Mustafa Khattab – Aim High
![Mustafa Khattab](
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The speaker discusses the importance of achieving high goals in life, including becoming a Khalifa of Muslims in Al Andaz. They also mention the difficulty of certain situations, such as death or loss of family. The speaker provides advice on achieving a goal, including setting a goal for oneself and making small mistakes to improve one's life. They also discuss the use of donkey dogs as a profit, and hope to give a better alternative to a former employee's boss.
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And I bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam is the seal of the prophets and
the final messenger to all of humanity.
Whomever Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala guides, there's none
to misguide and whomever Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
leaves to go astray, there's none to guide
Today inshallah, I'm gonna talk about a very
concept in Islam, which is called in an
'abi, 'Ulu with Himma.
To think big and aim high.
And this concept basically means that you always
make plans for yourself,
something you need to achieve,
make goals and plans for the future, and
you try always to be a better person.
When you look at the Hadith and also
the Quran and the Seerah of the prophet,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and the Sahaba, and
the great,
Muslims in Islamic history, they always had Uruh
with him. They were always aiming high and
thinking big.
You read in the Hadith of the prophet,
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, in Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves
great and tremendous things, and he doesn't like
trivialities, wasting your time in nonsense and small
The Hadith in Nabi'u SAW AHSALAM also there's
another Hadith in Bukhary. The first one was
in Sahihan Jammah. The second one is in
The prophet said,
So the prophet
says in this authentic hadith, when you pray
to Allah,
ask him,
to give you a firdaus al Ala, the
highest place in Jannah. Not only Jannah, but
the highest place.
So don't ask for the basement of Jannah,
but ask for the highest place
and ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give
you Jannah without punishment because some people go
to Jannah first for whooping. They get punished
for their sins in this dunya, then eventually
they will go to Jannah. So So always
ask Allah to give you Jannah without punishment,
but to give you the highest place of
it. We have a school here,
so I was a student one day,
I still am.
if you aim at a plus,
if you aim high and you miss you're
gonna land somewhere close to the top.
But if you aim low and you miss
you will go down a big time. So
if you aim at a plus and you
miss you're gonna get a minus or minimum
b plus.
But if you aim c you're gonna a
get an x or a z. Okay? So
the same thing for Jannah, when you aim
to go to Jannah aim for the highest
place which is for Daws Al Ala because
if you miss for Daws Al Ala you're
gonna get somewhere close to the top.
But if you aim at the basement of
and you miss, where are you going?
Down. You're going down a big time. So
always keep this in your mind and this
is the advice of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam in the hadith.
If you look at the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam his life, he had Ardu with
him. He had a goal and he had
a mission and he was trying to achieve
it. So every Muslim should have a legacy,
something you leave behind
and this is something that will raise your
rank in the next life. So if you
look at the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, just
by reading his sunnah, his hadith,
his biggest mission and Araluwilhim
in life was to make dawah to Muslims
and non Muslims. He was always making daw.
So for example, I'm gonna give you 2
The 2 most difficult situations in, in Sabadeh's
life is when he is dying
or when he is under attack.
These are the 2 most difficult situations in
your life. So when the prophet salaam was
dying, what are the last words that came
out of his mouth?
Pray. Pray. Make salah. These were the last
words. So the prophet was making dawah to
the last breath in his life.
And still a lot of Muslims don't even
And the prophet when he was making hijrah
from Makkah to Madinah,
we know the story,
but not a lot of Muslims know that
the prophet
actually made dua to some Kufar on his
way to Madinah, and they accepted Islam on
the spot. Although the people were of Makkah
were after him, tried to kill him and
get the 100 camel ransom.
So there are some stories in Sira that
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasalam,
came across
thieves like 2 chores, 2 thieves on his
way to Madinah.
He made dua to them and he accepted
Islam. And the prophet said, what's your name?
And they said, people call us the disgraced
ones, almuhanam.
So the prophet said, not anymore. Now you
are the uneathered ones.
The prophet
also in another narration came across a man
by the name Waida al Aslamih and his
tribe. They were on the way to Medina
and he made Dawah to them. They accepted
Islam on the spot and somebody was after
him trying to kill him, But still the
prophet had a goal and he had a
mission, and he was always making dua to
Muslims and non Muslims.
