Muhammad Salah – Gardens Of The Pious #119

Muhammad Salah

Feb 2nd 2015

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The importance of protecting one's identity and avoiding false accusations is emphasized in a series of conversations between speakers and guests. The speakers discuss the importance of providing aid and being a provider to those in need, avoiding harms and spying techniques, and learning the Arabic language to achieve a better understanding of the language. They also mention a serene and a new Muslim education program for new Muslims. The importance of seeking knowledge and increasing one's love to the language is emphasized.

AI: Summary ©

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			allah God is the Greatest. The moment only glory to Him. He
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			has to be the best and give his best religion to allah God has the greatest
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			glory to Him on any illness to be the best and give
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			us Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Smilla salat wa salam ala Anna V M Stofer Sadan and
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Manuela who about the viewers welcome to an episode number 138.
In our series of Guardians of the pious
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			in the beginning, we ask Allah Almighty to bless us all to teach us what we don't know, and to help
us to act upon the useful knowledge that we learn along with me. Today in sha Allah is going to be
the second episode in explaining the chapter of Kava how're you doing? Muslimeen which is the
fulfillment of the needs of the Muslims? That is chapter number 29. The fulfillment of the needs of
the Muslim
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			in the previous episode, we discuss to a hadith simultaneously but we didn't get to finish Hadith
number 245. Which in sha Allah and by Allah's help and grace will try to do it in this episode in
sha Allah. So let me remind you brothers and sisters, with this hadith which is a sound Hadith,
narrated by the great companion Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him and it is collected by
the Imam Muslim may Allah have mercy on him
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			on every higher authority Allahu Anhu and in the video so Allah Allah Allah Salla makan manifest
Minion corbetta Min Cora be dunya the first Allahu Anhu convert them and call up the old mill pm
when he has Sarala more certain yes sir Allahu Allah if you don't do a thorough woman Sephora Muslim
and cetera who Allah who feed dunya Well, Salah well Allahu Fionnula booty McKenna libido Fiona he
woman Celica polio Can you help me Sophie here elmen Sir Hello. Hola. Hola. Who are you can Elan
Jana or Mr. Ma Coleman V Beatty member Utila hit isla? Yet Luna kita of Allah he wet adore Asuna who
by no ill nurse Allah Tala hemos Sakina we have a Shia tomo Rama, what have fat one mela Iike
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			whether Coahoma Allahu fi men and women but Thor abbiamo Lu, la Musa be noticeable.
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			Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, said in this hadith, whoever relieves a Muslim of some worldly
distress, Allah will relieve them of some of the distress of the Day of Judgment. And whoever
relieves the burden from a distant youth person, Allah will relieve him in this world and in the
next and whoever conceals the sense of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his sins in this world. And on
the Day of Resurrection.
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			Allah Almighty will help his servant so long as his servant helps his brother. Whoever follows a
path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to paradise. No people gather in
one of the houses of Allah, reciting the book of Allah and teaching it to others.
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			But tranquillity will descend upon them, Mercy will involve them, the angels will surround them, and
Allah will mention them to those who are with him. And whatever is hindered because of his bad
deeds, his lineage will be of no avail to him. If you remember we said last time, the hadith is very
rich. Each segment of the hadith
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			is a title by itself, beginning from whoever leaves a Muslim from one of the burdens of this life,
Allah will relieve him from his burdens in this life and the burdens on the Day of Resurrection. And
we refer to what kind of burden would be there on the day of judgment. And this is a great
incentive, that if you want to help yourself, help others if you want your sins and false to be
concealed, then conceal the false and
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			The sense of others, as some of our predecessors say, in commentary on this hadith Subhanallah, he
said, I've known people who use not to have any faults.
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			Then because of revealing the faults of others, they started having faults and Allah revealed their
faults and their errors. And I know other people who are involved into since faults and errors, but
they do not expose others faults. So Allah subhanaw taala conceal their sins and faults for them.
This is very important to understand. If you like yourself, to be in a state of set, which is a
great blessing, then you should provide it to others as set is the cover is to conceal the faults of
others. And it is a great blessing. As some of the Sahaba said, subhanAllah if sins have smell,
people would not dare to sit next to each other. Because guess what, everyone is a sinner. And if
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			the sins were the smell, in proportion, with the amount of the sense, people would not even bury
each other because of the smell this thing? Why because everyone commit sins. This I hate. Abu
Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet sallallahu Julius Malema said they
used to be a merchant. And this mission was very rich, Canada Yunus used to lend money to people who
are in need for either more sarin. Carl is Swabian. Heath Ledger was one.
