Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Understanding Surah Maryam
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The transcript describes Surah Maryam's book on Surah's deification of children and the importance of creating a legacy. It also touches on various stories of Islam, including the story ofielding parents to encourage children to live out their legacy, the story of a woman namediter, and a man named Gerald. The importance of protecting children from harm is emphasized, along with the idea that Islam is not about having children but rather protecting their upcoming generations from harm. The conversation also touches on a disturbing observation by a local foreigner about their children being treated differently by time, and the idea that Islam is not about having children but rather protecting their generations from harm.
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Somebody's going to label our cattle. Mr Nakano 100 label Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah, Muhammad wa early he was a hobby of mine.
I just recited silica have after SUTA Luca have there's a very beautiful sutra that we find the Quran surah Meriam and today you shall learn his brief heart that I really want to just mention one thing that we find very beautiful, instead of muddy, and, you know, if you read sort of Meriam Allah subhanaw taala he begins a story. He begins a sutra by talking about money and money. He's Salam. He talks about zakat era he Salam and his desire to have a child and Allah subhanho wa taala, fulfilling this desire of his, and then Allah subhanho wa taala. He shifts gears and he talks about Ibrahim alayhis salam, which can at times seem odd to someone that here we're talking about this is
sort of Meriam Why would Allah talk about Ibrahim alayhis salam? And then very briefly, Allah then talks about Musa and Harun Why would Allah talk about Musa and Harun? Then Allah subhana wa also very briefly talks about Esmeralda you sit down, and then at the very end Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about those people who attribute a son to Allah subhanho wa taala. And if you think about it, the reason why all these stories are mentioned is because all these are all these stories are actually tied and connected together in a very beautiful way. There's a great scholar he has written his name is Chuck fall and Salia Sameera, he has written a very beautiful tafseer. In this he
explains that Surah Maria, it talks about this desirability of having children but not only just this desirability to have children, but the importance of raising children in such a way that they become your legacy. And they are able to pass Deen to the next generation to their children down the road. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he begins a sutra by talking about he by talking about Zachary Yachty Salaam and we all know that Zachary Yachty You said he was the caretaker he was the Guardian over money and Malik Islam and we find the SUTA Ali Imran that whenever he would come to Maria Malika Salam, and he saw that she had food, which was even fruit that the olive is a fruit of the
offseason. And then he would ask where did this come from? She was a far left who Amina in the law in Allah here's my shirt will be ready ASAP. This is Allah Who gives me without any accountability when it comes to Allah giving he does not count. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala here what he's saying is that at that time, Zachary Allah you sit down because remember the story of Medina, Medina son's mother, she wanted to dedicate her child that's why she wanted a boy. I want to dedicate my child to the cause of being to teach deen and to be dedicated to the masjid. But when she had a girl and it was not common for the girls to serve in the capacity as leaders in the masjid, then Maya
Malika Salam is sitting in a room and he she's dedicating herself to Allah subhanho wa taala. And at that time was zakat. iati. Some saw that a girl is you know, this is a girl who is serving her Allah, her God, her lord and her job, that is when he wanted also a son. And he asked Allah subhanho wa Taala for a son, not because so he can just have a son, but I can have a son so that who will live on my legacy. That's the point over here. He wanted a child not just for the sake of it, but so that this child will live on his legacy. His child can teach the deen to the next generation and that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he gave he gave us a clue yada yada you sit down and that is why
we find that yeah, Allah Islam is the final prophet to come to Bani saw in and then later on reciting some was the final messenger, the final Rasul there's a difference between a newbie and a Rasul a very theological discussion. I don't want to get into but but easily son was the final messenger or the final Rasul to be sent to but he saw it, and then the final messenger to be sent to mankind was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So nonetheless, we find that once again, Surah Maryam talks about that this desirability to have a child, but not just for the sake of it, but to live on the deen. And then after that, Allah subhanho wa taala. He also then talks about Ibrahim Ali
has some story. And this is a little different over here, because now it's not the father who is teaching the child, but it's the child who has actual deen and now he's addressing his father. And what we learned from this is that just like, at times, parents they have, they want to teach them and they want to live they want their children to live out the deen and to spread into the next generation. Likewise, if we find ourselves in a situation where it's the complete opposite, where the parents are far from Dean than even at that time, the child and the son or the daughter should have this desirability that they want their parents also to come close to the end company.
was what was behind on what to Isla. And here we find the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam. And he he many times in sort of money is mentioned four times. Yeah, but he very respectfully he approached his father, which also teaches us a very powerful lesson that even when we find, even if there's something we see our parents doing, we should never approach them in a disrespectful way. Always approach them in the right way as we find in the story of Ibrahim it is sit down, but Subhanallah we also find right after this, that when the father he said, I want you to stay away from me, I have nothing to do with you. That is when Allah subhanho wa Taala says fella mutters Allah home wama
Yeah, Abu don't I mean, don't Allah what happened? Allah who is Harpa what yaku when Ibrahim Ali is someone he disconnected himself from his father, then once again because he wanted children who can live on his legacy. What happened Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that we granted him children who is Hapa while yopu were cool and Jana and Obeah and we made them prophets also. So when a person has his desirability, and he's true on the deen, Allah subhanho wa Taala will give him children and they will live on his legacy. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about Musa and Harun that their mother think about this, their mother she was a believer, we find in sort of pastures that she had
Iman that is why she was able to put Musa into the basket to begin with and through her now in bunnies saw in because of Musa and Hassan Ali Ali himself name was salam. Now deen is spreading in Bani Hassan II. And then we find the story of Ismail Ali salaam, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the same surah was fulfilled Kitabi is married in who kind of saw the Palawan wacana Rasulullah Nebia. What kind of Yamamoto Allahu Bisola was zakat. He encouraged his family to praise the Lord, how would a man How would a father encourage their own family to praise the Lord? It would only happen when they were given the tarbiyah by their own parents, when their parents gave them the tarbiyah in
this case, Ibrahim alayhi salam, then he was also then to be he was he was able to encourage his family to praise the Lord. If we do not encourage our kids to pray salon, they will never encourage their kids to pray Salat. And then Subhanallah right after that, when Allah talks about what would need a stray our children, he says for hello from embody him holophone about solid here is my son is encouraging his children to pray solid. And here in the next few Ayat later, Allah subhanho wa taala. He's telling us what are the consequences of not encouraging our children to praise the Lord. And he says that there will come a generation afterwards, they will waste their salad, they will
have no value for salad. And he says as a result, what about OSHA what they will follow their desires and they will fall into an abyss. And that's why Allah subhana wa This is Allah telling us that if we want to protect our children, the very verse, the very first place we start off with is their salad. And we find in a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam that the very first thing that will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment is our salad, if our salad is good, and it is at a satisfactory point, that inshallah everything else will be good. But if our salon is suffering on the Day of Judgment, everything else will suffer. Hence, the very first thing part of
our deen is is the salon. If our salon is weak, everything else will be weak. And if it's strong, everything else will be strong. And then finally, Allah subhanho wa Taala he wraps up some wraps of the sutra by talking about that how people the attribute a cent to Allah subhanho wa Taala I don't want to talk about very briefly, I don't want to talk about you know how people will sometimes assign the melodica as the daughters of Allah subhanho wa Taala and so forth. But one interesting point to note here is that when we you know, when you give Dawa to someone and they ask you give me you know, just tell me who Allah is. Just explain to me what you're offering that and what your
creed is. We don't, we don't have to go through a long lecture. You simply you wrap it up by discussing sort of a class. This is what our deen is, is the foundation of our deen, Paul who Allahu Ahad Allah Who Samad let me a little while I'm youlet What am your local foreigner? What was interesting to note is that if you think about us, why do we have actual children? Why do we have children? And we, you know, we grow up, you know, we're all children that we grow up, we become young men or young women, and then we have children in our life and then eventually, there comes a time, then then we become the elderly, and then eventually the elderly, they go on and they move on.
And you know, they they depart from this dunya and then the next generation comes up. And after every 40 years, there's a new generation. There's a new generation, switch over and there's a new generation that replaces the previous generation we see
This, this common thing happening over and over again. But if you think about when it comes to Allah subhanho wa Taala we have children. Why? Because we need the support of our children. We have children, we use their support all the time in our homes and so forth. When you think about Allah subhana, Allah to Allah, Allah is never there's never a point in Allah subhanho wa Taala or when it comes to the idea of Allah, that he will become old. Time does that affect Allah subhanho wa Taala time affects us 20 years will go by 50 years will go by seven years will go by it will affect us it will affect our body and so forth. Time does not affect Allah subhanho wa taala. The situation the
circumstances of time, do not affect ALLAH SubhanA what to Allah, and hence Allah subhanho wa Taala does not even need a child to live on his legacy, because that's what we talked about, right? You have a child to live on your legacy. But there is no idea that Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to go anywhere, of course. And so to have a child, it is absolutely absurd to us to establish this idea that Allah subhanho wa Taala will have a son, because for whatever reason people have children, those ideas do not apply to Allah subhanho wa taala, whatever, you know, whatever, whatever the reasons are, those reasons do not apply to Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is why even Subhan
Allah when you read, you know, there are actually books written, you know, there's a book even written that how Jesus became God is written by a Jewish scholar, where he actually talks about that how Christians long time ago, they never believed that esigning someone was divine, but then later on, there was this idea that that you know, that was that became predominant. And then with the you know, with the power and the the influence of Constantine and so forth during his time, and then 300 years prior to the coming of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was setting them there was a council that took place called the Nicene Creed were in they actually decided that the main Christian philosophy
going forward and the ideology, the mainstream ideology will be the Trinity and this is why Allah then Subhanallah he mentioned this idea of Trinity in the Quran when he says Lapa Alladhina Kalu. In Allaha salifu selasa, Allah Subhana Allah refers to this, that this is what they believe in. So this was an idea even prior to the coming of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam but even before that, it was never an idea. There was no idea there is no biblical information that we find that were insulting Islam is considered as a son of God and so forth, as they actually believe. So this is something that we find our deen that the very end of sort of Meriam ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala mentions
about these kinds of people. So in a nutshell sort of Meriam is talking about that even if we want to have children, we have this desirability to have children what is the reason that we should have our children how should we How should we raise our children and then how should we keep them on our deen Inshallah, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us, our upcoming generations our children inshallah and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep our upcoming generation steadfast upon the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of Islam Amitabha aalameen Desert Malachite Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato long
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