Mustafa Khattab – Court Of Divine Justice
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The upcoming life of the world is discussed, with the promise of justice and the need for people to stand in a line to receive their book. The importance of protesting against government policies and the need for justice in the life of the world is emphasized. The court of Divine Justice in the Bayport area is discussed, including witnessing questions about the Day of Judgment and the Day of Jgment. The importance of witnessing before trial and testing one's past experiences is emphasized.
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So I wanted to.
A long west a long westbound.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of our worship except Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And I bear witness that Muhammad bis bi
ufana salallahu alaihi wa sallam is the seal
of the prophets and the final messenger to
all of humanity.
Allah guides, there is none to misguide, and
whoever Allah
leaves astray, there is none to guide alight.
So a couple of weeks ago, I started
a new halacha in the Masjid on Fridays,
so after salatul Hashah, I gave the talk
for about 20 minutes
in Arabic and English. I wish I had
the time to do Urdu as well in
Turkish, but Arabic and
English. So the halatah basically, every Friday after
salatul gishahab, we talk about the next life.
What happens? What are the expectations
for the next life when we leave this
world and go to Akhir?
And the first question I asked,
who would like to go to Jannah? Show
your hand. So everyone basically raise their hand.
So if we assume that Dunya is here,
a place full of misery and pain and
suffering and injustice,
who would like to go to Jannah over
here? Everyone said, yes. I wanna go to
The next question was, Who would like to
Who would like to die? Very simple question.
Who would like to die? No one raised
their hand.
So if everyone wants to go to Jannah,
and the only way to go is to
die, because
death and the grave is the bread is
the bridge to Jannah. Right? But no one
wants to go to the grave and die.
Then we realized that a lot everyone is
scared of death. No one wants to die.
People would like to stay here. Whether I'm
talking about Muslims or non Muslims, everyone has
the same perception.
So for atheists and agnostics and non believers,
there is nothing after this life. Khalas. Once
you die, it's finished. There's nothing after. And
this is mentioned in the Quran. And for
the believers,
they're afraid of the grave, and the trials,
and the tribulations,
and they're afraid of the judgment, and the
hissar, and and the horrors of the Day
of Judgment.
We know that the
word funeral
starts with the word fun.
If you spell it, funeral starts with fun,
but there's no fun in janazah. It's a
very serious matter, because once you leave this
Manmatah Qamat Qiyamatuh. Once a person dies, their
Qiyamah begins
and the day of judgment begins.
Right? So it's a very it's a very
serious matter.
When we read Surah Al Akhmat, there's something
interesting in Surah Al Akhmat. Allah Subhanahu Wa
his some of his favors upon us.
And you see, fabi ahiya alaayirapikumanukhabiban?
31 times. Go and count. 31 times. So
he speaks about our creation,
the favors, and so on and so forth.
And every time, which of your Lord's favors
will you deny?
So we understand when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
speaks about the creation,
about, you know, the rivers and the seas
when he talks about the fruits and the
food that he provides for us,
this is a favor from Allah. But there
is one interesting favor that it seems like
it's difficult to understand. When Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala describes death
and moving to the next life as a
favor from him.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says everyone
will die, everyone will vanish and die
except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala himself. Then which
of your Lord's favors will you deny? So
death is counted as a favor.
Why? I mean, what is this? Death as
a favor from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala? And
the scholars say yes, because when the tyrants
and the oppressors and the bad people who
abuse other people die,
everyone is relaxed and everyone is happy.
As for the believers, when they leave this
there's no more suffering,
there's no more pain, there's more agony,
no taxes, no snow, nothing.
Beautiful life, the perfect life, Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala calls it,
the true and the perfect life, in
akhirah. You like tell you, I
wish I have done something
for the next life, the true life.
So if the next life is the true
life, what about this life?
It's like a cartoon movie. It's not a
real life as
says in the Qur'an. The akhra is the
only true life. Here, it's not a true
So, it is counted as a favor from
that we move to the next life. And
also the Allah says,
lamanal taqil min daaril buhil
adaril aadil. Wamin daaril batil I ladaril haqq.
When you move from this world full of
you just read the news in the morning,
you get stressed out for the rest of
the year because there is no injustice whatsoever.
