Mustafa Abu Rayyan – 33 Tafseer Surah alBaqarah Verses 165168
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The speakers discuss the use of "has been" in worship, with the definition being a core message of worship. They also discuss the importance of love and its various types, including reasons for it. The speakers emphasize the importance of following the user's actions to achieve a love for Allah and emphasize the importance of following rules of sh pattern and false accusations to avoid regret and becoming a sinful individual. They also stress the importance of following rules of sh pattern and false accusations to avoid regret and becoming a sinful individual.
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We're continuing our
of Surat Al Baqarah.
last week
we read
verse 164,
which spoke about some of the signs that
show us who Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
and why he is worthy of our worship.
The last 2 ayats
starting from
These two verses,
the first one tells us who Allah is
and and
he is the one worthy of worship.
The one worthy of worship, the one that
deserves your devotion, the one that deserves your
the one is Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and
Allah alone.
And we mentioned that this was the,
central message of all the messengers,
and the main central message of our prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam is to direct the
away from the worship of others to the
worship of Allah
this is something that was strange to the
It was perhaps strange to many people that
were polytheistic,
but then nonetheless, the prophet will always bring
this message of only 1 person is worthy
of worship.
And this message that only one is worthy
of worship is not one that is just
an emotional message, it is one that is
based on sound reasoning.
You should worship and be grateful to the
one who gave you, the one who created
you, the one who gave us everything that
you are thankful for. Which is why the
verse that we've done last week was all
about that.
That the creations of the heaven and the
the alteration between the day and the night,
the ships that sail in the ocean
and carry that which is beneficial to the
people, the rain that Allah descends that descends
from the skies,
and then the earth that provides its vegetation
and fruits.
The winds and the clouds and everything in
it, everything
are signs
to show you the one worthy of worship.
This is not something that was done by
a prophet. This is not something done by
an idol. Not something done by a statue.
Not it was Allah Almighty, thus he is
deserving of our Ibadah. He should be worshipped.
and then Allah ends that ayawith
These things that were mentioned
are signs
to those that have intellect,
those that use their minds. And here you
learn something.
It says that the Allah
often mentions that the Quran is a message
to those who apply their intellect, those that
think and ponder,
and not those that close their minds off.
You're invited to think. You're invited to look
into the truth. Anyone that sincerely does so
will be guided.
And it also shows you that the evidence
that as given in the previous ayah,
that Allah
is the one that did all of this.
Thus we should be grateful for him. We
are grateful for him through our worship is
one that anyone who is using his intellect
can understand.
not everyone
does. Not everyone understands
Allah's right to be worshiped. Not everyone understands
Allah is the one that has given us
everything that we have and thus we should
be grateful. And this ayah that we're doing
tonight, inshaAllah ta'ala, or the ayats, are talking
about that.
Because the ayah
is telling you about those that have aqal,
will be able to understand Allah should be
worshiped. How about those that don't apply the
How about those that don't apply their intellect?
Where do they end up? Allah says,
Allah said even so there are some who
choose to worship others
besides Allah.
There are those who choose to worship others
besides Allah as rivals to him.
then you have those people that give Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala competitors
and rivals in their worship
and in their devotion and in their love.
And they love those idols, they love those
competitors, they love those equals that they gave
to Allah.
their love
of Allah
or like the Muslims love Allah. There are
2 tafsir in this ayah. What you will
learn sometimes,
is that sometimes certain ayat,
depending on how it's read, you get 2
or 2 tafsirs.
So here Allah
is saying,
among the people are those
that give Allah equals
and they love those equals
like they love Allah.
Among you are those that give Allah rivals
and they love those rivals like they love
Allah. So here
it is mentioned that they do love Allah
but they also love
their and that,
those that they worship besides him. So they
are doing shirk. They are giving Allah associates
in their what? In their in their love.
Meaning, yes,
I love Jesus Christ.
I love God Almighty.
I love my idol,
I also love Allah.
This is what This is doing shirk in
your Mahabda.
Shirk in your love.
Is that acceptable?
No. We should have
a love for Allah alone, of course. And
we'll discuss the types of love that exist,
in a second.
So this tafsir mentions, or this reading of
the ayah is saying that
is speaking about 1 group people.
They love their idols, those that they put
rivals onto Allah
like they love Allah, which is why sometimes
they call upon those and sometimes they call
upon Allah. Like you had with Quraish. Quraish
in times of ease, when things were fine,
they would call upon their idols. But when
they're in danger, they would call upon Allah.
So sometimes calling upon their idols, sometimes calling
upon Allah, this is shirk. This is the
definition of shirk. When you give that which
belongs to Allah to others
and this is what they're doing.
And then Allah says,
as for those who believe,
their love for Allah is stronger because their
love for Allah is tawheed.
They only divulge us to Allah. They only
worship Allah. So here's a distinction between
the mushrikeen
and the mumineen.
The mushrikeen,
they associate
partners with Allah whom they devote themselves to,
love, and call upon.
The believers, they only do it for Allah
Another reading of this verse is
and from amongst the people are those that
give Allah equals and rivals.
They love those rivals.
Like the believers love Allah. So here they
have completely no love for Allah whatsoever.
They are involved in their idols
and they are so attached to them it
is similar to how the believers are attached
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So one verse one one reading of the
ayah, it admits that there is some attachment
to Allah but they associate partners with Allah
which makes them mushriks.
Or they have no attachment to Allah whatsoever
they love their idols. They love whatever they
worship to the level
that believers
and then rather
rather the believers
love Allah more than these people love their
idols. Right? So Allah is describing
how much the believers love Allah as opposed
to how much the mushrikeen love their idols.
Now why is this important, kwanifilah?
Whichever reading he took, both are tafsirs that
are mentioned by the scholars of tafsir like
Tabari ibn Kathir and others. And in any
it solidifies one fact, which is what distinguishes
the faithful, the believers,
from the mushrikeen.
That we understand
that that which is deserving of Allah
alone, we only give it to Allah. And
this is the definition of tawhid.
That which belongs to Allah should be given
to Allah. And there is a type of
because this verse mentioned love.
Is an act of worship
in this context.
And it doesn't, and
acts of worship can be split into
things that we do by action, like our
and the Hajj,
and then there are acts of worship that
happen in the
heart. Your belief is in your heart. Your
piety is in your heart. Your love is
also in
your heart. Now the concept of loving Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, what does that mean? It
is, something that we all have to ask
ourselves. Do we love our creator?
Do we love Allah Almighty?
there are different types of love and different
reasons for loving.
For example, you have, what is called al
hub al fitri,
which is natural love.
And natural love is the love of a
mother to her child. It's very natural.
It's innate almost.
You can't help yourself but love your child.
It's for your parents generally.
Then you have, for example, the love between,
so, so example,
people that love each other romantically,
wife and husband. Right? This is a different
type of love. In fact, in the Arabic
language they all have different names. Right? This
one is called
Ishq. Then you have the love, for example,
hubr mushakala is an interesting one. People that
they tend to love one of
people that are in the similar field as
them. You feel a certain attachment to those
that do the same thing that you do.
Right? They say the hiyaat loves the hiyaat.
The tailor likes tailors and the sportsmen like
the sports people and they put this is
a level of we we we tend to
group one another and you have that attachment.
These there are different types of attachments you
will make throughout your life. Right? And then
You love those that do good to you.
Do good unto the people and you will
get their hearts. Meaning what? If someone does
you a favor or you don't forget it,
you like that person. Imagine if someone did
you a huge favor. You always talk about
it. You will mention that person helped you
that day and you'll find yourself being in
touch with that person. Next time you see
him, just by seeing him you have a
smile on your face. Isn't that correct? So
there's a type of love that comes from
Ihsan, from doing good to others which is
why the prophet said,
give each other gifts, you will love one
another. Right? Give each other gifts, you will
love one another. And this is a sunnah
that we have to apply,
that we we should give each other, we
we should gift each other, we should host
each other, we should be kinder to each
other, and this will create a sense of
love within the community.
Our love for Allah is
a love
of In the end of the day,
what is the result of love?
