Nadim Bashir – Our Youth + Our Future Leaders
![Nadim Bashir](
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The importance of leadership is highlighted in the digital age, where young people are encouraged to bring their children to the table and practice leadership. The challenges and adversities of being in a position for too long and not giving up on one's responsibility are also discussed. The importance of learning to live with the Prophet sallliya and not just giving up on one's own success is emphasized. The need for leaders to educate young children on their own successes and give back to their community is emphasized. The importance of protecting people from evil behavior and teaching children to be great leaders is also emphasized. The need for everyone to take initiative and act on what is being said is also emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
If there is something that we learn from their history, it's something we learn from their life. The one thing that we learn, and there is a compensate for that, but there's a similarity in all their lives is that for them to come to this stage, to come to this edition,
they weren't prepared from a long time ago. For them to be leaders, for them to have this position of authority. As I said earlier, whether they're in the House of Representatives Senate or Congress, whether the President themselves or their governors of different every state's, they do not just wake up one day, and they not just feel like they you know why I if I'm enthusiastic, and I want to go and become a governor, I want you to call a president, or I want you to become this or I want to become that their training has started a long time ago, when I see all these people who are being connected. The one thing that I feel like what's happening in our community that we can see from
them, and not only from their lives, but even from the lives of those who also love wanting to set it up. The one thing that we really learned is that if we want to develop leaders for our own community, for the upcoming generations, for Muslim leaders, brothers and sister, boys and girls, their development to become leaders starts today, when we study all these people, when we learn is that their development, it was put in the back of their mind, they were read, they're being taught, they're being educated, as they're being prepared for this day, a person like Barack Obama, do you see that one day he just woke up and he just wanted to become the president? No, this started at a
young age, education family, when they went to study all that a big role and what they are today. So if we want our kids to become leaders for tomorrow, they are not a light switch, that one day we wake up and we feel like that you know what I want my child, I want my son or daughter to become a leader in the community, he does not just start that you wake up one day, and you just say that, you know what they should become a leader. And Ben happens is not like them, like you flick a light switch, and it turns on, but rather of their career, and to lead them to that position where they will become leaders one day, it starts now. This is what we should take from all of these on this
presidential election at least. And that is so important for us. When we look at our Muslim communities, there is hardly any work, any effort, may or dying, where we are developing leaders for tomorrow, we let our kids go out the way they want to be. And there is no stairs, there's no thought that goes into our Muslim community, that who will lead our Muslim communities in the future. So what happens is that leadership starts now. leadership starts with the parents leadership starts with the adults in the community. If you want to inspire your own children, you have to set them you have to bring the qualities of leadership within within our own selves. There is a Keitha there is a
cutout by the name of Riesling more or less
by the name of resolve the problem in this book, they're offering you rights, that when a young child when he begins to learn and when he or she begins to learn, they begin to learn from the very first day when they open up their eyes for the very first time in their life. And then when they begin to observe things around them, their mind is completely empty. And they begin to grasp on everything they see. Specially when a child becomes when he becomes two years old. When any entitlement comes two years old, their mind has reached their mind has been so developed. That everything they see the grass, anything they hear the grass,
it is is common. It is psychology, it is it this is how it works. This is a system that Allah has created. So instead of us telling our children what to do, if we were to live by example, this will have a bigger effect on them. Not just sitting them down and saying you do this, you do this, you do this, but no if you want to bring the importance of salon in your child at a young age, the family members must perform the salon in further children. And this happens. I see this happening everywhere. A lot of parents are particular about it. A lot of parents are not particular about it. My I remember my own self when my daughter was born
I made a May I mean in favor them with my family members, that salon will be performed when they are awake in front of them so that they can observe children, they see they pick up. So that's why this this person, he writes in his book, that at the age of two, this child, whatever he sees, or this is they grasp, then when they become when they get to the age of five and six, then they begin to imitate anyone around them. When they see someone doing something, they will imitate them. And as they grow, they begin to do this more and more. There is a famous book, by the name of studying Hadoop. Even though Hadoop was an author, he wrote this book, he wrote a book on Islamic history, in
