Musleh Khan – The Prophets Prayer #21 – Mistakes of the Salat
![Musleh Khan](
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The segment discusses the mistakes of the past week's row, including a woman who lost her job and missed a series. The importance of keeping prayer and working hard to eliminate mistakes is emphasized, as well as the book "The fifth of the malibus" by the author. The segment also touches on clothing and clothing during prayer, including the use of shiances and clothing that can affect one's appearance. The importance of dressing up when praying and avoiding embarrassment is also emphasized. The segment concludes with a discussion of the history of Islam, including the use of machine degrades during the prophesied sell-through, and the importance of not wearing garments with pictures and avoiding distractions during prayer.
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rabelo alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he was Herbie he he Marine, almost Enderby so Nettie he Isla yo Medina Ummah buried. Yeah yo Latina ermine tapa la helppo to a party he while at Mouton, Illa one two Muslim moon yeah yohannes it tokoto Bakula, z holla Pokemon enough Sim wahida team mahalo caminhadas o Johanna Weber Thurman humare gelang Cassie Romani, sir. What Taka La La z Tessa Luna v y or ham in a la Cana la Cooperativa. Yeah, you're Latina woman, it topple la waku, Poland's Eddie Daniel slick local Moroccan oil, a few local Mizuno Baku, Mama Utah illa Huwa Rasulullah for conifers or fosun alima. Amar borrowed for him nostoc
Alhaji thekey terrible la wa hiral Heidi had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what showed him the third to her wakulla Desert in VEDA akula without in Bala wakulla Allah to infinity thumb borrowed. My brothers and sisters said Mr. alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato
we welcome you in Shell Allahu taala. In in our as part of a continuation of the prophets prayer described series that we've been doing for quite some time, and Alhamdulillah we have done the majority, if not, we have gone through almost every fifth topic when it pertains to the solder. So encourage myself and encourage all of you in sha Allah. If you've ever missed any one of these series or these discussions that we've done, then they are available to you that you can purchase them and you can have them and you can learn from them in sha Allah hotelera about just simple outcome and fit issues regarding masala each and every single day that you praying. Because as you
all know as part of our mn and as part of the trust that we have with allies Silla Jen, we need to always make sure that we constantly keep checking prayer, just as much as we constantly keep checking our intention. You know, some of them are limited, they say that they would constantly battle with their intention each and every single day because it kept changing on them. The same theory can be applied to salemme you got to constantly keep working at it to perfected because it's very easy to get lazy, it's very easy to lose sight of the importance of salah and honestly speaking, it's very easy for Salah to become like a routine, it becomes like cooking or eating. You
just kind of do it each and every single day because you know what needs to be done. So it just becomes part of a routine each and every day. If this has ever happened to any one of us, then it's a time when you start to cry to Allah azza wa jal because you don't want that to happen to you. And we get this even from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu. It was sudden, like, for example, there's a method or statement of aroma to the hot tub rhodiola Juan, he says that sometimes when he looks at the caribou, he would turn his face away, and he wouldn't look at it. And some of his friends, the other companions would come and ask him, why do you do that? Why don't you look at the
camera, we occasionally we would see you turn your face away. And our motivational hataoka do Lohan would respond and says I don't want my eyes to get used to it. Because again, if you get used to it, and what does the cab become too, it just becomes like a normal thing that you look at each and every day. So you always want to keep that fire burning in your heart for the love of your deen the love of the Salah. So this is one of the reasons or one of the primary reasons why we're going to look at the mistakes. The mistakes is important for every one of us to understand because obviously it helps us eliminate them and replace them with things that are correct and things that will purify
our solemn. Just a little bit about the book. This book that I'm holding in front of you, is actually
a summarized version of the original book by the author and insha Allah huhtala. Moving forward, I will be referring to the original book by the author. My shoulder has been happy the Hello Thailand. And it's a very thick book. It's a very comprehensive book. As a matter of fact, just before I started the halaqa here today,
I just got access to the book and I kind of browse through it briefly. And it's a book that I really have to spend a lot of time looking at in order to understand the wisdom and the hikma from the author itself, because the author is absolutely brilliant is a thinker. The author is somebody with hikma and wisdom and you'll see this in his work in sha Allah
As we continue to progress, what's beautiful about the way this topic is going to be structured is that we're going to look at it in categories. So today in sha Allah huhtala, the first category when it comes to the mistakes and the errors of solemn, that we're going to look at are the mistakes relating to what do we wear the clothing that you and I, we wear the garments that are permissible for us to wear or not. And this is a crucial topic, especially in our time, and especially amongst the youth which we will come to insha Allah. So having said that, brothers and sisters,
we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala, to give us his tofield and to get to shower upon us and in our hearts, the hellos and sincerity, that everything that we hear here today moving forward, it will be something that will benefit each and every single one of us in our solar wallet.
