, you know, if you want to get off on the right foot, you read from the authors of the books, you know, book. So he starts reading to him from the Mata. And he was hoping

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that Mr. Malik would stop and give commentary. But in my mind, he called him Allah He fell in love with Eddie mama Shafi or him. Aleister sate. And the very first recital that he had of Mata, Mr. Malik, he didn't comment too much at all. He just used the term, continue reading, continue reading, continue reading. And he says, a couple of days went by, and I'd already finished reading to him the motha. And at that time, you know, I'm like, Hey, you know, especially we're here to learn not just to say to you, I mean, I'm not excited inshallah, you know, in the next round, we can, we can go through it again. Now, in other Shakira, himolla he to hide a student, and you'll notice that

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there's going to be like, a lot of back and forth. I'm not sure if those of you that watch TV shows, there's like this new trend in TV shows that they'll have like, a present day, and then like something from the past, and then they're like, jumped to the future. Mr. Mustapha is, like biography sort of going to be like that, because there's so much repetition. There's so much repetition that happens. Now this incident of reciting back and forth, and happens in other time, and the mama Shafi is life, and that is when the mama Shafi Rahim Allah wrote w sada, as we were studying yesterday, Mama showed him a law, he received a letter saying, look, the people have gotten

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confused. They don't have the correct approach to deriving law anymore. Can you please write for us a manual? So in response to that he was a reseller, or reseller that means the letter right. So it was a response to a letter that he received. Now I'ma show for him a lot. He went through this twice, once in in when he was in Iraq, and a second time when he was in Egypt. When he was in Egypt. He had his student by the name of Robin Solomon, and will be up in Solomon. He did the exact same thing with varicella that Imam Shafi did that with the mortar. And he says that I read the research that Mmm, Shafi 30 times and each time I would read it to him, he would correct something in it. By

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the time we got to the 30th time, I said to him, you know, there's still mistakes or there's still things that that need to be fixed. And at that time, I myself got him Allah He realized and he said, that perfection is only for the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala perfection is only for the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. And that time he stopped revising that he said, and that was a final, you know, update that was done to it at that time. So this incident was repeated and you'll see again, a lot of times in the nama Sharpies life. This goes on happens quite a few times. It happens quite a few times. What was the name of Sharpies, molars childhood like, you know, what did he grow up?

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liking and enjoying? This is not something we discussed in the lives of the previous Imams, because those details weren't really known to us. But you noticed that in the life of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, even though there aren't many sources, to his biography, the individuals that did write his biography, wrote it in extreme detail and very thoroughly, so from them were arising from them was very happy, in fact, are very happy. You know, the Menaka baby mama Shafi is a very, very thick book. So he says, when the mama showed him, Allah was very, very young. He naturally fell in love with archery. And he used to spend so much time doing archery, that he would get sunburned on his

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back, you get sunburn, sunburned on his back, and his mother would say, you know, how long are you going to spend outside that, you know, you're even harming your back. So that's how long he would spend with archery. Now, this is obviously perfect external, as a lot of us know. But here's something to think about. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to teach our children three things. In fact, there's a difference of benefits that Hadith or statement of Omaha pop, but it was encouraged regardless, to do these three things, archery, swimming, and horseback riding with archery. Why do you think Archie was recommended? What do you learn from archery? What

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is specific to archery?

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Patience, concentration, aim, focus, precision, a lot of these things, but what I took away from it, you know, I've tried it three times now

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is that it requires a lot of practice. You know, it looks very easy. Like you see it in cartoons, the guy just pulls the arrow and it goes straight forward. A lot of times it goes backwards as well. You're not doing it properly, and you end up hurting your arm Believe it or not like the way the string goes, it actually ends up hitting your arm.

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You'd be surprised that even if you're standing like 10 meters away, you will still be off by 10 meters in your trajectory. So it's a very difficult sport. So number one, you learn the importance of practice, and repetition and practice making perfect. Number two, you learn the importance of having a direct target having a goal of something that you're aiming towards. And then number three, it is a, you know, something that requires the utmost concentration. Now, particularly back in the day, they used to use it for hunting. So as an animals moving, you need to be able to hit that animal with your bow and arrow. So it requires the utmost level of concentration. Now it was things

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like this, that actually helped the nama Sheffield himolla as he grew older, because he had already developed the habit of practice he had already developed the habit of concentration even there's craziness going on. He's still able to focus so a lot of these things helped him manage after him Hello, growing up.

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Now as you mama Sheffield Rahim, Allah is growing older and his time in Medina, he spent a prolonged period of time, some scholars mentioned 13 years some scholars mentioned that he was there till Imam Malik Rahim Allah passed away. So you're looking at maybe from 10 to 18 years that mama Shafi or mo la was in Medina. But while the Imam Malik is there, again, he's very, very poor. And during the last years of medic as Malika secluded himself, as we studied last week, he mama Shakira him Hola. He became very poor again, he didn't have money. So what he decides to do is he starts applying for jobs, you know, who's going to hire a mama Shafi. And every time you know, in August, we're going to

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apply for a job. It's like you have a PhD and you're applying at a job at a convenience store, you're going to be like sorry, you're overqualified. We can't give you this job. So I remind myself that I kept getting turned down. He couldn't, you know, find good appropriate work for himself up and until there was a governor from Yemen. That came to Medina, a governor from Yemen, came to Medina, and he was looking for a personal assistant at that time. And when he heard that Imam Shafi Rahim Allah was, you know, looking for work. He knew that, you know, he wanted to hire Imam Shafi Rahim Allah. Now what was interesting about this governor of Yemen, he was an extremely corrupt

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governor, extremely corrupt. If you wanted to meet him, you would have to pay a bribe to him. And people his previous you know, Assistant, recognize this. So as people were coming to give a bribe to the governor, this is taking a cut off the top. He's giving a bribe, I'll give it to the governor I'll get you an appointment that you need to see. And that is what got the previous assistant fired. So now as you mama shuffle, the Himalaya is coming into this position. The governor is keeping a very, very close eye on him is the mama Shafi got a mala going to be a truthful and honest demand, or what is he going to be like? So now this governor to give you perspective, and I'm gonna shuffle

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him Allah ends up leaving Medina and he ends up moving to an area called Nigerian Nigerian was a part of Yemen. At that time, it was a part of Yemen at that time. Now it's a part of Saudi Arabia. So when you mama shadow him a lot most in the jalon the governor himself is trying to interrupt you mama Shafi. He's like trying to send people who tried to bribe him a sharpie to see if he mama Shafi will ticket and this is like a regular occurrence. But he found myself at him a lot. He was an honest and trustworthy man, he would, you know, never give in to those temptations and he always, you know, was led a life of honesty. Now, will this created a problem was you can imagine an honest

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and trustworthy man that is coming into a job where he can easily be corrupt, what's going to happen. He's going to start changing the system. And the other people that are involved in this corruption, other assistants that are there other employees that were there, they're losing money now because the mama Shafi Not only is he not accepting the bribes, but he's becoming very, very vocal against accepting bribes. And our leadership needs to be honest and needs to have integrity. So now that amount of stuff about him allies, you know, preventing people from getting their their bribes, these people are getting very, very upset. How do we get rid of Imam Shafi we fabricate a

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lie against him. So at that time, there was a, you know, when we slightly discussed this time with my medic, but there was opposition to the busted Caliphate at that time there from the descendants of Allah rhodiola Juan. So Harun al Rashid, is sent a letter by an anonymous source and unknown source saying that there are nine people from the Quran, as well as the assistant of the governor who are planning to overthrow the khilafah from the jalon, the caliphate in Iraq and Iran is in Yemen. So you know, these 10 people, they're going to come and

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one of the most absurd things you'll ever hear in your life. But nonetheless, the Khalifa has to take this very, very seriously. So he tells

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No he sends a letter back saying I want these nine people, as well as a nama Shafi to be brought forth to to Iraq, both forth to Iraq. So now as the mama Scheffer, Rahim Allah is brought to Baghdad, this is now in the year 184. It's in the year 184. And Harun al Rashid is the halifa.

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He introduces himself, and he says, Look, I am not like these other people. I'm just a man that is, has a little bit of knowledge and wants to do it. And I have a little bit of knowledge and I want to do code. And this is how he introduces himself. And the Khalifa asks him, but what is your name? He says, My name is Mohammed, Abu Idris, and then someone from the back, he's outside, shout out a chef. And he says yes, a chef, who is the individual? Let's just start from the back. It is the student of Imam Abu hanifa Mohammed Abu Hassan, who is the judge of her own Rashid. So Mohammed Abu Hassan, he's like shocked is like the disease's here you know, in in book that, you know, what a

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privilege and honor but it's such an unfortunate circumstance. So you know, Mohammed Ignasi tells the Khalifa she you know, Yamuna we need this has to be a mistake. There's no way that Mohammed Idris, a man who is known for his knowledge, renowned for his piety, known for his, you know, righteousness is going to, you know, cause such upheaval and uproar. Let him be leaving him in my trust, while you look further into his affair. So Mohammed Abu Hassan actually got him off the hook. He says, I will take care of him and I will be his guarantee to look into his affair. And Amanda Shafi Rahim Allah, He says that that ended up being one of the biggest blessings in disguise,

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because Mohammed Abu Hassan, he ended up taking care of me. And while the Khalifa looked into my affair, two years went by two years went by, and that is when I got exposed to the school of writing. And this is what we were speaking about yesterday, the digital twin.

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This is how I got him got exposed to it. So he kept on learning and kept on learning kept on learning. But again, what's going to happen? It's like, you know, the teacher's pet in the classroom. When you have a teacher's pet, all the other students are going to get upset. But what's happening over here is that as Mohammed Hassan is showing favoritism to Imam Shafi, not only are the other students getting upset, because he is the teacher's pet, but in homage to him and was openly opposing, you know, Mohammed Abdul Hassan, he's telling again, but yes, in ages, we have this heavy teenagers, we have that energy as we understand when should the ayah this way, so he's refuting him.

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And it's not a traditional sense of, of scholarship where, you know, you're just accepting what your teacher is saying. But Mr. Mustapha Rahim, Allah is openly responding back and, you know, telling them what he had learned in he just telling them what he had learned in ages. So at the end of the two years, a mama chef Kamala, pretty much gets kicked out of book that his case is cleared. But the students have said, they're getting very, very upset. They're like, Who does this young kid think he is? He's ruining our classes. You know, he's speaking he's not respecting our teacher, though. He should be respected. Mohammed Idris, we're sorry, but you need to leave. So he ends up getting eggs

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out. Where does he end up going? He ends up going to Makkah now, as he gets exiled from Makkah, as soon as he gets exit from Baghdad, he ends up in Makkah. And this is like another miracle from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Why? Because as he's teaching in Makkah, there's word going around that this amazing linguist, this amazing Mufasa this amazing Hadith. And this also Lee is now teaching. So one of the first people to hear about him is Mr. Muhammad Rahim, Allah and Muhammad. He has a difficult decision to make. I can either learn from Azadi. I believe if it is yes, I'm pretty sure it was impossible. I can either learn from it, or I can learn from my Shafi. He makes the decision one day

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he's like, you know, I've spent quite a bit of time with Azadi. Let me go and study with a sheffy. And he goes and he spends time with him on my show for the very first time. And he is absolutely amazed that this man is amazing. The way he understood or saw the way he understood the Quran, completely out of this world. The next day, he goes up to one of his friends. And this is like, you know, I don't even know how to explain this story. His friend, was this hacker Nora hallway. A sophomore hallway was another great email from corizon. We spoke about eleutheroside I think it was last week. Yeah. When the story of Mr. Malik, we spoke about lethal genocide, how Nathan Assad was

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another great man who could have had his own mother that much potential, a secondary hallway the exact same thing. In fact, we considered him superior to Amazon superior to you know, other scholars have had even the likes of Bacardi. He was one of the teachers our book quality, not only in Hadith, but in fact

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Have you considered him superior? He comes to his talk. And he tells him Look, let's leave the halaqa rosary. And I'm going to take you to a halaqaat the likes that you've never seen before. Now, Mr. Michel, for him a lot coming from Iraq. As you mentioned, he's not changed completely ready speaking of a lot of philosophical matters that we will have ages are not accustomed to. So it's Huck, he loved Ahmed very much. And he says, You know what, for your sake, let's go and check this guy out. He comes to the helicopter mama Shafi, and he sees this young kid and he's like, Who is this young kid? You know, why is he teaching who gave him the right to teach? And this is, you know,

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what's going on? The halaqa finally finishes and it's hockey challenges. Imam Shafi Rahim Allah to a debate says I want to debate you on the following matter and it actually doesn't mention what the matter is. And Mr. Mohammed or him who was thinking man, why you know the you always have that friend that's looking for trouble. Why did I bring this that's causing

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so now it's how can you mama Shafi Rahim, Allah are debating and again, I wish I could explain it to you in like, common terms, but think of like your two favorite speakers. You know, I'll give you the current of imagine of like no mana Wiccans. dumating Mufti mink, right. Who wouldn't want to attend that? This is like the equivalent of it but like 50,000 times higher, right? These are like the original sources of Islam. So that's what's going on. And Mr. Machado him Allah. Again, he's very strong in his logic, very well versed in the Quran and the Sunnah, and now very well versed in the, I guess, you know, Muslim philosophy, if you want to call it that. It's Huck, he's very well versed