his new content. In the introduction of his book, he writes that children are the most influenced by what they see. In my recent recent reception, brothers and sisters, the reason I mentioned this, is because if we are really sincere about making our children tomorrow, it will start with our own actions. It is not that we sit them down, or we suddenly assign the schools, and we've made them teach, but it has to start from home, what they see what they will learn what they hear, they will learn, and that is what their character will be molded as. That's why there are so many things that we learn from a lot of the problems that a lot of it was sudden, when we have to put ourselves in
the position as being a leader and we're taking leadership for our children. What needs to be first happening is that as adults, we need to bring the qualities of leadership within our own selves first. And where do we learn leadership, we learned leadership and life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I think Allah He, you know, you will find so many books today. So many books today written on the subject of leadership. There are so many books, I read some books in the past, there was a book called The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. And as I was going through every single law of leadership, will body every single law of leadership was in line with the lack of the
focus on love on a muscle. There was no one who can demonstrate to us what is being what it takes to be a leader, no one who can do that better than then the Prophet saw a wild morning was, I read another book, by a person by the name of Dave Ramsey, probably some of you have heard. He wrote a book called entree leadership. When you read his book will love he you see them out of the comfort zone while while he was there, you see the light and samruddhi Allah behind him in there. They were our our pioneers. They were the ones who really taught us and he really demonstrated to us what is Quran and what is the Southern Province all longboarding was salam. And these are the non Muslims
today, they have taken the teachings from the Quran and Sunnah they have they have implemented that. And today we see that they have reached such a position that for most of us, we have not even reach when these teachings are there with us. And we have that why are we not taking benefit from them. So as I said earlier, if we really want to learn about leadership, we don't have to go far we can simply look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now I want to share with you today, just few things, what we can learn as being a great leader. And this is something that each one of us adults, we need to bring within our own lives. And we need to teach the same thing we need
to convey the same message over to our children. Also, the very first thing that we will be learned for the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that he always he always engaged himself with the community, he always engaged himself with the Sahaba of the allawah. This is very, very important. Parents need to engage themselves with the children. And when children see that their parents are engaging themselves with them. Eventually, when they will become parents one day, they will engage themselves with their children inshallah. But what happens is that when we learn most of them, for the most part, parents don't get so much involved with their parents with their kids, they
don't get so engaged with their kids. When we learn to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I'm going to give you an example.
At the time, when the battle of trenches took place, the promises are long while he was sending, he consults with all the Sahaba of your loved one. So what should we do? What is going to be our strategy? What is going to be our tactics when it comes to this battle? Of course, different Sahaba they gave different different opinions. Some are for some of you Allah law, why don't you say that this is something that we used to do in Persia, we used to dig trenches around. So I think this is my opinion, the problem is something you love the opinion. He, you know, everyone agreed to their opinion, and they began to dig up trenches around Medina. And so what happened was that the problem
was someone who was not the person who was a leader. And what that means is that not only did he tell the Sahaba not only did he appoint them, that too, you know, not only
He appointed from different different places to dig a trench here, but he got involved himself. When, as parents and adults, when we tell our children to do something, the very first person who should be engaging is ourselves. Don't spend that we tell our children to do something, we don't get engaged. And then when they don't do it, what do we do? We get upset with them, we get angry at them. Sometimes we may I admonished them in a physical way also. So what happens is that when we learn to live with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that when he used to give a responsibility, the very first one who should be taking that step forward, and fulfilling and
completing their responsibility is the adult themselves, show your children leave your children, there's something else that we learned that I will promise a lot of it was setting up, which we need to teach our children also is that in the face, when we when, when our children today, youngsters or young children, and for the most part, you know, a lot of adults, they have this kind of, you know, they have this kind of mentality or this nature, that when they are staring at adversity, and hardship and difficulty, we get a frame very quickly, we are so weak, we are so weak will lie and we are so weak. What will we learn from the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that we
need to teach our children and we do this ourselves is that life is all about adversities. Life is about hardships will lie in, there's not a single person will be here. There's not a single person over here, who can say that, you know, when in my life, I content about everything, regardless of our financial status. No, there's a lot of people in our community, I was having this discussion, just someone with someone yesterday, here in my office, that alone time we feel like in our own community, that man, this person, he's wealthy, he has no problems. He has no problems. We feel like that person he has, he's in this position. He doesn't have any problem. And you know what we say, I
want to become like him. And I want to become like him. And I wish I was in his position, but will loving you sit down. Every person, every person has something going on in their life that is bothering them. There is some challenge in their life. There is some adversity in their life. There's not a single person who can say that you know what everything in my life is the exact way I want to no one can say that. And this is the way of Allah Subhan Allah has created a system because every person was so completely content content with their life, there will be no one who will be asking Allah Subhana Allah. So what happens is that Allah He puts these kinds of circumstances he
surrounds us with these circumstances. So we always connected with the author behind what the island, but what we learned for the life of the prophet, and what is the true quality of a leader is that he never, he never gives up his mission. He never gives up in when they are facing adversity. When we look at the Bible, the Prophet SAW law of war, it was setting up, his entire life is about adversity, his entire life is about adversity. Think about this. He is a young child who is born without a father, his mother passes away when he's six years old, six years old, he has no mother, no father. And then at the same time, his supporters, they passed away also were at an early age,
his his grandfather of the mother, and he passes away when the son was young. Then he goes into the care of his uncle, a footballer, and then a blue bottle of cuisine passed away much later, but nonetheless OBC the night of the Prophet and then not only that, in monka, once the prophet is giving his given prophethood adversity after adversity, people, his supporters, His followers, the Sahaba, they're being prosecuted why? And they said, now you have to get the law. Did the Prophet give up in Reverend gate up this is something that we need to teach our children and also, this is something that as adults we need to bring within ourselves is that there are going to be adversities
but aren't children they need to be strong for the future. Because you know, what happens as time is going on things may become difficult, may Allah make everything easy for us Inshallah, but what happens is that as we know, we live in a world where we see sometimes that things are leading in such a way that things could become difficult in the future. If our children
are trained early on, that you never give up. Never give up. You don't today what you know, I when when you go to school, you will see that people they give you the example of Abraham Lincoln, that look at this person, he has so much charisma burdens in their in his life. He never gave up he lost he lost he lost, but he never gave up. I know what I say forget about again his life. Look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sunnah there is no one who has gone through as
Watch out as much as we can. So a lot of it was set up. But what did the Prophet say? Never. He never, never gave up. This is something that we need to bring within our children also. Also, when we learn to live with the Prophet, what it takes to be a great leader is to care about others and putting others in front of you, putting others before yourself and Twitter for President to become completely selfless. What do we learn from life of the prophet? He was completely selfless, he always put his Sahaba before him, he always put us out before him. The perfect example of this, of this, you know, principle is what we learned for the life when the prodigal son was in Makkah, the
Prophet of Islam is going through adversity, the Sahaba are going through adversity. But when the Prophet Allah Islam gave permission to the Muslims, that you can go and migrate to Emma singer, what did the Prophet do? Did he go himself? No, he puts Sahaba beforehand, people, other people beforehand, and he looked after the interests of the other people around around him. This is something where it takes to be a great leader, a great leader never looked at his own stuff, or her own stuff, they always look at what's what, which are the people that are around us, they will always put their children before them, they will put other people before them. This is something
that we need to bring with our children that do not become selfish. When you you know, we need to tell our children that when you grow up, you shouldn't become selfish. Yes, of course, there are some areas where of course, you come first, and you have to take care of yourself first. But at the same time, what it takes to be a great leader is that you become selfless. And you always care about others, somebody else that we learn from properly and at some point it takes to be a great leader, one of the qualities of leadership is to have the character of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the, you know the character, of forgive and forget having mercy towards others, and they end
the life of the prophet Allah is not is full of stories like this, the story about when the person he came in, he tried to take the life of the prophet, the the sort of the programming son was at a person calm, and he takes that sort of, he says, We will protect you today. Oh, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Allah, what did the Prophet do in return? He showed mercy to that person, and not Subhan Allah is something that we learn, which we can even teach others also, when people say that Islam tell, you know, Islam, Islam horse, actually, these a woman will say that Islam forces itself upon others, and it standards a teaching that says that you must force his thumb on