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			And if one of the debtors is in a state of restatement of financial hardship, he will say to his
employees that there was one, pardon him, write off his debt, write off some of his debt, or give
him a postponement. So he would give him postponement. He doesn't have to pay right away, give him
another month, give him another couple of months. And if the person is in financial need to the
point that he cannot pay at all he said he was one just pardon him, because he's very rich, and he
can afford it and it would not hurt him. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has said, the rich
man that Mershon used to say to his employees, the GI was one who Lala and yet Asha was on, pardon
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			him. Right off his debt, hopefully that Allah Almighty will pardon us as a result of that. The
Prophet sallallahu sallam said Fantasia was Allahu Allah. So when he died, Allah subhanaw taala
wrote of all his sins, why? Because he used to write off some of people's debts. He used to give
them a break, used to give them a postponement, if they cannot pay on time. This is the meaning and
a confirmation of the segment which says, Woman Yes, Sarala Masurian. Yes, sir Allahu Ali. If you
make it easy for a person who is in hardship, Allah will make it easy for you both in this life. And
in the here, after as well. A man came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and complain that
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			his brother was always in worship, and he is the sole provider for him. So two brothers, one of them
devoted himself to worship, and the other used to work and provide for him. When he came to the
Prophet salallahu, the center and being that he works hard, and his brother doesn't do what worship.
He said.
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			He thought that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would ask his brother to stop worshiping, and to go
out and to work. So he said, to the rich man who's supporting his brother, he said, Look at Tulsa,
Kobe, you never know. Maybe the provision that you're receiving from Allah is solely because of him.
You know, for many of us, we have to understand that
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			maybe you're not rich, because you deserve to be rich.
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			And you're maintaining this job or this position, not because you deserve it, rather, because the
money that you're collecting from this position from this company, from this provision, you send a
portion of it to some orphans, to a widow.
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			And Allah subhanaw taala provides for them through you. So if you decide to sever this provision,
and you say, I work hard, and these guys are lazy, so Allah subhanaw taala say, Okay, we used to
provide for you because of them. And now you don't do that anymore. Cut off his provision and that
is all pre ordained and decreed. So one has to be smart enough to understand that when Allah says in
Allah who are was Zuko, what in Mateen, which means
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			all the sources of provision are controlled by Allah the Almighty. He said off his center it is
spoken one or two I do yes we collect our harvest from the fields from Earth. We mined the minerals
from the underground and from the mountains from the earth.
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			But it is all controlled from above the seven heavens
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			by Allah Almighty office Semih risco, calm want to do so in this case, Allah Almighty Who is the
only provider and he is a sustainer said, If you help others, I shall help you.
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			If you conceal the sins of others, I shall conceal your faults. If you relieve the burdens of
others, I shall relieve your burdens in this life and in the hereafter on the Day of Resurrection.
Wonderful deal. Why don't we pick up this offer? So in the views of Allah Allah cinema said In
another Hadith, which is narrated by Cordova and I will miss Odin Ansari, may Allah be pleased with
them. When they heard that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said a man who died
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			and he was seen in a night vision for appeal Allahu Bhima Rafer Allahu Allah.
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			Somebody saw him in another division and he asked him what happened to you said Allah for giving you
all my sense is it been a rough for Allah hulak Why?
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			What did you do that Allah subhanaw taala pardon you and forgive all your sense. He said, I used to
learn people money Fantasia was one in mooser will have 400 Masa, I used to take it easy on them. If
somebody was in hardship, financial difficulty, I used to pardon them. I used to postpone the due
date of the payment. I was taking it easy on them. So Allah subhanaw taala said, No, I have COVID
Daddy coming. Tasha was one which means we're more worthy,
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			to be merciful and to power than than you. And He said to His angels, to jail was one, pardon him
and right of all his sins as a result of what as a result of pardoning people and making it easy for
them whenever they were in hardship and abuse Allah Allah Allah selama also said In another Hadith
man on varamaan, sarin water and who have Allahu Allahu feelingly yo mela will intervalo. Okay.
That's another great incentive. On the Day of Judgment, there will not be any shade, but the shade
which is provided by Allah Almighty, when the sun will draw very near and people will be melting and
sweating. As we discussed repeatedly in the sound Hadith, some people would not suffer the least
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			from the nearness of the sun from the excessive heat of the sun, they will not be sweating, you will
be in a dry area. Furthermore, they will be shaded by a shade that is provided by Allah the shade of
a throne.
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			As we know that there is a Hadith in which interview Salah selon describes seven categories
beginning with a just ruler in this hadith interview Salalah Salah and added another category which
is man and Laura more sarin, you know in a number 288 of Surah Al Baqarah. Allah Almighty order that
he said What can I do?
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			For now we will tune in my salah, then is it Furthermore, will enter Sadako who lack of in quantum
Talmud, sometimes a person that deter you is in desperate need.