So the first one that we want to look at. So we're talking about the clothing. Now the clothing is important, because the clothing that you wear in Sala varies from time to time. And it also varies from culture to culture, society to society. So in other words, what's looked at a something good in this society might be something bad in another society, what's considered to be good modest clothing for us here is not modest clothing for another country or another society. So clothing, there's an entire chapter that orlimar they speak about in their books, called the fifth of the malibus, or the fifth of clothing, because even that has its own discussion itself. But when it comes to pertaining
to the sauna, the clothing that you wear is absolutely crucial. The first error that we want to look at when it comes to the prayer, and when it comes to the garments that we choose to wear them. The author happy Allahu Allah, He says
that the person who wears their sleeping clothing for Salah their sleeping clothes, for Sala so the pajamas or whatever garment you wear, that you use to sleep with. That same garment is used, when to pray Salah as well. Now there is a hadith narrated in Bahati. I behold IRA around the Aloha line where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a man stood up in front of him and asked him about wearing one fold one garment for prayer. So this man is asking about the one garment that he'll wear each and every single time every single day. He's gonna wear it to sleep, to eat, to walk outside to do everything, and also to pray as well. So the prophets I send them asks him, can you not find
folding? Can you not find to thobes? You see how beautiful the Hadeeth is structured? The prophets I send them doesn't even order him to do what he just asks him, can you not find a second piece of garment? What's the wisdom behind that? The companions are probably some of the most poorest individuals, human beings to ever walk the face of this earth. I mean, we have stories of some companions eating the leaves of trees, just to just to satisfy their appetite. So they're the most poorest individuals that you will find. So the prophets I send them asks him this question. But the point that I want to make here for all of us is that the question has to be asked, and it has to be
entertained. So here what they've said here, and our mode of non stop also mentions another statement, either was Sarah law, oh, Sal, if Allah has blessed you with many things, then use those blessings that Allah has given you don't shy away from it. So if Allah blessed you with the wealth that you can purchase clothing, and of course, you stay away from his Seraph, and you stay away from being extravagant. But the point is, is that you are able to afford these things for ourselves, then you should do that. You should have the blessings that Allah gave you, and you should utilize them accordingly. Now wearing pajamas to pray. The question here is is that is lasala in and of itself
valid if you do this, according to the forum mytho hidden lasala is valid. So there's an unanimous consensus that the solid is valid if you do this, but why is it considered an error or a mistake when it comes to the prayer? Imagine if you walk to the mall or you want to go to the store to the supermarket? Are you going to wear your pajamas to go to the grocery store, go to the mall, most of the times you wouldn't do that. So imagine if you give the mall or the soup
It's right. And you beautify yourself to an extent where people are not going to single you out point at you or you're not going to stand out who has more right for that than anything else. Of course, it's a lot as so and so doesn't he deserve more of a right that you beautify yourself in front of him. And imagine that the same individuals will make more effort to beautify themselves when they go out to a mall, go to store go to families home and things like this. So here, the point the author would like to emphasize is exactly that. Just think about your priorities. You always brothers and sisters want to look good, especially when it comes time to prayer. Because how you
dress affects the way and your focus and how you pray. Let me give you an example.
