Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Mlik Fiqh Wudu Ribat 03202019
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Before we begin
the Darce,
because we always have more people listening on
SoundCloud than we do actually attending darsh. Say
that Aloe is burning
very expensive oud from,
from Sarawak, which is a a good place
to get oud from, and it smells wonderful.
If you have not smelled the oud of
Sarak before,
you deserve it for not coming to Darce.
and, I feel no sympathy for you whatsoever.
all of us are enjoying. And, so please
allow the black hand of FOMO to suffocate
your hopes and dreams.
Unless, of course, you know, people who are,
disabled or, like, bound by having to take
care of children or some other
duty or restraint for those of you,
we pray that you get
to smell the Alaoui Oud one day and
enjoy the barakat of
the rebat, which is
not so bad. It's a nice place, it's
So last week, we
began the,
the chapter
the description of
Wudu and Istinja
by talking about Istinja for some time
then talking about the the beginning of.
But strictly speaking, the core of Wudu, we
didn't touch yet. Allah says in his book,
if you all you who believe when you,
stand for the prayer,
Wash your face.
That, wash your face
and then your hands all the way until
wrist. And the word,
on the plural which is a d,
It can mean hand or it can mean
And so in this case, it means kind
of halfway in the middle
and the the meaning is then defined by
the Quran that wash your hands all the
way to the to
the elbows
and wipe your heads
and wash your feet.
So when a person at first glance who
kinda learns a Sunday school
method of learning wudu, which is a good
way of teaching it. They use you know,
teach the kids, sir, first say bismillah, then
you wash your hands 3 times, and then
you rinse your mouth, etcetera.
Those those people
may wonder,
like, how come the eye of in the
Quran is
is different than the way we learned in
Sunday school? Was it that your Sunday school
was a corrupt and deviant innovator
* bent on destroying the foundations of Islam?
Possibly, but probably not.
Probably not. They may have been a smoker
or they may, have been lax in their
observation of eating halal meat at some time
in their life, but,
you know, even that
forgive them for having taught you how to
make. Imagine you make every time they receive
the reward for it, and that's absolutely not
the case. Rather,
the things that are mentioned in the Quran
here, these are the
Remember we mentioned that that that when you
wash your hands before dipping them into the
into the vessel,
that washing is a sunnah and it's actually
like a sunnah in order to prepare for
the wudu.
That's not the that's not the part of
wudu where you wash your hands.
That's washing hands in order to clean them
to put them in the vessel. And then
afterward, when you when you rinse your mouth
with water, you sniff the water and you
blow it out like we mentioned last week
in the
description that we mentioned last week. Those are
not faraida wudu, those are sunnaza wudu.
The first technically the first from far back
of your Wudu is watch.
It's washing your face, which we're gonna
we're gonna talk about right now.
Go ahead.
Go ahead. Go ahead. Read from
Come closer.
Yeah. So
then he says then a person will take,
either their 2 cupped hands of water or
1 cupped hand of water in their right
hand, and then then we'll
put that water into both their left and
right hand. And then they'll wash their face
with it.
They'll they'll empty that water out onto their
face, washing it with both hands
from the top of their forehead.
The the formal border of which is where
the hairline starts
or where it did start when, such person
had hair.
And then it the bottom border of it
is what? The chin, And then a person
will wash the entire face,
with the circle,
the the side boundaries of that circle being
two jaw bones
and their temples.
So, basically, the the where the jaw bone
comes up
right right in front of the right in
front of the ears.
And yeah. Go ahead.
Yeah. So
And so he says that a person will
wipe their
hands over,
that part which is,
I guess, not seen
from the outside,
the part that's hidden from the outside of
their eyelids.
Make sure that they're,
the water touches every part of their surface.
the wrinkles on their
on their,
their foreheads,
for those of us who have wrinkles on
our foreheads. Go ahead.
Sorry. Wait.
And then
the, make sure they get underneath the nose
also in the soft part, the soft cartilage
under the nose.
And a person will do that 3 times.
And that person will go
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. What?
Okay. So the,
the person will also then,
I guess, move their hand, and move their
their hand with the water over their beard
and, kinda, like, rub their beard from the
outside with it with their 2 palms so
that the water will enter into the into
the beard.
And the the, you know, like, the the
the hair that is
that is, like, on the outside surface of
the beard, the water should enter into it,
and, the hand should move over it. So,
basically, a person is,
is obliged to,
like, take the wet hands and then rub
over the, like, three-dimensional surface of the beard,
but they don't have to actually
run their fingers through their beard.
Or like in other,
the obligation is to make sure that the
water touches the skin underneath.
That's not there as long as, like, the
outside of the beard gets washed.
That's that's, sufficient for the. Go ahead.
Okay. So before we do that,
he mentions that you don't that it's the
opinion of Malik that a person doesn't have
run their fingers their wet fingers through the
a person does all of this three times.
The first time is and the next two
times are are not.
Go ahead.
Yeah. So the person
then will wash their right arm
3 times or 2 times. And when he
says 3 or 2, what he means is
that that,
the the validity
of the wudu is not contingent on washing
it 3 times. And a person will
pour water
over that arm, and they will wipe it,
the right arm with the left arm.
And they will,
run their fingers through their fingers,
in part of it. Meaning, you should have
to get through get get what's in between
your your fingers
as part of the.
And, that's how you do the right arm,
and then you flip the the the script
and do the left arm
like that.
Yeah. So
a person will
in both of these washings,
they'll wash up into including elbows.
And this is a Usuli issue. Are the
the rahat included within the Hadar knot?
That, are the extremities
or the limits,
of of of a definition included in that
definition? Are the definitions open circle or closed
circle for those of you who remember,
you know, graphing. Right?
he's he says leave that discussion alone. Why?
Because imagine if the if the elbow is
not part of it, the amount of strange
to make sure that you get everything except
for the elbow, but not the elbow is
it's it's it's it's it's if you do
it, it's a waste. And if not, you'll
waste your wool do. So just make sure
to wash your elbows as well so that
you make sure to wash everything that's less
than there than the elbows. Go ahead.
Okay. So,
then a person will take a little bit
of water in their right hand and then
wipe it on the left.
they'll basically.
So imagine if you if you make, like,
you know, like, put your pointer finger out
and your thumb up, like, stick them up.
Right? And you have, like, both hands are
mirror stick them ups. So you touch your
pointer fingers together
and the other fingers together thereafter,
and you stick your
your thumbs on your temples,
and, you know, your fingers, your, pointer fingers
and other fingers meet at the middle of
your head. And then you'll wipe
like that, moving your hand back. And so
your thumb will run around the
the the where your ear connects to your
head, and your fingers will run over the
rest of the head. And you'll do that
all the way until you get to the
back hairline. So starting from your front hairline
or where your front hairline used to be,
which which is starting from where
the the the limit to which washing the
face was. Starting from there going backwards, you'll
you'll, run your hands all the way back
and wash your complete head. Now there
is a,
wipe your head. The ba in Bi Ru
the olema had a different
the olema had different interpretations of what that
ba meant.
the and the Hanafis, this is for Tabarid,
meaning part of your head, white part of
your head. And so they have different definitions.
How much is it? So I think with
Hanafi said, like, you have to wipe at
least a third of your head or something
like that. I don't know. You can ask
Hanafi if you want. Go call some
or email them.
There's so many of them increase them.
Or and then my understanding is in school,
Like like, any amount. It just means some
part of your head wipes some part of
your head. So I've,
you know, I've
even seen people tip their Dolby back a
little bit and just wipe wipe a small
part, and that's that's legally valid.
Malik said no. It's for.
The here means, like, you have to wipe
your entire head.
make sure to wipe your entire head and
not miss a spot. And so this this,
I guess,
finger to finger and put your thumbs on
your temple, method is a way you ensure
you wipe your entire head.
If a person has long hair,
then that includes wiping all of their long
So when you go back, you keep wiping,
and, like, you if your neck you know,
you get to the bottom hairline in the
back of your neck, you just keep, like,
put your put your 2 hands, like, around
your hair and keep pulling it back until
you wipe your hair. If your hair is
so long, you can't do that,
which probably means hopefully that you're a girl,
keep your hair longer than your shoulder length,
then you can actually pull your braids forward
and keep wiping until you until you get
done with with them. But you wipe all
the way wipe the hair all the way
as well.