others. This is an example this story is an example that no, there is no compulsion, indeed, if you want to buy something you can this person, he said, No problem. The Salah, shall be mercy, for some reason, except Islam. He did not accept the sound of the Prophet do he let him go? The progress of lending go no compulsion and deed. But nonetheless, what I'm trying to say is, there are so many stories when the problematic that somebody returned back to Makkah. After conquering Makkah, he never went out on a revenge, you know, with the attitude of revenge he never went. This was you know, there is in history, you will never find any city or any town or any country conquering
another place. Without a battle. This was the very first place where there is no battle and get over something was able to conquer this space. What happened with these people they came to the bump saw salah, what did the Prophet do? He forgave them. This is the nature of a person who has qualities of leadership is that their their character is amazing. The character is in line with the character, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sunnah. And they have a habit of forgiving other people and showing mercy to other people. So you know, there are so many things that I can share with you the right now, because of time, I cannot go I cannot go on and on and on. But what I'm trying to tell everyone
here is that prepare your children for tomorrow. Teach your children what it takes to be a great leader, show them and you know, demonstrate before that, that what it takes to be a great leader for the future. And when we see once again, as I said earlier, when we look at all these people, all these people who were presidents, current presidents, in any situation, any position of authority, their upbringing, for this position that they are in today, it started when they were young children, now something that we can do with our own household. You know, it hurts me. It really really hurts me when I see that there's so much talent in our youngsters will lay there's so much
talent with it I youngsters and when we learn from the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sunnah is that if we, you know, most of us we may not know, but most of the defenders companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they accepted Islam at a very young age. At a very young age. So many
MSF Islam before they even hit the age of 20. Yet, what are the problems are some do, he demonstrated the true qualities of leadership? He taught them to be great leaders. And then not only that, these people, they were trained in such a way that when they grew up, they were put in the position of authority. And they flourished. They succeeded in those positions of authority. All the Sahaba were ministering their lives. Most of them are simply Islam at a very young age, yet, after the after the death of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. They became qualified last year, when they became governors in different different countries. How did that happen? They just did they
just wake up the Sahaba didn't just wake up one day, and they were put into the position No, they were young, the problems are, so he trained them, they became leaders, there is a there's a system in place in the same exact way. We have youngsters in our community, we have young ones in our families in our community, if they are not trained from now, we will have we will not have any leaders for tomorrow. So that's why it is very, very important, teacher children. And that's something that's something I'm going to talk to all the parents that please teach your children about this also.
You know, when you talk to youngsters today, they all have ambition, they want to become something, someone wants to become a doctor, someone wants to become an engineer, someone who wants to become this, someone must become that, and I have no problem. And you know, fulfilling and running after your dreams as long as they were lawful. However, is this something that as parents, we need to teach our children that regardless of what you want to become if you want to become a doctor Alhamdulillah if you want to become a psychologist, and 100, but whatever you do, and whatever you achieve, always use that to give back to your community. If you want to become a doctor, good
support our children become a doctor. But then tell them also that when you have achieved this skill, and this art, when you become a qualified doctor, that you should give back to your community. Also, you should give back to your community. Also, if you want to become a psychologist, then do so but then get back to your community. If you want to become an attorney, then do become an attorney, but then help other Muslims in within your own community when the time and the need arises. And how did I see in our community? There is some effort I see on Sunday school. I will say this very clearly on Sunday school, a lot of our young students who are coming and teaching for it,
and they're getting involved in Sunday school. These are young ones, but guess what? They're not as much as I expect. There are so many hundreds of Muslim kids who are graduating, whether they're from AQa or via J or from any other school, where are all those kids? I don't see those kids. And when I realized and actually when I sit down and I ask myself, why are these kids not giving back to the community? You know what I come back to that they were not prepared, and they were not mentally prepared by their own parents. So that's why it is so so important that we develop leaders within our own family. They'll give us the ability to potable water now what happened to me when I found
out we were taking hockey stuff from Wiley welcome when he started to swim in the first few in the hole.
