Nadim Bashir – Khatira – The Lack of Respect & Character and its Future Consequences

Nadim Bashir
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The speakers discuss the lack of privacy and privacy in the community due to children being taught to be true leaders. They stress the importance of teaching children that they look at each other and talk to them, and that privacy and privacy are not just a problem for children, but for adults. The speakers also emphasize the need to teach children to be positive and communicate with others, avoid embarrassment, and use vulgar language, and focus on fixing the school system and teaching children to not use excessive language.

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			So last week,
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			almost two Fridays ago we had read and then last week we did not have any hotdogs. And now this
week, inshallah we're starting cauterize, and classes and everything. I really wanted to take this
opportunity to honestly, first of all, really highlight a very serious issue that I saw in Ramadan.
And throughout the year, you know, I get a lot of phone calls. Let me just to give you an example.
On Saturday, I had eight appointments. I had eight phone appointments of them eight appointments,
six of them were regarding family crisis.
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			Six of them were regarding family crisis. Of those six, four of them were regarding divorces. So the
family in itself is a very serious issue in our community as it is. And the one thing that I saw
consistently what I see all these you know, calls I get,
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			the one thing that I've seen consistently is that there is a serious lack of adopt a HELOC
character. When husbands and wives they talk to each other, not just between spouses, but between
parents and children and children or parents. And it always got me wondering where is this coming
from? Who is teaching these parents to be this way? And Ramadan, then of course took place and I saw
this firsthand exactly where this is coming from.
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			I saw children over here I saw youth, okay here. First of all men, there are many youth who came
mashallah to the masjid. They did a fantastic job. They came, they prayed, they read Quran, they
read the pm they attended, they did their job, what they came for, to the masjid for whatever the
purpose of coming to the masjid, they took care of their responsibility. There were many youth also
who did not come with that intention. Families left them here at the masjid, thinking that they will
just be left there at the masjid. The measure will babysit them as if we have taken their
responsibility. And then after that when they will cause mischief outside the Masjid. I saw
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			firsthand these kids coming inside the masjid they were brought inside the masjid. And they had
absolutely no o'clock. No adult, no respect at all. So what we don't understand is this. And I'm
sorry to be a little upset about this. But you know, we talk about that we have to talk about
bigger, bigger aspects of Islam. Let's talk about this. Let's talk about that. And the problem is
that when it comes to our fundamentals, we are suffering in our own fundamentals are fundamentals is
our o'clock. Our fundamentals is our DOM, or fundamentals is character. These are things that we
teach from day one to our kids. Unfortunately, we're not teaching this to our kids, and it has a
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			ripple effect till they become adults. Okay to become adults. And what we are also seeing what I'm
seeing in the community is this. See, we have this mindset and fathers don't get offended when I say
this. Okay?
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			Yes, you work hard to provide food for your family. Yes, you work hard to put it to provide a
shelter over your family. Yes, you work hard to save money. Yes, you work hard to pay all the bills.
But that's not only your responsibility. I have so many women who come to me and tell me that dads
are disconnected from their kids. Why, under this explanation and this excuse that I provide
financial resources to the family. I paid for everything. That's all my job is. Let me make this
very clear.
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			When it comes to mothers, their job is to be a yes. Well, what they do is they take a baby, and they
take that baby and provide enough tarbiyah till he becomes a boy for that boy to become a man that
becomes a father's responsibility.
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			The only way he will become a man is if he looks at his own man.
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			But if the old man is a father does not have a clock himself, does not have character himself does
not have any adult himself. What is going to teach his child
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			for him to become a man does the father responsibility if the father does not make him into a man?
That's why then you have a lot of you know, I've seen youth and youngsters. They're 20 years old,
but there's still a Bucha okay, there's still kids. You know why? Because the mother is the one who
made them into a boy, but there's still a boy. Yes, they're 20 years old, but there's still a boy.
They're not mature. Okay. They can make a decision in life. I call them spineless men, okay, they
don't have they can do anything in life. So here's the issue that we need to first first of all work
on we need to teach our kids o'clock and add up and out of every
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			You think first of all is comms how you talk to each other. We hear every single Juma football.
Yeah. Are you hallelujah I'm gonna tabula we're Kulu Olin sadita Colin Sadie that basically means
say a good word. It means say something that is positive. There's a lot of interpretations. But the
Quran teaches us to say to be positive in the way we speak to each other. If Allah can tell if Allah
is telling Musa alayhis salam, when you go to fit own, do not be harsh in your language not be harsh
the way you speak to him for Kula Allahu Kolon lajunen. If this is Allah telling Musa to talk to a
tyrant in this way, how do you think we talk to our children? How do you think we should talk to our
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			spouses at home? We're not doing that. So first of all, we have to teach our children that when
someone is talking to you, you look at them and you talk to them. I saw here adults are talking to
the youth. The adult is talking to the youth and youth is like this way. Oh, yeah.