I used to I showed you my
my, I took a a picture, like a
driver's license, license, like, a day after I
got back from in 2007.
I used to have very nice long hair.
Now I have almost no hair at all.
But, lest you laugh at me, all of
us are gonna be in the grave one
day, and you and your pantine,
perfect hair,
in your,
You know, we'll see who laughs at Anyway,
go on.
Yeah. So then then a person it's a
sunnah to do what what's called a Radul
that you, that you you you then when
you your hand hands get to the back
of your your your your where your thumbs
are at the bottom of where your your
connects to your head and your your fingers
are, like, at the back of your hairline
to then
move the move your hands forward again. So
it's like one motion going back and forward.
So this is, this is, you know, for
anyone who actually reads hadith
later on.
In order to understand hadith, you have to,
I guess, you have to think about things
somehow because people used to relate things in
ways that they didn't under. You know, maybe
they didn't know that these are gonna become,
like, legal texts that people are gonna debate
about afterward or whatever.
So before you have to, like, be like,
oh, look. Harold Motzky, like, prove that had
hadith is not all made up.
There's there there it requires some understanding. So
there are hadith about why that the prophet
wiped his head once,
and there's hadith that say he wiped it
twice, and there are hadith that say he
wiped it 3 times.
my feeling is that they all describe the
same thing.
The ones that say that he wiped them
once, wiped his head once, sees this
front and back
motion as just one wipe. Whereas the person
who said that he wiped it twice, they
see him as wiping back and then wiping
Definitely wiping backward from forward to backwards, or
if you only wipe once from backwards to
forwards, definitely either of them will suffice the
the farther of wiping your head.
And then with regards to 3 times, imagine
if a person has long hair, which I've
had it before and I've had to do
this. You wipe
back and then you wipe front and then
you just set your hair again because otherwise
it's gonna beat your face.
So it looks like you wipe 3 times.
Well, Allah knows best. But at any rate,
you take with you. But whenever
something is washed,
it's generally washed
3 times. And whenever something is wiped, it's
wiped once.
Even the wash 3 times, you know, there's
a hadith of the prophet
the person who washes once,
he receives the reward of having washed the
and the person who washes twice to get
double the reward, and the person who washes
3 times, they get 3 times the reward.
So the
the the and the person who washes 4
they get nothing ostensibly according to
according to,
the understanding of this hadith.
in fact, they get sin for it. For
that to try to to try to somehow
outdo the sharia and something or outdo the
so so so so in something.
That's like a problem.
the three times is like a vehicle for
receiving reward.
Allah knows best. They say
well known and celebrated
individual from the history of our Salaf.
And his name also appears in the of
as well.
And, his hadiths are narrated in the Sahasidah.
Despite him making Tawba, taking the path of
righteousness after being a brigand for several years.
In his old age, he still made it
to to to the big leagues in Hadith,
which is somewhat of an accomplishment.
So he was a person who was very
fastidious in his his worship, and
he used to
in a night, a 100 out
of fear
because once he was making and
he washed a limb twice.
And Rasulullah
salallahu alaihi wa sallam came to him in
a dream and said, I didn't expect this
from you.
So in a fixed sense, yes,
you don't have to.
But it's the sunnah of the Messenger of
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. And the sunnah are
there to save you not for you to
waste them.
So if you ever come into a situation
where there's extremely limited water or extremely limited
time or some reason or another that actually
makes it
counterproductive in a greater way to not
not, follow or keep the sunnah,
then then then do what's best.
But if it's just a matter of your
own laziness or tiredness or whatever,
then the sunnah is there to save you,
not for you to waste it. And,
you know, that's that's the the person who
wishes to have the of the
of the, that's how they they look at
these things and they see things.
And please don't study fit in order for,
you know, in order for you to in
order for you to cut out those things
that are going to be the reason for
your forgiveness from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. But
that being said,
the Amana is this is at the first
washes of Farib, and the other ones are
not the other ones are not they're not
Farib, but Wudu is still valid without them.
What's a good reason to
skip them? Right?
Oh, smack. You know? There's, like, the sun
is gonna rise before I can pave my
fajr or, you know, we're running like we
said we mentioned we're running really short on
water, really short on time for some reason
or another. Or someone put a gun to
my head and said, wash the limb twice
and I'll kill you. That's a good reason
also not to wash the limb twice. You
know, you'll receive the reward of the sunnah
that was your intention and whatnot. You know,
those are those are reasons to miss it.
Not just because, oh, you know, I went
to a fit class and shut up, man.
Sheikh Hamza told me that you can I've
read it in the Risaleh. You guys don't
even read anything, you know, and, like,
it's just like an excuse to be lazy.
There are people like that. That's what they
this is one of the reasons why the
are not
we're never excited about people
learning information without is
because a person, you know,
you know, whatever the Tylenol will help with
your headache. But if you, you know, take
it the wrong way, then it could harm
You know,
I heard Tylenol and cocaine are not good
for you, but then again, like, cocaine is
not good for you anyway. So, like
but the point is, I've tried to look
for examples here. The point is is that
the you're you're thick you're not learning the
5th in order to in order to waste
parts of the deen. You're learning the 5th
in order to understand.
You still do what the prophet
did. And it's funny how a lot of
and the between the
they're actually performed almost exactly the same way.
The performance is convergent if a person is
to follow all the different sunnah involved with
them. It's just that their classification of the
different acts or the way they understood them
in a cogent sense is a little bit
different. Otherwise, the Sunnah is the Sunnah is
the same Sunnah for everybody. Even if they
don't agree on what it is, they at
least agree on the principle of it. Continue.
Yeah. So he says, however you wipe your
as long as, the entire head gets wiped,
it's fine. And he go he says that
the the way that I described those seems
like the the best way of of doing
it. Yeah. Go on.
Yeah. So even if you were just to
stick your hands into the container,
until they're wet, and then just
wipe your head, like, you know, however you
need to, until, until all of it gets
wiped. That's sufficient.
Go ahead.
Okay. So so
the next thing a person does is they
pour some water on their their their pointer
fingers and their thumbs, or if they want
to, they can just dip them into the
into the into the container.
what you what you do is use your
thumb to wipe the inside of your ear,
and your your your your, pointer finger to
wipe the outside.
And, again, wiping is one time.
this is, I think, different than the other
I think, Imam Malik
or at least different than the Hanafi.
That Imam Malik, he considers it,
like, must have to wet your hands against
the second time, not to wipe your ears
with the same,
with the same water that you wipe your
that you wiped your, your your your your,
head with.
And then he mentions that a woman should
should make sure to wipe her her long
tresses and locks,
and braids, whatnot, her hair.
I guess if some if a dude has,
like, really long hair and stuff too, aside
from the karah that that he has to
do that as well. But he but he
says that she doesn't she's not supposed to
wipe over her
her her,
with paella, like, whatever her hijab or or
or whatever she has.
So maybe should I have my scarf with
me that I left it in the car?
So if a woman's in public the question
is if a woman's in public, how is
she gonna wipe her head? Right? So if
a woman's in public and this is she
has her hijab on, all she does is
wet her hand and go like this.
She doesn't need to expose
She doesn't need to expose her,
her head to anybody.
See, I did a I did a hijab
tutorial of sorts right now too, didn't I?
So I guess I can't really rail on
rail on the whatever, like, hijabi Maybelline grill
too much.
Not that do I do I do that?
Do I ever you know, do you ever
see me, like, cutting down, like,
sisters in public? Even if some of the
things they do are not a 100%
the best or whatever, sometimes maybe in my
opinion at least. Right? But that's not
that's not a good thing to do because
even though a sister may be wrong in
some part of her or understanding of the
but why would I
sacrifice my
of our sisters by hacking her down in
public in front of everybody else, thereby
showing another person, Muslim or non Muslim, that
that's a okay thing to do or it's
really not.
Anyway, go
Okay. So then a person is gonna wipe
their right foot with their right
with their, right leg.
As an interesting cultural note,
in Mauritania, generally, they make when they're squatting.
And one of the most, like, mission impossible
things that they do
is that while squatting, they'll kick one foot
out, and they'll they'll, like, pour water with
one hand and wipe it with the other
one with an incredible amount of poison balance
you know, moving on, I just really can't
pull off. I just have to just stand
up and kick my foot foot out and
do it whatever, you know, the other way.
