Muhammad West – 6 Wisdoms Behind Calamities
![Muhammad West](
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The speakers discuss the importance of sign language in English and the need for hearing technology to help hearing babies. The loss of hearing and disering silence is a challenge for deaf people, but there is a need for hearing technology to help them. The challenges of finding employment for deaf people, including language barriers and lack of access to Islamic culture, are discussed. The importance of providing education for Deaf people is emphasized, along with the need for community support and helping children build businesses. The speakers emphasize the importance of hardships, patience, and resilience for a better life.
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have a lunch stone rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraf in was sitting, say now Muhammad Anwar Ali he also has remained my beloved brothers This is Salam Alikum rahmatullah wa barakato
Alhamdulillah always we will begin with the praise of Allah Nisha to Allah Allah and Allah will testify that is not worthy of worship because Allah subhanaw taala and we send our love and greetings, beloved me, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam despise his poor family, his companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time. And Allah blesses to be amongst them. I mean, when hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah, before we begin the Joomla, free football, we're very honored and you know, happy to have anois Institute for the Deaf year today, and there'll be doing a little bit a small short presentation before for the Joomla we, Dr. Kasim would be will be giving us a little
talk and they would be a sign interpreter who would actually give the message over in sign language and it is something that we hope in sha Allah, that all genoise should be done in sign language that every single person of the GEMA should benefit from the lecture inshallah. So not to take any more time we ask Dr. Kasim and faculty Musa. I'm delighted to come forward Abdullah How likely is our interpreter and faculty will give the Advan later inshallah.
Sparkman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Shafi mousseline say now Allah be in our webinar Maulana Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while early he was Harvey edge my in rubbish Rockley Saturday or your Siddeley Amelie workloads over the term melissani Yohko Kohli
Brothers and Sisters in Islam.
Yes, we have a few sisters Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
First of all, I would like to thank
you mum and the waist and the mercy committee for inviting us and allowing us to do some deaf awareness inshallah.
You will see that my brother Yeah, I will walk it is interpreting, he is in training. We don't have enough Muslim brothers who can interpret so he's basically what we call a it's not fully fledged interpreting. You can't interpret everything that you say, but he will give a short version of what is being said.
And it doesn't matter how short that version is at least there is a deaf brother who can take the message home inshallah.
So, for a moment, I just want to okay maybe I must just do this one thing. When we greet a deaf person.
Normally, we would say Assalamualaikum
and if these many people they would say assalamu alaykum but the English interpretation is Peace be with you.
So, just to break the ice, I would like to ask the gematria to work with me inshallah. So just like this, that's peace.
With You.
I would just like to do mark to imagine something for me for a bit.
I should maybe ask you
to close your ears, but let's leave that for today. But I just want you to imagine a world that is silent. And I'm not talking about when you got your ear pods in, and you can't listen to the you don't want to listen to the wife, or something like that. But you can still hear talking in the background. I'm talking about absolute silence.
Do you know when I go into the Kuru, with a four by four overlanding, it's dead quiet. You can almost hear the stars at night. I'm talking about dead silence, that silence that is deafening.
After a few hours, it will be unsettling, you'll become a little bit unsettled because you, you can't handle the silence. So that's the kind of silence I want you to imagine. The silence that a baby hears when its mother talks to the first teacher.
It cannot hear that mother sounds. The Daddy wants to know. Is this child going to say daddy first or mommy?
But the child is silent because he can't hear the words.
So silence of people around you.
If I'm standing here, and you can't hear and you just see my lips moving and you're wondering, what is this man saying? You can't hear that you can't hear laughing You can't hear the other and you can't hear that recital that we listened to earlier on.
To Andhra answer her doctors quiet. In postbit Capetonians. We like the Largo but we can't differentiate, it's quiet, it's silent.
Or silence of the the waves of the sea you can't hear that. And more important, you can't hear your your siblings chatting in the home. Or when they get excited and, and unhappy. They laugh, can't hear that.
Or maybe something closer to ourselves, sitting behind the game console and you know these formula ones and you can't hear the car.
You can't you don't understand when the family's watching TV. All of a sudden they burst out laughing. And you want to join in that laughter. But you don't know what just happened. And you ask what happened. Tell you don't worry about it will tell you later.
That is the kind of silence that I'm referring to.
So you have people that are deaf, you cannot see that there are deaf, stuck like the in the wheelchair or using some kind of device. Some of them has the hearing aid. But then again, we also see some old people look on yes or Lika. They also have a hearing aid so maybe it doesn't catch your eye.
And what is the challenges? If they cannot hear us? How do they navigate life? How do they navigate school?
Yesterday I went to a valedictory of one of my grandchildren.
And I sat there and imagine if I was deaf. How I would experience that politically.
And if that grandchild of mine were deaf, would that child experience what she was experiencing yesterday? And truth be told? It's impossible.
It's impossible. Because
up until today, there isn't any
successful because we do have them we do have special schools for deaf children, but they are not successful 80% of the Deaf profoundly deaf is they don't have from the tick certificate and therefore cannot find gainful employment.
And therefore and therefore you know what the story is after that. If you don't have a matric, you can't even work as a sweeper in the supermarket.
So they struggle with us. And the reason for this was years ago, there was a policy they decided on a policy that deaf people has to learn a spoken and written language first.
Now, if they can't hear, how can they do this, but that was the policy.
They were told that you can always learn sign language later, which means that even that language was distorted by dialect by whether it's English or Afrikaans by region and so it is a lost community.
On top of the
As they have no access to Islamic knowledge, sometimes the parents and the siblings are not able to communicate with them. Yes, they can do a little bit of signing year, but deep conversation cannot be found.
Unless you can sign
then you can talk to them. So you tell me, what is really the handicap is the handicap that they can't hear, or is their handicap, this little fact that we are unable to communicate to them.
If you're able to speak to a deaf person and beat him up in you, say, Peace be with you, you can see the face let light up. Because you're somebody that they can talk to. The only problem is they won't let you go or keep wanting to talk to you.
And very soon, you'll be able to learn certain signs.
Like how are you?
What is your name?
Where are you going now? Simple stuff. And as you can see, and the nice part of it is, is that you don't have to, it's like WhatsApp language, you know, you don't have to spell out in the correct grammar. It's easy. Sometimes I'll send a sentence, these two signs.
And the nice part of it is I can chat to that tutor right at the back there without anybody knowing.
To Celeste hemos and Karp was Ken Skinner. And you won't be aware of anything.
So that is the problem. And this is the reason I'm here. I want to make you aware that this is the plight of the deaf community. And in particular, the deaf community, the Muslim deaf community, no access to madrasa.
No teachers,
no interpreters.
There, a lot of progress has been made with Deaf people. But it's all superficial. It's all like policy in government and in educational facilities. It hasn't come down to grassroot levels. So we've had a walker was established to provide Islamic education. And that was way back in 1995. We since found out that Dave needs assistance in all aspects of their lives.
Even if a hearing person and a deaf person get married, they need somebody to interact and communicate between the two.
If a deaf brother wants to get married, he comes to Imam West. And he is ask him to get married he won't understand.
And when you read him the Nikka
does he know whether that person actually understand that the car before he says I accept? And you know how the young people struggle to say God, we'll do the QA. And then sometimes they say fuck your throne restyle to the end.
It's really like that, how does he know that this deaf person accepted this contract.
Now if it is something this basic, imagine all the other aspects in the lives, education, social interaction, Islamic
that didn't exist until 1995. So we moved our whole life here we still have the madrasa. But we've become an advocacy group and this advocacy group is open to all because all deaf people need it. And if they is a Muslim organization doing it, they will also perform it Dawa.
The most prominent deaf school in Cape Town is in Victor BOMA Dominican School for the Deaf Alhamdulillah they were something for them.
But I think it's time that the Muslim community who's been in in the way back in the day, innovators, mathematicians,
physicians, we were innovative. Yesterday doesn't tell that but we know it as a fact.
So I'm here to say that it's time for the Muslim community to give to the deaf community.
We all know it. We all talk about disabilities in our workplace, we talking about
what is it called social responsibility, etc. And we do we forced to give by law,
but we haven't read that funds has not come down to to people with disabilities. And in particular, there are people who are deaf.
So, the prophet
ebony Omar reported
that the prophet had said that the most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people.
The Muslim community of Cape Town is benevolent we gave all aspects we give to massage it which we felt a lot of, too.
orphanages to keep schools, food distribution, anything you can think of. We've done we've given we're still doing it.
I'm asking you to please consider that we give to the deaf community.
We haven't done so as a as a community, a Hamdulillah. I mean, we've done well, in the community community has supported as well. But we have now bought a premises, the Sierra Fox Children Hospital premises, and we decided that the only way to, to,
to benefit the Deaf is to give them the tools to love to be economically active, to be independent. And that's grassroots that education wise. So we've established a Montessori school, because Montessori doesn't have such a great need for language. But this Montessori School is a difference not a special school. It's not a school for the deaf. It's an inclusive school. So deaf and
hearing children will be interacting so that they don't see these people. Deaf people, some of us still talk about different dumb. And if people to rephrase and not use dumb say if they are happy to be called it
that they grew up in seeing that deaf people are as normal as they are. In fact, maybe our urine children are more abnormal than deaf people sometimes.
So that's what we want to do. We want to grow, we started the preschool already. And I invite anybody to just come out and have a look. And if there's anybody in the community who has a deaf child, sometimes if a vegetable is full, that child sits at home until they eight, nine years old, please refer them to us inshallah.
We want to grow it to a high school, inshallah. And we attract
people, you know, people have means.
So I'm hoping that bottle service was talking about adult basic education, and skills training. And we also do sign language courses on a Saturday for the community, especially those who are dealing with the public, retail sector, clinics, in courts, etc. So that they don't have to come to Ottawa, to look for interpreter to go and represent them in jail.
So we tackling these things from all those angles, but we cannot do it alone. We do need the community.
If it's not funds, then skills like I say restoring we always building and fixing it up to try and get that excellence and there are people in our community with skills, even legal skills, etc. If you feel that this is something that you could do, please contact us.
So, let us join hands out my time.
So let us join hands and for once give to the deaf community. The whole plan is to run it as a business so that we are self sustainable, that we don't come to the community every time we need something.
We'll come to you for the big things. Yes. Because we want to be excellent, right?
So Allah Allah says in the Quran, in Surah, man, spiller been rocking, for be a Europe be coma to cut the burn, surgical Lola D and then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
If I don't deny the favours granted to me by Allah Subhan Allah to Allah, then I must be thankful. And then I must show my thankfulness. And not just by saying Alhamdulillah I have to show it by helping those who are less fortunate than myself.
That's how I see it. That's my opinion when I read that
and I hope that you see it the same way that I do today. Charla
Zack Allah Hi, Ron, Imam and community brothers. It was a pleasure
delivering this awareness to you shukran Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.
wa salam,
and honey
So alhamdulillah just a
quick update,
same is going to mean the same is gonna go out and the money collected is for a law school. So for those who are Institute for the Deaf, so please assist and we handing out pamphlets. And these are given the sign alphabet isn't it's the alphabet and more information on the sign alphabet. Yes So alhamdulillah please we make the other this success in height and it's something that we should all be conscious about. I think everyone in everybody's family there is some form of of municipalities are a nice word but in everyone's family, there isn't a family member who we need to support and enable them to Inshallah, you know, live a full life Inshallah, because time is basically up. we'll
defer the lecture inshallah to next week, the lecture was around the reasons why Allah puts calamities on the earth. Why is the sickness? Why is the disability? Why is the hardship Why are the earthquakes look and stop all these things? Some of us will feel, you know, if I was Allah, there will be no deaf people in the world, there will be no blind people on earth. There wouldn't be any hardships on earth. Why? So why is Allah the Most Merciful? Why does he do this? And perhaps just to take one or two points from here, there are many reasons and wisdoms behind it, each one is an opportunity to get close to Allah. In a hadith that says, one of the reasons one of the reasons
Allah puts hardship in your life, and all of us have hardships, all of us have worries, and stress, sadness all of us. Then a reason says, difficulty, trials will continue to be full, the believing man will the believing woman in himself meaning in his body, in his health, in his children, in his money, until he meets Allah with no sin on him. Allah subhanho wa Taala sweetens him, so that when he returns to Allah, there is no account or reckoning, he has only Jana ahead of him. It is a means by which Allah prepares you when you come to him. One of the other wisdoms that we conclude with us,
that then responses, those who face the toughest challenges, and the most difficult of hardships. Who are they? They are, number one, the prophets, the Gambia, and then after them are the most pious of people, Allah puts difficulty in the path of the most pious of people, and then those that have less trials are less pious, and a person continues to be afflicted, until he walks on earth without having any sense again,
Allah subhanaw taala wants certain people to ascend to a level, you cannot achieve through your good deeds, you cannot achieve through sadaqa you cannot achieve through salah, but through patience and perseverance and struggle, and those calamities that Allah puts in the path, it is an opportunity to get to Allah subhanaw taala.
With the Islamic philosophy, there is no such thing as good or bad in terms of what Allah gives you, it is all an opportunity. Your money can be a means which entitles you to Jannah your money can build a masjid, or your money can be squandered and be the path to Jannah. The job that you got the promotion could be something which elevates you. Or it could be something that takes you away from Allah. And similarly any hardship is an opportunity to turn back to Allah and for most of us who have Allah, if we're true to ourselves, when are we most connected to Allah? When things are difficult when someone is in the hospital, when someone is not feeling well, when we need that
People can, okay.
every difficulty and I want everyone to think about your own challenges. Maybe it's your kids, maybe it's your parents, maybe it's your marriage or not have not been married. Maybe it's your career. The thing that gives you the most pain and stress and sorrow at night, tell yourself this is an opportunity to attain Jana. That is an opportunity for me to attain Jana, depending on how I experience it, how I take it. If it's a means that I draw closer to Allah, then it is a blessing. It's an aroma. And Allah will replace that hardship with something better. But if it's something that makes us angry and upset, and sorrow and mournful, they not only didn't solve our difficulty,
but it also took us away from Allah and that is the Islamic philosophy. That is why in the most difficult difficult of times, when you've lost someone that you love, when you had that terrible diagnosis, what do we say in Al Ilahi? Or in a Raggio? Allah says that the person says yeah, Allah, everything comes from you. Everything was given to me by you on loan, my health was given to me as loan. My children are given to me by loan on loan, my earring my site, and what you gave to me, you took it back. It was
And that you've done anything wrong, you just took back what you had already give it to me and everything ultimately goes back to Allah even I am going back to Allah. And so we ask that Allah subhanaw taala bless us in what we have. For those who are not going through hardships and difficulty, difficulties then a reason for it is for you to be sure to be grateful. How many of us thank Allah for our sight for our yearning. We will only experience will only be grateful sometimes when it's gone. So may Allah grant us to be grateful before we lose the blessing of Allah grant all those who are going through hardships and difficulty in the dunya of May Allah make it easy for
them. But Allah make it a means of explanation of the sins and granting beta in the dunya and akhira. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us that we are always contented with him and his decree. May we have that Eman that no matter what befalls us, we remain contented with our job and let our return to be with Allah subhanaw taala mean when hamdulillah just one or two announcements we thank those who attended our meet and greet. Last week, we had some people of different ages from 30 Up until 60 Hamlet was a was a good event and inshallah more of those to come. And then I'm also reminded here that for those who put money in the Tao fatwa Institute Alhamdulillah fantastic that
is very good moment increase you in your risk, but if you want to be a more regular donor, and a passive form of sadaqa then you can sign up of course and there's a form and then you can do a debit to would have 10 grand five grand whatever it may be without you even feeling it Alhamdulillah you're giving someone someone basically a better life. And how much does it count in the sight of Allah remember that lady who gave a dog a sip of water? That was the thing which entered into Jana? Can you imagine giving a child who has some difficulty a better life? How much as accountants item Allah only Allah knows and Alexei from us Amin Muhammad Ali Sahih Muslim Muslim Hemlock anatomy so
that when it comes to the cattle
okay smiling
along what spring?