Those of you who've tried this, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Imagine if you pray a prayer. And you're just wearing a simple shirt and a pants.
And imagine the next day you pray that same prayer but you're wearing your white robe, it's all ironed out. Then you have the the Shema or the scarf, and you have the hat, mustaches all trimmed and you're feeling like you're the Imam of the hot, I'm right at that moment. So what's going to happen? clothing has an effect on the prayer. That's why it's so important that you understand, and you concentrate on what you wear and saw that if a person is sloppy with what they were in prayer, then their prayer is going to reflect that sloppiness in it as well. But if a person smells good, and looks good, to the best of their ability for Salah, then that's the reflection that they're
going to get in their prayer. So you'll find yourself and I don't know how else to explain how this phenomenon works. But you'll find yourself sometimes that you'll be much straighter, you'll be more focused, and you'll just be more in tune with the prayer and Subhanallah This is one of the secrets of the Sunnah that Abner Kalia mentions that this is what dressing and looking good and wearing a proper attire insula does for the loss of the sada itself, it assists that it helps it so the first thing is you want to make sure that you stay away from the clothing that you would sleep with or the clothing that you would go to work with and your clothing you would do all of these other jobs with
now the author here mentions pajamas in particular simply because of the problems that may happen when a person sleeps, and they may encounter certain things that they may not be aware of when they wake up. So to eliminate all of that try to change your clothing when it comes to the Sala especially for federal and things like that. However sitepoint if you know that when you wake up in the morning for federal and you look at what you're wearing, and everything seems to be intact, you know, no problems nothing everything's clean, then you can still pray with it. Remember, it's not how long but there's a disliked pneus to it. And it's all because of your luck and manners that you
have with Allah azza wa jal I know a lot of people in their families in their homes they have like a separate cloth or separate garment that they would wear and it's basically acts as their prayer garment. So especially for the woman she'll have like an alibi or something that she would wear only when she's home and it's hung up after every single solder the brothers You should also have this practice as well. I have a thobe or you know, the what is it called?
What's the thing called I don't even remember the thing that the the shoe and the harem they were the Mish Mish something I'll remember later inshallah. But even if you have one of those It looks good. Keeps your focus and yeah, you might feel like you're the man but the huddled in your house, so causes you to lengthen your Salah and inshallah improve your devotion. So that's the first thing. Second
is the author Have you bahala mentioned some transparent clothing, transparent clothing. Now this is interesting. When we say transparent clothing, we're not just talking about one of the odd materials that somebody would wear wear, you can see through it. We're talking about regular clothing that you and I we would see or you and I might own. Let me give you an example. For the men. You know, often underneath our thobes we would have those regular pajamas that you'd wear with the soap you can buy them all over in Medina, anywhere you go. Even here in the Islamic bookstores, it's basically considered to be the pants that you wear under your soul. It's like a uniform, that particular
pants, you have to be very careful with it. Because if you pray with that pants alone without a garment over it, there's a possibility you can nullify your solar because I mean just just take a look at the material and take a look that when you put on that path, look at yourself in the mirror and see if you can
see through it, it doesn't become transparent. You can see the garments that you're wearing underneath that pants. For the woman. It's things like the shell war and homies that a lot of the Pakistani and Indian cultures they wear. And I mean, I've seen this with my own eyes like subpanel. I like some hope buzz that I've done in other massages, you will see the sisters walking out. And you can see like their arms, you can see their legs, but they're dressed and they have their hijab on this here. If that's the case, now, there are limit they say that if you can see the skin color, then the Sala becomes invalid. But if you can see the malibus definitely so like you can see the
