Musleh Khan – Be Extra Courteous

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of being both sweet and kind is crucial to healthy relationships, and one should show courtesy towards others and build friendships. It is important to show neutrality and caring for others, especially those who are unable to express their opinion. The concept of "arepas," which allows for actions without regret, is also highlighted as a tool for improvement. listeners are encouraged to listen to the "arepas lines" and use them as a tool to improve their behavior and personal attributes.
AI: Transcript ©
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said Mr. They can learn to love you about a care to assembly level Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. So let's get on to part three of our series how the poor and teaches us to behave. So today we're on verse 36 of Sudan Nisa, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us why Buddha Allah, worship Allah. What we're going to see in this verse are all of the etiquette and courtesies that we have to show one another. But how all of this begins this whole discipline and training of how courteous and nice we should be to walk towards each other. Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to teach us now how that begins. And when it doesn't happen, what are the reasons why it's difficult for people to be courteous and kind

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to one another? So courtesy begins love appreciation kindness begins with our relationship with Allah. So the first thing Allah says is take care of your relationship with me Why would Allah while after she could be Shea, worship Allah and don't associate with him so once you make sure that your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala is good, now move on to the next one, after Allah will be leading the center, and be good and exceptionally nice, be lovely Dana sannan. San is the starting point of how we treat our parents but it's the peak of a man when we're worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is amazing. So Allah azza wa jal is telling us that when it comes to your parents,

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you have to be extra courteous, extra nice, extra loving, patient, caring, all of those wonderful qualities. Once you take care of your parents. What comes next? A lot. So Joel continues, and he says, we'll be one of the damier senator, or the quarterback. Well, you're Tamar. Well, Mr. Kean? Well, Jerry the quarterback. So the first thing is whether quarterback, the people who possess closeness to you. So yes, it refers to relatives, but it also refers to like your best friends, you know, the word holder, but in Arabic, actually refers to when you're talking about your relationship with somebody. On the one hand, it refers to close relatives, but it can also refer to people who

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know things about you that the average layman person wouldn't know. So you share certain secrets, you invite your best friends to your house, you know, you spend a lot of time together, you talk about your personal life. There's a there's an element, there's a sense of quarterback or closeness that you have with certain individuals, despite that they're not your families. So this area is also calling out that you have to be extra courteous and nice to the people who have this closeness to you, which I think is absolutely incredible. Then he continues with it. While he attacks, the orphans one mess at Keene and those who are in need weapon is Sabine and the traveler as well. You

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know, it's really interesting that when we think about travelers, don't think about just who's sitting beside you on a plane, but also who's sitting beside you on a train courtesy to the traveler is not just serving them and giving them you know, things to do that they need to make their life easy, but it's also just being kind in the sense that if you're sitting on a bus, there's an MTC, you offer it to somebody, you you know, it's not like how many parts of the world where people are fighting, who should sit down first. But for in an Islamic Society, it actually goes it goes like this, it kind of sounds like Okay, why don't you take the seat? The person who said no, no, no, you

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have to go ahead. And now you're actually fighting on who should be sitting first. So that courtesy it goes in, it's extended beyond what you and I are accustomed to. And that's what this area is calling us towards. It's calling us towards that to show and express that additional step of courtesy and kindness. And it's amazing to me that how all of this starts it starts off with the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Once you take care of your relationship with Him, then you take care of your parents, while the lowest penalty is teaching us is that despite these two categories that deserve our best, it's not far off with what the rest of society and community deserve from us

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as well. So the closeness to the people, your best friends and your relatives, extra courtesy and kindness towards them, then you have all the time as well. My second weapon is savvy, so the orphans, the miskeen, the needy one and those who are travelers, what my second weapon is savvy, or what be the quarterback, Allah subhanaw taala then tells us about our close neighbors, our close neighbors, this is these are the people that literally live beside you. So by the way, they'll quarterback when we say closest to you, it could also refer to anybody living on your street so you're genuinely good with people even living on the same street or in the same village as you but

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what be the quarterback or where the quarterback. It's also now talking about your close neighbor so the person sitting beside you that sees you going into your car in and out of your house. Be extra courteous and extra

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came to them. What Oh, man, what oh man medikit a man who come and also what's your right hand possesses. So this a is actually standing up for the rights and kindness for people who probably don't have a voice, who are not always able to express that, hey, you know, I didn't like the way that you talked to me. I didn't like the way that you treated me. I didn't like the way that you acted. They don't always have the ability to say those things. And so as a result, this a calls upon us as believers as people of Amen, to take the step forward and really be examples to society, to show the courteousness and kindness that believers must have an all of this starts off with our

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relationship that we have with Allah subhana wa Tada. Then the A concludes, and here's why it where I want to spend some time on. It's how the verse concludes, the verse concludes, in Mullah larrieu, hibou, men kanima hotel, and for hora. Allah does not like the ones who are amongst the motel and forhold motel comes from the word Highland hydron actually means a beautiful horse that just riding around and showing off, it's beautiful, you know, it's beautiful color, its speed, its strength, its physique, all of those things. That's what multiple is, and foothold is, when you're diluted. It's when you've created this perception or this image about yourself and you work hard to preserve and

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project that image. So you make sure that you only wear certain types of clothing to drive a certain car, you can never be seen in a Toyota or something like that. You can never be seen in any other brands except like high end brand clothings and shoes and things like that. So you work hard to maintain that. And even the way that you speak in the the attitude and and tone of voice. When you do these things intentionally in order to project an image of somebody that you're really not, that's called a foothold. So unless as mortel and foothold, so the person who was a show off, but then the person who's delusional about themselves, Allah says that he does not appreciate nor does

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he love any Muslim or believer that has qualities like this. So now let's put this idea together. The A is started off with the worship of Allah, then it ended off with two qualities that pretty much they stop you they are barriers between you and courtesy and kindness. You can't be humble. When you're Moulton. And for you, it's impossible to be kind and appreciate people and show respect and honor to them. And just love and care for another human being. If you have more than 400 you know, I can remember obviously not this year, but previous years when we have police officers and we have security guards at the masjid. And you know, they're directing traffic on July day on our eight

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Sala and so just because of the zachman the crowd right? I could remember that some Muslims like you know, they they got like an allergic reaction when they saw that it was like a catheter security guard or police officer, like what are they doing here? Some kind of law? No, be nice to people. That's what this a is about. Just being nice. Say thank you for your service. Thank you, you know, you're doing a great job. I really appreciate that you're here keeping us safe, making sure that traffic flows well. I appreciate that from you. Just being courtesy, courteous to people is a part of our Amen. This area highlights that if you are good to Allah, and you are good to your parents

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and the people closest to you, then the only thing that prevents you from living that way is mortal and for horde, which is pretty much being ignorant,

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being ignorant, pretending that you're somebody you're not. This is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala a more than one place in the entire poor and tells us this is something that he does not love. And so this is why this particular verse is one of those verses of the Quran that really drives home some of the things that Allah looks for, and causes us to to exercise. When we're in any culture in any society of any community in any part of the world. Some countries I've been to as soon as I land at the airport, I remember I would go through customs when I finished with customs as I'm walking out, look for you know the driver or get into a cab. And some of them would be asking me questions

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like, Where are you from? Where are you doing here? How's life how's people in Canada, blah, blah, blah, and we just have a conversation. And at first it's a little bit awkward because people just simply don't do that. Courtesy is one of the things that's almost completely lost and forgotten in culture in society today. It's very sporadic, that when you see somebody that goes out of their way and exercise that extra level of courtesy and care and attention to you, it's it's like it makes your entire day. How do you feel when you do something nice.

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For somebody else, don't you feel good? And this is what the a is calling us towards for amendment aerosol topo or sadaqa did his snafus and we assume who will lead us through

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our stuff now what can never be Krishna for centuries Sidhu linearis Allah, Allah subhana wa Taala clearly tells us that whoever strives to do things right but amendment airpo with that by you give and you give with consciousness of Allah. Also Duncanville. husana, and you give with her SNA you give with righteousness, you have a good clear intention that you want the best for somebody else for send me a sudo, what would you do sudo Allah will always make your life easy for you. And that's the thing. That's the feeling that we get when we are nice, and we do good things. For others, it makes us feel good. How do we feel when we do something horrible, or do something terrible, like you

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have to be an exceptionally evil person to intentionally or willingly hurt somebody, whether it be emotionally psychologically or physically, and not feel any remorse, not feel any regret? And these are some of the things that, you know, we should be thinking about when recently when

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a young black man was was killed by a police officer. And there's a lot of controversy why that happened? A lot of discussion, a lot of anger. But I always imagined myself if I was a police officer, how would I feel it would, it would rip me apart? Like, where's the remorse? Where's the guilt? Where's that feeling? Okay, at the end of the day, at least, if he did a crime if he did something wrong, then follow protocol restrain and then deal with things according to protocol. But no, for some reason, I mean, it just spirals out of control. And lots of things that are unnecessary ends up happening in the poor guy, as well as many other many others, they lose their lives this

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way. And so panela, it really just makes you think about where, as, as mankind as human beings, what level we've reached in terms of just simply caring for one another. And then the flip side of that story is, you'll see every now and then on the news, like for example, a taxi driver picks up somebody and that person left their person the car soon as the taxi driver drops off the passenger, they left the bag, they left their purse, they left their wallet, what have you. And the taxi driver just decides to look into the wallet sees the address concept, a person what have you says, hey, look, you left your wallet or deliver it to their house. And before you know they're on front page

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newspapers, their headline news, oh, my God, they actually returned the wallet, they return the purse? Are you kidding me? Isn't that what we're supposed to do? And so it's glorified and is like, Oh my god, Subhana Allah, how, how amazing it is, you actually return something that didn't belong to you to the, to the rightful owner. And Subhana, Allah in our Deen, at least in an Islamic Society. And these are fundamentals of how human beings must live. These are the ways that these are the things that Allah expects from us. You know, it's one thing that's a panela what the books say and what people do. And so I pray that Allah subhanaw taala, allow us to really internalize and

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receive this a in the best way possible, that we could exercise it, that we could practice it, we could share it with others, and even with people who know nothing about the poor, and they will see this as in our character, and our personality, in our behavior in our etiquettes. They see this a a, in, in you and in me. So this is what's really important when we talk about how the horse teaches us to behave, it's not how the court and dictates our life. As a matter of fact, for me personally, having a let tell me what to do and what to say, is like a blessing. It's the greatest blessing on Earth, I am perfectly fine. That the one who designed and created me, the hardest and the most solid

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are the one who fashion me and the one who created me, I'm perfectly okay with him, telling me where I should go and what I should do. And so it gives me that reassurance that I'm always going to be doing the right thing and be on the right track and shuttle Butera. And so that's what this that's what this verse is all about. So I hope and I pray that you really can appreciate this verse for what it is. Take some time to really listen to this, listen to it again, so that you can find where in this verse you fit in perfectly, and continue to grow and improve and manifest your etiquettes and you and the good qualities in you so that people see, at the end of the day, just being a

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believer is all about being courteous and kind to one another. So wherever you are, be courteous and be kind to one another. Just have the low height and everyone take care was set up more than one document to learn about accounting.

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