Muhammad West – Islam from Scratch #21

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of showing respect for Islam and faith in Islam, as it can affect one's life. They stress the importance of practicing Islam and following the Sun wak in order to live as a Muslim. The Sun wak is used in various ways, including clothing, jewelry, and even a record, and the use of "has" in the Bible and the importance of knowing the rules and laws before writing them. They also mention the use of "ru" in the statement "ru" to describe the way people live their lives. The importance of following the Prophet's commandments and laws in Islam is emphasized, and the use of the royalty system in Islam is discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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As a comment to make observations, how's everybody been?

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No comment.

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Okay. So Islamic law, some jurisprudence or fic is usually where most people begin the journey when they,

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you know, become a Muslim or start the Islamic Studies. When our kids they go to madrasa or madressa, as it's called here, the first thing they do is, you know, put the kids in the school, and they learn Alif Ba da to recite the Quran, and then they learn the rituals of voodoo and how to make salah, a new person embraces Islam. And the first thing we begin with them is we teach them

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you know, how to do two weeks on what to eat, what to what they can't can and can't eat, how to get dressed, and we basically, we focus a lot on the rituals and the the do's and don'ts with Islam. Now, is that where we should begin? Is that with the person and again, we're going to talk a little bit about that tonight. And this is the introduction into into FICO Islamic law.

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So quick recap in the series, and what was the purpose of the series? The series was really for us as born Muslims who didn't really have a connection with Islam. To to to reacquaint ourselves with Islam from the beginning. It's also Yeah, for those who have just embraced Islam, what should they be focusing on, and those who don't have much knowledge about Islam, not even even a non Muslim friends and neighbors, if they would like to have

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you know, Islam for for Islam for Dummies or Islam one on one. This is what this course is about. We began by discussing the, the essence of Islam, Islam basically in in two, three minutes, what is it about, it's about worshipping and submitting to your Creator. And while that is what that statement, within mentioned, well, who is this creator we discussed a little bit about, about Allah subhanaw taala, our concept of, of God, our concept in Islam, about the Lord of the Worlds, we also spoke about who we are within the universe, and then our relationship and the reason why we are here, we see that the one, the one that isn't the one thing that makes us special is that we are able to have

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a relationship with Allah with our Creator, in a way in which the other creatures in the universe cannot. Angels can commit sin, which means they will, they will feel a sense of guilt, or regret, or repentance. They would never, they don't feel hungry or fear of death, the way we do. And so our relationship with Allah is very sincere, very human in the way

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we are able to understand and appreciate Allah subhanaw taala and that's why we are here on this dunya we live for 60 7080 years, Allah subhanaw taala asked us of only one thing that we worship Him alone worship, meaningful relationship with Him alone, everything else is secondary. And and that is the that is what makes you a Muslim. We also spoke about

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you know, the reasons about why Islam is true and why we should follow this religion. We spoke about the Quran, you know, as the book of Allah and misprint a lot around the miracles of the Quran. And I hope for those who followed the CDs, you found it inspiring and both you you conviction that this is not a book that was authored by a man, it is not a book that was a man made it is rather it is divine, or it is a miracle. And so if one says Okay, after these 20 episodes, I'm convinced Islam is for me, this is the religion for me, I want to become a Muslim. What should I do? What do I need to do to be a Muslim, and to become a Muslim is very easy. You just declare that you're a Muslim. And

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you do that by saying I declare that is not worthy of worship, besides Allah microdata and that Muhammad peace be upon him is the final messenger.

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At this, we then of course, there's a few more things you need to do to be a Muslim and remain a Muslim. And this goes back to that hadith, which I think we spoke about the hadith of Gibreel, the hadith of Gabriel and Djibouti ISIL. Salam is we know as we know, he's the Ark Angel. He's the Ark Angel. And

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in this beautiful Hadith, I'm sure we've spoken about in this class, the Prophet peace be upon him is giving a sermon and in walks the strange man who is strikingly beautiful and strikingly, well dressed so much so that the other Sahaba you know, they see him and he almost makes an entrance. And this man comes the strange man comes to the Prophet Salam and asks him a number of questions. And of the first the first thing he asked them to be Salam is he says, What is Islam? What do I have to do to be a Muslim? And the Prophet basically says allometry swans and says to him, to be a Muslim, you need to do five things you need to declare, and this is a verbal declaration, you need to say it's

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an act.

