Navaid Aziz – Biography of Imam Tirmidhi
![Navaid Aziz](
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the controversy surrounding Prophet's Cor necessity and the challenges of proving it. It provides insight into the history and context of the Hadith, the holy month, and the importance of staying up late to pray. The importance of learning to nurture students with love and being proud of teachers is emphasized, along with the dispute between Islam's deeds and the legal system. The speaker emphasizes the first step in the legal system, which is finding forgiveness through seeking forgiveness, and the importance of learning from Prophet's teachings and taking small steps to achieve the right to do so. The reward of patients over a period of time, as well as walking to the presence of Islam and finding one's joy in every step of one's life is also emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Al hamdu lillahi NAMUR. The one stare into one stock futile when I was a biller haematuria and fusina Woman CI Dr. Medina, Maria de la who for them with Allah, Who am I who didn't who follow her the Allah or Shawanda Illa Illa Allah who had the audacity cada who was shadow anna muhammadan. Abdu, who are sort of sallallahu alayhi wa early he was suffering he was selling them at the Sleeman Kathira and my dad, my dear brothers and sisters Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
So hamdulillah we're on the third imam of Hadith tonight, and that is Imam materia, the Imam and Timothy. Now chronologically, Imam ultimately doesn't come next Abu Dhabi this was to come next in terms of date of birth and date of death. However, we're going to Imam eternity the next because in terms of his book, the book of Imam at ceremony, Rahim Allah is actually more authentic than the book of Rama without so we want to follow that order instead of the order of chronology. So Mama, tell me the Rahim Allah. He was born in the year 209, or the year 210 209 or 210. Imam adobea Rahim Allah. He actually mentioned that the mama Dobie that the Imam at the Rahim Allah was born towards
the ending of 209, or the beginning of 210. And that is where the the left actually occurs. In terms of a mammoth ceremony himself. You know, it is mentioned that he was actually born blind and was blind his whole entire life. You have some individual narrations that indicate this, but those narrations and mentioned that he was born blind and was blind his whole entire life are actually not true. Mama Telemedia Rahim, Allah, he became blind towards the end of his life, he became blind towards the end of his life. And the reasoning for him going blind towards the end of his life, is that it is mentioned that he used to cry so much out of the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala,
that he lost his eyesight that he lost his eyesight. Now, you know, particularly when you look at the Hadith that talks about, you know, losing the eyesight, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentioned, that there's no reward for the one that loses his two beloved ones, other than paradise. And he said, O Messenger of Allah, what are the two beloved ones, you know, you would think maybe a daughter, you would think maybe a spouse, you would think maybe, you know, a close relative, but the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam says that the two beloved ones, are the eyesight. Now, it's one thing to be born blind. And you know, that's how you lived your whole
entire life, but to lose your eyesight once you've had it. That's like a huge challenge within the app itself, because you've lost something that possibly maybe you didn't take forever, for, you know, we didn't appreciate or you took it for granted. And digest after that is very, very difficult. And that is why the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions this great reward. Now we'll come to his death later on. But you know, this is something to indicate that each of these Imams, they all had, you know, these unique situations just before their death. Imam Al Bukhari had the issue of abandonment and the DUA before dying, Imam Muslim died while you know,
studying Hadith and Imam telemovie. He was tested by Allah subhanaw taala by losing his eyesight, and this is something to you know, Fathom and understand that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made it very, very clear that the more beloved you are to Allah subhanho wa taala, the more you will be tested, and a lot of times you will perceive tests as these negative things, but they're not negative. Because if they bring you closer to Allah subhanho wa taala, if they purify your sins, if they increase your agile, then in reality, that's something good for you whether you fathom it or perceive it or not. So whatever challenges whatever trials we go through
individually, we always need that positive frame of mind that Allah is purifying my sense, I'm getting a greater amount of agile, McCulloch is being purified, all of these things are taking place, and we should appreciate and embrace the challenges that Allah subhanaw taala sends our ways while asking that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it easy for us. So now the name of the mama tell me the name of Imam Ahmed ceremony. His name was Abu Issa Mohammed Abdullah isa been so rough iblue Musa ignore the hawk a tsunami. So I'll repeat that again. Mohammed Abdullah isa bin sola. Bin Musa ignored the hawk tsunami and its Konya was aboard isa his Konya was aboard Isa. What's interesting
is that one of the first things that emammal al Rahim
Timothy was criticized for was the choosing of his cornea was the choosing of his cornea. There is a Hadith that is not authentic, that one of the companions took a cornea by the name of Abu Issa. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to this man, did isa have a father did ASA have a father? Meaning, you know as a question, now this can obviously be understood in two ways. One, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is upset, or two of the prophets of Salaam is Justin jesting with the companion. So the company the scholars of Hadith had understood this narration in light of its weakness, that imposter syndrome was reprimanding this companion for taking the company for the
name of what ESA said that it is impermissible or highly disliked, to choose the cornea of ESA to choose the company
Yeah, abou Isa. Similarly, another narration from Ahmed Nakata but at the Allahu Anhu they don't want to know how Tabata the Allahu Anhu had a son that took the Konya, Abu Issa and the amarena Cadabra. The Allahu Anhu reprimanded him for that. He said you should not take the cornea of Isa and third incident with Omar bin al Khattab Radi Allahu Anhu and on Mahira Shuddha Shanmuga revenue Shoba he chose the cornea of Isa for himself, when honorable Cadabra the Allah Who found this out and muglia who was one of the governors of open amarena Cadabra the Allahu amarena Cadabra the Allahu Anhu he tells him on mohila Shaba Did you not know that Abu Abdullah was the cornea of
that is most beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala Why would you choose Other than that? That's where this narration ends off. Another version of this narration, this narration actually continues, and I'm not sure but he responds by saying that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave me the cornea of Elisa gave me the cornea of Isa. Now with these narrations, they're found in the Masana of Ibn Abi Shaybah. It's not a recognized collection of Hadith. But that is the actual chapter, you know, the disliking of choosing the cornea of Asa now doesn't mean that you can't name your son ASA, but it reads talking about taking the cornea as a visa. And as the scars I've
mentioned these narrations, you know, one they're not authentic, the Morpho of them, and even those that are not more for and are authentic than they don't carry weight within them themselves. They don't carry weight within of themselves. So this was the very love of the name of Imam and ceremony of the name of Imam Tirmidhi. Now, Imam materia de Rahim Allah, for those of you that don't know, he came from the Lando Hora site very close to the land of Imam Al Bukhari. And you'll come to see that him and Emmanuel Bukhari they had such a beautiful and friendly relationship that you know, Mr. Bacardi loved the mama told me the mama told me the, you know, admired and really looked up to him
and Bacardi as we will come to see. So he was from the line double horizen in terms of his early childhood, not much is known about Mr. Materially, except for the fact that immaturity naturally developed a love of Hadith himself, that he would go to the masjid by himself, Seema, Muslim imam Bukhari, they had that fatherly figure to look up to, and their parents and their family, you know, instilled in them, you know, this level of knowledge was the mama telemovie this is something that he naturally developed by himself, he was going to school, and he fell in love with Hadith, he fell in love with Quran and he fell in love with knowledge. And this is, you know, what he was raised
upon. And this brings us back to the, to the fact that, you know, planting seeds from a very, very young age, the things that we expose our children to, is like, of the utmost importance, you know, a lot of the times we think, you know, what's the big deal if they watch the odd cartoon here, what's the big deal if we let them do such and such activity here, we never know what our children are going to fall in love with. And we never know what seed is going to be planted inside of them. So here again, in all three of them, we see that a very young age, that love of Hadith, that love of Deen, that love of L is instilled inside of them. And that continuously grew, it continuously was
nurtured by their teachers. And that is how it became, they became the great Imams of Hadith. That is how they became the great Imams of Hadith with and of itself.
One of the interesting stories about emammal testimony and his memory. And this is like one of those amazing stories again, that, you know, you look at the scholars of the past when it came to their memories, and you're like Subhanallah you know, what would I have to do to get a memory like this? So in our testimony, he's in Latka, he's gone for camera. And he meets one of his old Hadith teachers that you know, he had written down Hadith from by Hadith teacher, we mean over here, that he's narrated Hadith through an intermediary from him, he didn't narrate Hadith directly from him. And he had written two books, two whole volumes from this teacher of his in terms of Hadith. So when
he is in Makkah, he finds this teacher of Hadith of his, and he says Salam Alikum you know, my name is Mohammed Abdullah Isa, and I've narrated these Hadith Romeo through this intermediary, I would like to read these Hadith to you, to eliminate the intermediary. And this brings us back to remember the shortening the chain, the snad. Surely this narrative, but from the scholars of the past, this is considered a great virtue like your level, your caliber of Hadith was seen as to how many men you could eliminate between yourself and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you mentioned that email vocoded him Allah, He roughly had 2324 So Lafayette, meaning that him and the
messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam are only three individuals, imam or telemovie. He only had one full Lafayette he only had one narration that had three people between him and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but even if you didn't get you know the snot out of three people, you try to minimize it as much as possible. So he comes to this teacher and he says, Look, I'm married all these Hadith Romeo. I want to read them from you from my book, so that I can make any corrections I need to make and you know, I can eliminate the middleman between you and I. The teacher happily agrees and he says
Come meet me at a certain time. And you can narrate the Hadith to me, in my material, he goes back to his residence, and he starts looking for the books that has the other interactions with him. And then he's looking, he's looking these books are nowhere to be found. He thought he brought them with him, but he didn't have them with him. Now he's made the appointment with his teacher, he is like, what type of terrible student would I be if I gave confirmation to my teacher, and I didn't show up. And again, this shows like The the level of respect and the level of their arm that the students had for the teachers in the past. You know, often times when you look at, like what's happening to
students this in this day and age, and this applies to like, everyone, students are going down the drain, we are like the worst generation of students ever, like will have no problem chewing gum, no problem pointing our feet towards our teachers, no problem, like, you know, texting and giggling and laughing and doing all sorts of other things towards our teachers, like no respect compared to the people of the past. But he might tell me, he's like, you know, I would lose the sanctity of knowledge, if I did this to one of my teachers. So he's like, let me go. And I'm just going to take two blank books with me, maybe he's not going to catch on. So he goes, and he's hoping maybe the
teacher won't show up, something's going to happen, he's going to cancel, but obviously, the teachers there. So they sit down, one on one in front of the teacher and Mama, tell me the city, and the teachers like EcoLog start reading email, it's certainly the opens the book, it's a blank pages, and he starts reciting from memory starts reciting from memory. And the teachers looking he's like, This is amazing. And I wonder how long the show is going to go on for. Like, eventually, he's bound to make a mistake. We're talking about two volumes of Hadith. You know, maybe, you know, if you were to say gender, generally speaking, you know, five Hadith on each page. And each book has like 200
pages. That's a 2000 Hadith there, right. So you know, him, I would tell him when he gets close to finishing and the teachers like, Look, I need to stop him. So the teacher stops him says, Look, where are the books? You know, what are you what are you doing here? And he was telling me, he's like, look, I'm really sorry, but I got confused. And I thought that I had the books with me, but I didn't bring the books with me. So he's like, are you narrating this from memory now? And he's like, yes. He's like, Did you revise this before you came here? He said, No. And the teachers like, you can't have such a good memory. It's not possible. Right. So what does he do? He says, We want to
finish the lesson. So we finish the lesson in the mouth during the analysis, Hadith to him perfectly, no mistakes, nothing at all. He says, Now, I'm going to narrate 40, new Hadith to you. And these are the Gribble Hadith, meaning that these nerds are really difficult, the mutton is really difficult, and basically setting you up to fail.
I had a calculus teacher once, and in calculus class, the very first day of class, he's like, You guys have an exam. And if you don't pass this exam, you guys are out of my class. And I was like, what type of teacher does this? He gave us one question? That was the most difficult question. Like, we're just it's the very first day of class. And I was like, this teacher is setting us up to fail, right? We did the exam. And literally, I think out of the 60 odd students that were in class, one person got the question, right, and the past, and eventually, you know, the class is over. And everyone's like, man, what are we going to do? You know, we need calculus depalletizer Greg to get
our degree, and we can't take it in another semester. So we come back next class, and the teachers like, look, you know, we're just testing you guys, to see which one of you, you know, had the will and desire and determination to get through this. And he was just testing us just to see that. Now over here, this is what's happening exactly the same over here is that he's testing him to see how good his memory is. So you get to the most difficult hardest Hadith, he can come up with 40 of them. And in the material, many he says he gave me those 40 Hadith. And I repeated them back to him, just as He gave them to me. And the teacher said to him, I have never seen the likes of you, I have never
seen the likes of you. And I find it truly amazing Subhanallah that how can someone hear something retain it that well, that he can repeat it back just as he heard it to just as he heard it? So I wanted to share with you today
some points that Rahim Allah mentions on strengthening once memory some points on strengthening, once memory, it will claim that I'm hola he has a nice section on the inside of the mouth. I read the summarized version of it. I didn't read the full version of it. But in a summarized version, you know, things that we learned from the Sunnah of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to improve one's memory. And you will notice that when you have a strong memory, it makes things so much easier. It makes things so much easier in terms of remembering people's names, remembering things that people like things that people don't like. So there's so many things that a person can
benefit from it added on top of that, being able to memorize Quran memorize Hadith, and so many other things as well. So the first thing that is no claim Rahim Allah Allahu Taala mentions is abstaining from sins, that understanding that memory is a risk from Allah subhanho wa taala. And the risk of Allah subhanaw taala is diminished through sins and increase through seeking forgiveness. And he mentions the famous poem of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah where he says chakotay with our key and so hopefully for our show, then the electrical mousy will call in
lol minute, one minute Hola Hola. Hola. Hola see that Imam Shafi Rahim Allah one day he's walking on the street and he accidentally was exposed to the ankle of a woman died the ankle of a woman and this was like a big shock for him Subhanallah something he's never seen before. And he notices that there's a lapse in his memory is no longer able to remember things anymore. So he complains to his teacher that look, I have this lapse in my memory, I don't know what to do. So he says I complained to okay about a lapse in my memory. And he guided me to leaving off since now obviously, seeing something accidentally is not a sin, but it's just general advice that he guided me to leaving off
since. And he told me that the light of Allah subhanaw taala, the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala is a light and the light of Allah subhanaw taala is not given to someone that sense and the light of Allah subhanaw taala is not given to someone that sense. So here we see again, the spiritual relationship between this world and the next directory, it's called the was dedicated to risk and sustenance and the relationship between spirituality and sustenance. And here we see the relationship between spirituality and one's memory, the spirituality and one's memory, that if you want to improve your memory, understand that memory is a risk from Allah subhanho wa Taala that is
not given to anyone and everyone, right, but rather diminish your sins, seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa taala. And Allah subhanaw taala will increase your memory for you. Number two, even though claim Rahimullah he mentions, exercising your memory exercising your memory. Now in our day and age, this was something that was done easily, someone gives you their phone number in the past, you memorize their phone number, and a lot of us will probably still remember phone numbers that we memorized years ago. But in this day and age, someone gives you a phone number that you don't even bother memorizing. And you're like, wait, let me open up my context. Let me put you in my context.
And that number is never memorized, and you know, completely forgotten. And it's amazing Subhanallah that something will go wrong with your phone, you'll need someone's number. And you have you can't even get it from anywhere, because he never bothered to memorize it. So the second thing he mentions is that you train your memory. So certain things that you can force yourself to memorize, then your memory is like a muscle, it will naturally increase within itself. And that's what you'll notice about health, that the beginning of health is very, very difficult, the first couple of jobs are going to be difficult. But once your mind gets accustomed to memorizing, then the rest will become
facilitated, the rest will become facilitated. So make a habit of memorizing numbers make a habit of memorizing Quran make a habit of memorizing Hadith, even if it's just a little bit at a time, in the long run, it will strengthen your memory and obviously it'll bring you closer to Allah subhanaw taala as you're memorizing Quran, and as you're memorizing Hadith. Number three, abstaining from certain foods, abstaining from certain foods. I don't know if there's any scientific basis for this. But I'm gonna claim Rahim Allah, he mentioned certain foods that affect the memory negatively certain foods that affect the memory negatively. He mentioned the first of them egg plant. I don't
know the basis for this, but it's already mentioned, eggplant is number one. Number two beef. Besides beef affects the memory negatively three sugar things that have sugar in them affect the memory negatively. So these certain foods, that if you were to consume them on a regular basis, then they will affect the memory negatively. So you want to eat those foods that are conducive towards increasing one's memory. There is a footnote that was mentioned and it's not from the book itself. This is from the Mohawk of the book, he mentioned certain foods that are conducive to increasing one's memory. You know, for those who from the Indo Pakistani culture, at least, you know, I know my
mother did this. She's like when I was a young kid, she's like, make sure you eat your butt. Damn, you don't have seven but damn every day, right before going to bed and waking up having amens, right, should have your arm is it going to improve your memory? Interestingly enough, this is what the Mohawk Nick mentioned, as well, that the nuts have a positive effect in increasing one's memory. And he mentioned other certain vegetables as well, such as carrots have a positive effect on increasing one's memory as well. So those are three things that you know we can do to increase our memory three things that we can do to increase our memory, just like some of the scholars of the
past had just like some of the scholars of the past had. Let's talk about some of the teachers of the mammoth Timothy, two of the most famous teachers that imitate him either you or him Allah had were Imam Al Bukhari and Imam Muslim imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim as a renowned Muslim. Even though he nominated me the benefited a lot from him. He only narrated one Hadith from Imams, and he only narrated one Hadith for me, my Muslim and that is the Hadith of the seeing of the halal of Ramadan of seeing of the crescent of Ramadan. As for Imam Al Bukhari, we were talking about the loving relationship that Imam Al Bukhari had with the Muhammad ceremony and there's multiple levels to
this. One is a conversation that Imam Al Bukhari had with him Amma telemovie, who can remind me of the statement of Imam Al Bukhari, pertaining to the different types of teachers you should have, who remember the statement the mama Bacardi made about the different types of teachers you should have. Go ahead.
And the junior
Fantastic and you remember the beginning of the narration What did he say? You will not be
close enough, close enough. He said you will not be a complete Muhaddith right Well Kevin the giraffe said you will not be an island family because he said you will not be a complete HUD until you have these three types of teachers. Now Imam Al Bukhari, he actually narrated to Hadith from him our testimony. So he came out with telling me these junior teams from his students, he had emailed Bukhari narrated to Hadith from him, and him Allah Bukhari, in a conversation with the mammoth tell me, he says to him, I have benefited from you, more than you have benefited from me, I've benefited from you more than you have benefited from me. I want you to think about this. Do you think this is
actually true, particularly when you study student autonomy? And you see that Mr. Timothy, not only benefited from the Hadith not only benefited from the ln, but in fact, literally some of the fake rulings. It's as if he told me the copy and pasted from Sal Bukhari and put it inside, you know, his son and over here, so he benefited from those things. Why would Imam Al Bukhari say something to like this to Imam at Timothy? He said something like this, to build his confidence, make him feel good, that look, you know, you're you're a very special individual. And there's something that's lost Subhanallah that relationship between the student and teacher that encouragement that needs to
be there, right? A lot of the times when you think about a relationship between a student and teacher, it's constantly reprimanding and putting them down and you know, work harder, work harder, work harder, but the mountain will call you Rahim. Allah is teaching us the exact opposite, that you have to nurture your students with love. And that is what you know, Imam Bukhari is doing over here telling the student that I benefited from you more than you benefited from me making him feel good. Even though this wasn't a true in the absolute sense. It wasn't true in the absolute sense. Now, why would Imam Al Bukhari narrate Hadith from Imam autonomy, someone that is Junior than him want to
implement the very narration that he said to show the people that he implements that which he says number two, it is presumed that Imam Al Bukhari couldn't find the teachers that imitate me the narrated from and that is why he narrated the Hadith from Imam Timothy. Now what type of love did Imam Timothy reciprocate from Imam Al Bukhari? That Imam will tell me the when he narrates this hadith inside sunnah telemovie, he puts like a footnote. And my teacher Muhammad Abu Ismail heard this Hadith from me, like it was it was as if it was a huge shut off, and something to be proud of, for him, that he was proud that he was, you know, able to teach them how many minutes he made. And
he rarely did this with any of his other teachers. In fact, I can't think of any other teacher that he met with him. And he did this with. And this shows us the loving relationship that teachers and students are meant to have. That is not just, you know, education. And you know, that's it, like we have that you're in grade one, you have one teacher, great, too, you have another teacher, and by the time you get to grade two, you've completely forgot your teacher in grade one. But driving from an Islamic perspective, we're always indebted to the teachers that we have. We're always indebted to the teachers that we have. In fact, if you look at some of the statements of the past, you would
think that they're very, you know, they're an exaggeration in terms of what they're saying. The likes of Sophia, ignore Yeah, not saying that I would be willing to be the servant of anyone that will just teach me one Hadith, right? You think that this is a gross exaggeration, but it's not they understood the value of L, that someone who teaches you something has a great amount of further upon you, he has a virtue upon you that you know, you need to try to pay back and part of that is by showing that you're a good student to him showing that you're a good student to him. So that was the relationship that he had with Imam Al Bukhari. That was the relationship that he had with Imam
Bukhari, who can remind me of two other teachers, that Imam are telling me that you guys have learned two names of individuals that taught all six of the Imams who can remind me of their names.