There can be none that you're devoted to
more than Allah.
You live, literally live for Allah. You hope
to die for Allah.
Nothing is more important in your life than
your creator.
This is the hildah we're talking about.
Your mother or Allah Allah.
Your child or Allah Allah.
Yourself or Allah Allah comes first.
Nothing comes before Allah
Right? This is hope.
it is
something we should strive to get.
And there's a I in the Quran that
tests your love.
There's an I in the Quran that puts
to test
your love of Allah.
This is known as Ayatul Mihanna,
the eye of the test.
Say to them,
If you truly love Allah,
if you truly love Allah,
then do
the following.
Prove it by following the prophet
Doing itiba'a. Follow the prophet and this will
prove your love of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Follow the prophet in believing in him. Follow
the prophet in his actions. Follow the prophet
in his sunnah. Live the way he lived.
Do what he did. Say what he said.
Follow the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
and this will prove that you love Allah.
And as a result of you following the
you will get that which we all want.
It isn't about you loving Allah, it is
about Allah loving you.
It isn't about you loving meaning what?
Your goal isn't
of course, the way you get there is
by by having love for Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. But what where you want to get
to is when Allah loves you. Now imagine
when the creator of the heavens and the
earth, Allah Almighty,
loves you.
This is where you want to get to.
And how do you get to that?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said,
Allah mentions that if we don't follow the
deen, if we leave it, if we don't
act upon it, Allah will bring about people
that will do follow the deen, does act
upon it. And that Allah will
love those He will bring about people
who he loves and they love him.
Right? So there's a connection there. The more
you love Allah,
Allah will what?
Love you. And when Allah loves you, like
Allah promised,
When I love when I love my servant,
The famous hadith, the Hadith where
the wali is described. There's a hadith that
describes the wali.
The the saint,
the one who has reached a level where
they are truly close to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala. And there's levels and steps towards it
and this hadith starts with,
Whoever shows animosity,
whoever fights against one of my auliya,
those are close to Allah.
Then Allah said I will announce war against
that person. So be careful.
Never be at odds with one who is
close to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
Lest you become amongst those whom Allah announced.
Right? I have announced I am at war
with that person.
Who can tell me a sin in the
Quran where Allah announced war against that person?
And then Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala talked about
how you become a wali.
In the beginning, the first step is
When Allah
There's nothing Allah is speaking.
So Allah is speaking.
There is nothing that my servant does
that is more beloved to me than those
things that I have made obligatory upon him.
So what are those things that Allah made
obligatory upon us? What comes first to mind?
Which salas?
The 5 daily prayers. What else?
What else comes to mind that's obligatory?
Fasting for Ramadan.
What else?
Zakat. These are the obligatory actions. So what
what do you learn there? What is the
most beloved thing that Allah would want you
to do?
The obligations.
So the 5 daily prayers are more beloved
than qiyam, layl, than fasting, more beloved than
fasting, Thursdays and Mondays. Okay. Then Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala says,
Then my servant does not try and get
closer to me. So this is a journey
where you are trying to get closer to
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. It's a journey.
And you're getting close to Allah with what?
By those things that are recommended, that are
Give me example of those. If Hajj is
wajib, what would be a a a nafil
Hajj? Doing it again and again, year after
year even though you don't have to. Right?
Praying your sunnahs, your ra'tib, giving sadaqara and
zakat. If you do those things, you keep
on doing them until
I love him.
Allah says, until I love him. And when
I love him, Allah says, I will be
the hearing which he hears by, the sight
which he sees by, the hand which he
grabs it. Meaning what? Everything this person does,
what you hear, what you see, what you
do, it will all be
that which is in accordance to what pleases
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. You will be protected
from sin. If you fall into it, you
will be guided to repentance.
You will be protected. You will get divine
protection by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala if you
do those 2 things. What are the 2
things if you summarize them? 1st do the
obligations, followed up with what? With all the
nafilas and the sunnahs. And then Allah rewards
you with the following. This person who did
that, The person who did their obligations and
then added the recommended acts. Right? And
do this often and constantly until Allah loves
them. When you get there, Allah said,
if he asks me I will give.
