Mustafa Khattab – How to Ruin Your Ramadan FOR DUMMIES

Mustafa Khattab
AI: Summary ©
The importance of wasteing the month of Easter and using the fruit of the garden for Islam is emphasized. The Prophet salall associates with fasting and charity, and rewards for fasting are in the same form as the rewards for fasting for the rest of the year. The three types of fasting, including eating, drinking, and not having an intimate relationship with someone, are also discussed, along with avoiding activities that can waste time and avoiding activities that can waste time and money. The importance of unity in obtaining reward for the month is emphasized, and a fight at the beginning of ante is suggested to ensure everyone stays at home.
AI: Transcript ©
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Is the seal of the prophets and the

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final messenger

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to all humanity.

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So I begin by congratulating

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all the Muslim community on behalf of myself

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and the administration of the Masjid on the

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beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan. And

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I asked Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give

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us the reward for the fast and to

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give us the reward for standing prayer at

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The masjid, alhamdulillah,

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has taken the decision that this year,

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in an effort to unite Muslims in the

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community, inshallah, we are going to follow the

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sighting of the wound in Makkah and Qalam.

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So we ask Allah

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to reward us

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So tomorrow, inshallah, at 8 in the jim,

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I'll be lecturing on how to get the

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best out of Ramadan.

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But today, I'm going to do the opposite.

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Today, I'm doing the opposite. I'm gonna talk

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briefly about

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how to waste the easiest way to waste

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the month of Ramadan

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and to,

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at the end of the month, get nothing

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out of the month.

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It's very easy.

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Tomorrow's task is difficult, but today's task is

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very easy because the examples are so many.

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So in this authentic kaneen

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narrated by Abu Ghuraylahu

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the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam flayed the

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member one day and he said, Ameen, Ameen,

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Ameen, three times.

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So the Sahaba were wondering, why did you

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say this? So they asked the Prophet salallahu

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alayhi salallam. So he said, Jibreel alayhi salallam

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came to me and said,

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those who witnessed Ramadan

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and they don't get their sins forgiven

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at the end of the month, and they

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lose, they waste the month of Ramadan,

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maybe they they will be away away from

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the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Say,

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Amee. I say, Amee.

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Then Jibreel Alaihi Salam said,

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those who live with their parents

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or one of them,

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and they are not good and kind to

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their parents.

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And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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will be angry with them. And when they

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die, they will go to the hellfire. They

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will be away from the mercy of Allah.

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Say, Ameen. So the prophet said, Ameen.

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Did Jibreel, alayhis salaam, said,

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those in front of whom the Prophet salawahu

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alaihis salam is mentioned and they don't say,

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son of Allah alaihis salam

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peace be upon him, they will be away

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from the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Say, Ameen, so I sit, Ameen.

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A few days ago, my sister called me

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and they said, okay.

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Making salaf with the Prophet is something good.

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Why you guys didn't put, sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam, on the Ramadan caliph?

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Actually, we put it. I put it myself

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in the Arabic, in calligraphy,

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in small forms, but for some reason it

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didn't show in the printing, in the final

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But we have it in the English. So

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put your heart at ease, it is there.

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The reason the prophet said in the hadith

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that the person who loses the month of

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Ramadan is a loser

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because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala makes it very

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easy for you in Ramadan to get close

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to Allah.

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And this is the theme for our Ramadan

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this year. We'll try to get you closer

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala throughout the month.

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The gates of the hellfire are closed, as

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the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam said in

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the hadith.

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The doors and the gates of Jannah are

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wide open.

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The rewards for good deeds,

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and charity

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are multiplied

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numerous times.

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And you imagine

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if you are in debt, you owe someone

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and he will tell you, if you work

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for a week just 1 month for me,

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I'll I'll forgive the debt for you. You

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owe me nothing.

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And imagine if you tell him no.

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This is what we do with Allah

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The Prophet tells us in the hadith, if

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you fast in Ramadan the right way, all

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your past things will be forgiven.

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And you imagine working for someone

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and he tells you,

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if you work for me only 2 hours,

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one night,

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I will give you the salary of 83

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years. But you still say no. Thank you.

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This is what we do with Laila Al

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Khat. You waste it.

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Laila Al Khat, the reward for Laila Al

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Khat is better than 83 years in worship,

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but we still say no. Thank you. We

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don't need

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So before we talk about the ways

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the ways we waste the month of Ramadan

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and we are very creative in this,

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I'm gonna talk about the 3 classes or

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3 categories of fasting so we know how

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we waste the month of Ramadan.

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So the first class

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is the fast of the majority of the

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And this, of course, is not eating and

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not drinking and not having an intimate relationship

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with someone's spouse from dawn to sunset.

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of the people fast this way.

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But they may cheat,

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they may lie, they may backbite,

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they may do the Haram

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The second type is the fasting of the

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special people, the finest.

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And this is when your organs

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also fast,

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so it's not only about food and drink.

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Your tongue fasts, so it doesn't talk haram,

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it doesn't backbite.

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Your hands fast, so you don't cheat and

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you don't steal.

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Your feet

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fast so you don't walk through the Haram.

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Your ears fast so you don't listen to

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the Haram in the day of Ramadan.

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So the 3rd time and this is the

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highest time

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and this is the fasting of the finest

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of the finest

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when your heart fasts.

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So you only worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Everything that you do,

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the fasting that you do, the taweeh that

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you pray, is all purely for Allah.

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Not just for people to say, oh, he

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goes to the mosque all the time. He's

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a good guy. No.

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You do it only for Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Your heart is attached to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala in this month.

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The prophet says in the hadith that tanwa

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is in the heart.

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And when we said that the highest form

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of fasting is that your heart will be

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attached to Allah, this is the true meaning

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of fasting.

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In community and Mushtama

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We will talk briefly about some of the

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things that we do and by which we

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waste the month of Ramadan.

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So for an individual,

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sometimes we do some things

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and we are addicted to them, and we

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use them to waste a month, and sometimes

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we even some of us, I'm not saying

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all, but some, they even do haram in

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And imagine Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is forbidding

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you to do some halal halal halal in

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Ramadan like food and drink. But some people

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they do even the haram in Ramadan.

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So what kind of thing is this?

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You're not allowed to do the haram and

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you go and do the haram. And at

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the end of the month, you are,

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you are dancing in the street thinking that

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you got the reward, and you got 0

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at the end of the month.

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So some people, they waste

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their time in Ramadan at night playing cards,

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watching movies, Fawazir,

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and so on and so forth. Or some

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even they do the halami, they they smoke

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whatever. I'm not gonna mention names.

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And all day long, they sleep the whole

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day. All day, they're asleep. They don't even

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And at the end of the months, they

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are dancing in front of the masjid because

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they think because they think

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that they got the reward for their fast.

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They are fooling themselves.

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They are fooling themselves.

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So the prophet SAW Alaihi Wasallam in this

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hadith is telling us, authentic hadith narrated by

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Abu Huayra.

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That some people

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will spend in the month of Ramadan and

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the only thing they get from the day

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of Ramadan is hunger.

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No reward.

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And some people, they spend the whole night

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in prayer, and the only thing they get

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is staying up all night. No reward for

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Because there's no sincerity. They are not following

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the example of the Prophet SAW Alaihi Wasallam,

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they are not doing the right thing.

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So in this hadith, the prophet is telling

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us, those who don't avoid evil talk

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and being vulgar and indecent in the month

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of Ramadan, then there is no need for

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this to leave or to avoid food and

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drink. Let them eat and drink because

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technically, there is no reward at the end

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of the month.

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So some sisters,

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they waste the reward of their fast by

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some things that some of them are halal,

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but they consume all the time.

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And some of them they do even Haram

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thing in Allah.

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So doing something halal that weighs

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the the reward for the fast is like

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cooking all day long.

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From sunup to sundown, they are in the

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kitchen cooking.

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Forget about Ramadan. Forget about fasting. Forget about

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tasbir and adkar and so on and so

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forth. Ramadan is all about cooking, cooking, cooking.

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They even do some kalam like backbiting

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and slander. Some sisters, and I'm not saying

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that all of them do, but they want

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to kill the time.

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We have 17 or 18 hours in the

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day. They take 2 thirds of the day

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They got 1 third. How can we kill

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the time? Okay. Let's talk about our neighbor,

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how miserable and evil she is.

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So at the end of the month, no

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Ramadan is not about this. Ramadan is about

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dedicating your time

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and remembering Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and serving

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Him the right way.

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The essence of all the acts of worship

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in Islam is to unite Muslims.

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In salah, we are ordered to pray in

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congregation, to pray together.

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In the Hajj, 4,000,000 people go every year

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for the Hajj.

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Some of them are rich and some of

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them are poor, but you can't tell who

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is rich and who is poor. We are

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all the same.

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In Zakat, the rich will give the poor,

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and this will unite the hearts of Muslims.

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In Salmah of Ramadan,

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we fast at the same time, we pray

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the fast at the same time, we face

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the same direction when we pray,

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we worship the same God, we have the

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same book, we pray at the same times,

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but still some people use Ramadan

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to disunite Muslims.

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I give you

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one example.

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So some people, some communities

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and I've come across some of these communities,

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they waste Ramadan in fighting.

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A big fight at the beginning of Ramadan

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on whether Ramadan is tomorrow or the day

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At the end of the month, we have

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a bigger fight. Israel tomorrow or not tomorrow.

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I've seen it with my own eyes. In

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some communities,

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some people in the same house, a brother

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or a sister,

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a husband and his wife, one of them

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is fasting and the other one is dancing

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in the street because it's aid.

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What is this?

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Then if we agree that tomorrow is Ramadan,

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then we have another fight. Are we going

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to pray 8 rakas or 21 rakas?

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Then after we finish this fight, another fight

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on whether we're going to decide

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the whole Quran in Taraweeh or just a

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few eyes.

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Then another fight, we agree, we'll recite the

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whole Quran or a few surahs. Then who

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is leading the salah?

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Are we getting a Somali imam or Arab

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imam or Indian imam? Brother and sister, for

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Allah, it doesn't matter.

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What matters to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is

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what is in your heart.

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We shouldn't waste this month

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in doing trivialities

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or fighting

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with one another.

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Ramadan is all about unity.

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Ramadan is all about getting close to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And believe me, if you waste the reward

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of this month, then you are a loser,

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