Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #24 – Mistakes of the Salat + Q&A
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The speakers discuss the mistakes made during the prayer of the Prophet sallailaru and the confusion surrounding their position. They emphasize the importance of avoiding false accusations and focusing on devotion in the solar world. The importance of avoiding false accusations and limiting the number of prayer rounds is emphasized. The speakers also discuss the challenges of following actions and the importance of following actions in a situation. The importance of following actions and following actions is emphasized.
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Why are there prohibitions in particular colors when it comes to the sort of, what's the wisdom or the hikma behind this?
The Wisdom is the brightness of these colors, except for two of them. The Zaphod on color or the saffron color, and the bright orange color. These two colors there are specific Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying don't wear them in Sala because they resemble the colors of the disbelievers or the mystery cone during that time. So these ones have more of a higher degree of prohibition than the other colors itself.
So let's begin Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah, he's a la hora de la early he was happy he ultramarine
buried so we are just going to conclude a few more mistakes and when it comes to the standing positions of the prayer, and then in sha Allah Tada, we will go into the some of the mistakes that are done in the literal core position. And this will lead us in also to the sujood position and some of the mistakes people make in those in those positions.
When it comes to the standing position, there's one particular mistake that we didn't mention in our last discussion which was raising the hands
into the Roku going into Moodle core and coming out of the real core. So when you say
you recite sawtell Fatiha, then you recite a sutra. So let's say palolo had a low summit lemmya Lido lm oulad wollam, yo kulambu, Khufu one had a little acabado, rather than so raising those hands, then going into the real core, and then also coming out of the real core back into the standing position semirara alone, human hamidah and then raising the hands. Here,
we have approximately 55, zero 50 companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that have narrated that the prophets I seldom used to do this in every single one of his prayers. The problem why, when it comes to this particular issue is that we don't have a specific Hadith of the prophets, I send them ordering people or ordering the companions to do this. This is why you would find that some people, they wouldn't raise the hands when going to loadall core and coming out of that position. And the reason why is because we just don't have an emulator or a command to do that. But what we do have is all of these sahabas and other companions as well who have specifically stated that they
used to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always raising his hands towards his shoulder ranked area, when he would go into the real core. And when he would raise his head out of the little core position. So one of the mistakes when it comes to the solder is that people completely ignore this concept when it comes to raising the hands. Now we talked about one wisdom. This doesn't have any evidence to it. It's just a wisdom that scholars themselves will talk about. And a lot of people ask, what's the point of raising the hands like what does this mean when it comes to the soul out? Nobody really knows. Some scholars, they said that this is like throwing your sins behind you every
time you do this in the prayer. But again, it's just a hikma or a benefit that some older men put up but it really doesn't have any evidence for it. So it's just something that lingers when it comes to this particular topic. Because now 50 companions or more have narrated this, and some of them are also said that this action of the prophets I send them has reached the data or the level of mutawa to In other words, it's undisputable that the prophesies send them could not have done something like this. There's no doubt nobody can come and say, well, even though 50 companions narrated it, there's still a possibility, it could not be true. Nobody's allowed to do that anymore according to
some orlimar because it's been narrated so many times that it is impossible for it to be a lie. So that's the whole issue here when it comes to this, the next error. The next error is where the hands are placed when they are folded. So where they're placed. Now some people they will place the hands now we're not going to talk about the method of the hand and how it should be folded. What what because this is not part of the thought or the mistakes of solder. We have done this in our
Fit of sada series, but what we're discussing here is where the hands their positions are when it comes to the stomach or the chest area. mm madico Rahim Allah tells us and this is interesting that it's coming from Imam Malik. He says that the hands should be folded, and it should be under the chest area, but above the belly button or the navel area. So you're looking at somewhere around in this area just above the navel area. But one may probably say, but wait a minute, when you follow the Maliki position, that means that you don't raise your hands at all. So why is this even a concern? Well, this is very interesting, because there is a huge discussion about Mr. Malik's
position when it comes to folding the arms. And the author here mentions that there over the over the years and generations during the time of Imam Malik up until this point, there have been more than 30 classical works or books that have been authored, proving that Imam manika Rahim Allah was not of this position where he would keep the hands down side by side during the sada more than 30 volumes of work done by different scholars that discuss this issue. The most classical of them is the discussion or the explanation of the MOA of mn medical rahimullah. What's interesting is that in this malapa, I have a very interesting explanation of it. It's eight volumes by a vanilla ob or
human lung. immunotherapy, of course, as many of you know, was one of the greatest scholars of Hadith ever. And he actually has an eight volume discussion one of the most detailed discussions of Malta I've ever come across in my life. And he mentions in there and he actually extracts the Hadith that Imam Malik himself puts inside his malapa that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fold his hands whilst praying in his Sala. So then the question arises is that if Imam Malik had this in his malapa, why would his method go against that and keep the hands down? Now there's a lot of different reasons that scholars have mentioned in in their in their commentaries about this. Some
scholars have said it was because of an injury that happened to him. Other scholars said it's because of a difference of opinion with the authenticity of this hadith. So there's different opinions and different discussions behind him.
