Muiz Bukhary – Creme De La Creme – Dhul Hijjah

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The importance of fasting during Islam's "fit of the best" message is discussed, along with shaping the hedger to be the best and avoiding drinking during season. The importance of fasting is emphasized, as it is a special day for many individuals, and the importance of avoiding drinking and donating during the season is emphasized. The segment also touches on various actions and events, including a Maharaara deco and a social media campaign, as well as a recent film release. The importance of fasting is emphasized, and the hedger is encouraged to use every minute of the day to do good deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim in Alhamdulillah in Alhamdulillah, in a meadow who want to start you know who want to start Pharaoh, who I don't mean to be, he went to LA. When I was a biller, Himanshu Ruri and fusina amin sejati Lena

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May the healer who Fela Malala woman you the little fella.

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When I showed one Illa Illa Allah hula hula shriek Allah when a shadow anessa Donna whenever Jana Mohammed Abu la heat Allah

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salvato la he was at mo who Allahu Allah Allah He was happy he woman in Serbian whom if sun in Isla Yomi Dini back

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further who la hora de la haka taqwa call Allahu taala Nikita be here Karim bad to be learn him in a shape on a regime.

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we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala who is no doubt our Creator sustain and nourish, protect and cure. We asked him to be Hannah who Tyler to Chava his choices, the blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of

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all slaves of Allah. First and foremost, I advise myself and then all of you all present in this beautiful house of Allah, this lovely city, Doha in Qatar, I asked you all I advise you all to adopt a life of taqwa. And that is to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala and to be conscious of him Isaiah gel during every single second of your lives, if you if you wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all from the people of taqwa. And may He subhanho wa Taala make us all from the victorious and successful ones mean.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it is indeed, through the sheer bounty of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We keep moving from from one blessing to another blessing from one blessing to another blessing. But at times, sadly, because we're all caught up in this rat race where we are running behind this materialistic worldly life, we tend to remain oblivious of all these blessings around us. May Allah subhanahu medalla open the doors of understanding for all of us. I mean, if we were only to take a moment or two,

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to just cast a fleeting glance at our lives as well as what is around us, we will come to a very swift conclusion that we in the sense Our lives are permeated and saturated in the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if we were to try and enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If we were to try and list down the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala, we would all fail miserably to do so as our maker rightfully states in the noble for an what it will do, Allah, Allah has to so

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that if you were to try and enumerate the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala, lack of suha you would not be able to encompass all of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala because his blessings are so numerous in number Allah Akbar,

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and from these blessings,

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is the fact that Allah Subhana who has Allah has not created all of his creation equal? nor has he created all of time equal? Say for example, Allah subhanho wa Taala he created the gardens of Paradise, the Jannat he created the gardens of Paradise, and then he chose genital fear those to be the highest God may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all, and help us to attain genital feathers I mean, the highest and grandest of the gardens of Paradise Lost behind him who was Allah He created the angels, so many hundreds and 1000s of them. We don't know the number only Allah subhanho wa Taala knows and from them, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose debri lolly salat wa salam to be the

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greatest and most noblest of all angels, and he was given the responsibility of delivering why divine revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala and to the Prophet sallahu wa salatu wa sallam, Archangel Gabriel, Allah subhanho wa Taala then chose Mika in LA salat wa salam, and he was put in charge of the rains in Provence.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala chose is rafeal Allah salat wa salam. And he was given the responsibility of blowing the trumpet. And according to a particular narration that has been recorded from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has already placed the trumpet on his lips Allahu Akbar, and he is waiting for the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala to blow the trumpet to signify the commencement of dooms day. From this we understand the proximity that we are so close to the day of tm and this was said when 1400 odd years ago by the sort of lies that Allahu Allahu it was held. So just imagine how close you ni we are to the day of karma. So we need to use every single second of ours to secure

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as many good deeds as possible. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to do so. Allah subhanho wa Taala created mankind and from them, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose the prophets the MBR aleikum wa salatu wa sallam

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according to one particular narration there they are around 124,000 Auto number of prophets Allah Salatu was Salam from the MBI Lima salatu salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose the the Rasul the messengers Aleikum, WA Salatu was Salam. They were chosen and they were given divine revelation divine scriptures from Allah subhanho wa Taala from the Rasul Allah subhanho wa Taala chose oralism five of them five special prophets. They are Ibrahim, let's go in order, no highlight his salatu salam, Ibrahim alayhi salatu was Salam. Musa alayhi salatu salam riesa alayhi salatu salam, and our very own Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam poodle, Asan and from the oral azim

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Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Holly lane to good friends. They were Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and from the two good friends Allah subhanho wa Taala chose our beloved prophet to be the greatest of all the prophets Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa and even said, Allah azza wa jal created the nation's The Omen, and he chose our nation, the nation of Mohammed said Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam to be the best of nations contemplate Roma, that you are the best of nations. This media brothers and sisters in Islam is the son of Allah subhanho wa Taala as he states in the noble Koran, while Rob buka loco nyesha waiata your Lord, he creates what

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He wills and he chooses what He wills. Likewise, Allah subhanho wa Taala created time and when we talk about months, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose the month of Ramadan to be the best of months.

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In terms of nights in general, Allah subhanho wa Taala chose the last 10 nights of Ramadan to be the best of nights. To be more specific Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Laila to cuddle to be the best of nights in

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houfy 911 to cuando

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la cama la la,

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la la, la casa de hoy

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min al fish

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and night that is better than 1000 months, the night of power The Night of Decree, when we talk about days,

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in specific Allah subhanho wa Taala chose Friday the day that you and I we are in to be the best of days. According to a particular study that has been reported there are sort of lies that Allahu alayhi wa sallam. He says something along the lines of these words Hiroo to the best of days upon which the sun has risen. To meet Allah Allah He Shams Yama Juma Viva la Vida MFI NaVi Oakridge, Amina alchemical Allahu salatu salam, the best of days upon which the sun has risen is Friday along with it was on a Friday that our father Adam alayhis salaam was created. It was on a Friday that he was admitted entry into Jenna, and it was on a Friday that he was taken out of Jenna, talking about

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days in general.

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The first 10 days of the ledger at the best of days. And now comes about the title for today's hot Oba creme de la creme. It is a French phrase that can be translated as the best of the best. The cream of creams In other words, the very best. There's one particular Heidi was utilized that Allahu Allah is lm is reputed to have said along the lines of these words, there are no days in which when good deeds are performed, they are more direct, they are more beloved unto Allah subhanho wa Taala than the first 10 days of elijah, the Sahaba Ivana later Allah Allah Himeji Marine who around the prophets that along really elevate sentiment that time they all ask Yasuda Allah,

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what about Jihad?

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What about Jihad? What sort of lies that Allahu Allahu Allah

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Solid went on to clarify that the good deeds performed during the first 10 days of the ledger are more beloved unto Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then even more beloved unto Allah subhanho wa Taala than jihad, except for the individual who goes out to strive in the part of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who goes out on jihad, taking all of his wealth with him, and he spends he exhausts all his wealth, and he's also martyred in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala except for that individual otherwise, if we talk about jihad in general, the deeds that are performed during the first 10 days of the hijab are more beloved unto Allah subhanho wa Taala a law

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let us repeat the Hadith to try and digest this amazing glad tidings given to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam there are no days during which when good deeds are performed, they are more beloved more dear on to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the good deeds performed during the first 10 days of the ledger, media brothers and sisters in Islam. We are in that stretch of amazing days the first 10 days of the ledger. So I thought it appropriate to share a list of action items that we can perform during these days of the hedger. This is a poster I put up on my Facebook page, and I thought to expound on it and to discuss the action items a little bit in detail in sha Allah Medina.

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Now one might wonder as to why these 10 days are so special, are so special that they are considered the best of days creme de la creme, in other words, that they are considered the best of days. And for that, to explain in that regard, I give you the opinion of a genius in hiring.

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And he was the individual who compiled a very famous Shara a very famous explanation a commentary of the book of Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah, he was none other than Imam even hajer Allah Kalani Rahim Allah, He states that these 10 days are so special, because they combine within them the main fundamental acts of rabada as we all know, booney and Islam Allah hums that Islam is founded upon five pillars Islam is founded upon five pillars, the first being Shahada to be a witness that there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger, second as Salah, third or fourth Zakah and fifth al Hajj. So

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obviously the first can be the first pillar is fulfilled. I mean, you can't do the rest without Shahada without bearing witness that there is no deity worthy of worship. So during these 10 days that is fulfilled. Secondly, Salah we all pray, we are all praying during the 10 days of the hijra, so we are fulfilling the second pillar, the third pillar being zeca. Austria fasting, you can fast and you are supposed to fast, especially on the ninth day, the day of alpha for those who are not pilgrims, you're supposed to fast we will discuss in Sharla data and Zika If you wish, you can give out your Zika during these 10 days, and finally Hajj. Now, this is the crucial point. This rabada

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can only be performed during these 10 days of that nature. So this is what he says I mean, all of these are bad that are combined within these 10 days. I mean, you know if someone were to think Ramadan, the last 10 nights, you know, I'm going to do Hajj, I'm going to perform hydropool that'd be acceptable. Allah subhanho wa Taala it won't be accepted. So he states it is because of this reason that these 10 days are so beloved unto Allah subhanho wa Taala so let's start off with the list. Number one I would like to touch on fasting. Fasting is extremely important during these 10 days, and this has been highlighted through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we

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stand a chance to gain so many rewards from Allah subhanho wa Taala there's one particular Hadith and authentic narration supervisor Allahu Allah, Allah cinemas report we have said that the individual who fasts whilst he is striving in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala you know what his reward is? his reward is that Allah azza wa jal distances, pushes him away from the fire of jahannam the distance equivalent to Sabina horiba 70 horrify, in other words, 70 years distance, I mean, individually, if he were to travel for 70 years the distance that it would that he would cover that amount of a distance Allah subhanho wa Taala pushes this individual away from Johanna for just one

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day. And what did we say? That the deeds that are performed during these 10 days are more Beloved, unto Allah subhanho wa Taala than Jihad except for the individual who goes out with all his wealth and exhausted and he also needs to be martyred in the part of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So fasting is of utmost importance during these 10 days, but then

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A slight a slight difference of opinion. And I'm mentioning this now because at times people tend to post this question of often during these 10 days, and that is, because there is a hadith from eyeshadow de la Juana, but it's briefly I'm not going to go into great detail in this regard. I'm just going to clarify it a bit and then we move further. I shadow the loved one is reported to have said an authentic hadith that she never witnessed. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fasting the 10 days of their nature. Listen to me carefully. Don't sleep get up and then take a little bit and go.

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She never witnessed or supervisor Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam fasting the 10 days of the ledger. And then we have another narration where hafsa rhodiola Juana she narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never missed the nine days of the hijab. Now at face value, it seems as if these two narrations are contradicting eyeshadow, the alumni saying that she never witnessed a device that Allahu Allah Selim fasting the 10 days of Bill Hader, the first 10 days of the hijab have sort of your long line. On the other hand, she's saying that also realize that Allahu alayhi wa sallam never ever left the nine days of the hijab.

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So scholars of Heidi and other scholars, they come they came forward, and they brought about reconciliation between the two Heidi, and they have given a very beautiful explanation, the Hadith, there is no contradiction whatsoever, but I shadowed The one who was meaning is that she never witnessed also the lies that Allahu Allah He really was lm fasting all 10 days because no one can fast all 10 days because the 10th day is Yamanaka, the day of Eve, it is forbidden against the sooner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to fast on the day of E, we are not permitted to fasten the two days of eat. So according to her Heidi, she states that I never witness Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fasting all 10 days entirely during the month of Elijah, and then we have the hadith of hopsital. The Allah 100 clarifies the sort of lice and Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam never missed the nine days of nature. So from this we understand that it is upon us to strive and fast as many days as possible from the days of the ledger, the first 10 days of the ledger, other than the day of aid, like I mentioned, it is not permissible to fast on that particular day, and the day of alpha is highlighted, we must strive to fast the day of alpha as long as we are not pilgrims' if we are to judge if we are on Hajj, it is not permissible, it is not permissible for the

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judge while on the plains of Africa to fast on that particular day. It is only applicable for those who are not on Hajj in the sense una, those who are not unhedged, we must strive to fast the day of alpha is a special day, there are many rewards attached to fasting on that particular day. So number one, fasting. Number two, we are supposed to be very careful in terms of our prayers. Now this is in general, this is in general, I mean, be it within the first 10 days of their hijab outside the outside the 10 days of the hijab, we must strive to safeguard our prayers, but we must take an extra measure to try and make it to the masjid to make it with the congregation with the Imam Gemma in the

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salata. kanatal Mini Nikita makuta indeed Sala has been prescribed upon the believers and appointed times, so we must safeguard our Salawat make it on time and for us men, we must make it in the masjid with the Imam Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to do so. The next action item is the Koran. Let us try to develop a beautiful relationship with the words of our powerful maker. If we were to read three pages, for the 10 days, you would complete the Quran. By the day of Panama, just imagine three ads. I say this often. Today we live in such a modern era, we have so many tools at our disposal. And if we don't use these tools to do good deeds, we are going to be questioned by

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. These days you don't have to carry a hard copy of the Quran wherever you go. We all have smartphones, we all have the opportunity to download the applet from either the Play Store or the App Store. We don't have to go into that discussion here. Either Android or iOS, you can download the applet and you can make use of it read as many portions of the Quran as possible these days the applications they remind you I'm sure most of you are aware the the application will put out a reminder Have you read so to recap today, it'll ask you it's reminding you and this will speak against you on the day of the AMA you attend. We ignore that reminder we push that

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notification away but it is reminding you to spend some time with the words of your maker. So let us use these 10 days to give more time to spend more time with the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala it has developed a beautiful relationship with the Koran

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and the fourth action item with which we will wrap the

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First of all to buy and then continue on to the second Manisha loudhailer is good deeds in general. Like I mentioned in the beginning, we don't have a lot of time. This life is temporary transitory, we can't even guarantee that we will walk out of the masjid after salado Juma, such a short transitory stage. We need to use every single second that we have every single minute that we have to do as many good deeds as possible to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and when seasons of this nature comes about we must seize these opportunities these seasons to do more good deeds, because the rewards are multiplied by Allah subhanho wa Taala when we talk about business, when we talk

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about the marketplace when a season comes about when a sale is put out, 50% of 75% off, we all run to avail of the discounts to avail of the sale. But when Seasons come about in terms of good deeds, we tend to slack and we tend to you know remain behind let us not be like that it has been like the Sahaba in one light Allah Allah image mine competing with one another in terms of good deeds wasabi Kunal, a well known Allahu Akbar, let's compete with one another. I'm sure most of you are aware the story of Abu Bakr, the long run and aroma rhodiola one, the two great companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they always had a healthy competition between themselves between good

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deeds, not in terms of business and you know, I have a Mercedes and you have a BMW perhaps no, not in terms of the materialistic assets that we are running behind in terms of good deeds law. So let us compete with one another to do as many good deeds as possible, especially during this particular season that Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us all with May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all to do so. May He is behind that who is Allah? Bless the ones who have set out on Hajj May he protect them from all harm. May he keep them safe, and may He bring them all back home safe and sound akula Kohli head of state federal law Holly welcome Melissa is Muslim minimalism, first of Pharaoh in the

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hood Elijah. Don't carry mmamoloko for him.

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Hiro Bella alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah ashrafi ambia evil mousseline Nabina. Habib in our karate our union, Mohammed bin Abdullah Allahu Allah, Li he was happy he of de la salette he will attend with the slim back of slaves of Allah O believers fear Allah subhanho wa Taala and remember him excessively wherever you are, especially during these special 10 days of elijah. That's the next action item, Vicar remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala remember him as much as possible by uttering excessive tech be excessive mean by saying Alhamdulillah by saying Allahu Akbar by glorifying him by saying so behind Allah. And in terms of

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tech beer during the first 10 days of the hijab, we have a format, there are different formats and you can follow either one of the formats, because nothing strictly has been reported from the prophets of Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, we have a general format that we are all aware of. We're supposed to read this tech beer excessively. There are two types one is specific and one is not specific. I'll explain. Then, the one which is not specific is a technique where you can read it perhaps while you're on your way to domestic you're on your way back home, you're in the marketplace, you're in your vehicle, wherever you are, you're in your bedroom, you're lounging

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you're resting wherever you are, read this tech beer excessively. Allah Akbar en la cabeza en la, la, la la la, la, la, la, la,

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la La,

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la, beautiful takbeer glorifying Allah subhanho wa Taala. Read this tech be excessively and then we have a specific type of tech beer. And this is for us non pilgrims' after the federal on the day of arafah. On the ninth of the hedger was supposed to read it after every

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after every follow up until the last day of the shift. This is a specific type of tech in the sense of specific timing. You're supposed to read it after every dollar in the sense you give your sleeve said Mr. Alec model Mr. Lesson Mr. Lake model controller then you have your usual adguard perhaps is istockphoto bolometers lm omega lm developed their their genetic Chrome, and then you're supposed to read this tech beard law, a law like what a law we're supposed to read this tech bit after every follow from the mokuba from the five prescribed prayers until the last day of a Yamato Sharif. As for the pilgrims, as for the pajama it begins for the

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After Serato on Yamaha on the day of aid that is for them for us non pilgrims, it is after fudger on the day of alpha until the last day of amateur shave, where we remember Allah subhanho wa Taala excessively but you now once you're on your way back home, once you're in the marketplace wherever you are, glorify Allah subhanho wa Taala remember Allah subhanho wa Taala and thank him for the numerous blessings that he has conferred upon you.

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The next action item is sadaqa. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam dish out charity, prove that you are not a Scrooge when it comes to spending for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala especially during these 10 days of the hedger for every single reality you give out for every single dollar you give out, the rewards are multiplied by your generous maker Allah subhanho wa Taala. And today we live in such a modern era, that you have so many options to donate, you go online, you have so many worthy projects. I'm not endorsing all of them, do your own research. Don't be fooled. It's your hard earned money at the end of the day. There are so many hoodwink is outside there, don't be

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fooled, but go search for these worthwhile projects. And you can donate you can donate through PayPal, you can donate through GoFundMe you can do there are so many options to donate, where we can secure so many rewards from Allah subhanho wa Taala amazing sadaqa amazing sacajawea available as well. We are continuous charity even after your death insha Allah Allah your accounts will keep filling up by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So dish out charity, especially during these 10 days of the hedger the next action item that I would like to share with you all is

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pray unto Allah subhanho wa Taala 10 days of the hedger amazing 10 days use these 10 days to supplicate and beseech all of us. We are all fighting battles. None of us is a hotel bar. But if I were to ask for a show of hands as to whether anybody can raise their hands, you know what, I don't have any problems at all in my life, you know, I'm just smooth sailing, no problems at all. None of us, none of us can raise our hands because we're all fighting battles. We've all got needs and requirements to ask our maker to use these 10 days this amazing season to get close to him and to make as much as possible. Read the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he has taught

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us concise, beautiful and short drives, say for example, a banner ad to feed dunia Hasina. Well, Phil, he hasn't walked in either been powerful. Packing in a nutshell, so many things a lot of you asking for the very best in this world, the very best in an era and to save you from Ghana. What more can an individual want, when you say the very best in this world, a good spouse, obedient children, a lovely motor vehicle, a nice house to live in. A good job, a roof over your head, food on your table. These are all good things in this world. You're asking for all of that. The good in an era is obviously the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and agenda and finally you wrap off the

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dryer by saying working at Urbana save me from the fire of Johanna. According to one particular narration This is a DA that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to read excessively a lot nicer Larissa used to read this excessively this particular day. So let us make as much data as possible. And one last behind a hotel. The final action item idea.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam is old here is old here. This is an emphasize Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. to sacrifice an animal during the days of the hedger in the sense it starts off from Yeoman nap after the prayer until the last day of a Yama tree. This is an emphasize sooner there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars. There are some who say pleasure for Islam even Tamia Rahim Allah He states that he is obligated His Word. Mama Shafi Mama Mama Hamlet others day to do this sooner makeda it is an emphasize soon of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon the individuals who can afford to do so. So if you can afford to give it you must give

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out an order here. And this is to commemorate the great act of obedience that Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam rendered unto Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of a small note before we wrap off, inshallah tada the ones who are going to give out their own hair according to the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you are supposed to refrain from cutting your hair and trimming your nails, cutting your hair and trimming your nails, you're supposed to stay away from it. This is from the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is haram to cut your hair or trim your nails. But this is only applicable for the one who is giving out the old hey, yeah, let me give you

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an example. So if there's a family of five is a father, a mother and three children, if the father being the breadwinner of the family, if he is giving out an old here, it would suffice for him to give one sheep or one goat he can give chickens, one sheep, one goat, or he can also give one seventh of a camel or

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A cow, he is giving for his whole family. It is only upon him to refrain from cutting his hair and trimming his nails. It is not upon his wife nor the children, but if they are giving all the hair in their own right, then it is upon them as well to stay away from cutting their hair and trimming their nails. But otherwise it is only applicable upon the breadwinner upon the one who is giving out the old hair according to the teachings of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam so my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it has used this amazing opportunity to do these action items and secure many good deeds many rewards from Allah subhanho wa Taala secure these amazing seasons many brothers and

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sisters in Islam, say for example Friday, I'm sure most of you are aware there is at least two Java days especially are in which to either answer by Allah subhanho wa Taala there's a difference of opinion as to when this is some state that it is from the time the hottie climbs on top of the puppet until he gets off the pulpit. Some scholars state it is the time when he sits in between the two of us and the more favorable opinion highlighted by Mr. McKeon Rahim Allah is a student of chef Miss COVID-19 era him hola is that this art is the final the final art of Friday basically one to one and a half hours before so rotten Muslim, amazing Southwest Java you make a do I have to do are

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concise with coincides with that particular art that is answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala so use this Friday to also secure good deeds and secure many rewards from Allah subhanho wa Taala send excessive blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in accordance to the words of our maker who stated the noble Koran in the lahoma who you saw Luna Island maybe? Yeah, you have Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima Allahumma salli wa sallam Allah said you didn't already know Allah. Allah Allah Allah mean Nabina Habib in our karate ioannina Muhammad ibn Abdullah, fall and abuse Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam at haemangioma TV at Abu Bakr.

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Omar was the for home high on earth man. Welcome aboard Who am I eligible for FEMA to see the tunisie and agenda? Well Hassan well Pacino's either Shabaab agenda. Well Hamza to Asada law he was the one of our heater Allah Allah. Allah homophily I bet you were one of the Hema Filipino war heroes on Baba toamasina Nevada demba a la la Javi Javi Lazarus efeito Maharajah min baddie Samana hubba hubba hubba hubba mama Nevada home for the book de abogado una cognito Mela de Luna home Suma de Luna Allahumma Fridley mininova minutes, a la homophilic mininova minute of all homophily mina one minute while Muslim meanwhile Muslim acts Allah Allah Allah is an Islamic Muslim in Allahumma is

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an Islam and Muslim in Allahumma is that Islam is a Muslim in America welcome ferrata. Well, Catherine weather Mirada Dean from sadhana Allah comida Catherine Yeah, how are you? Yeah, hi Jaco you bureaucratic and estar de falla tequila illa fusina

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a column in Delhi was the Atlanta shenana cola robina Tina Fey dounia Hasina? bofill herati Hasina, work in either banner Robin, Robin ham Houma Kamara, Diana Sahaja Yoga de la Rahim Akuma La La La Jolla moving

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an infectious evil mockery well Bobby yeah

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karoon who's guru La Jolla. Komodo is when adekola heeta Allah Allah Allah Allah Azza wa Jalla wa ala Muhammad akbar wa la

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la Masada

A Jumuah sermon delivered by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary on the 18th of September, 2015 at the Fanar – Islamic Cultural Centre, Doha, Qatar.

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