Imam Muhammad was not one of all of their teachers was not one of all of their teachers
who are Metro problems.
No good guests, but he was he was not one of the teachers that taught all of them. He was not one of the teachers that all taught all of them. In the last 200 years, you learned two names. These two men taught all of the six Imams Go ahead.
A soccer Asakura have a good guess. But that's not it either. That's not it either. labia, who's Olivia?
Medina Nope.
I tell Emily.
No, I don't know that name. It's possible, but I don't know that name. So this is a value of taking notes. Remember, we were really pushing taking notes guys. This is one of the reasons why. So we mentioned quite a few of them side table side taught all the six Imams of Hadith. Likewise, and man became famous by the name of a Buddha. And that's easy to remember for this bundle. Right? Remember bunda but a Buddha and his name was Mohammed Abu Bashar
Our hamdulillah shot again, taught all six Imams of Hadith. So these were other two Imams that you know, taught Imam Telemedia as well. And they also taught him Al Bukhari and Imam Muslim as well. Now in terms of the students remember Timothy, he didn't have as many students that were as famous, like the likes of Imam Bukhari and the likes of Imam Muslim. But when you study the science of Hadith, you will see that imitate him and he also taught quite a few reputable scholars, quite a few reputable, reputable scholars. What I want to share with you now is what are some of the famous statements that scholars of the past have made about the mammoth Timothy, some of them really are
amazing Subhanallah so we have al Hakim. So Anakin was another great scholar of Hadith that had almost stuck and so he has and so what he wanted to do and Hakim was he wanted to look at the conditions of Imam Al Bukhari and the conditions of our Muslim and find all of the Hadith that meet their conditions. But email and Bukhari and Imam Muslim didn't include them inside so al Bukhari or inside Muslim. She compiled a book called Mr. Duck and say, hey, now this great Imam, he died in the 400 and something but I want to share with you what he says. He says, Samir to Ahmed Abdul Allah Kyoko Mata al Bukhari, whether we have left behind a salad, Miss Lu, a bit isa fill in when he left
what what was Bucha what were bulkier, durian sin. So how can he says, I heard Amara say that when Imam Al bukata Rahim Allah passed away, he didn't leave any people after him the likes of Uber isa in knowledge in terms of memory, in terms of fear of Allah subhanaw taala in terms of Zod and he cried until he became blind, and he remains blind for many years before he died and he remained blind for many years before he died. So to say that, you know, you're the next best thing after Imam Al Bukhari for a particular land. This is huge, particularly when, you know a lot of the scholars of Hadith are coming from that land. So this was something that Al Hakim narrated. Likewise, we have a
bill for the narrating similar to NASA liberal Mohammed, a sheikh Ashika how are we you're cool, similar to Muhammad who told me the Akun called Ali Mohammed Abdullah is nine months of fat to be accurate amendment fat to be. So the same narration that I mentioned about the amount of Makati that Imam Bukhari told Muhammad Abdullah, I said that look, I benefited more from you than you have benefited from me. And you'll notice that when you study the electric model Bukhari Imam Bukhari, you know, he says the only person I humbled myself in front of was Ali Medina, but here we're seeing that Emmanuel Bukhari is nurturing you know, our boys a tenement, and he's saying that I have
benefited from you. So for him, Allah Bacardi, to make this this praise for a mammoth telemovie is something which was huge is something which was huge. Now something that you should know about the mammoth telemovie amongst the scholars of Hadith, one of the great scholars of Hadith that came much, much after Imam at Tirmidhi was able to hasm everyone has them, one of the leaders and founders of the vahidi Madhab, a great scholar of Hadith a great scholar of luck within his own right now that since he is a reputable scholar in Hadith, when he speaks about
telemovie, he says Abu Raisa Tirmidhi mudhole that Abu Issa, Timothy was matured. And in the sense of Hadith when you say someone has matured, you say that he's not trustworthy, that you don't know who he is, and you can't accept his narrations. And this is something that really, really perplexed the scholars that came after him to hasm that how can someone that like have no hasm, who is a great scholar of Hadith himself, mentioned that email materiality is mature. So remember, there have been the mandible, the Hydra Rahim Allah, they reprimanded her husband, How can you say someone that the likes of Abdul ISA is matured? And Abu Bakr Thea when he commented on this? He said he quoted a
verse of poetry. He said, How can you debate with the people that ask you for proof for the existence of the sun? That he's saying that the material if he was just as famous as the sun is no one doubts the existence of the sun? How can you doubt the existence that we might materially and his trustworthiness you will find it no husband Rahim Allah, He doubted the the Adana, the trustworthiness of Imam eternity. But in the grand scheme of things, when you have so many people praising you, Mama, tell me the the journalism or the disparaging of liberalism, it will have no effect on humanity ultimately, it will have no effect on Imam Tirmidhi now, what are some of the
virtues of sunnah Timothy? Why is the Sunnah of atonement is such a great book and why is it worthy of being mentioned? As the third great book after sale Bukhari and Sahih Muslim? Say, sunnah, Timothy, it has quite a few virtues to it what I want to share with you, number one, is the way the book is set up. So Imam Al Bukhari he put the chapter headings first then he looked for the Hadith. Imam Muslim, he didn't put any chapter headings but he put it in such a way that there's a cohesive order to it a materially when he put his son together.
