Nadim Bashir – Revival #12 – It’s small in size, but very impactful
![Nadim Bashir](
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The importance of the tongue in communication with others and avoiding harms is emphasized, along with the use of the tongue in specific situations and being mindful of one's words. The speaker emphasizes the need to be out of touch with oneself and not backbiting others. The importance of not being slandstered each other and not communicating with anyone is emphasized, along with the use of the tongue in learning to remember Allah's words and sub hangers. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of connecting our hearts and minds to one another in achieving a connection between our bodies and avoiding harm to our bodies.
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Mr. Lai Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah him Hamid while early he was a big marine was salam with the steamin cathedral cathedral Abba salaam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Dear viewers, all over the world wherever you may be asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept our pm our CM our do as our sadaqa our tilava our Africa every good that we do every hire that we do in the month of Ramadan May Allah subhana wa Tada accept from all of us, and at the same time as Allah subhanho wa Taala that while we have passed the first third of the month of Ramadan, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us the ability to reach the night the last 10
nights, the nights of power the nights of data, the other Mirabella al Amin and I want to encourage everyone and urge everyone that as we are getting now through our middle 10 days, the 10 days that we're everyone begins to slack off, everyone begins to get, you know, become weak and so forth. I ask you all and I encourage you all to please keep it up, do whatever good that you're doing do not fall short, in the month of Ramadan. Today, there's two important traits and characteristics of iman I would like to talk about as you know that we have been going through the series of the branches of faith going back to the hadith of Abu Huraira or the Allah Trine where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said that there are 70 Odd branches of faith. Now, you know, because the branches of faith are so many, of course, we cannot take one every single day and go through that that will take a very long time. And not only that, but there are many that are very similar to one another. So inshallah going forward, there are going to be days where we will cover probably one branch of faith, but there are going to be days where we may cover even multiple branches of faith and put all them together in one lecture. Today, inshallah is one of those days. Because as we are wrapping up the seven traits of EMA and the seven characteristics of Iman and faith that are related to the
heart related to the heart, then it's important that, you know, we go through them, we finished them in sha Allah. And because we only have two left, there's only just two left of all of them. And then we'll get to the ones that are connected to the, to the tongue, and those are connected to actions. So that's why I want to wrap up today, the ones that are connected to the ones that are connected to our heart and so forth. And you know, subhanAllah, you know, the ones that I'm talking about today is remembering Allah subhanaw taala and making sure that we don't misuse our tongue. Now, there are many hobas many lectures, many de Roos and halacha that we have been part of where there's been so
much emphasis on the vicar of Allah subhanho wa taala, and how to make sure that we don't misuse our tongue. So I don't want to get into a very long subject our long, very long discussion about this, but I just want to share with you a few things that we should keep in mind at all times when it comes to our tongue. See, first of all, is that this tongue in itself is a very great blessing of Allah subhanho wa taala. Without this tongue, we will not be able to communicate with each other and even the fact that we have this tongue, there are still people who are not able to communicate with each other. So the fact that Allah subhanaw taala has given you an eye, this special ability that
you and I we may take for granted, which is to communicate to other human beings. This is first of all, a lot of times we take this for granted, but this is indeed one of the greatest blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala and I remind myself and all the viewers that Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran says from Latos Luna Yoma even on a name, that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanho wa Taala will put us up for the question and he will question us that for every single NEMA he has given us now one thing that we also learn when it comes to the different a hadith and the different ayat of the Quran, is that one thing that Allah subhanaw taala is really going to take into account from all
of us is how do we use our tongue? How do we communicate with each other? And I want to get first of all into this, first of all, is that when it comes to communicate with each other, some of the things that we have to keep in mind is number one, is it significant or is it insignificant? See what we need to do is that before we talk we should be thinking well we do nowadays is that
First we talk and then we think thinking comes before talking. First ask yourself that what am I about to say? Is it beneficial? Is it not beneficial? Is it significant? Is it insignificant? Now, if this is something that does not come to our mind, then the next major thing that needs to come to our mind and the question that we need to ask ourselves is that will this have a positive effect or a negative effect? See, a lot of times we're not able to distinguish between something that is right or wrong, or something that is significant or insignificant? But for sure, if there's one thing that we do know, we do know that what is the possible outcome of what am I about to say, is if it's
