Muiz Bukhary – The Awaited Mahdi

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The AMA is the day of the era, with major signs including the return of a former member of the Islamist community and the return of a former member of the Islamist community. The importance of the title of Islam and its significance in the state of the world is emphasized. The segment also discusses the return of a former leader, Islamist Sunni adsani, to the Islamist community and provides a detailed narration of the upcoming return. The importance of verifying the authenticity of the statement and protecting the Earth is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah in Alhamdulillah hinomoto Monastery no one has told me no be here. Why not? avacado La

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Villa Himanshu reanna fusina wamena se Lena, my de la bufala moody Lola woman you drill. de la dear one I had one in

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the hoonah sharika wanna shadow

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wanna be Jana Mona Mohammed Abu La La Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he was happy he woman who won't be accepting either your media for in a snowfall Heidi Vicki tabula Raphael Heidi hodja Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam Bashar Al Amorim of death to Hakuna Matata 13 VEDA wakulla be the Athena Bala wakulla Bala latifi Now, we're going

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to be learning in a shape on a regime.

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all praise and thanks be to Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala who is our Creator sustainer nourish, protect and cure. We ask Allah the Almighty to Chava his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of the AMA. My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam first and foremost, I enjoined upon myself and then all of y'all who are present here to adopt a life of taqwa and that is to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala and to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala during every single second of our lives, if we wish to attain

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success in this world, as well as the hereafter.

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Just four weeks back, we were in the blezard month of Ramadan. It was the first week of the last month and I did the hotel bar in the same Masjid. Now four weeks later, Ramadan is over. It is over. And now I'm here for the first hotel bar after Ramadan.

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This just made me realize in the morning that Ramadan whizzed past by In other words, Ramadan whizzed past us in such a rapid pace, Allahu Akbar. It was as if I did the hotel last week it was so fast I would say this is the fastest Ramadan ever because Ramadan when so fast, time has indeed been crumpled up Allahu Akbar, we are rapidly heading towards Judgment Day. May Allah subhanahu wa taala ease the questioning upon us. We are rapidly headed towards the day of the AMA. Many scholars Rahim Allah have researched in regard to the signs of the day of the AMA, in regard to SRA tussah because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us in regard to the science of the day of the AMA,

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and all of that has been informed to him salallahu alayhi wasallam by Avast vahana what Allah because after all, why am I anticlinal in war in LA, you ha Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he does not speak out of his own desires, whatever he utters is divine inspiration from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So scholars Rahim Allah they explained in regard to Ashraf kusa, because he said a long while he was alone is reported to have said that the signs of the day of the Ummah have two types we have major signs of the day of the other and minor signs of the day of the AMA, I know for a fact mature, respected elders and brothers in Islam. That in regard to the minor signs of the day

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of the AMA, a shout out to Sam

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So here are the minor signs of the day of the AMA. Most of them, most of them have already occurred. Most of them have already taken place, only another few of those minor signs are remaining. And then the major signs of the day of the AMA will inevitably start Allahu Akbar. And in regard to the major signs of the day of Ghana, don't think oh, we haven't still witnessed even one of the major signs of the day of Ghana. We have got plenty of time. Let the major signs begin and then let me turn to Allah subhana wa Tada. Our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said along the lines of these words, that in regard to the major signs of the day of the era, even

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if one of those signs were to take place, the remaining major signs would start occurring one after the other consecutively, just as how if a necklace were to break, just as how the beads would fall, one after the other at a very rapid pace, the major signs of the day of tiama will occur one after the other May Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all. When we look around many respected elders and brothers in Islam, we look around we see so much of priors so much of calamities, and especially the Muslim Ummah is going through a lot of hardship, Allahu Akbar, you see protests everywhere, everywhere for what is going on in Gaza. You see the children each and every day you go on your news

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feed, you go check your WhatsApp, you check your emails, perhaps you're getting horrifying images about what is happening in Gaza children are being butchered children are being murdered, mass murders are taking place. All of these are from the science of the day of the AMA. In other words, this owner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is headed at a very rapid pace towards Judgment Day towards Judgment Day. So I thought of basing today's photo by insha Allah a bit about the signs of the day of the AMA and we will try to elaborate a bit more on Maddie on the Maddie who is supposed to come in sha Allah.

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Now in regard to the major science of the day of the Hadith is a Muslim, who they

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refer to the Allahu anhu. He states that once ithala Alena Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the narration goes along the lines of these words, that once Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to us whilst we were seated in gatherings, we were discussing about something Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to us and he asks us, oh my Sahaba What are you are discussing about matzah Quran? What are you discussing about to which the Sahaba resolve it majima in the reply that Yasuda la we are discussing about Assad we are discussing about the final, we are discussing about the day of the AMA, then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches them that oh my Sahaba

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the narration goes along the lines of these words, oh my Sahaba the last, the final, the day of judgment will not occur until 10 major signs occur until 10 major signs occur the day of the AMA will not take place.

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And then he went on to mention the signs the major signs. Now I'm giving you the major signs with from many narrations these are these have been recorded for many narrations, the order is not specified, the order is not specified because the narrations in the different narrations the orders vary. So nevertheless, these are from the signs of the day of gamma. And even if one were to take place, like I said in the beginning, the remaining would occur one after the other consecutively. So from the major signs of the day of the AMA number one is the appearance of Maddie. Maddie will come the appearance of Maddie is one of the signs of one of the major signs of the day of karma. Next in

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line is the journal otherwise known as antichrist antichrist, the jar he will come about, known as Massey Hall, he will come this is also from the major signs of the day of Ghana. And then we have the descending of Isa alayhi salatu was Salam. Now before we go on to recyling Salatu was Salam in regard to the journal in regard to antichrist, this individual, some people, some people have taken this term the jungle and translated it or they have interpreted it to be as a metaphor. And they have at times interpreted the jungle to be the World Wide Web, or the job to be the television or the job to be the media or the job to be all kinds of things, but we cannot rely on those

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Because the description of the job is very explicit in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam there is no need for us to delve into interpretations. There is no need for that we love here because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has very clearly describe the job for us. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. In many narrations, he has described the jar as being from the children of Adam Allahu Salatu was Salam. The jar is a human being who will come about from the children of Adam Allahu salatu wa sallam, he will be a well built individual, a stocky, well built individual, he will have a ruddy complexion, a reddish complexion, he will have curly hair, he will

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be one eyed. In other words, he will look through one eye and his other eye, the right eye will be like a floating grape in his socket in the eye socket. And likewise, even Mr. Ryan, he will have no children. So all of these descriptions many respected elders and brothers in Islam can never ever fit the interpretation of the World Wide Web. is the World Wide Web have curly hair, does the world wide, wide web have?

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Is it is it well built? Is it sariah none of these descriptions fit any of those interpretations. So from this we understand that no doubt he will be from the children of Adam Allah who salatu wa salam, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is also reported to have said that the fitna of the jar will be the greatest fitna that the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam will have to face Allahu Akbar, and that is why our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to play in every Salah Allahumma in the

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vena cava wamena

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because the trials the calamities of the jar will be so great Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhanahu wa tada save us all from the fitna of the jungle. In another narration Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said that the journal will rampage he will rampage on the face of this earth for 40 days. For 40 days he will rampage and cause so much of mischief. So much of corruption. May Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all the first day from those 40 days will be like a year will be like 365 days. The second day from those 40 days will be like a month. And the third day from those 40 days will be like a week and then the remaining 37 days will be like our usual days. Allahu

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Akbar, he will rampage he will cause so much of corruption. May Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all. And it will be at that time but the respected elders and brothers in Islam that are Isa alayhi salatu salam will descend

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rissalah salatu wa salam will descend will descend from where he will descend from the heavens because Allah subhana wa Taala was the one who took him up to the heavens, unlike what the Christians say that they crucified Jesus that is not correct mama Papa Lu masala boo Allah subhanho wa Taala stated the number four and they did not kill him. They did not murder him masala boo nor did they crucify him. Well, I can shoot him but it was shown as if it was something similar to that it was a drama shown to them Allahu Akbar, Allahu wa la but Allah the Hydra who raised him up to the heavens, Isa Allah His salat wa salam will descend from the heavens and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, please remember Salawat whenever I mentioned his beautiful name, he was born in Hawaii, in Hawaii law. He has taught us so much He even went on to describe how Isa Allahu salatu salam will descend. In what manner will he descend? What even to the extent to what clothing is alayhi salatu salam will wear when we will descend Allahu Akbar the Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said in an authentic ad, Isa alayhi salatu salam will descend he will descend upon the white minarets, the white minerals of the majestic towards the east of Damascus in Syria towards the east of diminish.

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In other words Damascus in Syria, he will descend bearing all wearing two pieces two articles of clothing which will be close to a creamy yellow color. He will be wearing two pieces of clothing which will be close to a light yellow color and he will descend

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With his hands resting on the wings of two angels have a look at the description of our Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will descend with his hands resting on the wings of two angels. He will be wearing a cream, a light yellow piece of clothing two pieces of clothing, and he will descend with his two hands resting on the wings of two angels. He will descend on the white minarets of the masjid towards the east of Damascus in Syria, and he will lower his head and he will raise his head he will lower his head and he will raise his head each time he lowers his head and raises his head.

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drops of water will fall from his face like pros glittering and sparkling like pearls and scholars Rama Humala explained it will be because of the purity of that water, water will be dripping from his face and he is a alayhi salatu was Salam will descend and when he descends when he descends for his mere breath, Allahu Akbar, the minute an infidel, the minute,

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the minute, a disbeliever the minute and Idolator even gets a whiff of the breath of Isa alayhi salatu was salam, he will fall down dead.

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And his breath, the breath of Isa Allahu salatu wa salam will travel as far as his eyes will be able to see as far as his eyesight will reach, his breath will travel and it will kill all of the kuffaar in its path, Allahu Akbar. The minute he descends, mature, respected elders and brothers in Islam. He is Allah salat wa salam will head towards vital master this for what reason to kill the jungle. He is AlLahi Salatu was Salam ala aka the jungle. We'll come back to that we move on to the next sign. The next sign is the Jews and Jews otherwise known as goggan. Magog. Yeah, George and George these are individuals are lost behind them what Allah has created them as a test. They are

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individuals Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has described them to be individuals with faces hammered in like sheep. They are the faces will be like hammered in shields like when you take a shield that you use for protection in war. And when you hammer it in, just as how the features go in. They will have * eyes, small noses and small mouths they will be individuals No offense to the Chinese but having a kind of a Chinese description, the the George and Jude they will also cause a lot of fitna a lot of pliers. They are also from the major signs of the day of the AMA in another narration Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has reported to have said that in regard to your

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Jews and Jews, certainly he informed the Sahaba Allah Allah in the narration goes along the lines of these words, that the barrier that is preventing Jews and Jews from coming out this was at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that a hole this big, and he showed it like this,

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rounding his forefinger with his tongue, a hole this big has opened up in the barrier of the In other words, the barrier that is preventing your children from coming out. And then this will harbor Ivanova

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Marine, asked Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will that trial and calamity be put upon the people even if they are righteous people amongst the oma towards which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clarifies the narration goes along the lines of these words that if invalid becomes widespread, if evil becomes widespread, Allahu Akbar we are living in such a time people are turning a blind eye towards what's happening. innocent children are being killed. innocent women are being raped Allahu Akbar May Allah subhanahu wa tada alleviate the sufferings of the Muslim Ummah, and may help our brethren in Gaza and in all other places, we are living in such cruel and evil times. If

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evil becomes widespread, then the trials and calamities have a loss of behind them who will descend upon the aroma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The next sign mature, respected elders and brothers in Islam is that there will be who soon there will be three major swallowing up of the earth. There'll be three major earthquakes, one towards the east, one towards the west, and one in the lands of Arabia. This is also from the major signs of the day of the AMA, and then there will be a Gohan a smoke that will break out and then the next sign will be the rising of the sun from the west upon which the dose of Toba will be slammed shut. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to

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turn to him before the dose of Toba will be slammed shut. The next sign will be the appearance of a dab of the beast of

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A big animal, a beast will come out this animal will go around and strike the faces of the people, the believers, their faces will be illuminated. But on the other hand, the faces of the kuffaar will bear a mark on their noses Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all. The next and final sign will be that a great fire, a great fire will break out from the direction of Yemen, from the bottom of it and from the sea of other amount, a great fire will break out which will gather all of the remaining mankind to commence the day of the AMA.

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These are the major signs of the day of the AMA. May Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all, and mainly the almighty forgive all of our sins, coming back to Isa alayhi salatu salam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated the Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. That was sort of why he said a long while even cinema, ask the Sahaba Allah Allah Himeji Marin k for anthem. In other words, the translation goes as you could state it as how lucky Are y'all? How fortunate Are y'all that Isa alayhi salatu was Salam will descend. Isa Allah who salat wa salam, Isa memorium will descend and when he descends your Eman your leader will be from amongst you what imamo cominco Allahu Akbar,

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when Isa AlLahi Salatu was Salam descends, like I said, He will go to the muck of this. And before that, when he comes, the karma will be said for a prayer the karma will be said for a prayer. In another narration, this has been described in the narration goes along the lines of these words, when he comes in when he descends, the karma will be said for a prayer. And at that time, that gathering that will be gathered at that point, a person from that gathering, the leader of that gathering will look towards the Hisashi Salatu was Salam and he will identify Isa Lee salat wa salam. And he will ask is Allah salatu salam to be the Imam of the Salah to conduct the Salah to

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reach esala Salatu was Salam will say no, you are the Amir and he will make that individual conduct the Salah, and he will also say that it is the chromatin why he has he? It is a miracle or it is an honor that Allah the highlight what Allah has blessed the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that individual will be the that individual will be the mature respected elders and brothers in Islam. There are many narrations in regard to Alma de but sadly we have we have some individuals who reject Alma de who reject Alma de there are some individuals who reject Alma de and there are also there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars, to which some scholars state

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that there aren't many a hadith that talks about Mahi they say that there are only very few mutawatir ahaadeeth the talk about MADI and the remaining 100 is the talk about math D IDs. Aha Don't worry I will explain what is a motor was a motor narration is a successive narration it is a successive Heidi. In other words, in each in the chain of the narrator's there is such a huge number of narrators. When you look at the when you analyze the chain of the Hadith, there is such a huge number of narrators, that it is impossible to think that such a huge number of narrators would have decided to lie against Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the authenticity has been

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established in regard to matamata Heidi, on the other hand, however, our heart or our heart is the exact opposite of mutawatir, where there will be only one Narrator In each link narrating the Heidi, there will be only one narrator narrating the Hadith. So it is the exact opposite of mutawatir. So it is also established amongst those scholars that you can't use Hadith or had you can't use hover aha in regard to things that are that are in relationship to God in relationship to Africa in relationship to creed and belief. But they say that you can use those ideas for Africa for faith and etc. But then the other school of thought the other scholars Rahim Allah they state No.

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Even if it is just one narrator narrating if there Heidi has been established in regard to its authenticity, then it is upon us to accept the Hadith because it is from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We also have individuals who only accept a hadith from the two books Bukhari and Muslim which is very wrong. We have some individuals who only accept a hadith from Bukhari and Muslim which is very wrong because the sooner

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and when we say so now what we mean is the Hadith, they apply they have all of the things related to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not only restricted to the two books Bukhari and Muslim. We have many other books that are recorded the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, such as the Mr. Duffy Ma'am, the sooner

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the sooner, the sooner.

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The sooner of other books and so many other books over Heidi, we have the most bizarre, we have so many books of a hobby that have recorded 1000s or 10s, of 1000s of a heartbeat that cannot be just shunned away just because we only believe the heartbeat that are recorded in Bukhari and Muslim ne that is a wrong mentality, but rather we have to refer we have to analyze a hadith based on what the what the Salah funa soya, what the llama the scholars of gr untidy the scholars of Habib the experts in what they state in regard to a hadith if they have declared a hadith to be authentic. If the authenticity of the Hadith has been established, then it is upon us to accept that Hadith because if

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you want a good example in regard to cover our heart in regard to a hadith Aha, we know the situation where the fibula was changed. We know of the situation where the fibula was changed the Sahaba revoir vitae, Raja in war in Salah, one individual comes and he says that the stapler has been changed. Now they did not say no, no, no, we need a whole group of people to come and tell us we can't believe your word because you're just one individual coming and informing us No, this will have our

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mind immediately turned around towards the new Qibla towards the new kybella Allah subhanho wa Taala stating the noble for iron

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ore you believe is a farce it is a sinner, if an evil comes with a piece of information, then verify that piece of information. Allah subhana wa Taala did not say if a believer comes with a piece of information verify or allow the almighty did not generally say

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no in Java

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in Java

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is a piece of information comes to you verify it, no, but rather on the other hand, it is from the qualities of a believer that he will not lie. If a believer if a righteous person comes about with a piece of information, there is no need to verify to a great deal. But on the other hand, if He is known for his evil doing, if He is known for his transgressions, then it is upon us to verify in regard to the piece of information that he brings. And that is why the Sahaba

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did not hesitate when another Sahabi brought the news, the Qibla has been changed, they immediately changed their curricula, it is a

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it is a narration that only one person brought it. Likewise in terms of Ahadi, we refer back to the scholars who are the experts in higher ed. And if the authenticity is established, it is upon us to accept it that it is from the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we have no right whatsoever to reject the words of our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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A few more minutes in regard to Mandy. The Hadith is in Abu Dhabi, it is an authentic narration. And this hadith has been mentioned in other places too, at the library Massaro goradia long line who He states that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said that they are will not take place the final hour will not take place. The narration goes along the lines of these words, until a man appears until a man appears who will be from my descendants. He will be from the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he will be in another narration has been mentioned he will be from the debate of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will be the

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same name as our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In other words, his name will also be Mohammed Maha Shiva and his father's name will be the same name as our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his father's name. In other words, his father's name is also be Abdullah. He will be known as Mohammed bin Abdullah. So his name would be Mohammed, his father's name will also be the same. And then in another narration also to supervise and Allahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said, usually Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa fee La la la kebab. He will be good. In other words, he will be amongst the hyner who died I will give him a lot behind that word Allah

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will prepare him to lead the oma of Muhammad

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam in just one night.

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In just one night, Allah subhana wa Taala will prepare him, will prepare him we'll get him to leave the room of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Just imagine my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam. We live in a time. We live in a time when a piece of information comes out. It is immediately blown out of proportion. People are in utter confusion. They don't know what to do. We had the recent issue of someone claiming for silica we know how people were confused. People did not know where to tell what to do, Allahu Akbar, but look at the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When Monday appears, Allah subhana wa tada will prepare him in one night in one night for

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what to lead the whole onoff Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the whole omaze Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will unite under him.

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But he respected elders and brothers in Islam. I leave you all with an amazing narration and narration that fills all of us with so much of hope. Do not lose hope. When you look around you and when you see all of these trials, all of these calamities do not lose hope. Don't think that it is the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala don't think it is the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala it could be the exact opposite. It could be the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala we have some individuals stating very hurtful statements saying it could be the anger of Allah subhanahu otile upon the people of Gaza.

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Who are we to be so judgmental? How can we judge the people of Gaza? It could be the exact opposite. It could be the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon the people of Gaza, they are all dying as martyrs. They have been guaranteed Jelena Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanahu wa taala grant them the highest stations in gender. So when we look around it is upon us to strengthen our Eman. Let us not let Iman dwindle because we live in times we are holding on to your Iman is like holding on to a piece of coal. When you look around at you. When you look around all these things happening. We should not lose our Eman rather we should be steadfast we should be strong. We should fill our

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hearts with unwavering patience. We should hope for the best from Allah subhanahu wa Tada. Look at this amazing Hadith. The Hadith is in Muslim Imam Ahmed and it has also been mentioned in other books of a Heidi it is an authentic narration Mr. Ravi avant who states that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said and the narration goes along the lines of these words, there will be an era of prophethood

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there will be an era of prophethood and that will last for how long Allah subhanahu wa taala wishes it to last. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala will remove that era of prophethood and it will be followed by a philosopher by a philosopher which will be based upon the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we already we have seen these things manifesting right after the new Buddha. And a long while he was alone, we had the philosopher and then

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went on to say that that fella will last for how long Allah subhanahu wa taala wishes it to last and then Allah the Almighty will remove that filler. And then that will be followed by an autocratic monarchy by a dictatorship of a type of a monarchy rule and that will also last for however long Allah subhanho wa Taala wishes it to last. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala will remove it and then that will be followed by a ironical monarchy Allahu Akbar, it will be followed by a ironical monarchy, the Kings the leaders will be tyrants, they will be oppressors, they will be dictators, it will be followed by a tyrannical rule, ironical monarchy, Allah subhanho wa Taala will let that

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remain for however long he wishes to remain, and then muddy respected elders and brothers in Islam, Allah the Almighty will remove that and then that will be followed by a law for once again.

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It will be followed by a philosopher based upon the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam respected elders and brothers in Islam, the Salah is coming Indeed, this is inevitable, in accordance with the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Salah is coming, the victory for the Muslims is coming. The patient, put your hope in Allah subhanahu wa taala do not lose hope. Do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala put all your affairs in the trust of us behind

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the Almighty will never live down the earth Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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long as we are upright, so let us be upright, Let us hope for the best from Allah subhanho wa Taala And indeed We will be successful in this world as well as the hereafter. May Allah subhanahu wa taala forgive all of our sins, and maybe the almighty alleviate the sufferings of the Muslim Ummah, may alleviate the sufferings of our brethren in Gaza may accept the Shahada from them, maybe have mercy upon them, maybe help them against the struggle against these infidels against the Kufa mainly destroyed those who are oppressing them. And may Allah subhanahu wa taala forgive all of our sins, maybe the almighty accept our good deeds, and may He keep us steadfast on the straight path. May He

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fill our hearts with strong a man may fill our hearts with strong unwavering patience. And may He unite all of us in the gardens of Jenna, just as how he united us here this afternoon with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Friday sermon delivered by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary on the 1st of August, 2014 at the Wellawatte Jumu’ah Masjid.

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