What about the Sahaba?
Well, if you are from India or Pakistan,
or if you are Kurdish or Arab or
from from Europe, Spain, if you're from Africa,
North Africa,
you are a Muslim
most likely because your parents ex grand grand
accepted Islam because of the Sahaba.
They conveyed Islam to them.
They didn't force them to accept Islam. And
some of the Sahaba,
they lost their lives doing so. They left
their families behind. They sacrificed their time, their
life, and money just to give us Islam.
And as I said, a lot of Muslims
even don't appreciate this. They don't honor the
sacrifices of the Sahaba and they don't even
pray or practice
Islam. Even young Sahaba, little kids,
like the brothers and sisters in the back,
they have a rah with him.
Omar Ibn Khattab radiallahu al who was passing
in the street one day and he saw
Abdullah ibn Abbas and he was probably 7
years old in that neighborhood. He was very
So Abdullah ibn Abbas,
Omar alayla anhu saw him sitting by himself
and he was thinking and something and he
said why are you not playing with the
kids? Go play with them. He said, will
I play sometimes, but I have I have
not been created to play. So
he said, why have you been created? He
said, to give to Islam. Luqa Islam Islam.
That was very deep, man. So his mission
in life as a kid, 7 years old,
was to give Rizza dignity and honor to
Islam. So that was his purpose and mission.
If you look at the scholars of Islam,
some of them, they would travel
thousands of miles just to get one hadith
or one masala, one ruling effect. You need
a body now for hadith, and I'm gonna
be shafa, and now for Bukhari. They would
travel from Iraq to Medina
or from Iraq or Medina to Egypt and
vice versa to get one hadith from Rasool
Allahu As Salil. Now, if you have an
or a Galaxy S 3, we have access
to computer, iPad, iPhone. You have access to
about Islam and a lot of Muslims, they
don't even know how to make wudu properly.
Why? Because the more advanced technologically we become,
the more lazy we are. Okay? But these
sahaba, they did it the hard way, so
they appreciate it. Now we do it the
easy way, so it doesn't mean anything to
If you look at Ibn Jamsil, one
of the biggest scholars of Islam, he said,
one lie.
I have written 2,000 books
with these two fingers. Only 2 fingers. 2,000
volumes. 2,000 books of knowledge for the Muslims.
If you look at someone like
Umar ibn Abdul Aziz Raheemullah, the great Khalifa,
he said,
So Umar ibn Abdul Aziz
says, I have a very ambitious soul. Very
So I've always wanted to become a governor,
a ruler. So when I became a governor,
I wanted to become a Khalifa, so I
became a Khalifa. Now I want to go
to Jannah. So he always has a goal
in life.
what about you?
Every one of us should have a goal
in life.
What do you call a student
who stays in grade 3 for 5 years?
So for 5 years, he's in grade 3.
I don't know about you, but I personally
would call him an idiot. Okay?
what about us? What about me? If I'm
now what I was 5 years ago? If
I'm still reciting Surah Khurul lahuaha because this
is the only Surah I know in the
Quran, and I did the same thing 5
years ago.
So while I'm still typing if I have
access to computers, if I'm still typing 5
words per minute.
Okay? Or I'm still making mistakes in Mudhul
versalat, or I'm still not able to recite
Quran properly.
And I'm not talking only about non Muslims.
A lot of Muslim brothers from Arab countries,
they they don't know how to recite Fatiha.
I teach the Tajweed I know and
and people make horrible mistakes in Tajweed, even
Arab, in Fatiha and Qumaloha.
I keep telling them this is why imans
die young. Heart attacks and stuff because people
are not learning, people are not progressing
in life. So you have to set a
goal for yourself and you try to achieve
it. If you are now what you were
5 or 10 years ago, then you're not
progressing. You don't have other with him. I'm
gonna conclude with this story.
This story
changed my life,
and this is one of the most inspiring
stories you will hear hear in your whole
So for the next 3, 4 minutes, if
you usually fall asleep in the chukpa
or you mess with your phone, please pay
attention, listen carefully. This is a very important
story. It might change your your life just
like it did to my life. This is
the story of Muhammad ibn Abi Anar.
