Mustafa Khattab – Next Life 18 Getting Ready
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The importance of preparing for life is emphasized, especially during important events like the Message of the Year. The speaker gives a list of 10 things to work on before the event, including health, wealth, and retirement. The speaker also advises not to memorize the Quran and learns about individuality. The importance of purifying one's individuality is emphasized, and the speaker uses various examples to remind viewers to avoid knocking on doors.
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So, last time I tried to answer this
question, what happens if if I die today?
And I said,
not much really. Yes. A few people will
be mad that you left this world, and
maybe more people will be happy that you
they will be excited,
specially your boss, as I said they will
hire someone who will do double the work,
will get half the pay, and your boss
will be saying You Allah, I wish you'd
taken, 2 10 years ago.
and I said don't worry about your family,
they will enjoy your wealth, and don't worry
about the sun, the moons, and the stars,
they're not going to fall down from the
sky, nothing will happen.
If something of that sort were to happen,
it would have happened when the prophet passed
away. But nothing happened. Life goes on.
one of the reasons why it is called
because the arzat are given on that night,
they're written down, and because
the is written.
So, one of the, meanings of is
that the arzah are written on that night,
and the are also written. So Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will write for you on that
night how much you will make in this
year, and whether or not you are going
to make it till next Laylatul Qadr. And
the walamah says some of us, some of
us here,
it is written for them
Last year, 2016,
that they are not going to make it
till Laila Al Qadr, 2017.
And some of them could be around us
here. Maybe me, maybe you, maybe some of
the sisters in the back, we never know.
It has already been written.
The ruling has already been made. The word
is out to American mouth to take someone's
soul before next Ramadan.
But we don't know.
So as I said,
The smart, intelligent Muslim is the one who
always prepares for this day.
Whether it is time to, to go today,
tomorrow, next month, you are always ready to
So whenever you see a you should always
ask yourself, am I next?
what I'm going to say, when you see
just like the angel of death
skipped you to take someone else, maybe the
day will come when they skip someone else
to take you. So you have to be
ready every time you see a sign,
you see a janazah, should always keep in
your mind, maybe I'm next. And this should
always be a reminder
that I should clean the mess, I should
make tawba and get ready to meet Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala anytime.
So the question is always,
am I ready to go or not? And
if I leave now, you know, if I
take a breath and I don't release it,
and I meet Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
am I ready to give some answers to
some of the bad things that I do,
and so on and so forth. So I
have to be ready to meet Allah
at all times. So I put together a
list of 10 things that we should always
work on before this day comes.
So the prophet
told Abdullah N Abbas, take advantage of 5
things before the coming of 5 things. Take
advantage of your youth before you become old,
and your health before you fall sick, when
you are rich before you become poor,
and when you are afraid before you get
busy, and your life before you die.
So always take advantage
of your health and your life and wealth,
because sometimes
the time will come, you wish to do
certain things you are not able to.
And I gave the story before,
we had a great halakah after Fajr in
one of the masajid, and this old gentleman,
he would read Quran with us every day,
and at some point he would cry.
And I would say, okay, why are you
crying now?
He would say, well, I've always and now
I regret not memorizing the Quran when I
was young. When I was 15, 18, 20,
I was running around far and, you you
know, east and west, north and south, and
it never came to my mind that I
should sit down and memorize Quran. Now I'm
almost 70 years old, I memorize a surah,
next day I forget everything.
So I tried to, Yani
comfort him and say, well you don't have
to memorize it now if it is difficult
for you. You can read tafsir, you can
read whatever, you know, knowledge of the Quran,
it is not a must in this case.
So this brother, he was my assistant at
Rasheed al Rashid in Edmonton. He was 86
years old from Ethiopia.
His Arabic was excellent, and his Quran was
was excellent. He was Hafiz of Quran.
So, for those of you who have been
to Edmonton before, when Ramadan comes in the
summertime, it's a disaster.
Right? The day is very long, the night
is very short. So I would come for
a fashion, I'm very tired,
and he would see my eyes red, and
I just got a couple of hours sleep
in Ramadan, and he would tell me, okay,
what's wrong with you? And I tell him,
well I I didn't get enough sleep man.
I'm going nuts, you know, I didn't get
enough sleep. And I would say, well,
take it easy,
this is the time to work,
inshallah when you die, I got some good
news for you, you will be sleeping for
1000 of years. Okay? So this is the
time to work.
So, now is the time to work, and
you can relax later when we move to,
to the next life.
Taman, if you want to travel the world,
while they're young, this is the time.
Once you get married,
you'll be going nuts,
and when you have kids, you'll pull your
hair off, you know, and you're not going
to have time. And when you reach a
certain age, you're going to start have medical
problems, your back problems, you'll be seeing a
doctor every day, every day for something different,
your back, your knees, your eyes, your ears,
your teeth, something else will come up. But
when you are young,
this is the time to learn something new.
And how it is.
Wa Ta'ala
So as soon as that the law says,
those who think of death and the next
life and standing before Allah for judgment. Maqamal
rabbi, You al Qiyam, Adam Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala Al Khisab. Then they will, you know,
fix their life, they will mend their ways,
then Jannah would be, you know, the destination.
But those who do otherwise,
then their destination would be, totally different.
So someone
from the
after the time of the Tabernaum,
what he did basically to remind himself of
he dug a grave in his in his
And I'm telling the brothers don't do it
in your house now because if you live
in an apartment building and you dig a
grave in your bedroom, you're gonna reach your,
your neighbor. So don't do it. Okay?
So what he would do every time he
feels distracted from Allah, like he doesn't pray
on time,
he does something wrong, he would sit in
the grave, and his family, they would put
there is a big lid,
heavy, so they would close behind after him,
and he would sit for 1 hour, 2
hours, and he will question himself. Why did
you do this man? What is the point?
You have to purify your niyyah. If you
took something from someone, gave it back. If
you delay salah, pray on time, and so
on and so forth. Fajalay yuhasi bonafso. And
he told his family,
you know, every time, I'm gonna sit there
for 1 hour, so keep the keep count
of the time,
if I go there 11, it is 12,
open the door for me, I'm gonna come
out. Okay.
This is what he used to do all
the time. Until one day,
his wife went to the, store.
Walmart, FreshCo, something. So they went out for
the flea market.
Big problem.
He was sitting there for 10 hours, they
forgot him,
because they went shopping with the kids, so
they totally forgot about him. They had lunch
outside, they went to the movies, they totally
forgot about him.
So he was sitting there for an hour
and 2, your has opened up Sahih, why
did you do this, why did you do
that? And read Qur'an and cried.
And he started to knock on the door,
nothing. Like before, when his wife and the
kids were at home, he would hear some
noise, someone crying, the kids playing, and so
on and so forth, but this ain't nothing.
Total silence.
So he assumed
he was doomed. He assumed he died actually.
Right? So he started to cry and at
for 10 hours he was looking around, where
is the angels are gonna come from? You
know, he was looking right and left, and
he was terrified.
And and, kiyama,
and judgment, all these things came to his
his mind at this point.
Maghrib ur Hashatan, the kids came back,
he said, subhanAllah, the malaykah are coming to
take me. Now is my time to stand
for judgment. And they opened the door frame,
surprised, we forgot you.
So he said,
Rabir Jaroon ilaali Ahmadu salihafimatarak.
He said, You foola, he told himself,
You are crying for someone to open the
door for you,
finally they open for you. The day will
come when will you keep knocking and no
one will open for you. Today you were
lucky, so, try to do
the right thing.
Don't die
unless you have husnu vaan, you have good
thoughts of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, that He
will forgive you and and give you Jannah.
So you should have always these thoughts about
Yes, we're human beings, we make mistakes all
the time,
the mercy of Allah
is greater than our sins,
and the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and and His grace are bigger than anything
in this world. Even if we fall short,
if we make mistakes, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will cover us with His mercy.
So there is this hadith, some question the
authenticity, some say it's good, some say it's
weak. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will shower people with his rahmah and forgiveness
on the day of judgement. So much so,
that Shaitan will have some hopes,
because he has seen Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
giving rahmah and mafala to everyone on the
day of judgement. Even Shaitan himself will say,
I think Allah will forgive me or something.
Like because he's giving forgiving everyone, so he
will have some hopes that Allah will forgive
him. But again,
yes the mercy of Allah is great, but
the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is
hoping for those who work towards
him. Even if they fall short, they stumble
on small sins, eventually Allah
will forgive them. But in any case, we
would have,
personal fundayb Allah
that he will forgive us and give Jannah,
and unite us with the sahabah, with the
and with the righteous.