And if person asks me forgiveness, I will
forgive them. If the person asks me, I
will give them. This is this is the
of loving Allah. Does that make sense?
So the believers love Allah. Let's go back
to ayah.
And from the people are those that give
Allah equals.
Giving Allah equals is sheikh. There's a hadith
of al Mas'ud where the prophet was asked,
the line of Musa, what is the worst
the prophet said, To give Allah an equal.
To give Allah an equal. Literally, when you
read the Quran I mean, we start with
Surah Al Baqarah. I mentioned this a few
times, I think. When you read the Quran
from the Fatiha onwards, you start you read
Fatiha. You start reading Surat Al Baqarah, the
second surah.
As you go along,
verse 21 of Surat Al Baqarah is where
you come across the first commandment.
The first amar.
The first time Allah tells us to do
something. So the first 21 verses of Baqara
and the 7 ayat of Fatiha there is
no command in them. At verse 21, Allah
commands us something. The first thing Allah tells
to do. And what is it?
Oh you oh my oh, mankind,
worship your lord.
Right? So the first command is a commandment
of worship.
What is the first prohibition that you come
across? The first don't. There's a loads of
things in the Quran we're not supposed to
do. Al Aqsa says don't do riba, don't
kill, don't harm, don't many things. Right? What
is the
first prohibition
mentioned in the Quran when you read it
from Fatiha?
Literally the same way.
And do not give Allah
or rivals or competitors
in your ibadah, in your devotion, in your
love. This is the main message of Islam.
This is the main message of all the
A message warning against shirk and a cult
was to hid. Right?
Worship Allah alone and leave of Tahu. Tahood
is event is worshiped besides Allah subhanahu wa
So here we have people who do this.
They take equals besides Allah and not and
they take these equals
then they love these equals.
Like the believers love Allah.
Ask for those who believe
they have more love for Allah than their
love for the aida. You know what the
proof of that is?
Like imagine someone that worships, when Allah talks
about, for example, the Quraysh.
It's very interesting really if you think about
this, psychology.
The Quraysh.
fought the prophet against the idea of worshiping
Allah alone.
They were adamant on deifying and worshiping Allat,
Al Uzza, Al Manat and the other idols.
But Allah mentioned in the Quran
Allah mentions that
when they are in danger, and the the
example Allah gives you is when they are
in the ocean, and they are in danger,
and they are scared,
they only they they they single out Allah
and their dua.
the whole time they were calling upon their
false gods, but the moment they are in
they call upon Allah.
are they
sincere to their idols?
Or when the when it gets tough, they
go back to Allah?
When they when they get tough, they go
back to Allah. So they're not sincere to
their own idols.
That which they decided to fight the prophet
against, that which they decided to make it
their religion, their idols did not even say
to them because when things get tough, they
go back to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
Right? And when things are easy they go
back to their idols.
The believers, do they do this? Or or
whether in times of ease and in difficulty
they go back to Allah? So the love
of the believers for Allah and the devotion
they have for Allah is more purer
than the love of the disbelievers they have
for their idols. Does that make sense?
That Allah describes
the consequences
of those that didn't take heed, did not
look into the signs, did not use their
gave Allah equals and rivals, committed the worst
sin possible.
What are the consequence of their actions?
But the believers have greatly forgot. If only
the mushrike,
if only those that committed shirk could see.
As they will see when they face the
When they see the punishment. So what will
happen? Allah is describing the scenario in day
of judgement.
Now in Duniya, they did their shirk, they
gave Allah rivals, they didn't care, they didn't
listen to the prophets.
And if you could only see
those that committed dul, al ladina walamu, those
that committed dul and injustice.
The Arabic word dul in Arabic means
to place something where it doesn't belong. Dulm
Now a lot of times Allah uses this
term dulm,
which is usually translated as oppression or injustice.
Now oppression at the end of the day
is when you play something where it doesn't
belong. Right? For example,
you're supposed to honor this person and you
you remove that honor and you didn't do
it. Or for example when you
give someone something that doesn't belong to them.
