Naima B. Robert – Fiction or nonfiction How to choose

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of creating a world where everyone can live in, where writing fiction is a world of one's own. They stress the need to protect one's privacy and avoid confrontation in the writing process, and offer to help achieve non- novel writing goals. The speakers also encourage non- novel writing as a way to protect privacy and avoid confrontation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hey, guys. Salam, and good day. It's, wonderful

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to be on here

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just after having spoken to a lovely lady

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wants to write a book.

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she was a young lady who booked a

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call with me

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about the usage part, which is

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So she has some strong ideas about gender

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and she

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she really wants to talk about these and

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share her opinion, her view on them,

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in a book. And so we had a

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and in that conversation,

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something really interesting happened.

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I found out that this young lady wants

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to write a novel

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to share a message. Right?

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So her idea is to put this message

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out there,

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but she wants to do it in a

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So whenever I hear somebody who has

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a story or a particular,

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maybe a more controversial

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and they tell me that they want to

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write fiction,

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I always will take them to task. So

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what I will be talking about is,

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should you be writing fiction or non fiction?

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We want to know, should I be writing

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fiction or non fiction? And I'm gonna make

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it really, really easy for you. Okay? Just

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by clarifying a few things.

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My name is Naima b Robert, in case

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you didn't know. And I am the award

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winning author of over 20 books for children,

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teens and adults. Actually, my 25th book will

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be published this year because I have a

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few coming out this year. And so I

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have experience with writing fiction and non fiction.

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And so I'm here to explain

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these 2 very different

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web the genre

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for your message and for your story. Right?

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obviously, is there's many different types of nonfiction

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books. Okay? But nonfiction in essence

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is based on facts, opinions,

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you know, data. Alright? It's, it's it's real.

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Alright? It's the truth. Okay? As far as

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as far as you know it.

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And that's basically nonfiction. Nonfiction books range from

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a memoir,

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which is the true stories from your life.

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We also have the transformational

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book, which is like follow you know, sharing

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habits and principles

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usually with the goal of coaching the reader.

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Then you have the expertise

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based book,

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which is more about

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sharing your systems, your structures, your strategies

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with the reader.

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And then you have the anthology, which an

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anthology could be, a collection of

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different people's systems,

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different people's principles,

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different people's stories,

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case studies,

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you know, people's prose that they've written, poetry

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that they've written, all of that could be

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part of an anthology. Okay? But anthology, the

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main thing is that it has several people

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authoring the pieces that are in the anthology.

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So I like to kind of break down

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non fiction, especially the clients that I work

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Typically, their books will fall into one of

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these categories. Okay? Because they have a message

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to share. They are wanting to put something

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out into the world.

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So so it needs to come out in

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the most effective way. Okay. Now fiction on

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the other hand is imaginary. Okay?

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It's it's it's the product of the author's

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Now this does not matter

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based on a true story or inspired by

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real events.

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the the crux of what I really want

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to get across to you is that,

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regardless of whether

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you are sharing your own personal story or

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you these are real events or they're based

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on some aspects of real people,

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the hallmark of fiction is that it is

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a world of its own. Okay?

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And guess who gets to create that world?

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You, the fiction author, the novelist.

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So the work of fiction is about building

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a world that your reader can believe in.

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Which means that there are lots of layers

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to that world. There's the setting. There's the

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characters. There's the plot. Okay. There's the pace.

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There's the dialogue. There's the tension. There's the

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plot arc. Lots of different layers in order

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to make that

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story believable.

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So when I hear somebody with a message

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or with, you know, their own personal story

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telling me they want to write it as

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a novel or as fiction,

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I always

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ask why.

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I always ask them why. And typically,

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this is the answer that I get.

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I'm afraid of what people will say

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if they read my book and they wanna

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take me to task on it.

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I don't want to hurt certain people in

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my life.

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I want to maintain my privacy.

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Let me know if that sounds familiar.

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Because if you've ever thought,

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I really wanna talk about this topic, but

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I think the safest way for me to

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do that is hide it in a novel.

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If you ever thought that, then I'm so

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glad that you are watching this video right

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now because I'm here to tell

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you, fiction is not the place to hide.

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You may think that it's the easier option,

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but trust me, it is not.

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The only person that I would encourage

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to take this approach,

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if it's their own personal story or it's

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a message they want to get out into

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the world and they choose fiction, the only

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person that I would encourage with this is

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someone who already wants to write fiction.

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I have written many novels based on, you

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know, a a message that I have. Boy

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Versus Girl was that. Okay. Far from home

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was that. She wore red trainers was that.

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I had a message. I had an opinion

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about something. I had a viewpoint I wanted

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to share.

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But because I enjoy writing novels and because

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I'm I'm I'm good at it, you know,

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and I read novels,

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I was able to write those novels as

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not as a vehicle for my message, you

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know, like thinly veiled attempt to get my

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message across and hide it, you know, under

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some novel stuff. Right? So what I'm saying

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if you think that a novel is the

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easy way out of telling you truth,

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it is not. Because writing a novel is

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a completely different ballgame. It's a completely different

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And if you're not,

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like, really passionate about telling a story in

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a novel, don't do it.

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There are easier ways to protect your privacy.

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There are easier ways to avoid confrontation. There

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are easier ways to do that in nonfiction

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deciding to say, okay. I'm gonna write you

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write it as a novel.

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And the reason I'm saying this is because

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the novel, as I said, it's it's a

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multilayered thing. And you need to put work

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into every layer even if you're basing it

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on your life experience because

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those characters have to become independent characters of

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their own. That setting has to have a

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life of its own. So

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long story short,

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unless you've always dreamed of writing a novel

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and unless you yourself are an avid reader

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of novels,

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please please please do not

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what's the word I'm looking for? Don't not

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it's not even about settling for a novel

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novel is not settling. A novel is up

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leveling. Right? But just don't

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be under the false impression

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that writing it in the in the putting

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your story or your message in fiction

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is going to make it easier for you

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to tell your story.

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Okay? Because it's not.

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There are easier ways. And if you would

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like to know what some of those easier

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ways are, then just just

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get in touch with me. Send me a

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message. Comment below this video. Okay? And let's

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have a chat and see how we can

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help you to achieve your goal.

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And those goals could be to share your

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message as well

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as protecting your privacy or protecting certain people

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around you or whatever the case may be.

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Right? There are easier ways. Okay? Don't go

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in there saying I'm gonna write it as

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fiction because I don't wanna deal with the

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hassle of nonfiction. Trust me. You're gonna bite

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off more than you can chew.

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And so if you're not sure

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what the best way of

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telling a story or sharing a message is,

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whether it's the

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expert expertise based book or maybe even anthology

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or maybe even poetry or a children's book.

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If you're not sure which of these would

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work best for you, please

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comment committed below this message and let's have

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a chat. Okay?

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I I am so blessed to get to

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work with authors.

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Mainly, I'll be honest, I concentrate on working

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with my non fiction authors while writing books

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and my children's book authors. But I can

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definitely help you

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to get clarity on your idea.

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And also what your options are in terms

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of the kind of book you wanna write,

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the structure of the book that you want

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to write. And I'd love to work with

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you. They didn't mind on the amazing progress.

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You know, they're getting the words in 5000,

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10000, 26,000

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So it works. We work it. But you

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need to know what you're doing, and I

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can help you with that. So, like I

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said, if you'd like to have a chat

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about what your story is or what your

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message is and the best type of book

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to get it out into the world. Comment

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committed below this message, and let's have a

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chat. Okay? Thank you so much for watching,

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and I will see you next time. Okay?

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And bye.

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