undergarments through that clothing, but not necessarily the skin color. Then lasala is generally speaking, still intact, but you lose reward for that Soller again goes back to perfecting the prayer. See how silly these mistakes are. But how common they happen. They're so silly. They're so simple, you can avoid them so easily with just a little bit of care and attention, but they become so common. So the second one is mama chef era Hema hula Allah He mentioned here, that if a person prays with a T shirt, and that T shirt exposes the hour of that individual when they go in total cor or sujood, then the Salah needs to be repeated over again. This year brothers and sisters, you be
very shocked. As a matter of fact, you may not be very shocked, because I'm sure as long as you're praying in the massage, you would have seen and witnessed this with your own eyes that you'll see like certain people, when they come in, they pray they'll wear certain garments or a T shirt or something so short and it exposes them when they go in total war. And so Dude, this is a carelessness will allow you have to be ashamed of you have to be ashamed of something like this. Because you're standing mm or a bullet. I mean, you're standing in front of Allah azza wa jal, and here you are, you're not just standing in front of him, but you're involved in an act of worship,
and still, you're exposing yourself. So again, the author mentions here, this is one of the other errors when it comes to the Salah. For the woman, obviously, the emphasis of her covering her body in the prayer is much more than the men. Now what should a woman wear when she's praying. Many of the scholars, especially the scholars of Hadith, they emphasize that the woman should wear something that looks or represents a female, it should look like a female, or it should represent a female of some sort. And this is of course, based on
a couple of narrations where the Prophet salallahu early he was suddenly mentions that every half every menstruating woman, now the howdy theory is not talking about a woman who was menstruating period, it's talking about all women, it's just a term that's used to describe all women, that every single women should be covered with a timeout. Now the heady theory is not referring to the actual garment that's titled The theme of what it's referring to is that a garment that acts like azima, like a female, you see the difference? This is really important because some people they use this narration and they say that a woman it is how long for you to wear a skirt and praise Allah, or it's
hot on for you to have baggy pants. So we talked about this in our discussions in the past, if a woman can wear pants or not, and if she wears a baggy pants, you can see her shape, you can see nothing but what she's wearing is really a pants, but you can pray with it. It has to be a FEMA has to be an alibi has to be this and that. So they use that same narration, but that's not what the narration is talking about. It's talking about something that should cover like a hidden key mode, it should represent like a femur, and the whole body should be sealed, like what a femur would do. In that case here, she is free to use whatever garment that she can that can fulfill that job.
What's the FEMA mean? Basically, it's the Garmin from the shoulder down. For some cultures, it's from the head down, and it just it's a wrap that you put around the body. So she can have this at her at her x axis at any time. There are certain materials that she should try to stay away from. The author mentions materials that are predominantly nylon or chiffon. These types of materials are generally very difficult for a woman to cover herself, because on the outside, it may look like she's covered. But when she puts that garment on, it may be otherwise. And this all goes back to a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he mentions co Kunal Fie.
komati neasa on kaseya tr yet there will come a time in my own, that a woman she will be dressed. And at the same time she will be naked, she will be dressed and at the same time she would still be exposed. I'm not one to tell you, you use your own judgment. And Allah azza wa jal knows best perhaps we are living in a time like this today. I remember a chef told me that he had a student. And this student was a clothing designer. And the student told him that the company that she works for every single summer, they will sit down and have a meeting. And the subject of that meeting before summer comes is the designing team would like to figure out which parts of the body of a
woman they can target to expose the summer. And that's the topic of their meeting, until the summertime comes. So Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, but perhaps we could be living in that time. That's why I get so many questions like Subhana Allah, so many questions assisters around the world, that will always look for that loophole that they can justify certain garments that they can wear. I remember when I went to in Dhaka in Bangladesh, to conduct a seminar, and I talked about the same concept, I almost got attacked after the lecture, simply because some sisters couldn't understand why certain garments that exposed their ankles, and that would expose their entire arm.