But, but yeah. Anyhow, the you wipe your
your right hand right foot with your right
according to his recommendation. Although,
he like he indicated, some of these things,
you just wash them the way that you
you're able to. Now if you wanna make
wudu from a mud of water, which is
maybe, like, you know, the average water bottle,
which we should stop using water bottles, you
know, throw disposable ones. But like, you know,
your average with all of respect and love
for the water that was brought to the
you know,
you're good generally
with using such a small amount of water
until it gets to your feet. When it
gets to your feet, this is where it's
where it's easy for a person to, like,
overrun the amount of water they use. And
the weird part is with washing your feet,
it's not about how much water you use.
It's about it's about just rubbing the foot
because you have to get the the for
the wooloo to be valid,
first of all, the water has to, like,
touch every part of it. He's gonna talk
about how people usually miss some spot
in their heels, in a second.
But further than that, the water has to
get into
the crevices and cracks and the the the
calluses as well. So So you know how,
like, it's kinda like white and, like,
opaque when it's dry and then it like,
when it gets soaked, it gets,
you know, it becomes translucent.
It has to get soaked in order to
get translucent in order for the washing the
foot to be considered a washing. And you
could blow like a gallon of water running
it over your foot,
and it's still gonna be opaque. What gets
it, you know, I unless you wanna soak
your foot in, like, a whole bunch of
water for a really long time, which is
a violation of the sunnah because you waste
so much water, you got to rub
you gotta rub the your heels. You have
to rub your ankles. You have to rub
your toes
with the with the moisture on it or
the water, like, gently pouring on it or
slowly pouring on it. That's how you're gonna
get the wudu done. It's more about the
rubbing than it is about the amount of
water that you use. And there are many
people who will go through a whole
large amount of water and still they're not
gonna get that, you know. So a person
has to be careful.
Go ahead.
Yeah. So a person a person, however they
need to, however they need to, they wash
the entire foot.
And the person is,
you know, is encouraged to,
wipe between their toes.
And, but if they don't, then the wudu
is still valid. Malik
you know, he considered because it's known from
the sunnah that a person doesn't have to
wipe between their toes. The the surface of
the foot that needs to be washed is
like the three-dimensional surface if the toes are
all close together.
The space between the toes is not
is not necessary to wipe,
assuming that the person's foot is closed.
And so he considered that earlier in his
in his, like, career as a faqih as
perhaps a type of,
that a person has to wash between their
toes and and the.
Then later on, when the hadith was presented
to him and he was, you know, assured
it was narrated with
a suitable chain of narration, then he considered
it to be mustahab.
Because well known amongst the people of Madinah
that you don't have to wipe between your
toes. I personally am very fond of wiping
between the toes. I think the area between
the toes should be cleaned as, you know,
as frequent as makes sense.
again, good thing the Sharia is not based
on my opinion. No one cares on the
It's a good good opportunity for everybody to
remind themselves no one cares about my opinion.
If you're a you won't even care about
your own opinion.
Rather, Allah on what they what they say
is what what's of benefit in this world
and in the hereafter.
the between
the toes
is not it's not wajib, but it's it's
mildly recommended.
Go ahead.
Yeah. So
is like, yeah. Malik said you don't have
to do it, but it's far more pleasant
thing to watch between your toes. So, like,
you know, in brackets, please watch between your
Yeah. The is the heel. Let a person
wipe or rub their heels and their Achilles
tendon. Yeah?
Yeah. So,
a person let them let them wipe those
the Achilles tendon, the heel and the Achilles
and all of those places that water is
not easily able to get into.
From the dryness and the the cracks and
crevices And some people have some real muscle,
grand cannini type heels and feet.
So whatever it is, you know, get get
get in there and then wipe the wipe
the, wipe the wipe them with water with
moist hands until you know, and give a
chance to for the water to get in
there. Yeah?
Oh, okay. So, so let let them keep
wiping while pouring the water slowly,
and wipe with both feet because it's narrated
from the Rasul
that he said,
curse beyond the heels from hellfire.
Why? Because
he noticed, and it's a thing even to
this day, that if a person is gonna
miss a spot in their, it's gonna be
in their heel or in their ankle.
