Naima B. Robert – Join the Claim Your Voice Writing Challenge

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
A woman named Naima B Robert is leading a woman-led challenge to challenge the world to write their own story. She is asking the world to write for 10 minutes a day for 10 days and to amplify their own voice in a world that needs to hear it. Naima hopes that the challenge will lead women to share their own stories and become part of a movement.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu Alaikum and greetings.

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My name is Naima B Robert

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and I am here

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to challenge you.

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Yes you.

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I am here to challenge you to claim

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your voice.

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Now more than ever,

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the world needs to hear from you. The

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world needs your unique voice, your unique message,

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your unique story. And I don't care whether

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you consider yourself a writer, whether you consider

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yourself somebody who's not creative or who doesn't

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have the skill. None of that is important

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to me. What I'm asking you to do

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woman to woman

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is to claim your voice, to step into

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your power

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and claim the written word as your own.

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And how we're gonna do that is from

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the 8th to 18th April,

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we are challenging

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women from around the world to claim their

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voice and commit to writing

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every day for 10 days. Now I know

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one of the things that people always tell

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me is I don't have time to write.

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Oh, the kids work, study and all of

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that. But guess what?

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The best thing about this challenge

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is that I'm asking you to write for

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10 minutes a day.

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Just 10 minutes a day

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for 10 days.

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I will be with you,

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coaching you, supporting you, mentoring you, inspiring you,

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keeping you on track

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because I know

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that if you are able to complete this

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challenge, which I know you will,

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you will see a new side of yourself

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coming out. You will prove something to yourself

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and you will be part of a movement.

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This is a movement.

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This is about you claiming your voice

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and amplifying your voice in a world that

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needs to hear it.

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I hope that you will join in this

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challenge. I hope you will share this video.

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I hope you will tell your friends about

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it and click on the link. Get

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your name down

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and let's make this happen.

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I know this is gonna be a game

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changer for you and the other thousands of

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women who will be joining us from all

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around the world.

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So don't delay. Get your name down and

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I will see you in the week before

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8th so we can get ready.

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