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			For a reason or another, you know, a person might be holding a very good job, has a nice house in a
nice neighborhood, drives a very luxurious car. Then he loses his job. And he's afflicted with a
malignant tumor, or his wife or any of his children. And he lost his health insurance as well. So he
starts selling some of his properties, his house his car, I've seen some American millionaires, and
the report was on the CNN, he ended up selling his house and he ended up living and his wife in his
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			In the car, they had nothing but the car because he lost his position. He lost his house, he lost
all his money, he was a millionaire. And he ended up homeless.
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			And they were showing the story of this man and his wife and the suffering because he was afflicted
with a malignant tumor which consumed all his saving and all of that. In this case of hummus is a
commensal. It is not about lazy and not being interested to work. It happens to anyone it can happen
to literally anyone. I met some people who are literally extremely rich
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			At one point, the person told me that I swear I don't have a single dollar in my account.
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			And people understand that this man is a billionaire, a billionaire who owns like 1000 million, you
know, and he's more than that, but he lost everything it happens. So he says, as we're in Canada was
rotten, another rotten pillar, my surah. Another is to postpone the due date of the payment, ILA my
Surah until a time where the person will be able to pay. If you take him to jail, and every lender
takes him to jail, then he has a jail sentence of 1020 years or so, how's he going to pay what's
going to happen to his family members, you know, and if he had to borrow for illegitimate reason
he's eligible to sit in his debt from this car fund. That is called LR he mean and number 60 of
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			surah. A Toba will hardly mean those who will drown in debt, but provided that it was for legitimate
reason not because somebody's alcoholic and no matter how much money you give him, he will just buy
alcohol by drugs. Now, this is a different case. Okay. So if you like to be shaded in the shade of
Allah, which is provided by Allah on the day when there will not be any shade, but his underwear, my
salon, give a break to the editor, who will lend them some money, and he cannot pay on time. And he
has a very dreesen either giving him a break, or reducing the amount or giving a postponing to the
due date, or pardoning him entirely for the date. But in this case, I would like to assure you
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			brothers and sisters, some people, some lenders, when the debtors fail to make the payment, they
say, Okay, I will write it off, and I will deduct it from my user account. That is not permissible
as a different story. If you gave him the money in the first place, as means of the care, you're
paying off your user account, that's perfectly fine. But you cannot retreat it back and say I'm
gonna write it off from my Zika do amount that is not permissible. When you pay the money, at the
time of the payment, you have to precede the payment with an intention. Is it a charity, voluntary
sadaqa is it a mandatory is occur, or whether it is a day in which you expect to collect it, and in
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			this case, you actually have to pay the cap on this amount which you don't have anymore. It is now
on temporarily by the debt. But if you expect to collect it back, whenever it is due to pay zakat on
your words, you're going to pay zakat on that too, because it is your money unless if the debtor
fails to make any payment and you understand that most likely he won't be able to in this case you
will write it off. I mean you don't pay their care. Own the amount of money which you lend to editor
who's not able to pay back
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			another beautiful Hadith which is collected by him in his Muslim Abdullah him number. May Allah be
pleased with him narrated that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has said, If anyone would like his
dua to be answered, his invocation to be answered, Oh Doc shuffle Cotabato or his burden to be
relieved. Value of adventure and more Sir, let him give a relief to one who is in financial
hardship. Woman Satara Muslim and Cetara Allahu dunya. Well, ACARA there are many, many a hadith
providing the same meaning which is whoever considers the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal him
is false in this dunya and in the Hereafter, as well. Rock banana May Allah defeated him, said I
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			heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men suffer or miniato Satara hula hoop yo
multicam as I said, there are many a hadith in the cigar. But the following hadith is very
interesting. In watch and abuse Allah Allah Allah cinema Cydia, mashallah man and I believe he said
he will unmute Khalil Eman with your cobia
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			he's addressing certain people and he labeled them that they believed only by their tongue. Yes,
they say a shadow Allah in the law or shadow under Muhammad Rasulullah. But the Eman in reality they
did not sit well yet. In their hearts, their hearts are not saturated with the image and
accordingly, they don't know how to behave properly. So you say Dr. Matt Sherman, Mr. evilly 70 Or
those who just accepted Islam by the tongue and the Imam did not enter their hearts yet. Let us
table Muslimeen do not bet by Muslims while at a taboo our RT him and do not follow their faults and
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			In order to expose them because whoever the so that about Allah who our
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			Allah the Almighty will follow his errors and will expose them.