Honestly, speaking, for the sake of our discussion, I'd like to say that when it comes to our level of discussion in this particular MSN, what you should do when you come across this discussion is respected family either Coolio Polly biller in and you Rory Elysee laugh, every single student of knowledge should always respect when there's a difference of opinion in a particular discussion. You don't have to accept it. You don't have to say well, okay, because there's a difference of opinion, I'm going to choose that one. And I don't have to accept this or I don't have to do it. No. But what we are seeing is respected. Respect that scholars because we don't have the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam with us, we don't have companions with us anymore. We don't have an immutable meaning anymore, we have to understand that scholars will always have this issue of differing with each other until the end of time, it'll always be there. So that's why we have this discussion. And it's been an issue even until today. The next question you want to ask yourself is if you do see somebody praying in the masjid that kept their arms down?
Does this mean that their Sala is invalid? Or should one come and say to them that this is an innovation in the salt? So you need to stop doing that? Well, here again, there's a difference of opinion amongst the order. Now, regarding this, some of the scholars some of them have that have they mentioned that the solar as a matter of fact, this is the majority of mytho hub, they mentioned that the solar is still counted, it's still acceptable, because not folding the hands is not one of the things that break the solar system. One of the things that break the prayer, and we have done that discussion in our fifth Upsala, we've gone through all the things that break your prayer, that
nullify the sada and why they nullify the law, and this is not one of them that's mentioned there. So that's important to understand. So when you see somebody doing this, it's not necessarily that they're innovating anything but they have not perfected the sin of the Prophet sallallahu. It was some in how to pray they haven't perfected it. And what did we say whenever the scholars have asked
sole use this term that it goes against the perfection of prayer. What it means is that it does not complete the prayer in terms of its reward. In other words, there's always going to be a deficiency in reward, you're always going to lose something in lots Allah but generally speaking, the entire Salah is still intact, and it's still complete as an acceptable prayer.
The next the next mistake that is mentioned isn't
closing the eyes during prayer. This is a huge problem. And this is something that the Prophet salaallah harlie who was sending them also mentioned that this was something that he prohibited for himself and also for the companions as well. And even if you don't pay him Rahim Allah also mentions that anybody who wishes to follow the guidance of the messenger some la hora de he was Sanam they should abstain from closing their eyes during the prayer. Amen. Ahmed Rahim Allah mentions that this is actually the from the actions of the hoody and how they would pray. As a matter of fact, even if you look on TV, how do most other ethnicities and religions How do they pray, they pray like this,
where they would close their eyes, and they will do their thing. So to make our act of worship, different from all of this, we are ordered not to keep our eyes closed during the prayer. However, there's a couple of issues. First, what if you have your eyes open, and you're looking down, and you're praying, and all of a sudden you see like an ant, or a bug walking by, and you start to follow that bug, you start to look at the bug and you're looking, it's a lady bug. And you know, he or she is served making circles and moving around. And then I mean, this has happened and sure to all of us at some point where you'll see a bug, and then you're afraid that it'll come and crawl on
your feet. So you're looking and you're monitoring where that bug goes, and then it goes into the brother in front of you. And any Alexa pilot, I don't want to make sued you What if it goes into my hair, right? So you got all these different problems. So what do you do in this particular situation? Now, for this here, you have to understand what's the Hickman or wisdom as to why you shouldn't Close your eyes shouldn't Close your eyes and solid because this actually improves the whole shore concentration and focus in prayer, you actually improve your focus insula when you keep your eyes open, how, because imagine if you close your eyes, it's very easily for it's very easy for
your mind to become careless and wander off. And you'll start to think about different things. And what happens to a lot of people is that when they close their eyes, they start dreaming in the Salah itself. So they will forget what your rocker they're in. They will forget what sort of the Eman is reading. And as a result, you'll find that odd brother, or even if it happens with the sisters, when the Imam goes in for record, he's still in his PM, and the man will come out of loadall Corps he's still there. And then before you know it, he'll catch himself, he'll realize what happened. And he'll just try to fast forward and catch up with the Imam, this happens to people and a lot of
