Muiz Bukhary – Do You Trust Allahs Timing
![Muiz Bukhary](
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The speaker discusses the importance of trusting one's father and not panic in Islam, citing the connection between act of faith and personal bonds. They emphasize the need for personal trust and a positive attitude towards Islam, particularly in navigating storms and avoiding fear. They also mention the importance of trusting Allah's plan and navigating storms.
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I begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ala or Buddha I mean the Lord of all worlds the exalted the majestic and I asked him to send his choices of blessings and salutations. Upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was so loving his family members, his companions and every single individual who treads on his path, the prophets but with the class with sincerity until the end of time.
I begin by reminding myself and joining upon myself and then all of you all who have gathered here for Salah to Joomla. To adopt a life of Taqwa and that is to instill the consciousness of your maker consciousness of ALLAH SubhanA wa ala, into every single facet of your life, every single second of your life. And you must do this if you wish to attain victory and success in this world as well as the next May Allah subhanahu Hodeida make us all from the people of Taqwa and making make us from the victorious and successful ones. I mean,
the title for today's sermon is Do you trust Allah's timing? I repeat, do you trust Allah's timing?
We have a hadith codici, a hadith codici is Allah subhanho wa Taala speaking
but in the prophets own words, so this is the difference between Hadith Odyssey and the Quran. Quran also the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala but the Hadith codici is in the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam.
The hadith is recorded in the Book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah
had that an hour Omar
had definitely had that and an Amish semi or two about Saudi Arabia for errata Radi Allahu Anhu call call a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam they're called Allahu Taala in the one knee abitibi
Cebu hurry or the hola one who he narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam said that Allah says, I am in the one near Abu Dhabi. I am just as my slave thinks I am.
I am just as my slave thinks I am. So through this hadith My dear brothers in Islam, we learn that he has a Virgil, he the Almighty is what we think of him or how we think of him.
And this is, this ties up with personal bond biller to have good assumptions of your Lord, to have good assumptions of Allah subhanaw Medina, many brothers in Islam, we have to undergo this shift in our mindsets where we place our trust in Allah subhana Medina, and we think positive of ALLAH SubhanA wa. By undergoing this mindset shift, this is going to help us navigate through the stones in our lives in a very powerful way.
I'd like to quickly share an analogy to try and understand this better. But at the outset, I want to put forth a disclaimer, what Illa Hill methylone Allah, that Allah is above all these examples, Lisa Qamishli he che there is nothing in comparison to Allah subhanho wa taala. So having understood that, just try and digest this analogy. Think
you know for the youngsters in the crowd, if
your father were to tell you to get into the vehicle,
okay. And for the fathers in the crowd, if your son who is now driving, let's say and he's you know, mature, whatever
he tells you to get into the vehicle, and he starts driving, okay, so if you are son, obviously our sons, you have your father, just picture the example. He drives up, and it helps you get into the vehicle. Okay, or if you have a son who is old enough, the son drives up pulls up and tells you to get into the vehicle and starts driving.
Now you don't know where the driver is headed, meaning if the father is driving, the Son does not know where the father is headed. If the father is in the passenger seat, he does not know where the sun is driving to.
So you ask the driver,
you know, where are we going?
You ask your father, where are we going? You ask your son, where are we going?
So the father responds, the driver basically responds, just wait and see.
Just wait and see.
Now my dear brothers in Islam, I want to ask you all at this juncture, once you hear this response, would any one of us panic?
Would any one of us panic? Would any one of us think to take out
out our phones and call the cops, or I'm being kidnapped and being abducted. I don't know where he's taking me. I don't know the destination, would any one of these thoughts cross our minds cross our hearts? No, right? It wouldn't. And why? Because we trust the driver.
Right? We trust the driver,
we completely reinforce the driver. So if it's your Father, who is in the driving seat, you trust him. So even though he says, Just wait and see, you trust that you're going to a safe destination, maybe it's a surprise, maybe it's a nice thing. So you trust him completely. If it's your son driving, as as a father, you trust him. So you're not going to panic. You're not going to think that your son is kidnapping you today's world, anything can happen but the norm, you're not going to panic, you're not going to get scared, you're not going to feel anxious.
Now, my dear brothers in Islam, this is because we have good opinions about our fathers. We have good opinions about our sons, we trust our parents, we trust our children.
So how is this connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala how is this connected your personal bond? You see our lives. Allah takes us places.
Allah takes us places. We come across many junctures in life. Many things happen in our lives. And Allah azza wa jal, but remember when Allah, Allah, Allah, but Allah is the driver, he is basically taking us
so then why are why are we anxious? If you also safe and confident with your father in the driving seat, with your son in the driving seat, then why are you anxious when you no slave of Allah, that Allah is in control of your life?
That wherever he is taking you, he has your best interests at heart. Here you are, you know, your father has your best interests at heart and you your rest, you know, you rest assured.
But when it comes to Allah, we're anxious. Yeah, maybe with Allah. We don't call the police. We don't call the cops. But we call our friends, right? We call relatives and we start grumbling. We start complaining. We start questioning, oh, you know what this is happening in my life that's happening in my life. Why is God being so unfair? Why is he putting me through this? Why is he putting me through that?
And half the time or most of the time, we cannot fathom we cannot understand the plan of Allah azza wa jal.
And this is why my dear brothers in Islam, this concept of personal Gan Billa having good thoughts about Allah having good opinions about Allah azza wa jal is of utmost importance. This is very much tied with Tawakkol.
In the few minutes that I have with you all I want to quickly tie all of what I just said,
with a powerful story that is captured in a noble Quran.
The Quran is full of stories.
But obviously these stories are not too
put you to sleep. They're not bedtime stories, as Allah says in the Quran, called the canopy Casa see him? Remember Allah. Allah says that in these stories is Abraham the lessons Loulan Bab for those of intellect, and from the stories that are captured in the Quran.
From the greatest of the stories that are captured in the Quran, is the story of Musa Islam was
a very great prophet of Allah.
He was a prophet, who was given a very heavy task, the task of approaching
the greatest tyrant to ever walk on the face of this earth, a diabolical tyrant an evil tyrant. His reign was marked with oppression, injustice, infanticide, he was butchering and slaughtering young, innocent children. Boys were being butchered slaughter slaughtered mercilessly. He was a merciless, desperate
and individual was arrogant, as Allah says for father Anna Rambu qumola Allah.
He saw himself as God walking amongst men. He enslaved his nation and made them toiled under the scorching sun. So such a tyrant, Musa alayhis salam was entrusted the responsibility of approaching him. Now his story, my dear brothers in Islam is filled with lessons within the 510 minutes that I have with you all. I can't cover the entirety of his story. But I want to go to the very beginning
and draw a lesson from an individual that many of us don't
ended order of time when reading the story of Musa this letter Salaam. You know, when you have stories you have characters in the stories, a lot of us we tend to focus on the hero of the story, we gloss over most characters in the story.
And this individual is none other than the mother of Musa Alexander's the mother of Musa al Islam.
My dear brothers in Islam put yourselves in the shoes of the mother of mozzarella.
She is living under the rule of a tyrant, like I mentioned earlier on, you've got spies all over the place. The minute they get a whiff of the fact that there is a newborn baby boy, they storm into those houses, pluck the children and Bucha them.
And at this juncture, she's blessed with a baby boy.
So just imagine the storm of emotions, but it is said at the beginning of the sermon.
If you instill personal bond biller and Tawakkol,
it's going to help you to navigate the storms of life. So he or she is in the middle of a tempest, a wildland raging storm. She is fearing for her son's life. And what is the normal instinctive reaction of human beings when it comes to when it comes to something we love being threatened. We hold on to it tighter, we cling on to it tightly, we don't want to let go. So she's holding on to her little one. And by the way, the child is not walking the child is an infant, as Allah says in the Quran, who are hyena, Ilan Musa and others and we inspire them to the mother of Moses to breastfeed him.
And then Subhanallah the command from Allah, for either he fear Alayhi and if you will, when you fear for him, what did I say? Just a few seconds ago, natural instinctive reaction when you you know fear losing something that you love you hold on to a tightly for either 50 ie and when you fear for him for a lucky he phillium Cast him into the river, the opposite of the natural, instinctive reaction. Don't hold on to him tighter. Let him go cast him into the river in a rod do he lake we shall return him to him indeed, we will return him to you with our Illumina mousseline and we will make him from the messengers. This is the Promise of Allah.
My dear brothers in Islam, did she not comply? Did she not submit? Now this is personally gone Billa you see the example the father telling the son,
wait and see where we are going.
And you don't panic. You're not scared. You trust your father, you know you're going to a safe destination Allah is telling the mother of Musa cast him into the river. Yola my son into the river, into the unknown, what will become of him now, she casts him and you know how the story progresses.
Another incident from the life of massage that was so damn fast forward to the point where he and his small band of followers the command come from comes from Allah azza wa jal for us Libya EBRD Leyland in Nakamoto by our own for them to leave because they're being persecuted by the superpower of that time around.
So Musa alayhis salam and a small band of followers they leave and now you come to a juncture
where the Red Sea in front of them
behind them who fit around and his armies you can see clouds of dust you can hear the sound of who's the horses galloping the army coming close.
Allah says in the Quran, Allah matara al Germany, when the two groups saw one another, call us Hubble Musa, the small band of followers, the people of Musa you know what they said in Allahu Dragoon, indeed, we're going to be overtaken in other words, in my own words, we did meet because we're done we finished hulless
Musa lays that was
what was his statement at that junction.
A heart filled with personal been built into a heart filled with good thoughts about Allah, good opinions about Allah, positive thoughts about Allah, no anxiety, no fear, read see in front of him frown and his army behind he and his small band of followers same external circumstances, same situation. His followers said in Allah mudra record we are done whether it means What did he say? Kerala?
Those of you who are familiar with the Arabic language you say Nam for yes you say Love for no calla never
never, in my Robbie's been, indeed, my Lord is with me he will guide
come back to the example father in the driving seat, wait and see. We trust, we trust our father, right?
So Musa alayhis salam, Allah has taken him to a point with Allah's command go with your band of followers. It is Allah who has put him right in front of the Red Sea. It is Allah who has put around and his armies by the way, we're not talking about a small army, they're talking about the super power of that time I described what kind of a tyrant he was. He's behind.
And look at the powerful response. Be statements of faith these these statements of conviction coming from the lips of Musa Ali's, that was
my dear brothers in Islam. Similarly, you and I, we are all going to face different storms in life. Different storms.
You and I, if I were to ask for a show of hands, none of us can say you know what?
I've got no test whatsoever from Allah azza wa jal beyond being tested Allah Allah call moto will hire to label you welcome. Allah says in the Quran, we are all going to be tested. So to navigate through these tests to navigate to the storms, if you work on instilling personal bond biller in your hearts, if you work on filling your hearts with Tawakkol having good thoughts about Allah, positive thoughts about Allah,
trusting Allah's plan, husband Allah when a man got killed Damilola when they are making a sale
and knowing with conviction, acknowledging with conviction, you see what the mother of Musa al Hassan did, she acknowledged with conviction. Yola, your plan is far superior than my plan. Yeah, my plan would be to hide the child somewhere. Right? But you are telling me you have inspired me to put my child into the river your plan is far superior. And obviously you know the story from there Musa Alice that was meant and how the story unfolds. And then when you come to the Red Sea there to time does not permit but you know what happened?
That's the climax of the story. You know what happens? who drowns in the Red Sea at the end of the day, and who has saved
so many brothers in Islam as I conclude, I remind myself and then all of you as you navigate through the storms in your lives, place your trust firmly in Allah, you're going to face ups and downs. Have good thoughts about Allah have positive thoughts about Allah know that he is the best disposal of your affairs and that he has your best interests at heart? May Allah subhanho wa taala, forgive us of our sins? May He accept our good deeds? May he help us to purge all negative elements from our hearts? May he help us to fill our hearts with positive thoughts about him nicer, but tell me he helped us to instill a personal bond about him in our hearts in a beautiful way. And just as how he
united us here this Friday in this message may unite us in the beautiful end of the gardens of Jelena in the companionship of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam, I mean, I mean walk out of our way and in Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen