Navaid Aziz – 40 Hadith On Wealth Friday #3

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and importance of Halal mortgages, including the use of the "has" meaning "has been met" meaning "has been met," the importance of preserving principles and values, and the use of language in media coverage. They stress the need to be mindful of one's behavior and avoid giving money to someone who is not in their control. The speakers also mention upcoming events and updates on their respective countries.
AI: Transcript ©
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One way or the Allah or shadow under ilaha illallah who had the audacity calahorra shadow under Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa the early he was assaulted me he was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and my bad. Allahu Allah al Vandana Elana alum Tana And them namah Yun Farah no one frighten them Tana was in there. Nya Kareem, my dear brothers and sisters Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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So we're going to we're going to pick up from Hadith number 19, which was the Hadith that we left off because there was some discussion around it that we wanted to discuss. This is the hadith of Jabara, the Allahu Taala and who the chapter heading is, deferred counter values and sales are not included in selling debt for debt. So we discussed in a previous halacha that selling debt for debt is not allowed. But let's look at let's look at what happens in this hadith over here. So Al Bukhari and Muslim collected from Jabra bin Abdullah who related he was writing on his camera which had grown feeble and you want it to set it free. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam caught up to me

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supplicated for me and smack to the camera. It took off like I had never seen before. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said, Sell it to me for one Opia I replied, No, he again said sell it to me. So I sold it to him for an okiya on the condition I ride it home to my family. When I reached out Medina, I took the camel to him, and he paid me for it. I returned to my family, and he sent someone to fetch me when I came, he said, Did you think that I haggled with you in order to take your camel, take your camel and Durham's they belong to you, this is Muslims wording, and okiya is 40 Durham's. Okay, so now let's get into context. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is on an expedition,

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and there's this one companion, that for some reason, he keeps falling behind all the time, every time the person looks back, and this companion is always in the back and this Jabara the Allahu Anhu and jabber Scannell is so weak, and basically on the verge of being completely useless. Yes, it will get you from point a point from point B, but not at an appropriate time, not at the time that it should take. So at that time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he struck the camel and he supplicated and he prayed for the camel. And juggled or the Allahu Taala and who he says that the camel became as fast as I've ever seen it. I've never seen it this fast before. And then the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells him, sell me your camel, sell me your camera, and he says the auto Sula, the camera is yours. I don't want anything for it. You can take it and then the processor and said no, I want you to sell it to me. So then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam offers him one Burnham right as a symbolic gesture for a transaction as opposed to him receiving it as a gift. Then Jabara della hota Allahu he says yada so the love I want to sell it to you. This camel is now good, it's not as weakened feeble as it used to be, I want you know, fair market value for it. So they bargained back and forth till they agreed upon one Okay, which is approximately 40 Durham's

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approximately 40. Durham's. Now, in this hadith, it's a longer version of the Hadith. There's actually some beautiful lessons. And that's what I want to expand on over here because there's only a condensed version over here. So as you're going on this journey together, the pastor says I'm asking Jabber, Jabber, are you married? And Jabra says yes, er rasool Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him, did you marry someone that was previously married? Or did you marry someone that's younger than age like yourself, Josie Jabara Allahu Taala and who is approximately 20 years old? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam him asking this question you may

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think it'd be may be a bit strange, but it shows us that amongst those companions, there you can ask these sorts of questions and it's not considered indecent. So Jabara the Allahu Taala and who he says Yara sola are married someone that is older in age and has been previously married. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says the hijab but only if you had married someone that was closer to your age range, so you could have played with her and she could have played with you. Then Jabari, he responds he also Allah my father died in the battle of hurt and he left me in charge of seven sisters. So I wanted someone that could help me take care of my seven sisters. So now we see Jabara

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de la Juan who has situation Number one, he doesn't have a lot of money or a lot of income, and that's why he has

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The camera that he has number two, at a very young age, the burden of responsibility is thrown on him where he has to take care of seven sisters. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't want to make Javid feel, you know what, here's a handout. I am better than Newtype think he wants to teach Jabba the importance of doing business and getting established on your feet and doing things properly. And that is why this hadith actually takes place. That is why this hadith actually takes place. So now we get back to the Hadith. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam finds out that he has gotten married. He tells him that we will throw away Lima for you. So they throw away Lima

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for him. And Jabra says Yara so Allah, I will sell you my camera now. But when we get back to Medina, that is when I will deliver to you let me write it back to Medina. So they arrive into Medina. They had the walima the night before and the next day Javid comes and he delivers the camera to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophets are seldom asked his beloved about the Allahu Taala and who to go ahead and give him his 40 Their humps. Now Jabba is on his way. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam summons him back. And he says the hijab What do you think I haggled with you? And we did this just for the sake of that I can have your camel and remember this

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camel was pretty much useless as on its final legs, and he wants to show Jabara Allahu Taala No, an act of kindness, an act of compassion, an act of mercy, but not at the expense of making him feel as if he was a pauper or a beggar. Right so he did this business transaction with him. So he gives him back to the camel gives him the the money that he paid for him. And this shows the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you know, the process of didn't have to go out of his way to help this young companion in his journey of life of dealing with his sisters dealing with a you know, a new wife and dealing with you know, a car that keeps breaking down and doesn't work. Yet the