And so he warned them that the water
of wudu,
wherever it touches, it immunizes that place or
shields that place from from being burned in
the hellfire. So much so to the point
where the people who make wudu who do
go to jahannam, they're not gonna burn in
the places of wudu.
And this is one of the ways that
a person can tell a person from this
ummah, from the other people in the hellfire,
is that the the faith the hellfire will
literally efface a person's face. They'll be like
completely, like, it'll just be, like, the face
will be burned to the point where it's
like just
an identity less person.
Whereas the people of this Ummah, they'll still
have faces inside the fire.
And Allah protect us from seeing any of
that. But,
the idea is that he
cautioned the people don't just miss a spot
and then it gets burned later on.
rather, make sure to be make sure to
be thorough in your in your washing. And
the something is the,
the word means heel. It means the side
of something and the last of it. And
so the reason your heel is called the
heel is the back of the foot,
the last of the foot and the last
of the person in in some sense. Go
Yeah. Then a person will washes the left
but, like, just like they wash the right
foot, but the mirror image of it. Go
Yeah. So he says that the command to
wash the limbs, 3 times
is not such a command
the wudu is not valid without it. Rather
Yeah. Rather it is the the the maximum
amount a person should watch. Go
Mhmm. So a person who's able to, like,
completely wash the limbs in less than that,
it is it's sufficiently valid for them to
do that. Go ahead.
so he uses the so you know it's
Yeah. Not not all people are able to
or are are that thorough in their washing.
So what are the benefits of washing 3
times? Is it one of the 2 or
3? You'll get the spot that you missed
in the other.
So the the
whoever made wudu
and did so with perfection, with beauty, with
goodness, like, they really did, you know, they
really did did themselves a good good wudu,
then the person will raise their
raise their,
their face to the heavens
and say,
I bear witness that there's no God except
for Allah alone
without any partner. And I bear witness that
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is his slave and
his messenger.
The 8 gates of Jannah will be flung
open for them and he can enter from
of them that he wishes.
Which is a big deal. And I think,
you know, it's part of the disenchantment of
people nowadays that they don't think of
any of the acts of worship as being
important. And the one they dismissed the most
is the most important of them, which is
the salat and, the aspect of the salat
that they dismissed the most, which is the
for the wudu. And it's a of a
number of hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam that the wudu itself
is one of the ways is a preparation
for the salat is that the washing of
the different limbs,
is the is the expiation of the very
sins that are committed by them. And so
the person who comes to the prayer laden
with sins, his prayer will be consumed in
expiating them. The person who comes to the
prayer free of their sins, then their heart
will be filled with the Anwar and the
Tajjaliat and the Rahmat of Allah's father that
come down on a person in the salat,
and they'll they'll be they'll be blessed by
them and they'll be adorned with them.
And people think of as some sort of
like just get it out of the way,
turn on the faucet,
splash water all over the place, and get
done with it to the point where, you
know, the big do I have to this
and do I have to that? And,
yo, man, you don't have to do anything.
You don't have to you don't even have
to make wudu in the first place. You
don't even have to be a Muslim if
you want to. You just go to *
if you like. But for the person who
that's not an attractive option to, let them
think about these things holistically and not just
in a legal legalistic
sense. That a person who understood what these
things were, if they could go back, And
Allah said, okay, you can go back and,
you know, do a redo for your life,
but you can only wipe your limbs one
time. They would ask, you Allah, can I
just wipe them 3 times when they see
how much reward a person receives for it?
It's a it's an honor and it's a
blessing. If you look at things holistically, and
if not, then, like, you'll be, like, constantly
hiding at the office. Oh my god. Jim
might see me washing my feet, and I'm
gonna die a horrible death of a 1000
cuts because, you know, some, dude of whatever
race, doesn't just have to be white. Anyone
from any race who sees me washing I've
been told told off by Latinos for washing
my feet in the sink. I've been told
off by Americans for washing my feet in
the sink before. And, you know, all of
them are equally really don't, you know, couldn't
give a the backside of the rodent species
you know, for what they have to say.
You know? And people are like, oh, that's
disgusting. People, like, wash their face in the
sink. And I'm like,
they also wash their hands after taking a
dump. So
I don't really I don't really see your
point, but
if there's a point I'm reasonable, I'm reasonable.
If there's a point, like, I don't mind,
you know, accepting that, but I don't really
see a point there.
I was told off once by African American
gentleman at the O'Hare airport,
about washing my feet in the sink. And
I asked him a question. I said, do
you think they're gonna love you and respect
you and treat you like an equal now
that you told off a brown man for
washing his
feet in the sink before praying. I don't
think he appreciated that either.
Then again, not a lot of people appreciate
a lot of things that I say. So,
you know, what and, you know, whatever.
So, and maybe that wasn't a nice thing
to say. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
But the the point is is this is
that, like,
these things are are of great value.
And when you understand the value and that
value and that greatness enters into your heart,
then you'll want to do them. And that's
what happens when a person understands their shirk
within the context of their aqidah, within the
context of their tasawaf.
And if they don't, then the Sharia is
going to be like
the sacred law,
is considered by the rabbis to be God's
for for disobedience.
Whereas none of our olamah ever said that.
I've heard this from rabbis before, living rabbis,
that we consider,
the the the law of the Torah to
be God's punishment on our people for their
he said that by the of
the of the oleman, the people of Hikma
and his deen,
every single
ruling of the Sharia is filled with mercy
and it's filled with benefit for the slave
even though it didn't have to be that
Every hookm of Allah Ta'ala has a mercy
and a benefit,
and many of those most of them, you'll
see them both in this world and the
Not just in the hereafter. You'll see both
in this world and the hereafter. If someone
believes that, then they'll approach the Sharia differently.
Somebody doesn't believe that, then,
you know, I guess,
you know, that's your and
Allah says in a hadith
that's your bad opinion that Allah is just
running you in a rat race that's pointless
just to for his entertainment and
the hadith of the Prophet indicates that I
am as my slaves thinks of me. So
if that's what you think of then that's,
you know, there's a possibility that that's what
you're gonna get out of your life.
Whereas the person who has iman and Allah
and a good opinion that my rub wouldn't
tell me to do
something, that was pointless or that was gonna
harm me,
then that's indeed the case.
So, you know, all of these, you know,
that imagine that the person does their wudu
and they they,
the 8 gates of Jannah are open for
them that they can enter from every anyone
that that that that they wish.
Is described by
another hadith of the prophet
in which the, Rasuul
described the different deeds
that a person has to do,
and that that the different deeds that will
have the different gates of Jannah open for
them. And said Abu Bakr Siddiq who
asked, is it possible that more than one
gate will be open for a person? So
he's not asking about 8, he's asking just
about 2.
But they didn't they didn't expect that it
would be possible that a person or they
wondered would it be possible for a person
to be allowed to enter for more than
2, for more than 1. And, Rasool Allah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, indeed there will be
people there will be people from this Ummah
for whom all 8 gates are opened and
my wish is that you will be one
of them.
So for him to say that, meaning it's
describing, saying Abu Bakr Sadiq
for him to say that means that it's
a great it's a great thing. It's not
a small thing.
And, for him to, say that with regards
to the person who makes and their,
this means that that's a great
and indicates probably not as many people who
think they're doing it or doing it. And
so that doesn't mean to say that, like,
you know, somehow your wudu is, like, mystically,
like, bogus
even though you're trying your best. What it
means is perhaps a lot of people don't
try their best.
And if you try your best, maybe you
can be one of those people Insha'Allah.
Because nobody would be one of them until
Rasool Allah taught them how to be one
of them. Once he's told you, then it's
your your job to put in the work
and put in the effort to be,
to be one of them. And
another perhaps, you know, another reason for this
being this reward being connected
is that is a prerequisite to the salat.
And it's prerequisite to some other acts of
worship like, touching the musshaf and and it's
it's must have for it's prerequisite for and
it's must have for a number of acts
of worship.
And it's supposed to have in general for
a person to be on this in the
state of. So in that sense, it's like
one of the,
you know, for the really the rest of
the deen. So,
a person whose salat is good, the rest
of their accounting will be good on the
day of judgment, and the person whose wudu
is good, their salat has a chance of
being good. And Allah
knows best.
Yeah. Go ahead.
Yeah. So the Ulema say that it's also
mister habdur read after after you're done with
your wudu.