So this whole arm here was exposed, why they couldn't wear that, why they couldn't wear that insalata why they couldn't wear that just in their daily lifestyle. And it was like it was very difficult to to explain these these concepts to them. So it's important brothers and sisters that we always stick to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his Sunnah when the when it comes to these matters, in addition to them, the third error is wearing pants in the solid, wearing pants and lasala. Now I'm going to give you a general rule, and then we'll get into more detail. The general rule when it comes to wearing pants and lasala is that it counts as a mistake in the prayer. It goes
against the perfection of the Sala itself. This is the general rule with it. Now, I don't mean to put anybody who's wearing pants in front of me on the spot right now, this is not pointed to you in any way. As a matter of fact, I wear pants all the time when I'm praying. However, now we need to understand the wisdom behind this particular error. The scholars here they mentioned
when you know you have pants that are proper or appropriate pants to wear in Sala, the way you would know is that you test yourself in rural core and in solitude. And it all goes back to one problem and that's exposing yourself. Now you may not even expose your skin but you may expose the clothing beneath or underneath that pants. That is a problem as well. That becomes a fitna for the people around you. And again, it could possibly lead to the solder becoming invalid as well. So you want to make sure that the pants is baggy enough that it covers well, especially in loadall core. And in the sujood. Again, the author emphasizes that even though the permissibility of wearing pants is there,
like I mean shefali baniel Rahim Allah He used to wear pants. He actually used to have these in one biography that I read about him a long time ago that chef Alabama used to go to the library that he had access to, in diminish been Syria. And he used to wear these brown khaki colored pants, and he would cut them you know, above his ankle, and it would look appropriate, it would look like the students described that he would still look like the most modest and humble man that they would ever meet. And he was wearing pants. So my point here is it possible to maintain that while still wearing pants? Absolutely. Now, I just one point here for the youth that I want to mention to some of the
youth they I mean, they look for the easy way out of this. So what they do is you know how youth today, a lot of them they would buy the oversized pants. So that guy the youth he'd wear like a size 32 waist, but he'll buy a size 42 because that's the style, you know, you got to keep it bag, you got to keep it loose. So some of the youth they tried to take the backdoor out of this mess. And they say well look, you know, I'm wearing my baggy pants and I'm not going to be exclusive. I'm coming to solo with this. So you'll see the youth now he's standing but his waistline is almost down to his knees. And he's like oh, you know I got to make sure my
about as good you know, I gotta make sure I don't cover up the ankles. So he'll take his sock and then he'll stuff the pants inside his sock and roll that up. So what is it look like it looks like you know, like 50 cent is praying, you know, slightly mclubbe with us, right? Like, it's gonna look like them. Again, it goes back to the same problem goes back to the same issue. Never for a moment, especially for the youth. Should you think that you can trick Allah Zilla Jed? Well, Makoto mama cut a lot, they will try to trick a law and plan against them. But Allah is already planning against them. Allah already has his own plan. So be very sincere in what you were in lazada Don't try to
take loopholes don't come into me after like, I mean, this happened to me a few times where you know, a brother will come up to me, and he's all GQ out in front of me. And he's like, Look, man, you know, I'm wearing baggy pads. So what's the problem? The problem is not your baggy pants anymore. It's a problem is the image that you're you're presenting in front of Allah azza wa jal, you have a moral obligation as a Muslim, that what you wear should always preserve your Muslim identity. Let me repeat that, again.
Anything that you wear, you must always look like a Muslim at the end of the day. So whatever pants you choose to wear, whatever shirt you choose to wear, whatever hat you choose to wear, you see, people should still be able to recognize you, there goes a Muslim, or their Muslim identity is still there with that individual. So that's important. The next error, the next error is now this doesn't necessarily refer to a particular piece of clothing, but it could it refers to the enthusiasm and focus of an individual when he's praying. Now, sometimes you and I, we might be praying, and we might have the appropriate clothing on but just by accident, something gets exposed. And let me give
you an example.
I mean, I don't like when this happens, but it happens to all of us. You know, you might be praying in the soffit, or like the first row, and you're comfortable. But then this other brother, he comes in, or it could even happen to the sisters, he comes in and he shoves his way right in and he's like, I'll soften, I will follow. And he just shoves his way in. So before you know what you're praying like this, you know, you're all squished, you're all uncomfortable. This here is a problem in and of itself, which we're going to talk about when we get to the discussion of praying in a line that is cut off with pillars. When we get to that discussion, we will talk about how to form the
line as well. But you have this individual that comes there. So fine, you guys are standing in your brain. But when you go down for record, and you go down for surgery, and you stand back up, because you guys are so tight with each other, it'll cause like your clothing to kind of create and pull and pull up. And before you know it, you've got a part of your stomach exposed or your belly buttons exposed now, but you don't know. This next error here that's mentioned is the how to use them. It's the focus that that person has to always make sure that after every single rock or rock era, take a look at yourself. Don't be shy to do it. Brothers and sisters, I encourage you, every single time
you stand up after a rocker, make sure that you mentally analyze yourself and fix yourself and get back into the solid. Don't go back into the standard for the second rocker. But your job is all twisted, you know it's hanging on one end or there's a back that's exposed, make sure that you pull down your shirt, you make sure that you look good. And let me give you an example. This example is really important. Now imagine that, you know you're wearing a thobe now when you wear this kind of garment, and I see a lot of us here we wear this right? For the brothers, you know when you go down for sujood, and then you stand back up, this garment here tends to hang from the back from the rear.
So what is it doing? It's shaping you from the back, but you probably can't feel it. Again, this is what the author wants to emphasize is that take a moment a split second to do this. And so the the Imam stands up and he's like Allahu Akbar. So you stand up, Allahu Akbar. Take your hands and do this. And just drop your soap. Because that way it's not going to hang from the back like this. And before you know it, the back is all exposure out of there is exposed to the other person. You don't want to do that. This one law he is one of the most beautiful things I find in our dean of how much emphasis in all the slightest detail our Dean takes. So you want to make sure that you do that. When
you're wearing pants. Same idea. If you feel like your pants, you know, stuck somewhere, fix it. Take a couple seconds to do that and get back into the sauna and get focused. Next.
The next error that the author mentioned
using a particular garment and covering yourself with it, but not actually wearing the garment itself. So what do I mean by this? You ever noticed that some people, they'll take like a jacket or a sweater and just throw it on their shoulders? Well, here the author mentions that this could possibly be an error. Why? Number one?
Number one is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the sahabas and told his companions, whatever garment you wear, wrap it around you. What does that mean? It means that the garment actually has to be worn. It can't just sit on your shoulder and just be there Why? It goes back to a slight carelessness in the prayer. Because what would happen now if the jacket falls, and especially if somebody behind you and it falls there, then what's going to happen to him? Now he wants to go down for sujood. And there's a big, you know, your jacket or your sweaters right there for him, then you've caused the problem for him. Again, you see the geniusness in the detail of this author, how I
mentioned that he was a thinker. So you mentioned here and then of course, you know, there are many narrations like this where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the companions not to be careless in this particular manner. And encourage them that to put your hands into the garment. So if you have a jacket, you either wear it or put it to the side somewhere or put it in front of you. We're going to talk about the some people when they take their shoes off where you should put it when you're praying. Then we're also going to talk about wearing the shoes as well when it comes to the solder. In addition to that, we're just going to add this because the author mentions that here
is also yawning, yawning during the prayer itself. This is also a disliked actor, especially when it comes to the sada but the general rule is yawning is generally mcru in the shed era. yawning is generally Makoto in the shed era. Why? Because yawning encourages laziness. It encourages a person to be lazy and to be tired, you might not actually be tired, you might got your full eight or nine or 10 hour rest, but then during the day, you're still yawning. And what that does is it start to encourage you want to sleep more. So it's actually from the Sunnah is that you try to fight the yarn as much as you can you try to repel it and constrain it as much as possible. Now if a yawn does come
in the sada then the prophecy is settled him says, What are you up till Rajamouli a Roger loofah who that the man he should cover his mouth even in the prayer, he should cover his mouth while he's in the prayer itself, again as part of a hold up. And as part of an etiquette with the Sala itself. Another error error that is mentioned is some rolling up or folding garments when you're praying. So you find that some people they will fold their pants. So outside they wouldn't have this Isabelle issue you know, you know, having the pants below the ankle, so when they're out on the streets or whatever. And we did a whole discussion about the Izabel as well as we've talked about all the
different opinions regarding it. But this person here he comes into the message and he rolls up his pants, or he rolls up his sleeves and then he comes to the Sala
ignore our best little deola one whom I mentioned that this is also an authentic narration of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he mentioned never to do this in the prayer. Don't ever fold your garments when it comes to the solace Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. And mmm and know your writing. Mahalo also mentions on EMR on this it tough Apollo lemma, that there is a HMR amongst a lemma for the person who folds the thobe or folds the sleeve or anything similar to it in the prayer. Now, the question here is why? What's the problem with folding your sleeves and folding your pads? Like what's the big deal? Right people ask this question. To be honest with you, I have not
found an answer to this. I have found some wisdoms that earlier man they've mentioned. One wisdom that I found was that this was a practice of the machine deikun during the time of the prophesied sell them and even before Islam, that they used to do this as part of their prayers. So it was it was it was something that would resemble the method and how those the machinery Kuhn would pray. Another explanation of wisdom that I found was some of the early men they mentioned that this is bad etiquettes because it shows extravagance ism extravagance in London
Allah. So you're basically you know, you have all this extra material on your clothing. And you know, you're folding it up, it presents a bad image as though you know, I can afford it. And I can also put it away, put it away at the same time, use this PS, you know, one of the customs that you know, in some Arab societies, not all of them and a few of them is that they have the ideology that whenever they entertain a guest, you always have to buy extra food for them. And you buy more than what they can eat, so that you can show them that this is what you can afford. And it's like very few hours, I used to meet some of these. Some of these cultures when I was in Medina, very, very
small cultures, very, very small groups. But I remember one time I one of them took me out for dinner. And it was just me and him alone. And we ordered enough food that could probably feed like half the Gemma in this room. So I asked him, I was like, What are you doing? Like, why are you ordering all this food? And he's like, you know, mushy noises like, Yeah, whatever. And then, you know, and then I asked him, I said, you know, you got to tell me like, why are we doing this? How long he's like, Look, man, you know, you're my guest. So I just want you to know that, you know, we're gonna take care of you know, we're gonna look after you don't worry about anything we got this
week. And I said, Subhana Allah. So it's the same idea here when it comes to the coding. Again, aside from those two, I don't know of any other solid wisdom behind this. Well, longwise soldier knows best. We'll just mention two more and then we will pause in sha Allah for the solder. The next one that is mentioned is exposing the shoulders. This is the next error when it comes to the solemn again the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentions that none of you lie you Selena hydroquin, Philbin wa had nobody should pray with just one garment. Laser Allah tip a he mean who Shea nobody should use a garment that doesn't cover the shoulders so that your shoulders is considered part of
your hour in the Sala itself, so the shoulders should have something to cover them. Again, this goes against Now, those who were like the tank top or the jerseys or the vest, and you can pray with them. This here. Now the author does mention here that this hadith is not a prohibitionist, but rather it is a disliked pneus to this. In other words, when the prophets I send them is saying that none of you should pray unless you have a garment that reaches your shoulders. In other words, it's disliked for you to expose those shoulders. So the solid technically is still valid, but again goes against the perfection of the seller. And remember, whenever we say something goes against the
perfection of the seller, in other words, you're losing reward in the prayer, that's the most important thing you're going to lose reward in your solder. So you want to make sure that the shoulders are also covered as well. This is extremely important because summertime is here anyways. And another error
is praying with pictures on your garment. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once he stood up for prayer
comoda Soto who Salalah Harley was sending your son leafy homasote in that era lamb in so he was praying. And on his garment, there was an heirloom. an heirloom is literally like a symbol or a sign or just a mark. So it's not necessarily a picture itself. So when the prophets I send them finished filament Pablo solder to when he finished his prayer, he took the garment and he gave it to one of the companions and he says, Take this garment to Abbey gem Ebner who they followed the alarm. So take it to this individual and tell him that I don't ever want to use it again in my solder. And then he mentioned that the reason isn't For verily it distracts me in my prayer. Verily it distracts
me in my prayer. And then the prophet SAW Selim continues, and he requested a casa una Holly yuvan la alhama fee Fie. He basically requested a garment or a cover that was thick, and that there were no symbols or anything on it. So in other words, what's happening here he wanted a plain garment to wear.
And a synodal do love wine. He also mentions that the Chateau de la one has she used to have a particular curtain that would separate her home from her neighbor's house. And that curtain had an image on it. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam told her to remove it. For verily it distracts me whilst I am praying. And one of the most interesting thing is is that even Bihari Rahim Allah in His Sahih he actually has a chapter that's titled that the
captor for the one who prays with a garment that has pictures in it. How tough pseudo Sala to him, is it going to nullify their prayer or not? And according to the majority of the Aloma, the Sala is still intact. But again, it is incomplete or imperfect in terms of its reward. praying with pictures is very very disrespectful not only to the people around you, but of course in front of Allah is so legit. How does a serve and feel when he's standing in front of Allah and he's got like, you know, the Angry Bird right on this T shirt right there. Or he's got like, you know, a dolphin or something or some kind of famous celebrity right there and he's standing in front of Allah. And he's asking
all ages, you know, sit off and we'll step him sit off alladhina and I'm tally him. Or Allah put me upon the third autonomous step in that same set autonomous stepping that you gave to the people who came before me. But here I am with my Angry Bird t shirt in front of you. It doesn't make any sense. it contradicts the whole focus of the sauna itself. So of course, we want to make sure that we abstain from that. So finally, I just want to conclude insha Allah by wrapping up this discussion of the pictures on the shirt, once mmm madico rahima hula, he was asked about a ring that had a symbol on it. It just had a symbol. And the man who had the ring on he said to Imam Malik, can I wear this
and can I pray with it? And Imam Malik Rahim Allah said to him, like Elvis Wallah, use Allah He don't wear it and don't pray with it either. Now, Imam Malik. One thing you have to understand about how Imam Malik derives his fatawa is you understand his circumstance and how mm Malik built his method and inshallah maybe perhaps one of one of these days in the future, we can discuss a discussion of the Chronicles of the shittier or the history of the shittier itself, and we can go through how each of them are they have developed and why each meth habit is so different from the other, but at that same time, they complement one another, but the point is, at the end of the day,
it all goes back to one clear concept which is the concept of distracting others around you. However, insha Allah hotevilla masala is still intact. In our next discussion, we will talk about what you should wear on the head and certain colors that are permitted or not permitted to be worn in the saddam will also talk about the wisdom or the errors regarding people who pray we choose on when is this allowed or when is it not allowed? And inshallah that will take us into other discussions and errors when it pertains to the Sala. So having said that, brothers and sisters, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us to perfect our prayers. And we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala
to accept our Salawat to accept our door and we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to forgive us shower his Rama upon each and every one of us and enter us in his gentlemen, allow him I mean, so having said that, next session, I will test you when I mean is that I will just ask you certain things that we talked about today. What's an evidence for it or what's a wisdom behind it? And depending on how you answer in sha Allah, you will have a reward, such as optimal low hyaluronic acid or derawan annual hamdulillah Europe below the mean was said Mr. alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato