Nadim Bashir – Hadith of the Day #13 – Why Islam is Easy not Difficult
![Nadim Bashir](
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The speaker discusses the importance of being mindful of others' behavior and not just giving negative advice. They stress the need for effective language and giving glad tidings. The importance of being aware of one's language and not just giving negative language, and stress the importance of avoiding confusion and giving the right information. The speaker also emphasizes the need to encourage parents to be aware of the consequences of asking too many questions and to encourage children to be careful.
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money means me
so I wanted to come up to La here baraka to welcome to another segment of Hadith of the day, where we take a quote of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expand upon it and understand it in our current context. Yesterday, if you remember, and hopefully you saw the video that there were four things that we talked about, that were mentioned in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam that is not fitting for a believer to do, and one of them is to be taunting or to be very critical. And based on that today, I have chosen another Hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is about our deen and our religion. First of all, is that when the Prophet said Allah
Almighty, He was salam was sending more of them in Java to go and teach the people. Then he gave him some parting advices and one of those advices, as yesterday mentioned, that when you go make sure you, you control this one thing, which is called the tongue, and that's why we covered those four things yesterday. Another advice given by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that yes, siru wala to zero that, that make things simple, and do not make things difficult. Bashira wala tuna FIRA that may give glad tidings and do not repel people. And he says What's up Ah, well, I totally fell in cooperate with one another and do not become divided. Now, first of all, is that this advice in
itself is a very valuable advice. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is setting why they've been injured but and he's telling him that when you go to people and you begin to teach them about Islam, now when you teach them about Islam, either you can present the other side or the sight of Allah subhanho wa taala. The Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who gives the punishment and ALLAH subhanaw taala will hold you accountable. And Allah subhana wa Taala he does this and that, and these are the consequences of those people who do shidduch but what we do find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advising wive is that when you go to people, give them the glad tidings,
because when you talk positive, you bring people closer to you and you bring people closer to Dean. This is why brothers and sisters when Allah subhanho wa Taala first introduces himself that he introduced himself as shoddy due to a pub that Allah subhanaw taala introduced himself as the one who gives the punishment know, Allah subhanho wa Taala introduced himself by saying a Rahmani Raheem. Both of them come from the word mercy, that I am extremely merciful. I am consistently merciful. So if this is who Allah subhanho wa Taala is, then this is the way we need to give others Dawa and this is what we need to tell other people about Allah subhanho wa Taala Am I saying that
Allah subhana wa Taala is not the one who gets punishment. Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who does give the punishment but his as in his mentioned a hadith that the his his Rama and his mercy supersedes His love and His anger. So this is why it is very important for us to understand that when we are calling people to Allah subhana wa Taala and it's not only about people, even in our own family
Lee, even in our own family, if I want to encourage my own kids, if I want to encourage my own spouse to pray, Salat, or to give sadaqa or to read Quran, then it is better to use encouraging words and share a hadith that What does Allah give to a person who prays a lot? How does Allah reward the person who reads the Quran? You know, talk to our children about Jana and even when we talk to our children about Jana, you know, we have to make Jana somewhat appealing to our children to you know, every time when we talk to our children, what do we say about Jana? Oh, Jana is a big place. Janna is a place and a lot of times you know, I've heard people even giving this advice not
this advice, but this example of genetic children that Allah subhanaw taala if you read Subhan Allah, Allah will give you such a big tree in Jannah. And if there was a horse that was to run in it for so many years, and X amount of years, it will not come out of the shade. Now that children they're like, Okay, big deal. Okay, I don't want that. I don't want a big tree. I don't care about a big tree, you know. So that's why it's very important that when we encouraging people to come close to being that even like, for example, our children make it somewhat appealing. Our children wouldn't did they love Okay, what do they love, we all know what our children love. Tell them that in the in