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problems are so I'm shows his character in this now the title of the hadith is deferred counter values in sales are not included in selling debt for debt. So we spoke previously debt for debt is not allowed. But the fact that we have two separate issues here, one a camel and one for currency. This shows us that both of them can be delayed. And the further incentive over here is that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam even on its face is doing something as a business transaction. This is more an act of sadaqa or an act of kindness for Jabara the Allahu Tada Anhu a lot of profound lessons over here. Number one, the importance of getting married while young. Number two,

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not depending on people's handouts. Number three, learning how to do business from a young age. Number four is that from where as we discussed previously, from comfort is to have a mode of transportation that can get you from point A to Z, and be reliable and from you know, wretchedness is to have a mode of transportation that can't that you can't, so invest in those things that will bring you happiness in this dunya invest in those things that will bring you happiness in this dunya

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friends, you can ask intimate questions, and there is no shyness. Number six the importance of giving advice to one another and the process of them giving advice. Number seven, the permissibility of throwing a walima on behalf of someone else, so Jabara Allahu Taala and we call it throw with him for himself. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through our Nima for him. Number eight, respecting people's honor and dignity and not making them feel as if they are dependent on handouts as if they are dependent on handouts. All of these lessons can be derived from this hadith.

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We move to Hadith number 22. Hadith number 22. Because we did 20 and 21 Last week, so Hadith number 22. Forbidden artifice is that which undermines a Sharia principle and negates a legislative benefit. Mohammed collects in his Musnad from Abbas that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting in the masjid, facing his home, he then looks to the sky and laughed. Then he said, Allah has cursed the Jews, fat was forbidden for them, but instead they sold it and ate the price. Indeed, when Allah mighty and high forbids a people from consuming something, he forbids its price from them, as well. He forbids its price for them as well. So now, the principle that states whatever you

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are, what you're not, this goes back to something we discussed previously, where sometimes something may seem permissible on its face value, but due to the underlying nature of it, it becomes impermissible, particularly when you have an intention of deceit, an intention of cheating, number two, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying Allah curse to the Jews. Now obviously, there's always attacks of anti semitism against the Muslim community. This has to be understood in its proper context. You probably sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam is speaking about a particular group of Jewish

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People that were trying to circumvent their Sharia, they're trying to circumvent their Sharia. So Allah subhanaw taala had prohibited them from consuming fat. So if you see fat on a piece of meat, you're not allowed to consume it. So the Jewish people as they're eating their meat, these groups of Jewish people, as they're eating their meat, they're seeing the fat on the meat, they're like, we can't consume this. So let us sell it instead, let us sell it instead. And they made money off of that meat from that, from that fat, you can make oil out of it, you can make soup out of it, you can do a variety of different things with that fat. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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says, Indeed, when Allah mighty and high forbids people from consuming something, he forbids its price for them as well, meaning that as Muslims, like we can't eat pork, we're not allowed selling pork either. Like we can't consume alcohol, we're not allowed selling alcohol, either these things are prohibited for us. Now, the sad reality is, you go to a lot of these stores, like particularly in the States, I can't remember if it was a particular city or the whole state of Michigan. But in the state of Michigan, the vast majority of liquor stores or might have been a particular city in Michigan, the vast majority of liquor stores were owned by the Muslim community, because there's so

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much money to be made there. Right? People are dependent on this stuff, they can survive without it. So here we learn that whatever is haram, for you to consume, is also haram for you to sell. You're not allowed consuming something, you're not allowed selling something either. But how about giving something away? Are you allowed giving it away. And this is where the scholars differed. And the scholar said that something that is going to create a well known harm, then that sort of thing should not be given away. But something that will not create a well known harm, then that is something that you are allowed to give him the world giveaway. So for example, someone gives you an

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alcohol bottle at work for Christmas or New Year's, you shouldn't give that away thinking that you know what It's haram for me.

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They these people don't care about let me give it away. No, you pour that bottle out, and you dispose of it. But what if someone gives you a box of chocolates that has gelatin in it? Right, you can consume it. But the harm in this is not to the degree where it's going to take away someone's ability to think and to process and things like that you are allowed giving something that has gelatin away. And that is not a problem. That is not a problem. I'll share with you something that is mentioned in the books of Facebook, that the Muslim community used to do. And that is how do you get your zakat money back while making it seem legitimate. So I don't know if you guys have heard.

