Nahela Morales – What Can We Take From Ramadan for the Rest of the Year

Nahela Morales
AI: Summary ©
The importance of not letting guilt grow too quickly during the month ofFinancial and balancing out one's lifestyle to achieve success. The speaker emphasizes the need to be mindful of one's goals and avoid harming their bodies. The importance of fasting outside of regular activities and avoiding masked behavior is also emphasized. The speakers stress the importance of consistency in work and support groups, and encourage listeners to donate to Islam and be mindful of their work.
AI: Transcript ©
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Feel welcome back to another episode here in about Islam. My

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name is the halal mirallas and today we have a very special topic

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because we are in a very special month. So I am going to give it

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just a few seconds in order for our viewers to get the

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notification with Nila. And people can start signing up Salam

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aleikum, everyone and just give us a few seconds so we are able to

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share this out

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inshallah so

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I hope your Ramadan is going well wherever you're at as we are in

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the last 10 days of Ramadan

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it's it's a very special time of the year but it also can be a very

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lonely time for us convert. So we're going to be talking about

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several things and I hope you bear with me as we are sharing this out

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and hopefully you will get inspired as we say goodbye to this

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blessed month in May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us many

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more Ramadan's and that is always the hope that we have as we have

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seen, many folks did not make it to this Ramadan.

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So inshallah let's, let's get started. I will be lucky

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administrate and rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Subhanallah he will

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be handy. Why should you allow Hola Hola. Hola what I should do I

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know Muhammad Rasul Allah. So today we're going to talk about

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what can we do? What can we take from Ramadan for the rest of the

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year. So Ramadan, we know that comes once a year, it's the ninth

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month of the lunar calendar. And so today, we're going to talk

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about some practical things that we can inshallah

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take outside of Ramadan. So

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this month, I think this year, all together, it went by really,

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really fast. And I was just in a Holika last night with reverbs.

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And one of the things that I kept hearing and it kept echoing was

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the fact that people start feeling a sense of guilt, right as Ramadan

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comes to an end, or as we go through the first 10 days, and

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then the next 10 days, and now we are at the almost finish line, we

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start feeling a sense of guilt, and it's normal. But we shouldn't

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let it consume us. And what I mean by that is that we have done as

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best as we could for the most part. But if you haven't, then you

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still have a few days. And that's what you want to focus on. Do not

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focus yourself on what you could have done, but rather what I can

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do today. And so looking at it from that lens, in that

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perspective, inshallah we'll take you on to the year right. So

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whatever you were not able to do during the month of Ramadan, let's

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carry it on to the rest of the year in sha Allah. So we want to

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make sure that our level, our level of Taqwa our relationship

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with the Quran, if we have established one that we carry it

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on, for the coming months for the coming days, you know, for the

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coming hours, sometimes we need to step back and really internalize

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everything that has happened in everything that is happening at

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the time in order for us to be a better self and to be able to

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serve better for us to ourselves, our families, our communities. And

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obviously, you know, ALLAH SubhanA wa Jalla because at the end of the

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day, you know, one of the things I believe we talked in previous

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talks was stuck wa right. And if anything we take out of Ramadan is

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understanding what taco really means. And so we're gonna break it

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down a little bit today.

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And we hope that this inspires you. And this motivates you to

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continue this journey because our journey doesn't end with Ramadan.

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And I think sometimes, you know, we are programmed a certain way.

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And so we learn a certain way, and we have to unlearn and reprogram

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ourselves in order for us to have that mercy and that compassion and

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forgiveness for ourselves that we are seeking from our Creator. So

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sometimes we are so hard on ourselves and we tend to forget

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that the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, the most forgiving.

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Is Allah subhanho wa Taala and all these attributes we are taught as

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we come into the faith or if you're born into the faith, you

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know the Koran with the exception of an im

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you know, it starts with Bismillah have Mani Rahim. So he is the

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ultimate, most merciful, most compassionate and so that's

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something that needs to always be on the back of our mind.

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mine's right. So, um,

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let me backtrack and let me share a little bit of what this Ramadan

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has looked like for someone like me, I'm still a teenager so I'm

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still in my teens, I will be celebrating a shahada anniversary,

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the last day of this Ramadan. And so that's when I embrace this slam

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hamdulillah and every year we set goals, and every year we hope to

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meet those goals. But what happens when we don't meet those goals and

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what can we do after and this is essentially what this talk

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hopefully will be. And I asked the loss of hundreds Allah to inspire

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us to continue with this journey with you know, as best as we can.