animals down. Imagine if companions were with us today. What would they say about people who pray like this? I mean, it's that level. It's at that level where the carelessness in a lot of Muslim has come when it comes to the prayer. And this is one of the things that I wanted to achieve today in today's cultiva which is our abandonment in the most basic fundamentals when it comes to our Deen, basic things that Muslims are losing every single day. And as I mentioned in the hotbed a lot of people are always worried about we need to give Tao a way to spread the message we need to reach the world and we need to get Islam out there. We have problems in our own community within the smaller
scale of things. And so you're trying to climb the ladder to reach the top of the building building. But we can get to the first floor because we're still stuck in the basement. And that's the whole that's the whole reality. All of this you get out of the basement, and you can start to climb one floor after another when you start to perfect solar. That's why this topic is so important. So we try to stay away from or try to abstain from closing our eyes. And as as I mentioned the Hickman behind this of course is that it is a portable lol for sure or it's closer to focus and devotion in the solar. Next error is Catherine toolhead aka for solar. A person moving too much in prayer. This
is the next problem moving too much in prayer. So always scratching, always pulling on something always fixing the hijab always wiping your face
He's always dropping the arms and folding them back again, the dropping the scratching, doing this picking on something, there's a piece of skin hanging, you're biting on them. All of these things, you name it, I'm sure you've all seen it people do it. This here would you believe that some scholars have a difference of opinion whether a solid like this is valid or not. Some are lemma have said, for a person who moves carelessly too much in prayer can actually break their slaughter can actually nullify their prayer. However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in what he mentioned was to protect yourself from Catholics will how to protect yourself from too much movement in the
solemn. And that's important to understand because what that tells you is that the prophecy is seldom did not prohibit any movement in solder. So you literally don't have to train yourself to be like a statue and focused in the slot. Because at the end of the day, it's very natural for somebody to want to move around to want to adjust themselves and that sort of thing. But the prophesies send them here from this narration, what it teaches us is that we try to limit that as much as possible. Again, it's to achieve one thing, which is to increase the whole shore and devotion in the saddam. Now, there is also a theory that a lot of Muslims believe that if you move more than three times in
a prayer than the Salah is invalid. So if you scratch yourself what counts as one, and if you scratch it up one more time, it's to maybe do it a third time, that's three and if you do it a fourth time, you got to start your prayer all over again. This here does not have any evidence for it in the poor and nor in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but rather, this was something that some of the old classical scholars of Edom, came up with, and they mentioned is just simply out of some wisdom. I mean, I even found the statement with in the method of Emma Sheffield, akima, hula, but remember, Chef, he explains it very differently. The three movements
that he's talking about is not the movements in one position, it's the movement out of your standing position to another standing position. So for example, according according to Mr. Chef here, your rahima Hola, if you miss a rock era for Sala and you know like how when the Imam is done, and you need to stand up and complete your prayer. And you want to do this by having a sutra in front of you. So what would normally what would you do? You would try to walk up to the closest sutra whilst you're still in prayer, and then you would continue your solemn well according to Imam Shafi, the maximum amount of movement that's allowed is three steps, three movements. That's it, if you can get
to a sutra, pray as you are, because why this is what three is, what are they measuring his time, even some scholars even today, considered to be excessive movement, when you move more than three times from one position to another, that's considered to be too much if it's not necessary. So you see the wisdom and the hikma behind it, so anything beyond that, you try to abstain from it. So the important thing here is to just understand what is meant when we say three movements or less. Now we come to the mistakes in the real core, when it comes to the mistakes in the real core. Now, this is important listen to this, saying the tech in the real core, or saying semirara law who Lehman
hamidah in the standing position. This is a mistake when it comes to the prayer. So how does this look? Is that a person will when they're finished the sutra? What am your Kula whom Khufu one had and then they bow down in the rocor. And they say Allahu Akbar. But when they say Allahu Akbar it's they're already in total core position so that it will look like this. So they'll say what am ia kulambu from one had
a low
that's the mistake. And if they want to come out of the Royal Court position, they will stand up