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Sheikh Hasina is famous story about a man that he knows of his cat every year is $15 million $15 million is the cat that he has to pay. So that's 2.5% of you know, his accumulative liquid assets. So you can imagine how much wealth he has. And he came complaining the other day that you know, 15 is too much, can you please reduce it. So you can imagine the 15 million is 2.5% How much what the Aleksey has, and he's complaining now that this is too much. And this shows you span Allah, how grateful we need to be for the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us. But I digress. So now imagine you have this person that needs to get $15 million into the cat. What they decide to do

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is they take some duffel bags, put the money in it, and they go and find poor people. And for the sake of the story, we'll find one poor person, we find this one poor person gave him the $15 million in the cat money and says, Here is the cat money. And this is yours. Now before they parted ways, by the way, even though I've given this to you, I want to purchase the bag that I gave it to you and I wanted to purchase the bag that I gave it to you and here's $5,000 Give me the bag back and he walks away. In this my man's mind, he thinks I given my cat to the poor person, I fulfilled my obligation. And I wanted that bag back. So I did a business transaction. And I purchased that bag back that had

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the $15 million just happens to have the $15 million dollars in it. So in his mind, he thinks he's done something clever, but the intention you can't hide. You're trying to circumvent the Sharia you're trying to circumvent the rules that Allah subhanaw taala has put in place. So something like this would not be allowed something like this would not be allowed.

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Hadith number 23 and the flesh sustained by the illicit than the Hellfire has more rights to it. Even headband collects from Cambodia or the Allahu Taala and who who said Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever accumulates haram wealth, then gives it in charity, he will have no reward for it. And it sin will be upon him it sin will be upon him. So this often comes back to people asking, Hey, can I leave the interest in my bank?

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count on, so that I can give the money away to a good cause. So I can give it away as sadaqa gonna give it to the masjid, I can do all of this stuff with it. This hadith explicitly prohibits that, that whoever accumulates haram wealth, and then gives it in charity, there is no reward for it, but rather, you're still going to be punished for it, you're still going to be held sinful for it. So this shows us that even if you have a righteous intention behind accumulating wealth, that I want to become a millionaire by, you know, shorting the market right now. And then I'm going to give away the money to South Africa to help build a masjid. There's no agenda, there's no baraka and that

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there's only sin in that there's only sin in that. Now, the question arises, if you have haram money, what can you do with it? If you have haram money? What can you do with it, we have three opinions from the scholars. Number one, general public benefit, and not to individuals. So the first opinion is, you can give it away to a place where there's general public benefit, but you can't give it to an individual. So when someone wants to build an orphanage, someone wants to build a library, someone's doubles the hospital, general public benefit, that's allowed. Number two, is that anyone that you can pay the cat to, you're allowed giving this money to anyone that you can pay this as a

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cat two, you can give this money to an opinion number three, you can only give it to the Fukada and the Masak in the first two categories of those that are eligible for the cat, those that are eligible for the cat. Now all of these opinions do not have any explicit evidence for them. All these opinions do not have any explicit evidence for them. To which the conclusion comes to is that you are allowed giving this haram money anywhere that you wish, as long as you're not personally benefiting from it, as long as you're not personally benefiting from it. There is this misconception that with haram money, we're only allowed to building you know the toilets of the masjid, we can't

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do anything else with it. And this is again is not based on any sound evidence and is not true. But any place that accepts charity and donations you can give there but keep in mind you will not be rewarded for it. And if you have made no effort to stop the Haram money from coming through, you will still get the sin. If you have made the effort to stop that haram money then the sin is no longer upon you the sin is no longer upon you. We'll do two more Hadith then you can ask your questions inshallah.

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Hadith number 24.

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prohibitions related to the rights of man are based on protecting those rights and preventing harm.

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Imam Muslim collects from Abu Huraira the Allahu Tada and who Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, do not envy one another do not raise prices on one another. Do not to despise one another do not turn away from one another. None should preempt his brothers sale be slaves of Allah brothers. The Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He does not oppress him he does not demean him. He does not humiliate him. Taqwa is right here, pointing to his chest three times. It is enough evil for a man to demean his Muslim brother, the entirety of a Muslim is forbidden for another Muslim, his blood, his wealth and his honor. So this is a very famous Hadith from Cambodia or the Allahu

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Taala and who, if you study Imam noise for the Hadith, you'll find this hadith over there as well. This is the general etiquette of a Muslim, but it is the specific etiquette of a businessman and a tradesman. So do not envy one another. You see your brother making more sales than you making more profits than you do not be jealous of them. This is their risk, this is their test from Allah subhanaw taala if it brings them closer to Allah subhanaw taala Alhamdulillah we desire that for people. But what if Allah gives wealth to people and it takes them away from Allah subhanho wa taala, then that is something that we would not want. So is that what you're envious of? No, you

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shouldn't be in that case. And for those of you that attended the hotspot today, we spoke about cabin demonic the story of cabin Romanic specifically mentioned that, for the first time in his life, he finally had to camos and he had this garden that he was ready to harvest. And that was what delayed him from going into the into the battle of the book. And then look at what happened and transpired thereafter. So having more of the dunya should not be presumed to be better, do not raise prices on one another. So this is where Imran is a good friend of mine. And Harris comes to the store and he says I want to buy this product, I'll offer you $10 for it, and Imran he artificially

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raises the price. He says you know what, don't sell it to Harris for 10 I'll offer you 15 And then Harris says you know what I'll offer you 20 mi says you know what? That's too much for me, I'm want to step back. And now Harris is paid twice the amount for the product that he was willing to pay. Because Imran and I work

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colluding together to artificially raise the price to artificially raise the price. So something like this Islamically would not be allowed something like this Islamic Lee would not be allowed. Do not despise one another meaning do not have hatred towards another the word both is an intense hatred, right? Sometimes people will do things that are hurtful and are painful, and you're allowed not to speak to them for three days. But after those three days are over, you need to go back to fulfilling brotherly rights. You need to go back to feeling brotherly rights, none should preempt his brother's sale. So Imran and I, we have two stores, I see how this come to Emraan store. So I go

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to hardest instead, I'm like, Look, Imran has great stuff and great prices, but my stuff is better quality, and you'll get better prices with me. So I tried to take away Enron's customer for him. So I'm pre empting the sale, this is something that is not allowed to be slaves of Allah. So this is the emphasis over here, that our primary identity as people is that we are the slaves of Allah subhanaw taala. And as the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala we will all stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala and have our reckoning, what have you prepared for that reckoning? These are all things that are being mentioned, that will make the reckoning very difficult, so stay away from

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them. Another point over here is as the slave of Allah, Allah is your provider, Allah will take care of you who will provide you everything that you need. So rather than trying to pull these tactics, put your trust in Allah subhanaw taala, and your risk will come to you there's no need to cheat, the Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. This concept of brotherhood, and sisterhood is very important. And it comes with the assumption that traditionally the loyalty that you would have towards your blood brothers and your blood sisters, is the same loyalty if not greater, that you should have two brothers and sisters in faith that you should have your brothers and sisters in faith. But nowadays

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that really doesn't make sense, because now we see that no one has any loyalty to anyone. No one has this, you know, deep love and concern for anyone, even if it is your own family members. Subhanallah like how many times do we see cases, you know, children are suing their parents, parents or you know disowning their children, and a variety of different things are happening in family courts. SubhanAllah. So that context may not make sense. But this concept of brotherhood and sisterhood is very, very important Subhanallah that traditionally there was this level of loyalty, and you're meant to have that and greater for your brothers and sisters. He does not oppress him, meaning take

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the rights unjustly. He does not demean him, belittle him, mock Him, make fun of him. He does not humiliate him, take away his honor for him and make him seem less in the eyes of others. Taqwa is right here and he pointed to his chest, but more specifically to the heart. It is enough evil for a man to demean his Muslim brother, meaning that if you want to think about some of the severest of sins, then one of the things that needs to come to your mind is when you put another Muslim down, that is from the severest of sins, that is from the greatest of sins. The entirety of a Muslim is forbidden for another Muslim, his wealth, his honor, and his blood. This goes back to the concept of

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Mikasa Dissidia. What are the objectives of the Sharia, the Sharia came to protect life, it came to protect wealth, it came to protect, honor, it came to protect intellect and capacity, and it came to protect the continuation of lineage. So all of these things need to be preserved by the Sharia. So when you look at something being prohibited in the Sharia know that it came to prevent harm, and know that it came to prevent dispute amongst people as well. It came to prevent harm, and it came to prevent dispute.

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Hadith number 25. The most Hi statement, have you seen the one that takes his desires as his ILA so it's not supposed to be as his Allah is supposed to be as his Illa that is a typo in the book. So here the title heading states that either you're worshiping something separate, or you end up worshiping your own desires. I'll Buhari collection Abu Huraira the Allahu Taala Anhu Allah's Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam said, destroyed is the slave of the dinar, the Durham the shirt and the jacket. If he is given, he's pleased and if he is not, then he is not pleased. And this hadith is specifically speaking about those individuals that are willing to go to any length to get

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you know, things from this dunya to get wealth, to get money to get

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prestige to get fame, by any means necessary. It applies to wealth it applies to clothing.

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applies to whatever people covet and chase in this dunya and whoever chases those things, and is willing to compromise on those principles will be destroyed will be destroyed. So he says destroyed as the slave of the dinar, the gold coin that they are harmed the silver coin, the shirt and the jacket. If he has given HE is pleased, if not, then he is not pleased.

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Who can tell me what the word Zod means? What is the word is the hood mean?

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very comes from the same verb. It comes from the same place. But when someone lives a solid lifestyle what does that mean?

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Very simple, very basic

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hola hola. Como? Yes, so remember my daughter him Allah when he was asked about Zoho and I feel like I've shared this before, but I'll share it again for the benefit. When he was describing his word. He says that, if Allah subhanaw taala gives you 100,000 dinar, it will not make you happier. And if Allah subhanaw taala takes away 100,000 dinar, it will not make you sad, it will not make you sad, this is good. So you have no attachment to the life of this world. Right. And that is what Ideally, we should be striving for that yes, you benefit and you enjoy from this dunya to the degree that you need it, but you don't covet it, you don't chase it, if you get it Al Hamdulillah if you don't get

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it hamdulillah still right, that is the mentality that we're meant to have. So now, this doesn't mean and this is where, you know, people often get confused. This doesn't mean that you don't work hard for your money. This doesn't mean that you don't hustle. This doesn't mean that you don't take all the avenues and all the means. This just means that number one, you don't compromise on your principles. And number two, you don't compromise on the life balance that believers are meant to have in terms of their Ibadah in terms of their family, in terms of studying in terms of all the other facets of our lives as well. So this hadith should be understood. In light of that context. I

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open up the floor for questions now Inshallah, three questions Bismillah heated? Go ahead.

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That like there were

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so that so you said the price was 10 with the knob? And

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he said, No, Why'd you buy 10. Now the other guy said he wanted more.

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So as an example, like storage, as an example.

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So what you're referring to is an auction, right. And in an auction, if long as long as you're familiar with the product, then people can auction the product. And that's not a problem. What's not allowed is that you plant someone in the auction to artificially raise the price. So you know that this thing is only going to go for $100. You tell one of your friends, you know what I want you to say $110. So that next person will say 120, you're not allowed artificially raising the price. But other than that, yes, of course, you can auction. And as long as the two parties agree to the price, there's no problem in that.

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Every time like that, like as an example, the storage, they sell it for like one day. Yeah.

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Everybody wants anything.

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stuff. So and then he is the other guy says, I want it.

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So that part is fine, as long as you didn't plan to the person there as long as you didn't plant the person there. Well, lavado question Bismillah.

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What's the

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most recent attack on the border? And then

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No, no, I don't think she got it wrong. So the question about drop shipping. And, you know, the beauty of knowledge is that it allows for a spectrum of opinions. So once you can have one opinion, other she can have another opinion, and they will both have their deals, right. So at the end of the day, what I was presenting to the class, is that the province of Allahu alayhi wa sallam has clearly allowed two things. There are Salam and Bayer this this now so we are Salam is one the harvest of the data hasn't come yet. And be honest, this now as you want someone to make a ring for you. So you pay them the money didn't advance and then they make the rink for you. Both of these things are

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allowed. So curious upon this issue with the added condition is that you have to be determined you have to give the guarantee

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If I'm unable to deliver the product to you, I will either find a solution that both of us are happy with, or I will refund you your money. With these two conditions, I believe it's allowed and it's not a problem. Allahu taala. But and again, if you go back to that does, we said that you should already have a pre arranged agreement with the supplier, right? It shouldn't be I sell the product first. And then I go make the agreement, you should already have the agreement made in the first place.

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No, you don't have to have it in your in your possession. Allahu taala.

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Go ahead.

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No, I, you said that you're not allowed to take away customers by snake oil prices. And that I've seen like some stories leads to have something that says we have the best value and like, the best value and like, that's all the products that we Yes, that's perfectly fine. You're allowed bragging about your products. That's not a problem. What's not allowed is

00:31:02 --> 00:31:04

what's like your best competitor for Best Buy.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:33

Vision, there we go. So imagine like vision and Best Buy, they have stores next to each other at one another. And anytime a customer is about to come into Best Buy, the salesperson provision stops him and says Look, our products are cheaper and better come buy from us instead. Something like that wouldn't be allowed. But if I just put up a sign that says best products, cheapest prices, that's perfectly fine. As long as hopefully you should be truthful in that as well that you don't want to make empty promises promises, but as long as you believe that and that's perfectly fine.

00:31:35 --> 00:31:35

If they have

00:31:38 --> 00:31:39

people to come

00:31:41 --> 00:31:42

to their store.

00:31:44 --> 00:32:26

Yeah, that's perfectly fine. You shouldn't be trying to specifically steal customers though, by you. Let's move on to Hadith number 26. A Change of Hands necessitates enrolling and we didn't make dua for the author so we'll do that column Allah for him and Allahu wa Iya. A Change of Hands necessitates a change in ruling. Al Bukhari collects from Amnesty Abdul Malik and this hadith is also narrated by I shouted Allahu Tanana who said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was brought some meat, it was said it was given a sadaqa to Barrera. He said it was sadaqa for her, and for us a gift. Now a lot of stuff is happening in this hadith that is not mentioned. Let us begin

00:32:26 --> 00:33:08

with Barrera. Butera was a slave girl, and she wanted to buy her way out of slavery, but she wasn't able to do so. So she sought help from Aisha Radi Allahu Taala to help buy her freedom out of slavery. So this built a companionship and a relationship between Bodhi Allah and Aisha Radi Allahu Tada. And then the second part of this hadith is about how the prophets of Allah who I knew Salaam and his family are not allowed taking from sadaqa so one day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given a pile of dates, and I'll send him No, it was about to eat the dates. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stopped him from doing so and told him to spit out what was in his

00:33:08 --> 00:33:20

mouth. And he said that the family of the Prophet Mohammed does not accept sadaqa does not accept sadaqa. So this is what is happening in this hadith. So now burrito wanting to show

00:33:21 --> 00:34:05

you know reciprocity of kindness. She gives meat to Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah Anna for her household, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is about to eat from this meat, and Aisha Radi Allahu taala. And her and as both knew that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not allowed to eat from sadaqa. So the province has said themselves that it was sadaqa for her, but for us, it is a gift, meaning she received this meat as an act of sadaqa. And she gave it to us and it is a gift. And this is where a very important principle, particularly for our day and age takes place, which is the changing of hands, changes the ruling on the item itself. So now let's go back

00:34:06 --> 00:34:53

to that individual that received interest in their savings account. For that person, them to consume that interest, money is haram and is not allowed. But for them to give it to someone and that person use it to buy food and clothing is perfectly valid. Because the changing of hands, purifies the wealth, the changing of hands, purifies the wealth, with the exception of wealth that is stolen, with the exception of wealth that is stolen. So now let me give you an example. The City of Calgary has a whole bunch of grants and bursaries that they give out for a variety of projects, but they openly tell you that the source of this money is from lotto Alberta or whatever the Lottery

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

Commission in Alberta is called. This is where that money is coming from. And this is where we're giving this money

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

away? Is it allowed for you to apply for that bursary? And grant?

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

Yes. Who said yes?

00:35:10 --> 00:35:12

Why is it allowed for you?

00:35:16 --> 00:35:17

To get

00:35:19 --> 00:35:19


00:35:29 --> 00:35:32

you don't know you're on the right track. If you have more confidence in your answer, I think you'll get it.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:57

And it is, and I want you to point out step by step how it's related. So now, I'll give you a second scenario. Second scenario is we go to law to Alberta. And we're like, hey, we have a youth project. Can you you know, give us a grant or bursary for this youth project? You go directly to youth to low to Alberta? Should we do that? Where's the difference between these two scenarios?

00:36:00 --> 00:36:00


00:36:01 --> 00:36:02


00:36:03 --> 00:36:13

apparently they didn't, maybe there was negotiation for the afterwards. But there is a middle person that is orchestrating giving out again, they're not the same people that are giving.

00:36:16 --> 00:36:42

Excellent. So here, the scenario is, you're not directly dealing with the party that's doing the Haram, you're not asking for that money. This is a third party that's received this money, they're distributing this money, dispersing this money, and the changing of the hands to them, and giving it to you has purified the wealth. And you're allowed to do so now directly going to the bank directly going to the lotto system directly going to

00:36:43 --> 00:37:18

they have this in Ontario, I don't know if they have this over here. But in all of Ontario, like all of the alcohol is run by like this one store like LSCB or something like that, right? You can't go directly to these places and ask for money from them. Even though the principle is valid at the changing of the of the hands would purify it, this is you directly going into you know, the snakes den. And that's something that you don't want. But if they've given this money to someone else, and you get it from there, then it's perfectly fine. Even if it's in its essence, is haram money, even if it's in its essence, is haram money, go ahead.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:25

You want to get a mortgage, and then you go to events. And then they just go to the bank. Or you go to

00:37:27 --> 00:37:29

you go to the bank. My mom would

00:37:30 --> 00:37:38

give me the money under me but then you're paying the bank back in. yella, you tell me why that's haram, you are going to tell me why that's how

00:37:43 --> 00:37:44

you're going to tell me why that's haram.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:49

Think about the previous Hadith that we just discussed, right?

00:37:51 --> 00:38:26

You're trying to circumvent the Cydia like had I, naturally, you know, not me, but this person over here, naturally gone to the bank, and they got a loan from the bank have like $700,000. And then they happen to meet you and you're like, Yeah, I'm trying to buy this house. And now we're saltwater. They're like yeah, here's $700,000 Go buy your house house that's perfectly had no problem there whatsoever. But for you to go to a non Muslim and say, hey, you know, you have no ethics or morals, go take this mortgage, and give me the money. And you know, you get all the sin and I can buy my house, that wouldn't be allowed because you're still trying to circumvent the

00:38:26 --> 00:38:26


00:38:27 --> 00:39:00

You don't know how they get their money? Like is it your due diligence to figure out how they get their money in the first place? No, it's not your responsibility to figure out how they get their money. However, I don't know if you're sitting with a specific case or not. But I will address a specific case. You have a lot of these Halal mortgaging companies, they build a trust in your name, and then go and take a mortgage out in the name of the trust and that's what you're signing off of. And then you're going to pay the mortgage off as well as an additional 2% so that this Halal mortgage company can make their profit. And this is like the epitome of stupidity that if you want

00:39:00 --> 00:39:14

to do something haram at least save money. Like why spend extra money for doing something haram right? That that's what ends up happening. So I don't know if that's what you're speaking about or not. That makes sense. So are we clear the changing of hands purifies worth Go ahead.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:25

Give the government the money for the bursary it's sponsored by so there's like a label

00:39:28 --> 00:39:40

and you have a responsibility of advertising that ensuring that no, I would stay away from that we do not want to advertise institutions of oppression and clear haram that we don't want those sorts of things. Allahu Taala Yeah.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:48

It depends on the type of bond if you don't cook so cuckoo is allowed.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:50

The government

00:39:55 --> 00:39:56

is not

00:39:57 --> 00:40:00

in Canada, it would not be allowed. So

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

government bonds in Canada are not allowed. But if you go to Muslim countries Malaysia, Indonesia, these are places they have bonds that are had

00:40:11 --> 00:40:17

Yeah, those would be halal. Because they are Sharia compliant in Canada we don't have Sharia compliant bonds.

00:40:18 --> 00:40:54

Allahu Taala by Hadith number 27 Hadith number 27 prohibition of deception and showing things in ways that are not a telemedical eczema Beholder or the Allahu Taala and who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed inbound of wheat and stuck his hand in it. When he found his fingers wet. He asked merchant of this week, what's this? The man replied that rain had hit it. Oh, Allah's Messenger. He said should you not then place it at the top where the people can see it? Whoever cheats is not from us. And I want to point out something.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:35

The Arabic it says man, Russia, Felisa Mina. Well, if you're white and okra, Mendoza, Shana Felisa Mina. And we'll speak about the importance of the wording over here. So let's speak about the context. The context is there's a man that's selling wheat, he has wheat that has been struck by rain, it's all damp and moist. And you can imagine wheat that is damp and moist, and that is placed at the bottom is more likely to go bad quickly is more likely to go God quickly. And he's put good wheat on top of it. So when someone comes in buys the 20 kilograms of wheat, they're not going to inspect all 20 kilograms. They'll just see the top and then take the whole 20 kilograms. So here the

00:41:35 --> 00:42:11

Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling this man, firstly inquires, you know what has happened? Why is it like this? So he's given him the benefit of the doubt, he didn't make the accusation, which is always very, very important. If something is unclear, give people that benefit of the doubt, and inquire first and inquire first. The man explains that rain had hit had hit it. So he said, then should you not, and not to, like reprimand him but advising him in a gentle manner? Should you not put this on top so people can see what they're actually buying? Meaning that you should put the lowest quality element on top so people can see clearly what it is. And then he gives

00:42:11 --> 00:42:21

the general phrase, man, Russia, Felisa Minda? Well, if you're writing okra, mangostana, Felisa Mina. So whoever cheats is not from us, and whoever cheats us is not from us.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:37

Why is this emphasis on wording so important? The difference between the known and the LF militia for at least a minute, while mine is less sharp for the seminar? Who can point out the importance of the difference over here, go ahead.

00:42:44 --> 00:43:19

Excellent. So you will have people that say that look, as long as I'm not cheating the Muslim community, I can cheat whoever I want. But the other wording of this hadith and the primary wording that we're using in Sahih, Muslim man as Russia for the seminar that whoever cheats in general is not from us. What is Lisa Mina mean? Mean that they're deficient in their Iman, they don't have complete Eman. It doesn't mean that they're not Muslim anymore. It means that they're deficient in their Iman. So we have people that try to cheat on their taxes, people that you're selling your car to a non Muslim, they'll hide the defects and all of these things that will take place. But the

00:43:19 --> 00:44:04

important point is the characteristic the believer is not defined with this characteristic. You should not be defined and described as one that cheats people, whether they are Muslim or non Muslim, whether it is your taxes or not taxes, whether it's the government, who you completely disagree with is irrelevant. If this is an act of cheating, you should not be doing it. You should not be doing it. Hadith number 28. Values are at the heart of business. Al Bukhari collects from Hakeem Ryzom that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, transactors have the option as long as they don't separate. If they are truthful and transparent, their transaction will be

00:44:04 --> 00:44:54

blessed. If they hide and lie, the blessing of their transaction will be wiped out. And here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us filk but it's also teaching us about the spiritual dimension of the transaction. So here the first part says transactors have the option as long as they don't separate. So Emraan and I were doing business together, he wants to buy my phone from me. As long as we're haggling with one another, and we haven't signed any documentation or parted ways, then there is no binding necessity on myself to sell or for Imran to buy as long as that is taking place. However, once we have parted ways, then the deal is final or if once we have

00:44:54 --> 00:45:00

signed a document, then the deal is final and you cannot back out from your transaction. You cannot

00:45:00 --> 00:45:24

Let's back out from your transaction at that time. So that is what the first part of the hadith is saying trans actors have the option, as long as they don't separate. Once we're separated, the deal is concluded. And unless there's something drastically wrong, the sale is final, the sale is final. However, as long as we're still negotiating, nothing is binding I'm not obliged to sell, he's not obliged to buy

00:45:25 --> 00:46:06

if they are truthful and transparent, this particularly for the seller, you have to be able to share any defects that it may have any history that it may have. So defects are current. So for example, I have a scratch on the phone. Imran may not see it, it is my obligation to tell him Ron, hey, there's a scratch on the phone. And then you also have history. What does that mean? Perhaps this phone is refurbished. So perhaps someone stepped on it. We had a completely remade, I have the responsibility of telling Imran that, hey, this phone is refurbished. It's not a brand new phone. It has been opened before people have worked on it. So even when you're selling computer parts or cars, if it's

00:46:06 --> 00:46:43

been in an accident, you have the responsibility of sharing the history of it, their transaction will be blessed. There will be Baraka in the transaction. What does that mean? The person that is buying it will have Baraka in the usage of the product that they're buying. And the person that is selling will have Baraka in the wealth that they are receiving, they will be able to do more, if they hide and lie, the blessing of their transaction will be wiped out. Meaning that yes, you may be able to cheat people perhaps you know Emraan doesn't know the deficiencies he doesn't see the scratch on the phone and he parts ways and he leaves and I've gone my way there's not going to be

00:46:43 --> 00:46:52

any better can that wealth and somebody that doesn't have any Baraka? Why would you want it in the first place? Why would you want it in the first place?