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And with that, that solace and that that mercy and that we need

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in order to inshallah make it one day to him. So, when we talk about

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taqwa, we talk about you know, some people have defined it as

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God conscious God fearing.

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And so I personally, this Ramadan, Subhan, Allah or a few days before

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Ramadan, one of our teachers, explained taqwa in a very simple

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way where it really like, accumulates everything. And

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sometimes we get into the the more, the more detailed but taqwa

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in essence, is doing what Allah what is pleasing to Allah in a

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short, sweet answer is doing what is pleasing to Allah, and staying

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away from what is displeasing. And we can take it as simple as you

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know, Allah tells us in the Quran,

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you know, eat from what is good, right? So he gives us options, and

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he tells us how to nourish our bodies. These are temples, how to

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take care of our bodies. And so when he says, Eat, what is what

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eat of what is good, or from what is good. He's saying, you know,

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we're going to take care of his body by giving them proper

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nutritious vegetables, and so on and so forth. He didn't say, like,

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just eat vegetables and leaves. You know, but those who choose to

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do so that's, that's their prerogative. But like,

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essentially, we need to stay away from things that harm our bodies.

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And I'll give you a very brief example that perhaps we can all

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relate to soda or chips, things that are manmade and have a lot of

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preservatives and a lot of junk in it was, that's one of the things

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that when you when you think about that, if from what is good, is

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that really good for our bodies is is that going to do harm for us as

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simple as that, right? So staying away from what is good and

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and you know, indulging in what is is good is important. And staying

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away from what is not good is also equally important. And that's

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where Taqwa comes in, right? So, when we think about Ramadan, we

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think about transformation, we want to change everything in 30

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days, we want to memorize X amount of IEOs and sutras. Or perhaps we

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want to read the entire Koran not once but twice. And when we think

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of attainable goals, is that really attainable? And is that

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going to carry on to the next Ramadan, or our Koran is going to

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get dust and we'll pick it up again from the shelf, the next

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Ramadan. So these are things that we need to be mindful. And when we

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talk about these goals, we need to make sure that we are making those

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goals and understanding this this aspect of Taqwa in a very holistic

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and healthy way. So balancing it out, you know, what works for me

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may not work for someone that converted, you know, a few months

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ago, a few days ago, or even perhaps, a couple of decades ago.

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What works for me is my journey. It's my relationship with Allah

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subhana wa Tada. And so we need to make sure that we are

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we are feeding our souls, our minds or bodies, to make sure to

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get closer to our creator in the most balanced way. Like Allah

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subhanho wa Taala does not intend to make this Deen this way of

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life. Hard at all whatsoever. Allah wants us to actually enjoy

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our relationship with Him, right when we stand five times a day in

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prayer, it's not out of burdensome as a matter of fact,

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If you should see it as

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you should see it as a recharge, like as my connection as I have

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five times a day where I connect with my Creator and I just shut

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everything down, not like oh my god, it's gonna be awesome, it's

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gonna be Maghrib it's gonna be, oh, like, it shouldn't be a

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burden, it should be a moment of Sakina of tranquillity of that

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moment where you are in front of your Lord and whatever is

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happening, whatever noises happening outside or inside your

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head, you just stand in front of your Creator. And you're like,

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Okay, I'm putting everything my trust might the Wakil my full

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trust in you. And I know you you have my back. So, this is this is

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what Allah subhanaw taala is, is looking from us, right? He He

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created us in two nations and tribes to get to know one another

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and he created us to worship him. That's essentially two of the most

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important things in my book, right when I think about what is my

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purpose in life

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my purpose in life is to worship Allah subhanaw taala and my

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purpose in life is to get to know my neighbors to get to know those

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around me to make sure that I am at sir of service to his creation

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as well as to him. And so when we're talking about you know, this

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this topic in particular, many people feel like I'm not able to,

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to really take whatever was in Ramadan outside of Ramadan. So

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let's talk about fasting because this is the month of the Quran.