positive, I should say it, if it's not positive, I should, I should remain quiet. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we find from from his Hadith from his nature, that you know that the best course of action is to remain quiet. He says, Allahu alayhi wa sallam failure, couldn't Hiren failure can hide on odious mode. They either say something good or stay quiet. If I have nothing good to offer, then why should I say it? So this is why it's very important that we understand the impact of what we are about to say. And when it comes to the Quran, the Quran also tells us that there are things that we should not be doing when it comes to our tongue, we should
not be slandering each other, we should not be backbiting each other, we should not be placing, you know, then and accusations against one another. This is all misuse of the tongue. Not only that, but a lot of times we say that, you know what, what I'm about to say is the truth and the truth. You know, the truth hurts. A lot of times, yes, it is true, that the truth does sting little. But it also comes down to how you're conveying that truth. So if I come to someone, and I am absolutely rude and abrupt and disrespectful, and so forth, then even though if I'm conveying the truth, it is not going to be taken as a truth. Think about for yourself. Imagine if someone came to you and
explain something that you are doing or we are doing and the right way, in the right way. I may listen to that person, I may lend him my attention. But if someone comes to us in a very rude and disrespectful way, then why should I give that person my attention? Even if he is right, or she is right. Why would I want to give them my attention? And I remind myself and everyone here what ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada said to Musa alayhis salam, O Musa, when you go to fill your own, this man is a tyrant. He I mean, he is the only person who has claimed to be Malik Rob, in ILA. He has, you know, he has he has done so much he has committed so many atrocities, so many crimes. But yet when you go
to him think about this is a criminal that we're talking about a criminal that we're talking about. And Allah is telling me Musa when you go to fill out for Kula who code and they you know, when you talk to him, communicate with him in a very soft tone and are very soft, and have a very soft approach. So this is something very important that we should understand. Also, when it comes to backbiting, we know what the Quran has said, when it comes to slandering we know what the Quran has said, And subhanAllah, I share with you a hadith that one time during the time that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there were two women who were involved in backbiting. And later on,
when they had a stomach ache, and so forth, and they threw up, they found pieces of bones and flesh. And this was literal. The Quran actually says that when you backed by about someone is as if you're eating the, the dead flesh of your own brother. And the idea and the concept behind that is because many of us when we hear that, if we're trying to understand that, what does that mean? It means that just like you would dislike eating the flesh of your own dead brother of your own dead family member, would you want to do that no one would do that. And even if that piece of meat ever came before us, I mean, we will feel so disgusted to even look at it. Likewise, treat backbite no
differently, look at it in a very disgusting way and complete dislike it. Now when it comes to communication, something else I would like to share. And we find this also, Imam was Allahu Allah, he has talked about, you know, the misuse of the tongue extensively in his book here, we find I thought,
I thought it was Kennedy. He has talked about this in his book of wisdoms extensively, but the question is that are there any other forms of communication and the answer is yes, speech is just not verbal. Especially nowadays we are going through a time where social media is so, so vibrant in our life. So if I post something, that is a sign or that is my me communicating, if I share something if I
See someone has said something about someone, and I share that. That's my approval. That's me communicating. So I may be not saying something. But that's exactly communicating. If I tweet something about something, or if I, you know, retweet something about something that's all communicating, if a person is under attack, if a person is under attack on social media, and, you know, subhanAllah, we find people that you know, by the way, when it comes to social media, you have to always be very careful, because there are a lot and a lot of disrespectful, disrespectful people on social media. And subhanAllah was sad is that we don't realize that when we are disrespectful to
people online, that is us communicating, a person says, Well, I'm just typing, I'm not communicating, Allah is going to hold you accountable on the Day of Judgment. Because what you are writing is what you are saying, You cannot say it, that's why you're writing it. So that's why it's important that even if we see a person who's under attack, it is our job and our responsibility that we should stand up for people, people who are being under attack. But at the same time, if I see someone being attacked, and I stay quiet, us staying quiet, and us not talking is actually talking. Because when I don't stand up for my brother, when I don't stand up for my sister, it is as if I am