semirara long Lehman hamidah This is the mistake. It's a very, very particular mistake to pay attention to why because the prophets of the lohar the he was suddenly tells us this is the authentic hadith that proves this. Is that the prophets I sent him this hadith of ebihara erode of the Allah one. That is our karma Isla Sala, you can better hain a Poom. So my ucap berhane a autocount familia pool semi
Aloha Lehman hamidah Now listen to how the Hadith is the prophets I send them up ahora describes him that he would make the tech beer. In other words, he would say Allahu Akbar when he goes into the little Kool hain a autocare Wiles, he is going into the real core, not when he arrives in the real core position. And then he would say semirara, Allahu demon, hamidah Hina Yoda refer. So not when he reaches to the standing position, but while is he standing. So this is important. And this is, again, one of those mistakes that a lot of people don't pay attention to. A lot of people don't even know this. Other people don't even think about that this could actually be an error in perfecting
their prayer. So what do you want to do? You want your record and your piano to look like this. So when you're standing, what am yo kulambu from when had a long,
what you'd like to do is you'd like to make sure that your tech bill ends when you arrive in the position that you want to get into, or whatever little coin that you're pronouncing. So when you get out of the little corner now semirara law, Lehman hamidah, you see, I finished seminar law, holy Mohammed once I get into the complete standing position. So that's important. Again, it was a very particular practice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, what amazes me? What amazes me is how unbelievably careful the companions of the Prophet sallallahu it was. So how careful they were in observing him. Imagine how much they would have to look and witness and observe
and just digest and take in every single movement over the prophesize send them praying in front of them, that they even picked up on all of these tiny little details. So this is really an incredible, incredible mistake, that we need to make sure that we don't trivialize next mistake when it comes into the record.
And this here is not just for the total core, but it's for every position in the sada and that is the lack of Nina in the Roku or all the other positions. In other words, the lack of relaxation in those positions, not being relaxed when you get into the real core when you get into the sujood. Now the prophets of Allah Harley, who was setting them ordered us to have tautomer in or have relaxation become when you reach these positions. And then he tells one of the companions,
the model, had that document, ignore all Karen. Now listen to the words of how this Hadeeth is constructed. The prophets I send them is telling this companion, I want you to perform odo core until you become relaxed in the real core itself. You know what some people have taken this heavy than how they interpreted they interpreted is that you have to end the journey through the real core or through the surgery that's supposed to be relaxed. But once you get into the sujood position, you can just come out of it immediately. That's not how the Hadeeth is constructed, or what the headache intends, because the province they send them could have just said the motorcar had taught them in a
pub or had the tautomer in and just pause there. So perform little core until you become relaxed. But then the prophets I send them It says had taught them in Norwalk yarn, until you are relaxed in the real core position itself. This all goes back to one important concept. And that is
when a person is relaxed in saada, they are going to be relaxed in everything that they do in their life. being relaxed in prayer teaches you a lot of patience people ask all the time, how do I increase your patient, my patience? How do I become a more patient and relaxed individually with my wife, with my husband, with my family, all of these things, it all goes back to this get relaxed in your Salah, and you will become relaxed in your entire life and everything that you do. Because why Salah becomes like such a routine. Imagine if you can maintain that routine in a relaxed form for years and years and years of your life. Some handle love that is one heck of a discipline that you
have in your heart. That is an amazing, amazing level of discipline that you have in front of Allah azza wa jal and insha Allah to have total MA in in your solar is a sign that your solar is accepted by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now how do you achieve it? Number one, you want to make sure that we're going to talk about
Particularly with the roll call. How do you know when you're in Tacoma in when you're in that relaxed position number one is that both of your hands
without any pressure, they relax, and they stand on the knees, so they relax and they're positioned on the knees itself. Number two, the fingers are slightly spread apart, slightly spread apart on the knees. Now all of this has to happen for you to know that you are in Tacoma in number three. And by the way, all of this is mentioned from the author, the author happy the whole law gives us tips on how to know when you're in this position. The third thing the author mentions is straighten your back when you're in the total court. In other words, the profits on the lohani was sent him there's a narration that whenever he would go into the real core, if you took some water and you poured it
on his back, it would remain there.
