Mustafa Khattab – What We Want From Our Rulers

Mustafa Khattab
AI: Summary ©
The first president of Egypt, Omaraleed bin Salman, faced criticism and eventually won. He used his expertise in influenceating political parties and the political party in the United States to lead the West. The importance of being a leader and warning of consequences is emphasized. The transcript describes several key topics such as hiring people who are qualified, and reminds listeners of the consequences of not meeting certain requirements and the importance of being a leader.
AI: Transcript ©
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that man was making to offer on the

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Kaaba, and he saw another man say in

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his, oh, Allah, forgive me, and I don't

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think you will ever forgive me. And have

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mercy on me,

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and I don't think you will ever forgive

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me, and have mercy on me. So that

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man came to him and said, why do

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you lose hope in the mercy of Allah

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subhanahu wa'ala?

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He said, I did something terrible.

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There was a bit of a between the

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Umaween and the Abassid,

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I went to one of the houses. I

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was a leader of a group of soldiers.

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So I went to that house just like

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what happens in Syria and other places. I

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went to that house. I broke into the

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house. So there was this man and his

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wife and 2 kids. So I killed the

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then I told to his wife, whatever you

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have in the house, money, property, everything, bring

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it to me.

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So she brought everything she had,

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but still, he went ahead and killed 1

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of the 2 kids.

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When she knew that he was serious about

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killing off the whole family,

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there was a shield that she forgot about.

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She gave it to that man. And on

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the shield, there were 2 point,

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verses of poetry that

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say, if you are a leader in the

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and you abuse your authority

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and abuse people,

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then be aware that Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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sees everything

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and he is able to abuse you and

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punish you just like you abused the people.

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Allah is more powerful

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than you are.

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Then the man said, when I read these

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two verses of poetry, I lost my consciousness,

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so he fainted.

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Mohammed Morsi doctor Mohammed Morsi was elected president

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in Egypt.

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And I remember that a year and a

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half ago, Mohammed Morsi, who is now president,

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was in jail in Egypt,

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and a former president, Mubarak, was in the

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palace, in the presidential palace. Now a year

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and a half later,

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Mubarak is in jail, and Mohammed Morsi who

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was in jail is now at the presidential

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palace. So Allah

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whenever he decrees a man, he just says,

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be and it is.

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Allah gives leadership

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and presidency

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and kingdom to whomever

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who wants

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Allah He is the owner of everything.

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So today, inshallah, we'll talk briefly about what

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do we really want from our leaders.

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Whether we're talking about presidents

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or a ruler, or a king, or a

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manager, or a director at a company, or

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the father or the mother in the house,

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because these are in a place of leadership

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in their position.

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So, we ex we have some expectations for

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them. So today, we're talking about a few

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from the seerah of Omar Ibn Khattab Radiallahu

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So the first requirement is justice,

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and neither has to be just. Otherwise, he

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is not qualified to rule.

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We read in Nasir of Omar Khattab radiAllahu

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anhu, a Coptic a Christian Coptic from Egypt

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came to Omar

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and complained

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that he had a competition with horses, a

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racing competition.

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So his horse

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got the first,

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spot ahead of the divorce of the son

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of Muhammad bin Nas. His name was Mohammed.

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So the son of Muhammad bin Nas got

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so mad. He got so furious and said,

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how do you how does your horse get

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ahead of mine and I'm the son of

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the honorable ones? My father is the ruler

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of Egypt. How do you beat me in

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in this competition? And he beat him. So

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that man came to Omar Ibn Khattab and

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So Umar al Khattab and complained. So Umar

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al Khattab and brought Muhammad, the son of

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Abra Abbas, the ruler of Egypt, and you

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beat him up

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And he told him, how do you treat

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people like slaves and their mothers gave birth

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to them as free people? Why are you

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a slave people?

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So the second thing,

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mashurah, consultation.

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Whether you are a father in the house,

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talk to your wife and ask her for

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her mashurah.

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the same thing with his wife, oh, Musa

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Talk to your friends. Talk to the people

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of wisdom and people of knowledge and get

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their feedback. Get their,

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their opinion.

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And the prophet

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did the same thing all the time. And

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sometimes, he would prefer

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the opinion of the Nasirah of his prince

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over his own opinion.

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He didn't have that arrogance that some of

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the rulers today have.

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He always listened to people.

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And whatever was good and whatever was for

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the best of the community,

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he didn't.

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He didn't have the Arabs. So Omar Ibn

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Khattar al Adama'ad was on the way with

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his army to Damascus

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in Syria, and on the way, they told

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him there was a plague that was killing

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people, like wildfire.

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So he started to make kashurah with his

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army, the people. So they told him, no.

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You should go back.

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Because the prophet said, if there's a plague

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in the land, don't go there. And if

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you are inside that land and there's a

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plague, don't go outside.

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So he followed the opinions of most of

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the people, the majority of the people, and

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he went back to Madin.

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So he took their advice.

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He was not angry. Whenever people corrected him,

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he accepted the criticism and he accepted their

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So one day, he was giving a fafa

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and he said to people,

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what would you do if I deviate?

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From Asirah Mustafa.

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So a lot of the Bailiwids stood up

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with his sword, and he said, listen.

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Listen. If

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you deviate, I'm gonna fix you out with

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my sword.

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So Omar Alhamdulillah,

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who wrote forth from among the Ummah

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Wow, Franklin. So he said, what happened?

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So Salman al Farsi Radhaaban, he said, why

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do you give people

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a meter and half of clothes,

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and you take for yourself 3 meters? This

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is not justice,

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and you're accountable before the people. So Muhammad

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Ali said, my son, Abdullah, will answer for

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me. So Abdullah stood up and said, you

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know, my father is a very tall man,

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as you know.

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Whenever he got on the horse, his feet

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touched the the ground

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because he was very tall, not like me.

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he said, I gave my portion. I gave

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my share to my father. He didn't take

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from the the cloth or the, the the,

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Malabit of the Muslims. He took from me,

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not from the people. At this moment, Salman

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radiAllahu said, nam, samayna, well done. Now we

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listen and obey.

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There was a misunderstanding.

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So number 4,

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we elect people and we vote for them

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to serve us. We are not their servants.

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They are our servants.

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So they should treat us as if we

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are their

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real leaders.

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They are elected to serve us, not that

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we serve them.

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Umar ibn Khattab radiAllahu

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he can't sleep at night. He would sit

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by the bed and cry.

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His wife will wake up and say,

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why are you crying? Why are you not

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asleep? So he would say that Allah, subhanahu

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wa ta'ala, chose me

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to leave the Ummah of Muhammad, sasal, and

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to be their servants.

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And I know that in this Ummah, there

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are orphans

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and widows

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and poor people and weak people and people

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who suffer from injustice,

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and I know that Allah

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will hold me accountable

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on the day of judgement for these people.

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on another occasion, Umar al Fatah

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before he sent to Amr al Dinaz to

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be the leader of Egypt, he told him,

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what do you do if they bring a

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thief for you?

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So he said, I'll cut off his hand

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right away. So Muhammad al Fatima ibn Abayo

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said, if a poor person,

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a hungry person comes to me from Egypt,

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I'm gonna cut off your hand.

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Because if there is a poor

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or if there is a homeless,

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then this means that someone is not doing

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his duty.

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Someone is not assuming his responsibilities

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in the community to make sure that people

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eat, that people live a decent life. That's

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Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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So Umar alayhi wa'anhu said, if a man

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in a place of leadership, a man who

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is a leader, hires people who are corrupt

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to serve Muslims. And there are people who

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are more knowledgeable, people who have the experience

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the person who is corrupt

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than this man who appointed them

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is or has betrayed the trust of Allah

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So number 5, and this is the last

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one for today. If someone is in a

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place of leadership,

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he should hire

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people who are qualified to rule. Otherwise, it

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will be at this grace on the day

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of judgement. And

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So whenever a man came to the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam asking for a leadership

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position to be a ruler,

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So in in the authentic ahadith, the prophet

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would tell them no, if the person was

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not qualified.

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So Abu Dhan came to the prophet

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and said, make me a leader.

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So the prophet

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said, you can't.

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You can't. You're not qualified.

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The uncle of the prophet

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himself, Al Abbas, came to the prophet

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asked him to be a leader somewhere

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over a city or a town, and the

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told him, no. I can't. You're not qualified.

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His uncle.

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uncle. He said, you're not qualified. And if

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a person who is not qualified

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assumes leadership,

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it will be a source of disgrace and

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shame for him on the day of judgement.

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And the prophet

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So a man came to Umar when Kaslahi

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was stabbed. He was close to death

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and said,

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why did you select

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these 6 tahhabah?

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Usman al Nafan, Alik Abi Talib and

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and the rest of the 6, he selected

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them so people can vote for them.

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So women and men can vote for them

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to elect

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the Khalifa of the

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leader of the Muslim.

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So he said, forget about these 6 people

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and get your son to be the Khalifa

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of the Muslim. He is

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Kabir al Khadash. He knows Quran. He was

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the companion of the prophet. He knows Hadith.

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Blah blah blah blah. So I'm gonna do

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kata'ba, madadahu, and he was the companion of

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the prophet. He does hadith, blah blah blah

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blah. So I'm gonna do kata'ba, madadahu, and

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he said, keep your masha'a. Be quiet.

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I don't want 2 people from my family

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to come on the day of judgement and

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stand in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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for judgement, and they have all the sins

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and those

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responsibilities when they showed us before Allah.

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1 is enough. 1 is enough. And now

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look at those countries. They want their children

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to be leaders.

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They want their grandchildren to be leaders, and

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so on and so forth. They should remember

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these stories.

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Kitah asked Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and you

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want Li'ana Muslimi that when you had to

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