approving of what people are doing against our brother and our sister. And so and we're talking about situations that you know that where they are under attack, they may say they may have said something, and people attack them. And if there's a slander that we should miss, we should most certainly stand up for them. So this is something very important that we should understand when it comes to speech. And then another type of speech that we see is excessive speech. Just keep on talking, keep on talking. And we don't realize that every time I open my mouth, I am going to be held accountable by Allah subhanho wa taala. And so a lot of times people they use excessive speech,
either to get the attention of others, or to make people other to make other people laugh and so forth. Remember one thing that people who use excessive speech to make others laugh and then in that course, they begin to make up stories they begin to lie, this is absolutely wrong. So why do we want to use excessive speech when there is no need to use excessive speech? And finally, even I thought Allah Iskander, Yarmouth Allah Allah, he mentioned in his book, that it is very important that we free our hearts, we free our hearts for Allah subhanho wa taala. Now what does that mean? It means that, you know, there are things that are connected in relate to the heart, what we see is related
to our heart. So if I see something, and you know, this is why the Quran actually says that when it comes to seeing something, lower your gaze, lower your gaze is not only is not only related to women, I mean, a lot of times when we when we hear the word, lower your gaze, it means for the men, for the men lower your gaze and for the women, and for the women lower your gaze and for the men. I mean, there's a lot more to that, because some of the Alama of you know of Teskey they say that a lot of times when you keep your head up all the time, and there are things that we see things that we see that as soon as we see, our mind takes a photograph of that. And because our mind takes a
photograph of that, it goes in and settles and sits right in our heart. So this is why even I thought it was good that he mentioned that the only way we can free our hearts is to make sure that whatever is connected to the heart, they are also free. So meaning that seeing is something very important over here, talking, yes, whatever we speak, whatever we say, it is connected to the heart. Now if our heart if our tongues are clean, meaning that if we use our tongues in the right way, if I use my eyes the right way, if I hear what is right, then eventually what's going to be in our heart is also going to be right and it's going to be Allah subhanaw taala. And this is why if you think
about it, why do we have so much dunya in our heart today is because what we're looking at all times is dunya when we go everywhere around is always about dunya when are we hearing anything is about dunya when we listen when we see something is about dunya when I think of something in his dunya it's always about dunya and that's why the heart is filled with dunya. So this is why if not Allah is going to do he mentioned that it is very important that we free our hearts. And the only way we can do that is by first of all you using our tongue the right way. And not only that, but when it comes to listening something you listen to those things that Allah subhanaw taala has told us to
listen to listen to the Quran, listen to something that is good. Listen to something that will in
creasing our iman. That is what we should be doing. And then not only that, but when it comes to seeing, hearing, and using our tongue, all those, all these three things should be used in the right way. Now this brings me to the next subject that how should we use our tongue and there's one way the best way that we can use our tongue it is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala the gift that has been given to us by Allah using that to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala and so Subhan Allah in the Quran, first of all, we find the story of Musa alayhis salam what Allah say to Musa he says welcome Salah, the victory. The most important thing is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Why do you think
we when we wake up in the morning we say Alhamdulillah he levy here in America and are willing to shoot, we wake up we make although we pray, Salat al Fajr or pmla or tahajjud and then we engage in vicar hours, our day through out has to be about remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala I'm not saying that in all situations, we have to be completely fixated and focused on Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, we go to work. Yes, we do go to work, we take care of our domestic responsibilities. And during that time, we are we may our minds may not be focused solely on Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is fine. But it should we should always remember that if there is one that we live our life for it is Allah
subhanho wa Taala Why do you and I we pray a lot it is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala not only that, but for every person, for every person, including even dairies, including those who call people to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, like Musa Allah is and what did Allah say to Musa he says Wallah, tiny fee victory, like do not forget us from your remembrance, like always include us in your remembrance. And this is something very important because a lot of times we find people who give Dawa people who give hot buzz and lectures and so forth, a lot of times, they're so busy. They're so busy and engaged in teaching others that they may forget about Allah subhanho wa Taala
Allah is saying that no even you, you are teaching other people but you have to also remember Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is why it this comes down to something very interesting that even was Ali has mentioned in his book even a prima immunochemical. Josie like malaria has also mentioned this in his books, that, you know, when it comes to our hearts,