Right? This is an
oppression. Right?
There are many forms of oppression.
love, devotion belongs to Allah. When you place
in the creation, this is a form of
which is why Allah is in the Quran,
indeed shirk is a great injustice. So as
for those who committed wrong, who committed injustice,
if you could only see them when they
see the punishment,
they come to the realization.
then the truly all power belongs to Allah.
So what happens to those things that you're
worshiping? What happens to your false gods? On
their resume they they will realize
the strength and the power belongs to who?
And they will also realize
that Allah subhanahu ta'ala is severe in His
Then Allah describes the relationship
between the people that commit shirk or that
commit kufar.
And you always have the leaders and the
followers. Always. In fact, it's human nature to
have leaders and followers
and we follow our leaders, which are the
prophets and the righteous.
And the people that follow the shirk, they
follow their leaders. So what will the relation
be between the trendsetters
and the the the followers and the leaders?
When those who have been followed,
those who have been followed, I. E, the
leaders. When the leaders,
disown their followers, on their judgment,
those that were the heads of falsehood will
disown their followers. Starting with Shaitan. In Surat
Ibrahim, Allah talks about a hoot of a
shaitan delivers from Jahannam
where he says,
you you responded to my call. I didn't
force you.
Right? And Allah mentions many times in the
Quran that the people that the leaders of
falsehood, those that convince people to commit haram,
those that convince people to commit shirk, that
they will say at the end of the
day it's all evil unto himself and in
fact they will disown themselves from those that
they've misguided.
And when the resurrection happens, they will be
enemies to each other and they will
the worship
that they've done or what they call them
towards. So Allah is saying
that the people who were followed, the leaders
of falsehood, will disown those that followed them
when they all see the punishment and suffering.
And thus would will be a day when
all bonds between them are severed.
When all bonds between them are severed. Here
you learn iqwani'ilifilah something very important.
Think about this.
Those that followed Abu Jahl,
those that followed Firaun,
those that followed all of these people, these
wicked people, these evil people,
their followers. Allah mentioned them in the Quran.
Right? The followers of the people of evil.
On their judgment,
will they do anything for them?
Will they save them? No. Rather they will
disown them.
Now what will happen to the followers of
the prophets?
Doesn't the prophet do shafa'a for us?
Doesn't the prophet try everything in his power
to save all of his ummah?
This is the difference between following the messengers
and following
those that call towards haram and evil. When
you follow the messengers, they will save you
guide you in gunyah and in akhira. They
will make shafa'ai for you as opposed to
the evildoers.
Then Allah said
So now Allah says, the followers said So
those that followed.
And here you learn something about zikhwanifila.
The idea of blind following.
Blind following is not recommended in Islam. It's
blind following.
You are encouraged to ponder, to think, to
to to understand the message.
one of the signs of the people of
falsehood is that they just take what they're
without thinking about it, without pondering over it,
without understanding it. This is not an Islamic
Right? And this is a common misconception. Just
just just just believe and be quiet.
No. Understand.
Allah speaks to the to
the Right? Those that use their mind, those
that think.
these people they followed people
and now they're being disowned. Saying I've got
nothing to do with that.
And there will be a lot of that
happening in Yorub Ta'an by the way. Even
prophet Isa,
there's a whole eye dedicated to him disowning
those that deified him. And he's upon the
I've never told them to call me God.
will say, oh Allah, I've never told them
except that what you told me to tell
them, which is to wash any
to wash all of Allahu aloon. Rabbi, my
lord. Rubbukum your lords. Prophet Isa will disassociate
himself with those that that followed him and
the the shaitan will disassociate himself with those
following him, but the shaitan
is gonna be in hellfire.
Because he did try to to mislead the
people. But you are told by Allah and
constantly in the Quran, don't follow the shaitan.
Follow the prophets.
So an individual who followed the people or
falsehood doesn't have an excuse.
If Talm Ahmed brings some alcohol back and
says come on guys let's drink, at the
end of the day I have agency.
If I go and drink, I can't say,
yeah, you brought it here. It's your fault.
Will he be sinful for facilitating?
Yes. Will I be sinful for drinking? Of
course. So those that call towards shirk, they
will have the sin of doing the shirk
and calling towards it, but anyone that is
shirk out of their own accord, will they
be exempt?
No. Because they had agency.
They chose to do it.
So what do the followers of the people
of falsehood say?
The fans, the followers, all they say.
They will say, if only we had one
last chance.
And we would disown them. If we could
only go back to Duniya
so that we can disown the people we
followed like they disown us on their judgment.
Will they be able to go back? They
won't be able to go back.
And then Allah says,
And just like that,
Allah will make them see their deeds
as a source
of constant regret.
The word hasara is that which causes you
regret and remorse. Allah didn't say hasara hasara.
Many regrets. They will be constantly regretting their
Why are they regretting their decisions? Because their
decisions led them to the hellfire.
Just like that, we'll show them their deeds
and they will only give them bitter regret.
And then Allah said, why is it showing
them bitter regrets?
They will not be leaving the hellfire.
They will not be leaving the hellfire because
they died upon shirk. And if you die
upon shirk, you will stay in the hellfire
Right? And this is the danger. This is
what we're being warned against. This is what
we're being taught.
No matter what you do, the one unforgivable
sin, if you die upon it, is shirk.
Everything else Allah forgives.
Meaning what? A lot of people, they they
they misunderstand this.
If a person commits shirk,
do they have salvation? Yes or no?
No? They they they it is possible that
they can be saved if they repent from
it as long as they're alive.
The one who has no salvation is the
one who dies upon shirk. That means you
associate your partners with Allah, you deified other
than Allah, you worship other than Allah, and
you died in that state.
And you died in that state.
If someone commits shirk
and then repents from it, then they are
They are forgiven.
So when Allah says,
Allah forgives all sins.
Does that include shirk? Yes. In Duniya.
Allah forgives all sins if you seek forgiveness
in Duniya.
When Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,
Allah does not forgive
those that commit shirk.
Allah does not forgive it when?
If you
if you die upon it. So if you
know someone that commits shirk today,
it could be someone that worshiped Jesus Christ,
someone that worships Buddha, someone that does whatever,
it could be an idol worshiper. Whatever the
case is. Do they have a chance for
salvation? Of course they do. All they gotta
do is what? Repent from it and become
believers and sincerely worship Allah alone.
Anyone that dies upon shirk after having understood
the message of Tawhid,
then those are the people that will not
get salvation. And that's why Allah
says, they will not be able to leave
the hellfire. What's interesting here is they're complaining
about each other. Oh, I wish I didn't
follow you. Is it gonna help them now?
So this is why it's important that you
choose who you're going to follow
and you ensure that you follow those that
will lead you on a path of righteousness.
Then Allah says
Allah cost all mankind.
In the Quran sometimes Allah speaks
to all of
mankind. All mankind.
Sometimes Allah speaks to the believers only.
Only one time you'll find the Quran.
Or you have disbelieved. Only one time I
believed if I if I'm not mistaken.
says, all mankind.
says, people,
oh mankind,
eat what is good,
and lawful. Good and lawful.
And do not follow the footsteps of shaitan
like the people we just spoke about. The
ayat are always connected. So Allah is now
telling us don't follow the footsteps of shaitan,
lest you end up like the people we
just talked about. Who were saying, if we
had a chance and we would go back,
we would disown them. But they can't go
back and they are regretful and they will
never leave hellfire. The Allah says, all you
believe, eat from what is on the earth
as long as it's
as long as it's lawful and good.
And do not follow
shaitan, the steps of shaitan.
Indeed he is a clear enemy to you.
This verse is quite interesting, if Wani Fila,
for the following reasons. 1, Allah all of
a sudden is talking about eating that which
is halal. Why?
Allah's teaching has said something very important.
Allah is the one worthy of worship. He
has no equals.
He has no equals in love.
He has no equals in ibadah. He also
has no equals in legislation.
So who decides what's haram?
It's Allah. It's something a lot of people
don't understand.
Right and wrong, halal and haram, good and
are decided
by Allah.
He is the one who legislates
and none has the right to legislate except
Right? So here, Allah is saying, among his
legislation is that everything on the ground is
the default position is that everything is halal
except that which is haram. And Allah is
saying eat from the earth that which is
halal and good. Now what's interesting is the
scholars when they try to differentiate between halal
and good.
and good. Right? Halal and tawib. What's the
The scholars, they say that something that is
something something that is halal can be not
good, can be hadith. What's an example? Alright.
Who eating rice? What's the okum of it?
Is it halal or haram?
What's eating rice?
Halal. What if I stole the rice? What
does it become?
There are certain things that are halal within
but can be haram
if you eat it in an unlawful manner.
So Allah is saying eat that which is
and tawyib, it means it must be halal
within itself. So it can't be something like
pork, it can't be something like alcohol, it
can't be something like that. But it also
has to be good, meaning it can't be
stolen, it can't be robbed, it can't be
something that you does that make sense? So
if you go to the Morrison's and just
grab everything that is halal. Right? If if
you steal halal meat, it's haram. Does that
make sense?
If you steal halal meat, it becomes haram
for you. Right?
So here Allah is telling us both. So
eat what is halal and tawib and that's
And this ayah and the ayah is in
the beginning of it. Allah created everything on
the earth for us is in evidence to
suggest the following statement.
All that is on the earth is halal.
Everything is halal
unless proven otherwise.
So if you come across something, a type
of fruit, a type of or or a
type of food, a type of animal, a
type of,
Is it halal or haram? What is the
default position?
It's halal. Unless proven
otherwise. So all
are halal
except those that have been made haram, such
as alcohol. Right? In some cases?
So the this this also shows you the
mercy of Allah. There's a lot more halal
than there is haram.
Do not take the shaitan as an enemy.
Do not take the do do not follow
the footsteps of shaitan for indeed he is
an enemy.
Why are we told to not follow the
footsteps of shaitan? Because the shaitan will lead
us to a path that we will we
will regret and there will be a time
that our regrets will not avail us because
we are in the day of judgement. As
long as in a dunya, choose who you
follow and do not associate any partners with
Allah in your worship and in your love.
And remember that the love of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala is something everyone can claim,
there is an eye in the Quran that
puts out a test. Who can tell you
what that eye is or what it says?
what does that mean?
If you love Allah,
follow me. And as a result, when you
follow the prophet, what will happen? Allah will
love you. May Allah make us as long
as that he loves. Also,
if you want to be among those that
Allah loves, if you want Allah to love
read the ayaat
where Allah says Allah loves those types of
Allah says in the
Allah loves those who often repent. So if
you want Allah to love you, what do
you do?
Often? Repent.
Allah loves those that purify themselves. Right?
So you let you look at the
at the,
ayaat where Allah mentions he loves those types
of people and try to become more like
them. And this is how Allah subhanahu wa'ala
will love you. And if Allah loves you,
you get all the benefits that I mentioned
in the hadith earlier.
I mentioned earlier that
if someone dies upon shirk then they have
no salvation.
If they rejected the message, what if the
message never reached them? What if there are
some people
in the Amazonian jungle who've never heard of
Islam? What if there were some people in
the in the in the early period that
never heard of Islam?
Those people are called Ahl Fatarah.
And Allah will test them,
on their judgment. Allah mentioned in the Quran
a very important rule.
And we will not punish anyone
who has not received the messenger, Messenger.
So if someone did not get the message,
then they
are not held accountable.
So when they die, they are not held
accountable if they did not receive the message.
Because Allah is just. Would it be just
to punish someone who have no idea about
the message? It wouldn't be. So what will
happen to those? The prophet was in a
hadith that if those people will be tested
like and they will be tested the same
way as the people that were so for
example, if someone was blind and deaf. If
someone was
disabled in in a way that they couldn't
send a message, on day of judgement, those
people, they will be given an opportunity
to obey, to worship Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Allah will test them. And then as a
result of that test, they'll end up in
Jannah or in hellfire. In other words,
everyone is given a chance to believe. Everyone
is given a chance to to follow. Does
that make sense?