He used to live in Spain and and
that was a little bit over 1300 years
Hijal was hamar.
Hamar basically means someone who transports stuff on
the back of a donkey
for a pity cash, like you transport something
from the from your house to your store
and you give the guy like a dollar
or 2. So that was on on the
back of the donkey. So that was his
job. So one day, he had 2 friends
and they sat together after Isha, they had
they had a good meal, biryani or something,
and, good tea, and they started to think
about the future. They were young. Muhammad
ibn Abag Ahmed was
like 12,
15, 16 years old
in that neighborhood.
So he said to his friends, do you
guys have a goal in life? Something you
try to achieve in the in the future?
So one of them said, yes. I now
have one donkey so maybe inshallah in 10
years I'm gonna have 5 donkeys. So instead
of making $1 a day, I'm gonna be
making $10 a day. The other one said,
look at this guy, he doesn't have any
goal in life just 10 donkeys. For me,
I want to have 20 donkeys. So instead
of making $10 a day, I'm gonna be
making 20. So this is my biggest goal
in life. Then they said, you Muhammad ibn
Abihamid, what's your goal in life? He says,
my goal in life is to become a
Khalifa of Muslims in Al Andaz.
So if they said, this
guy is high. He lost his mind. Okay?
He's been working all day in the sun.
He lost his mind.
First of all, you are not from Beniou
Way. That was the ruling family at the
time, the monarchy in, Landers.
And number 2, look at your job, man.
You're not a teacher. You're not a doctor.
You're nothing. You not a plumber. Nothing. You're
just hama. You transport stuff on the back
of your dog. What is this?
Hopeless case. So he says, well, let's assume
that I become an imam,
sorry, a Khalifa one day for the Muslims
in Landaluz. What do you guys want from
me when I become Khalifa? So the first
one said, well, it's impossible,
but let's assume for the sake of argument
you ever become the Khalifa of the Muslims
in the Landau,
then I want a 100000 golden pieces denied
from you, a huge palace, and a big
garden. So I said, okay, good. What about
the second one? The second one he says,
well, it's impossible, man. It's impossible.
Elephants can fly, but you can never become
If you ever become Khalifa,
spit on my face,
pulling a donkey backwards, and send kids, school
kids behind me to throw me with
to belt me with,
rotten eggs and tomatoes and say, Himaru lala
Himaru. A donkey on the back of a
donkey. He said good, Alhamdulillah.
First thing in the morning, Mohammed ibn Abi
Ahmed sold his donkey.
He sold it. And he applied for a
job as a police officer, so he became
an RCMP.
In 30 years, he was promoted promoted promoted
promoted until he became the chief of the
police and the leader of the army in
Al Adas.
The same year
Khalifa Al Montasr
died. His oldest son was 10 years old,
He was always playing, he was always gambling,
hanging out with girls, so he was no
good. His mother said, let's get someone, a
guardian, we'll see for Khalafah to to run
the Khalafah in Al Andalus until my son
grows older and he's able to shoulder the
responsibility of Khalafah because otherwise
the Spanish people, the Portuguese are gonna kick
us out. Listen.
So the best one they got
and she said, we cannot get someone from
Bani Umayyad, like the kid's uncle or something
because he's gonna slaughter him and take over
Khalaf. What we can do, we can get
someone reliable from outside the Bani Umayyad family.
So who did they get for the job?
Muhammad ibn Abiyan.
So for a couple of years he was
he was taking care of Khalaf, he was
running the Khalaf and he realized that this
guy Hashem was no good. He's always playing,
he's he's not thinking about becoming a Khalifa,
nothing. So he said, well, okay, take this
basketball and go play. Now I'm the Khalifa,
and he actually assumed Khalifa, he became the
Khalifa officially.
Then he remembered his 2 old friends.
He sent his guards to the market and
they brought them back. This is 30 years
later and each of them still had one
Just one.