Try this when you get home, just get somebody to come and pour like a couple of drops of water on your back and see if it remains there while you're in little core, get a feel of that position. And then the next time you go and you pray you know exactly how you should be when it comes to that position. I tell you, it's one of the most interesting and one of the most amazing journeys that you will have to discipline yourself and focus to that extent to perfect the saddam. The fourth thing that the author mentions into to achieve that ultimate in them
is once you straighten your back and you're there and you're in that position, try to take one breath, in other words
one breath, when you do that, you have achieved a Thoma Nina in the Roku or in any other position when it comes to the solemn also some of the scholars they mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was narrated that he said us what we're not sort of glad to let the pseudo philosophy may not mean solid at the worst of people are the ones who steal from their prayers, how it's how you don't to complete your real core lie you Tim Morocco Roja wala suju ha Wallah for sure ooh Ha. And the prophets I send them continuous and said, How do you steal from prayer it's the one who doesn't complete with perfection, the Roku or their sujood or their foreshore in the Sala
itself. So imagine when a person does this, they are counted as though they are thieves in lasala stealing from the AutoCAD of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his prayer from the mistakes of the Salah itself. And this is the final one in sha Allah that I will conclude with because I want to spend some time just taking a few questions Bismillah heater item. The next error that is mentioned here
is saying more than what is recommended or necessary when in total core position or in the standing position. So for example, a person might say semirara Allahu Leeman hamidah and then start to make Dora or start to say henden Casio don t Ben wallbottle, can fi Allahumma fiddley, yada, yada, yada, yada him all of these things are great, this is not the time for it. And the reason why is Sala is like a machine, you have to think about it is that it has certain mechanics, you can't just come and change them or add to it. Because if you do, then that machine or those mechanics aren't going to perform originally the way they're supposed to. So nobody is allowed to do an add things where they
want or take out things that they want. A lot of people do this in their, in their standing position just before they go into the sujood is that they will stand there for a long time and make all sorts of Dora and the author here what he intends is of course and try to stick to the doors that you know are authentic, and you know that the prophets of the lahardee was seldom did it and he taught companions to do it. This all goes back to one particular Hadith that we all know. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says So Luke come out on a timoni or solid prayers if you see exactly the way you've seen me pray do exactly that I do. So having said that, brothers and sisters. The
next mistake that we want to look at is the polluter that is done in solid solfeggio One of the mistakes behind that is that this post is not performed as often as it should. What is this? ponent Why is it there? And there is also a narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he never left off Punahou in February
Even until his last moments in his life in this world, we're going to talk about the narration some of the scholars said that this is a,
a fabricated narration upon him. Also, we're going to look at some of the mistakes in the sujood. And that will take us to the end of the prayer. After that insha Allah is where we will get to some of the mistakes in the event, the comma, and the Chimera, so the congregation itself, and we're also going to look at mistakes in Jumeirah as well. And so panela the author here mentions so many different mistakes that happen, especially in the jomar. A huge chunk of this book is dedicated just to the thought and mistakes in the jomar itself. What I will be doing is I will explain those
points that the author brings, we will explain them make sure that we understand them well. And what I will do is I will also add a fifth discussion of jomar what classifies as a proper holdover? What are some of the things that you should be doing if you wish to perform a hookah? What makes a good hottie? What are the shuttle are the requirements of a whole team, not anybody is allowed to just stand up and do a hotbed. This is actually a huge problem. And it can even be a fitna in our oma when you have people who are not qualified to perform hopeless, because you know why? After the whole Bay is over, it's one thing when you make a presentation, it's another thing that when after
the hookah, people come to you with all of their questions and their concerns, and you're not qualified to answer them. And what happens to a lot of people this is all from shaitan. This is the Televisa, at least at its best, is that when you get that attention after a while, it's very easy for shaitan to get into your head, and you start to enjoy it. And you start to be like, wow, everybody wants to come and talk to me. Everybody wants to come and ask me things, everybody wants to come and shake my hand and starts to get to you. And then people will come with their questions, and you will start to spit out and give the fatality that shouldn't be there. And so me personally,
I'm very passionate about this whole joumana topic. So we will discuss this in as much detail as possible in sha Allah, the fifth of the jumar. And this for that discussion, I have another book that talks about the outcome of the ultimate end jomar, which is a very, very long book, but we won't go through the entire one, just some of the things that are relevant to us. What are the clothings that you should wear him how you should prepare yourself for jumar how you should sit in the gym, or a lot of people don't know that there's one position in the gym or as the muscle lean as the audience there's one position that is highly disliked. As a matter of fact, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he saw somebody sitting like that in the gym, or he stopped his hook bat and told that person don't sit like that. And you will be very surprised to see what this position is like. Many many people do this as just a normal habit. And so all of these things we want to try to cleanse it out of us cleanse it out of our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala so great things are great things are ahead of us insha Allah and as I mentioned to you and as I promised, as we get closer to the month of Ramadan, we will come back to some of the key issues when it comes to the prayer in the month of Ramadan. Two things that I'm particularly very, very very
important that we're going to discuss is the sold out to test beer which some of the massages they pray what is the wisdom in the ruling behind this? Is it even an authentic solid to be prayed or not? We're going to look at both of those angles and discuss them in sha Allah. And then we will also do a session on the fifth of total we understanding the wisdom of total we why we pray total we how much of total we should we pray and all of the different rulings in sha Allah pertaining to that what you should what should a person do after the full records that break period? Should you just relax? Is there a Dora all of these little things in sha Allah we will go through Bismillah hytera
Allah We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to continue to help us to perfect our salomaa We ask Allah azza wa jal to accept our prayers, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to shower his aura him and his mother Pharaoh and to shower his muhabba and his love for the aroma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for where there is love of Allah subhanho wa Taala there is always his help and his forgiveness while through Darwin and hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen for the sisters,
your question, I will do this upstairs in the classroom, because I don't have an arrangement right now of hearing your questions at this moment. So your questions I will take them in about 10 minutes upstairs in the classroom for the brothers
For anybody who has any questions regarding the things that we've been talking about in the sada affiliate have been
Okay, very good. So, the brother is asking that when the Imam says semi r la halimun hamidah?
