Nadim Bashir – What Should be the Focus of our Life
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The community is experiencing the challenges of learning to grow up in a foreign country and bringing that into one's own life. It is crucial for parents to be aware of the challenges of their children and to learn to grow up in a foreign country. The importance of principles and hardworking people in life is emphasized, along with the need to stress learning to be at the center of one's life and to bring these characteristics to build connections and networking. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of learning to be an amateur tackle and a "monster" in the face of "monster" mentality.
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sequence number one is that there is a brother but there have also been father okay he passed away in that era he were in in Rajon We ask Allah subhana wa Tala to forgive him, may Allah have mercy upon him. May Allah subhana wa Taala enlightened his grave May Allah subhanho wa Taala make everything easy and give his family several Jimmy immunoblot Amin also we have brother who the one he's the one who's actually the architect of this merger that epic Maji that we are sitting in right now. He's extremely sick due to COVID complications, so please keep them your DUA. Also, brother Ron alpha is and there are others have been receiving
information about but there's a brother but there is shot. So nonetheless, there's a lot of brothers and sisters of our community who are very sick who are in hospitals due to COVID so please keep them in your DUA. May Allah subhanaw taala give them shifa, and they will back that up, but nas whsv anta Shafi last Shiva, Shiva folk shifa and your body will Sakuma this little law the immobilized shell the mania for your home Amira but I mean, finally, some good news in sha Allah. Starting first of January, we will be starting all five daily prayers here at Epic Majid inshallah we have been having only for generations. So, you shall that starting first of January will have all five daily prayers,
more information inshallah will be provided to you as you can all see all the work that has been going on is for the acoustics to make the sound better and if you have been noticing 100 The sound is already getting better and only 10% of the work is done. So imagine when all the work is done inshallah things will be more crystal more clear inshallah. And not only that, but then after fajr after Aisha inshallah we'll be having short short hotrods inshallah starting first of January does that Kamala Hey
long line
a shredwell
How y'all
how are you
Hi y'all
how y'all
Bismillah Rahim in Al Hamdulillah Muhammad who when it started you know when that stuff you know when or when he should only and phocoena women say yeah to Marina mania Hello fellow Muslim woman you're the little fella had wanted to do a leader in LA Allahu la sharika wanted to do Anna
Muhammad Abdul rasuluh for the call a lotta Baraka Allah Quran Majeed bow the ruler he may shoot on rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Jonas tabula rasa Kamala de Holika Komenda sin wa wahala common Huzzah. Jaha wa betterman hamari Jalan cathedra when he says what up hola hola Rita's are harming hola can Polycom Nokia Bell walk Allah to Allah you Hallerin I'm an otaku haka Ducati. What are the Moto Illa Antimo Simone, Allah to Allah you Hala de la la Kulu Conan salida yourself like on our Malecon we have fella comes in Uber come on minute daughter in law how Rasulullah falcoda affairs I was in all the mess of the Kola hula alim, for in as the call Hadith the Kitab Allah will highly
Hadiya had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shown to her what will be the what will be the it in Bala Wakulla variety infinity now I'm about
while we are spending so much time at home, we're working from home our kids are studying from home, there's virtual learning taking place at home. We are and we're spending more time with our children than before. What's important to understand is that many people ask this one question that what is the most important thing I need to teach my children? What is the most important thing that my teenage children boys and girls they need to learn when is when it comes to growing up what they should, what should they be focusing on and so forth. The very first thing that we have to understand is that children always will emulate their parents, you see Subhanallah so many times,
even the career path, even the profession, whatever the children see their parents doing the end up going into that same profession.
If the father is a doctor, usually the children want to become a doctor, if the father is a is a lawyer, or if they're an engineer, usually the children go in that area. If the father is a he plays sports, they usually want to go in that area. This is why Imam was talking with Allah here. He has written an entire book about growing about raising children, and the therapy of children. And he writes that whatever you want your children to be, you become like that first herself. And so if we want our children to have anything in their life, as a parent, we need to first bring that into our own life. And that brings me to the next part of my football, which is that in life, what is the
most important thing in our life? What is at the center of our life, because many of us growing up overseas, when we came here to America, our kids are growing up here in America, but we were raised overseas, many of us, and we develop certain traits and certain important aspects of life. There are some of us that the most important thing is all about materialism, we compare ourselves to others based on how much we have. There are some who compare each other based on how much of a social status that we have, how much money I have, where are my kids going to school, where are their kids going to school, finances, work family, we compare ourselves to each other based on these things.
