Muhammad Alshareef – Whatever You Wish for Won’t Happen Unless #Shorts

Muhammad Alshareef
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AI: Summary ©

Speaker 1 discusses the topic of "come out of the evil" and how it is impossible to control events. They also mention the "come out of the evil" concept, stating that it is impossible to control events unless someone believes it is in control.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:00 --> 00:00:28
			Allah subhanho data says one that to share when it Allah insha Allah Allah but Allah mean that you
cannot will something except that ALLAH subhanaw taala wills it in Allah Kana Lehmann Hakima Verily
Allah subhanaw taala is all knowledgeable, all wise. And so this is so anything that you do, whether
it's a job or a marathon or anything that you think is in your control, remember that it's not going
to happen unless unless pinata wills it to happen.