Mustafa Khattab – Closer to Allah 4 Attachment to Dunia Ramadan 2011

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The speaker discusses the importance of having knowledge and a good company in order to achieve the spiritual transition. They also mention the importance of not breaking the rules of Islam and the importance of not letting things happen to one another. The speaker describes a situation where a woman is killed by a snake and a lion, and they discuss the importance of not breaking rules until one is faced with reality.
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So according to the medical school,
according to the majority of the scholars, there
is no minimum time for after tax. So
if you come to the masjid to pray
Aisha and Tamir, and shut on one, and
you have the intention of after pass, inshallah
will give the reward of
In the past 2 days, we spoke about
the things some of the things that bring
you closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And we said that the first of them
is knowledge. You have to have knowledge.
And the second one is to have a
good company.
They will always motivate you. They will always
guide you to get closer to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. But the bad company, they will
always turn you away.
So in the past 2 days, we spoke
about knowledge, and we spoke about good company.
Today, inshaAllah, we'll talk about
the detachment
or the attachment to this life. And this
is the biggest problem for many of us.
We are attached to this life. Most people
that work for this life, but they don't
do anything for
There is nothing wrong in Islam.
If you are the richest person on earth,
if you have the fanciest cars or the
biggest homes,
and if you are rich. There is nothing
wrong with this, but you have to do
something for Aqdil as well.
The life in this world is only a
transition. It's a very short life.
And as we all say in Somalia
life is very short.
And in order of Zendaghi the whole of
Tassaray, life is very short. Okay? So you
have to do something for the eternal life.
You are here only for rest.
The life in this world is only a
plantation for the next life. So you have
to do something for the next life.
So Yusuf alaihi salaam and Dawud and Sulaiman,
they were kings, they were rulers, but still
they were building something for the next life.
Some people,
they collect money from halal and from haram,
and at the end of their lives, what
do they take with them?
They have no pockets. The shrawaks and kevin
has no pockets. They leave all the money
for their children to enjoy, and they stand
the judgment
for it themselves, and they get punished for
What kind of life is this? You destroy
the next life, the eternal life, for just
a short life,
and you work to make the life of
your children better and make your life miserable?
Do you know of anyone who took anything
with him when he died?
Actually, I do.
That if someone the person of them to
die will take half of the money and
half of the property.
So they had a $100,000.
So they swore to one another that,
in one of them, the Diasporas will get
and they will put the money in his
place. And as you mature enough, the husband
dies first. Heart attack and blood pressure and
all that stuff. And the lady is healthy,
the lady, because of the promise and all
the old
she gave to her husband,
she said, I'm gonna give him half of
the money. I'm not gonna break my mouth.
She wrote him a check. She put the
check-in his grave, and she she took the
for herself.
And she never broke her oath. Right?
They asked me how do you feel when
you, do the translation back and forth, the
Arabic and English. I feel like this, a
blender in my head.
A blend
all the time. But very briefly, there was
a man walking in Jasper, one of the
and the the the weather was so nice.
He was looking at the mountain, the rivers,
the canyon, and all that stuff.
And all of a sudden, he saw a
lion. There are no lions in Jasper, just
bears. But the story says it's a lion.
What do you want, man?
So the man started to run away and
he was so terrified for his life.
And suddenly, he saw
a well, an old well. He jumped into
the well.
And he
he hold
tight to that rope in the well.
And all of a sudden, he looked down
at the bottom of the well, he saw
a what? A snake. A huge snake.
So he started to climb up. The lion
was up there
and he started to get down. The snake
started to move up to him. So he
started to swing from right to left. And
suddenly, he saw 2 mice, one black, one
white. They were chewing on the road to
make them fall.
So suddenly he started to swing from right
to left, from right to left. And all
of a sudden, he he found something
sticky on the web of the, on the
wall of the web. He tested it and
it was honey.
It was honey. So he forgot all about
the mice, the lion, the snake, everything.
And all of a sudden,
he woke up from his sleep. He was
asleep. Okay? So he went through the Sheikh,
he told him the story, the vision, and
the Sheikh told him, you don't know the
interpretation of the dream? He said, no. He
said, subhanallah,
the lion
is the angel of death
chasing you,
and the whale is your grave,
and the wall is your life, and the
2 mice are the day and the night.
The black and white mice the day and
night, and they are eating your life every
day and every night. And he said, what
is the the honey on the wall? He
said, that is
that is the honey is this dunim.
You are deceived. You are attached to this
honey. You forget about akhil. You forget about
death. You forget about everything until you are
faced with the reality, which is death.
The question for tomorrow.
Someone is traveling from Edmonton
to Toronto.
Oh my gosh. 1 hour before Berlin.
And the flight between Toronto and Edmonton is
what? 4 hours. 4 hours.
So the flight took off 1 hour before
valid. When and where should we break the
fast? If you know the answer, email me
before tomorrow, Asa, InshaAllah. Sorry.
I broke.