Muiz Bukhary – Signs of the Love for the Prophet ‎ﷺ

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the importance of acceptance of all messengers and prophets in Islam, including the Prophet sallama's message and "has been" and the importance of the Prophet's deeds. The segment also touches on the history and importance of the Prophet's words and shades of love, including the importance of staying at home during lockdowns and practicing social distancing. The segment ends with a call to action for everyone to take action to protect their families and their health, and a discussion of the emotional impact of the Prophet sallam on the people of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa Sallim wa ala Shafi Lambie, he will mousseline now VG now Habib in our karate unit, Mohammed, Abdullah Allahu Allah Allah He was happy he of the sala de Botton with the slim, Mr. Back.

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We begin by praising Allah Subhana Allah Allah. We ask him, the Almighty for his help, we ask him to open doors of beneficial knowledge for all of us. We ask him for healing, we ask him for safety and security. We ask him for prosperity. And we ask him to send his blessings and salutations upon the entire galaxy of prophets on our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his part with utmost sincerity until the day of the AMA. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it gives me immense pleasure to be addressing all of you Masha Allah, Allah has blessed us to connect virtually. And and we thank Allah subhanho

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wa Taala, for this for this blessing. And we are in this month, the month of February, well, and

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I was thinking what better topic to speak under what better content Do we have then about our beloved messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I thank you all for this opportunity for the live stream. And

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for tuning in May Allah Subhana Allah Allah bless each and every one of you. May He bless this this virtual gathering, and may He unite us in the beautiful gardens of janatha Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So I started off by sending or asking Allah Subhana Allah Allah to send his blessings and salutations upon the entire galaxy of prophets. Now we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala, sent across a number of profits, German over Fira, a huge number of profits. And it is part of our belief system that we believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we believe in new la salatu salam we believe in Isa Elisa that was Salam Moosa Allah He said to a Salaam, we do not deny those prophets. We believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being the seal of all prophets, the last of them all.

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So it would not suffice for a believer to believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to deny Moosa Allah salat wa salam. It would not suffice for a believer to believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and deny precisely so that was Sarah. We have to accept all of the messengers and prophets of Allah subhanho Medina because when you see how Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the people of the past when talking about the people of North

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the people have no they rejected only no halasz left wasallam during their time the Prophet that was sent was no Polish letters from Yes, they rejected new highlights led to Islam but how does Allah subhanho wa Taala describe them in the Quran? Get the bed como no hayneedle more Sally in the people have no they denied or they rejected all of the messengers mursaleen similarly, the people of loot, they denied and rejected Lutheranism that was around but how does Allah describe them? Can the birth como Lutheran l mursaleen. That the people of Luth de denied and rejected all of the prophets all of the messengers similarly add they rejected Huth, Elisa to Islam How does Allah describe them? Cuz

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they're betta dhonielle mousseline the people of ad, they denied all of the mousseline all of the messengers. Similarly the mood they denied silent Alice latos law but how does a lot describe them? Can the but the mood get there with the modal mursaleen that the people of the mood they denied the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah subhanho wa Taala he describes this, this denying of certain messengers and accepting of certain messengers in the Noble Quran. He describes it

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In such a way that it cannot be part and parcel of a believer. Allah says in Surah Nisa, which is the fourth chapter, I am number 150. And then 151 in Ellery Nayak, Sharon Abdullah He will surely he will you read una youfor Cobain Allah He was assuming we are colonna not mean will be about one will be about whether you read una yet lubaina talica sebelah oola iica homolka zerona hochkar surely those who deny a line is messengers and wish to do what make a distinction between Allah and His messengers, saying, we believe in some of the messengers and we just believe in others not may not be about one that will be about we believe in some messengers, and we disbelieve in some others.

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What does Allah say? hula? hula? kaffee Runa How are they? Indeed, the true disbelievers were Arthur dinaledi, Katharina mahina. And a lot goes on to describe the punishment that is in store for them. So as you can see, at the very outset, many brothers and sisters The principle is that we accept all of the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala learn further kobina Adam Murali has Allah mentions in the Koran with regards to the statement of the believers with regards to the man with regards to our belief towards the prophets and the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala we believe in them all. And amidst them or from amongst them, Mohammed Salah Torabi, US lm o Haile, the last prophet of them

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the most beloved of them all unto Allah subhanho wa Taala and we are going to be mentioning his name many times during this discourse. I would like to kindly remind you all to

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send the blessings and salutations upon him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whenever we mentioned his name.

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I'd like to share this with you all. Hadith is in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, a man he once asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the day of karma. He asks the Prophet sallallahu Sallam When will the hour be and and the Hadith goes along the lines of these words of chemical Allah. The Prophet responded to that question by asking the man What have you prepared for it? What have you prepared for the last day?

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The man responds, nothing, except that I love Allah and His messenger. Look at the response of the man. The Prophet asks the man What have you prepared for the day of karma for the last day? The man responds, nothing except that I love a lot and His Messenger. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then responds, you will be with those whom you love.

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You will be with those whom you love. And the narrator of the Hadith, Anasazi, Allah one because of Rasul Allah, Islam says under Mammon, that you will be with those whom you love. And so the other one who is the narrator of the Hadith, he says, we had never been so glad as we were upon hearing that statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and mammon, that, that you will be with those whom you love.

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And he says, Therefore, I love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I love Abubakar. I love Omar for the Allah one Houma creme de la creme, the best of the companions, the ones with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loyal unto the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by his side at all times through thick and thin.

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And he says, I hope that I will be with them, because of my love for them. Though my deeds are not similar to theirs. My deeds are not similar to this. I can't compare my deeds to the deeds of the messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam I can't compare my deeds to the deeds of Abu Bakr, Siddiq or the longhand I can't compare my deeds to the deeds of Amara, a barrel hottub or the logline Amaral farrokh or the law one, but through the statement of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and terminal that you are with those whom you love, I hope to be with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam I hope to be with Abu Bakr Siddiq and Omar al Farooq are the Allahumma the Hadith is

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recorded in the book of Rahim Allah. We have another lady,

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our mother, Ayesha, or the along line, how she reports this hadith.

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She says that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said Yasuda law

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by a lot you are dearer to me then myself. You are more beloved to me than myself. You are more beloved to me than my family. You are more beloved to me.

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than my children. Look, look, look at this profession of love. Look at this articulation of love Subhana Allah this, this pure form of love.

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Love has many shades.

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And today,

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people are familiar with so many shades.

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This is the purest form of love.

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And then he goes on to say, when I'm at home, and I remember you,

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I can hardly endure my longing for you until I come and I look at you. So basically when I go home, I remember you, and I can't endure it, I can't bear it, I come rushing back to look at you. And then he goes on to say the narration goes along the lines of these words, he says, and when I remember that I will die, I will pass away and you will pass away, I know that you will enter Jannah and you will be upon a high rank with the prophets with the MBR with the with the murders alone with the prophets and messengers.

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And then he goes on to say whilst I if I shall enter Paradise, I fear that I will not see you there in Arizona law. My dear brothers and sisters look at look at how they thought the Sahaba look at how far they're thinking with their love towards the messenger that when we go to Jenna you know some of us might be thinking, you know if I can just make it into Jenna, if I can just scrape my way into Jenna.

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That that's enough for me.

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Yes, you want to make it into Jenna but look at look at the high aspirations of the Sahaba had been led to Allah Allah in where they're thinking about the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam.

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When we go to Jenna jasola you're going to be upon a very high rank. How are we to see you in this world? We go home, we cannot bear this urge to see you become rushing to your mastery then we are able to see you we are so the law but but in general, how are we going to see you? And then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not respond to the man at that point, until an ayah was revealed unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what was the ayah? Allah subhanho wa Taala he says and sort of the Nyssa which is the fourth chapter. I am number 69 were Muay Thai learn how or Sula for Allah

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gamma i Levine and nama long for

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a coma I Lavina and I'm a long while I mean

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maybe you know was it DT No, I assume

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he was he Lee in what? Hi Suna. Oda

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Rafi call woman new Thai law soon. whoever obeys a law and the messenger for Ola iica My lady Anna and I'm a law they will be in the company of those blessed by Allah manana been from amongst the prophets with Cydia clean from amongst the people of the truth, the ones who adhere to the truth, the truthful ones, were shuhada the martyrs was solly hain and the righteous the ones who do good deeds. What has sown our own

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eco Rafi

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and what honorable company? What an excellent company that is Subhan Allah May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us all that company I mean, to be amidst the prophets Allah wa salatu salam to be amidst the Cydia cone amidst the Shahada and amidst the solid

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media brothers and sisters,

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a believer we call ourselves believers, we say we are known, but to truly taste the sweetness of a man. You have to bring in the love of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to trace to taste Halbert and even the sweetness of a man. And so the last one who,

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if I'm not mistaken, I don't recall the narrator but the professor had it is in the book of Imam Al Bukhari. Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and yes, it is unnecessarily a long line who says that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported upset Salah when men Khun Effie, he was at the halbertal he man that whoever possesses the following three traits, qualities characteristics, they will taste the sweetness of a man

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And from those three, because obviously the Hadith is, you know, enough for discussion for another day. Point number one. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, the one to whom Allah and His Messenger become more beloved than anything else, anything else. And you have to understand that our man is not complete without the love for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again Anasazi along line Hi this is in Bukhari and Muslim the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is reporter said la you may know a haidakhan Hata akuna la he meanwhile a de la liga he one nasty, edgy marine.

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None of you have brought in Eamonn until I the Messenger of Allah, Allah Allah never sing until I am more beloved to him than his children than his father, then all of the people then the entirety of mankind than the entirety of mankind. And this is why you once or Omar de la one again had this is in the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, he goes to this Prophet salallahu alaihe salam and he says, Allah, you are more beloved to me than everything but myself, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then he looks at Omar and he says, LA, will levy in fcbd. At the akuna Harbor, la come in Neff sick. No, by the one in whose hand is my soul until I am more beloved to you than even yourself. Yeah,

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Omar. And then Amara de la one who immediately says, For color lahoma

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he says immediately, indeed, I swear by a law that you are more beloved to me now than myself. You are a sort of law. Then the prophets Allah, Allah Islam says, Now you are right Yama. You see there are people when they come across this question arises, how come? How did you know the one who immediately changes statement? He just said that yellow sort of law I love you the most. In other words, he goes on to say, you are more beloved to me than, than everything but myself he makes an exception. And then when the prophets aligned Islam educated him, he changed his statement he rectified he corrected his statement immediately. And to answer this question, the best answer

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that I have come across that I have listened from my teachers, is the answer put forth by Mamma Mia, Hola. He says, he goes on to explain that hokku neffs that loving oneself is Toby he is natural is natural.

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You know, a healthy mind would generally love oneself, that's that's ingrained within us. It's part of our nature, to love ourselves. We wouldn't want to harm ourselves. We love ourselves. So that's, that's ingrained within our DNA, if you will, it's part of our nature, but to love someone else, loving someone else, is a choice you make that is known as hope, if dare it is a love, where you choose to love that person. You choose to love someone else but loving yourself is ingrained within you. So the prophets are alone widely available, Selim did not ask Amara, the Allaha. And for a football Toby IE, not he didn't ask him for a hope w as in that love that he had for himself. No, I

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hope is the to make a choice to love the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam above everybody else. And that is what armor or the other one who did at that juncture, it was easy for him because of his EMA and and the love for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam that he had, it was easy for him to immediately rectify his statement and say that Yasser Allah, you are more beloved to me than even myself.

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The other day, I was listening to an example put forth by a scholar and I'd like to share that with you all my dear brothers and sisters, because now as we get closer to the end of this discourse, I want to mention a few science, science to illustrate the love that you have for the messengers that allow science to show your love for the Prophet Elias. But just before we get into that, I want to mention this this parable, this example.

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Think of it this way, my dear brothers and sisters, just imagine that you are at home

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and you are fast asleep.

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Your wife wakes you up

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in the middle of the night

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1am 2am Okay, you fast asleep and you're woken up by your wife. And what does she say? She wakes you up and she says

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our child is sick.

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Our child is sick. His temperature is rising. He has definitely

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Left of fever Subhanallah

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I want you all to try and imagine what your reaction would be. Would you turn around and go to sleep? Would you just you know, snuggle up further in your, in your snuggly oversized blankets and go to sleep and be like, yeah, you know what are sorted out tomorrow morning?

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No, think about our reactions we would wake up, we would quickly force ourselves up, we would rush to attend to the well being of our child, because our child is beloved to us. And if the temperature is rising, you would want to get the child to a doctor, you would rush to the hospital, perhaps you would try to give some medicine etc. You would look into the well being of the child, you're not going to be able to go back to sleep in peace.

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And that is not blameworthy, it is not blameworthy. It is a healthy emotion and it proves your love towards your child, towards your family, towards your spouse towards your wife. And may Allah bless your families. May Allah protect your families. May Allah protect them from sicknesses. May Allah protect our children. I mean, may Allah grant us all good health, I mean, but now along with that parable, okay, my dear brothers and sisters in place of your wife waking you up to tell you that your child has fallen ill.

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Let's say we are in normal. We are upon normal circumstances in different parts of the world. There are different types of lockdowns that have been imposed, and perhaps you are not able to go to the massage it may Allah May Allah take us all back to normalcy soon. I mean, and May Allah open the doors out of his houses unto us, I mean, but let's say upon normal circumstances, when you are able to go to the message and the masajid are open. Now in place of your wife waking you up to tell you that your beloved child has fallen ill

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the more than calls of

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He calls out the command of Allah and your beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the messenger that you claim to love, you're claiming to love him sallallahu alayhi wasallam It is his command that the Muslim is calling out the most insane is a signer told

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that prayer is better than sleep.

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It is again the command of Allah the command of Your Beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And my question unto you, my dear brothers and sisters, firstly unto myself, and then all of you

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is what is our reaction, then?

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Now compare that to the reaction with regards to the love that you have towards your child. Here, the muslin is calling you to salvation. He's calling you to success he's calling you to Sala but what do we do? We disregard the call. We snooze the alarm.

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We snuggle further into our blankets and we go to sleep, you know, pushing away the command of Allah and His beloved messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So maybe your brothers and sisters in Islam, it is of utmost importance that we get our priorities straight. It's very, very important. So without any further ado, I'd like to quickly run through the science.

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So we have signed number one

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is Alito summon waterhen obedience unto the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and by obeying the messenger you are obeying Allah subhanho wa Taala. by obeying the messenger, you are obeying Allah. Allah says in social hardship. Chapter 59 is number seven wama de como rasuluh for Hulu vamana, Hakuna and who Fender who, whatever, whatever the messenger gives you take it and whatever he forbids you from Leave it. So basically, whatever the messenger commands you to do, do it. Whatever the messenger prohibits you or forbids you from, leave it in another place in sort of gerat Allah subhanho wa Taala says this is chapter number 49 is number one. Yeah, you have levena Amano,

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or you who believe or you who have brought in a man law to cut the Moon Bay in a de la hora soli do not proceed in any matter before

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or in front of Allah and His Messenger sallallahu

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Ready to sell me In other words, do not put yourself in front of the commandments of Allah and His message. Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even adverse of your loved one who might others go on to make the Tafseer of this ayah by stating that we should not go ahead of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala he was seldom

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media brothers and sisters in Islam in sort of Nyssa Allah subhanho wa Taala says, My UTI Rasul Allah Allah, the One who has obeyed the messenger has obeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala so your obedience unto the messenger is obedience unto Allah subhanho wa Taala there is no halaal except for Allah and His Messenger have permitted My dear brothers and sisters there is no harm except that which Allah and His Messenger have made haram and there is no Deen except for what Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have legislated had this is in the book of government, Bihari Rahim Allah, Abu huraira the Allah one who he reports the Messenger of Allah Allah Allah Islam is

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reporter of said everyone from my nation will enter Paradise everyone from my nation kulu Mati yeah the Hulu Nana Jenna Illa man Abba, except for those who refuse the Sahaba they asked he had a sort of law, woman yet bar or messenger of Allah who will refuse who will refuse the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then went on to clarify, man, a tiny the halogen the one whoever obeys ME THE Hello Jenna enters paradise May Allah grant us all entry into his beautiful and lofty garden I mean,

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woman I saw a need for caught the other and whoever this obeys me has refused. May Allah protect us from becoming from that group of people? I mean, sign number two My dear brothers and sisters in Islam is to follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi wasalam to follow the Sunnah from the statements mean acquire a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will file and Debbie sallallahu alayhi wa sallam What if crore and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the statements of the messenger the actions of the messenger the approvals of the messenger, the lifestyle of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah azza wa jal he says in the Noble Quran in surah de la

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de la cada con ella comfy rasulillah he was sweatin Hashanah that indeed in the Messenger of Allah, you have an IQ you have an amazing an excellent role model, an excellent example.

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So we must strive to learn about the Sunnah about the sunon, which is the plural of Suna the son of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam and try to revive it as much as possible in our lives My dear brothers and sisters. That is how you prove your love towards the messenger set along while you ready to sell them. You can't merely say I love the messenger I love the messenger and stay away from the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. sign number three.

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To make excess of remembrance of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and how do you do this? You do this by sending blessings and salutations upon the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You do this by reading up on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam by learning about the life of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Sierra of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the stories from the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam and implementing those life lessons in your lives today is a Friday it's a blessing day how you yom in tala tala Allah He jumps to yo mo Juma

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Rasul icims report to have said, the best of days upon which the sun has risen is Friday.

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So, upon this day, my dear brothers and sisters, increase your blessings and salutations upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala early Mohammed

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kamasan later Abraham Wyler liberal he Mubarak Allah Muhammad who Allah Allah Mohammed Ibrahim, Ibrahim wilhelmine, Nick Mohammed Majid, slowly Bohemia send excessive blessings and salutations upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sign number four.

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This desire built in this desire, this yearning, this urge this longing to meet the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to see the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be with the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam the Hadith that I mentioned at the beginning of that Sahabi of him thinking I want to be in the company of the prophets that along while evaluate Selim likewise we do yearn for this from the bottoms of from the bottom of our hearts, media, media, brothers and sisters in Islam can sign number five love those whom the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left

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the prophets lie Selim is reported

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said in a particular Hadith

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whoever loves me, let him love Osama for the Allah one Osama bin Zayed so this sign manifests itself by you loving the companions of the Prophet ciloxan loving of a mother eyeshadow the laquan ha loving earlier the law 140 maratea longliner Abu huraira, viola one Abu Bakr, Siddiq, or the long one Omar alpha rhodiola, one Khalid, Lolita rhodiola one and how would you how do you show this love towards them by by learning about their lives by reading up on them by deducing lessons from their lives and implementing them into your lives and having this pure love towards them. In another Hadith the Prophet Allah Allah Islam is reputed to have said, Man, man have by Legion for that have

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been the one who has loved Allah has loved me, woman Avada I Legion for the one who despises Allah has despised me. So as you can see,

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you love the ones whom the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left.

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So these are the way the way is or science in terms of professing a few of the science due to the brevity of this discourse, dimension, a few. But these are a few science to profess your love for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I'm going to mention one final incident and then we're going to conclude in Sharla.

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Now, because of the responsibility of knowledge upon my shoulders, I have to

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do to the amount of lm I have to highlight that it is a weak narration, it is a weak narration. But the scholars are of the opinion that the Hadith can be narrated because of the lessons that this incident embodies the lessons that can be deduced.

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So the narration goes along the lines of these words,

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I'm paraphrasing,

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during the time of the final illness of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, because it was a very emotional landscape.

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The Prophet is ill, the Sahaba

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they're in key of staying turmoil.

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There is this emotional turmoil going on because they can't bear to see the Messenger of Allah Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like this. So during this period, the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim delivers a sermon, delivers a sermon, and then the prophets that is Islam announces that if anyone

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had anything to claim from the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam,

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then they should do so. And that can be in the form of, you know, monetary possessions, it can be in the form of retribution, whatever it may be, if it had to be claimed from the messenger, if justice had to prevail, then let them come forward and claim it. Now again, think of the landscape very emotional, all the companions and emotional is this emotional turbulence going on the Prophet is ill.

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And at this juncture, there is a companion who comes forward. And as per the Hadith, it was Okasha from the last one, he comes forward and he says, He basically stands up and he says, that on such and such a day, you are a soul of love. And you

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dismounting from your camel.

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You had basically,

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purposely or in other words, intentionally or unintentionally, you had hit me, intentionally or unintentionally you had hit to me.

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Now there are other versions of this report

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is another version where when the lines were being aligned, the stick of the prophets lie Selim had, like I said, either purposely, intentionally or unintentionally hit the Sahabi.

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Now, once this was mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam immediately asks for a stick to be brought.

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And he gives it to Akasha or the Allah one, and he asks him to exact his revenge. Now I want you to picture the landscape picture the scene, the prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam is ill and for those of you who are familiar with the last stages of the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, he is with weak the Sahaba had to carry the promise of Islam and bring him into the masjid.

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Now, I'm sure other companions would have stood up immediately and offered themselves because our loved was the messenger is is at such a level my mother, my father and myself be ransomed and sacrifice for him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Sahaba would have stood up and offered themselves. But Okasha the long line, who he insists that it has to be taken from the profits in the long run,

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It was said, there must have been confusion. There must have been sadness there must have been hurt and pain towards Akasha at this time Look at him is exacting this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he goes on to add, he tells the robbers Elias alum when the stick struck me I did not have any attire on the top of my body. In other words, my neck My back was bare. So then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam lifts his top attire to expose his body and asks Akasha or the Allahu anhu to strike him.

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I'm sure the companions must have been reaping with hurt with pain with with anguish, I mean,

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you know, as we narrate the incident our hairs are standing on em then goosebumps are traveling across our skin, shadows running down our spine, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam exposing his body.

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Okasha the long line, he steps forward, and there was this pin drop silence that falls.

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It was almost as if the moment froze,

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and then Okasha, the Allahu anhu. He runs to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he embraces the body of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he starts to kiss the messenger kiss the messenger, kiss the messenger, and he states whoever whoever could take revenge against him, Mama autosar naka de la Mata Lila mean, whoever could take revenge against the one who was sent as a mercy unto mankind.

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Media brothers and sisters in Islam, it makes one tear.

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As you read these narrations, this is the love that the Sahaba did one light Allah Allah image of mine and there are many, many other incidents to illustrate the love that they had towards the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and this is the love v as the oma of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has two words him sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we conclude this discourse with this incident, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us to bring in true love unto the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us to adhere to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as much as possible. Once again,

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I thank you all for tuning in from different parts of the world. Desert C'mon Lahore, Hira. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala just as how he united us across these platforms that he unites us in the company of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam in the beautiful gardens of Jenna. I mean, I mean, why and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen de como la who had offered a valuable gift of your attention as well as your time with salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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