100 we want to start even when I started when I was reading that you shouldn't trust me enough Loma Linda will make you look for the Hadiya that wants to allow you to look at ICA wants to come home that often what as soon
as as mentioned last week, I'm sure some of you who were here last week foot by to remember the football, the salt, the topic of the football last week that took place was about Dawa, the importance of Dawa and reaching out to others. And 100 Of course, I don't want to mention the whole football but all of us we know very, very well, that in this time and this day and age. The importance of you know, the importance of Dawa is talked about as Dawa is so so important. We need to reach out to the community that we're living in. We need to influence the people who are living around us because this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did when he was in Makkah he
influenced the people who were around him. When he moved to Medina, he influenced the people around him. This is where the Prophet alayhi salam was and if we truly say that we are the followers of the Prophet alayhi salam, then we need we need to do the same thing also we need to have an influence and affected by the people who are living around us having said that, of course, you all know that that you know there are so many programs are taking place within our own community that where people are trying to reach out to non Muslims trying to educate the you know, the the the average community that what Islam is all about, what are the misconceptions what, you know, things that they hear
through the media outlets and media sources. It is true, it is not true. And we tried
to really teach them that what is the truth? And you know, what are the common similarities between Islam, Christianity and Judaism we try and teach them and how the there's a lot of efforts are taking place. Of course you all know that to day after tomorrow on Sunday, there's a big program in regards to this, the winds of beauty that's coming up. But at the same time, keeping in mind is that inshallah at the week after we have a program here at the present ourselves, and when we have a program as a community, we need to work together as a community to make this program a success. And in order to do that 100 Now we are encouraging everyone to start spreading the word, start spreading
the word. And, you know, there are so many flyers outside also, you know, we come in, we come across, and we work with so many non Muslims on a daily basis. So that's why I'm humbly requesting everyone that whatever position you're in, if you are a doctor, and you work in the clinic, take these postcards, take these cars, and hand them out to your office in the office of people that you are working with your colleagues, your co workers with anyone you worked with, hand them this postcard told them that we have a program to show the budget and, and do spread the word if you are a youngster, or a student studying at a university or college, spread the word that your MSA is that
we are having this program. But overall, what we need to do is that each one of us, we need to take this rebate seriously, invite my neighbors, our co workers, our colleagues, people who we work with people who study with people who we come in contact with normal sense, we need to invite them keeping in mind is that this is you don't want you have open houses like this. Our main target is not of course, our own community, our own community or hunger, they come they keep on learning, but our main focus, and the main target are the ones who need to educate themselves about Islam. So that's why I'm humbly requesting everyone that please take this very, very seriously, do not put it
upon one another, you know, in our, you know, what happens is that one person may think that you know, what, if I don't do it, then who cares? You know, it's not gonna make a big difference. But what happens is that when this is a common thinking within everyone, that it shall own, this person will do it or this person will do it or this person will do it, then nothing gets done. So each one of us we need to take the initiative on ourselves, and we take it upon ourselves that I'm going to call the people who I work with Nomsa who I know and I deal with. Inshallah, I'm going to tell them about this program, and inshallah we'll invite them also to this program. Now Allah subhanaw taala
all of us ability to act on what has been said and heard, and also pray for what's behind that as a man of love make our youngsters and right young ones, the leaders for tomorrow for this country and make that leaders for everywhere around the world and Shala
along with Mr. Stein wanted to Simeon along with us is someone to see if you put him in