Musleh Khan – Who Are You Hanging Out With

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the negative impact of people losing their appetite and losing their confidence, which is reflected in negative behavior such as smoking and drinking. They also mention a woman named mother/Adrenaline who warned people to pay attention to people they hang out with and friends.
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People always ask you know, how come so much people are questioning their faith and losing their Iman, this is one of the reasons the poor and teaches us why this happens. Just imagine yourself use you have a friend or company that has a lot of bad habits, like they lose their temper a lot, or they smoke a lot or they do a lot of things that Islamically they shouldn't be doing. It's only a matter of time before you that person starts to think and wonder. I wonder what it feels like just like one puff of a cigarette. What what would that feel like? You start talking? This is how shaitan captures us. And our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us about this. And he told us a

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mother or Anna dini. Halevi a person is on the path of who have their friends over the people you associate with. This is the messenger Salallahu it was someone's way of telling us watch out and pay keen attention to the people you hang out with the people you chill out with the people you call companionship and friends

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