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			Woman data Allah who our data if Allah does so, you have Dr. woofie Beatty, Allah Almighty will
expose him, even if he does whatever he does the false the sense, in the madness of his house, he
made sure that all the doors are locked, and he's hiding, but Allah will still expose him. And he's
able to do all things. One of the things which I wanted to bring to your attention nowadays, there
is a dilemma which is called spying, spying, spying on phone calls, conversations, chatting, online,
email messages, very, very evil. And some people use this to blackmail civilians and innocent people
to force them to do bad things.
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			Sometimes even to blackmail politicians and people who are in authority to pass a particular bill or
to skip a particular judgment, and the black male judges as well. And officers. And in the past one
year, I have seen some of those
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			who exceeded the limits and close all the lines in spying on people and exposing the phone
conversations. They have been exposed in the same fashion.
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			I swear to Allah.
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			And it's really amazing because those people are highly authoritative and they think that no one
could know what they're talking about. But they're exposed day and night. This is what we call it.
Al Jazeera Minjin Salama,
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			if you do good, Allah says hello Jessa Oh your son in law, Sn is the word of God but what is good
and if you do bad, and Jessa, Origen Suleiman and the is of the same type of the sin that you've
been doing, you've been exposing people. So, Allah will expose you and Allah will not stop exposing
you unless you stop exposing people and talking about their faults and errors.
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			You know, interview Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam taught us that if you and your brother were talking
about any matter, any matter even something which is like you know insignificant instead just keep
it between you and I.
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			So, he entrusted you and you consider this a form of a manner, then it is not permissible to reveal
what he said to anyone else. Why? Because he requested you to keep this as a secret.
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			So what about spying on people's conversations over the phone?
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			Or tapping them the phone lines in order to blackmail them and expose them? If this happens in the
society, I promise the whole society if they if they accept that will drown?
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			Because Allah Almighty said that whenever Allah wanted to destroy society, Amana Moutere of EFSF
gouvia For headcollar hella that further Myrna hatted Mira
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			this is something which the whole community the Muslim community must understand that we have to
cooperate in order to do what is good and stop the evil
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			because if those who are propagating the evil will continue to do and will quiet he said for Haqqani
Cohn, further, Myrna had Mira Elko here is a statement of the punishment I'll adapt and accordingly
they will be all destroyed because of the widespread of evil. But look on the other hand Subhanallah
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			when we conceal the sins of one another, and the falls of one another, according to the scheme,
which was who spoke about it in the previous episode, because we have to differentiate between
somebody who is an ordinary person and does something wrong cover him up and a person who brags
about his sin or propagates the evil or he cannot simply do it or wrongs others and translate this
is again is the right this person, we must report him we differentiate between the two cases not to
confuse the issues.
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			Ameren Hata may Allah be pleased with him the rated that F dot will family is Harlow sorority Island
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			Casati our T O ash Bata Jo atta who? Oh Kobe tele haha Jetta who?
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			One of the best deeds which pleases Allah subhanho wa Taala and will make him happy with the servant
is to make another Muslim happy
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			He to make another believer happy to make him pleased. If somebody was involved in an error and you
figure this out, she assured that okay, just seek forgiveness and may Allah forgive you and forgive
all of us. It will please him. And this is like ringing the bell and Allah. Okay? You made him happy
Allah subhanaw taala is happy with you. Oh ash, batha gelato or somebody who is hungry whether you
know him or you don't.
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			This is one of the best deeds because you provided him food whenever he's starving and extremely
hungry. Oh, Hadith, Aloha Jetta who he's in need for whatever, for money for cash for health for
medication, you know, nowadays, what, you know, a man or a woman will stop you and say, Don't give
me money. Just buy me this kind of medication, please buy me the diabetes medicine. You know, it
breaks one's heart. Because such people supposed to have a whole system to provide them with welfare
so they don't have to beg for medicine. Take from the rich and guarantee that the poor will get the
rights but if they don't, then it is the responsibility of every Muslim to provide for them and to
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			satisfy and fulfill their needs. Abu Bakr Siddiq, Radi Allahu Allah
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			used to help people to the point that he used to milk the sheep when he was elected as the Khalifa
one of the girls said, From now on, this man is done as not going to help us anymore why? Because he
became the Khalifa AbuBakr Sadiq Radi Allahu Allah and heard about that. So he went to her and I
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			Are you and lay your urine in LA who behalf I hope that Allah subhanaw taala would not change my
habit of helping people to the point that used to make their sheep for those who cannot afford it.
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			Just because I became the Khalifa. And he used to do that, after he became the Khalifa This is one
of the very effective and efficient ways of training oneself to be helpful. And to be humble as
well. There was always a state of competition between a worker Sadiq and Omar even hotrod. May Allah
be pleased with him, not in the number of rock as they prayed at night, not in how many days they
fasted every week, rather, in helping others. When Almarhum hubub decided to help a blind woman, you
realize that she's living by herself in a tent in a remote area. Every time you go to her tent to
check on her. You found the 10th was swept and the water was there, and the sheep was milk and the
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			food is cooked. And you'd ask the woman who did that she said I swear to Allah I don't know his
name. He's a nice man. He comes every once in a while to take care of my place. He fixes my food
brings the water for me. May Allah bless him.