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This is the month of fasting if anything, we were to take out of

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Ramadan in sha Allah is that connection you had with a lot

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during Ramadan? There was a convert that said you know,

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during Ramadan, I do it all. I am full force because outside of

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Ramadan, I don't have that discipline and I just can't and so

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we're human and we're bound to make mistakes. We're bound to.

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Okay, I think I'm back. Inshallah, I think I left for a second. Okay.

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as I was saying, you know, sometimes we need a certain amount

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of discipline during during Ramadan and Ramadan gives us that

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on hamdulillah gives us that discipline and for this brother in

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particular new convert, he was basically struggling and struggles

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throughout Ramadan, but Ramadan gives them that discipline and

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that connection spiritually, mentally and physically with Allah

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subhanho wa taala. And so that's why it's so important for us to

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also not judge anyone's journey and just focus on our journey.

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That's the most important thing. Oftentimes, we see people coming

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to the masjid only in Ramadan, or we see people only praying during

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Ramadan, that's none of our business, whatever any individual

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does, if anything, we need to be there to facilitate to help to

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uplift and empower our fellow brothers and sisters. So looking

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at someone else, you know, when we point this way, there's three

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fingers pointing at us. So we need to make sure that we focus on our

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relationship and so, you know, one of the main objectives

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during Ramadan is that closeness with our Creator and so what does

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that look like for everyone? It's different, it's different. You

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know, for some people, they get attached to the Quran for some

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people, they begin praying for some people, you know, fasting is

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the most difficult thing. While there's other people that cannot

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fast because they're ill because they're, you know, they're their

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new mothers. Or, you know, they're pregnant and it's very difficult

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for them so there's different different reasons why individuals

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don't fast and so that's a struggle that's a jihad in itself

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right for us that we are blessed. And we have the health to to fast

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we should be very grateful, and we should not take it for granted.

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Throughout this Ramadan I've also heard you know, sisters and

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brothers saying how difficult Ramadan is how difficult fasting

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is, so

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One of the things I hope that we're able to take away from

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Ramadan for the rest of the year is how you felt when you were

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fasting, right? What a whether it was difficult, whether it was easy

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whether it was a moment of reflection, if anything, take

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fasting away with you. That's like number one. Number two, I would

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say Well number one, let me see take take fasting with you. So we

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know that there's certain days and shall while is around the corner,

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so we have an opportunity of fasting, six days of Shabbat right

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after Ramadan, after we do our celebration of Eid. And then

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inshallah you know, from there onwards after you're done with

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your makeup for the sisters, you have to make up your days in case

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you don't know. So we don't fast during our menses but we count the

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days that we did not fast and then we make up those days.

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And once you do that you do your show or we still can carry on our

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fasting throughout Ramadan because Allah has blessed us with fasting

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sunnah sunnah fasting right with our Prophet salallahu Salam so we

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can fast Monday and Thursday or we can fast the white days and

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there's going to be other occasions where we can actually

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fast as well such as out of thoughts and so many other days

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throughout the year.

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So inshallah take you away from Ramadan, you want to take fasting

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make that make that part of your spiritual journey, whether it's

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one day a week Subhan Allah recently in recent years, science

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has found that fasting intermediate fasting is very good

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for your health.

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And yet, we we've been fasting for for over 1400 years ago and

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beyond, right, because this was prescribed to other to other

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people before us. And so Inshallah, fasting is one of them,

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make sure that you carry it on, and you make those connections.

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Last night as we were in the Holocaust, one of the brothers who

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converted right before Ramadan and has been doing Ramadan, he

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mentioned how he's going to miss the fellowship, the community, the

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Brotherhood, you know, of what Ramadan brings. So

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make sure that you carry that onwards that you continue to

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nourish those relationships that you build during Ramadan, so it

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doesn't have to end there, right. So our fast, have a buddy system,

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create something that works for you in the sense that will get you

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closer to your Creator, whether it's okay find someone that will

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do this with you to make it easy and you can go break fast with

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them. So not only are you you know, building a good relationship

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but your foundation especially if you're new into the faith, but

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you're also getting closer to a lot and you're getting blessings

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for you know submitting to your Creator in this in this line. So

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fasting try to take fasting outside of Ramadan and make that a

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habit make that a way of life part of your way of life. You don't

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have to wait till Ramadan too fast. So inshallah I hope that

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that that helps. And I hope that we're all able to get into that

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mode after Ramadan, I know that Ramadan, it's easier because you

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know that 1.8 billion Muslims are fasting and so just knowing that

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brings a sense of, you know, comfortness and knowing that my

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brother and he ran or you rack or you know, Palestine or Mexico

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because there's Muslims all over the globe. And so knowing that

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everyone is fasting, obviously is much, much easier. So take

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fasting, if anything you take this year, take fasting fast one once a

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month, once, once a week, whatever that is.