Jannah, there'll be given those things in Jannah there are no chores in Jannah there is nothing to do you have no responsibilities, no school, no homework, no nothing like that. Then that is how you entice children to come close to deed. And to you know, want to Janna the overall point is brothers and sisters, is that this hadith teaches us that when it comes to presenting Islam, when it comes to bringing people closer to Allah subhanho wa taala, first of all, the Prophet alayhi salam is saying that make it simple and do not make it difficult. Number two is that give more glad tidings and do not say things that can repel people. Because if a person always hears if a person always hears,
that Allah is the one who gets punishment, Allah subhanaw taala will get angry, Allah does this and Allah does that than a person, they become hopeless. I mean, they will think that, you know, if, if this is what Allah is, then why should I want to be close to Allah subhanaw taala I want I would rather want to be close to someone who has a loving nature, who has a caring nature, who has this, you know, this, this ability to look overlook people's shortcomings. And this is exactly who Allah subhanaw taala is, so this is what is very, very important that when we talk about Islam and when we present Islam to anyone, or even our own family members using more encouraging words, and this is
also highlighted in in Muslim or in the short of Muslim by Imam nawawi Rahmatullah Ali, he says that it is almost prohibited that if you use only this method to bring people closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. This is a almost a prohibited method. So this is why it's very important. Not only that Sula Salah who I assume has also taught us another Hadith Narrated by Abu Huraira which is found in Buhari, wherein he says it he Salam in Dena usara deen is simple. Okay, deed is simple. When a USIA the deen is hidden in love Elavil about who the Prophet leader is, someone says, and no one burdens himself in the matters of religion, that it eventually it will overwhelm him. Meaning that if you
burden yourself okay with things that you don't need to, then eventually you will become overwhelmed. Do not do that to yourself. In fact, Rasulullah Salallahu Salam gives the advice of what for set D do we're called evil. We're abitato Western OB la vida Wati wa roja was che mi Adalja, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, follow the right course. Seek the closest of Allah subhanho wa Taala give glad tidings to others, and seek helpful worship in the morning and in the evening and a part of the night. This is the advice of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so in essence what the prophet Allah is someone saying once again is Dean is simple. Now the reason
why the B can become difficult for many people now someone may say that well you know what, I you know, salad five times a salad is too difficult for me. And if the property is I'm saying that Dean is simple, and you know the ins should be simple, then I'm not going to pay my five time day salad. First of all, that is a wrong way of looking at these things. Why? Because there are some certain standards, some certain basics that Allah subhanaw taala has said and he has stipulated and those are the things that we have to do. The reason why a lot of times Deen can become difficult is because when we go and ask questions to people, who give fatwa who gave legal verdict, who give
religious verdicts, then it is very
important for us that we ask the right people. The reason I am I want to emphasize upon this brothers and sisters, is because if you don't ask the right person and they give you a wrong fatwa, or they give you a wrong answer, then that can become burdensome upon you. So think about this going back to a story that happened in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a man woke up he was this was a city yeah taking place not because we're a Surya is an expedition where the prophet Allah you some was not present. And he has what is an expedition where the property is some is present. So there is a city taking place. A Sahabi woke up, he re requires the Watson and he had
a head injury already. He asked one to others. And they said that no, you haven't taken a shower, he took a shower, that that wound intensified, and later on, he passed away. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he found out what do you say? He says, You have killed your brother, you have killed this man. And then he emphasized Upon asking the right people asking, you know people who have knowledge. So this is why it's very important that if you and I are not asking the right people, then especially when people who will have just knowledge, you know, by sitting sometimes online for a battle for a bit, and you know, studying one or two books here and there.
That's not going to give you the entire idea. That's not going to give you the entire picture. That's why it's very important that we ask someone who knows, this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he even said, There will come a time that Allah will take knowledge away from this world, by taking away the Allah ma. And then he says it the other NASA rules and jehlen for sue for after we lay the elements upon louver of Allah, the Prophet alayhi salam, he says that eventually the people they will take their extremely ignorant people as their leaders and as their guides. And they will they will ask questions and they will give a fatwa without any kind of backing and we
without any proper training. And then Allah, the Prophet saw some says they will give a fatwa. And he says for the Lu Lu, that these people are misguided and they are misguiding others, too. So this is why it's very important that we ask someone, just to give you an example, when it comes to even fic. Now, if you ask someone who does not have the proper understanding of FIP, they're gonna say do it this way. But this is why you FIP in itself is not just about black and white. And you know, this is a question and this is the answer isn't always like we see two plus two equals four in all situations. But in fifth, this is not the case. There are some situations where you have to, you
know, look at the broader picture. And sometimes you have to take a step back and look at other factors to make a to make a decision. Go back to the go back to the seat of the Prophet SAW Selim, we have an elderly man, and we have a young man, both came and asked the same question to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, can I kiss my wife in the state of fasting? The Prophet alayhi salam told one person no, he told other person Yes. Now someone could say that jasola And someone did ask if I was some that what is this? Like? Same question. And two different answers. Now think about this. If there was a scholar today, and he wants to make it easy. I mean, once again, easy does not
mean that you're compromising and the core concepts of your deen. I want to make that very clear. Is not that where the prophet saw some says that no, this is the verdict? And you say no, I want to make it simple. I'm going to change the verdict. I'm not talking about that. I'm saying that if there are two different opinions, or there's, there's a situation that you're looking at, and you're looking at a situation, you're saying that no, this has to be the verdict. In this situation, in this situation, the verdict has to be different than that's exactly what the Prophet did. And someone asked him that, why did you give two different answers? And he says, Well, this man, the
elderly man, even if he kisses his wife, there is no problem. But the younger man, he kissed his wife, one thing could lead to another, and that could eventually lead him to something that could nullify, or that could break his fast. That's why it's very important that we understand the situation. Now a person who is trained properly in Islamic sciences, they can give you that kind of answer. But a person who's not they will not give you the right answer. And that that is where Dean can become difficult for some people. Last thing I do want to say is that when it comes to giving advice to our children, you know, as parents, especially parents who grew up overseas, in them, you
know, a lot of times where we come from, you know, overseas and Middle Eastern countries that subcontract countries. A lot of times when we were given advice when we were kids, is that we were always warned. If you don't study well, you're not going to get a degree. If you don't get a degree
You're not gonna get married, there was always just warning after warning after warning after warning. So eventually what happened was that majority of the people when they grew up, they grew up with this understanding that warnings and consequences it drives a person in motivates a person. So now when parents are giving advice to their children, and they're saying that if you don't study, this is what's going to happen. And you will be this and you will be that and you will be, you know, you'll be at home and no one's gonna care about you and so forth, then you have to understand that our kids growing up here, like in this day and age and you, you can be watching this video from
anywhere around the world, and you have to look at your own situation, but I'm saying from an American perspective, our children are not the type that they respond well, to criticism and threats. In fact, they like to be encouraged, and they love to be encouraged. So even if they do something good, appreciate them on that. And if they do something wrong, then encourage them and tell them that don't worry, Inshallah, everything we find. Yesterday is the past. Today, we will focus on what is going you know, today we focus on the present, and that's why we focus on going forward. You have to always encourage our children, there is nothing wrong and time to time giving
them a warning, telling them and telling them the consequences of their actions. But overall, we should try to encourage them, especially when it comes to the matters of our deen my child, my child even go back to the story of La C'mon, yeah. Bonilla. Yeah. Buena? Yeah, Bonilla, every time in that in those ayat? Oh, my dear son, Oh, my dear son, and then he will tell him, Do this, do this and do this. So this is why it's very important that we understand these things. make things simple, do not make it too difficult for others. Give more glad tidings do not say things that can drive away people. And finally, once again, the Hadith of the Prophet says that cooperate with one another and
do not become divided. I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us the understanding of these Hadith May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who make the easy for ourselves, who to not make life difficult for ourselves. And not only that, but we're amongst those who give more glad tidings rather than warnings like we find in the case of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and Allah subhanho wa Taala and Mirabal Alameen does that Kamala had a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
in Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning Mina quantity now look on it that he was slowly being I was born in Poland he was saw the Rena was Slavia before she you know
what unfortunately no one was watching The one downside the lino one downside being thought it was on me now was all in
one heavy Lena folder with gentle home one has a lot the was that good enough long I guess you oh what's going on? I don't know hula.
Now Lena on