The tyrants and the the the dictators, they
are, you know, making headlines in a in
a good way like Masha Allah they got
this Nobel Prize, they got this prize for
peace killers. They kill like thousands of people
and hundreds of thousands of people and they
give the Nobel Peace Prize.
What is this meant? There is no justice
in this world. So when we move from
this world full of injustices
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the just. This
is one of his names. The just.
Al haqq. Al aadhi. So when you move
from injustice to justice, everyone is happy.
In 2011, there, there is a guy named
in Norway. He killed 77 people,
and he injured
350 people or even more.
He staged 2 bombings in Norway in 2011,
he went to court, and he got 21
years in jail.
21 years in jail for killing 77 people,
and for injuring more than 350 people.
Same year, a guy in the US, he
beat his stepson with a belt and it
seems that the belt has, you know, some
iron in it or something, the bucket,
and the kid died.
25 years in jail. Unintentional killing,
25 years in jail. Intentional killing of 77
people, 21 years in jail. Where is the
justice? Both of them are bad. I'm not
saying this is bad or this, but one
of them is worse than the other.
Today, there's a Muslim country. I'm not gonna
mention names.
There's a Muslim country, if someone commits
they go to jail for 6 months.
But if you protest in the street just
because you don't like the government, because you
don't like the president or the king,
you go to jail for 17 years, same
And in another place just by protesting in
the street that you don't like the government
or the policy, whatever,
you will be executed.
This is the law of the land. If
you just think against the government, you go
you you'll be executed.
If you commit Zina, 6 years in jail.
So this is the kind of justice we
have in this world.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is promising that
if someone doesn't get justice in Dunya,
which gives a home to the Palestinians, to
the Syrians, to the Yemenis, the Egyptians,
all Muslims, and non Muslims for that matter,
that if someone doesn't get justice in this
they will get justice in Afra.
If Tony Blair and George Bush were able
to run away with it in this dunya,
They will not run away from Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala in ever because this is the
ultimate justice.
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when he speaks
about his justice in the Quran, you cannot
bribe him, you cannot fool him, there's no
friendly connections, nothing.
You will get the ultimate justice on that
So inshallah today I'm gonna take you to
I'm gonna take you not not in a
negative way. I'm gonna take you to the
Divine Justice, Maqaba tul Adhim Ilham,
where the judge is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
himself, Al Abhim.
Where is the place the Prophet SAW describes
in a hadith, in Al Bazar,
So the prophet
says, the place of the court
will be a place which is very pure
and clean,
in which no blood has ever been shed
and no sin has ever been committed. So
it's basically not this world.
Because on the day of judgment, there will
be a new land and a new heaven.
Everything will be new on the day of
How much time does it take for the
judgment to happen?
Well, it will take a blink of an
eye for everyone to receive
the justice from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. In
this world,
some cases will take years years for justice
to happen, and sometimes
justice is never achieved.
But on the day of judgment Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will judge everyone in the blink
of an eye.
So people will say how come that Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala will judge billions of people
in the same time like in a blink
of an eye? And the scholars will say,
well, exactly the same way He provides for
them in dunya in the blink of an
eye. When you receive your rizq from Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, do you stand in a
line to get your turn, to take your
risk? No. Everyone gets risk at the same
time, and on the Day of Judgment everyone
will get justice at the same time, simultaneously.
What would happen on the Day of Judgment?
Just by reading Quran and Sunnah, we know
that people would get their books in the
right hand or the left hand.
So the believers,
this ayah, 69
in Surah Al Haqqah,
when he talks about the people who the
believers who will get their book in the
right hand,
he narrated something from ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhu,
and the hadith is in the Salabi.
So he said that the first one from
this Ummah to get his book in his
right hand would be Ummah ibn Khattab radiAllahu.
And his book will be so bright like
the sun in broad daylight.
He will be asked, Okay.
Because we thought that Abu Bakr
He said, No, no, no, no. He is
already in Jannah. No judgment for him, no
taking book, nothing. He will go straight to
Jannah. No questioning for him. So we ask
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give a Jannah
without questioning. Amin, Amina, Abdul Amin. As for
the Kafir,
there are 2 sets of Bayat in the
Quran that describe how the disbeliever
and the wicked will get their book on
the Day of Judgment. Some mayyad say,
So, some Sayyad say that the wicked and
the disbelievers will get their book in the
left hand, some say will take it from
behind their backs.