And brothers and sisters, what we have to understand is that many times the things that we are chasing the things that are the most important aspects of our life, they will eventually fade away in our life. Today, the friends that we have, do you really think that those friends are going to be there in your future, friends come and they go, materialism comes and goes, social status comes and goes, and everything else, many things that take place in our life, that we center our life around, they will come and they will go. Unfortunately, we have made them the center of our life. And so we teach our children the same thing. We teach our children sometimes that being competitive is the
most important thing. compare yourself to others. Yes, as parents, we all have always been compared in our life. We've always been compared to the other kid on the block. Because our parents want us to see they want to see us succeed in life, that's fine. But if a person their goal of life is that they're gonna always compare themselves to others. Today, you're comparing yourself to one tomorrow, tomorrow, you're comparing yourself to another and the list will keep on going on and this race will keep on going on and you will never be happy. Rather, what should be the goal of our life? What should be at the center of our life are principles that will never die out principles that the
Prophet said Allahu Allah, he was saying he referred to them as Allah. He referred to them as character, things that characterize you things that really
display who you are as a person. What should be the principles of our life is honesty, integrity, respect, love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude. These are things that we learn from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi, wa salam, brothers and sisters today, look at the world that we live in. When people talk about their parents, you don't ever hear people saying that I remember my parents how much money they had, or the social status that they had, and what was their, their, their, their status in society. We don't ever hear people talking about that. When people write about people of the past, and how much they will revered and so forth. It's never about how much they had. It was
always about these principles, how hard working they were, they were how, what kind of a visionary, visionary, who they were, what kind of hard working person they were, how much honesty, forgiveness. These are things that people usually remember. And this is what Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he taught us this is who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was he taught us fairness in life, he talks about balance in life, that if a person is so much family centered, the problem is some said no to that a person who is so much centered around their own Ariba and their own spirituality, that they neglect their family. The problem some said no to that also the Prophet Allah you some taught
us fairness, equality, balance. This is what the Prophet salallahu it was something he taught us. And that is what we need to teach our children is not about everything that we see around us, that is going to really help us. It's about these characteristics. This is what we need to bring within our children. This is what we need to bring within our youth today. Because that is what's going to help them those things I talked about earlier, they come and they go these characteristics once it becomes part of you, once it becomes part of who you are as a person. They don't go away when you talk about the fairness of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so fair, so just he said that even
if faulty were coming stuff, there will be consequences against her when he saw his own grandson, going to the pile of dates that were given in South Africa, he cheated, the child took a date put in his mouth, and the Prophet says some notes said no to that, you look at the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, it was always about those principles of life that he focused on and that is what we need to focus within our own children. When we when we spend time at home, that is what we need to teach our children. Those are the things that we have to always stress upon. And the most important thing, what is the most important thing that we need to focus on? What is the most
important thing that we need to teach our children inshallah I mentioned that in the second part of the whatever, I asked the lesson behind and what that will give us the ability to understand these things. May Allah subhanho wa Taala build within our children these characteristics, these noble characteristics that will help them inshallah in their life Amira Bella Alameen BarakAllahu li Walakum Sakura and all them want to find out what yeah, come back to with the Hakeem stuff with Allah Allah welcome Walliser in western manifesto Pharaoh in a hula hula Rahim.
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah when I started when I started with when I was with him and surely and fusina Mr. Molina when you had the helo Flama Lilla woman union fella had yella wanting to do Allah in alojado will actually want to show a number Hamedan Abdullah solo about
a very well known Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated by Ibn Ibis or Viola Anoma. He says that as when I was a child, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one time he was with me, and he says, Yo, hula in need or animal Kalamata, Oh, child, I'm going to key teach you few important fundamentals of life. He says, if Allah Yeah, that just for the law, yeah. Fosca protect Allah and Allah will protect you. If Allah to Judah, who to Jack, protect Allah and Allah will be always on your side. What does it mean to protect ALLAH to safeguard the orders of Allah subhanho wa Taala always fulfill the orders of Allah subhana what to Allah what he does to ultrafast Allah. When
you want anything you ask Allah you don't come to your parents first you ask Allah subhanho wa Taala why he does the hunter first time Biller, you need help in your exams. You need help in life you need help in your career before you go around looking for help from from anyone else. You ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for success. What he has done the first time biller wa Alam no matter the widget Tama O Allah O kabhi shaken lemon for okay Nabi che in but the Catawba hula hula that if everyone got together and he tried to benefit one person
Allah does not want that person to be benefited, they cannot benefit that person. Today, so many of our children, so many of our youth, they think and they look at us as parents, that today we are so worried about building a connection here and building a connection there and so forth, which is nothing wrong with but we have not built the ultimate connection, which is the connection with Allah subhanho wa taala. They believe that building connections and networking with other people is going to bring them benefit but where we they have not realized from us from the parents that we have to teach them that ultimately, it comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala that is what we need to teach our
children. So I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us the ability to bring and to teach our children and our youth. These are the core concepts. These are the characteristics that we they need to bring, look, go back and as I said, I've said this, so many times stay the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how he was serving humanity, how he will put himself behind all the time, and you worried about other people before him, and he will put people before himself. This is who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, it was always about those characteristics that till today we remember Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It's not about the house that he had, how
many this had or how many that he had. It was always about those things, the characteristics that we always need to focus on I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those who always put Allah at the front of everything. May Allah make us amongst those who always focus on these key characteristics and Mirabella Amin Allah homeless Islam on Muslim Ian Allahumma Islam one Muslim enough equally McCann Allahumma sunnah Allah mahalo fauna, Wofford. Billa dinner
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Allahu Akbar
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Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar.
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Alikum warahmatu law on