you know, there's one complaint that many people say is that I keep on making vicar of Allah I Say Subhan Allah I said, Hamdulillah I say Allah what but but it has no effect on my heart, like I don't have Allah in my heart. And a lot of times what happens is that there's three types of people who make it thicker. Either the person who's making vicar is the person who is that when he's making vicar, he's using his tongue to remember Allah subhanho wa taala, but his heart is also connected. And the best way we can do that is that we know what we're saying. So if I know what Subhan Allah means, that every time I say, Subhana, Allah is going to have it we're going to have you know, it
will be meaningful, that our heart is going to be into it. When I say Alhamdulillah and I say Alhamdulillah. And I think of every single blessing that Allah has given me since I came into this dunya all the way up to my life. And we say Alhamdulillah for every single thing, when I say Allahu Akbar, when I say Subhan, Allah will hamdulillah when I either had Allahu Akbar or any other vicar that we find that you know, in Allah wa they will actually cut the whole molecule Well, the whole hamdulillah who Allah Krishna for any vicar that we know, if we know the meaning, while we are reciting it, our heart is going to be connected. That's the first type of person and that is the
best vicar by the way. The second type of person is the person who is making vicar, but his heart is connected to Allah, but he has no idea what he's saying. And the third thing is the third type of person is the person who keeps on just saying it, but his heart is not connected. Subhan Allah Subhanallah Subhanallah Subhanallah Subhanallah and I have no idea what Subhan Allah is, and you know what happens after a while, we lose touch and we lose interest in saying Subhan Allah. So this is why it is important that our hearts and our tongue bows should be connected. Now if Nakai mentions that people that complain that we make the cut and a heart is not connected, and he says
that in order for us to get to point A, which is the ultimate place, we have to go through point A and point, we have to go through the other two phases, which means that we will have to first start off by saying Subhan Allah and making Vica with the tongue, and our hearts may not be connected. But the more as I said earlier, what we say from our tongue is directly connected to our heart. So if I have my don't, my heart is filled with dunya. Then is when take a while of saying Subhan Allah and make the visit of Allah subhanho wa Taala before Allah can actually come into our hearts, and then when Allah comes into our heart, then in sha Allah
We will take pleasure in making the vicar of Allah subhanaw taala. But this is why it's so important that we don't lose, we don't lose encouragement that I keep on making thicker and that Allah is not coming to my heart, we have to in order to get to that, we have to go through these other phases. And we have to clean our heart, from the love this dunya and any other kind of spiritual illness, illnesses that we may have in our heart, we have to remove that. Think about this, imagine if I had a glass right now in front of me, imagine the glass was filled with water, and I want to put milk in it, what's going to happen? What's gonna happen is that I mean, first I have to empty that out, and
then I'm going to put milk in it. But our heart, our heart is similar. It's similar in that same way, what we're doing is that we have to keep the water in it. But think about this, if I take a gallon of milk, and I keep on pouring that gallon of milk in it, eventually all the water is going to come out, and the milk is going to stay in. Likewise, today, our hearts are filled with so much illnesses, so many spiritual diseases. And if I start putting Allah in my heart, and I do, and I do it in a more, the more I do it, the more that dunya will come out and Allah will settle in our hearts. Just that's how it works. So this is why it's very important that went back to once again
and what email alibi he has mentioned in his book. That was some of the signs of iman is that we use our tongue to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala and we protect our tongue from misusing it in any way capacity. And once again, we all are weak, we all misuse our container time. And this is why we always go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala when we do something when we misuse our tongue and our hearts become affected, the only way to cleanse our heart is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala to say a stuff that Allah O Allah Allah have committed a sin. Oh Allah you forgive me clean my heart, remove all this jealousy remove this hatred, remove this malice and the more we do this inshallah
the more our heart will become so clean and that is a sign of iman when our hearts are clean, because when the heart is clean, then we hear the eye of the Quran and we're able to absorb it right away. We hear something beautiful and our hearts absorb it right away. And if our hearts are dark and then when we hear something beautiful we hear the ayat of the Quran. We hear the hadith of Ursula Salah is simply going to bounce off off of our heart. So ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to clean our hearts. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us ability to use our tongues wisely. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from the misuse of our tongues. And I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala and
you ask Allah subhanaw taala to that do not hold us accountable on the Day of Judgment for the misuse of our tongues and may Allah Subhan Allah forgive us before we leave this dunya immunoblotted Amin does akmola hate Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
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