And in the Tarsir they say that their
book will come their way to the left
hand, but they don't want to take it,
they put their hand behind their backs, and
the book would be stuck
to the left hand behind their backs. So,
there's no contradiction
between the 2 ahad.
the judgment,
So the questions of the Day of Judgment,
I'm I'm giving, like, a comparison between the
questions in this world. If someone is gonna
take an exam, like in our countries back
home, if you pay some money, you never
go to school, you are busy playing around.
If you don't go to school, maybe you'll
you'll pay a bribe in some places, and
they will leak the exams for you. So
even if you never studied, if you never
went to school, and you get the exams
beforehand, if they are leaked, you'll get the
top marks.
But in Adhirah, everyone knows the the questions.
We have known the questions for 1000 of
years and the questions were given to us
by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala in the Quran
1000000 of years in advance. It is written
in Allah Al Mahfou and it is revealed
to us.
But still, the majority of humanity, as Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the Quran, most
of them will fail. Although they know the
Like for example,
who your Lord?
What is your faith? Who is your Prophet?
This is in the grave. Most people would
not know the answer on the Day of
the questions you will get,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will ask about 2
There's a hadith in Atir Midi, the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says,
So Atarmili,
the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam says, when you
open your eyes for judgment on the day
of judgment,
the first question that you will get is
Sa'a namaz. Did you pray or not?
In another hadith in Bukhay, the prophet says
If someone kills another person. So in another
hadith in Bukhay, the prophet says, the first
question that you will get is bloodshed.
Did you take part in shitting another human
being's blood and killing someone else? Because this
is the worst you can do.
Is there a contradiction here? No. Because there
are 2 types of rights in Islam. The
rights of Allah, the first question is salah.
Then you have the rights of people, and
the first question you will get in this
category is blood. Did you shed some blood?
So these are basically some of the questions.
There's also another hadith, authentic hadith, the term
meday. The Prophet
So the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says,
your feet will not be removed on the
day of judgment. You'll not go to Jannah
or somewhere else on the day of judgment
unless you will be questioned about 1 of
4 things. How you spent your life? And
your youth years, what did you do with
them? And your money, how did you earn
your money and how did you spend it?
And what did you do with the knowledge
that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has given you?
So all of us know the answers to
these questions, but sometimes we pretend we don't
know. So these are basically the questions that
we receive beforehand
to prepare answers for this. We ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to make it easy for
us inshallah to give us Shandaqa for those
who ami inshallah.
So we will talk briefly about a shuhud.
Yawm Al Qiyam. Nabudamish shuhud Fil Makam.
So in every court, there are witnesses.
So who are the witnesses that will come
forward on the Day of Judgment?
Fa'awalu shahilim wa Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
say that the first witness on the Day
of Judgment is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Himself.
He will witness
within this, on this day, at this time,
in this place.
So he is the first witness.
Then the Malayika,
The Malayika will witness on the Day of
Judgment because they see everything, and they are
with you wherever you go, to the right
and the left according to Surah Qaf.
Number 3, Al Ambia, they would witness. You
Allah, we told them what is halal, what
is Haram.
We warned them against the Day of Judgment.
We told
We told them, if you fear the standing
before Allah for judgment, and you do the
right thing, you will go to Jannah.
If you follow your nafs, and you abuse
other people, you commit wrongs, you never make
tawba, then jahannam is the ultimate end. So
everyone knows. So, some people would pretend like
they didn't know.
So the Malaika will witness, and the Prophets
will witness.
So in this hadith in in Bukhay,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would bring forth the
prophets to testify.
So he would bring Nuh, alayhi salaam, and
he would ask him, did you convey the
message? Did you deliver the message? He would
say, yes, You Allah, I did.
950 years. I was delivering the message every
Then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would bring bring
the people of Nur, and He will ask
them in front of Nur, did He deliver
the message to you? They will say, we
never saw him. He never came to us.
We never saw him.
950 years never saw him. Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala could have given the example of 'Isa
Al 'Isa.