If he put it together as a manual for the student of knowledge, he put it together as a manual for the student of knowledge. What does that mean exactly mean that Imam and Timothy he put it together in such a way that the beginner student of knowledge would benefit from this hadith within the web itself. And that is why you'll find certain scholars of Hadith from the past that preferred the Sunnah of Imam or Timothy to Sohail Bukhari and Sahih Muslim so when you ever come across the statements, don't be astonished. Just understand them in their proper context. The reason why the scholars of the past preferred sunnah tell me the oversoul Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. They say that
it is only true scholars of Hadith that will benefit from Sal Bukhari and from Sahih Muslim whereas for sunnah, Timothy, the beginner student of knowledge and the advanced student of knowledge, they will all benefit from sunnah telemovie. Now, what does it mean that he made me as a manual number one is that the chapter headings are based upon the chapters of the book. So you know, in chapters of faith, you'll find Kitab with the hara, you find Kitab was Salah kita kita, was a disorder that you find it was originated, or at least amount of Timothy, he popularized it he made he made this famous right, because he based his book on the chapters of fic. The likewise in the Hadith itself,
if there's any words that were difficult to understand, he gave you the explanation of that word with the Hadith itself. Number three, is that if there is a narrator that was difficult, meaning that he was not easily recognized, Mr. Mahtomedi told you who that narrator was, and told you something about him as well. And number four, and this is the first time that is done in any book of Hadith immateriality actually put a ruling on the Hadith itself actually put a ruling on the Hadith itself. Now, obviously, with Sol Bukhari and sahih. Muslim there wasn't a need to do that. But there were other books of Hadith that were written before them. Who can think of a book that was written
before a book of Hadith that was written before all of these books of Hadith? There's two famous ones go ahead. But the motto of Imam Malik that was written before them, in fact, when you find the statement of Imam Shafi Rahim Allah, He says the most authentic book of Hadith that we know of is the mortal human Malik. And you think you know, how is the mama Shafi saying this didn t know * Buhari, obviously helped because it wasn't even, you know, created at that time amount because it was just barely being born at that time. Right. So immortal. Remember the second book of Hadith that is famous that most of you should know.
The Muslim Imam Muhammad, the Muslim imam, Muhammad, he preceded them. Now, the most of them be my Muhammad, if you look at it, this is perhaps one of the most complex books of Hadith that you will ever study. First of all, it's like, I think 3839 volumes, it's humongous. And the order that he put in it, is that you need to know the name of the narrator to find the Hadith. So if you don't know the person who narrated the Hadith, you're not going to find that hadith. Good luck finding it right. You know, especially if you live in our DNA, you know, you can do like an internet search, Hadith search, that's fine. But back in the day when you're stuck with the book itself, and it says,
you know, RWA hadn't Hadith, Imam Muhammad, that was like the most disastrous thing you could find, because if you didn't know the name of the narrator of the Hadith, you could literally spend days upon days trying to find that hadith. In Maya Tirmidhi. He made it easy. As long as you understood the General Chapter of the Hadith, you're able to find the Hadith, you're able to find the Hadith, and he gave a ruling and he gave a ruling. So Imam, Imam, the motto of Imam Malik shouldn't be the old the old preceded him, I'm a Trinity but the mama telemovie was the one the first ones that gave the ruling on the Hadith was one of the first ones that gave a ruling on the Hadith. From the second
virtues of Imam eternamente is that Imam a telemovie? While he's writing a book of Hadith, its focus is fake. Its focus is fake. And this has two benefits to it. Number one, is that the mammoth Tirmidhi did a fantastic job and mentioning the opinions of the scholars of the past on those various issues. She will mention the Hadith in terms of you know what nullifies will do then you mentioned the opinion of Imam Al Bukhari the opinion of Asakura Hawaii. The opinion of Imam Shafi the opinion of Imam Muhammad, all these opinions are mentioned in the book itself. So when you're studying first and you want to develop your understanding of the opinions of the predecessors of the
past, the Sunnah of Imam autonomy that is a fantastic job of learning the different opinions of the medina web and individual scholars. Not only does he give you their opinions, but he goes a step further, he gives you what you would do rather than how did they use this hadith as a proof? How do they use this hadith as a proof and this is perhaps the thing that is most beneficial to a student of knowledge that as a student of knowledge, if you can come to understand how did scholars derive particular rulings from Hadith? This trains you to think like a scholar it trains you to think like a scholar and this is one of the huge benefits of studying the Sunnah of Imam autonomy, the studying
the Sunnah of Imam at Tirmidhi. Another benefit of the Sunnah of Imam telemovie is that unlike Bukhari, he didn't have many repeating Hadith
So Bukhari sometimes he would cut the wood cut up Hadith and place them in different places. And then you would when you want to find in all of the verses of the Hadith together, you have to do individual research. Whereas the mama Timothy, he mentioned the Hadith completely. And if he wants to refer to it, he will say I mentioned this hadith previously, and I mentioned this hadith previously, so it's not chopped up Hadith. And there's not much repetition, and there's not much repetition, as well.
And the last thing that he does, is that towards the ending of his book, he gave an introduction to the sides of L. And we mentioned what l was last week who can remind me what lol hadith is, and give me an example for it.
And you know what, I feel very generous today. Actually, this belongs to the ISC Abdullah, can I give this away? We have other copies at FNS. If you can tell me what LLN hadith is an example we gave last week, this book is yours after I'm done using it today, inshallah. This book is yours after I'm done using it. Who can remind me what a little hadith is an example I gave last week.
Fantastic. So we have ants have the answer over here. We said it is a defect in the Hadith. And we mentioned defects are of two types, those that harm and those that don't harm the Hadith, what I'm looking for is a general understanding of what defect times and don't turn. And then the example we gave of a defect that would harm.
Go ahead.
You're making it easy for the people yucky, go ahead for the lucky
whatever you either give me an understanding of a defect that harms that doesn't talk or you can give me an example you can give me both.
You don't have to give me the whole headache don't make it difficult.
that animal I know.
Fantastic. I'll accept that. That's good. That is a that is the example. So a Muslim Rahim Allah when he mentioned this hadith that a person gives in charity. So secretly, it's the correct version of the hadith is that it's done so secretly that the left hand does not know what the right hand gave. But a Muslim he mentioned the Hadith exact opposite, that the left hand gives so secretly that the right handed isn't there doesn't know what it gave. So this was the example that we give. Now, who can remind me of the two types of defects, the one that is harmful, and the one that isn't harmful? I want to give a chance to this brother first, because you gave the first answer. If you
can answer it, I'll give you the book itself. You'll pass for the lucky guy
in the language
or the kid.
Okay, so which one is harmful and which one isn't harmful?
I mean, did the
viewer be?
Okay. You You You generally have it right, you generally have it right. So we said when we mentioned the chain of narration that certain scholars had very similar names. So we mentioned at the dinner that they're mentioned many Ibnu dinners were one of the things that we're able to dinar is that they're all trustworthy narrators. So they were confused the names that this is a defect in the Hadith, which doesn't harm the Hadith, it doesn't, you know, harm the authenticity of the Hadith, because even the dinar was an authentic narrator, right? Whereas a defect that does harm the hadith is something that would change the meaning of the Hadith. Or if you confused that Narrator One that
is trustworthy with one that isn't trustworthy, then this is something that would harm the Hadith. So now we have one book, but two individuals will find a way to
share the book amongst you guys Inshallah, you can keep it for half of the and you can keep it for the Shala
so that is from the virtues of Sona, Timothy, and why should be studied. Now one of the last things I want you to do before we conclude, is actually read one of the Hadith to you that only Imam attained within their narrated. This hadith is only narrated by Imam Timothy, none of the other scholars of the Sunnah narrated this hadith. It is an authentic hadith, and in fact, it is a miraculous Hadith evnol Raja Rahim Allah He wrote a whole book explaining this hadith. And the book is called the Stila formula and the love of the higher companionship meaning that if the love amongst the angels, so this hadith is narrated by either bingeable And it's narrated in sunnah
Timothy 3235. So Timothy 3235, and he says, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was held back from us one morning, after the morning, from the morning prayer until we could almost see the sun itself. Then he came out quickly, and the comma for the prayer was called, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed, and he shortened his prayer when he performed
And then he called out with a voice saying, remain in your roles as you are. Then he turned towards us and said, I'm going to tell you what restrained me from you this morning. I stood up during the night and performed ablution. And I prayed as much as I might as much has been decreed for me. And then I became drowsy and heavy during my prayer. I found myself before my lord, blessed and exalted in the best form. He said, Oh Mohamed, I said At your service, my Lord, he said, concerning what do the highest assembly dispute, I said, I do not know my Lord. He said it three times. He said, So I saw him place his palm between my shoulders until I felt the coolness of his fingers between my
chest. All Things became clear to me. And I came to know. He said, Oh, Mohamed, I said At your service, my Lord, he said, concerning what does the highest assembly dispute, I said, concerning the toners. He said, What are they? I said, The Walking of the feet towards the congregational prayer, sitting in the mosques, after the prayer, perfecting ablution in times of difficulty, he said, then concerning what I said, giving food, speaking softly and praying at night, while the people are asleep, he said, Ask, I said, Oh Allah, indeed, I asked you for the performance of good deeds, the abandonment of evil deeds, the abandonment of the poor, and that you forgive me and have mercy upon
me. And when you intend to try a people that you take me, take me up on tried, I asked you for your love, and the law though the love of those whom you love, and the love of the actions which leads to your love. Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed, they are the truth, so study them and learn them, so study them, and learn them. This hadith is known as an actor X de la familia illAllah. And it's only narrated by Mr. Mahtomedi. It is an authentic hadith. But if you were to look at the lessons from this hadith, they were very, very profound lessons that a man named Rajab, he wrote an individual Hadith dedicated to this one Hadith alone and we want to dedicate you know
some time just to study this hadith Bismillah heeta Allah. So number one, is that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was delayed from the morning prayer and the companions of the Allahu Anhu. Recognize this. So when you study the chapter of filk, you will notice that there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars. Should the morning prayer be delayed? Or should it be prayed at its earliest time should it be prayed at its earliest time? This hadith indicates that the norm of the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam was that the prayer should be under proved to be prayed at its earliest time should be prayed at its earliest time. Then it goes on to say that the karma
was given when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, and this benefits us that the other one is the right of the Salah. And the karma is the right of the EMA understand this principle, the other one is the right of the Salah, and the karma is the right of the Imam meaning that as soon as the time for the salah comes in, then for the salah should be given right away, even if the salah has been created an hour later, the advance should be given at its earliest time, because that is the right of the Salah. Whereas the karma, it is the right of the Imam not the right of the time. So for example, you know, I'll give an example right now, HCl prayers at 10 o'clock,
that's what our schedule says. Someone sees the schedule and says, You know what, we're going to establish the salah at 10 o'clock. What they're forgetting is that the karma is not the right of the time. It's not the time or the right of the Salah, it's the right of the Imam when the Imam comes that is when the commerce should be given. So the economy should only be given without the presence of the Imam if one is close to certainty that the Imam is not coming. So for example, if 1015 minutes have gone by and there's a reset imam in the masjid and the Imam isn't showing up, then it's go ahead, it's okay to go and pray. However, if the mom is in making wudu and you're in a hurry,
you're like you know, I need to go catch an appointment and you go don't make a phone call or do something like that. It is not befitting that someone start the Salah without the amount with the Imam being present, because the salah is the root of the email. And this shows us that the companions are the Allah who I know they waited in the masjid that the sun is almost rising, and they're waiting inside. They're not getting hasty. They're not complaining and what's taking the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam so long, but they're waiting for the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam to come and when he came, they gave the comma so the salah should not be
established without the Imam if there is a set imam in the masjid number three the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shortened the prayer he shortened the prayer. And this shows us by shortening the prayer doesn't mean that he shortened Fudger like you have to look at how much could you shorten it to pray Wanaka now that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the process of Salem, generally made Salado Fajr very long Salat al Fajr was very long. But in this situation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shortened it. He mentioned for two reasons. Number one, because the sun was about to rise. And number two, because the provinces are so down, he
had an announcement to make and he didn't want to delay the people even further. So he's
According to the prayer, how long should the fajr prayer be? They said roughly almost photogra The Allahu Anhu used to read 120 is in the Fajr. Prayer 120 is in the fajr prayer, you put that into perspective, that's like, more than half of Surah Al Imran, that's what's being recited in the fajr prayer, you know, in terms of sort of Bukhara, and just a little bit less than half a little bit less than half of circle Bacara that's where it's being led in the fajr prayer. So next time the Imams are greeting Sora from like, just the Bartok and like, why is this the Imam taking so long? Remember what would have happened if you lived in the title of Omar Abdullah? Who I know just
remember that so he they used to let in the prayer the pastor said I'm short in it.
At that time, when the Salah was finished, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned around his companions and told them remain in your places remain in your places. This teaches it's a very valuable lesson showing us that the general habit of the Sahaba or the Allahu I know that once the Salah was done, they will disperse from the masjid gay would go embark on whatever they had to do. A lot of people think that you know what, it's something that is good to make your vicar and then to leave but the Sahaba or the Allah why no and the Muslim effort we have many generations that they would make your hair thicker after the Salah as they were leaving the masjid as they were leaving
the Masjid. So just stay tuned who are staying in the masjid for the sake of making vicar after Salah is not virtuous with them itself. In fact, the Sahaba de la Harlem used to do the opposite. They will make the red car as they were leaving the Masjid. So in the process of asking them to stay behind, to listen to what the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has to say, now the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam as he turns around to them, he tells them, I'm going to tell you what to delete me. And this is such a beautiful lesson to remove doubt from the minds of people. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam did this many times in the famous hadith of on salam ala the Allah,
Allah, and the depth of the * with one of his wives, and he sees two companions walking by, he went out of his way to call those two companions. And he lets them know that look, this is not an RGB a woman, this is not like a foreign woman to me. This is my wife, they said, O Messenger of Allah, we never would have assumed anything about our view. The pastor said them said that she thought runs through the blood of mankind. And I didn't want him to make you think, but I didn't want him to make you think that. So here the process, Ellen's doing the exact same thing. The D mom shows up late and you're like the man must have slept through Fajr that's what happened. The bozos
making it clear. Look, that's not what happened. Let me clarify to you what happened. I had this amazing inspiration from Allah subhanaw taala. Now if your current team, I'm claiming to do something like that, you know, something's up with that.
Okay, so then he goes on to say, what he actually saw what he actually saw. And he starts off by saying that he made wudu and performed the night prayer. And this teaches us from the fifth of the night prayer is that it is recommended and better to go to sleep, wake up and then pray, as opposed to staying up late. And praying at that time that there's more virtue in sleeping, waking up and praying, as opposed to staying awake and then praying. So technically speaking, if you want to pray Chromolaena tahajjud. Right after Aisha, you could do this great amount of agile in doing so you want more agile, go to sleep after Isha wake up before Fajr make wudu and then pray. And that is
where extra work takes place. And that's where the struggle of waking up. You know, you think waking up for Fudger is difficult. And that's like an obligatory prayer. Then you can imagine the amount of sacrifice and dedication that is needed to wake of a pm Elena and tahajjud when you don't even need to wake up for that. Right. So it's extra budget and doing that. And that is the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Then in his Salah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he starts to feel drowsy. And this shows us the human nature of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You know a lot of people think that the Messenger of Allah says Saddam was like, you know,
superhuman. He was the next best thing. He was the closest thing we have to Superman, but he was still human that even in his Salah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is getting drowsy the process Selim is getting drowsy in his salah. Now, from the apparent wording of this hadith, it seems that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he fell asleep in his salah, and this is when he had the inspiration. This is when he had the inspiration. If knowledgeable, he's explained the Hadith he mentions that as the prophet Saddam was feeling drowsy, he shortened his salah, and then that is when the messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam fell asleep and had this inspiration that is when
the messenger of allah sallallahu Sena fell asleep and had this inspiration. Then he finds himself in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the most beautiful form that he has ever seen him in, in the most beautiful form that he has ever seen him and this leads us to the love can a human beings see Allah subhanho wa Taala in his pure form, the consensus amongst the scholars is that a person will never see Allah subhanaw taala in his pure form, while he is awake, there is a smile
On this while you're awake, you will never see Allah subhanaw taala in his pure form, the law occurs. How about when one is dreaming? How about when one is dream can one see Allah subhanho wa Taala in its purest form, then majority of scholars seem to have gone towards the opinion exclusively for the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was for everyone else, they can see Allah subhanaw taala in a form that is not his original and beautiful form, they can see Allah subhanho wa Taala in his form, that is not his original and beautiful form. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala he asks him, all Mohammed, what is the dispute of the highest ages? What is the dispute of the
highest angels? This shows us, Allah subhanho wa Taala teaching the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that one of the best ways to teach an individual is to ask questions. So if your teacher ever asks a question, don't be offended. Why, like why is the teacher asking me a question, but rather, this is one of the ways of learning, you know, a teacher can dictate and you can ask question and this is one of the ways of learning. Then too, we see the response of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, I do not know. And this teaches us that even as a prophet as in the be of Allah subhanho wa taala, there is no shame in saying, I do not know, if
you're uncertain about something, don't make up an answer. Don't do it. You got to make yourself look bad at the end of the day, just say, I don't know. And this is something that is praiseworthy. In fact, the scores of this past they used to say that saying law degree is half of knowledge, saying I don't know is half of knowledge. Why are they saying this? Because when you recognize your own shortcoming and knowledge, this will encourage you to go and study. So half of knowledge is what you already know. The other half of knowledge is knowing what you don't know so that you can go out and seek it so that you can go out and seek it. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala repeated this question
another two times after that. Allah subhanaw taala already knows that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't know. And Allah subhanaw taala knows that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to say, I don't know. Why is Allah subhanaw taala repeating the question over here to remind us at the end of the day, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is ultimately in charge, and that he does as he pleases. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he didn't say, oh, Allah, I already told you I don't know. Why are you asking me again? The Prophet SAW Selim taught us manners, even to deal with Allah subhanho wa taala. If certain trials are happening again and again in your life, don't
question why are these trials happening? Certain things are happening. Don't question why be patient upon it drive the benefit from it. And then with patience comes great reward. What was the reward of patients over here? He says that Allah subhanaw taala put his hand on my chest, put his fingers on my chest till I felt the coolness of his hand on my chest. And then I became made to know I became made to know So here Allah subhanaw taala taught the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, something that only the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could have been taught with and that is through a direct chain of narration from Allah subhanaw taala to the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in terms of direct inspiration, that as soon as Allah subhanho wa Taala touched him, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became to know. So then he asks him again, oh, Mohamed, what is the dispute about? And he says the dispute is about the toners. What is the toners? A toners? Are those things that cause your sins to be forgiven, that cause your sins to be forgiven? So now what exactly is the dispute about the dispute amongst the angels, is which one of these deeds will cause the greatest amount of forgiveness? Which one of these deeds will cause the greatest amount of forgiveness? And this should make us hasty in wanting to know what are the
deeds that we can do that will cause us to be forgiven? What are the deeds that we can do that will cause us to be forgiven? Now let us look at the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrates, he says the walking of the feet towards the congregational prayer, the very first thing, what the scholars derived from this is the fact that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam put in order to this shows that this is the correct order now shows us that this is the correct order now. So walking towards the masjid, in a lot of times on the day of Juma people become very, very stingy. They're like, I don't want to walk to the masjid, they there's no spot in the parking lot. I'm going
to block someone off just so I don't have to walk further to the masjid. What if roiling to regret not only is what you're doing potentially sinful, because one, you're breaking the law to you causing hardship to your brother, but through you're depriving yourself of the great amount of reward. With each step. There's a huge amount of agile that you're getting with huge step there's a great amount of agile, and a completely separate Hadith. You know, the there's a difference between as the authenticity of it but with each step that an individual is taking, there's the reward of aamra to or you know, towards the salah for each step. So that's a huge amount of reward that you're
missing out on, you know, for
Walk into the prayer. So now in our day and age, you know we have the luxury of course, and no one saying not to use the luxury of course. But if you have the opportunity to walk to the masjid, try to take that opportunity if you have to park far away, understand that Allah subhanaw taala is rewarding you for each step of the way. The number two sitting in the masajid after the prayer sitting in the masjid, after the prayer. Now you may think you know what this contradictory to what the Sahaba used to do know what I was saying is that they wouldn't sit specifically to make their liquor if they had something to go and do. They would make their liquor on the way. However it
intentionally spent time in the masjid. This is something that is beloved right going back to the Hadith seven people that Allah loves Allah Julian coloboma, Allah Khan, Bill masajid, that a man whose heart is attached to the masjid, so whether it's just reading Quran, whether it's preparing, you know, work, whatever it is, spending your time in the machine is a blessing thing to do. And the more time you can spend in the masjid, the better it is. So spending time in the masjid number three, perfecting ablution. In times of difficulty, winter time comes, you guys all know how difficult it is to make wudu. And that is when like people start making a ruckus. They're like, You
know what, making 123 times is too difficult. I'll just make it once there's an empty laugh do I have to put water in my nose and mouth? Let me take the easier way out. I'm not going to do it. I'm just going to wash my face. Here the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, perfecting will do in times of difficulty is one of the greatest rewards for removing one since so if you go through difficulty making wudu then you know of embrace it. Then the Messenger of Allah Selim has asked, and then what meaning what comes after this. So these are the first three things. He says giving food, speaking softly and praying while the people are asleep. And I find this part
absolutely amazing. Someone would think you know what, praying Chromolaena tahajjud probably has the greatest amount of reward. But if you look at the order of this hadith, that's not the case. That's not the case that Allah subhanaw taala has put the greatest amount of reward. And the first things that we mentioned in terms of walking to the masjid, right in terms of struggling with one's will do staying inside of the Masjid. So here it's teaching us that there are things that there are there are more virtuous. Now obviously, it's all going to be relative in terms of one's intention, and the amount of struggle that one has the amount of struggle that one has. So basically, the more struggle
you have, the more reward there is walking to the masjid is a struggle. Staying in the masjid, when you have more to do is a struggle, you know, struggling with your widow is a struggle, right? So the greater the struggle, the greater the reward. So feeding the people and speaking softly and praying while the people are asleep. And then this is the beautiful part is that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told by Allah make dua and I will accept it from you make dua and I will accept it from you. And then the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is taught a dua directly by Allah subhanho wa taala. This is the dua that Allah subhanaw taala inspired the
messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with
so now what is the dua that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam is asked with I know everyone's looking towards the clock a short time is coming. I know inshallah will perish very, very shortly with an ATAR Allah, he's, he's taught by Allah subhanho wa Taala let me just get it over here. Allah humma in the SLO Cafe little carrot rhetorical macarons were herbal Moroccan one texturally What are how many were the orator fitness and fee common for to offend desire MF tune vitam of tuning was Sir Luca Cuba Manuel heybrook Waha Bahama the new caribou ala phobic color Sula, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the haha can further also her summer to summer to Allah Maha. So
this is the dua that the Messenger of Allah says Allah was taught I'll do a quick translation of it. Oh Allah I asked you for the performance of good deeds, the abandonment of evil deeds, the love of the poor, and that you forgive me and have mercy upon me. When you intend to try and people that you take me on tried. I asked you for your love, the love of those whom you love and the love of those actions that lead to your love. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed they are the truth, study them and learn them. Let us go quickly through the DUA asking Allah subhanaw taala for good deeds and staying away from bad deeds. Understanding that good deeds are a form of
guidance from Allah subhanho wa taala. And that you will only do good deeds if Allah subhanaw taala wills to guide you. So if Allah has guided you to perform good deeds, thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for this thank Allah subhanaw taala for this little things like giving Salaams to people, little things like thanking people, little things like sitting in the Halacha this is all guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah subhanaw taala should be thanked for. Likewise if Allah guides you to stay away from sins, when you have the ability to do that, then this is from the protection of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah subhanaw taala should be thanked for and then loving of the poor
people loving of the poor people, something that is counterintuitive to our times. We see poor people
We want to run away from them. Part of our faith is taking care of poor people and showing them love showing them mercy, showing them compassion, sharing your food with them, sharing your wealth with them, doing whatever you can to help them and that, you know, that's part of the initiative. We're trying to start up at the ISC at volunteer at the drop in center. These are the poor people of our city, and we want to show our love, we want to show concern to these people. So try to get involved as much as you can, that you forgive me and have mercy upon me. And this part is just absolutely beautiful. Subhan Allah, someone like the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that has
the least amount of mistakes in the history of mankind, still has the respect to ask Allah subhanaw taala Oh ALLAH forgive me, that at the end of the day, we are humans and all of us will make mistakes. So one should never feel proud to seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa taala. And to ask Allah subhanaw taala for His Mercy Corps, it is only by the mercy of Allah subhana wa Taala that we have any good in this life, and that we will be entered into paradise into the next and that if you intend to send a fitna towards the people that you protect me from that fitna that you protect me from the fitna and this is a point of reflection, that people think that we should ask Allah
subhanho wa Taala for fitna, so that we can be patient. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is showing us the exact opposite. ask Allah to be protected from fitna because you never know which fitna before is on your heart. And then guidance gets taken away or something bad happens. So never ever asked for fitna but rather ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala to protect you from fitna untried, then I ask you for your love, the love of those whom you love, and the love which leads the action, the love of actions, which leads to your love. So three types of love, the love of Allah subhanho wa taala, the love of those whom you love, and the love of those actions that lead to your love, the
love of Allah subhanho wa Taala is something you know, that needs to be felt towards can to describe it, that's the easiest way to put it. When you're loved by Allah subhanho wa Taala you'll notice that everything else in this world becomes very, very small, insignificant, and the only thing that will matter to you is Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam is helping us understand this, that at the end of the day, if Allah subhanaw taala loves you, and you lose the whole dunya you're still successful. And at the end of the day, if you have the whole entire dunya but you don't have the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala you will feel spiritually empty, and it is as
if you have nothing at all. So he asked Allah subhanaw taala for his love, the love of the people that he loves, that we need to love the people and the things that Allah subhanaw taala loves. This is a part of our faith, and the way we attain the love of Allah subhanaw taala is through the actions that Allah loves. So the messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam asked him to be blessed with those actions that Allah subhanaw taala loves as well. And the President of Allah says salam concluded by saying these things are the truth, study them and teach them and these are the exact words that I leave you with as well. This beautiful Hadith found in the cylinder remember thermally
that is not found in any other books that had the mama telemovie Rahim Allah not put this in and say hey, and Allah guided him to this, potentially this hadith could have been lost, the whole Ummah is indebted to the likes of Imam telemovie due to this one Hadith. So let us do our part and studying this hadith learning this hadith, implementing this hadith and teaching this hadith to our family members to our friends, and trying to make the most out of it. With that we will conclude we pray that Allah subhanaw taala grants us the Tofik to understand this hadith and to implement it and then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes us of those people that love good deeds and are protected from that
day from bad deeds that love the poor people and that Allah subhanaw taala grants us His love, the love of the people that he loves and the love of those actions that will bring us closer to his love Allahumma Alameen wa sallahu wa salam abiotic and then the Vienna Muhammad. While he was so happy he made it