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			No luck, no other.
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			He's looking this way the adult is talking to him. The Quran says, Well, look, a man was teaching
his son, he taught him a very valuable advice. Wala Tusshar ever heard that Kelly, Nurse Wallah,
time she fell all the Mara, do not turn your cheek away in contempt. Do not turn your cheek away
when people are talking to you. Because it shows arrogance.
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			How many times I saw youth are walking away. Adults are talking to them. I've seen youth walking
away here at the masjid while their parents are talking to them. That's also another form of Wallah
to start in hudec. And in us what atoms you fill out the matter Hmm. So what we have to teach our
kids first of all, when it comes to communication is that when someone is talking to you, you will
look at them and you talk to them. Number two is you don't walk away while someone is talking to
you. Simple as that. And the best way to handle that parents is that when your child when you're
talking to your child, and you feel like your child is zoned out, because they don't like that
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			lecture, tell them to repeat everything that you just said. If they can repeat, give them that same
lecture again.
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			Give it again, no problem, because they have not internalized anything that you have said to them.
Yet they're not internalize anything at all that you have said to them, make them repeat everything
that you just said. The second thing that we have to focus on, especially when it comes to our
families is
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			the vulgarity issue.
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			There are so many youth who came here to the masjid. And I will see them outside right here right
here. Just using vulgar language after vulgar language. I was outside. When I heard this and I got
upset. I got upset. But you know, what was bothersome and all this is that we have become so dead
inside. I saw there were so many other youth standing over here and they're watching the show.
They're looking at him using vulgar language and they're just watching it. There's no sense of
Brother, can you stop talking like this? No, nothing like that. They're watching a big show. They're
all spectators. They're probably they enjoying themselves in some capacity. I got upset with that
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			person. That what kind of language is this? You want to use this kind of language? You can go
somewhere else. But you don't use this language at the masjid. But then it got me thinking also the
word do you think that these kids? Yes, I understand societies terrible. Yes, I understand society.
They pick up these kinds of things from society. But let's not kid ourselves. Parent children are a
reflection of their parents. When they see their parents using vulgar language, they will end up
using vulgar language. That's just the reality. They see their parents using vulgar language, they
will use our vulgar language when they see their parents being racist. Behind the scenes about this
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			race and that race. And this person, that person, they will grew up with racial tendencies, they
will be racially insensitive towards others. When they see their parents lie about things, then they
will lie also about other things. When they see their parents being respectful and disrespectful to
whoever they want, then they will do the same thing also. And then what happens is that our kids are
growing up in this way, because they watched their parents and what do you think that happens when
they become married themselves. The same against cycle happens, then these same men are using vulgar
language and we see also women using vulgar language and they are racially insensitive, and they are
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			disrespecting each other. And that's why divorce has happened. If people cannot talk to each other,
if a husband and wife cannot talk to each other with dignity and respect, you don't want to is that
person gets angry. He uses vulgar language that's wrong to begin with anyway. But I'm not talking
about using vulgar, vulgar language in that context, the calls that I get
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			as husbands are calling their wives names, stepfathers are calling their stepkids names, step
mothers are using vulgar language against their stepchildren. You know why this happens is because
the tarbiyah was done this way. So if we want, I mean, once again, we have to go back to the basics.
If there's one thing that I learned from this from avant, we have to go back to the basics. We don't
have I'm sorry to say for the most part, we're lacking the basic things in our deen everything comes
after where you're at either, you know, deep theological discussions, and why did this and why that
all comes afterwards. A dub, for people respect for people, o'clock character, these are things are
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			more important. These are the things that we got to teach our children. And this is where we need to
focus on because I'm telling you, once again, brothers and sisters, if you don't teach your kids
this, and they grow up with these kinds of this kind of nature, and they grow up without a clock and
Adam and so forth, there's no way they're going to show any kind of o'clock and adapt to their
spouses and to their future children. So I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us the ability to, to
fix our character. And please, once again, while I'm talking about let's focus and teach our kids,
it's not about one day, let me finish. Let me quickly mentioned this is about one day, I've had
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			parents. Oh, I told him I told her so many times. That's not That's not it. You have to tell them
for a lifetime. Remind, remind, remind, that's the only way this poem is going to be fixed. Ask
Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the clock and the other that we have seen from Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam annual blood I mean, what is that Kamala Hey, Salam why are they gonna
tell you about our cattle
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			in Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning I will not mean it will quantity now.
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			He was law the law the point he was saw the Rena was Slavia before she you know
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			what unforeseen I want to call she is the one downside BP now one downside the party was on me now
was all in
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			wouldn't have you Lena photo gentlemen one Hatfield lot. The ones that get enough along I guess.
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			What's going on? I don't know hula.
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			Now Lena