Mustafa Khattab – The Best Man Ever 1
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The importance of showing love and respect during prayer is emphasized, along with fulfilling obligations and responsibilities as a Muslim person. The speaker also emphasizes the need to be proud of one's name and not to be ashamed of his weight. The importance of learning the name of the prophet and not to be ashamed of his weight is emphasized, as well as the importance of being proud of one's name and not to go by your own name. The speaker also mentions upcoming events related to Islam, including a recent incident in Pakistan.
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All of us, Muslims, we love the prophet
We love to hear stories about him.
And all of us, even those who are
not practicing Islam, those who will pray, those
who will fasten the land, they still love
and respect the prophet
So today, inshallah, we'll talk about how you
can properly
show love and respect to the prophet.
We'll start with the Sahaba and the one
who lied, because they are our leaders and
our examples. We learn from them because they
learn from the prophet
The sahaba of the Qur'an Qur'an
were used to be asked, how did you
show love to the
He he was, you know, fixing the hair
of the girl's * and he was shaking
his head at the bottom
and the Sahaba were standing around the girl's
* and then so no hair falls on
the ground. Whatever
some hair fell down from the hair of
the girl's * and then
so he said, well, Bali, all of us,
we love him more than we love ourselves,
more than we love our children,
and wives, and parents,
and wealth. We love him more than anything
else in this world. Why? Because he was
in front of them, he was meeting by
example, he was so humble with them, so
they loved him so much.
The entire army, they did the same thing.
Although, they didn't get the honor of seeing
the prophet, they they came or they accepted
Islam or they were born after the death
of the prophet,
but they still loved him so much.
Just because his eyes saw the Promised, he
wanted to harm his eyes because they he
laid eyes on the Promised.
We do love the Promised. As I said,
even those who are not practicing, they love
the Promised.
Way to the prophet
asked the prophet,
is there anyone
who is as good or is better than
us in your sight?
So the pros he said, because we accepted
Islam in you, we believed in you, we
made Hijra with you, we struggled with you,
we did everything with you. So is there
anyone who is as good as you are
or even better than us? So the pros
said, yes.
Some of my mumma, people like you who
will come after my time and they will
believe in me, they will truly believe in
me and follow me without even seeing me.
Right? So this gives us some hope.
The prophet also
in another authentic hadith,
So the prophet
says that after my time some people like
who would be so different
they would wish that they will see the
prophet because they love him so much. So
the prophet
said they love me so much that they
will be willing to sacrifice their wealth and
their family just to see me and to
be with me. Right? So, this is how
much we love the prophet says, no question
about this.
But, how can you translate this love into
Right? Because I said, everyone loves him,
but not everyone follows his example. And Allah
telling us in the Quran,
ta'ala in the Quran says, if you truly
love Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and love me,
follow my example.
will forgive your sins and you will accept
your good deeds. So this is what Allah
says in the Quran. In another place in
the Quran, Allah
talks about true Muslims and true believers.
And Allah
Those who believe in the promised,
and they support him,
they support him, and they follow the light,
which is the Quran that was revealed to
him, they are the true believers, and they
are the successful ones. So Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says it very clearly, if you are
a true follower of the prophet, if you
love him, truly, then you have to follow
his example. This is a scary Hadith al
Sahib al Sahib al Sahib al Falih.
So in this hadith in,
the prophet
says, I will be by the which is
the place,
where the prophet will give people to drink
on the day of judgment.
So some of the Umrah, people like ourselves,
will go to drink. They are so desperate.
It's a very hot day. It's a very
long day. Everyone is Thursday. So they will
come to drink, and the prophet will recognize
them, yeah, yeah, from my.
Then the prophet says, all of a sudden,
they will be driven away and kicked out.
So the prophet
will say, yeah, they are from my. What
So he would be told, you don't know
what they did after you. They changed. They
didn't follow your way. They did something else.
They were against the sunnah. They didn't pray.
They didn't follow Islam properly. They said they
love you, but when it comes to practice,
they did something else.
So we have to be careful. We have
to put our love to the pros to
the pros sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam into practice.
How can we do this?
I'm going to give you a few examples,
then we'll continue next week inshallah.
The first way is to follow his sunnah
and follow his example.
We know that
following the prophet
means two things. Number 1,
that you fulfill the law and * and
I bet. So we know in Islam, there
are rights for Allah, like salah and Hajj
and so on and so forth
and sincerity.
the rights of the people, if you also
want something you have to give it. You
fulfill your responsibilities
and your duties toward your husband or wife
or your children or your parents. Few Muslim
brothers and sisters. So these are the rights
and the obligations in Islam. A
lot of people, they just ask for their
own rights, but when it comes to fulfilling
their responsibilities and duties, thank you. I'm not
Whether we're talking about husbands and wives or
children and parents or parents and children and
so on and so forth. And I said
as I said before,
most of the time we have problems in
our lives as Muslims because two reasons. Number
because you don't know your responsibilities
and number 2, because the priorities in your
life as a Muslim are missed out.
So, the rights of Allah and the rights
of the people.
As we conclude this year and we're going
to receive a new year 2015 in a
few days, so you have to think
what did I do
in this last year about the rights of
Allah, my Ibad, and the rights of the
people, Muhammed'at
with the people. So you have to take
care of both.
Number 2,
you have to have
and Allah says in the Quran,
So you as a Muslim, you have to
be proud of who you are
as we heard 2 footpaths ago that some
of us because of all the negativity we
hear in the in the news, they put
you down and you feel bad about yourself.
So much so that some of us, when
they go to school, they they go to
college, they don't want people to know that
they are Muslim.
They don't want to go by their Muslim
names, so people would know he's Muslim.
You know. You should be proud of who
you are. If your name is Mohammed, just
say my name is Mohammed. You have to
be proud of it. Oh, brother, but the
name is wrong. It's a long name. I
just go by Moe.
Well, believe me, Arnold Schwarzenegger, I don't know
how to spell the name. It's one line.
Right? It's 25 letters. So don't worry about
being long name. Right? So you have to
be proud of your name. If you're named
Mohammed or Zakaria or Yahweh. Just don't go
by your Muslim name, man. Everybody one is
proud of who they are.
We're talking about non Muslims, we're talking about
gays, we're talking about this. Not everybody's proud
of who they are and what they stand
for. So you are the Muslim. Allah Subhanahu
Wa'ala says, you are the best, you are
the finest,
and you are ashamed of who you are
in your faith.
Oh, my name is Mo.
And I keep telling people this, when you
go to the grave and they ask you
who your Lord is, you say Allah, you
get one mark.
Then when they are asked about your faith,
you say my religion is Islam, you get
another one. When it comes to the 3rd
religion, who is your prophet, you say no.
You ain't getting none. Right? You're not getting
anything. Right? You lose everything.
When you go to the alq, you look
for someone to make shafa after you. You
look for someone by the name of Mo.
There's no such name. His name is Muhammad,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. So you have to
be proud of his name. You are carrying
his name. You have so, please, this is
my passion. I I feel very mad when
people don't respect the name of the prophet
He is respectable in this life and in
in in the as well. So Allah
respects him. Where I told him that,
They said salaam to Muhammad So
you shouldn't be ashamed of following his sunnah
or carrying his name.
As a Muslim, we said before that the
decreed holidays
and rituals for every community. I don't have
to talk about this in detail, but you
know what I'm talking about. We're on Facebook.
Those of you who are young and you're
on Facebook,
and they see things and people participating in
holidays and everything. We said before,
our brothers and sisters in humanity, we respect
them. Everyone has their own faith. Everyone has
their own holidays. We don't expect everyone to
participate in an Eid ul Fitr or Eid
ul Aqha, and therefore, Muslims shouldn't also participate
in non Muslim holidays, especially the religious ones,
the pagan
ones. There's this hadith, the Zayd al Khali.
It talks about the people who honor
some holidays and some practices that they go
against the teachings of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So in this khalil albuhay, Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says, some of my servants,
they offend me and they insult me.
how do they insult Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and offend them? So, Allah gives the answer.
They offend me and insult me by saying
that I have children,
and I am the one.
I'm not in need of anyone. I didn't
I'm not the father of anyone. I'm not
the son of anyone, and there's no one
equal to me. So, you shouldn't participate in
anything that offends Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
results here, as mentioned in the Hadith.
Number 3.
One of the qualities of the prophet that
you can learn from him, and books and
books have been written about his kindness and
his forgiveness. We'll just give one example. It's
one of my favorite Hadith,
and it's a Nufidic hadith
in Bukharian Muslim.
So the prophet
provided this piece of gold among 4 people.
I think they they just accepted Islam, so
the prophet wanted to honor them. So he
gave them the piece of gold among 4
So someone was there, he didn't get a
share from that gold, so he was not
so happy. So he gave it to the
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam and said, it's
tuck in that and he yelled, it's tuck
in that. To the prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam himself,
how disrespectful
that was because he was not happy with
the distribution of, you know, the gold.
So Khalid ibn al Miridullah was there and
he said, Yeah Rasulullah, let me fix him
up for you because he's he's not showing
the proper respect to his munafa.
So the prophet said leave him alone because
he prays. He offered salah to Allah, why
should you kill him? Right? He said leave
him alone. So Khareem Malik said, you Muslim
Allah, but some Muslims they say things with
their tongues or they pray, but they are
not in their hearts. Their faith is not
perfect. So the prophet
said, I have not been sent
to cut people's chest open and look at
their hearts to see if they are true
believers or not. This is not my job.
Allah is the judge. I just delivered their
salah, the message, and Allah will judge them.
The last thing for today, inshallah, we can
learn from Rasool al Sazim.
Don't be judgmental.
Don't make judgments and and jump to conclusions
when it comes to people. We see this
all the time, whether you come to the
masjid. I don't know how about this one,
but in general,
where outside people just they take one look
at you, then they make judgments.
Oh, who is he is this, he is
that, she is this, she is that.
If you look at the example of the
most of the Sahaba
did things
before Islam, they were not proud of after
Islam. Right? So some of them drank alcohol
before they became Muslim, some of them they
committed zina before Islam, some of them they
did terrible things, but once they accepted Islam,
they started a new page with Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala. So the prophet was never judgmental.
He never told anyone, remember 15 years before
Islam, you did this, you did that. No.
No. You shouldn't judge people of who they
You should judge them by who they are
Because all of us, when we are young,
when we are in our Jannia, every single
one of us here,
myself included,
we did some things when we're young, we
didn't have the proper understanding of things, we
didn't have any amount of wisdom,
but as as long as we start to
grow older, we slow down, and we learn
things, we see, the world from a different
So we change, and the Allah subhanahu wa'ala
is willing to accept us and forgive us,
but some Muslims they are not willing to
forgive or accept for some reason.
So you shouldn't be judgmental of Muslims. Oh,
her hijab,
oh, his salah, his beard, all that. No.
No. All you need to do is just
give people Nasiyyah
with love and with sincerity. This is the
only way you can have an impact on
the people. You don't just go by what
people say about someone
or by the way they look. Because looks
are not always give you they don't always
give you the right perspective of someone.
You just look at
Ayoub alaihis sal. The people used to say,
So some of the people at the time
of Ayoub, they said, well, Allah Allah didn't
put him to the task. He didn't lose
his money, and his wealth, and his health.
The reason he was tested was because he
did something terrible, and Allah punished him. This
is what some people said about a prophet.
If you look up Ibrahim Alaihi Salam, the
way he was alienated,
but because he was telling the truth, some
people didn't like him. Right? And he was
always to decide they didn't want to hang
out with him. Although, he was the best
in the community.
You look at someone, for example,
like, Lukman.
Oh, he was a slave. He was this.
He was that. Oh, Yusuf. He was in
jail, man. Yusuf was in jail,
but he was innocent. Oh, we don't care.
Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa Salam, he was the
best human being that has ever walked the
face of this earth, and some people at
this time they called
him Majnoum,
sahih al khatm. Some people called him a
liar, a magician, and a madman, a crazy
man. Some people of Islam, even some of
his relatives who didn't accept Islam. So you
don't always go by what people say about
someone. What matters at the end of the
day is how nice
or righteous these people are. You don't judge
people by what people say about them, and
give people the benefit benefit of the dawah.
We'll continue next week inshaAllah. There's a very
of announcements before we let you go inshaAllah.
The first one is about the salah times.
We updated the, the old salah schedule we
have after talking to some members of the
community and after looking at the, Islamic finder,
and talking to some of the imans from
Hamilton, from Toronto, and some other places.
There are some copies outside here at the
charity box, and also with the sisters. You
have a week to take a copy, take
a look at it. If you have feedback,
let us know before Jum'ah because at Jum'ah,
inshallah will print copies for everyone.
The second and last announcement,
I haven't been following the news for months
now because of the * nature of the
events from different countries in the world, mostly
Muslim countries.
But, a recent incident that happened in Pakistan
about 10 days ago was brought to my
and, of course, my heart has been bleeding
ever since.
We, as Muslims, we condemn the killing of
innocent people and the murder of innocent people,
women and children and men.
Whether they are in Pakistan
or in Afghanistan or in Palestine or Iraq,
Syria, Kurdistan,
Libya, Egypt, Yemen, or over. Muslim and non
Muslim countries.
One thing I know for sure, regardless of
the politics of it, regardless of their parents,
if they are in the military, not in
the military, I know one thing,
that these kids didn't do anything. They are
innocent in the side of Allah. They are
innocent in the side of Islam. So, we
condemn the killing of innocent children and women
and men,
regardless if they are killed by their fellow
or by
invading countries,
whether they are killed by guns or tanks
or drones from the sky. All of this
is not acceptable in the sight of Allah.
We're told in the Quran the killing of
a human soul is just like the killing
of all humanity,
and whoever saves one person is life saving
the rest of humanity. Doesn't matter if the
person is Muslim or non Muslim, as long
as the person is innocent, this person should
be protected and his life should be, respected.
And we also want
to bless the soul of those students, and
we also want
to give some and patience to their families,
and we also want to stop the bloodshed
in Muslim countries and everywhere. And we also
want to