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			Every time I'm going to cut up goes he will find the condition is taken care of until one time he
was hiding. And he figured out that this person was none but Abu Bakr severe. May Allah be pleased
with him. We'll take a short break and we'll be back Inshallah, in a couple of minutes please stay
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			Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome back. Our phone numbers beginning with Area
code 0020 Double 125 Double 08679 Alternatively, Aqua 00201 double 024645 a three. The email address
is [email protected]. I found a very interesting Hadith that I wanted to share with you in this
regard of the virtues of helping and assisting others.
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			The hadith is collected by both herbaria Muslim and narrated by NSMB Malik was traveling with the
Prophet peace be upon him once and he said
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			a group of the companions were traveling along with the Prophet peace be upon him. He said feminists
Salah mo Amina Mater and some of us were fasting and some of us were not fasting so it appears as if
it was Ramadan.
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			And even in Ramadan while traveling you have the concession or breaking your fast but some people
said no we will fast which indicates there nowadays as well. Due to the fact that traveling have
become a lot easier. Some people will travel during Ramadan to perform ombre and it happened with us
many times coming from Houston, Texas. Oh
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			All the way to Macau talking about over 20 hours, you know, with the transit and so on, but people
still find it easy to fast. They don't have a problem with that. Fine, that is their choice. But in
this particular incident, the Companions some of them were fasting and some are not they're
traveling in the desert on the back of the cameras and it is extremely hot.
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			venison Manziel and film in half. And we can somewhere
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			in a very hot day, extremely hot
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			for can axonal the lungs LANSA he saw he Venky SAP. Yeah, and if people did not have any shade to
cover up when they were in an exposed area, if somebody would have like a shell or a cover, a
personal cover to cover his head with he will be lucky. And some people will use to cover their
heads with their hands because of the excessive heat and the burning sun.
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			So the Companions started building up and setting up the tents for SOHCAHTOA. So a more common of
those who are fasting, could not do anything could not do any labor. They felt they were so tired,
they lie down. While and move to Rouen. They started setting up the tents fish in the water, feeding
the cameras and preparing the food for everyone including the fasting people. For call Allah Rasool
Ullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there have a move to ruin a Leo mobile edge. How beautiful and
move to her is the opposite of the fasting person. So you say those who are not fasting today
harvested the whole word. They got older word. Why? Yes, they escaped fasting and they will make up
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			some other day. But they did not miss the opportunity of serving others. What about those who are
fasting, they were tired
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			and they fell down and they lie down waiting for those who are not fasting to do everything for
them. They were in the khidmat so Olivia Salalah selama said they have a matar on annual mobile edge
because of that. The Sahaba may Allah be pleased with them. One of them they will travel, they will
insist to serve their servants. Mujahid is one of the great move a serene
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			commentators of the Quran said I used to accompany the live normal may Allah be pleased with him and
he would insist
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			you insist that you join me provided that I shall serve you Yanni he would set up the tent you will
fetch the water prepare the food and the other guy is just sitting why he doesn't look at it as
being inferior. In rather in Arabic. They say how they will call me say you don't wanna say you
don't call me Hardiman. One who serve as the people he's actually their master. He's their leader,
because of the service that he provides for them. And obviously because of the magnificent word that
he is waiting from Allah subhanaw taala for serving people. In the next segment, the Prophet
sallallahu sallam said in this hadith which I said each segment could be a topic by itself. He said,
00:33:17 --> 00:33:33
			Amen. Salah Coppelia, can you help me Sophie here and Mansa Han Allahu Allah Who Talia can ill Jana,
whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge. Allah will make easy for him a path to paradise May
Allah Almighty make us amongst them. Great.
00:33:34 --> 00:33:40
			And again, the segment have been rated in many other Hadith by Abdullah or the Allahu Allah and
00:33:41 --> 00:33:58
			Allah Almighty says in Surah Al Kama, which we studied, in our program, curriculum citation, the
area which was repeated four times, while Acharya sonel Quran alizee kriva Helmy more decades.
00:33:59 --> 00:34:24
			Indeed, we have made the Quran easy to be learn, to be recited, to be understood, and to act upon
it. So who is willing to study it, who's willing to learn it? Who's willing to benefit out of it for
help me more DACA. So Allah made the Quran easy, despite the fact that it is not the language of the
vast majority of Muslims,
00:34:25 --> 00:34:27
			approximately 82%
00:34:29 --> 00:34:31
			of the Muslim or non Arab,
00:34:32 --> 00:34:55
			but it is quite amazing how every Muslim, regardless whether he is an Arab or a non Arab, are very
eager to learn the Quran, and learn the language of the Quran. And many non Arab excelled in this
language, and in the science of Tafseer. And science of that weed and the science of Hadith, more
than many of those who were born to
00:34:56 --> 00:34:59
			Arabic parents and with Arabic mother tongue. This
00:35:00 --> 00:35:07
			is because of the blessings of Allah tayseer. Allah made it easy. Does he'll tayseer? Yes.
00:35:08 --> 00:35:19
			Indeed, we've made the Quran easy for zyk which includes reading, learning, understanding, and
obviously, acting upon it as well for helping them with DACA.
00:35:20 --> 00:35:42
			Their word of the good deed is to be followed by another good deed. Keep this in your mind and the
bad omen and the punishment of a sin is to be followed by another sin Subhan Allah. Allah Almighty
says in the Quran in surah Meriam whereas he, Allahu leadin after that,
00:35:43 --> 00:35:46
			when a person chooses
00:35:47 --> 00:36:09
			to be rightly guided to learn the deen to follow the Sunnah Allah Almighty will give him a boost
will give him a push will bring him closer to him will make him more interested in following the
deal. Make him more eager to learn the Quran. Why? Because he took the initiative and that was also
discussed in the sacred Hadith
00:36:10 --> 00:36:17
			Manticore Robert Illya Shiva and Takara to Illa Hera aumenta karate aumenta carrabba Ilya Iran,
00:36:19 --> 00:36:29
			Taka Rob to Isla Heba. And also in a lot of mighty says, Whoever comes towards me walking, I shall
come towards him, her Wellington Hasting.
00:36:31 --> 00:36:37
			And wherever draws nearer to me a hands pan, I will come towards him and arms pan,
00:36:39 --> 00:36:57
			and so on and so forth. You take the initiative, Allah subhanaw taala will increase your guidance
will increase your love to the Quran will increase your love to the Sunnah just break the ice. Just
make an intention and truly work on it. Sign up in any class in any course.
00:36:59 --> 00:37:51
			Decide with a song well to attend a rally in here or there even if you drive a long distance.
Because when you do that Allah subhanaw taala will do what will make your paths easy to paradise
that is the meaning of men Salah Caforio Kenyatta, Libyan man SallAllahu ala Jana Celica, whoever
follows a path in pursuit of knowledge that could be physically and it could be morally, physically
by driving back and forth, or walking back and forth. And sitting in the classroom and making an
effort in listening attentively and writing and morally by comprehending by focusing by studying And
subhanAllah brothers and sisters. Nowadays, it has become very affordable and very easy for every
00:37:51 --> 00:38:21
			Muslim to seek knowledge at the convenience of their homes. Many sisters 10 years ago, used to ask,
is there a place where I can go to study the deen and learn the Quran and the Sunnah say, Yeah, but
you cannot travel by yourself. Now you don't have to travel. If you have a job, if you sign up with
any school or whatever, you don't have to leave all of that. So that to travel to learn the deen or
learn Arabic. You don't have to go to Egypt. Egypt would come to you. You don't have to go to Makkah
Mecca would come to you.
00:38:23 --> 00:38:29
			online elearning this the learning salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah Ibaka two sisters Dana from Nigeria
00:38:31 --> 00:38:33
			sis those Aina Salah Malik
00:38:39 --> 00:38:40
			Are you still there sisters Dinah.
00:38:44 --> 00:38:46
			Please try again sisters, no, no problem.
00:38:47 --> 00:38:54
			So, this is one thing that you can do on your own and Subhanallah there is no age limit for that.
00:38:55 --> 00:38:59
			Rather, one should seek knowledge until the last moment in his or her life.
00:39:00 --> 00:39:37
			Abdullayev now best may Allah be pleased with him because of the blessings of the dua of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam when he said Allahumma fell off he did. What are limited will Allah make him
comprehend the deed understand what our limited will and teach him teach him this is a divine
knowledge, the interpretation of the Quran he was indeed top joumana Quran and you can say to Jamal
Quran likewise both pronunciation of right and he says in that if sealed and amazing thing when I
only learned he said Subhanallah there is sewer which is known as surah Fatah
00:39:39 --> 00:39:43
			which begins with Alhamdulillah if Arthur is semi wet you will art
00:39:44 --> 00:39:45
00:39:46 --> 00:39:59
			One day there was a dispute between two baboons will live in the desert. And they went to Abdullah
have now best to sort out the problem that they have amongst each other which was an argument over a
00:40:00 --> 00:40:21
			And each one of them claimed it. I dug it first I did it first. So one of them said you have now
best Vietnam Rasulillah or the profits cousin earner for her to her Whelan. Anna for Tara to her a
Willem Abdullah, even our best was extremely happy.