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For the for the sake of Allah right.

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As we continue, I mean that relationship if you establish some

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type of relationship. So number two is some type of relationship

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with the Quran. Don't put the Koran down. And I know I keep

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saying this and this is a reminder for myself first and foremost. So

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everything I'm telling you, it's for myself first and foremost. But

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yes, if we've established that connection with the Quran, and you

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are, you know, diligently picking up the Quran after fajr or during

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the day, make sure that that relationship continues because

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this is your relationship with the Quran. And so, this is our guide.

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I like to look at the Quran as our compass. Anytime that you feel

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lost, you feel distressed, you feel broken. You feel like nothing

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can rectify what's happening. When I personally open the Koran, and I

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open and start reading and wherever it opens. Normally nine

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out of 10 I kid you not the answer is there. This is our guy

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This is our campus we should be using it inshallah a bit more and

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making sure that that connection with with our Koran that journey

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that we have with it we don't put it down until next Ramadan so

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that's number two you can take this outside of Ramadan. So we

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said taking fasting is important outside of Ramadan that

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relationship with

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insha Allah with, with Ramadan taking that relationship with the

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Quran, I would say number three, you know we are in the last 10

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days of Ramadan Alhamdulillah. And tomorrow is another odd night. But

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nevertheless, you know, we should not say Oh, I'm only going to be

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good on the odd nights we should carry out all 10 days but even

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outside of Ramadan. So normally, we are encouraged to give charity

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during the last 10 during the entire month of Ramadan. But some

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of us and some of some individuals in particular focus on the last 10

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nights and we're highly encouraged to give even if it's $1 One pound

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one peso, whatever your money currency is one every single night

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during the last 10 nights because we understand that it's multiplied

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it could be multiplied, you know, hundreds if not 1000s of times. So

00:21:21 --> 00:21:25

outside of Ramadan, make sure that you continue to be charitable,

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even if it's you know, on Joomla make sure that you drop something

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in the box or if you hear of someone that is in need, you know

00:21:34 --> 00:21:39

or you're in the street and all you have is a smile that is

00:21:39 --> 00:21:44

charity. So making sure that we exercise. All of this outside of

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Ramadan will also increase that Taqwa it will increase that love

00:21:49 --> 00:21:55

for one another that love for the deen those relationships. So it's

00:21:55 --> 00:21:58

important for us to continue this and

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and obviously make it a habit. Make it a habit to always check on

00:22:03 --> 00:22:07

each other check on your your family, of course, check on your

00:22:07 --> 00:22:10

neighbors and your friends, and so on and so forth.

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In sha Allah. So we talked about fasting, we talked about the

00:22:15 --> 00:22:22

Koran, we talked about charity, and again, you don't have to have

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millions in order to give we understand that the prophets Allah

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when he was salam, he has told us and many of us know this very,

00:22:29 --> 00:22:35

very well that charity is a smile, smiling is charity. So let's make

00:22:35 --> 00:22:41

sure that we continue to most most places are not wearing masks

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anymore. So now you can actually flaunt that smile, inshallah. And

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you never know what that smile can do. I know I've been sometimes

00:22:48 --> 00:22:53

down and if somebody smiles and gives me salons, it it really

00:22:53 --> 00:22:58

builds up my spirit, and it gets me on a very good mood. And so you

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just have no idea how much impact you have until you start doing it.

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Inshallah, and if we go outside of our own community and outside of

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our family, you know, I've done different social experiments where

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I've actually gone into groceries, and I've said, you know, today,

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anywhere I go, I'm gonna say good morning, good afternoon. And this

00:23:21 --> 00:23:25

should be all the time, right? But sometimes we're so busy. And we

00:23:25 --> 00:23:29

tend to just kind of walk like, you know, like horses, and just

00:23:29 --> 00:23:34

look straight, and our mind is going 10,000 miles per hour. And

00:23:34 --> 00:23:39

so I've done social experiments where I've actually, you know,

00:23:39 --> 00:23:40

engage with people

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and helped out people and it really makes a difference. It

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makes a huge difference. Remember that we are ambassadors of the

00:23:50 --> 00:23:53

faith. We are ambassadors of Islam. So anytime we are in

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public, obviously for sisters, it's a little more more visible

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with our headscarves. And if you were you know, the Islamic attire,

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what have you just started jabs, speak volumes. So we are

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ambassadors and we need to make sure that we're putting our best

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foot forward because whether we like it or not, we are

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representing each other they're not going to remember me by name,

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but they will remember that Muslim and so that's something to always

00:24:20 --> 00:24:23

be very mindful about when we are out.

00:24:24 --> 00:24:27

In in society Inshallah, right.

00:24:29 --> 00:24:34

So we need to also make sure that outside of Ramadan, we continue

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and we try you know, to with that relationship of Allah, we continue

00:24:39 --> 00:24:43

to ask for forgiveness oftentimes we think oh the month of Mercy The

00:24:43 --> 00:24:47

month of the Quran, but you need to that relationship with Allah is

00:24:47 --> 00:24:49

also getting closer to him by

00:24:51 --> 00:24:57

by being humble and and having the humility to anytime that you have

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

done wrong or what have you, knowing that you're creating

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We'll forgive you and so making that a habit you know even if you

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haven't done anything wrong but even after Salah you know just

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saying stuff or a lot of stuff or a lot of stuff for Allah, you're

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actually asking a lot to forgive you and so making that habit

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there's a lot of reward in that and there's it brings a lot of

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tranquillity as well in one soul to know that the All Merciful all

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forgiving is there at any given time. And so we don't have to wait

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till Ramadan to ask for forgiveness. So we can make that

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part of our exit after Ramadan, you know, and make sure that we

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continue to do this, we ask for forgiveness. So we've mentioned

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fasting, we've mentioned Koran, we've mentioned charity, and we

00:25:46 --> 00:25:48

mentioned asking for forgiveness.

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We also need to implement obviously, when, when we are

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talking about

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South Africa, you know, we we need to make sure that we continue to

00:26:02 --> 00:26:03

do this

00:26:04 --> 00:26:07

consistent consistently, as I said,

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and even if it's small and so again, it's repeating myself but I

00:26:13 --> 00:26:18

just, I just hear this a lot that I don't have money or I don't have

00:26:18 --> 00:26:23

anything to give. So Allah loves consistency, right? So he loves

00:26:23 --> 00:26:27

when we are consistent with our prayers when we are consistent

00:26:27 --> 00:26:29

with reading the Quran when we are consistent,

00:26:30 --> 00:26:35

you know, in our fast when we are consistent and charity so make

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sure that even if it's small that you are consistent in all of these

00:26:41 --> 00:26:47

parts that I just mentioned, inshallah and so, that way, you

00:26:47 --> 00:26:48

will not feel like

00:26:50 --> 00:26:52

a burden or like I can do this

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and then inshallah it will it will increase, increase that, that

00:26:58 --> 00:27:02

taqwa in that relationship, because at the end of the day, we

00:27:02 --> 00:27:06

have to remember that we are here for a very short time

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and we all have an expiration date, right? We don't know when

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that expiration date will come. But inshallah we want to make sure

00:27:16 --> 00:27:21

we are doing everything that is pleasing to our Creator and we are

00:27:21 --> 00:27:26

staying away what is not pleasing to our Creator and so one of the

00:27:26 --> 00:27:30

things I always asked myself if today was the day am I ready? Are

00:27:30 --> 00:27:34

my slot if my prayers are on check is everything on check. So you

00:27:34 --> 00:27:41

know how the Imam always says pray as if it was your last prayer, I

00:27:41 --> 00:27:45

always tell myself you know, do as much as you can as if it was your

00:27:45 --> 00:27:50

last day on this earth you know and dunya and so the same goes

00:27:50 --> 00:27:55

with Ramadan you know, take Ramadan take these last few days

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that we have as if it's your last Ramadan but don't end it there

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because obviously if you're still alive after Ramadan, you want to

00:28:02 --> 00:28:06

carry on for the rest of the year inshallah and I hope that that is

00:28:06 --> 00:28:07

of benefit to everyone

00:28:09 --> 00:28:13

you know, and then after Eid we want to keep that momentum right

00:28:13 --> 00:28:14

after Eid

00:28:16 --> 00:28:22

to to make sure we increase and making this a better world. So we

00:28:22 --> 00:28:28

are known as one of the most charitable entities as a whole

00:28:28 --> 00:28:32

right I know here in the US we are feeding the homeless we are

00:28:32 --> 00:28:37

feeding the poor charity is just going and flowing and it's visible

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so people can see it. There's been articles written there's been

00:28:42 --> 00:28:47

interviews done on TV how Ramadan brings hearts together communities

00:28:47 --> 00:28:52

together there's been interfaith if stars and what have you. Let's

00:28:52 --> 00:28:55

continue that after Ramadan as well. Let's continue getting to

00:28:55 --> 00:28:59

know one another. Let's continue inviting those that we invited

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during Ramadan and cultivating those relationships. In order for

00:29:03 --> 00:29:08

our OMA to become stronger. You know, something Subhanallah that

00:29:08 --> 00:29:11

happened this Ramadan with our group of embrace

00:29:12 --> 00:29:15

their will there's these two sisters that actually

00:29:17 --> 00:29:23

took the time and the effort to come to Dallas, Texas to spend the

00:29:23 --> 00:29:28

last 10 days in community. So they basically migrated

00:29:30 --> 00:29:36

to a different state to make sure that they were getting the best

00:29:36 --> 00:29:42

they could because the masjid in their area are very far number one

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and number two, the mustards that they have visited

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have not been very welcoming. So that takes me to my next point,

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Inshallah, that, you know, whatever is not working for

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someone may

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work for someone else but be that that ally be that liaison that you

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will be that bridge so if you are seeing something that is not right

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speak up you know if it's at your Masjid if it's at your centers,

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make sure that if someone comes to you and says Why didn't feel

00:30:17 --> 00:30:21

welcome here that you take it to whoever you need to speak to to

00:30:21 --> 00:30:24

speak on behalf of these individuals because at the end of

00:30:24 --> 00:30:28

the day, whether you're a revert a convert a new Muslim born into the

00:30:28 --> 00:30:32

faith, we are one OMA and we're supposed to be taking care of one

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another and that's really what I hope that the message is today.

00:30:36 --> 00:30:37

What can we take

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what can we take from Ramadan for the rest of the year and it's

00:30:42 --> 00:30:49

basically us, us ourselves coming out transform in the in whatever

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manner that looks like for you. You know, again for some is a lot

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for some started praying during Ramadan. Take that outside of

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Ramadan, make sure that you stay on your prayers, if it's a

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checklist you have to mark then go ahead and do that. Because if that

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works for you, then that's wonderful.

00:31:05 --> 00:31:08

You know, if it's if you really enjoy the fasting and the

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breaking, you know, or opening your fast with brothers and

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sisters, then make sure that you carry that outside, right. If you

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enjoyed that relationship and how you felt reading the Quran during

00:31:20 --> 00:31:24

this month, make sure that you pick up the Quran for the rest of

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the year as well so you can continue that relationship with

00:31:27 --> 00:31:33

the Quran and Allah. So it doesn't have to end with Ramadan as we are

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ending this month.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:41

We need to carry on for the rest of the year. And so I hope that

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these points were of benefit to all of you. I ask Allah subhana wa

00:31:46 --> 00:31:52

Taala to increase us in Taqwa. And I asked a lot to make this

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journey, a pleasant one to him. And then we become people that are

00:31:58 --> 00:32:02

compassionate to one another and loving and merciful to one

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another, and that we respect one another and meet each other where

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we're at. I ask ALLAH SubhanA Metalla to give us Aafia and for

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him to give us good health and if wealth is what you're seeking for

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us to use it and for his sake and in the best manner, I ask Allah

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Subhana Allah to

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forgive us and accept all our Ibadah our worship our good deeds

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are fast and that he allows us to see many more Ramadan's Eid

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Mubarak and I will see you all next month, just like a hair for

00:32:39 --> 00:32:44

being here. Don't forget to donate to about Islam. This is possible

00:32:44 --> 00:32:49

through your generosity. So do drop whatever that is in the next

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in the next few nights and beyond. We are here to service you. And

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until next time Salaam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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