So he brought them to the palace and
he said, you guys remember me? Yes. They
said, yeah. Yeah. You're our old friend. How
can we forget you? So he said to
the first one, what did you ask of
me 30 years ago? He said, well, I
always expect expected a brilliant future for you.
You know that, right? I don't have to
tell you.
Yeah, what I asked of you was the
Palace and the 100,000
golden dinars and the the garden has said,
take it, go home. The second
one, he said, what did you ask of
me 30 years ago? I said, well, I
don't remember you. I said, you just said
2 minutes ago you remembered me. You're too
young for amnesia. You see?
What did you did you ask of me
30 years ago? He said, well, I'm too
busy. My wife is gonna shoot me if
I'm late for dinner. He said, no. No.
No. No. I'm gonna beat the beat you
up. If you don't tell me, I'm gonna
give you a nice beating like New York
So tell me. So I said, yes, I
admit. I said, if you ever become Khalifa,
put me on the back of the donkey
back or send kids to belt me with,
rotten eggs and tomatoes.
So this is the punishment. So he said,
wallahi, I'm gonna do this to you.
So you know that I'm not a just,
but so that you know that Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is to is able to do
all things. When you were making fun of
me 30 years ago, you're not actually making
fun of me, You're making fun of Allah
and his power and strength.
I'm not sure if you have seen this,
pamphlet before.
I got the job as an imam in
Saint Catherine's about 6 months ago.
Few days before I arrived in the city
as an imam, a Somali sister was leaving
the Masjid and she was attacked and beaten
up by 3 white teenage girls. Okay. It
was all over the news back then, 6
months ago.
So I spoke to the brothers in the
masjid and I said we have to do
something. I'll do with him.
These people, these girls they did it because
they didn't know anything about Islam. There are
not a lot of Muslims in the Niagara
region, maybe 3 1000, 5000, not many. So
Muslims here are not visible like they are
in Toronto or London, Ontario or, Edmonton or
Vancouver. We don't have a lot of Muslims
here. And these people, the only thing they
know about Islam is what they get from
Fox News,
The Sun paper and all these things, so
they are messed up. They don't know anything
about Islam.
So what we need to do is teach
them about what Islam, what Islam teaches.
Plus, a lot of people they are not
happy with what they have, the religions they
have. They are desperate to find something else.
So what we are doing now is to
give them a better alternative.
So Insha'Allah, this pamphlet we started sending it
to homes like 3 4 days ago,
120 or a little bit over a 120,000
homes in the Niagara region. Every single home
in the Niagara region will get this pathway.
We're talking about Niagara Falls, Saint Catherine's, Niagara
on the Lake, Will and Thorold, Grimsby, and
other place. A 120,000
people. This is the largest
dawah project in the history of Ontario.
Almost a half a 1000000 people will get
this pamphlet. It talks about what Islam is
and what Islam is not.
People what people need to do about Islam,
about jihad, and about hijab, and about prophet
Muhammad salaasallam, and all these beautiful things about
Islam. We did the same thing 2 years
ago, actually a year and half ago in,
that this battle was mailed to 1,000,000
homes in Alberta. Every single home in Alberta
received this battle. Alhamdulillah, we got a very
positive feedback.
A lot of people came to the masjid
for tours and some people actually took Shahadah
after they received this. So what we want
you to do inshallah whatever you can donate
there are some brothers
and sisters in the back with boxes whatever
you can donate inshallah this will help us
tremendously. We are short 7,000
and if we give the 7,000 inshallah today
we'll complete the project every single loan will
this project inshallah.
I spoke to the youth and the children
are Saturday school and one of them came
to me with $3 and he said well
I'm ashamed because I only have $3
in my pocket And I said, when you
give us $1
this will help us to send this pamphlet
to 5 homes. If you give us,
$3 this will help us send it to
15 homes. 15 homes this means around 40
or 50 people will get access to this
pamphlet. So whatever you give, even if it's
very little it would take us a long
way. We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
give us sincerity in everything we say and
do, and to guide people to Islam, and
to forgive our sins and to accept our
good deeds to give us the best in
dunya and the best in aferah. That's Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala.
To give victory to our brothers and sisters
throughout the world who are being abused
and to forgive all Muslims.