What position should the followers be in when they say semi r la human hamidah? Should they wait until he comes up? And then they will do it the same time? Or will they do it during their standing position as they're rising into the PM? This is the question right?
The moon, which is you guys, the ones who stand behind the meme all of us, we try to replicate or we try to imitate the meme as much as possible. And when it comes to saying semi Allah who would even hominid we do it exactly that's mentioned exactly the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to do so which is you will say semi Allah holy Mohammed hain, a autofair Hina, yellow fair or up. So hold up, whilst you are standing and raising your head getting back into that standing position, the Imam should do this, as well as the moon or those who follow behind him should also do this. Just a side note. For the Imam, he has to have a lot of wisdom and how he does
this, he has to be very smart and very clever. Because what one of the jobs of the men is that he always has to make sure that he gets into a position before the followers behind him. You know that there are some people who pray behind Imams and their miscarriages, you know, they're always in a hurry. So like, for example, have you ever seen this happen where the Imam is praying, and he's reading a surah where maybe everybody knows the surah so he's reading like, sorta they'll follow me sure has something either show, Phil Roper. And then when he gets women shuttle rehab CD in either you already have like five or six people that are already halfway into the real core. Like they're
waiting for that opportunity and they become miscarriages, they become in an hastened in a hurry to get to that position before him. The Imam has to be very smart when he does this. And part of the responsibility of being an Imam is you get to the position before everyone else. So sometimes you may have to think about when you say send me your Allahumma ham when you make the trek beautiful how you get into the sujood. So that you guarantee you get there first Why? Because in an authentic narration that is narrated in the sunon of ebony imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do not do three things with the mmm you are prohibited with three things when it comes to
following an Imam. Number one, don't go ahead of him. So don't precede him in his movements. Number two, don't come simultaneously with his movie. So don't do it at the same time. And then the third, of course, is don't make any theater for a large amount of time after him. Again, all three of these mistakes, I'm sure we all see it. When a person goes into the recall or to the sujood. There'll be a guy that he'll still try to finish his saw his fat to * or his soda, and he'll go into his sujood. Or what classically happens is a lot of people wanting to get into the sujood. They want to make a long Torah. And the Imam gets into that sitting position. He's ready to complete the Sodom
and he's still in sujood just before the Imams Assalamualaikum warahmatullah to complete it. That's when he comes out of his sujood and he finishes up this year. Majority of mytho hips say that the Sala of that individual is invalid. It's very disrespectful to do this not only behind the Imam but it's a disrespectful thing to our etiquette to have in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala Now, is there anything else?
Is there a narration that the prophets I said him did not to raise?
I don't know of any narration now the brother is asking is there any narration of the Prophet sallallahu it was sent them
from the companion stating that they never saw him raising his hands when he would go into local court or standing out of him. Now, here as we mentioned,
We don't have a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordering us to raise our hands. That's where the splits happens. That's where the issue is. Because when you don't have the prophesy, Selim commanding you to do something or not to do something, that's when he left is born. That's when he left and differences of opinion now is born, because you'll have some scholars and say, Okay, well don't do it, because he never said to do that. But then you'll have other scholars say, Well, if he didn't say to do that, then it doesn't necessarily mean don't do it, you may have still have that option of doing it. So this is why we say in this particular situation, it's
important to consider all of those 50 companions. That said, we saw the profits a little lower to send them raising his hands, it's important to consider that, however, if somebody doesn't raise their hands, so according to some of the even some of his students, even above 90 for some of the students, they also authored this in some of their commentaries that because we don't have a narration, we shouldn't do it. And believe it many, many scholars have fifth also support the Hanafi opinion as well. It is an authentic opinion, it is an opinion that I respect, it is an opinion that I encourage all of us that we respect, but as a student of knowledge, and as all students of
knowledge, what I always like to do is when I see evidence based on my level, my knowledge based on my own research, when I see something that I see has evidence for it or you know, you has some support behind that particular movement, that particular thing, then it just makes a worship or that much more comfortable to follow those opinions. However, at the end of the day, as I said to you in our halaqa, it is upon every single one of us respectively love where they where it is Why? Because we don't have a messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we can go to and say, Jada sola, I heard this, and I heard that, what should I do, and the prophets, I said, will just say, this is
what you should do CASE CLOSED, we just don't have that anymore. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala make this easy. For us. This is one of the challenges of being a student of knowledge. This is one of the challenges of being a student of knowledge in our times. And unfortunately, so many people take advantage of this. And that's why you'll have like difference of opinions in these issues. And none of them have any evidence, none of them have any support. Somebody will say this is the handler method. This is the Hanafi madhhab. And when you go to their books, you don't find anything there. It all just became cultural, and it became the cultural thing that you attach everything to Imam Abu
hanifa. And so Allah home Western,
that person
after that.
Okay, let me just make sure I understand. So, the Imam, he finished Fatiha, and he read a surah. And he goes into a record. And then somebody comes in
and they join the solder. So that person who joined the solder? Do they have to read fat to her and a soda? Or can they just go into a little core? And that's it? Okay. It's a very common question. It's a very good question. And the answer to this is only one I don't know of any difference of opinion regarding this, which is the Imam is to be followed period. Because the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam orders us to follow the Imam at any position and whatever he does. So here when you come into a Sala, and you know you don't have enough time to recite Fatiha, we don't have enough time to recite the suta. But you just get into the real core, whether the prophecy is seldom
mentioned that if you catch the real core of a rock era for Cod, adult, aka rock era, then you've caught the rocker in that prayer if you've gotten a little cool. So what does that tell you? That means you don't have to pray. I'm sorry, you don't have to recite a Surah Fatiha, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said don't worry, you've caught it period, though core is what I'm concerned about the most. So that's what you want to make sure that you do.
There is also another issue which we will talk about, which is the recitation of the Fatiha and this is attached to this question as well, which is when you're praying behind an Imam and he's finished his fat, how do you also as the followers have to recite the facts as well. When are you exempted from this SORNA I mean, we will just touch on this briefly because we did an entire discussion about this and in
discussion we talked about this and we and we discuss the opinion of urban autonomy or a mohalla. That he mentions that you are required to recite the Fatiha in the solar that such as Avada rasa, these solar where the prayer is not recited out loud then you should recite the Fatiha but us for federal moribund Arusha prayers that are reciting salado geria, the prayers that were cited out loud, then in this case you are exempted from reciting the Fatiha, but rather the Fatiha of the Imam is sufficient for all those who follow him. Why did Edna Tamia Rahim Allah chooses opinion, you can refer to this video If I remember correctly. The video was titled the cam or the fit of sort of
Fatiha, we did an entire discussion of just the fact itself the mistakes in fact, and as a matter of fact, I heard that the author, a chef has an mesh for a happy little lump. Just recently put out a book. And I think it's titled 101 mistakes in effect, or 200 mistakes in of sort of Fatiha for those insula, I am dying to get my hands on this book. So I'm looking for it, I'm searching for it online. But I just I'm very, very interested to see where 101 or even just 100 mistakes from people that when they make reciting soldato fatsia, how he's extracted all of this. So in sha Allah, if I ever get my hands on this book, insha Allah, I will do my very best to share it with all of you know, is
there anything else to publish?
Okay, this is a very good question. So the brother is asking Now, suppose somebody comes into the prayer, and they didn't do tech below to Iran. So they didn't say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, and then go into the real core, they just said, Allahu Akbar. And they jumped right into the real core. Again, we talked about this when we did our fifth of sadhana. And we talked about that this is one of the mistakes that people make in lasala, where they use the tech belittle a theorem as the same tech beer for going into a position as well. So you have to be very, very smart and very focused. It is unbelievable how much people don't do this. Many, many Muslims don't know this at all. This is
one of the reasons why we're spending time looking at this topic so closely. So when you get into the solder, the first thing that you have to remember is there's a beautiful a from the tech beautiful Iran is the tech beer that enters you into that state of prayer, you need to get that done first, then the next tech beer is to catch up wherever the Imam is whether it's in a little core, whether it's in a suit, and we're going to talk about this as well. One mistake that people make is that they stand up waiting until the people come out of surgery and they get back into the standing position. So you ever see that where the guy you know, the Brotherhood come in, and everybody's in
sujood. And he'll just stand there, he'll get beside the brother who's instituut here and he'll just wait.
And he'll wait and wait until the suit is over. And before he realized that it was like oh, this was the second city then he has to go and sit down. So he's just waiting there. This is a huge mistake. As a matter of fact, it's not only a huge mistake, it's a sad one. It's a real sad mistake to make Why? You tell me Is there anything in this world? anything in this world better than one? sajida for Allah azza wa jal Is there anything in this world better than one such the one prostration to Allah and silica Why would you allow yourself to lose that why would you allow yourself to lose it and so that's the that's the approach that you need to have when you come to the solder you try to drink
every moment of the solder and fill your heart with it as much as possible. So we will talk about that in shall let's just take one last question so I can get upstairs inshallah the sisters you can make your way upstairs into one of the classrooms and I'll take your questions there inshallah tada
as you're entering Uh huh.
Again, a very good question. I can see there's a lot of us here that are thinkers which is good. And now the brother is taking the question one step further martial law but it's very healthy for all of us, which is now suppose you get into the masjid came late. Everybody is in the record position.
So you say Allahu Akbar, Allah, but and by the time you get into your report, you're not quite there yet. But the people have already started to come out of the real core. So it's kind of like this that's happening. What do you do? Do you count yourself that you've caught total core? Or do you count it as though you've missed the roll call? Believe it or not, in Ama sheffey Rahim Allah has a beautiful way of explaining this. In Emma chef here, it says that you have to be the judge in the situation. In other words, you have to decide which position were you closest to where you closest to the real core position, because if you were then it counts, you've caught the rock era. But if
your body was more towards the standing position, then what's the final result? It doesn't count. You repeat that okay. So again, you've got to use the what are say the mall, you know, you got to use your brain here. You got to be very focused. And you know, the best way that I deal with this, this happens to me sometimes and sometimes I'm not really too sure which which way position I was closest to. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always told us when doubtful stay away from it. So in other words, you know, you always want the attain and these are certainty in these things. So if you do have a doubt, repeat the rock era, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive you, in case it
was it might have been an extra rocker that you did not need to pray, but at least at the end of that solar in your heart, you would feel relaxed and at ease that if I did miss it, I've made it up. But if I didn't, then inshallah I hope Allah will forgive me for praying an extra rock our final question for them.
Yeah, I mean, the brothers asking I mean, when everybody's in oral Corps, and you walk in and you join that solder, doesn't that count as though you've caught it in the first place? Like what's the issue? Right? The issue is because of this one Hadith of the prophets, I sent him saying that if you catch a the real core position for Raka, Raka, you've caught that the rock error. So the question here is, how do you know you've caught that little core position? And that's why these questions arise. Right? So even if you might see everybody in the little corner and you get into it, and you're in that little core position, you got Nina you did everything right, then you're safe. You've
caught the rocker, you have no issues. The problem is is as the brothers them they mentioned you know, what if the Imams a semi Allah holy man Hermida, but nobody came out of total court position, they're still in it. Does that still count or not? What if they're halfway standing and you get in halfway into the record? Where's that leave you? That's where all these issues why because of this one, Hades.
Yeah, no, this is, this is a huge problem. Because you're praying by yourself. Now.
You can do that, right? Like as we mentioned that this was similar to another brothers question that the Imam is meant to be followed. So if you can't finish your fat, then that's fine. You have to follow the meme. You have to make a decision or what is more important in terms of completing of Salah following the Imam or finishing their Fatiha in this case when you're following an Imam you have to make sure as the prophesy set them in order this to you make sure that you follow the human in his every movement. And so this is why there's an exemption to all of this when it comes to the Fattah and your soldiers. You they're both good things, but one is more important than the other in
this circumstance itself.
If you do that, in other words, if you do recite the fact to have soda and the Imam is continuing, absolutely the Salah is invalid. Absolutely.
Now, let's just pause here in sha Allah for this evening, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to increase us in our knowledge and understanding. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make our knowledge legit to learn something that will benefit us and increase us while I hold you to Elena and that's something that will punish us and be against us on your will pm. Allah whom I mean, what after Darwin I need hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh