Muiz Bukhary – The Paradise of Your Heart

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The HANA is a path of love for Islam, which is a path of love for the sake of Islam. The path is a path of love for the sake of Islam, and it is a path of love for the sake of Islam. Visitors are encouraged to learn the meaning of "hameless love" in order to understand the physical dimensions of the spiritual world. Visitors are encouraged to embracing the idea of love and change their perspectives and live a life pleasing to Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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Selam Aleykum Watchmojo La Habra capsule

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah ashrafi Lamia evil mousseline

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a bit you know Habibi, nama karate ru Nina Mohammed Ebony Abdullah la vida. He was Harvey sarathi Berta Mota Sleeman baba

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baba wattana disease

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bad to be learning Amina chiffon mo Jean

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shampoo Rama Barnaby.

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como Shankara.

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in the body

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as always, we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is no doubt our Creator, sustain and nourish, protect, and we asked him to the Hannah Montana to shower his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who preyed upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of

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my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, first and foremost, I advise myself and then all of you all percent here to adopt a knife of taqwa. And that is to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala and to be conscious of him, the Almighty during every single second of our lives, if we wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of taqwa. I mean.

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Here we are in this beautiful, amazing and outstanding month of Ramadan. It is indeed a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And no doubt we have to be thankful and robust and Medina for this beautiful bounty that he has bestowed upon us that he has granted us an opportunity to witness another month of Ramadan, may Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to use this month, to the best of our capabilities, to turn over a new leaf to mend our ways and return back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Before it's too late, I mean,

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many respected elders and others in Islam. If we were to talk about the paths and ways that lead to Allah subhanho wa Taala no doubt all of us would come to a conclusion that there are many, many paths and ways that lead to a loss of Hannah Montana many paths. And if one of us were to undertake a journey on one of those paths, no doubt we would find a number of people clamoring on those paths towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. So for example, if you were to pick the pack of towhee, you would find in sha Allah, a number of people from the Morphe rune, the monotheistic the ones who claim to hate the one who are the ones who inculcate are the ones who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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clamoring on the path towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you were to take the path of Salah we will find a number of who saloon on that path primary towards Allah subhanho wa Taala. If we were to take the path of Zakah, we would have a number of people from the angles that are the people of zetta clamoring towards Allah subhanho wa Taala on the beautiful path. If you will take the path of somos Seon, you will have a number of people clamoring on that path. Today, almost roughly around 2 billion Muslims around the world have asked in the month of Ramadan, they're all clamoring towards the HANA mozzarella on their time. If you're going to take the path of Hajj, you would have again a

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number of Muslims clamoring towards Allah subhanho wa Taala on that particular path. Now what if I were to tell you all about a path that is from one of the closest paths to lead to Allah subhanho wa Taala. But the amazing thing is, if you were to study that path, you would find the people who adhere to that path are very, very, very few in number, a very few in number. And that path My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam is the path of

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breaking your heart

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of splitting your heart asunder, out of the pure love for Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the path to fall in love with our makers of Highland Ward's ohana that may be respected elders and brothers in Islam is the true essence of our obedience, the true essence of worship, servitude unto Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we talk about the concept of

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the concept of servitude unto almost the hand of China, it divides itself into two parts. The first part is love for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala we love allies. And the second is in chisa, in the sense where you break yourself, you humiliate yourself in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala by submitting you humble yourself by submitting to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. As we all know, the individual who has even a mustard seed of crime, according to the words of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even a mustard seed of pride, that individual will not enter Paradise now Allah subhana wa Jalla saved us all from pride, I mean,

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pride is defined as Baba will have the true essence of pride is to reject the truth. Pride is to reject the truth. Let it be even if it is a small child, a young child correcting you and if you are on the wrong and if you reject the advice of that child, that means you are proud May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all. We have to work on our hearts we have to work on beautifying our hearts.

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So talking about love and talking about loving Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Allah he's known as a specialist of hearts spiritual hearts. He talks about a lot about love. And the gist of his teachings is that when we look at when we look at that in gentlemen, when we look at Salah when we look at sound, when we look at soccer, when we look at reading the Koran For example, I think today most of us were very concerned we are extremely bothered about

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the what and the how, the what and the how, and not the why. I'm not saying that we disregard the house. I mean, many of us we are very very concerned about the jurisprudence of Sala the fit of Salah we need to be you cannot offer Salah without knowing how to offer Salah, but I think we become obsessed so obsessed with it that we tend to forget the inner dimensions of Sora when we take the four iron now we are so obsessed about just paying lip service to the Koran that we forget about the real purpose of reading the Quran. The real purpose behind the revelation of the Koran, many brothers in Islam is he there is taking mankind out of the darkness of ignorance out of the chasm of

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ignorance onto the light of hilarion onto the light of his idea. And for that to happen. We have to read the Quran in such a way that we delve into the meanings of the Quran that we strive to learn the language of the Koran that we strive to deduce lessons from the Quran.

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I'm not disregarding reading the Koran, but that is a much most in the sense reading the Koran for the sake of goals. That is a much more secondary objective in comparison to the primary objective that is deriving the data from the Quran. According to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for each letter that you read from the Koran you are rewarded 10 revolts and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam went on to say along the lines of these words that I do not say that Alif Lam mean is one letter but instead is one letter lamb is one letter, one letter. So if you were to read

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30 remotes for each letter.

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This is just reading the Koran. That's a secondary objective, but the primary objective is to deduce lessons from the Koran talking about Salah

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Am I supposed to be like this? Am I supposed to say method over here? Am I supposed to be over here? Am I supposed to shake my finger Am I not supposed to shake my finger Am I supposed to make myself like this? Am I supposed to not make mistakes like this, we are obsessed with the how of Sora completely dismissing the inner dimensions of Salah it's a balance of the two we have to learn but how to pray. And likewise we have to master the inner dimensions of Salah, the inner dimensions of Salah in Islam, if your heart were to once Listen to me attentively if your heart was to even once fall down in sajida in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala Your heart will never raise its head ever

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ever again among

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many of us, we fall down in such a number of times and once again I'm not disregarding the real sajida but our hearts are elsewhere. elsewhere. Our hearts are not connected to Allah subhana wa Tada. We pray

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that our hearts are elsewhere. We're doing it as a ritual.

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We want to finish off Ah, what are we want to finish off? 20 What are we doing it as a ritual. We're reading the Koran. It's all about making the hotma we want to start off from SoCal Baba. So I have done a hot module Ramadan and finished this mini four and during Ramadan I prayed this many times during Ramadan I've done this I've given out this much of Socrates much of Sabah, Kaduna, Ramadan, I've done this many, this many harsh it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality, it's about the quantity.

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And the minute you bring in this love for Allah, you will understand the inner dimensions of Sora. And then you start to save them. The true essence of a Buddha just says how the Sahaba

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will they appear for Salah they went into this other realm, a completely different world. They were not connected to this world anymore. Just you ask yourself, gauge your own heart when you are in Surah Where are you? Are you in? surah? Are you contemplating on what the Imam is reading? Or is your heart wandering elsewhere? That's how you gauge yourself. Think about the love that you have foremost. Is it really pure love that you have for Allah as a virtual? Why is this an individual love another individual?

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Why does an individual love another individual? There are three main reasons one is because that someone is beautiful, because that someone is beautiful, or because that someone has done a lot of favors unto you. Or because that someone is extremely kind unto you. Now take these three things and match it to Allah Subhana Masada number one because that someone is beautiful. Let's talk about the beauty of Allah subhanho wa Taala in Allaha Jamil Allah is indeed beautiful Allahu Akbar. Allah is so beautiful that if Ally's origin was to expose his beauty to us, we would be dazzled and burned to ashes because of the glory and the beauty of Allah subhana wa Tada. Musa alayhis salam wa sallam, he

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wanted to witness the beauty of Allah subhanho wa Taala because he loved our his origin so much. He was talking to allies, it was so obvious that he loved us so much that He wanted to witness and see Allah subhanho wa Taala directly, Allah as the Virgil did not expose himself to musala to ceram but instead he exposed a little bit of his countenance towards a mountain and that mountain crumbled due to the or and due to the granddaddy of Avast subhanho wa Taala. Just imagine a huge mountain, a mountain crumbling due to a tiny bit of the countenance of Allah subhanho wa Taala respected elders and brothers in Islam. Look around you whenever you see in terms of the creation of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala that is beautiful, is from Allah subhanho wa Taala talk about the beauty of use of Irish that was the lamb pursued by Salah Salem is reputed to have said that when you talk about beauty in general it was divided into two halves. Listen to me attentively to two halves, say 50% 50% 50% of it was given to the entirety of mankind and all of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So basically whatever you see around you in terms of the beautiful creations of Allah subhanho wa Taala if you yourself, you are handsome, then you are part of the 50% but Allah subhanho wa Taala divided across the entirety of mankind and the other 50% was given to use of Allah so that was completely

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complete. And now put all of that together. The 100% of beauty in comparison to the beauty of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is like a flickering candle in comparison to the sun. And when it doesn't matter who Allah Allah is above that even

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according to the

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Abu Musab Sharia law, one who states that

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we have said in a while I am busy,

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a hammer in the hub

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in a

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A lady boss or a woman.

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Indeed, Allah does not sleep and he does not defeat the majesty of the glory of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he should sleep

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he raises the scales of things and he knows that you will

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have the deeds of the night go up to him before the deeds of the day the deeds of the day go up to him before the deeds of the light blue. The veil

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is made of a light the veil of Hannah Montana is made of light and it aligns the Virgil was removed that way. The light from his face would burn every single thing would basil and burn every single thing in the site in the part of the site of Allah subhanho wa Taala. You and I we have a path in terms of our

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In the sense, I can't see past the wall. If I were to climb on top of a high hill, or perhaps a tall building, there's a certain extent that I can see and pass that I can't see. But is there anything hidden from the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala Is there anything hidden nothing is hidden from the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala not a tiny black and cause on a dark surface in the middle of the night, except that Allah subhanho wa Taala hears the pitter patter of the footsteps of the end, no one knows about that and Allah sees the particular end, nothing is hidden from the sight of Allah subhana wa Tada. So that would mean that the entirety of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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would burn to ashes, if Allah azza wa jal will expose the light of his face. So talking about the beauty of Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot is the most beautiful so that's number one. Number two, you would love someone because there's someone is kind to you. Isn't Allah subhanho wa Taala trained unto us, He is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. Look at him blessing us with opportunity after opportunity to turn back to him. Look at this month of Ramadan Why has not given us this month of Ramadan to mend our ways and to turn back to him? Each time you open up the Koran, what do you read? You start off the Quran Bismillah

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful in the name of the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Many a time you come across the ayah in Allahu Rahim Indeed Allah is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. Look at us, you and I we would all attest to the fact that we are perpetual sinners that we've seen so much. we sinned constantly. But isn't Allah subhana wa tada providing us with food to eat? Isn't Allah subhanho wa Taala looking after us? Isn't Eliza looking after our families? Isn't Allah subhanho wa Taala giving us drink to drink? If Allah has the Virgin, were to sit down is off upon us. May Allah save us all we would be annihilated and destroyed. But

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Allah has mercy over us. He is the most kind. So doesn't he deserve our love?

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And look at the third point I mentioned that you would love someone because the person that someone does favors unto you, hasn't Allah subhanho wa Taala bestowed us with so many favors, look at your own body, the fact that you are seeing with so much of clarity, the fact that you are working, the fact that you can do your chores by yourself, the fact that you are held the fact that your faculties are all intact. These are all blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala the fact that you have a roof over your head is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala the fact that you have a spouse is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala the fact that you have been blessed with a child

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is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, no doubt, all of us we are all fighting our own battles. I'm fighting my own battles and you are fighting your own battles. And these are trials from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if you were to introspect and look at those files carefully, we would attest to the fact that even the trials are blessings in disguise, even the trials are blessings in disguise, they are a means for us to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala they are means for Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us of our sins, they are a means for Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us high ranks in general. So my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam. Having

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said all of this, we clearly understand that Allah is the most deserving of our undivided attention and our undivided love. When we enter into saara we have to enter not to get the ritual over with but instead because we love about Hannah Montana, each and every time you open up the Koran. You open up the Quran not to finish apart not to finish a juice from the edges of the Koran, but instead because you love Allah and you want to read the words of Your Beloved Allah subhanho wa Taala This is why you have to open up the heart. Each time you raise your hands, raise your hands, not just to make your requests but to communicate with your beloved have lost the Phantom hordes either. We need

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to change our perspectives completely, our outlooks need to change a lot IE they need to change today they become so engrossed, like I said, so obsessed with quantity and doing these Ibadan as the rituals that were completely dismissing the inner dimensions of these Iboga and the wine like I said earlier, you're obsessed with the one the one we're completely dismissing the wine, the purpose behind Ravana the purpose behind Salah, the purpose behind reading the Quran, the purpose behind all of the all of the Allah says in the Quran,

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all mankind was the one who created you all and the ones before you all now comes about the ultimate objective lie upon so that you become people of purpose.

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Daca is such a broad term. It incorporates love, it incorporates fear, it incorporates consciousness. It incorporates so many things that is the ultimate purpose is to basically live a life pleasing unto Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is that we love lies. That's when you will start experiencing gender in this world.

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You will experience paradise in this world. You will have a tiny gender of your own in your own heart. Nothing will worry you nothing God forbid you

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would say they can imprison me they can. They can punish me they can do whatever they want to do to me because my agenda is in my heart. As believers we can all experience and serve agenda in our own hearts. If we inculcate the love for

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so many respected elders and brothers in Islam. I conclude with that I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to split our hearts open with his pure love, and many help us all to turn back to him and since the October during this month of Ramadan, may He forgive our sins May he accept our good deeds mean he helped us to move from strength to strength in terms of perfecting our Eman, perfecting our taqwa perfecting our love for him. And just as how he and I proceed in this month during this beautiful month of Ramadan in the semester during this beautiful month of Ramadan may unite us in the gardens of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

A Jumuah sermon delivered on the 10th of June, 2016 at Masjid-Ul-Hasan, Lower Bagatelle Road,, Colombo 03 in Sri Lanka.

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