00:46:57 --> 00:47:01

We'll do one last Hadith and then we'll break for McGraw Bill ELAHE Tada.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:20

Hadith number 29. Returns follow assets and liability is based upon ownership and rights. A Tirmidhi collects from Aisha Radi Allahu taala, Anna, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam decreed that returns are contingent on liability, right?

00:47:22 --> 00:47:38

He decreed that returns are contingent upon liability. Why did the parser Selim decree this matter? The parser seldom decreed this matter because two people came disputing to him, two people came disputing to him. To summarize the scenario, we're going to modernize it

00:47:40 --> 00:48:00

Emraan comes to me and says navaid I would like to rent your car from you. I say sure Imran. I'll rent you my car for $250 a month. Imran then goes and starts doing Uber overeats and any other delivery thing, and he ends up making $5,000 off of that one month.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:41

And he comes to me and he says that you won't believe this. But mashallah, there's so much bad luck in your car in one month, I was able to make $5,000. So I say Imran you know, because you did this half of the money is mine, because I own the car, you use my car. So you can imagine now both of us go complaining to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is the similar to what had happened. So here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that whoever is liable, gets the Prophet, whoever is liable gets the profit. So while everyone had rented the car, if he got into an accident, am I liable for the car? Is he liable for the car Emraan is liable for the car, right? So because

00:48:41 --> 00:49:23

everyone is liable for the car, he gets the profits, he gets the profits. So whoever has the liability also gets the profit. So there isn't a scenario where you have no liability, and you still get profit, there isn't a scenario where there is no liability and you still get profit. So anyone comes to you and says guaranteed 100% return on your investment. That is a red flag right over there. There is nothing that is 100%. Guaranteed, there has to be opportunity for risk and opportunity for profit. If there is no risk involved. You can assume that it is haram, you can assume that it is haram. And this is what this hadith is referring to.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:25

Any questions?

00:49:26 --> 00:49:26

Go ahead.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:34

You using this car, like from the original view? You said

00:49:37 --> 00:49:39

10% or something?

00:49:40 --> 00:49:59

Yeah, that's allowed. That's allowed. As long as I negotiate that in advance. That's perfectly fine. That's not a problem. Yep. So the brothers question is, what if at the initial initiation of the deal, I said, Imran I'll run through my car for $250. And also if you're going to be using it for Uber Eats or for deliveries or for taxi 10% of whatever you make it

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

Is mine that is a permissible condition. And that is allowed. Go ahead. pause for a moment. Oh, yeah.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:09

We talked about

00:50:12 --> 00:50:12


00:50:13 --> 00:50:16

correct conversation, we finished

00:50:18 --> 00:50:18

talking about something

00:50:20 --> 00:50:23

or talking about something else. Now, when you say oh, by the way, can we go back?

00:50:25 --> 00:50:25


00:50:27 --> 00:50:58

The deal is still alive because they haven't separated ways. So one of two things will happen, either they've separated ways, or such a prolonged period of time has gone by, where it wouldn't be considered normal to go back to it. So an example would be, you and your friend are staying at a hotel together, your friends, okay, I'll send you my I'll tell you I intend to switch and you've finalized everything you happen to fall asleep at that time, the next morning, you're like, hey, can we renegotiate the deal? No, the deal is done at that point. Because a prolonged period of time has gone by even though you guys are still together. Makes sense.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:06

It's relative there's no specific amount, but whatever is considered a prolonged period of time.

00:51:08 --> 00:51:11

Last question from the sisters, anything.

00:51:12 --> 00:51:15

Brothers Going once, going twice?

00:51:28 --> 00:51:34

So the sisters question is about the the renter of the car, meaning the person renting out the car.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:59

They don't know that the other person is going to use it for business. A lot of it will depend on the conditions stipulated in the contract. So if they stipulate you can't use this for commercial use, then they're not allowed using the car for commercial use. Or number two, if they stipulate that you can only use this car for 400 kilometers, anything beyond that they're not allowed. If no conditions are mentioned, they're allowed to do it. If there are conditions mentioned then they're not allowed

00:52:05 --> 00:52:10

but then they can the ownership put in the contract, you're not allowed to use it for commercial use. Yeah.

00:52:18 --> 00:52:47

Let's do that after Silla after so I'll come and speak about that inshallah. So just an announcement for next week. Next week, we're moving to the Halacha to 8pm. Next week, we're moving the Halacha to 8pm Bismillah heeta Allah so you will have more time till Salah Maghrib. And there's two more harlequins left next week and the Halacha after that, and those will be the final two halacha has been in the heat either on the 40 Hadith on wealth and earning Subhan Allah will be having Nikka shadow Allah in stock photo Lake discipline located for attending was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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