And, he says some of the ulema but
it's also it's narrated in the hadith of
the prophet
that that, a person after they're done with
their wudu, they should say, oh, Allah make
me from the people who
habitually repent to you again and again. And
make me from the people who are are
are fastidious and purification.
Is different than
is the person who is the person who
makes the kaluf and being clean all the
time. And it doesn't only have to do
with the outside cleanliness
because you may see places that are you
know, people see they say stuff like this.
They see like the mall is really clean.
And, like, they'll see, like, the marketplace in
the Muslim world is, like, really dusty and
And the fact of the matter is that,
yes, the dean teaches us that you should,
combine inward and outward and perhaps, you know,
there may be some people,
people that have the means in order to
make things shine a little bit more than
than the the fukara and masekeen of Dar
al Islam.
But the cleanliness, you know, there's no point
in having
having them all be cleaned and it's the
the place where a lot of comes down
and, you know, there's no loss in a
place with a little bit dusty
and, you know,
a little bit,
not you know, it doesn't look so, shiny.
It doesn't look so sparkly and glittery, but
there's no najasa sitting around anywhere.
It's Tahir, ritually pure,
is pleased with it because the dhikr of
is being made in those places.
There you know, Mauritania,
you know, there are there are shopkeepers to
this day. Although, unfortunately, with the facade of
the zaman, everybody is going in the direction
of facade, and those people aren't spared. But
there's still shopkeepers that if you wanna take
a of
the rasala like we're doing right now, the
you can go to the shopkeeper and oftentimes
they'll even lock the door for, you know,
20 minutes, and they'll give you your your
of whatever topic. And then they'll open the
shop and read again. The point being, what's
the point of having any of that if
the remembrance of Allah is not, you know,
is is not the point of having a
shop and making money and having a family
and all of that stuff. There's no remembrance
of Allah, then none of those things have
a point. What's the point of, you know,
a world filled with, you know, Fajr and
Kafar type children that just increase the facade
in the world,
and, supporting those families or making money and
having no children and just wasting it on,
on the heedless life that ends in the
fire. No point to it.
And so in that sense, you know, those
people may not
may not,
I don't know, have the nicest phones. Although,
Mauritania is creepy in the sense that you
have people phones that you wonder why do
they have that phone. But, you
know, they may not be, like, the most
cutting edge and, like, all the other things
that people think about. But this type of
common sense when people have it straight, you
know, things are gonna be okay. Whereas when
it's lacking in a person, then, all their
other talents and and and and
and excellences are just gonna be wasted in
doing stupidity and nothing. Go on.
Yeah. And a person, it's it's,
it's an obligation that a person should do
those the acts of.
Deliberately as an act of worship and and
the benefit from Allah or the reward from
Allah for it. Meaning, it's not just water
going down the sink drain, but but there's
actually a benefit in it. And this may
be kind of a subtle,
rebuttal toward the Hanasis who consider the wudu
not to be an act of worship. That
they have the idea that, like, the best
way of doing wudu is with the intention,
the intention of getting close to Allah,
but it's it's not in and of itself
an act of worship in the sense that
if a person was to be walking and
they tripped and fell into a pool, for
example, all the limbs got wet
and so they could come out and they
say, You know? Like, just I took a
shower this morning,
so. And so, we don't have that. Like,
you can make in the shower. It's valid
to make in the shower.
However, you have to actually make.
You can't just like be like, I took
a shower and I have.
You have to have an intention with it.
yeah. So that a person
a person must
hope for reward from Allah Ta'ala for it,
and hope that Allah accept it and hope
from Allah Ta'ala that it will cleanse them
of their sins.
And that person has to make
that feeling present in their heart.
Yeah. So,
if he says that a person has to
when they're making
have this feeling present inside their heart that
they're preparing,
and they're cleaning themselves and they're preparing
to have an intimate conversation with the Lord
or with his Lord and to stand in
front of him, present himself in front of
him in order to fulfill his obligation
and preparing to humble himself
to Allah in,
in the ruku and in the
in the bowing and the prostration.
And a person must do all of these
things with Yaqeen, with certainty,
and must preserve that state inside of their
heart every time they
the the the the the the the summoning
of the state in the heart every time
they make wudu.
Because the perfection and the completion of every
is in,
the the the the perfection of
the intention that's associated with it.