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in filk. And he's very well versed in Hadeeth. So now as they're having this debate, Imam Shafi Rahim, Allah is saying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and Sokka, Mara, Hawaii, he's quoting all the different scholars of Hadith. And in Mohammed Idris, he says, you know, I'm quoting a lion, His Messenger, sallAllahu, I knew send them to you, and you control your, you know, narrating from our companions. How is this fair? And this God is very, very upset, because he didn't have a response to this. This is all that he had learned. So now his talk, he did something that he shouldn't have at that time. He turns around to the people. And

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he says in his native language, he was on cortisone. So I'm assuming he smoked some sort of fantasy or something equivalent to that. And he tells his companions, guess who's won the debate, like basically saying that I'm about to annihilate him now. And as soon as he said that, what do you think ended up happening? He loses the debate, right? As soon as it becomes an egotistical matter. It's awkward and continue the debate anymore. He says, My mind completely shut off. Nothing was coming out of my mouth. And I ended up leaving in shame. And that night, I regretted how I had treated Mr. Murphy. Now Mr. Chef era him a whole lot. Even though he didn't speak his language. He

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sort of understood what was being said he sort of understood what was being said, but a mama chaverim ally, did not bat an eyelid and let it pass. He did not bat an eyelid and let it pass. But this was a very eye opening experience for imama Shafi, because he's learning that as a young man, even though you may have a lot of knowledge, even though you may come from the family of the Prophet, you will be challenged people will not accept your authority. People not accept you for who you are. And Mr. Masako Rahim Allah took that as a very valuable lesson. He took that as a very valuable lesson.

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Now, I want to get into that part of his story where we were talking about the thing we want to highlight from Imam Shafi Rahim, Allah is his ability to differ with other people. And you mentioned that famous story that he had with Yunus City, where he defeated him in that debate, and suddenly he leaves very, very upset. And he comes back to a city and he says, holding by the hand, that even though we differ, can we still not to be brothers? Right? And this is like the framework that we want to establish that in our community when we have difference of opinions. Why does it mean we have to break bonds of brotherhood? Why does it have to be that way? Why is it that we are not

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tolerant of other people's opinions, and even myself era him a whole lot. He has many, many quotes that deal with difference of opinion. One of the first of them I want to share with you he says, human reason is just like eyesight, and it has limits that it cannot surpass. human reason is just like eyesight, and it has limits that you cannot surpass. your eyesight will only go so far. And as human beings it's very important to understand that our intellect will have similar limits. So sometimes there will be people who understand things differently than you. There will be people who understand things better than

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And this should not cause animosity and hatred between people. But as soon as you understand that each and every one of us has our limits, we should appreciate when other people give us a perspective. You know, back in the day, if someone gave you perspective, they used to give him a camel as a gift, right? This is something I heard today that if someone gives you advice, they used to give a camera as a gift or actually looked into this. And it wasn't just about advice, but it was about perspective. Someone could broaden your horizons, right? You gave them a camel as a gift. So we should be open to the idea of people having different opinions and people approaching us with

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those opinions and it's not our always our way or the highway. Now how did the nama chef era himolla develop this humility. He developed this humility and understanding that one of the worst characteristics a person can have a showing off his knowledge, one of the worst characteristics anyone can have is showing off their knowledge. And that is why multiple times Imam Shafi Rahim Allah he would say that when I debate with someone, it is always for the sake of the truth. And I pray to Allah, listen to these words, I pray to Allah, that Allah be in the aid of my opponent, that he loosens the knots from his tongue. And had he prevails the truth through him, right? Look at

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these three things that I know it's Allah aids, my opponent is with my opponent, he loses the knots from his tongue, and he prepares the truth through him. Which individual would approach a debate and discussion like that, like, think about this for a second? Imagine you're in a debate with someone and you're literally making the other Oh, Allah, a this man loosen the knots from his tongue and reveal the truth through him. This is something that gets lost. When we have debates when we have discussions, it's about me against you, you will get someone else. And it's never for the sake of the truth. And I think that's what often gets lost. We've lost our desire for attaining the truth.

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And shaytan has deceived us to making all of our decisions and all of our discussions and all of our debates, very egotistical. We always wanted to prevail, but even on my shelf, what a human was teaching us another perspective, that there's something greater than us, and that is the truth. And that is what human beings should be striving for human beings should be striving for.

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And I'll read something from the etiquettes of debate from a mama chef or a Mullah Shafi said, I never debated with anyone with the intention to triumph over them, but only on account of what I saw to be the truth. He said, I've only ever debated with someone with a sincere purpose of advising them. Likewise, he said I've never hoped while debating with someone that they would make a mistake. So look at the the sincerity and integrity that Imam Shafi Rahim Allah is coming with that it's never about himself. It's always about the truth. It's always about the truth. And one last thing I'll share with you over here,

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this eventually got adopted as hanafy was fulfilled. And this became very, very famous in a few schools that were talking yesterday is that the honeybees have a different approach to Suffolk as opposed to the with the Colombian or the rest of them a diet. Now one of their fundamental principles in understanding epistemology and understanding truth is this principle, I record my opinion to be correct. While entertain the possibility that I am wrong. I regard the other person's opinion to be mistaken, while entertaining the possibility that it is right. Meaning that you're not, you know, your opinion is not engraved in stone. There's always flexibility that you approach a

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discussion that you are right, with the possibility of you being wrong and your opponent being wrong with the possibility of them being right with the possibility of them being right.

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Now, what I want to tie into our current day situation in Calgary, that when you look at the situation in Calgary things are obviously in a in a very bad situation. We have multiple lawsuits going on. You know, there's a complete misunderstanding as to why masala was shut down from Juma Neo today we had a Juma prayer that was played outside of a courthouse. And, you know, this crazy things that are happening in this community. Now, when I look at how are these issues resolved, I think a lot of these issues could be resolved by mama chef, his approach. And obviously everyone has to hold themselves accountable for and this is what I think people make a mistake in that we're so busy

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trying to hold other people to account. We don't want to hold ourselves accountable. we're so busy trying to fix other people. We don't want to fix ourselves. So when you look at the approach that the mammoth chef got to him a whole lot took, understanding that there's something greater than ourselves, and that is the truth and understanding that we can have difference of opinions, but we're still brothers and sisters at the end of the day that this individual is

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I don't want him to make a mistake. I don't want him to, you know, be upon falsehood, but rather I want the truth to prevail, even if it's from him. And this sort of mentality, I think it needs to be brought back. Like particularly, you know, one of the things I was really, really afraid of today was in the coop, I highlighted that as Muslims, we've been receiving a lot of positive coverage for once, you know, things are actually looking at our favorite things are looking very, very good. I was mentioning, if you watch the Daily Show, this whole week, every single night, Trevor Noah is saying something positive about Muslims and supporting Muslims. You know, even for those of you that

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watch TSN it's the Sports Network. It has nothing to do with the news. Even last night, they were covering a story about how an individual she was a young girl. I can't remember it was fought them or something. I can't remember exactly. She's from WWE. She plays on the Abu Dhabi, ice hockey team of all things double w playing ice hockey, but that's their prerogative. You know, she had an ambition to come and watch hockey in North America. She loved you know, the NHL. So they have this story of her struggles of playing hockey in the desert. And I was completely taboo. And this describes that she's taken, but she never sacrificed her job. She stopped by principles. And then

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last night, I don't I don't know hockey very well. But I know that she was in Washington, or she was at a game of Washington was playing with another team. And they asked her to actually drop the puck. So she drops the puck and after she drops the puck, she takes a selfie with a what's his name Alexander Ovechkin. Ovechkin. And I can't remember the other team was but the other guy was a famous guy as well. But this is like, you know, that was like said, straight center news on TSN. And I'm watching this and I'm like, What is going on? This is like literally The Twilight Zone. Because the week before, it's like, you know, Muslims are terrorists, they're gonna blow up your country be

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aware of them. And now it's like, you know, we stand in solidarity with the Muslim community, they have their struggles, we feel bad for what happened in Quebec, and it's completely different rhetoric. And then today, before July had this fear, I'm like, man, everything's going so positive. We're gonna shoot ourselves in the foot. We're gonna do something to ruin this.

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And then this whole, like pre Jones, one of the courthouse. How's it Yeah, love, just protect this oma. And I'm glad that as of yet, I haven't seen any news coverage about it. No one's reported it. But this is a problem in the community that, like I said, Everyone has to hold themselves accountable for and one of the problems we have is that there's no communication amongst us. No one has confidence in leadership. Like I'm just approaching this from a purely fixed perspective. The general ruling and folk is that Juma is meant to be played in the masjid, you are meant to play drama. In a Masjid. The exception to the rule is, if they're isolated places where there are too

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many people, then you can get an external space, because that many people cannot be accommodated to the mustard. That is the the exception to the rule, where there's so many people, you get another space for us. But for us to randomly pop up places where we start paying Juma and the key, you know, I feel lazy to the company to my house, you know, invite my friends over, it doesn't work like that. If I want to read your mind run of a courthouse, it doesn't work like that, right? Our religion is based upon principles and guidance. And that is why every avenue of our lives, we need religious guidance. So this is not to criticize that the brothers had bad intentions or anything like that.

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But from a religious perspective, we need to make sure the actions that we're doing are they actually valid or not. Number two is the way we approach matters. Drop the egos, it should never be about us. And it should always be about the community. It should always be about the community. And this is what I want to read something to you about email from email myself about him a lot. And I want you guys over here to tell me what your mama Shepherd Emma was doing over here. Okay. So now let's talk about MLA says and Natalie said, since the community is dispersed through different lens, no one will be able to claim to a physical community which consists of bodies which are separated.

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Furthermore, these physical bodies compromise both Muslims and non Muslims, God fearing and Empire's community forms a cohesive single unity and forbidding certain things and considering other things lawful and acting accordingly, those who say what the community of Muslims say says clinging to their community, whoever opposes what the community of Muslim says, has diverged from the community to which he must hold this heedless separation. The community cannot be heedless of the meaning of the book sooner or analogy.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:39

You clearly have no idea what I'm talking about.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:50

Boy, this is a very difficult paragraph to translate. I did not realize how many times he said community in this passage. But do you have a clue what he's talking about?

00:34:51 --> 00:34:57

Okay, but what's he talking about? that the community is dispersed through different lens and no one will be able to cling to a physical community.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

And who is that relevant to?

00:35:04 --> 00:35:17

He but he's referring to something very specific. He's refuting someone here and you're not even gonna understand who he's refuting. That's what I'm trying to point out. Who is refuting who was really big on one certain community that everything is based on this community.

00:35:18 --> 00:36:04

A mama claim holla law. Medina, the mathematics understanding of each law was only about the people of Medina and the mama shelter him Allah he's refuting him here in Elisa. But up until a person, you know, deeply understands what he Mama shuffler mlsc. He won't even understand that he's refuting him is like a mama shall be just talking about a topic, right? That's how we'll understand it. But remember, Chevron was making very valid points over here that our understanding of community is not the IRC, it is not the MCC, it is not Mac these are not communities. The Calgary Muslim community is a community which is part of the Canadian Muslim community, which is a part of the global ummah. So

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the actions that we take as a man myself, but I think that what is binding upon us is our our enjoining of good and forbidding of evil. And when you understand that, all of us are part of a greater community, we cannot leverage or give preference to one organization over another, I cannot give preference of myself over you. Community always has to come first community always has to come first. So this is just a little tangent that I want to go on. When you look at the ethics of debate that Imam Shafi Rahim Allah had, I thought would be very relevant to discuss this in our in our current light.

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Now, Mr. Mostafa him Hola.

00:36:46 --> 00:37:20

Actually, there's a lot of other things that I want to share with you. I'm going to go through them very quickly just because they're very valuable. a sharpie son. So a mama Shafi mala is Kenya with Abdullah. He had a son named up the line he had other children as well. But he said, I never once heard my father raised his voice in the debate. And he asked him, you know, how is that possible? Why is that? This is because shouting is the first sign that one is losing an argument. So as soon as people start raising their voices, no, that is the first sign that they have lost the argument. And that is why mama Sheffield Rahim Allah, he always kept himself very composed. And when you keep

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yourself composed, you don't think emotionally, then you'll be able to operate and articulate what you have to say properly, and make sure that you're doing justice to it. You know,

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I can't remember who made this statement. It was a Chinese philosopher. I want to say it was from art of war, but I don't think it was he was talking about why people start shouting at each other, even though they're standing so close, right? When people are are angry, they'll start shouting at one another. They're not shouting at one another because the other person is having difficulty hearing. Why did they actually start shouting at each other?

00:38:00 --> 00:38:37

That's exactly it. He says that, even though physically they're close together, their hearts have become distant. And the mind starts to think that if I raise my voice loud enough, it'll bring the hearts back together again, it will bring the hearts back together again. He mama showed him a law. He's already doing this in a different fashion. Shafi was once walking in the marketplace with his students, when they overheard a man ridiculous think one of the scholars, Shafi turned to his students and said, safeguard your ears from hearing indecent language, as much as you safeguard your tongue from uttering it. The one who listens is the partner of the one who speaks. The fool looks at

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the worst thing on his plate, and wishes to see it on your plates as well. When you reject the speech of a fool, you are a blessing in rejecting it, as much as the forest cursed for uttering it. This story, one of itself has many, many lessons.

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Starting off, when you think of the ratio between the teacher and the student, you would think it's referring to the masjid referring to the classroom. But it's not in the Himalayas showing the true mentorship to student and teacher tutelage. It takes place in all aspects of life. So he's walking through his students, he's working with students through the Marketplace, and I can only imagine what amount of effort to him Allah is talking about. You can imagine how much effort am I teaching his students that don't have the marketplace, you can imagine how much I'll be telling his students that the most blessing of places are the masajid. And the most cost of places are the marketplaces.

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And these are the sort of discussions but this interesting part is that he understands that you're not always going to be able to protect your students, they're going to be exposed to things you don't want them to get exposed to. So when this scholar is being bad melt in other stuff about him a lot. could have just done what most parents do. When the children they see something bad. Hopefully, if I ignore it, maybe they won't see it, right. But remember, suffering is a male, we're gonna address this head on. People need to be empowered.

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They need to help understand that evil exists, you need to know how to deal with it. So now my suffering Mullah, he tells them that look, just as you have safeguarded your tongues from it, you need to safeguard your ears from it as well. And it's a two way street. Now why is the nama chef Rahim Allah. So

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what's the word I'm looking for so focused, if you want to use that word, on making sure that the ears are protected, and I'm gonna shout out to him Allah, when you look at his work, he was very big on inner talk on the first that we feel he constantly is just a big roll of the thoughts that you are thinking for they will become your actions. So now when you get exposed to bad talk, this will affect the thoughts that you think. So in order to protect the thoughts that you're thinking you have to protect what is going inside your ear. That is why he's telling his students this. Number two, is to teach his students particularly the sanctity of scholars, that the scholars are one be

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dead backbiting in general is haram. slander in general is haram. But it becomes even more Haram. When you do about something sacred or something that has sanctity to it. If nosaka Rahim Allah, he talks about you know how the flesh of the scholars is poisonous, you mean that when you back by the school is not like backbiting an average individual. You're spreading poison the onma when you backbite, the scholar, so we wanted to protect his children, so his students from that. And then he concludes with something very powerful. He says, when you reject the speech of a fool, you are blessed in rejecting it, as much as the forest cursed for uttering it. And for me, this is a very,

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very powerful that, you know, a lot of the times we won't think that in protecting our ears, there'll be Baraka in our lives, there's going to bring some sort of Baraka in it. But we need to understand that just as the individual that speaks evil, is cursed. The individual that protects himself from he was going to be blessed. And this is a perspective that often gets lost. It often gets lost.

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Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, his understanding of freedom, he was an advocate of freedom, but not in the perspective that, you know, we talked about today that we're talking about, you know, be free of all accountability and all responsibility. And you know, just do whatever the whatever you want. You know, that's the only way I can explain it. This is okay, I'm sorry to go off on a rant, but I need to talk about this as well.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:29

So last night, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, again, later, a lot of great content,

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about the Muslim community, phenomenal content, you know, Muslims are a part of the community they were contributing, they're going through oppression right now with this band makes no sense. It only makes terrorism much, much worse, and things like that. But at the end of the show, he is interviewing a musician that is transgendered. And has written a book called treni. I don't remember the individuals name. Now, according to Trevor Noah, this was the most popular guest that has ever come on to his show, that even before the show is starting his own colleagues are saying, Hey, can I help you interview this guest because I want to meet this guest and things like that. And I was

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thinking to myself, this is when Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about how can being mixed with bothand. Right. And I think this is going to go back to my discussion that I was having, on the very first week, that in order for Muslims to be accepted in the West, will it mean that we have to compromise on the principles that we stand for? Is that what it is eventually going to come down to? Like, this is a discussion that we need to have internally and actively think about, because if we keep going down this road of wanting to be accepted at any cost, we will eventually no longer exists. And it'll be irrelevant. Right? Understand that. So there has to be a stance that we take on

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moral and ethical grounds, because obviously, you can't do that on religion anymore, because religion is taboo. So we need to be able to defend our own religion, internally as a Muslim community, through our texts, but externally through our explanation of logic and understanding of morality, and ethics. Now, with that having being said, I think this is going to be a huge challenge, like coming forward, things are only going to get worse, that there's going to be a lot of pressure on the Muslim community from two fronts. Number one is the whole counterterrorism counter radicalization front, which is coming from the right wing, and then from the left weak

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social cohesion, you know, is the Muslim community, progressive enough to socially adapt to the times that they live in. And this is where you know, not that you have to understand where integration without assimilation is imperative. We need to be integrated into our community, but we can't assimilate to complete non Muslim values. We will lose ourselves at that time. That's something I just wanted to throw in there.

00:45:01 --> 00:45:07

How do you do that? inshallah we'll have a series of 50 to holla cuz at some point

00:45:11 --> 00:45:32

I wish it was as simple as that. I wish it was as simple as that. So now going back to mama shopping, molars understanding of freedom, a man comes to the mama showed him a lot. And he says, give me good advice. Don't give me bad advice, give me good advice. I shall be replied to him. Allah has created you free. So be free like He created you. And the man walked away confused.

00:45:34 --> 00:46:16

So, what did he mean by this? Always, these students are very inquisitive. They like shake. What did you mean by that? and expose it in like, multiple phases. Number one, he says, freedom is generosity and taqwa. Whoever possesses both will be free. Freedom is generosity, and taqwa, whoever possesses both will be free. Why did he say that? Well, from economic perspective, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about chest being congested when people are stingy. And when people are no longer attached to material gains, they will be free at that time, they will free from this dunya as well as people understanding that the boundaries that Allah subhanho wa Taala has set for us and highlighted haraam

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is not to punish us, but rather is to make sure that societies can sustain and have law in them. And they're free to the degree that we need to be free, but they're limiting to the degree that we need to be limited to as well. Right. That is what the level of spinal Adonis and duck wha is the self governing law. The sometimes you may not know the literal law of Sharia, but you know, deep down inside, you wouldn't want to listen to others seeing you doing this. You wouldn't want to listen to what the other saying that my slave did this on the Day of Judgment, right that is a self governing law of taqwa. Then he goes on to explain likewise, he said chivalry is a badge of the free meaning

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that you know in the Arabic language model of having you know good character having those characters characteristics of what we would call traditionally manliness, courage, bravery Veera over your women folk, these are acts of chivalry, a mama Shepherd Himalayas is saying that chivalry is the badge of the free is the badge of the free.

00:47:25 --> 00:48:05

And I'll share one last thing with you. And then we can just discuss this briefly in Sharla. So enormous shout out to him Allah. Another problem that he had in his life was when he eventually moved to Egypt. So in how much I bought him a lot. He died in Egypt. When he moved to Egypt. He makes some overzealous followers of Mr. Malik overzealous. So anytime you manage to refer to him, Allah will, you know, disagree with Malik, these people wouldn't have it. Now, why was this such a big issue for them? This was a big issue for them. Because when a Shafi came comes to Egypt, they're like, we have our champion. Sorry, can I get a tissue? If you don't mind, please?

00:48:07 --> 00:48:09

It might be in the office, or if there's one over there.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:13

Thank you very much.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:21

So they're thinking, you know, the champion of the Maliki method is going to be coming to Egypt and we're about to take over, right. That's what they're thinking

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about him a lot. If you follow his statements, he clearly was not a blind follower. He followed the truth that was that is what his ambition was always following the truth. So now when a sharpie comes in, he is, you know, just in polite words refuting Mr. Malik these people aren't having it. So they started spreading rumors about Imam Shafi that he was more touchy feely that this was a deviant sect of that time, when we studied Imam Ahmed life you have a greater context of it, because the caliphate established this as an affiliate official theology of their time. So they started accusing Mr. Mostafa Rahim, Allah of this now why did they do this? Because when Mr. Scheffer Rahim, Allah

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was studying with Imam Malik in Medina, there was a very young man that would eventually become a great martez le scholar, but at that time, this man was too young to have developed his Mataji like theology will come to his name later on, inshallah

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we'll come to him later on in Shama if I if I find it. So, Eman, Sheffield him Allah, he had spent time with this individual. He saw some strange things in him, but he's like, Look, I can take the good and I can leave the bad. And this is an approach that he mama shot for him. Allah had that with every major movement, Imam Shafi or him a lot spent time with them. And I want to read with you what he says. He says, I spent 10 years with the Sufi mystics, and I learned two things from them. Time is a sword, and the best safeguard from sin is to be unable to commit it.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:39

Time is a sword. And the best safeguard from sin is to be unable to commit it. So the time of his sword is very straightforward. That time is very valuable and make the most of your time. And I think, you know, if you look at him a sharpie his life, even though he only lived 54 years, the two books that he wrote, are like enormous works. They're no monumental works in, you know, Islamic jurisprudence that our we're so dependent on the works that he did in these 50 or four years of life that he lived. So you definitely took time out took advantage of his time, but the best safeguard from sin is to be unable to commit it. What does that mean exactly? Well, this ties into the concept

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of taqwa, again, that you need to have such a deep level of love for Allah subhanaw taala, that you don't want to do something to disobey Him. You need to have such a deep understanding of what is, you know, hateful by Allah subhanho wa Taala and stay away from it. And then you need to have a third fake seeing things for what they actually are. And this is like no, I really deep understanding that a mama Sheffield, I have a lot of developed, that when you look at certain sins, they seem so easy, like you will definitely enjoy committing this sin. What we're being diluted by is the pleasure we might get from that sin. What we're being diluted by is some good we think will

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be a team achieving from that sin. But in our shout him, Ally's reminding us that with sin, there's always more than meets the eye. So train your nuts, to see the sin for what it is. And that is why the best safeguard from sin is not being able to commit it. Imagine if you saw sin as something repugnant as something as hated something as distasteful. Would you ever do it? You wouldn't. So that is what he mama Sheffield Hammond was saying that develop that and this is what he learned from the Sophie's that the suicide, this form of asceticism, that they were able to see their desires for what they were that if they weren't in check, they would lead you to sin. Now we come to another

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section about a man myself and him Allah that we didn't talk about in other people. The sense of humor that Imam Shafi Rahim Allah had an amount of shout out to him Allah, he was clearly a people's people that you know, we talk about the people's champ. Imam Shafi Rahim, Allah was the people's champ that he would go out with the sake of benefiting and engaging with people that was like his life. He had dedicated his life to that. So I timed two times in my life and him was getting invited to people's houses. He's going out to dinner with people. And he's noticing that his students, they're like, I don't know if I told you guys a story of the faculty of Hadeeth and Medina, I think

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I might have I'm sure I did. Because I remember sitting this table telling you guys that story. Faculty of hanifa Medina, no personality, everyone's super serious. No one smiles. It's as if they're upset all the time. A mama shadowed him a lie seeing his students like that. He tells them, it is foolish to be serious, and grave on an outing. mean that if you're out with the guys, you don't have to be serious, learn to have a good time, learn to tell a joke, learn to tell stories, learn to engage with people. So students narrate that when we were the mama Shafi Rahim Allah on one night, he told us the following. He says in my trip to Medina, I saw four strange things I've never

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seen anywhere else, and listen to these things. Number one, I saw a 21 year old grandmother,

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I saw a man fall into bankruptcy, over a handful of green. I didn't understand this for the story, but I'm sharing it with you anyways, the judge declared him insolvent. So I'm not sure what that means. I saw a very old man who dyed his hair, he used to go walk into the homes of the singing girls to give them singing lessons. Then when the time for Salah came, I saw him praying on a chair, I saw a left handed man who could write with his left hand faster than anyone could with the right. So now my son got him a lot. He's just engaging people telling him people's stories of the amazing things that he saw in Medina, like some of these things are like, what's the big deal if you could

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write faster with your left hand, understanding this in context, and Islamic history, writing with your left hand, do anything with your left hand was a huge taboo, right? The boss assumes that you know, eat and drink with your right hand or indeed shake on eats and drinks with his left hand. They took this headache very literally that, you know, if you're born left handed, you're born cursed. That's how they understood it. Obviously, that changed over time. So in analyzing that, this man he was left handed he couldn't write with his right hand. But he was able to write with his left hand faster than people were with the right and particularly with the story of the old man, I found that

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really funny. That you know, as a man gets older, he still has that ambition of being around younger women. And even though he had this ambition, he's dyeing his hair so that he could deceive the age but when it comes time for Salah, he's still praying sitting down. So I found that interesting as well. On another occasion, his student

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that we heard from him. There is a man in Medina, who sent his dim witted servant boy to the market, telling him buy me a rope that is 30 cubits long.

00:55:14 --> 00:55:21

He told us, the seven boys not very smart, he tells him, buy me a rope that is 30 cubits loved. The boy asked him, it is 30

00:55:22 --> 00:55:30

it is 30 cubits long, but how wide is it? The man said as wide as the trouble that you are giving me as wide as the toy.

00:55:33 --> 00:55:34


00:55:35 --> 00:55:47

that was like a madman chef. He's attempt at a joke, which is probably like a true story. So obviously, you tell you know, jokes as long as within the parameters of truth as long as within the parameters of truth.

00:55:49 --> 00:56:15

So we spoke about him, I'm a chef or him Allah, his problem in the Quran already. So that was like the first fitna that he went through, he's in Nigeria, and he summoned by the Khalifa. Again, he's being accused of something. But what he's being accused of, again, is being overthrown of the caliphate. But on top of that, the reason why that is happening is because he's also being accused of being Shia. Now, that was the thing that he was accused of. Likewise, he's accused of being more techy, hopefully, I can find that story for you, as well.

00:56:16 --> 00:56:24

It's probably in this book, but I'll leave it for another time. Just I'll get you the shakes named after I just want to conclude with this as the time is coming to an end.

00:56:26 --> 00:57:07

I'll leave you with the praise for of his peers. And how he mama shocker to him. Allah ended up passing away how he managed after him, Allah and the passing away. So I might was once in a chef's company walking alongside him, while the amount of Sheffield him allegedly writing his meal. And yeah, he had no main another, you know, monumental scholar had he came along and he said, Are you content walking next to them you. Ahmed said, if you were to walk on the other side, that would be better for you. And then he later added, no, forget that. But even if you were to walk behind the mural, it would still be better for you to learn the law. So meaning that understand what's

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happening over here, the scholars of Hadith, he had this

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pride, particularly in ages, that were like the cream of the crop, that we are the best thing that ever comes in sliced bread. This is the mentality that they came with. So certain of them developed this thing of, you know, we're not going to humble ourselves or humiliate ourselves in a certain way, even if it means for the sake of benefit. And this is what Mr. Mohamed Obama was trying to convey to your home domain. That look Yes, traditionally speaking, it might not be appropriate for me to be riding on the mule and me walking with Him to learn from him. But you have to understand what you're missing out on if you don't take advantage of this if you don't take advantage of this

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supply. And then we've mentioned many times, he says that every time I learned something new whether it is a Hadith, or an interpretation of a verse, or a legal verdict, I would always consult the mama Shafi about it, I would always consult a mama Shafi about it. Now how did Imam Shafi Rahim Allah pass away two incidents that people say are correlated. So when the mama Shafi was in MK in Egypt, in his final stage of life, as I mentioned, there was a fitna with the Maliki group over there, and there was one particular student that, you know, just caused a lot of fitna for him. And one day he's like, you know what? I'm going to do baby mama Shafi, and I'm going to beat him. He debates in

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ama Shafi, he gets humiliated and disgraced, what does he decides to do? grabs a bunch of thugs, and gets him I'ma show him a lot beat up. So now at this time, this is where the story takes a bit of a shift. But I'ma shuffle to him Allah, he already had an intestinal injury at the time, from old age, we don't know what it was, in fact, it could have been intestinal cancer. We don't know at that time. But because of that injury, along with this, you know, beat up or whatever you want to call it. A couple of days later, after that. Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, he passed away from that injury from the that injury in the intestine. Now, she Mama was around when he talks about this. He says one of

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the aspects of Shahada that is forgotten as a person that dies of stomach or intestinal injuries, or stomach or intestinal, like cancer, or any of these things, any form of pain that you die from in your stomach. This is a form of Shahada. And you'll find this as a recurring theme in the in the lives of the Imams that they all died these righteous deaths. So he mama showed him a lot when he passed away. He fought he passed away in this intestinal injury or cancer or wood, or whatever it was, and this was a form of Shahada for him. Some Allah Spanos Allah have mercy upon them, forgive him for his sins and allow his legacy to remain with us. I mean, Allahu taala Adam solomo Cinema

01:00:00 --> 01:00:06

In the Vienna Mohammed watershed he was off, he was set up, I tried to make this halaqa as different as possible from last week's Hanukkah.

01:00:07 --> 01:00:10

Last week salako was actually very, very heavy on me.

01:00:11 --> 01:00:52

Even after the Hanukkah, I have a concrete class that I take. And in that class like, I beat the bag up like crazy. Like literally, I've never felt the release of so much tension. So I came in with the mentality of You know what, today's halaqa has to be the exact opposite a lot of lessons, but keep it as light hearted as possible. In doing that, we did skip over some of the details from his life. But all the messages I wanted to get across. Again, I've shared with you. And again, as I've been telling you about the other imams as well continue to study their lives on your own. Right. The books are here, the like the company of the mouths of chicks, Amanda loader, the 40 miles Michigan

01:00:52 --> 01:01:08

mob, there was multiple lectures online on the biographies of the Imams multiple books out there as well. In fact, if you're extremely lazy, all you need to do is go to Wikipedia. Wikipedia actually has good pages about the mobs as well take them with a grain of salt, because they

01:01:09 --> 01:01:25

reject a lot of the narrations that are brought forth, because it doesn't meet their historical standards. So you won't hear about their spirituality, you won't hear about their API that. But in terms of factual information, then Wikipedia does do a pretty good job of reporting that and open up the floor for question and answers. And shall if you guys have any questions, go ahead.

01:01:34 --> 01:01:36

Not prison, but they were persecuted.

01:01:39 --> 01:02:00

He never went to prison, at least from what I read, he did not go to prison. So he had like, attempts of persecution and trials that he went through it. We mentioned the incident of the Georgia being accused of the Shia, the Maliki Maliki incident mckown being beat up, and then also in terms of being accused of mortality, because he was studied with a young Martini shaken Medina, those are the incidents that I know of. Yep.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:39

Excellent. So a mama shadowed him along was on the pursuit of knowledge. And as you will see that one thing I forgot to mention, by the way, narrations mentioned that the day that Imam Shafi was born, was the same day that he Manwani follow Him, Allah passed away. And you'll get this like another trend that we were talking about the medical thing when the mother was born, and nomadic, the Sahaba, you know, he had passed away around that time. So really, to this point over here, in mama shadow him a lot. He had learned about these legendary stories. So he heard about the Mambo hanifa and his students. And that sort of led him, you know, to study with Mohammed Avastin, he

01:02:39 --> 01:03:13

never got a chance to meet WCW. So he passed away. But in Egypt, he learns about a lady on the side. And even the side, as you mentioned, was this other greedy man who had a mother of his own, it just didn't last till our day and age. So you want to go and benefit from that method. And it again end up being very monumental, because interacting with the students of the blue side, it helped him re refined the knowledge that he already had. And that is why in Egypt, he got an opportunity to revise his books that we mentioned that have been so the man he revised the Salah with the nama Shafi over 30 times right in that, so that's why he ended up moving to Egypt. Allahu taala.

01:03:14 --> 01:03:15

Go ahead.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:21


01:03:26 --> 01:03:29

ma'am. Shafi, what's your favorite hockey team?

01:03:31 --> 01:03:34

Do you like any sports at all? Okay, who's your favorite soccer team?

01:03:38 --> 01:04:12

Okay, so imagine this kind of how a soccer team? I think they do. So imagine you like team Algeria. I like Team Canada. And I was like Team Canada is better than team Algeria. And you're like no, team, Algeria is better than Team Canada. Imagine team Algeria and Team Canada finally play one another. And team Algeria destroys Team Canada. At that point, I'm humiliated and disgraced. And when you're immature and you've not like you don't have good reasoning, you're like I'm bigger and stronger. Let me use my physical strength against you. And I will prove that I'm a better man. And that's what happened with Imam Shafi and the students that are attributed themselves to Mr. maryk

01:04:12 --> 01:04:25

that a mom Sheffield Angola did such a good job refuting some of the mistakes that we made medic, that his students didn't like it, and the only way we could respond is through physical violence. Does that make sense?

01:04:26 --> 01:04:27

Go ahead.

01:04:33 --> 01:04:34


01:04:39 --> 01:04:40


01:04:46 --> 01:04:47

East Africa

01:04:50 --> 01:04:50


01:04:52 --> 01:04:53


01:04:56 --> 01:05:00

So we discussed this in the very first teleca. Just to summarize

01:05:00 --> 01:05:32

It politics did play a part in it. But there's also a huge role of the effort that the moms put in themselves in teaching their students and making sure that they understood the importance of giving Dawa and teaching everything that they learned. And then the third element that often gets neglected is the level of sincerity that these imams had. Right. They had an immense amount of sincerity, that Allah subhanho wa Taala honored their sincerity through them without being spread, right. And that's something that we see in these 40 memes below Tanana. But I think with the amount of shuffling we'll have something that sticks out by himself. We discussed this yesterday that he was the only man that

01:05:32 --> 01:05:57

authored books, right. The other imams had books of Hadith, but didn't have actual books that they wrote. Remember, Sharon already said, and he wrote, and all of a sudden was all alone, in fact, so his mother was documented from his time. And it was so logically sound filled with evidences. It was cohesive, encompassing, that it just made sense to people. And that's what people naturally adopted it. And along with his students, his students, he's a phenomenal job of spreading his message as well.

01:06:19 --> 01:06:56

Yeah, of course. So these moms are the founders of their mother hip. And what that means is they established a set of principles that we would understand the Quran Sunnah by, and then as scholars came later on, they interpreted these principles and implemented them. And that is how in each month you will have multiple opinions. And each method has a gradual progress of progression. So when you're starting off a method to study this book, as you get more advanced, you study that book. As you get more advanced, you study that book. So now to summarize our discussion. If you go back to the first Thursday that Hanukkah we had was online, we talked about the role that each individual

01:06:56 --> 01:07:29

layman is responsible for having with filk and resupply, he said that each individual is responsible with the link, they have kind of Islam, and they're kind of immune to the five pillars, as well as the six articles of faith, you have to know that individually. No one can, you know, do that on your behalf. And then you have another aspect to your life, which is your profession. So whatever your profession is, you need to know the details of that. And no one can, you know, do that for you. But for everything else, you should have a Mufti. So somebody new arises in your life. You don't go online to a photo website and say, hey, what should I do in this situation? But rather you go and

01:07:29 --> 01:07:49

ask your Mufti and you're mostly we'll give you fatwa at that time. And this is our relationship with filk. If an individual decides to become a student of knowledge, then at that time he gets a full time teacher, that full time teacher will guide him through one of them without him teaching him principles, teaching him the gradual progression of books, and that's what should take place. Well, no, I don't either.

01:07:53 --> 01:07:56

learn lessons from Yes.

01:08:01 --> 01:08:04

Yes. When? And how,

01:08:05 --> 01:08:17

when or how, so he spent time with the Sophie's in Medina. So I'm assuming this is during his time with my medical mohalla as well how did he learn that? I don't know what that means. What do you mean by how did he learn it?

01:08:22 --> 01:08:24

How was he taught that you

01:08:26 --> 01:08:32

know, he actually studied with them and learnt with them so like they were teaching the spiritual sciences. And this is what the magma shock to him, we'll have lunch with them.

01:08:34 --> 01:08:59

It's Sufism, accepted by Islam, anything that ends with ASM, I will always ask you to explain to me what you mean by that. And then I can explain to you if it's compatible with Islam. So if we're talking about spirituality, is spirituality, a part of Islam It is a very big part of Islam. If you're asking me is dancing around on one leg, shouting Yala part of Islam? I say no, that's not a part of Islam. So purely depends on what aspect of it you're referring to.

01:09:07 --> 01:09:07


01:09:10 --> 01:09:13

Though, those things that you're referring to another part of Islam.

01:09:20 --> 01:09:22

Allah guide us. May Allah guide us go ahead.

01:09:32 --> 01:09:36

After he was born, he was two years old at that time. He was two years old at that time.

01:09:54 --> 01:09:55


01:09:56 --> 01:09:57

we see it

01:10:03 --> 01:10:35

I mean, I don't want to discuss that in detail. Because I don't think that's an issue in the community. So what the brother is talking about is when people have partisanship towards it, seeing that my mother was superior to yours, that you're wrong for following your mother, and we should only follow this might have this sort of mentality is clearly wrong. And it's something that even the Imams themselves discouraged as we're studying their lives you you'll see this time again. But any form of participants in ship in Islam is not allowed. So that's something that you should stay away from. You know, I mentioned, I think in the very first helicopter here, that when you look at

01:10:35 --> 01:11:05

the adverse effects of partisanship based on methods we saw in Makkah in the, like 1617 1800s, that there's four salons going on at at one given time that the mannequins have their own some other Sharpies have their own salon, the homies have their own salon, you know and have your own salon. This is not proper. As I mentioned with one Omar one congregation, we should be praying behind one another even though we differ, but when people have this blind partisanship and they have this animosity and hatred on things that is not legislated to have animosity and hatred on this is what ends up happening.

01:11:08 --> 01:11:14

And I think we'll conclude with that panicle home will be Hanukkah Sedona in Highland istockphoto next week is the last set

In part 4 of the series Sheikh Navaid discusses the life of Imam Shafi.

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