00:40:22 --> 00:40:36
			This guy is the bad ones are presenting the case. But he benefited a great benefit which he added it
into Tafseer of the Quran. He said by Allah I never knew the actual meaning of the word the fall
00:40:37 --> 00:40:38
			But now
00:40:40 --> 00:40:57
			for about two half I dug it first I started it first and it did not exist before so far there is
some outlet you will or did not does not just mean he created it, or he made it no. He started them
from the scratch. There was no such thing before.
00:40:58 --> 00:41:01
			There was no such heavens and the earth before
00:41:02 --> 00:41:22
			he started them from the scratch. So that's a different meaning than just created. File to sum it
all up. We will continue to learn from each other will continue to learn from the older man and will
continue to learn from ordinary people. An Imam Abu Hanifa May Allah had missin him he is known as
00:41:24 --> 00:41:28
			Al Imam will have them. An Imam will have them.
00:41:30 --> 00:41:36
			And he said I have learned some very interesting and quite beneficial lessons from
00:41:37 --> 00:41:38
			a barber.
00:41:39 --> 00:42:00
			Which I did not know. I was unaware of. When we go for Hajj people come to us to ask us and Imam Abu
Hanifa while performing hedge everybody would go Yes, ma'am. What do you think of this? What is the
Cafaro? What is the painting? What is the video? Right? And when he finished the artifact and he
threw the stones he said before the barber
00:42:01 --> 00:42:22
			and he said, How much would you charge me? He said a old man. We should not argue over the nusach
shaving the head is an awesome it is now about bargaining. He said sorry. I forgot about it, or I
did not know about it. And he was sitting quiet. He said Why are you quiet?
00:42:23 --> 00:43:04
			Make this be make that beer. Don't you know that Allah subhanaw taala said was called Allah if he
said oops, I'm sorry, I forgot about it. And you started making tech beer. Allahu Akbar, Allah for
Allah. And he was sitting in this way. He said, turn around and give me your right hand hit fight
first. It is a sinner to begin with the right side first. So he turned around and he gave him the
right side first to start with. He says he included that in the pseudonym of utter hallowed and he
said I learned all of that from a barber. Don't you think yourself you know everything Allah says
will Felco Lydia and Minalima above every knowledgeable one. There is one who has more knowledge
00:43:04 --> 00:43:09
			than him As Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Africa. Sister Zona from Nigeria
00:43:14 --> 00:43:15
00:43:17 --> 00:43:25
			salam ala. evening. Good evening to you sisters. Salaam Rahmatullah. But I have a question.
00:43:28 --> 00:43:34
			I entered in a pub on Sundays before so I didn't have changed with me.
00:43:35 --> 00:43:38
			So I said, I'll pay him I know.
00:43:39 --> 00:43:44
			I know his number now. So I'll pay him later. I said, Okay, there's no problem.
00:43:45 --> 00:43:56
			Later, I've been looking for his nap have and I've checked the number but I couldn't find his nap or
or himself. So I
00:43:57 --> 00:44:06
			I just decided to like give out the money outside of class. So that the reward you go to to him? Is
00:44:08 --> 00:44:09
00:44:10 --> 00:44:33
			Thank you sisters. No, yes. What you did is just fine and humble. If anyone was in debt of anyone
happen to take some money, which is not has in a way or another and he failed to locate the person
to render back that a man just distributed. He doesn't you do not know even his ears are family
members that should give it any charity and intended the road should go to him. Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah Africa.
00:44:34 --> 00:44:37
			Sister Omar. Jana from the que se salaam aleikum. B.
00:44:38 --> 00:44:39
			We would it
00:44:41 --> 00:44:52
			similar to like memorization crying, it's like the Sunnah is alive, you know, and we are being
rewarded by this, you know, just not memorization but
00:44:54 --> 00:44:57
			active implementation of it. You know?
00:44:58 --> 00:44:59
			I want to hear your feet
00:45:00 --> 00:45:03
			Back in if there's any way they can implement this
00:45:05 --> 00:45:07
			system Oh, Jenna, can you hear me?
00:45:08 --> 00:45:10
			Thank you so much Jana Salaam Alaikum.
00:45:19 --> 00:45:27
			Okay the brothers in the control, would you please ask her to leave the question with you because of
course, we got a question halfway by.
00:45:28 --> 00:46:11
			If we speak about the virtues of seeking knowledge, forever it is insufficient. It is the only
quality which Allah ordered His Prophet sallallahu Sallam to seek an increase in extra there have,
he said in surah Taha were, quote, what visit in here Elena, evoke Allah by saying, My Lord,
Increase me in knowledge. And the more you seek knowledge, the more Allah will make your paths easy
towards paradise. May Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for us to enter heaven. During the break,
there was a very interesting promo. And one of our students is was hosted in the program in Dubai
and he said, an enamel chef, he said, I love what he says Subhanallah it's a nice coincidence. He
00:46:11 --> 00:46:33
			said, a young chef, he said May Allah have misheard him that an outlaw Vanessa hyrulean and also li
Alpha Raka. For me to seek knowledge for one hour is better than praying a voluntary prayer 1000
raka when South Africa Subhanallah so everybody, these programs are very dedicated.
00:46:35 --> 00:47:21
			And other programs likewise propagate them. attend them. There are many academies online, make sure
to enroll in any of them. If you don't have a chance to attend in the past, go into a masjid
attending a halka was a big risk. Because of in the countries where the taters are suppressing their
people. They don't allow them to learn the deen didn't allow them to go back and forth to the
masjid. Okay, nowadays we can sit and we have our halka online and for free. There is new Muslim
Academy for new Muslims reverts absolutely for free, very useful classes, and very unknown scholars
and teachers. There is Sharia Academy open Islamic University, University University and there are
00:47:21 --> 00:47:53
			many other universities, whether you have to pay a little bit or you pay like Karela payment or you
get a scholarship or absolutely for free. Do not miss this opportunity for pursuing knowledge Allah
will make your way easy to paradise. And he said Salah Salem whenever people gather in the machine
to do what to celebrate the praise of Allah to recite the Quran to learn about the deen Allah
subhanaw taala will provide them with the following privileges which others will not get anywhere
00:47:56 --> 00:47:56
			He said,
00:47:58 --> 00:48:41
			A Sakina that tranquility will descend upon them and Allah's mercy will envelope them and it will be
surrounded by the angels from every direction, because the angels to come down to attend as IK and
halacha zyk. Furthermore, and that is the greatest indeed the Torah homologue of the mela in and
Allah will make mention of them. In a gathering with him which is the angels in a mela will Allah in
a better gathering there's then there's, there's talking about Allah here on earth. And Allah
subhanaw taala is proud of them and he makes mention of them by their names in heaven before the
angels. There are angels who are known as say your hen the tool the earth the tool, the globe,
00:48:41 --> 00:49:01
			looking for * Aqua zyk, the helpers, the circles of the remembrance of Allah and whenever they
find one they set. And then when they ascend Allah Almighty asked them, How did you find my
servants? Oh, we attended and while they were making the deck, and how did you leave them? Oh, we
left them they were making decrees? Well,
00:49:02 --> 00:49:15
			what were they say? They were asking you for Paradise and mercy and they will seek refuge with you
again as hellfire and punishment. Allah says, well, and he knows best. Have they seen my heaven? No.
00:49:17 --> 00:49:59
			So for K for either? What if they have seen it? They are asking Allah to enter agenda they haven't
seen it for if they see it, had had the scene * no. So what if they have seen it? They are
seeking His protection against that even without seeing it, because we live in in in statement by
the unseen. So he will say or she will come bear witness OH MY ANGELS I have forgiven them on the
sense. Some angels say but such and such person who's attending with them for another reason. He did
not come to attend the healthcare or to learn there was another reason and Allah don't mighty
declares the following statement, which is to me one of the most pleasant statements glad tidings
00:49:59 --> 00:49:59
			and good news.
00:50:00 --> 00:50:41
			He said Hong Kong law Yes, copy him, Jenny Sumo. There are such people who, whenever and whoever is
sitting with them, will never be deprived will never be enriched. Rather he will be rewarded
likewise, no matter what was his intention, because of the blessings and the virtues of this
gathering, we have an opportunity to attend the healthcare every morning after fetch, or whenever Do
not miss this opportunity. May Allah make our way easy to paradise. We run out of time brothers and
sisters, but we still have some time in our lives to make them celebrate the praise of Allah and
seek his forgiveness and remind one another with the importance of EVIC Apalachicola that was tough
00:50:41 --> 00:50:45
			for a while you're welcome until next time As Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah wa
00:50:57 --> 00:50:59
			allah God is the greatest
00:51:01 --> 00:51:03
			glory to Him. He
00:51:04 --> 00:51:15
			has to be the best and give his best religion to Allah Our God has been greatest alone and no glory
to him
00:51:17 --> 00:51:34
			is to be the best and give his best religion to them. So why did they know that forgiving all about
and in paradise? We're shaping comes fire and stones sending their best to the cheapest
00:51:36 --> 00:51:47
			day ignore that forgetting all about bad guys are shipping cause fire and stores selling the best
and cheapest