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Should you need to c'est la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, you need to say with conviction that he is not worthy of worship besides Allah and that you need to quit you need to say and declare that Muhammad peace be upon him is the final messenger of Allah. You need to perform Salah five times a day, you need to give his charity if you're able to afford it, if you can afford it. You should pay soccer you have to play soccer annually. You need to force in the month of Ramadan sia and you need to perform Hajj which is the pilgrimage once in your life, you are able to do so everything no matter what is Eman? What does a Muslim have to believe. Now very importantly,

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the first five pillars of Islam are

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actions, they're all external, they are physical, you say the Kalama you performance on out your buddies aka you fast you perform heights, these are all external. These are all the tools, they have rules and laws how you do it. How do you force what breaks your fast? How do you perform Salah these are all illegal and rule based. Then the prophets is almost asked what is Iman What does a person have to believe. And the man the Prophet SAW responded to this man, to be a Muslim you need to believe that they need to believe that Allah exists that he's one basically believe in Allah, and that Allah has sent down books he communicated with his creation and revealed books sorry, and that

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he has angels in the angels of Allah and the books of Allah and in the prophets of Allah, and believe in the last day that after after we die, there will be a day of judgment. And then we need to believe in predestination Allah and other that everything is determined by Allah. But we also have free will have a complicated article of faith. And so from this juncture, you have two sciences. If you study Islam, Islam from scratch, you have two sizes, you have one that deals with the external, the rules, the rituals, and that is maybe we will flick. And the five pillars of Islam are all within the domain of IQ. The other side of the tree, the other branch deals with abstract

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things, you can't touch Allah, you can't touch the angels. You can't you don't see the prophets, you haven't seen that fKM these are all Eman belief, they are theology. And within that there are many, many branches as well. The man also asked that I be Salam about another dimension of Islam, called Hassan, what is your son, and the Prophet has said, that son is the basically the highest level of iman, it is to live your life as if though you can see Allah. And we can call that a third dimension, which is the spirituality of Islam. So you have the physical aspects, the rules, what to wear, what to eat, how to perform salah, these are all based on those fiqh, Islamic law. Then you

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have the theology of Islam, which is what we call Eman or Aqeedah, the Six Pillars of Islam, and then you have spirituality, deals with emotions, it deals with purifying the soul, about having certain models and having certain, you know, being sincere, and not having jealousy and controlling your anger, all of that is around your son. And that's a different dimension, within Islamic sciences, and all of these things became further further diffused within its own area, we have been focusing most of our discussion around the pillars of iman. And we didn't do much around the pillars of Islam, the rules and regulations, the do's and the don'ts that which sometimes gets focused on

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right from the get go. And so we took a break. And when I came back, I think a lot of people suggested we'd like to go back to the basics of the rituals of Islam. Islamic law one on one, the things that I learned in the madressa, as a five year old six year old, I like to revisit those things, am I performing my rituals, the way it should be? And inshallah that is what we're going to be focusing on for the next panel a couple of weeks couple of months. Fick is a huge I mean to endless chapter, and so we'll take them as they come along. Insha Allah. So

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this area is now really for those who are odd, as Muslims, and you want to practice as a Muslim. If you have not yet embraced Islam, then really this part Well, it's interesting, it will make you understand why your colleagues take a bottle of water to the toilet, you make you understand why they do such things, it will make you understand why five, five times a day, they basically leave the desk and you know, one o'clock the afternoon all of them are missing. And they're going to play you why they force in the month of Ramadan and all those things. So it will give you an understanding. But this really is for those who are trying now to embrace Islam, and you'd like to

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practice Islam. So if one signs up, you say, look, I sign up as a Muslim, what must I do? Give me a list how I can live as a Muslim? And what are the rules that I need to live by? That is what we're going to be focusing on in sha Allah. Now the rules and the laws and the do's and the don'ts. The Code of Conduct of being a Muslim comes from two primary sources. If you ask me as an Imam, what should I do as a Muslim? And I gave you a list. You will say well, wait, you wait, did you get this list? Do you drop the list? Is that the rules of war?

