Navaid Aziz – Chapter of Piety – Episode 1 – Bio of Ibn Hajr (RH) and introduction
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The speakers discuss the importance of learning about Islam in the context of the "bringing curriculum" for students. They also discuss the historical insight of Islam, including the "hasn't been accepted," "hasn't been accepted," and "hasn't been accepted," as well as the "hasn't been accepted," and the "hasn't been accepted." They also discuss the importance of learning from one's own experiences and building a community. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding a way to maximize one's benefit from the series of classes and printing out the curriculum.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad in while he was off the edge of my bed, my dear brothers and sisters as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
So I'd like to welcome all of you to a new series that we're starting in the English translation that we put was the book of piety, but in Arabic, it's called Kitab, bizarre duora. And we'll explain what these words actually mean, business atana the agenda, the objective behind this series, and what we'll be doing inshallah is we will be studying from a book called biological neuron. And local neuron was a book of Hadith written by a half of them the * Rahim, Allah Tada. And in it, he has a section called kita, bizaardvark, or rather babesia Hydra, and that is what we will be discussing altogether it is 11 a hadith. And within the title, we will hope that we cover all 11 of
those Hadith over the three weeks. The objective behind this series, is basically to develop a decision making process that detaches us from the dunya. So the whole chapter is about how to detach from the dunya and recognize the traps that shape on sets, and that the desires that our naps has for the dunya. And then one of the objectives behind studying this book or this chapter either, is how do you develop a decision making process that helps you detach from this dunya because you realize, the more you get attached to this dunya the more grief it causes you the more anxiety you have, the more depression you're likely to have. Whereas the individual that makes the accurate
their priority, not only will they feel this inner satisfaction and peace, but they will be getting a segment of the agenda in this life before attaining it in the hereafter. So that having been said, our goal for tonight is threefold. Number one, we'll be taking a brief introduction to who and half of them know how God mohalla was the number two we'll briefly be talking about the book Beluga muram, and what is the intention behind it? And then we'll be taking an introduction to this chapter inside Google modem called Babel. So what are we learning Tada. So inshallah tonight, we should be spending about 15 minutes together, and we will be concluding just in time for Salah tonisha at 830.
The preceding sessions in sha Allah will probably a bit longer, they'll probably about an hour and a half or so. That is if we want to complete all 11 ahaadeeth within it. Tada. One of the things I'd also like to do is to make sure that those of you that you know are adamant in wanting to be students of knowledge is to give you an opportunity to learn like students of knowledge. So from next week, if you can bring the curriculum with you, that would be a great idea. Like I said, it's only 11 Hadith, you can download it for free or copy and paste it for free. online, you go to su, go to the book Beluga neuron, go to the last book in there, which is the
comprehensive book. And inside the comprehensive book, you'll find barbozza Voila. And that is what we will be studying with the night either. So those of you that are adamant, or you know, eager to be students of knowledge, this will be a good opportunity for you within it to either bring the curriculum with you and sit in the front seats for next week with the night either. So we'll have him Allah, He is pretty much a household name with any, you know, family or individual that is familiar with Islamic knowledge. He became most famous for his contribution to Al Bukhari, and that's something we'll be speaking about later on. But if you've heard of the name for 12 buddy for
Tilbury is the explanation of Al Bukhari, which was written by a half a Mullah and this is perhaps the most famous book written not only in terms of the explanation of cybersecurity, but also by the half of them. mohajir Rahim Allah who tada so with that said, you can see that he already had this big contribution. So he's definitely someone notable. But the unfortunate reality is, if you were to ask people who was unhappy who himolla the sad reality is most people do not know who he is. So inshallah tonight one of our objectives is to get to know one of these, one of these great luminaries of Islam, known as Al Horford. Roger Kalani. So his name was Adi IGNOU. Akhmad IGNOU,
Mohammed, Abu Mohammed, Abdullah Ali Muhammad, so it's almost like a palindrome from starts to beginning. And he was born in the year 773. In Scotland, which is a part of older Egypt very, very close to the Cairo area, born in 70, in 773, after he lost 773 after Hitler, and he died in 852. He died in 852. Let's test your math skills. If someone died in age 52 and was born in 773 How old was he when he passed away?
79 Yeah, 79 is correct. 79 is correct. He was 79 years old Rahim Allah when he passed away. And he has a very intriguing beginning to his life very intriguing beginning to his life, both of his parents passed away when he was between four to five years old. Both of them passed away subpanel. We're not really too sure in terms of what happened. But one can presume that it was just natural causes of death, if it is not related, that anything happened to them. So you can imagine what would happen to someone at the age of four to five years old. Now two miraculous things happened at that time. He had a sister, that basically he describes in the most remarkable of ways, and I want to
read to you about reading what he says about her can Claudia katiba Juba with the will he only by the only, so he says about his sister, and the reason why this is so remarkable. I want you to think about the way a brother would describe his sister. You know, for those of you that have siblings, you know that you grow up with, like, some tension in the household and the household. your siblings are always your enemies, or as they call them, frenemies. Sometimes they're your friends, sometimes they're your enemies, but more than likely, they're your enemies growing up. But Subhanallah, you can see that this man he has such an innocent and a pure heart that he describes his own sister in
the most amazing of voice. He says that she was one that used to love to read. Now this is going to be Islamic knowledge. This can also be the Quran, Kenneth Faria. So more predominantly, she used to love to read the Koran katiba, she was a be able to write very well. Now, this is something we've mentioned in the past, but back then, it was rare for people to learn how to write, you're usually from upper class society, or someone that is extremely intelligent, when you learn how to write. And that is why it's something so significant that is mentioned in someone's biography, if they are actually able to write at that time. No, it is amazing that if you were to compare, I guess the
standards of education in Islamic civilizations, versus the standard of education and non Muslim civilizations, you would find that the standard of education and Muslim civilizations was much higher, they're more likely to be able to read more likely to be able to write and in terms of their memorization, they're lightyears ahead of any other civilization. And that was purely just due to the Baraka of the Quran of memorizing the Quran. And then the beautiful conclusion he gives to her just a description of his sister here, Kenneth only by the only that she was my mother after my mother, because as I mentioned, his mother passed away. So he was devoid of having a mother or
father type figure. Now at the age of four or five, part of his father's will see a part of his will and testament, that if something has to happen to me, there is a family that he had appointed, that would take care of his children. There's a family that he had appointed, that will take care of his children. And that was the family of zekiel. Dean alko. Toby is a cute Dean, Aloha, Toby. Now if you look at the stories of the past, particularly in like English literature, how do you view like orphan children? How do you view stepchildren? Like, if you look at the example and this is maybe like a not a suitable example. But you look at the example of Cinderella, she has like the
stepsisters that are jealous of her. They're always plotting against her and even the stepmother, you know, wishes died for for Cinderella. And that is like the general theme that you see throughout history, when you have like orphan children that are born into the house, or you have like step siblings that are brought into a family. There is generally this tension, and no acceptance or love that is showed their way. But the family of is acute Dino harrowby. SubhanAllah was a very rare family. And the sense that they not only wanted the best for their children, they wanted even better for the children that they're taking responsibility of. Now, why would you want to take better care
of children that are you are taking responsibility of who can think of a reason you have these children that you're not taking responsibility of? They're not your children? Why would you possibly pay better attention and pay more care to those children? Then you will do your own children? Who can give me a reason why. Yeah.
The borough, Candace Awad, that's definitely one reason that you're getting more from Allah subhanaw taala. There will be more blessings in the house. Who can give me another reason why would you take better care of these orphan children, then you would have your own children?
They don't feel like they're orphans. Okay, so they don't have that empty feeling. That's also a very good reason, as well. There is another answer over here.
It was the same answer. I'm looking for something more.
Excellent. And that was the answer that I was looking for. Both of those answers were great, but the answer that I'm looking for is
Is that these children are an Amana, this person left it in their will that take care of my children, you accept this as a trust in responsibility. That means on the Day of Judgment, not only do you have the potential for great reward, but you have the potential for great punishment as well. So you have to go above and beyond and making sure you do your due diligence in taking care of these children. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, but it seems that the family of zekiel Dean actually fulfilled that obligation. What makes me so confident in saying that, well, let us look at the early life of and half of them 100 Rahim Allah, he starts memorizing the Quran. At the age of
five years after his parents passed away. He starts memorizing the Quran at the age of five, by the age of nine, he's finished and his memorization of the Quran. And those of you that have children that are memorizing the Quran, you know, for a fact how actively engaged the parents need to be in that process. It's not simply Hey, pick them up from a doctor, drop them off to madrasa if you're not revising with them, if you're not training them, if you're not helping them. After the topic of Allah subhanaw taala You're the one that is responsible for their memorization. So the fact that this young child was able to memorize the Quran in four years, soldiers something very remarkable. A
second magnificent thing happens as well. At the age of 13. The God takes
him Allah for Hajj, he takes him for Hajj, but they arrive early because at that time, people don't just show days before they go months before Hajj. When do they arrive for Hajj they arrive in the month of Ramadan, and half of them no Hydra him Allah is just barely 13 years old. What happens? He ends up leading thoroughly as EMA international Haram in Makkah, he ends up leading thoroughly as Imam and Michel Haram in Makkah, at the age of 13 years old. So you know, things are going really, really well. And it was approximately at that time that he starts becoming familiar with Islamic sciences, he starts becoming familiar with the Islamic sciences. So now what exactly is happening,
he has started to memorize a book called and how he and Shafi filk he has started to memorize a book called elfia to suti, which is in Hades terminology. what's significant about this book I'll feel to suit is a 1000 line poem. And he had finished memorizing the alpha of a suti. In this one year, he had finished memorizing the alpha facilty. In one year with it he also memorized on the deluxe cam, which is a book of Hadith that deals with, you know, evidences and proofs. So you can see his natural inclination is going towards howdy from a very, very young age. But let us step back a little bit at 13 years old, he is memorize the Quran, he is memorizing poems, and he is memorizing
chef, a folk. Where is this coming from? How does something like this actually happen? And this goes back once again, to the power of the power of whose do hours it I'll have them no Hydra him Allah, he narrates that before he was born, he had a brother that was born before him. And his father loved him dearly. The only son in the family, his father loved him dearly. But at a very, very young age, his brother passed away. And this is even before Ahmed was actually born. So his father in a state of grief and a state of despair in the state of anxiety and a state of a broken heart. Let me go and seek the advice. Let me go and seek the counsel of a ship. Let me go seek the advice of a chef and
have his name written down somewhere. Perhaps I can find it in a little bit later, either.
Yeah, perhaps it'll come back to me or I'll be able to find it. But his father goes to the sheriff. And the sheriff says, you know, don't worry. If Allah subhanaw taala tries you with something, he'll always give you something better in return. And he keeps giving him this advice keeps giving him this advice. And then as he's leaving, he says, have high hopes of Allah subhanaw taala. He actually use the words Oba sroka that I give you the glad tidings, like have such high hopes as if you received glad tidings, that you will have a son, who will spread knowledge all across the world mean that his name will be known all across the world due to the knowledge that he spreads. And this is
the door that he's making where this man who is grieving and is going through hardship through the death of his son, and that's where you come full circle Subhanallah the doctor
The shift for this grieving man, you see it coming through at a very, very young age, you see it coming true from a very, very young age. And you see it coming true from a very, very young age, and Akhmad. So now I don't want to spend too much time more on his biography, because I believe that early phase of where he came about was very, very significant. The rest of his life is pretty much him studying him becoming a caddy him teaching him authoring books. So what I want to focus on are the following two things. Next, you always see the potential of a teacher, in the students that they produce, you always see the potential in the teacher and the students that they produce. And from
time to time, you will also see the greatness of a student and who his teachers were, you'll also see the greatness of a student and who his teachers were. So when you look at him, Allah, you will find that there's three renowned teachers that you should be familiar with. And these were great scholars of hadith of their time. You have the likes of abnormal Laughlin, you have the likes of Jordan hates me, and you have the legs of Bill peeny. These are all great scholars of his time, and half of them the hijo de himolla studied with them. But at the head of all of them. He studied with an Iraqi Abdul Rahim and the Araki who wrote the alfia. Remember, he had memorized at his young age,
as he grew older, he actually made up the Himalayan Rocky. And when he made up the Himalaya, Rocky, what do you think end up happening? Not only did he end up studying, but as he's growing older, and he spent 10 years with him. He's getting to the age of marriage, he's getting to the age of marriage. And one of the ways that they kept ties at that time or strengthen ties, rather, is by marrying into that family that you want to keep close ties with. So we'll have the Hydra proposes to one of the relatives of a Araki seminary, she's mentioned his daughter, some narrations mentioned his niece, the point of being irrelevant, almost. But what you learn out of this, is that one of the
main reasons that we'll have them wanting to marry this woman, it was not for her looks, it was not for her wealth, it might have been for her lineage, but definitely without a shadow of a doubt. It was for her Dean, how do we know that? Because on their night of marriage, and half of them know Hydra himolla, pulls out a book and starts reading it to her so that he can get ijazah from her because she had ijazah from either her uncle or from her father. And they used to celebrate that every time she would give him any jazza there would be like a celebration in the community that you know, he got another ijazah from me. Now this has so many lessons in it, that we can spend the whole
night just talking about that the dynamic between a husband and a wife, you always presumed that the man is the natural authoritative figure in the household. But clearly you see in this situation, his wife was more knowledgeable than him, even though she may not have been more renowned at the end of their lives. He spent time studying with her. And this is something so beautiful. How many husbands and wives actually spend time studying. Right? This is something to actually think about, right? We get so busy with our day to day lives, our own personal education, our own personal careers. Eventually we have children. When will the husband and wives actually revised and study their Deen
together? How about revising Koran with one another the month of Ramadan comes? Everyone wants to read Koran, how about revising Karanja with their spouse, or taking a book something like blue collar on something literally on the side of his thumb, something like as simple as the number no is 40 hide it literally 40 Heidi, and just reading it with your spouse. That is what and half of them the Hydra himolla did on the night of his marriage. That is what he did on the night of his marriage. So this is what you can see his personal family life was like as well now, and half of them no hijo de himolla. As you can see, he's already established this rule if you want to call it
that there is no shyness in taking knowledge from women. There is no shyness in taking knowledge from women. It started with his own wife. But you see that he had three other renowned teachers as well. He had fought him up into the manager to Nokia. He also had fought him up into Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Hadi al Naka, sia and then her sister Ayesha, as well. And he studied with these three great women, multiple multiple books from Tafseer, to the Arabic language to film to Koran. All of this he studied with them. And this shows us again, the dynamic of a community that it wasn't just about, you know what, I can only take knowledge from men and that is where it stops. But if
there's a qualified woman, then you one is allowed to to go and seek knowledge from them without
a shadow of a doubt. Now, obviously, there are rules and regulations that have to be kept in mind. But we have this understanding that if she's a female, you can't actually study with her men should study with men and women should study with women. As a general rule, if qualifications are all the same, yes, that might be true. But the reality is, each person has something unique to offer, every person will understand something different from an ayah, from the Koran, or from a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, so often just learning different perspectives that the opposite gender has to offer is actually a very valuable thing is a very valuable thing. Now in an ideal
situation, for those of you that attended our halaqaat, last week, on the role of women in the Muslim community, clearly there is a crisis of female scholarship, not only in the City of Calgary, but across the oma in general, how many female scholars Can you name I, myself, as someone with a little bit of knowledge, I can name a handful at best. So I can imagine that the rest of us that may not have this, you know, background in Islamic education, are not able to name any, and that is something you know, I don't want to put us down as an Omar as a community. But I think it is a reality check that needs to be had. And the sense that it is something disgraceful. It is something
disgraceful that if we as a community cannot produce one female scholar in our community, it is a disgrace that if across our whole country, we cannot name female scholars is a disgrace across our whole oma, we cannot name a female scholar. Because at the end of the day, not only are they going to be educating our sisters and inshallah brothers as well, but they're going to be educating their own children, they're going to be educating the community, they're going to be educating the neighbors children. And this is something that is being lost due to our lack of investment in female education. And this is not just in female education, in Islamic education in general. I want us to
think about this, for those of us that are parents, how many of us have the desire to make our children scholars in Islam? now being a scholar in Islam does not mean you can't have another profession, do not get me wrong. I just mean that they're educated enough that they focus on memorizing the Quran. They learn Arabic, they're familiar with the feminine with the Hadith, familiar with look familiar with Sierra familiar with al Qaeda. That's what I'm talking about. How many of us have those ambitions for our children, and that is something that definitely needs to be brought back. If we take that away from the life of an athlete. There'll be something very, very
important, the cherished relationships that he had with his female teachers with his female teachers, now from the students of inhabitable hayata himolla with Alexa, great imams as well. You are the famous Imam of Hadith, Mohammed safale, Mama zahawi wrote many, many contributions in Hadith, you have the examples of what has been Albuquerque, an exemplary scholar of Tafseer. And his steps here is probably one of the unique istep series that ever existed. Why? Because it focuses on international it focuses on the relationship between one idea and the next It was called not madora financeable it was sure what is the relationship between one surah and the next and the one after
it. And likewise the relationship between one and the one after it and before it. What is the relationship that was a focus of his tafsir and something like that it very rarely have we come across in our history. And he was from the students of will half of them 200 of him Hola. Then you have the great Imam and Chef a filk zecharia Ansari, who was from the students of capital Mahajan. So you can see there is diversity in amongst his students wanting to see IR one and filk and one in Hadith. And obviously multiple other students as well. But those are the most notable of of them. Now getting in to the books that will have them Nigella himolla has authored what are the books that
he has actually written, we mentioned for total body already. Whereas for Tilbury over here photo buddy right over here, this green book that you see, it says fertile valley shot Sahil Bukhari that is it right over there. You can see it in 14 volumes, it's actually 13 volumes, and the fabulous the bibliography is the the last volume. Now this book, as I mentioned, is perhaps not only the most famous book they'll have other himolla wrote, but it is perhaps the most famous explanation that has been written about Sahil Bukhari, a book that every household knows it is the most authentic book without a shadow of a doubt after the book of Allah subhana wa tada and it is the most authentic
book authored by men without a shadow of a doubt. Now and half of them know how God him Allah has done three
things with this book three things with this book. The first is fat full body, which is the explanation of the Hadith incites the * body. So every single Hadith, and half of them no Hydra himolla goes into detail, what is the filter behind it, who the narrator was? What are the linguistic lessons behind it? What are the key lessons behind it? What are some of the opinions of other scholars on this topic, and that is what he does with this book. his inspiration for this book was a scholar before him, if knowledgeable handily, who had started authoring a book called fertile body, he shot sahale body, but if no Hydra himolla had passed away, and did not live to its
completion. So, he saw this noble effort and thought Subhanallah someone has started something so noble, let me be the one that completes it. And Subhanallah with his sincere intention and his hard work and effort, his explanation became more famous than the one of ignore Raja Rahim Allah, but this also shows the place of his heart that he saw something good taking place. And he said, Let me complete it. And this is something so rare, that when we see something good taking place, how many of us want to be you know, join into it and partake in it. One of the downfalls in community and in general is that we see good taking place and we want to tear it down like how do they do something
like that Why are they doing something that you know we should be doing something like that instead of them and this evil sense of competition as opposed to a good sense of competition, but here we see half of them the Hydra Himalayan saw something good taking place, and he says, You know what, let me be a part of it. Let me be a part of it. Then the second thing and half of the Hydra himolla authored in relation to cell body was had your study, which is the introduction to virtual body, and that basically talks about what made Sohail Bukhari so unique, who was Imam Al Bukhari? What was his life like? What was his methodology and he developed two volumes, just as an introduction to this
book that he is writing. And then the last book that he wrote about Sahil Bukhari and again this is just in relation to to * book it itself was the Julio cotellic closing the the suspended things. Now what exactly does that mean? So al Bukhari has two types of narrations in it. Those that have a chain of narration from Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Imam Al Bukhari, and then those statements from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but they do not have a chain of narration going back to him. So when we talk about Sohail Bukhari, the second part only applies to that which has a chain of narration and have him Allah, he says to himself, clearly, emammal Bihari Rahim Allah
included these narrations that don't have a chain of narration in them for a reason. And he must have believed that they were authentic. So he took it upon himself. You know what, let me go and find all of the chains of narrations for those narrations that emammal body brings, that don't have a chain of narration. Now, in this day and age, you may be thinking that's so easy. You go onto a computer, you go on, go on to a locked up with a Sharmila, and you can look everything up, it's digital, and half of the modular himolla. he relied predominantly on his memory, and then from time to time, the handwritten manuscripts that he had, and my dear brothers and sisters, if you ever want
to struggle with something, try reading an Arabic manuscript written in the past, it is worse than chicken scratch, it's really you it's not even legible. And then you think about how did people you know take this and create the greatest books of Islam from it, like it really, really, it's a miracle, it is a it requires a science to be able to read, you know, these manuscripts. So this is what he had to go back to, to write this book. So for example, the topic of music comes up time to time, and then you will hear a narration from Sohail Bukhari that says before the day of judgment, there will be a group of people that make permissible the consumption of alcohol, the wearing of
silk, and the listing of a massive massively translates as music. While this narration is inside sahale body and actually doesn't have a chain of narration to it. It doesn't have a chain of narration to it. And it was for that reason, great scholars the likes of Abraham Rahim Allah. He said that this hadith is weak, because there is no chain of narration to it. I have with him the Hydra himolla comes along, and he brings the chain of narration to prove its authentic authenticity. Likewise, you had other scholars of the past, like a doctor Putney that did criticize the * Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, not because of a personal vendetta, not because of you know, a desire to
criticize these famous books, but he was a legendary scholar of Hades that genuinely had a difference of opinion. And half of them 200 of him whoa la defensa hailed Buhari against the criticism of a dark cottony as well. So that's just in relation to Sahil Bukhari and half of them the Hydra Rahim Allah also wrote a book in masala Hadith, and most of the Hadees Hadees terminology nowadays when we hear Sufi and we hear the if we have a rough understanding as to who is authentic and if means weak or not authentic, but what are the criteria and the condition that need to be met in order for these bodies to be classified as such, or you may have heard of motivated and motivated
means that there's so many people that narrated that is impossible for it to be a lie or a fabrication or a head. That means that very few people narrated how many people are required for both. So in half of the Hydra him Allah He writes Nakamoto figure Nakamoto figure is his book in masala Hadith. Now obviously being very concise and very short. He wrote an explanation to that book called knows how to another fish shot from North Africa. So he actually gave an explanation to this concise book as well. A third book he authored is a Savita, Misa Sahaba, with other Sahaba, that this was a book on the biographies of all the companions. Nowadays, we have a book called you know,
men around the messenger women around the messenger children around the messenger. All of those books at one point or another, will heavily depend upon this book of a half of the ledger called an A Saba, talking about the different companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what we knew about them, and that we know itself is such a huge task, because I want you to think about how many companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Can you name, if we can name the 10 promised paradise. In this day and age, it is a big achievement. But going beyond that, maybe 20, maybe 30 altogether? Can you imagine compiling a list of like three to 4000? Where does that even come from?
Where does the documented information come from? And related to this, you can see that he became a specialist in biographies. So there was a famous book of Hadith called enable command by half of the mizzi. He wanted to make it easy for the people. So he wrote an abridged version called the Hollywood, the Hollywood it was approximately four volumes. And he realized that even that was perhaps too difficult for the people. So he writes in one volume, the coreboot, the heap. And these are all of the biographies of every single Narrator And the six books of Hadith, every single narrator that you will find in the six books of Hadith, you will find inside Dr. bhutta heap, that
he has a biography of them. And he gives a ruling if they are authentic, or if they're weak, or what issues they may have, as well. So you can see he was a polymath. He was a genius, and he was someone very, very talented. And that brings us to our final book. Chuck l'affaire. Thank you very much. That brings us to our final book of discussion, which is blue almara, which is blue almaraz.
This book, Beluga muram, and half of them the Hydra himolla. He mentioned his intention behind it. At the very beginning of this book, he talks about it on how I want it to be a primer for every beginner student of knowledge. And I also want it to be a book that every scholar at the highest level cannot do without. So he had a very noble ambition that he wants to focus on at being a source for all people, the beginner, the layman, the scholar, everyone can go back to this book, the primary function of this book, is that when we learn basic filk back in the day, they didn't talk about evidences, you just learned this is hard. This is hard on this is how you pray, and there's no
real emphasis on what is the evidence for that matter. So we'll have Hydra himolla being a specialist and Chef a filk he compiles global moron that every proof that you will need for the Shafi method and half of the Hydra himolla brings in Beluga muram. Now what is very interesting is that the primary intention is to bring evidences for fish. But then why is it that the ending of the book is all about luck and spirituality, which is what we will be discussing in our series in sha Allah and half of them Nigella himolla want to prove on a very, very important point, that spirituality and filk cannot be separated from one another. spirituality and filk cannot be
separated from one another. They need to go hand in hand. Every forklift requires to have a spiritual element to their lives and their own personal practice to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala
Every person that wants the path of spirituality requires the development of understanding and its relationship with the Quran and the Sunnah. And that is why he believed they went hand in hand. And thus he made the last chapter of global muram all about spirituality and of luck and good character and everything that is needed for a scholar and student of knowledge in terms of the beautification so that people will accept from them, and they can strengthen their own relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that brings us to our introduction to Barboza wa min Budo Ville muram, the chapter of Zod and what are what we translated as piety from below a moron. As I mentioned, the
objective behind this chapter is to develop a decision making process inside of ourselves that will help us detach from the dunya or help us detach from the dunya. One of the greatest calamities of our times, is that we live in a capitalistic society that has made people very, very materialistic, and has made people compete with one another, not in their Salah, not in their memorization of the Koran, not in harmony, hydrogen formulas they have done, but rather in the types of cars that they have, the type of technology that they have, how big their houses are, what type of jobs they have, and anything else that we will consider materialistic and that is from the disasters of our time.
Now, a lot of times, we may think that these are plagues that only affect the non Muslim community. But the reality is as a Muslim community, that is a minority living in a non Muslim majority, we cannot help but have some of the effects that have affected them trickle into our own community. And that is why it is so important for Muslims to be educated about evils and voice not only for the sake of recognizing them, but for the sake of avoiding them for the sake of avoiding them. And this is what this chapter is dedicated to how do you develop that frame of mind that helps you detach from the dunya. So, now giving an introduction to azog wildwater. Let us understand what these two
terms actually mean. Let us understand what these two terms actually means. Even taymiyah Rahim Allah he defines the two terms as follows a law is anything that is harmful to your Acura and water is anything that is harmful to your Acura you abstain from it. So, it is the abstaining of anything that is harmful to your Acura This is known as water hazard is anything that is not too beneficial to your ocular. Anything that is not beneficial to your ocular. You're abstaining from anything that is not beneficial to your acula. So now Who can tell me what is the definition of water? And what is the definition of Zod? Who can give me a definition of water and give me a definition those are
not examples given the definition. So what does what I actually mean?
Leaving that which is harmful for your Acura and what is the hood
leaving something which is not beneficial to your ocular leaving something which is not beneficial to your Acura. Now, I know it's a Friday night you had a long week. But let's use some critical thinking here. Which is a higher level in the sense that it is more difficult to achieve. Is Zoho the higher level and more difficult to achieve or is what are a higher level and more difficult to achieve. Raise your hand with your answers in Sharla. Zoho does hire please explain why. I mean, all these horrible things
is not beneficial for the next not necessarily engagement and that's why this
effort to stay. Excellent. So the way we frame this, that every act of water is automatically an act of Zod but not every act of Zod is automatically an act of water right. So, what are encompasses everything that is harmful to your Acura meaning the haraam and the macro we haraam and the macro now people may be thinking about macro has actually had How is it harmful to my Acura one of the very first ahaadeeth that we study when in fact it is the first time
added that we study in this chapter, that there are those things that are macro that those individuals that persist on it and never give it up will eventually fall into how long will eventually fall into how long so even the macro from time to time, you're allowed using it as in like a contingency plan, but it's not something that you feel safe and comfortable that Oh, it's only macro, so therefore I can do it. The professor Sam tells us that whoever takes this approach will automatically fall into the hot arm and they are in danger. Whereas the act of Zod it not only encompasses that haraam not only encompasses the macros, but can even encompass some of the mobile
heart some of the mobile heart being those things that we would consider inherently permissible, but you may be thinking how can something that is inherently permissible, become harmful to your Acura was simply speaking, if you end up doing too much of it, if you end up doing too much of it to the degree that it distracts you from that which is obligatory upon you, then that MOBA Act has now become how long that MOBA Act has now become How long? The clearest example I can give is with video games, right? You have individuals grown men now and even young teenagers playing fortnight. How many people know what fortnight is raise your hands. fortnight is like the greatest Cray or the one
of the latest crazes, you can put your hands down which
is one of the latest crazes and people will play this for hours upon hours upon hours. Voter will go by Australia will go by Muslims will go by and salons are just being missed altogether. Now fortnight wouldn't have itself, we can debate where it falls on the spectrum. For the sake of argument, we will say let us just say it is MOBA, it is within the realm of permissibility. But if it causes you to miss your soul, or if it causes you to disobey your parents, if it causes you not to fulfill the rights of your parents and your family members, then it clearly becomes wrong. And that is where you see how something MOBA can also be avoided. And that is actually considered
something notable and praise worthy in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now developing this frame of mind, where you look at the whole entire world, in terms of this spectrum. Is this thing obligatory upon me, is this thing recommended for me, is this thing merely just permissible for me, meaning there's no sin or no reward. Is this something macro for me mean that is disliked, but can be allowed in external and emergency circumstances? Or is this thing haram for me means I don't have to avoid it altogether. Imagine if you looked at your whole entire life, every single action that you do every single thought that you have everything that you see everything that you hear within
this spectrum, automatically, there's a huge paradigm shift in your life. Because all it comes down to Am I being rewarded, am I being punished? Now one of the biggest traps of shaytaan is that he has made us forget about this concept may get us forget about looking at our actions and our deeds and our statements within the realm of Am I being rewarded? Am I being punished? Now that being the baseline that every Muslim should have? taking it a step further? Then you start asking yourself the question, is this going to be harmful to my alcohol? Is this something that is harmful to my ocular, then that's something I definitely need to avoid. Whether it is my own desire my own temptation, no
matter how badly I may want it, if it's harmful to my Acura, I will leave it all together. That is the second level. And then the third level is that if this thing is not beneficial to my Acura, I don't want anything to do with it. And this thing is not beneficial to my Acura. I don't want anything to do with it. Now, what does that look like? on a practical level? What does that look like on a practical level? Another great luminary of Islam. Mr. manoli Rahim Allah, he was a very antisocial person. He did not like to socialize with people. At a very young age, young kids are playing soccer and playing with a ball. He says that I was not created for this. I was created for
studying and memorizing. But he also knew that people have rights upon him, that if someone wanted to come and be his guests, he can't refuse them. So when guests used to come over, he would spend his time listening to them and talking to them and engaging with them and answering their questions. But he'd also be sharpening his pencils at the same time. So it makes sure that no time would go wasted at all. People can continue to talk and ask questions. He sharpening his pencils, trying to engage with them trying to fulfill their rights. And this is the mentality they developed that everything
I'm doing I need to find a way to make it in the best interest of my Acura. He had dedicated his life to studying and to writing and that is how he wrote so many books in such a small life, but that is the approach that he took to his life. how beneficial is this to my Acura and if it's not beneficial to my Acura then I want to stay away from it. It's not beneficial to my Acura I want to stay away from it. I want to share some beautiful narrations with you. One of them being was really my measurement of haimo Hola, Angela Julian yaku, no matter who else dinner, Holly acusa hidden, called Anam other charlatan under
what is known as an opposite
imamura himolla. He talks he was asked a question about a man that has 1000 dinar for our discussion. Let us just say 1000 dinar is equivalent to a million dollars. He's asked the question Can an individual that has a million dollars? Can he be described as a Zahid? Can he be described as a Zeid, meaning someone that is trying to achieve what is mutual in the end the benefit of his affiliate can a person that has a million dollars actually do that? And that's something to ponder about. Because when we think about Zod when we think about asceticism, we think about poor people, we think about people that have nothing people that you know, live on the absolute minimum and have
sacrificed everything in the name of asceticism. But Mr. Mohammed Rahim, Allah is bringing this other perspective. He says, Yes, this person that has a million dollars can be a czar head, but with one condition, that if it goes up, he does not become happy, meaning if that money increases over a million dollars, it doesn't make him any happier. And likewise, if it goes down, he loses some of that money. It does not upset him. It does not upset him. What is the underlying factor in this statement, that this person has the wealth in their hands, not in their heart? In our day and age, one of the biggest, I guess calamities that we face, is that the wealth will go beyond our hands and
reach our hearts. If our wealth increases, all of a sudden we think this is a neuroma and a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala. And if our worth decreases, all of a sudden we're being tested and tried. A Muhammad Rahim Allah is trying to point out that the test is not in how much it increases or decreases. It depends on your reaction. It depends on your reaction. Anything that becomes a hindrance between you and worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala is a punishment from Allah subhana wa Tada, it is a tribulation, it is a test. And anything that brings you closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is a paradigm shift, that inshallah This
chapter will help us develop that how do we look beyond the physical? How do we understand the spiritual world? How do we get away from this understanding that if I get more, I am blessed. If I have less, it means I'm being tested or punished, inshallah bentonites Allah, that will be one of the objectives of this chapter, developing that understanding to see the spiritual realm, over the physical realm over the physical realm. Now, I know it is 827 right now, I don't want to go on to my next point. So actually, you know, what, let me just conclude with this. This is the point that I will conclude with. The last objective inshallah, that we want to achieve through this chapter is
trying to differentiate what is the better of two goods? And what is the harmful of two evils? Right? What is the better of two goods? What is the more harmful of the two evils so that when we come across such circumstances, we can choose the better of the two goods, and likewise, when there's two evils present, and we're forced to choose one of them, we're able to choose the lesser of the two evils and that inshallah is also one of the objectives of our discussion. So now as you can see, the time for Salah is going to keep going back, who knows when the actual our change is going to be? When is the hour change?
The first Sunday of November, so that means we have two weeks left in October be the night owl. So next week, which will be the 26th correct? Yeah, it will be the 26th inshallah, so it's the last Friday of October, and then we have the first Friday of November, and that is the week that the clock change will take place. So for next week, you've been in the heater either, can we try to make an effort
To be here for 7pm inshallah, so next week inshallah, we will start at 7pm within the Hey Tada. And as a reminder, please those of you that want to maximize your benefit from this series of classes, print out the curriculum with you go to look for the book colluvial muram all of the books will show up to you go to the comprehensive book, which is the last book in the comprehensive book, look for the chapter of Zod and what are and in that chapter, there are 11 ahaadeeth, copy them, put it into Word, bring it with you the Arabic and the English translation for those of you that want to maximize the benefit and inshallah over two sessions, we will try to go
through those 11 a Hadith, we pray that Allah subhanaw taala gives us the field we pray that Allah subhana wa tada makes of those that can see the spiritual world beyond the physical world. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala mixes of those that are detached from the dunya and make the accurate their priority mean or sallallahu wasallam robotica that'd be no Mohammed Ali wasabi was Salam and sha Allah Subhana Allah Hama vmdk shadowline Khaled istockphoto like