Muiz Bukhary – Words from the Quran and the Sunnah #02 – Muhammed ‎ﷺ

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The episode discusses the history and culture of Islam during the time period. It uses a transcript from the Bible and Sun and a series of narratives to describe the culture of Islam, including its influence on people's perception and actions. The speaker also discusses the struggles of Islam during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the loss of family members and privacy, and mentions the success of Islam's message of Islam and its impact on the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen also leivo Sally more Allah shawfield ambia you will mursaleen newbiggin our heavy bin our karate our union and Mohammed bin Abdullah. Allahu Allah Allah He was happy of Lalu salatu wa tamata slim, my bad. We begin today's episode by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala who is no doubt our Creator sustainer nourisher protector and Chiara. We asked him the Lord of all worlds the exalted the almighty to send his choices of blessings and salutations. upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost

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sincerity until the day of karma. My dear brothers and sisters words from the Quran and the Sunnah, a beautiful series during this month of Ramadan, where we hope to choose words from the Quran and the Sunnah, and for each episode, we're going to pick a word and unpack the word through the light of the Quran through the light of the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So in the previous episode, we spoke about the word Allah. Today, we are with a blessing and noble word, the word that we'll be dealing with today in sha Allah Tyler is Mohammed sallallahu ala here and he will send them as I begin this episode with the brothers and sisters. I'd like to remind myself and then

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all of you all watching this episode

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to send excessive blessings and salutations upon our beloved Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I remind myself and then all of you all each time his name is mentioned, send the blessings and salutations upon him Allahumma salli ala Muhammad, while the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam send excessive blessings and salutations upon him. It is an honor for me to mention his name, and it is an honor for my tongue to carry his name, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So like we did in the previous episode, let's look at unpacking this word and discussing it in sha Allah Medina. So the word Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this word this name, this

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name is derived in the Arabic language from

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ha meme and dial hamidah in the Arabic language hamidah so how many there involves price? Mahmoud Mahmoud, upon the scale muffle rule in the Arabic language

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is when you talk about a praiseworthy individual, a person an individual who is worthy of praise Mahmoud is translated as a praiseworthy individual. Now, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this particular

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form or this scale is a is a it's upon a hyperbolic skin and exaggerated scale where it is translated My dear brothers and sisters, it is translated for an individual is praiseworthy individual but an individual where all praise worthy traits and qualities are incorporated within that individual. If you have all praiseworthy traits, praiseworthy qualities that are found in an individual. Then this individual is known as Mohammed and that is Mohammed Salah la vie labor and he was selling all praiseworthy traits praiseworthy qualities are found in him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, many brothers and sisters in this episode we hope to because we have little time with us. We

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hope to

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go through this snapshot of the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was an individual who grew up in an environment

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in Arabia, were the Arabs of that time they were

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they were indifferent towards religion and they had a very bleak notion of religion, you know, if you will.

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They have this idea. You know, they believed

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in a skewed way with regards to Allah subhanho wa Taala. They had this idea of an all Supreme Being and all supreme power, but this belief was adulterated.

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Because they had gone on to associate so many other gods and goddesses along with Allah subhanho Medina. So they were in this period of darkness, this period of of ignorance. You know when you when you go through that period you as you read through it, history presents a very dismal picture of debasement, religious debasement violence that these individuals were in violence and darkness. So this was the landscape that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was sent to as a prophet of Allah, the Arabs of that time, they were drowning in superstitions. They were drowning in negativity, they were drowning in wine consuming, there was gambling, there was usually there was interest based

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transactions, they were all of this going on soothsayers were rampant and Subhan, Allah Subhana Allah when you look at the landscape that we are upon now, you see gambling on one corner, you see wine consuming on the other, adultery on the other. You see, soothsayers and superstition, lamp and again, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us or so they were so superstitious at that time that they would, you know, take omens with the flight of birds. They were so entrenched in those belief systems, the different individual who had 1000 camels felt that one camel was, you know, possessing certain negative qualities or if he felt a fear that this one camel might cost a certain sense of

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evil upon the remaining 999 cameras, he would without any hesitation go on to just just because of that belief, just because of that thought crossing his mind. And because they were such superstitious individuals, that he would go on to a gorge, and pluck out the eyes of that camel Subhan Allah. They were individuals who'd wage was with one another, over a single candle. They were individuals very much inclined towards violence, inclined towards all these things that we just mentioned. Subhan Allah and Mohammed the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam an individual, were all praiseworthy traits and qualities were found in him, he was known as a saadat. He was known as an

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amine, the trustworthy, the truthful one, he was an individual

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who rose above all of this, why? Because he was chosen by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And now you see him,

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traveling, going to this high location,

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in reality, and in his mindset, as well. He was away from these individuals in in all of these negative things that they were involved in. And what does he do Salalah while he was telling him he goes to Jebel and nor mount nor, and he takes refuge in avara Hara. He is now in seclusion. He is reflecting his pondering his contemplating.

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And during one of these retreats of seclusion, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It was the will of Allah azza wa jal, that

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Ameen will ye jabril Allah is that was Salam is to pay Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a visit.

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Now the Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam Al Bukhari, Anima Muslim rahima whom Allah our mother eyeshadow, the loved one has she makes mentioned and I'm, I'm glossing over the narration the narration goes along the lines of these words gibreel alysha to salam, he comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he says, He embraces the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the command is issued a para para read, and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he responds Ma and a B. And one can only imagine how overwhelmed he must have been. One can only imagine how powerful a spectacle It must have been to witness and feel and experience. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, he is receiving washy divine revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala. If the command was issued unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he responds ma Anna because I am not a reader. And then the angel embraces him and commands him if Cora and he responds Ma and and because I am not a reader, and this happens a third time and the command is issued. Finally, if Cora bismi Rob Baker levy Holla Holla pile in San Amina holla Cora Rob bukal, cron, IOD are revealed and

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he rushes rushes to our mother

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Khadija to been to hoilett. The rhodiola one has a boulder of support my dear brothers and sisters, and to the messenger sallallahu either you and He will send them a boulder of support. He rushes to her his heart beating wildly, he rushes to her he says me loonies Maloney Cover me up, cover me up. And he was covered until until that Rob until the fear goes away. And then he the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says he tells her deja vu Allah one hi yah ha deja I fear. I fear for myself.

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Khadija De La Hoya and

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his wife, this boulder of support this powerful lady in a very eloquent and articulate way. She does what she offers her support onto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she is there for the messenger Salallahu and evaluation send them she responds Pilate Lucha de Jacques can

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be shared for one la healer you Zeke Allah who are bad.

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She says, Nay, Be of good cheer, as in addition have glad tidings for Allah He by Allah La. Zeke Allahu. Allah will never let you down. Allah will never let you down. Will la he in Nicoletta Silla Rahim what Tamil will kill with taxable mardon with Deke red wife, butter ino Island now what a bill. She goes on to bolster and encourage the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she says, Allah will never let you down. Why? Because you uphold the ties of kinship, you speak truthfully, you help the poor and the destitute. You serve your guests generously, you are a hospitable host. And you assist those who are stricken by calamity. You are an individual who stands up for all of this,

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Allah will never let you down. And now she takes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to work with him and nofal cars in World War Two but no for now, what aquatimer nofal was an individual who was from the People of the Book. He was a Christian, a well versed Christian who knew of the Scriptures. He was an elderly individual who knew of the Scriptures she takes him to what aka and she tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to narrate to work with regards to what had happened, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he narrates the entire incident to what of pa and for cornella who one of her than most Allah the onza Allah Mustafa sallallahu ala Musa Haile

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salatu salam. He goes on to say, this is the same now most as in the same messenger that was sent to Musa alayhi salatu was Salam. And then he goes on to say yeah, later on if he had Jeddah la Tawny akuna Haiya hayner ukri juca komak

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he says How I wish that I would live long enough to see when your people will chase you out. And we're in you three Cooney we're in we're in you directly yo MK, and cerca, Nasser and zero. And then he goes on to pledge and say that if that day were to reach me as in if I were to be alive, I will support you, I will help you I will stand by you. But obviously he passes away before that. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is is surprised when he hears these words from whatever he asks, What are out of surprise of a mortgagee whom are they going to chase me out? Are they going to put me out? And Baraka responds, yes. Now I'm limited to Roger, don't be magic. Be in Rudy never has

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there come a man with that which you have brought except that he has been persecuted. So you are going to be persecuted. If I live to see that day I will support you strongly. I will support you strongly I will stay I will stand by you.

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A few days later war after world war two but no foul he dies he passes away. And at this juncture now the revelation there is this federal tool ye revelation seizes for a while. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is is filled with grief because he's waiting What next? What next?

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Then after

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some time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You You have the narration where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he talks about the period when the revelation had seized the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is walking and now he hears a voice from the heavens. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he looks up and he saw the angel who had come to him in a lot of hair are sitting on a chair like a throne between the heavens and the earth. Subhan Allah Subhana Allah another powerful spectacle again, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says I feel scared of him so I came rushing home and he tells his wife Khadija, the Allah one, huh? That's the Rooney zamyla Nisa Maloney Duffy Rooney, deathy Rooney, and cover me up, cover me up and they covered the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam death, as in is to be covered and enveloped with garments and is covered up. an iota revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Yeah, you help with that. Comfort and there. Oh you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam enveloped in garments on Arise for and there and warned while back if I kept bear and magnify and exalt your Lord with the back of a pie here and purify your

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garments that I had, I had revealed unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa, he was sending

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me dear brothers and sisters in Islam because at the end of the day, it's a snapshot we are moving fast across the story of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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You've been abuzz for the alarm wine, humar, he mentions that when the ayat when there Hashi errata, Cal Acorah been

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it is Iowa number 214. In the 26th chapters were to show our raw was revealed unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when they're actually erotical a carabin. Now the mission of the Prophet had begun and now he's receiving commandment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. One your tribe,

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one your tribe and there is your article Acorah being one your tribe of near Kindred. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he ascends the mountain, the mountain he ascends outside the nebula Hollywood he will sell him a sofa. He, he ascends, he climbs on top of a sofa, and he calls out you have any if you have any ID label Tony Qureshi calls all the tribes of Croatia until all of them had assembled because now they're hearing the call of the messenger Assad. Amin is calling us let us go hear what he has to say. And they all Now gather at the foot of the mountain to listen to what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had to say. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam now asks them all the chieftains, the leaders, the tribes that all gathered the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he asks them, suppose if I were to tell you that there is an enemy, cavalry in the valley, or in other words behind this mountain, intending to attack you, would you believe in me? to which they all responded in the affirmative? They all say yes, for we have.

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We have not found you saying anything other than the truth, you are a truthful individual. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam and now he says, For in Nene V or or Lacombe in a year they either been shaded. He says, Then I am a warner to you in the face of a terrible punishment that is a terrible punishment that is on its way, a bola hub. Now at this juncture looks at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he says de Bella Casa era yom and he had that jamatkhana He says, may your hands be perished the entire day Abu lahab looks at the messenger and says May your hands be Perish the entire day? Did you get asked for this? are you wasting our time did you get us

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just for this man your hands be perished the entire day. Now I revealed in the Koran because this is an individual cursing the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he wanted good for them. When he had intended good for them, he wanted them to succeed. He wanted victory for them. He wanted victory for them in this world and the hereafter. But this response immediately I had revealed that Betty had

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been unhappy.

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But ma

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sabot c'est la.

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vie Langham, you ah oh, my little help on bit. Fiji ending.

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meme sad surah Tabitha abelia happy whatever was revealed.

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Tabitha abelia heavier whatapp ma Han Huma Huma Kassab Perish the hands of Abu lahab and Betty she his wealth and his children will not profit him. These ayat were revealed with regards to a Buddha. Now what I want you to understand, my dear brothers and sisters was very chaotic. There was one of persecution. They were against the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam despite him intending pure goodness for them. Right after

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This incident Abu lahab his wife, she was known as one of the leading women of Quraysh. She was known as omo Jamil and she was the sister of Abu sufian. She now starts looking for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bitter with a rock in her hand. She goes to the Kava and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abubakar de la one who are seated, she goes straight to Abu Bakr, viola one and asks him Where is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she goes on to, you know, talk about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a very insulting manner. The Prophet was seated next to Abu Bakr rubeola, one in Abu Bakar de la one who is astonished.

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Can she not see that the message is seated next to me. She threatens and she goes on to say if I can find him I'm going to hurl this rock at him with a hurled his rock at his mouth.

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And then she goes on, you know rampaging looking for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam after she leaves the abubaker Leila who asks the prophets Allah Allah, Allah Allah, or messenger of Allah, could you not see you to reach the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah Islam responds, Allah has hidden me from her sight. Allah has hidden me from her sight. When the brothers and sisters in Islam

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it's very sad as we go through the pages of history, we see very painful moments. For example, you have this incident, where Abdullah had been Msr rhodiola one where he makes mentioned that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was praying besides the Kaaba.

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Now there were people from the Quraysh who were seated, and they were talking amongst themselves and they were making fun of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam they were saying, Oh, look at this individual. He's doing all of this to show off he's praying in front of us to show off and then they challenge one another who amongst you can go and bring what the dung, the bland the the abdominal contents into scenes and what not have,

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you know, slaughtered camels who can bring it and then when he goes down to sujood, who can place it on top of him.

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Now the most unfortunate of them all, acaba, even a be more than an individual by the name of Aqaba, they've been at MIT and he

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takes up the challenge. He goes and he gathers all the dung,

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all the remains of slotted cameras, the abdominal contents and all of that film, all of that nudges. He brings it and he now comes to the Kaaba. And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam goes down for sujood

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they place it on top of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But the brothers and sisters were talking about camels. They're not small animals. You can just imagine there must have been so much of filth, so much of notice, all placed on top of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and now the Prophet is unable to get up from sujood Muhammad Sallallahu early he was sending me my mother, my father and myself be ransomed and sacrificed for him sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam sudden, Allahu Allah you early he was sending, he is unable to get up.

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And these individuals are laughing they're laughing their heads off. They were laughing so much that they started to fall on one another. They were rolling in laughter.

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It news of this travels to

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the beloved, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Fatima de la Juana. She was a young girl at that time, she comes running to the Kaaba, and with her little hands, she starts to clean away the nuttiest, the filth, the dung, the abdominal contents of the camels, from her father's body, and she's crying, she's weeping. She's in tears, as she removes all of this nudges from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and finally the Prophet of Allah is able to get up.

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And at that juncture, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he prays Allahumma la could be Quraysh thrice he prays or Allah,

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the Croatia upon you. In other words, Allah deal with the crush, or Allah deal with the crush, while the deal with hon a sham, Oh Allah, Allah deal with autobytel nada br while la de la with llll Valley the burner Atiba wala deal with Alma, you have been a * of Wallah deal with Oct. Even Abby Martin the individual who put all of the intestines on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so the Prophet goes on to mention their names because he's in so much of hurt and in pain, as they make a mockery out of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the narrator of the Hadith Abdullah hibbott mo the Allahu anhu he makes mentioned that while la he By Allah, I saw all of them dead in the

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battlefield on the day of better during the

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They have better and they were dragged and thrown into a well at better. And Allah. Allah His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on to say that Allah is curse has descended upon the people of that when Allah Akbar

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Allah Kabbalah, they put the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam through so much of pain through so much of hurt.

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But he rose above all of that hurt, he rose above all of that.

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Now, after a chaotic period boycotts being put upon them,

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insults being hurled upon them pain being inflicted upon them, you know the story of Bella Bella one, you know the story of sumiya rhodiola one huh? How much of pain was inflicted upon them, so Miyagi Allah, one who was killed below the Allah and was tortured on the on the blazing and scorching sands of Arabia.

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For what my dear brothers and sisters, for what for believing in Allah subhanho wa Taala, for believing in the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa and he was

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the Prophet of Allah. Now knowing that Mecca has become so narrow,

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he looked whole, he looks beyond Makkah.

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Now we have the incident of life, the prophet of Allah, He invites the people of life

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to the message of the Quran, the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Not only did they respond in a negative way, they stooped so low, that they chased the profits that alone while they were selling, they were not at all hospitable. They chased the profits and alone while he was LMC. One is when someone comes to you, you turn it down, and the other is to stoop so low, there where they had the street urchins run after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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pelting him with stones and now you see blood law or Kabbalah on the blessing body of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam dripping on his clothes and so much to the extent that it drips into his shoes and issues and are clogged with blood. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he makes his way My dear brothers and sisters when it comes to a garden outside of the city, and he falls down to the ground, and even his half, and others make mention of a narration where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now goes on to make a

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beautiful and emotional do at this juncture. Now there are those who have deemed this narration to be weak. But given the dependence, how can others have considered it?

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A strong narration. We can go on to mention it and deduce lessons from it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he raises his hands on to a lion he prays Allahumma la kushco la fakuma t

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Allah, Allah to you, My Lord, I complain of my weakness, lack of support and the humiliation I made to receive I complain until you are most compassionate and merciful. You are the Lord of the week and you are my Lord, to whom do you leave me to a distant person who receives me with with anger with hostility or to an enemy you have given power over me. As long as you are not displeased with me I do not care what I have to face. I would however, be much happier be much happier with your mercy. I seek refuge in the light of your face by which all darkness is dispelled. And both this life and the life to come are put in there right course against incurring your anger or being the

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subject of your anger to you I submit until I earn your pleasure. Everything is powerless without your support. A powerful to know sooner the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam concludes with this da jabril jabril la salatu salam comes down and he says the angel who is in charge of the mountains is at your disposal or messenger of Allah. If you wish, this angel will bring the mountains crashing down and crush the people of life who are in that valley. He can bring the mountains crashing down and destroy them without any trace. Now at this junction with the brothers and sisters in Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if he wanted to exact revenge, if he wanted to exact revenge, he

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can see his blood that the blood is flowing, the crews are clogged and if he wanted to exact revenge, he could have commanded the angel, the angel who is at his disposal to bring the mountains crashing down perhaps in the form of an avalanche or something to come crashing down and destroyed the people of five who had heard him were put put him through so much of pain, but the Prophet of Allah at that juncture, he says

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No. Perhaps there will be people who will come through their generations, who will believe in Allah, who will believe in the message of Allah who will believe in my message and he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he forgave them. This is the high caliber, the nature of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi early us lm, Mohammed Salah Allahu Allah when he was enough. Now we come to Medina, because obviously the people of life, they did not embrace them, they did not welcome the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet now is in Medina. And now 10 years 10 years after the hedge or the 10th year of the hedge or after the hidden of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now they come back to

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Mecca, victorious, victorious. And now on this day on Fatima, you have Bilal rhodiola, one on top of the Kava. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, look at how quickly tables have turned. At one point we were discussing how he was being persecuted and tormented. And now, by being steadfast by being patient, Allah brings about victory Allah in natural law here corrib indeed the help of Allah is near. Now we've been out of the Allahu anhu is on top of the Kava. Earlier on he was being persecuted on the scorching sands of Arabia. Now he is on top of the Kava, who took him to such a high station who took him to such a high position other than Allah La hawla wala quwata illa Billah.

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And now Bilal rhodiola one who he calls out the Tao Allahu Akbar Allahu acabado. He calls out the shadow one.

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Long long a shadow.

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Nam mother was so long, he calls out the Adhan

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. My dear brothers and sisters, look at the victory. Look at the success. Look at the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then during the final pilgrimage of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Iota revealed a Leo Mark Mottola convenor khumba Atman to LA come near Amity. Today I've completed Aloma at Mottola container comm your dean is complete and I've completed my favor upon you the narrator's who describe that pilgrimage they mentioned as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was on his mount. And as he's making his way forward, they look to the right and they see people thronging and flocking from far and wide. They look to the front and they see people thronging and flocking from far and wide behind the messenger thronging and flocking from far and wide to the left of the

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messenger thronging and flocking from far and wide, either just a natural law he will forget what are at the NASA dahulu nafi de la he have word Allahu Akbar. This was the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They were flocking to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to his teachings, the Quran, the Sunnah, the message of Allah, the deen of Allah. And he said along while he was selling was an epitome of righteousness of good qualities. You know this entire episode? We have not praised Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam with our speech, but rather our speech has become praiseworthy by the mention of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we have not praised him but

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rather our speech has become praiseworthy by his mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was an individual kind to animals. He was an individual kind and loving to children. He was an individual who upheld the rights of women. He was a leader. He was an educator. He was an individual full of kindness, love, care, sympathy, empathy, every praiseworthy trait that you can think of it was in the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he may be your brothers and sisters in Islam. He is the one that we are supposed to be following. He is the one we are supposed to be emulating. But on the other hand, we are being washed away Subhan Allah, where we, you know put all

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these worldly celebrities on pedestals and we we adore them. Whilst we have Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the most perfect role model nakada can Allah configure rasulillah he was swattin has an app. So this Ramadan Let us place a firm intention to study about the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and to inculcate as many of his sunon in our lives, as many of his teachings in our lives.

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If you wish to attain victory and success in this world as well as the hereafter. With that I conclude this episode I look forward to talking to you all in another one in sha Allah Allah if you have not subscribed to my channel please go ahead and subscribe so that you are notified no sooner an episode goes live and please do share this video around so that others can benefit as well. Does that como la Hara was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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