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on Islam masjid, does the masjid around the corner have a different rules for Muslims say no, the rules have been explained very clearly in the Quran as the primary source that's what we find that our Constitution is the Quran, that is the ultimate code of law. Then also we have a secondary code of law, which is called the Sunnah, and we'll talk about that in depth this evening. So the primary source of Islamic law is the Quran. And Muslims, of course, are required to submit completely to the commandments of the Quran, and to avoid the prohibitions of the Quran. It doesn't matter

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whether you agree with the laws or you don't agree with it, whether you understand it, you don't understand it, whether it's difficult to easy once you said the Kalima, you have basically said, you know, in not so many words, you said, I believe this The Lord of the whole universe, who knows everything, who understands everything, who knows the future, the past the present, and He the Lord of the universe, that revealed this book and gave any commandments then remains the if I've submitted to that, there is no discussion beyond that. When I submit fully, whatever is in this book is from him and I obey completely. So if you look at the Quran, and someone said, okay, the Quran is

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from Allah. And Allah has given me laws to follow the rituals to perform. What are the things that the Quran focused on? You know, in summary, what are the major laws? What are the minor laws in the high level without you having to go into the detail? Can you basically explain some of the laws of the Quran? Well, the Quran you can divide the Quran up into two types of chapters is 114 chapters. Those 114 chapters have two types, those which are we call MCQ and chapters, they were revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him. Remember the Quran was revealed to be Salam was revealed to him in the first 13 years of his mission before he made the immigration before he left Makkah, and that's

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what's called Buchan. Then you have the sutras which were revealed after the migration, which I called Madani chapters. And of these two, the bulk of the Quran market, the bulk of it, where are those chapters revealed within the first 13 years of prophethood, the remainder was revealed 10 years, the last 10 years of the prophets life. And if you look at these chapters, they are theoretically very, very different from why why we differentiate between those chapters is because the makin chapters are very different to the many chapters why the makin chapters address a

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a non Muslim audience. So the Quran speaks to Muslims or non Muslims. And so the American chapters

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by and large, are not talking to a people who have embraced Islam yet. It is calling people to Islam, whereas the Madani chapters, it it is speaking to a Muslim community, it is speaking to people when accepted Islam and want to practice Islam. And that is why you will not find many rules in the Moroccan chapters, the Moroccan chapters to not go into detail as to what to wear, what to eat, what to how to pray, how to force, those things

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are irrelevant if you haven't embraced Islam. And so the Macan chapters and the bulk of the Quran Davao is not focused on Islamic law. Surprise, surprise, the Quran is not pray predominantly focused on how to live your life on a day to day. Yes, it is the and it gives guidance to you how to live your life, but it focuses more on your theology and your relationship with Allah. That is the bulk of the Quran. Once you've accepted that, you know, your underlying belief system is correct. Now you want to be a Muslim, then the Quran transitions to a book of law and rules and the do's and don'ts. So the early chapters of the Quran if you say for 13 years, the Quran is being revealed. And there's

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nothing about what to eat, what do we what was what did he actually say in those early chapters, it focused on as we said, the pillars of Eman who Allah is, who are His angels, all the stories of the prophets of old, Jesus and Musa and all of them are mentioned in those chapters, it speaks about the Day of Judgment. If you don't believe in an afterlife, then really telling you how to spend your money, how to eat what to weigh is irrelevant if you don't believe in an afterlife. And so the concepts of piano are explained life after death is explained. And of course the the rules and some of the mysteries of predestination are also revealed in these chapters. So that's what the Meccan

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surah is all about. There is some very, very basic rules in those chapters, which are almost the common rules that all religions conform with how to be a good human being, not to murder your neighbor, not to steal, not to commit adultery.

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Not to kill your children. Those basic laws of being a decent human being are also mentioned in the Quran. the morality of Islam is mentioned in these chapters and the oneness of humanity and the the nature is discussed. So these high level models and the fundamental beliefs, that is what is mentioned in the market chapters, the maddening chapters, and we said almost the remainder of the Quran, this now goes into detail as to living as a Muslim and practicing the rituals and the do's and the don'ts and the laws of the halal and haram and the Sharia and the halal friendly all those things. This is in the medina Madani chapters. Okay.

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So that's where we're going to get the laws, we're going to get the laws from the laws in the Quran. That's the first primary source of Islamic law, the secondary source of Islamic law are where do we find the rules and the do's and the don'ts? What is halal haram? We also look at the what we call the sooner the sooner, the sooner basically, it means the way your path, it is the tradition. It is the commandments of the Nabisco Salam. So for all of us, we should know the Quran is the word of Allah verbatim. It is Allah's word, not a single word in it belongs to the enemies of Allah. Not a single word can be changed or edited. That's why they are as we mentioned in the Quran, there are

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certain verses which criticizes that which reprimands that there goes That's not from him, it is from Allah subhanaw taala we as the Sunnah, this is the statements the law, the sermons of the enemy's alum, His commandments, his actions, people recorded his life and that put together is called the Sunnah. And very, very importantly,

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he in in our terminology, when our asks a Muslim on the street, when I say sunnah, what does he understand? If I say you must do the sooner you must follow the Sunnah. They will think sunnah means optional and will explain in Islamic law now we're going to get a bit technical, I think we a little bit beyond from scratch. Now. In Islamic law, Islamic law tries to make life easy for you by categorizing all the commandments into obligatory and optional haram meaning prohibited and disliked it tries to put all of your life all of your rituals in five one or five buckets. One bucket is compulsory look this is non negotiable. If you want to be a Muslim, you will have to do this thing

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it is compulsory. Then there are things which are completely prohibited. If you want to be a Muslim, you can't eat book, you can't drink alcohol goes against the rules in between what is compulsory and what is prohibited. There are things which are recommended. It's good to do nice to have if you don't do it, no problem, but we want you to do it. But it's not compulsory. And there are things which we say they're not forbidden, they're not prohibited, but they're not nice to do, we advise you to avoid them. Okay, and then there are things in the middle which have no implication now. The term sunnah is usually meant to be recommended and that is why people get confused when that when I

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use the word sunnah and capetown for example, they understand it to mean recommended optional not compulsory. Whereas what we're talking about here is the Sunnah, it is the life of the Abyss, it is his teachings and his traditions. This thing has to be followed. You must follow the Sunnah, within the Sunnah of things which are recommended, like in the Quran, you must follow and obey and believe the entire Quran. But in the Quran, there are things which are recommended you don't have to do those things. For example, Allah says you must be charitable and give and feed the poor. You don't if beyond the compulsory is AKA, we don't have to give any more charity beyond that. It is optional.

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It is up to you but it's recommended. So you need to believe the entire Quran and you need to follow the entire Quran. Even though inside of it. There are things which are recommended in the same as the Sunnah. You need to believe in the entire sunnah. But inside the Sunnah, there are certain things which are sunnah meaning optional, so let's not get confused with the terms. Listen now is the lifestyle of going to be Salam. When we talk about optional things for now, we're going to call them knuffel. We're not going to call them sunnah. Okay, so but now we're getting beyond Islam from scratch, okay.

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Right. Now someone might say, Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Why do I have to follow whatever the Prophet says, peace be upon him? He was just a man. And from an Islamic perspective, yes, he's a man.

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He lived and he died. He doesn't have knowledge of the Unseen. He is not a super human. He's not divine in any way. We don't worship Him. In fact, it is haram. It is the highest sin to worship anyone besides Allah, including the Prophet.

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To the Prophet peace be upon him cannot enter you into Jannah. And he cannot take you out of Jannah he can't do anything other than what Allah had commanded him. And he only gives instructions per the Command of Allah. So one might say, well, if Allah is the one that decides what is good and bad, right and wrong, and he revealed the Quran, surely he would have put all the laws in the Quran. And the prophets laws are maybe additional nice to have, so we don't have to follow the Sunnah. Do we have to follow the Sunnah? That's the first question tonight. Do we have to follow the command of the law of the Prophet Salam if for example? So here's a question. If someone were to ask someone

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who to say, the Prophet told you to do this thing, and you go through the Quran, and you read back to front, and you say, well, Allah didn't tell me to do it. Do you have an option to do it or not?

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Anyone want to answer?

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Guys, is it optional to follow that abuse on them if he was here today? And he says, Guys, you have to eat ecosystem every Sunday morning?

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Oh, you will believe you have to eat a sister every Sunday morning.

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Have to do it.

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You will read the Quran the Quran says nothing about this. So now is this thing recommended? Is it optional? Or is it compulsory? Is it the command?

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So the question

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to buy is is optional, always compulsory?

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Compulsory, so you will be sinful if you disobey a clear command of the Prophet peace upon him.

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What evidence do you have for that? Who sits

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there Allah say so we know

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exactly what I'm pretty sure the Quran says we must follow the actions. Right so but it says Well, I believe it let's take back Oh, someone says I believe in Allah. I believe he said the revelation and I believe whatever is in the Quran must follow. So if the Quran said I need to follow the Prophet, sunnah, then okay, I have to so that's the question. If did the Quran command me to follow the Navamsa? Well, let's see. Let's see. Allah says the Quran yeah you will Lena Ave or you will believe it Allah obey Allah wa T O rasool and obey the Messenger of Allah. Right very clear in the Quran. Allah says Rama Atacama rasuluh fu

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Allah says oh you believe whatever the Rasool has commanded you, whatever he has given you.

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Obey it, take it and whatever he has prohibit you prohibited you from whatever you forbids, you stay away from it. That's very explicit. There is no other way you can interpret that as clear instructions from Allah and we're even more explicit versus further Allah says by Allah Allah says I swayed by like by a lot by myself, but not a lot of bigger by Allah. Let me know when you are not believers, Hatter until you hotkey muka female Shakira by whom to Mala he Doofy opposing who Harada unfussy him how Raja microdata recently moved as Lima by Allah you Allah says I swayed you are not true believers. Until you Muslims, you accept

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you, they until they accept you, oh Muhammad, as the ultimate judge in the disputes, until you make the rubbish of Allah, your supreme arbitrator Europe Muslims and find in yourselves no resistance against the decision of the Prophet is Allah where you sell him with as Lima and you submit wholeheartedly to the command of going to be Salam can't get more explicit in that was saying, you're not a believer, until you submit completely to the judgment of Allah or to the judgment of the Prophet peace be upon him. last verse, there are many many more another one. The Prophet Allah says in the Quran, while man can animate meaning it is not befitting it is not appropriate for a

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Muslim man one minute in why Muslim woman in Kedah Allahu Allah gives a command water Su and his messenger gives a command any Hakuna Loma healer to mean I'm going to him that you have any choice in the matter after that as part Allah. Allah says Allah gives you a command or the Navy gives you a command. You don't have a choice anymore. If the profit is jump, you say how high the profit is from says eat a booster on a Sunday. You say how many ecosystems right Well May I say Lauer's hello and whichever disobey Allah and His messenger for other Dolla dolla number Bina then you have strayed into clear error, you have gone completely off the track. Now why this is important, especially in

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today's day and age.

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You ever from phenomenon type

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of Muslim and we make dua for them that they say we are Muslims. We embrace the Quran we accept the Quran.

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But we have a lifestyle want to live which is not in conformity with the Sunnah of the law. So the Quran, the Quran is laws of any high level, Allah gives the command in many times not going into the detail. Allah says performance Allah, without giving you any instruction outperforms Allah. Allah gives you a command before Hajj. And he doesn't tell you when on what they want to cite what to recite very high level, whereas the laws are going to be Salam. He enacts the laws, his job, that's why he's was sent not only to receive the Quran, but to enact the laws of Allah and to live the nose to show a live tradition of the Quran. And so if you don't want to follow the Islamic tradition, an

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easy way, not an easy way it's a loophole. Like yourself, you just say I follow the Quran, but I don't follow the Sunnah. I reject the Sunnah. Absolutely Muslim. Well, by doing that you are rejecting very, very clear verses of the Quran, you are only trying to call yourself a Muslim while at the same time living a lifestyle which is very different to the lifestyle which the Quran wants you to follow. Right? And so

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as we said, if the Quran does not prohibit something, but the prophet is Allah explicitly prohibited something, do you have a choice in the matter? We said no, per the ayat of the Quran, you don't have a choice, you must follow what that says. Now can anyone think of an example where something is commanded? Nothing, there's no it's no commandment in the Quran, but the Prophet gave the commandment or there is a prohibition not found in the Quran, but found that at least gave the prohibition Can you think of anything like that? Is there in other words, is there any law that you can think of? Which is only found in the Sunnah and not in the Quran? Anybody

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Am I audible online guys

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maybe I'm not although

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but the moment I mycelium Okay, are you slowly

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okay now now but why did I can

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because I, you they

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wait, can you think of any commandment that is found in the Sunnah only in the Quran

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or prohibition?

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I can think of the example we will not be almost very good at something gay waitresses. Okay, let's not talk about almost prohibited something. But the point is on that example, there are few examples like that we're going to be some said, what I do say yes, or what a man asked the question. Must I do this because I make Hajj every year. So then, if I said yes, it becomes true, meaning, it also tells us that Allah didn't come on you to make * Vidya only once in your life. But if I say he was Mukherjee, every eight is going to become an O Allah is going to corroborate that. So that enhances that just proves you that that abbyson is a low giver. He's a Sharia he makes laws along

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with Allah subhanaw taala. Okay, obviously, the laws that Lisa love is in line with Allah's commandments, then Allison will not make a law that goes against Allah's commandments, and it will be approved. And you have the few examples in the Quran, very few examples, where there'll be some made a decision and Allah

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either overturn the decision, or Allah intervene to say that was not the right decision, but because you made the decision, I'm going to allow it. So Allah is always obviously checking that to make sure that he is in line with what is the commandment of Allah. But let's think of a law that is not found in the Quran, but as found in the Sunnah.

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You got to think of one way you can think of one

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so for example, for a man to a gold

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or silk is haram. Everyone agrees a man is not allowed to wear gold, and he's not allowed to wear silk. You can't wear gold clothing. So clothing, gold jewelry, this is a part of the Quran. Allah doesn't speak about Golden silk in the Quran about wearing it. But as far as the Sunnah

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is one example and there are many many examples which you find in the Sunnah many, many laws in the Sunnah that are not found in the Quran and you have to follow them as if though Allah Himself had

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commanded such

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we concluding inshallah So, one might say, Okay, fine. So if I want to follow and be a Muslim and I want to follow the rules of Islam, I go to the Quran and I list all the rules I take all the rules and the laws out from the Quran. Okay, that's easy. The other part the other

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practice source of Islamic law is what we call the Sunnah and what might say, Where do I find the Sunnah? Is there a book called The Sunnah? We don't find it. And we say, and this way is a bit more complicated, because unfortunately, the entire Sunnah of the enemy Salam is not in one place, which makes it a little more difficult to compile Islamic law.

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The Sunnah, in fact, as we said, is the complete biography, the complete tradition, everything that he said, everything he did, everything he approved off, sometimes he didn't do anything, but someone did something. And then at least we saw it. And he didn't disapprove of it, or didn't prohibit it, that becomes sunnah. So if we, if we take the entire life of gonna be salaam from when he becomes an Obeah, to when he dies, every moment in his life. This will be the Sunnah. So I might say, Well, how do I find every minute, every moment in the life not to be some who recorded that? We say, well, these moments were recorded in little bits, little puzzles, little pieces, called Hadith, little

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snapshots. We have

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a snapshot of him giving one sermon. We have another snapshot of him praying. We have another another snapshot of him eating another snapshot of him prohibiting something commanding something. Now all these snapshots they do look photographs of his life, we call them Hadith. And when we put all the Hadith together, this gives us a picture of the Sunnah. Give us a picture of the Sunnah. Okay, so now these terminologies getting more complicated. We have sunnah with Hadith. And these Hadith, these snapshots, these little pictures are collected in books called books of Hadith. And within those books are the other Quran on the one side, and you have many, many books of the life

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going to be Salam, or is his tradition, and together that would be the Quran and the Sunnah. Now, what the Sunnah, unfortunately, with Hadith,

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there is a bit of a complication around authenticity. And I think that's where we're going to conclude for this evening. How do I know so if someone asks,

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you bring me a snapshot, you bring me a statement that says, the Prophet Muhammad peace, wrote and said, Oh, Muslims, you need to eat to sister on a Sunday.

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So I say to this man, look, if there's a reason really said this, then I will do it. I have to do it. I don't have a choice. But did he really say it? I don't know if he said it or not? Can you prove to me that he said it? And that is why we need to prove each one of these snapshots, each one of these little Hadith? Is it authentic? Or not? didn't really say it? Did you really do it? And that now enters into the realm of

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Hadith authenticity, or the preservation of the Quran and the Sunnah. This is very deep, and I think this is the way beyond one on one, but it's important groundwork to understand where Islamic law comes from. How do we derive laws. So before I tell you, Look, this is how you make Salah don't ask me why or how, trust me, this is how the Prophet made Salah and giving you a view in terms of where the laws come from, how they are derived, who

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did the who made the laws, who made the rules, how did we categorize them? How can we test that the laws are authentic, and this is what we're talking about. So inshallah we'll continue next week, Nila so we have our class concludes this evening. You guys were very bad tonight without anyone interacting with me. If any questions

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no, then Zack Luffy and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Keep us up to answer Salah Salem Hamad Al Ali Islam so he hung up anatomy. I still don't want to lie or to go to

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set up

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