I didn't see him. But
950 years, what is your excuse?
Still he will say, we never saw him.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would ask Nur,
who will testify for you that you delivered
the message? And Nur was saying, Muhammad and
his Ummah are my witnesses, that I delivered
the message.
Number 4, the witnesses are the organs of
the body, and this is mentioned in many
places in the Quran, like Surah,
Nur, for example,
So in the Day of Judgment, the audience
of the body will testify.
I think you did this on this day,
so now your ear will say, Yes You
Allah, he was listening to haram. His eyes
will say, You Allah, he was looking at
haram. His hands were stealing. His feet were
walking to haram. There are some beautiful ahadith
in Ibtikathir,
in his tafsir of these ayatul Surah Surah
Surah Surah Surah Surah where Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala talks about the testimony of the body
So in this Hadith,
in Abi'ala,
so Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala would bring someone,
a wicked person, an evil person. And Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala would say, I testify
that you did this on this day at
this time.
And the person would say, no I need
another witness.
Aliyal Adam, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bewulullah I
was hesitant.
Allah will say, Okay, what about angels? You
see? They're right.
They said, No, no, no. I
who put this there? I I didn't do
Faaqullah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. What about your wife
and your kids or your husband and your
Their own lives.
What about your neighbors?
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, What do
you want? Who would you accept as a
I want a witnesses, a witness from myself.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will sear them,
sear their mouth so they don't talk anymore.
And Allah will make their ears and their
and their hands and their feet will testify
against them. They will say, You Allah, yes
He did. He said it. He did that.
So the person
will curse his organs. He's gonna condemn and
curse his organs, and he will say, Ya'lukuntuhaan
kumunahalil. I was trying to protect you from
the fire. I was trying to protect my
body from the fire. Now you are throwing
us all in the fire.
So this is in the Tafsir of Ibn
Kathir, Surah of Surah.
1 of the shuhu is the Earth itself,
this planet will testify.
So the Prophet SAW says in an authentic
hadith that on the Day of Judgment,
when he commended on this ayah from Surah
that the earth will testify
that this person did this on this day
at this time and so on and so
forth. So this is Tuhadidu Akbarah.
The last witness for today, and we'll let
you go inshallah.
The actions themselves will come to life.
You see when we use a projector or
you see a movie, like a video on
YouTube, the actions will come life on the
day of judgment. And there's proof in the
Quran for this.
They say that in this tafsir of Surah
they will see everything they did present in
front of them.
3 d, 4 d, 10 d, Allahu Adam,
in the day of judgment will see everything
right in front of you
in live motion.
Everything, all the actions we did will come
to life and you will see them right
in front of you and people will see
in front of you. Also in Surah Al
Sa'ed Salat.
People would come in big gatherings,
in crowds
to see their deeds with their own eyes.
So it would come live in front of
So now inshaAllah, when on the Day of
Judgment, we'll see everything
from the one who and among your kids
2 gonna tell out of the fridge and
blame the 2 on the other,
to who killed John Kennedy,
and who did the 911, and who did
this, and who did that. So there will
be disgrace on the Day of Judgment.
Because some innocent people who are taking in
the place of a wicked person in this
dunya, and some wicked people ran away with
the crimes they committed, and we never found
out that on the Day of Judgment, everything
will come to light.
So on the Day of Judgment after Izaab,
everybody stay into their place either in Jannah
or Jahannam,
everyone on the day of judgment will praise
The believers
will praise Him for His grace
and fun.
And the kuffar, and the disbelievers, and the
wicked will praise Him for His justice.
He was not unjust to them, He gave
justice to them and they would praise Him
because He didn't treat them unjustly.
The prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated that
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in an authentic
hadith. Allah says, all my servants,
whatever you see on your book on the
day of judgment,
this is actually your deeds in dunya. We
never put something that you didn't do. So
if you find something good in your book,
But if you find something else, you find
misery, you find injustice, you find crimes,
the only one you should blame is who?
You. Don't blame Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. We
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give a
jannah for those we ask Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala to give us shafaat in the Mi'uza
and to give us a drink from Al
Kawtham and to give us the highest place
in Jannah with the prophets and the shahid
and the righteous, the salahood,