Muhammad Alshareef – Perished Nations: People of Aad

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary ©
The use of Test sufficiency, a means of proving oneself and the power of others in achieving success, is emphasized in Islam. The importance of proving oneself and others in achieving success is emphasized, as is the success of Islam, including the use of hard work and up on the sofa. The history and importance of the term "naught" in Islam is also discussed, highlighting its significance in describing actions and events, staying quiet for a long period of time, and repeating topics in meetings to avoid "roaches." The speakers stress the importance of staying quiet for a long period of time and the use of "naught" in a sense of pride, but do not provide context or details on the topic of the "roaches."
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah Muhammad Allah subhanho wa Taala no one has stopped fiddle. When are the villa Himanshu rhodium fusina. Woman say at Dr. Marina mania de la huhtala Farah moody Lala, wanna use lil fella howdy Allah, wa shadow Allah Allah illallah wa de la sharika Allah wa shadow Ana Mohammed Abu hora sudo ama ban.

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The brothers and sisters

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abubaker radi Allahu Allah and who he once saw the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Hmong, and beautiful hair of the prophets that aloha Leo is Salaam. And amongst that that hair,

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he saw some hair that was shining, silver and white little patch, a few hairs. And so he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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urraca had shaped. He said, I see you that you've gotten the little old shaybah is that white hair that comes out on the head.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam responded, che obecnie, who Duma Hawa to ha, he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that surah tude and it sisters her sisters have caused my hair to turn white. Salalah Holly was Allah.

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There was once a time when obey ebonylife in Mecca, he took some bones.

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He took some bones in front of everybody and he publicly displayed these bones and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was there. And he took these bones and he crushed it and he let the dust fall. And then he said yeah, Mohammed. He said, Oh Mohammed, a tester and what are you claiming that your Lord is going to resurrect these bones after they have become dust?

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And Allah subhana wa tada revealed Koran, about this incident. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, Baba mithuna, one se a Hanukkah, he coins in analogy to us. And yet he forgets his own creation. But many are hidden or Ivanova. Me him. He says, who will resurrect the bones after they have become dust? Bloom you know he had a loving,

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say, the one who created it in the first place is the one who will resurrect it. The one who created it in the first place is the one who will resurrect it. Dear brothers and sisters in our tower, we have been giving dour for the most part for the most of us individually. Meaning that occasionally we will pass someone at our work or pass someone on the bus and we'll get down to them in sha Allah. I hope this is the case.

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But yet the messengers that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent were not sent only to individuals. They were sent to nations. They were sent to entire gatherings in cities of people. And so their dour was a type of dour that few of us have experienced what happens when multiple people die. It is something indeed very sad. And I remember once at a janazah that there was a car accident, and the man who was driving his two daughters and his wife will were killed that a hammer home Allah in this car accidents. And I remember sitting there in the masjid, as one janessa came in one coffin gaming and the father was driving. They were all killed in the accident. He had he was the only one who

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remained alive. And he was there at the janazah of his wife of his oldest daughter who had just graduated from grade eight.

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And his youngest daughter janaza, after janaza after janaza. In one second he had lost all his family. Indeed it is something enormous. And on an opposite side, you may have never experienced this, but experiencing an entire nation coming into snam all together as one. And so there's an example shift use of sts have with Allah. He was once giving a lecture and at the end of his lecture, he said to the group of people listening who believes in what I

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Speaking about who is willing to give their Shahada now, and over 100 people stood up at the same time in order to become Muslim.

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And so few of us have recognized this yet. This is a message that Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches in the Quran. This is the message of nations, some of which entered into Islam, and some of which turn their backs. If you look at the spirit of the Prophet set on the heart to send them when he was told to call his people.

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What did he do set aloha to send them he stood on Mount Safa, and he called them nation, the whole nation, all of us come tribe after tribe after truck, they all came, and he called them to Islam and they turn their backs on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so in the Quran, when Allah azza wa jal wants us to pay attention to something.

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Allah subhanaw taala in some of the verses, you will see, yes levena No, you will see the statement of Allah subhana wa tada Oh, you who believe you're claiming that you're a believer than pay attention to what is about to be said? And is one of the companions that are the alohar and who said that whenever you hear Allah subhanaw taala saying, Yeah, you have levena Amma know that he has semuc pay attention, pay close attention to what is going to come next. Because after Yeah, you heard Latina woman who will always come a commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah Jen wants you to pay special attention to.

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Or it's going to be a forbidden that Allah subhanho wa Taala is commanding you to desist from and so when Allah azza wa jal wants us to pay attention to something, he will repeat something again and again and again and again throughout the Quran.

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And so whenever you see these, these topics being repeated, ask yourself how often do we repeat them in our gatherings? How often do we repeat them on the member

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and you will find that the topics that Allah subhanaw taala chooses to discuss and repeat again and again, are not always not frequently the topics that we like to discuss. And so to give you an example of this, you just look at this ama, final draft of the Quran and look at the topics that Allah subhana wa tada repeats again and again and again. One of them is the topic of money. It's the topic of money. Allah subhanaw taala says, Deb Beth tienda de la haben ma una una una casa Allah Subhana suta. And I'm mentioning these suitors because I know you've memorized but you may have not pointed your eyes and focused on these verses. Step that yet I was one of the first suitors revealed

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and Allah subhanaw taala says my ohana on whom Allah who his wealth availed him nothing will Matt Kassab and is the unimat said America is his children the life so anything he had gathered, it availed him nothing. And another verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, ye

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lomasa and levy Gemma Ana de in Surah tomaz Allah subhanaw taala is condemning this person who Gemma or not and who gathered wealth together wide data and counts it another of these statements, another of these topics that Allah subhanaw taala repeats again and again and again is test suffocation. Allah subhanaw taala is swearing What if Vegeta was shenzi? Oh Ha ha. Was La Liga Yahushua whoa Ha. And you keep going on and on Allah subhanaw taala testifying the test certification, the and when someone thing is being testified to it is pointing your attention to the miracle of Allah subhanaw taala and his power subhanho wa Taala in these creation, if anybody tells you that they don't

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believe in what's the proof of God and so on? Was Shem ciobo ha ha. Well Comrie that Allah ha and you just say to the person have you anything to do with the creation of the heavens in the earth? No, then it's best to kept quiet. It's best to kept quiet. And so in the sutras in in these ayat, there is another topic and I'm just giving you a little glimpse. There are many other topics that Allah subhanaw taala repeats again and again and again, yet we don't focus on one of these topics.

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is the topic of perish nations is the topic of nations that were given the message and yet they turn their backs. And so one of the students Allah subhana wa tada says

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was Shenzhou, although ha ha

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Wanna honey the agenda was layli EDA OSHA was.

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You wanna, wanna wanna

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wanna wanna

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just a point here when I've seen one master work, and by the soul, and the one who created it and fashioned it, Allah subhanaw taala is testifying by himself, one of suwama

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all of these tests vacations often I'll tell people how many times it is part of data testifying this pseudos how many tests to vacations and if you count them, you probably miss how many times Allah subhanaw taala testified What is all this test certification for? Allah subhanho wa Taala saying one I've seen one so well, and by the soul, and your body is nothing without your soul. And Allah subhana wa tada all these scientists, they don't know anything about the soul. It's an affair of Allah subhanho wa Taala when fcms A waha the Alhambra have for jewel raha taqwa, Allah subhanaw taala gave Ill hand to the soul to do

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disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala or to worship Allah subhanaw taala and be a righteous servant of Allah.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala joab will pass on all of this justification is leading to God.

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Allah subhanaw taala said

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that indeed successful is the one who purifies their soul, there is no doubt that the person who purifies his soul will be successful not just understand this, imagine that you have no money and you have no job and everything's going bad for you in the world and problems and all of this thing, but Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses to enter you into Jenna, is there any sadness?

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Absolutely not. And now imagine the opposites of you have all the money in the world and you have all the wealth and you have all of everything seems to be going fine with you. But Allah is angry and ultimately you will be going to Hellfire

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just these few years in the dunya and the journey is to the Hellfire laylat in sabaha Ilana one night and the person's journey is to Hellfire for all eternity. Is there any happiness?

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Cuz afla Harmon zeca called harbor Mandisa. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us an example of the urban thermonuclear tafawa sammut, one of the nations that perished. And so in the sutras, Allah subhanaw taala is giving us examples. The question is not will we perish, your day of judgment begins when you die. Your Day of Judgment begins when you die, how quickly can you die? How quickly?

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In one heartbeat, you can be dead? Just one heartbeat, how many beats per minute do you beat 80 beats per minute in one heartbeat, and you're finished. And then your day of judgment begins lpm to sohara. And so when people say when does the Day of Judgment begin? It begins when that heartbeat skips and you're on to the Day of Judgment. When a person falls down on their face. Normally, what happens is that they put their hands out, before they fall, no one ever falls on their nose on their nose. Nobody ever falls on their nose no matter what just like they say a cat never falls on its back. A human being never falls on its on their nose, the person will always fall with their hands

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out something happens unless

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there's no soul to block it.

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And that's why the Arabs used to say Rama and familien.

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They would say this diversion, whether you die or like even if you died, who cares, this is going to happen. And they would say m means nose, meaning that when the person falls down, if they fall and imagine that you've fallen in a desert, it says suppose you're in a desert, it's a hot desert, you've been wandering for a little bit, and then the Angel of Death comes and extracts your soul. Your body then falls just like a hollow law. It just falls the hands don't come out to block because the person has gone to the hereafter you hit your nose into the sand, and now you're dead. What happens, you know on in these movies, National Geographic and all of that they have these Fast

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Forward type of films. Right? If you take a body that has died, and you fast forward it through the seasons as the wind clouds and all of these

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things come, what happens to the body, soon the skin will leave the body and then the person will be left with bones. It will just be a skeleton correct. We agree on this, what happens to the skeleton as the elements Get, get in contact with the with the bone. What happens to it?

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it decomposes as they say decomposes, it's organic hamdulillah it's organic, this the bones become dust. Correct. And soon you can pass that area and there will be nothing there. Maybe just a few weeds. Hopefully inshallah tada is a little flowers or something like that. But the person will have decomposed into dust. Allah subhanaw taala says minha fall upon a comb wafi ha norito comb, woman, no hurry Jochem Ratan ahora. Allah subhanaw taala said from dust Minh half from it from this dust you are created. Didn't the last $100 create Adam I'm into Rob. He created Adam and Robin created all of you from Toronto and me included hamdulillah we were all treated from dust. And our return is

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to dust

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and there's no doubt about that.

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And from that dust Allah subhanaw taala is going to resurrect every one of us. And so now understanding this, perish nations inshallah tada and this halaqa series, because I saw this topic repeated so much in the Quran. If you read the Koran, and you have a Quran that there's a type of Muslim that I have that highlights the topics. And you will see page after page the topic is the nations that came before the nation that came before the nations that came before New handwired and with the mood we'll call Me Lord, all nations it comes again and again and again throughout the Quran. So much so that the prophets that align it center is focusing on these verses that his hair

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turns white from this subtle Allah Allah sent him from the fear and the contemplation of these verses. And so it's my hope inshallah, to Allah that in these next few

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lectures that we have together in sha Allah tala, that I'm going to focus primarily on four nations, four nations that Allah subhanaw taala gives us the example in the Quran. These are nations that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent messengers to nations whom Allah subhanho wa Taala they turn their backs on Eliza and they were destroyed. These four nations that I'm going to be speaking about AR and tonight in sha Allah tala is the first who will be speaking about the people have had, the people have had.

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The second one that we'll be speaking about inshallah, to Allah is the people of the mood, the people of the mood. The third nation that we're going to be speaking about inshallah, to Allah is the people of Luth alayhis, Salaam pomi. Loot saddam and the fourth nation that we'll be speaking about, inshallah, to Allah is the nation of fit around

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the nation of fit our own and the people with for their own.

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Today to begin with tonight in sha Allah tala, the people of hewed and their name was ad the ad was actually the name of the you could say the nation was called the ad. And the specific Padilla the specific like family tribe, that hood alayhis salam was sent to they were called Iran. They were called Iran. Their location was a location called off. It was a location called a path between the sandy hills windy and Sandy hills, cotton above, and it was between Yemen and between our own man in this area.

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This people these people, they were the first people to worship idols. After the destruction of the people of New Orleans center Elisa, after the flood, the people were on tohei they worship the last panel of data, the first people to introduce the idols back into the worship, were the people of odd. Were the people of

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the brothers and sisters Allah Subhana Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about the people of ies that they were extremely, extremely powerful. Allah subhanaw taala tells us intuited fejn what is vegetal what

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was chef or anyone what was layli them there is a hidden fee the Anika samlede hedgerow Allah subhanaw taala tells us certain fetch is really beautiful, that Allah subhanaw taala is

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testifying by the daybreak again test certification, a lot of swearing, while fudge while I yell in Russia and by the 10 nights. Was chef a world war three will lelee either. Yes. And then Allah subhana wa Tada. Interesting whenever there's a custom when there's a test ification Allah subhanaw taala say, or a person will say in the Arabic language, what law E

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and then they continue on in their speech,

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XYZ XYZ XYZ, you would say,

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why are you testifying? What law? What? Correct Wouldn't you say that? What law What? That's job cousin? That is what are you testifying to? Every time you see Allah subhanaw taala testifying, you should look for what is the job of custom? Why is Allah subhanaw taala testifying? Why so much justification and interesting in certain federal job will person as they say is my belief? Allah subhanaw taala didn't say for what reason he testify? Allah subhanaw taala is someone who may say healthy they're like a Somali lady hedger. It's a question. Isn't there an enormous test certification in these things, the Sutton and the 10 Knights all of these things? Isn't this an

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enormous test suffocation? The the hedger for the person with intellect the person with a brain? If you have intelligence, this is a huge test certification. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, Adam Todd okay. fefe on out on bukovina.

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So what's job of custom?

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Because the next verse says, haven't you seen what Allah did to the people of God? Haven't you seen it? Didn't you see what Allah did to them? What is job custom? Job custom is this that if someone turns their back on a lust panel a dialer, Allah will destroy them.

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That's what a less pinata anybody in their time, irony and their aggression. And the and the one that they do to a lesser panel, it's out on people think voting. They're only thinking well, what injustice did they do? Number one injustice is to worship other than Allah subhana wa Tada. This is the number one injustice there is no injustice greater than for a person to worship other than Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhanaw taala says, in a law hilarya Pharaoh anew Shaka obey, Allah will never forgive someone who associates partners with him. Allah will never forgive them in the hereafter. And hereafter they will never be forgiven. If someone does Toba to Allah azza wa jal Hello, forgive

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them in the dunya. But if they die on that sin, they will never be forgiven. In fact, the messengers were commanded to not prey on those who died in shitake. You can even make dua for them because they died as far as she can, you can make dot that is the greatest version. And when someone does learn, and turns their back on a larger a larger they will destroy them, either in this dunya or they will be held to the Hereafter, and the Hereafter is much more intense in the punishment than anything that they would.

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Anything that would happen to them in this dunya Allah subhanaw taala says,

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ln K

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bukovina rod, Tirana de

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la mujer hola como la fille de la?

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the people of

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Iran, the people of it, another verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, no luck adenine oola. adenine Allah the first time there was other nations named Allah subhanaw taala, destroyed oola and in this verse, Allah subhanaw taala says,

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lm Tara, haven't you seen what the last panel data did to the people of Iran or that in Iran, the specific family of Iran that in Imad, the people who build lofty towers, lofty columns, and then Allah subhanaw taala says Allah tala Maha Lakshmi flew her Philby, LA, they had no one in comparison to their power. There was nobody in comparison to their power. And when we talk about power, what does it mean to have power? What does it mean to have power? When you see people when they want power? They'll do one of three things. They will either go to the gym, right? They'll either go to the gym because they want power. They think it's like powers like right here in this bicep muscle.

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All power is harnessed right here right? This is one type of power number to power. A second type of person will try to make a billion dollars because they want financial power. They want to buy

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by by by all of this stuff, right? And the third type of person when he thinks power, he says, Let me run for political position. And let me become king of the world and get political power. The brothers and sisters what type of power did I'd have? They had all the above. They had all of it. Not only that, but Allah subhanaw taala says Allah Tila mula mithril halfhill, Bella, nothing like them was created in the land. They had bodies that were huge and powerful. They had wealth. That was so enormous. They had so much luxury. Allah subhanaw taala says that, that they had genetic, Amanda can be mattala Moon, Amanda can be an army woman.

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Allah subhanaw taala says what who that is and I'm said to them, that Allah subhana wa tada gave you full measuring continuous abundance of gave you full abundance of children and wealth. So not only did they have the money, they had the offspring and the families and to build that wealth, and they had the livestock and they had the agriculture, and they had the gardens. And they had the rivers that flowed through those gardens. They had luxury to the highest level, so much so that they used to build buildings. And they would never live in them. They would find a huge mountain.

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And they would just build something up there. A huge castle, someone would pass by. And they would say, who built this castle who lives there, nobody lives there. But it belongs to God. There's another castle there up on the mountains, huge and mighty who lives there. Nobody lives there who built it. I had built it. And so they would just build this just playing games, their excess wealth, they would just build this and political power. Nobody could stop them. They would go anywhere. And any law that they said was the law, because of their power, because of their physical power because of their political power. So much so that I had said and Allah subhana wa tada records their

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statement, they said and it's interesting, how many things and how many people have been destroyed by similar statements. They said, Men a shadowman Chua.

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They said, who is more stronger than we are? Who is stronger than us, the most powerful nation, the most politically stronger than wealth, who is more powerful than us.

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Our amuro and Allah Allah de Haan upon whom who shall determine whom?

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Allah subhanaw taala says, Don't they see that Allah The one who created them has more power than them.

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The brothers and sisters a lot of these lectures are found in the stories of the prophets. There are many beautiful lectures many beautiful books to see an ethnic a theater, and specifically ethnic theater and Allah has a book called personal MBA and say it's the stories of the Prophet I believe it's translated in English and you find stories of the prophets there and many other books that you can find one of the most amazing beautiful sets in English that you can listen to inshallah tada is by Eman under our lucky Allah and he has a stories of the prophets 16 CD set. And so primarily those topics they do include the nations but it's primarily speaking about the prophets inshallah tada in

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our halaqa series here, we're going to be focusing more on the nations themselves on the nation specifically and extracting the lessons that Allah subhanaw taala tells us to contemplate and look over Allah subhana wa tada says, we'll see roofing out, tell them say oh Mohammed said Alon is and I'm say go and travel in the land, go and travel. When someone tells me my son is not you know he's getting a little misguided and I don't know what to do with him. You know what to do with him. See roofing or go and travel in the land, take your son take your children and go live somewhere else. And as soon as they start getting bad in that new area that you're in, go and live somewhere else

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again, and keep traveling with them. It has been my experience a lot of them but I found many youth who are able and Allah subhanaw taala save them from all these fitna. Many of them will say that they lived a portion of their life overseas somewhere or they lived in they traveled because when you travel, you will see that

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The fitna of one people is not the fitna of another people just give you this example. If you go to the UK, if you go to the UK, the fitna is, let's say, for example, playing cricket, for example, right? Some of you are thinking, what is cricket.

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As you can see that over there, and I remember being at one lecture, and these two boys, I was they didn't know I was in the UK, they didn't know that I was one of the speakers. So I heard the back, you know, the behind the scenes, what people are talking about the speeches and so on. So one child said to the other child, let's go to the lecture. I can't do any accent. So he said, Let's go to the lecture. And then and then the other boy said to him, No, let's play some football.

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I said football, who's going to skip a lecture to go play as we'd say soccer? Who's gonna go out and leave the lecture? Is there anybody outside in the snow playing soccer right now? Does anybody have any desire to go outside right now and go play soccer? No, obviously not. It's it's a fitting that i'm saying is stop playing soccer and Charlottetown is not that big of fitna until you take it to the national level. And then you guys know how big of fitness is one of this. You said, you take a soccer game in the Muslim world. How many people are watching the soccer game? The whole country is watching the soccer game. There is not a soul in that country that is not watching the soccer game

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if Egypt is playing in the African Cup, how many Egyptians do you think are watching that game? How many of you watch the game just raise your hand agenzia I guess you know what I'm talking about.

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How many Muslims watch the let's say for example, 10 million Muslim that's just being on the low side. Let's just say 10 million Muslims watch the game, how many hours productive hours of the oma has been lost on that one game?

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If it was a three hour game, and not including the after party, and so on, so forth, dang about like 30 million hours of the Muslims on that one game.

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Just giving you an example. Just an example. And I'm not saying playing soccer is wrong. I'm not saying that.

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I'm just saying we need to open our eyes to what's happening. All right, the fitness when a person travels from one land to another, the fitting of one place if this boy was to come to the to to Canada, for example. And he said that he tried to cause a fitness some of the kids playing in the back so let's go play football, like football. Let's play hockey. And then he'll say in response field hockey

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cuz they don't even understand what kind of hockey you're talking about. Right that field hockey thing, the one they play in, like Buxton, India and stuff like that, right? field hockey. And so the figure changes, the boy's mind has been messed up, now the culture is different, he will start to adopt a different fitness and when he starts adopting the other, then you travel with them again, go to somewhere else where they play crochet. And then you travel somewhere else where they there's something completely different. And as the person travels and travels

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something beautiful happens.

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They stop trying to follow the people and instead try to become their own person and inshallah tada hopefully, they'll be guided to a less polluted Siro fill out the response to those people, those who photo bring their arguments, this and that, and why not the idols and what's your proof in this? And so once you say going traveling the land someone tells you, you know, this is the case, let's say for example, homosexuality, get me on record here, homosexuality, someone said, Oh, it's okay is this and that, go and travel in the land, go to any country and go and see if this is something acceptable in all these countries? And then go travel in through history. Has any nation ever

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allowed something like this Muslim or non Muslim? It's never happened, and we'll talk more about that foamy loop. We'll talk about them later inshallah Tada, the third, third chapter in charlatan.

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pulsera fill out from guru k for Kenapa to Latina makabe. Allah subhanaw taala says travel in the land from Lulu. So look kafer kana are Kleber to lithium and probably look and see how was the final end Daffy, but the the end result of those came before them.

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activated Vitamina and there's there's many verses like this. Now notice in this verse, Allah subhanaw taala didn't say from voru Araki, better Latina cafaro. Allah didn't say, look at the end result of those who disbelieved. It doesn't say that. Instead, the verse says, fun guru k effect cannot

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look at how was and what led to the destruction of these people.

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Because you're not just looking at the story. What happened to AD AD was destroyed. Everyone knows this here.

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What is the lesson you take you step back from the destruction, and you see what led them to this destruction. That's what we're focusing on what led them to this destruction. And it's not something it's not something that is mystical, or something that is symbolic or something that we have to sit hours and hours trying to figure out what led them to this destruction. It is very simple 100 Allah, Allah subhanaw taala repeats it again and again and again. And the answer is very simple and what you will actually find, as we repeat through nation after nation in the in this in these four nations that we're going to be talking about, you will find something interesting, you will find

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repetition, that means that something is going to repeat again and again and again. And so you will clearly understand what is it that leads a nation to destruction. So let me give you number one, what leads an individual and a nation to success.

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It is very simple. And it is repeated everywhere in the Quran everywhere. And it's this simple. Allah subhanaw taala and if you've memorized the Quran, a lot of times people who memorize Quran get confused on these verses because it's everywhere in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala says 11 amino amino Sania?

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That's it.

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This is success. illa levina Amina Mohammed Assad had those who believed and did righteous deeds. What is Islam Islam is Eman and Amen.

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Amen and Amen. sada you believe in Allah Spano, Don and His Messenger and you move forward to righteous actions. What is righteous action? Salah Sokka cM hijas Allah subhanaw taala dictated to us how what is the righteous action that is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala illa levina munawwara middle side had fellow eduroam Romano

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all these verses illa levina, Amina Muhammad,

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the people of

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all right.

00:37:15 --> 00:37:21

Eliza just says what Isla de na for whom who de Paula.

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La Hannah Allah.

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Allah in Ohio, Allah subhanaw taala says, what a law in a home Buddha hood Alayhi Salam was from their tribe. He's from their tribe. So when you think of a messenger sent to a people, you might be thinking that all of a sudden some foreigner comes, who has like different skin color, a different language and says, hey, can someone translate for me and gives them a message this is not the case. He is from them. And so the prophets Allah him was sent and they were all none of them had any physical, any physical problems. They were all strong bodied handsome people Allahumma Sena, who was from this tribe of odd, who was already none of them had been created like this, who Allah has sent

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him We can then understand that who is in him had a strong, enormous body and in his system, and he was very handsome.

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He was from them speaking in their tongue. These people as we said, they worshipped idols and they specifically worship three idols. They specifically worship three idols, the names of the idols were

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some mood

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and hora

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soda, some mood and Hara

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the prophets Allah hummus Anam less panatuss subhana wa tada tells us what statement he mentioned, what statement they mentioned to their people. The statement is and everybody should know it. If you've read the Quran, you know exactly what the statement they said was balaia Budo la Hana Mineola in

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their statement their mission the thing that they're though this is the topic of choice, or Buddha law hamanako maynila enviro, worship your Lord, you have no god except him. worship your Lord. And so when a person now we've been talking about how we do individual dour in sha Allah, that some of us amongst and listening to this will start to think about nation where a person gets on a satellite channel, and there's like 100 million people watching, right? Not the Superbowl or anything like that. They're listening. This is a person calling to Eliza. What is the person going to say? He's going to say inshallah tada she's going to say, or Buddha la Hamada coming Isla in hora.

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worship your Lord, you have no other God except him. Worship Allah or Buddha Allah Han Allah Camila enviro. And then the prophets after that you will see that they quickly their worship their commanding the people to worship Allah. And they're moving the people towards ills and vices that are specifically happening in their people. And something that you know is

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its current. They're not complaining about issues mmm Oh lucky he mentioned this in his in his CD set says very often when we give speeches LS want to protect us. But we don't like to, as we say rock the boat. So what do we do we talk about issues, that doesn't bother the people that we're talking to. So if we're giving a lecture, we'll say, let us talk about what Muslims and Christians have in common.

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Now, that's nice.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:19

And so the lecture goes, and you know, this and the common that's great, and is one person said, this is not. Now, a little bit of this is fine, but you're differentiating, you're saying, I remember I was giving this lecture at, at University of Ottawa to the non Muslims. They had like a world religions class, and I was speaking to them, and I, and I'm the kind of someone asked me, I'll just tell them straight out, yes, they're going to hellfire. I just want straight out.

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And so the teacher asked me, she said, can you tell us what Islam says about Christianity and Judaism? I said, I'd love to, I'd love to say like, I wasn't gonna comment on those earlier. But I said, if you want me to talk, I'll tell you what it is. And you just straight out tell and then the peoples upon Allah, Allah xeljanz gives you power. When you speak like that. Because they know when someone is faking in front of them. If you're speaking, and you're just trying to find ways to make the person in front of you happy and not stir any boats, what will happen, they will say, Oh, these people, they have no courage. I know, I saw what I saw on TV and I know what's happening in the

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news, you're just faking it. This is not what really Islam is about. So when a person just starts and speaks openly, what is that this is the truth, nothing hidden. This is the opportunity. There was a sister have Allah, she wasn't Muslim when she became Muslim. She was in a tafsir sort of Bukhara class that we had with a Muslim Institute.

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And during one of the breaks, I went out, and you know, the sisters are asking some questions. And she said, you know, Hello, my name is so and so. And I just want to let you know that I'm not Muslim, but I'm attending a tip series to attend a Baccarat class. We took this class in Ottawa here and you ask yourself, if non Muslims are attending it, what about you? If you haven't attended it, inshallah, tada and look it up. There's a class coming up soon, inshallah. Tada. So the non Muslims is non Muslim sister.

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She, she said, I'm not Muslim, and I'm attending this. I'm sad. I'm so happy. I'm like, you know how hard we try to get Muslims to study tafsir Sutra, Bukhara, and your non Muslim and I didn't even invite you just can't. I'm so happy. So I got up on on the stage and I was in the next after the break. Then I welcome the sister. I said, everybody, this sister so and so she's not Muslim, but she's attending the class. That's awesome. That's excellent. And so next verse. What's the next verse that we talked about? Larissa just says so tillbaka in alladhina Katha Osama una la him.

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me known Hata mama ohana, punto de him wanna marry him.

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Lucretia was

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born all the time. If you know what these verses mean, you will understand what just happened there. The verses say in the levina for those who are good for those who disbelieve So, when I lay him, whether you warn them or you don't warn them, they will never believe hatami Allah Allah will obey Him. Allah has sealed their hearts hatami Allah Allah, Allah, Allah seminarium and on their ears, let us see of why Allah Allah beside him his shower, and on their site is a covering a veil, what are some other one of them, and to them will be a grievous punishment, enormous punishment.

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I didn't change the words Who am I? I can't change any words. This is the Quran. And so one of the brothers came up to me afterwards and he said,

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You know, I've been to a lot of lectures. And normally once there's non Muslims involved, the lecture changes. And it gets watered down. And we all know if you guys know what I'm talking about, we all know it, it gets watered down. It's like this is Islam. This is the message of Islam. add two cups of dilution to the mixture, and you know, and then presented and then see what happens. You know what happens just mockery, and the person there's no courage, they're not giving a great speech and so on and so forth, versus the person who says this is the truth from

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Allah subhanaw taala Baba de la Melaka Manila enviro

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food Ali Salam was then giving this message to the people of avadh giving this message to them, they responded and as we said we're not going to spend too much time on

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we're not going to spend too much time on who that is lm in this * of a series in sha Allah tala but you can go and learn further about who what I'm speaking about here is their response to who that is. What did they say number one

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they disbelieved in Hold on a second I'm kuffour ob they just believed in him and when you see

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the word in Arabic, Kedah, boo right cuz double incredible when something has a shed and something has a shed you know that little like w right when something has a shed that that means that it intensifies. So if you say for example, how Raja he left

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right if you say hi Raja he left that means like, you can just imagine someone like leaving just normally. But if you say hi Raja

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like you're talking about, like, he like there might have been a crowd at the door like maybe after gym or something. And this person like pushed in and you know, shoved and grabbed his shoes and kicked a few people on the way out and he left. This is what the shed means, right? This is the like the

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the value that it brings into the word what you know the meaning that it brings into the word when you see the verse cut.

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It doesn't mean that who that is Sam spoke to them. Once you gave them a lecture, there was some public gathering, he spoke to them once and they disbelieve that means that the messenger spoke to them again and again and again and again. And again and again and again and again and again and again. And again. No Holly s&m, 950 years, bought out on the need to pony Laila wanna holla he said, My Lord, I called my people Leyland, one ahora at night and in the mornings.

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And so he always gave out to them, and he tried every means. He went to them publicly and went to them privately. He went to them openly in every way that he could do it. And he sent them and they still disbelieved cat, double,

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cat double. And so these people they disbelieved.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, cats that don't enomoto selling Allah subhanaw taala says that the hides disbelieved in the messengers.

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Now notice how many prophets did they disbelieve in how many prophets

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all of them?

00:47:51 --> 00:48:03

Why all of them lots of they disbelieved in who la sin AM. But because they disbelieve in one of the messengers, all the messengers have come with the same message.

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And so they disbelieved in all of them. And so a disbelief in one of the messengers is a disbelief in all of the messengers. And so we understand from that, what there's this, this new thing happening where people are saying, as long as you believe in Moses, it's okay.

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As long as you believe in Jesus as a prophet, which they don't, but it's okay, that's not true. If someone disbelieves in any messenger, they've disbelieved in all of the messengers.

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That's number one.

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You will see that the people of ad were extremely skillful. And they were extremely intelligent. Except when it came to matters of less than they were. And I thought to myself, if they had a Nobel prize at their time, they probably win it. Right? These people are extremely intelligent, extremely skillful, except when it comes to the matter of Allah subhanaw taala. And so when you see nations, if you go and travel, you go to these, you know, traveling from nation to nation tourism, where do you visit, most of these locations that you're visiting? Are nations that Allah subhanaw taala destroyed. If you went to the pyramids, for example, and I know Egyptians they're all excited about

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the pyramids and signs, you're looking at their tombstones. This is where they were destroyed. And you go to another place and you look I remember I went to albatross, how many people have been to El Batra? Petra, in Jordan? Anybody been there? Jordan Petra, nobody. Okay. Petra, and we'll be talking about the people of the mood. This These are not the people of the mood but very similar. In Petra, there is a castle carved into the mountain. There is a castle carved into the mountain just type Petra. On Google Images. You will see the castle carved into the mountain

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When we were there, as you traveling through all this mountainous range, there was a tour guide. And he was a we didn't, you know, hire this tour guide, but he was just walking with us. And he wanted to just explain some of what we were seeing. And I remember him clearly, almost as if these words kept like there was a highlighted marker on it. He said, Look at these people over they were destroyed by a look at these people over they were destroyed by and over here on this mountain. And you notice this crack here? They were destroyed by and I just kept hearing that. That Yes, they were a huge and powerful nation. And yes, Allah subhanaw taala bless them with things no one is blessed

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with even till today you're still visiting these places, but Allah destroyed them. And so even though a person is skillful or intelligent shaytaan can still deceive that person shaytaan can still deceive the person is versus Allah subhanho wa Taala says you'll find this 2938

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why the one with the mood will cut Debian Allah call me Mr. Keeney him. Allah subhanaw taala said and as for a head and the moon will cut tibia and aloka masakan him and clearly will appear to you from the traces of their buildings, their fate. What happened to them will cut to be in a low, mid Misaki him was a yen Allahumma Shelton who I'm alone, the che time beautified for them. There since zayin Adama Shea upon armello facade de humani sebelah cannon was double seeding. Allah subhanaw taala says that she upon made their sins beautiful to them.

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And so they were blocked from the straight path. And Allah subhanaw taala says what can when was steps leading that they indeed were still even though they were gifted with intelligence and skill. Even though this happened shaytaan still misguided them that that intelligence and skill is not enough. The person has to go deeper to the heart to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that the ad claimed to be the greatest nation on earth the strongest Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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What am I doing for stuk bottle fill out of the belated happy will call you woman I should do minocqua Allah subhanaw taala says And as for ad they behaved arrogantly and you want to underline that arrogantly What does being arrogant mean, it's when a person thinks that there is no strength above their strength, when they claim that any type of knowledge that they have is from themselves. Or they claim that any type of organization in our civilization is something that they gave birth to. I remember and how much time whenever people come for Hajj, sometimes they get a little, some of them. Allah protect us a little arrogant. They don't protect us. It's normally like North American

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people for some reason.

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And then I'm sure there's other nations as well. And so they will say a statement, I will tell the people don't you ever compare hij to Disneyland? Don't you ever do that? They're like, No, no, but if you look at this, I tell them look at whatever you have in America and Canada, whatever you have, what do you have organization? What do you have there? Who gave you that organization? Who gave it to you did the kuffaar come and give birth organization? Allah subhanaw taala gave it to them. If you have some sort of special technology GPS that knows the roads and stuff like that, who gave you that? You would say Best Buy and future shop, right? Who gave the technology Allah subhanaw taala.

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It's from Allah azza wa jal. And so anytime a person attributes that intelligence and skill to other than Allah subhanaw taala, they've become arrogant. They have to turn it back to Elijah. And thank Allah, for the ability to have this knowledge come to them. All of this, you open up the internet, you're like 100, Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala gave us this technology that can be used for good or can be used for bad.

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They said men, I said do mean Nakula who is stronger than us in power? Allah subhanaw taala says, oh, and Amira don't they see? And you'll notice that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us again and again and again, open your eyes and pay attention. When amuro don't they see an Allahu la vihara cone, the one who created them, Allah who created them, who I should determine who then he is more powerful than them and more superior than them.

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You will see in their arrogance to who Allah He sent him that they said you know what their sign was they wanted a sign. They wanted to sign that if you telling the truth and bring us a sign this is what the nations did. And

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Even to the prophets of Allah Hollywood send them that even though they're claiming that they want to sign they're not asking as a part of a hidden they're trying to see like a student of not someone seeking the truth. They're asking in arrogance, and what will happen when the sign comes to them. They will disbelieve in it. And after the disbelief what will happen, they will be destroyed. The people of Iraq, do you know what their sign was that they wanted?

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They said,

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set Dena Bhima dari Donna

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tomino saw the thing. They said, Bring us what you're promising us ie the punishment of a less pinata. If you're telling the truth.

00:55:46 --> 00:55:50

We want to see a sign Yes. What is the sign? We want a lot to destroy us.

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And then we'll believe

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Why did they say that? It's in mockery.

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And this is just understanding the beginning when you see these people asking for a sign one is asking out of arrogance, and that the even if the sign came, they wouldn't believe at least I'd hear their truth Thursday bring us the punishment straight out you understand that they're not looking for the sign as a means to believe they're looking for the sign of punishment. And that's exactly what they got. But it wasn't at that time.

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Allah subhana wa tada tells us about the issue of mocking and ridiculing and commenting. Making fun

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in a very certain amount of caffeine. you've memorized these words inshallah tada Eliza says, in Medina, Jomo can Amina la Vina Manuel Hakuna

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the levina duramo the criminals those who are criminals their disbelief led them to be criminals like this can Amina la Vina, amen we have her gone, they used to can or in the past, they used to laugh at those who have believed

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the Salafi those who believed.

00:57:10 --> 00:57:20

And so before I forget this, I just want to mention this laughing and making fun of the dean is a sign of ni fac and it could lead a person to prefer

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mocking and making fun of the dean is a sign of nofap and can lead a person to cover and there's going to be this is a recurring theme. You will see it amongst the other messengers as well. This is not the last time that we're going to be talking about this. In the levina duramo can Amina Lavina Amano of Haku they used to laugh at the believers the people of North Kula Murali mela mizukami Sophie Roman, every time the people of New past the mela, the aristocrats, it's just another thing that we're going to be talking about that every time the aristocrats would pass by the new Allison and building the ark, they would make fun of him they would make a mockery. They would say to him

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content a jar certain a jar and data and content and via

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they would say that have you because you just yesterday, you are a prophet, you became a carpenter today.

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And they'd laugh as if it was like the funniest joke on earth.

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And the joke was on them.

00:58:21 --> 00:58:24

Less of Hano Tata says about them unethical inserted a buffer

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pilu and not me, no comma. And so for her. They said that the moon afio clean. When they go and they're amongst the shell thing. They said will we believe like the stupid foolish people have believed? Again, mockery, it's a characteristic of an effect on the person's heart that they attribute foolishness. And, you know, like, feeble mindedness to the people have believed. And I just have to mention this when you let's say a son or daughter tells her parents Yeah, Mama, yeah, Baba.

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They say yes, they say what would you What is your career? What would you like to do as a career? They and this student, this young child says, I would like to study Islam.

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Oh my god, what did you say?

00:59:13 --> 00:59:23

Study Islam. You mean after you become a doctor, engineer, accountant? Is that what you mean? I hope that's what you mean. That better be what you mean.

00:59:24 --> 00:59:29

You can do whatever you want, after you finish these other degrees, which make you smart.

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But I can't let my child be amongst the feeble of the community.

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He's in Dallas and in different cultures. When someone starts studying Islam, what do they call them?

00:59:43 --> 00:59:45

I know inbox them they call them Mulleavy sob

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and it's a mockery. It's not that the person is trying to like Sometimes a person will say it out of, you know, out of respect, but they will say it out of they're trying to disgrace the person by calling them

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

Like a ship

01:00:03 --> 01:00:09

and this is a sign of nifa This is a sign of ninja. And it's fun. Okay, I'm not gonna mention though.

01:00:11 --> 01:00:13

I was gonna continue on the put I think

01:00:18 --> 01:00:31

Allah subhanho wa Taala says and one of the verses speaking about hard work can will be at dinner yes Desi on and with the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala. They used to make mockery. They used to make mockery.

01:00:32 --> 01:00:35

Allah subhanaw taala. They were so powerful.

01:00:36 --> 01:00:46

And sometimes you need to see the powerful if you think about it, the oldest person to live, how old How long do they live, Guinness Book of World Records, how old is the longest person live?

01:00:47 --> 01:00:51

Let's just say it's like something like 115 years, maybe, right?

01:00:52 --> 01:01:25

Let's just say 117 years ago, 117 years ago, there is nobody that lived and walk this earth 117 years ago, or even just add a few years just so you're like, we're not sure 137 years ago, that is now walking this earth. There is no soul that is walked 137 years from now, behind. Now fast forward to the future. 137 years into the future. None of you will be walking this earth, you will be dust.

01:01:26 --> 01:01:35

And you will be up on the sofa. There is no soul that is walking this earth that will be here 137 years from now.

01:01:36 --> 01:01:51

And so your remnants if you look and I Oh, it's very interesting to me when I pass a graveyard and you see tombstones Muslims anonymous, whatever, but just passing in graveyard, I think is there anybody on earth that remembers these people?

01:01:53 --> 01:02:07

Is there any and even if they remembered even that, would the person even know that there's no under comprehend nothing, this person is dust. This person is nothing. And similarly, you will be dust. You will be nothing.

01:02:08 --> 01:02:29

Allah subhanaw taala some people die a natural death. Some people Allah subhanaw taala grabs them. But now we're talking about nations destroyed. Nations and entire nation, not just two people three, an entire nation where Allah subhanaw taala wipes them all out. wipes them all out? The * Tara?

01:02:32 --> 01:02:36

Do you see any remnants of odd? Do you see any remnants of them?

01:02:38 --> 01:03:05

In fact, there's like some archaeology, archaeological discoveries and so on. If you read perish nations by harrowing Yeah, he has a very nice book. And there's this picture in his book where he shows the lofty towers of odd from satellite, it's under the grounds. It's under the ground. And the only reason all these scientists are so excited about this discovery is because Allah mentioned them

01:03:07 --> 01:03:18

because Allah mentioned them in the Quran, that's why everybody's excited. And they said Is this the AD AD in Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala destroyed, just the remnants of them?

01:03:20 --> 01:03:38

The people have had the first after their disobedience Eliza gel and they're turning their back and not believing in who Allah has sent them. All these gifts that they have, someone may say if you try to give Dawa to a person and you say you know, you become Muslim, and when you become Muslim, you can eat any bacon anymore.

01:03:39 --> 01:03:47

like okay, bacon, okay, and you can drink alcohol, so no going to the pubs and clubs and all the alcohol. Yeah, and you know your girlfriend.

01:03:48 --> 01:04:21

You got to stop that to know Xena and Islam as well. And the person is like starting to freak out at this point. And then you know what you got to pray five times a day. For the harasser, mother Basha five times a day you've got to pray. And so once the person starts seeing this, then they start saying to themselves, why do I need this? Why do I need this? I have everything I already have. Why do I need to worship Allah subhanaw taala the Lord I have no other Lord except him. Because every neshama that you have, Allah gave it to you? Do you want it to continue?

01:04:23 --> 01:04:44

Then you better start doing these things. Because all of these commandments are for your benefit or to protect you and bring you closer to Allah subhanaw taala but it's to protect you to protect you. And so the key that will bring a person to Islam, this is the key This is deep you have to understand this one. It's pay attention here

01:04:47 --> 01:04:48

is thankfulness Eliza

01:04:50 --> 01:04:52

that's what can guide a person to Islam.

01:04:53 --> 01:04:59

Not that you're telling them that pork and alcohol all these things are forbidden. Why would the person stop something that's hard for them now

01:05:00 --> 01:05:42

Not that it's hard for those that that they're just partaking in these things. What would stop them is thankfulness to Allah subhanaw taala that made who made subhanho wa Taala all of these beverages had been made alcohol foreign, made all these foods Hello, but made pork all made. Marriage halaal but maids in a huddle. Allah subhanho wa Taala, who gives the opportunity for the app to worship Him? subhanho wa Taala five times a day this is your blessing, your gift from Allah subhanaw taala that you have the honor, it's your honor, to be able to prostrate your head to Eliza Jen. This is your honor. There was one person in the same class.

01:05:43 --> 01:05:50

He said to me, how can God expect us to worship him? He said, I feel that this means you know God.

01:05:51 --> 01:05:53

This is like a humiliation of God.

01:05:54 --> 01:06:28

He shouldn't need anybody to worship Him. And then I said to this person I firstly just to show everybody that Cofer is not one. There's all these different types of Kufa. So I said, how many people agree with this guy, Africa, and in the audience, and they're all non Muslim, maybe two people agreed with him. So I said, number one, if you're going to use your brain as God, because you got to be worshiping some things, you know, you're worshiping your brain, you prostrating to it and stuff like that. If you're going to be worshiping your brain, realize that there's some other brains here that don't agree with your brain. So your Gods a little messed up. And then I said number two,

01:06:28 --> 01:06:31

I said, Do you understand what abdillah means?

01:06:32 --> 01:06:46

He said, You're saying that worshipping God is not befitting of God. I'm telling. Do you know what Abdullah? Abdullah means? It doesn't mean servant of Allah. It means slave of Allah. It means the slave you're the slave of Allah

01:06:48 --> 01:07:09

Illallah Abdullah Abdullah, the most beloved names Eliza gel, or Abdullah, the slave of Allah and man, the slave of the Merciful. I said, it is the Muslims honor. It is our honor that we prostrate to no one and nothing except the last panel.

01:07:10 --> 01:07:33

This is our honor. And so next time you put your head to the ground, remember that you are the slave of Allah subhanaw taala it's not an optional thing that you got happening going and like I should I wake up for you should I not wake up for your Allah slave. Allah tells you get up and you get up. That's it. You're the slave of Allah subhanaw taala and of course the gifts will be coming to

01:07:35 --> 01:07:37

Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us

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that the ad

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they asked for the punishment to be brought to them. The first of the punishment was that a drought was sent to them. This drought was took three years. It lasted for three years.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:21

When someone says they're all mighty, all powerful. Allah subhanaw taala will send them if you notice how people were destroyed, they were destroyed with the wind. Someone will see beautiful wind and they're like oh, Mashallah, there's a beautiful breeze. Turn up the wind and it becomes destructive. Someone will say we're in Canada here and like, Oh, we want some sunlight, or like a little bit of sunshine. And once that sunshine has turned up,

01:08:22 --> 01:08:26

it becomes destructive. Some people like to go swimming.

01:08:28 --> 01:09:13

But just dip your nose into the water and you could drown and it becomes destructive. All of these elements of Allah subhanaw taala jugnoo the law. They are the armies of Allah Spano. tala, Allah created them, they're at the hands of Allah subhanaw taala. All Allah azza wa jal has to do is tell the rainwater to stop coming. All Eliza has to do is command the earth to pull the water further down. And the people will have no ability to touch it. And when there is no water Bring me the biggest nation. And if there is no water, what will happen to them. There is no water to drink the livestock you won't be getting your burgers anymore and your chicken they're not coming because

01:09:13 --> 01:09:15

there was no water for the livestock

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and the lands will dry up and the people will die.

01:09:21 --> 01:09:32

And so this is what happened to the people of hides. For three years there was a drought that befell them. And so they said who's stronger than us in power? Allah subhanaw taala took the water away from them.

01:09:34 --> 01:09:35

The people of God

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whenever something like this would happen, they would go out and they would pray to

01:09:41 --> 01:10:00

the idols. They took out 70 men, they took out 70 men and they went to pray to the idols and they had like their amid and they're calling to the idols calling for rain and it is said and this is in the history books. It is said that three clouds were appeared to them. The

01:10:00 --> 01:10:22

Clouds as they were praying to the idols, it was said to them a Red Cloud, yellow cloud and a black cloud. And it said, which of these clouds do you want? And then Mir of them said, We want the black clouds because the black clouds carry the most rain. Before we speak about the rain clouds. It just one thing happened.

01:10:23 --> 01:10:26

And that was they challenged.

01:10:27 --> 01:11:07

They were challenging and disbelieving in who that s&m who that is, and I'm also responded back to them. And he said, Paula in Neo Shinola, watch her do anybody remember to Shere Khan? He said, I bring a lot to testify. And I and I testify that I have nothing and ability on right I have nothing to do from that which you associate with Allah subhana wa Tada. So the lessons there you learn that a person is clearly distinguishing themselves from what is worshipped other than Allah subhanaw taala and the believer following the footsteps of these messengers is stepping back and testifying everybody knows that we do not believe in this.

01:11:08 --> 01:11:40

I mean matter Sheikh Min dooney and then who that is, Sam said Vikki dooney. Jamie and samalla Tom Varun in Neato. occulta Allah here Robbie, what have become know who that is. Sam said that. After you know, having Bara or having nothing to do with what they worship other than Allah subhanaw taala he said four key dooney Jamia, he said all of you how powerful was odd? Let me walk me through how there nobody was created like them. And he said, all of you fight me now.

01:11:42 --> 01:11:49

Fight me now. The key dooney Jimmy on all of you fight, destroy me if you can. And they couldn't destroy him.

01:11:51 --> 01:12:34

They couldn't do anything to him. And he said in Neato occurs to Allah. I've placed my trust in Allah, Robbie or a book Oh, my Lord and your Lord. And if you see the story of Ibrahim Ali is Sam. Isn't this what they wanted to do? whenever these so called intelligent people and skillful people and civilized people, once whenever they get to the point with a lesson kind of data, they can argue anymore, then they resort to they resort to violence. They resort to violence, they wanted to throw Ibrahim Ali slam into the fire these messengers, they wanted to kill them. They wanted to imprison them. They wanted to detain them, they wanted to expel them. You can you mentioned all of these

01:12:34 --> 01:12:41

things. They wanted to do this to the messengers, and who that is me saying, Do whatever, fight me.

01:12:42 --> 01:12:50

But I've placed my trust in Allah subhana wa Tada. And they were able to do none of that. And so we returning back to the three,

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the three clouds. And so they chose the black cloud. They chose the black cloud, they returned to their people. And it was a sign of, you know, that Allah, Nino their idols and Allah and they would worship idols. And they would say that this is a sign that God was, you know, had been very generous to them and they were very noble in the sight of God. Look, we've brought the rain clouds

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and they came back to their people.

01:13:21 --> 01:13:25

Allah subhanaw taala says that he fee has been a hobby.

01:13:27 --> 01:13:43

It was a wind once the people came back initially, when they saw the rain clouds, they said had it the moon Kiruna, they said, this is added Montana. This is like the rain clouds. They're going to bring rain to us. They saw the weather.

01:13:44 --> 01:13:54

And they said they rejoice that now the rain is fine. They were in a drought for all these years. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, Ben who is jealous?

01:13:56 --> 01:14:24

Rather it is that what you were trying to hasten? What were they trying to hasten the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala but nobody can hasten the punish of Allah punishment of Allah. Nobody can hasten it. It has its time. A law Yes, you will be destroyed, but you still got some time. So they're saying bring the punishment now and even the last 100 I know even the punishment can come until us 100 Allah commands the punishment to come. Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran

01:14:29 --> 01:14:31


01:14:34 --> 01:14:36


01:14:43 --> 01:14:44

get the bad mood

01:14:50 --> 01:14:53

mufa only como por

01:14:58 --> 01:14:59

una de

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01:15:12 --> 01:15:15

Murphy house Soraka,

01:15:19 --> 01:15:21

zona flin, Haumea,

01:15:28 --> 01:15:30

Allah subhanho wa Taala sent this wind.

01:15:32 --> 01:15:39

And now initially they thought that it was going to bring rain. And they say that there was a woman amongst the people of odd,

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who felt something different.

01:15:44 --> 01:15:46

And she said, This isn't a rain cloud.

01:15:48 --> 01:15:51

The wind started picking up and started to scream.

01:15:54 --> 01:16:07

And it became violent. And even though the people of ads were enormous and large, and built very well fortified places, if anybody just stood up, the wind would * them.

01:16:09 --> 01:16:20

Now when you see a tornado, a tornado No, we're not saying that this is a tornado but when you see a tornado, how long does the tornado last? And I was an I experienced this when I was in Maryland.

01:16:21 --> 01:16:28

There was a tornado that happened there very close to our home unless pantile protect us. Then last did you could say for only a few minutes.

01:16:29 --> 01:16:44

And there was uh, you know, like a Home Depot, you know, those linens and things type of thing here. You know, he destroyed the cut through the, the whole building. It was like a Home Depot, you see like a Home Depot. They're they're supposed to be like, they know how to build things, right.

01:16:46 --> 01:16:59

It cut through the brick wall. And if you saw the trees, there was a forest near our homes. It was like a bomb had exploded inside the forest. It was all open.

01:17:01 --> 01:17:15

And that only lasted a few minutes. Only a few minutes. Allah subhanaw taala says about this wind that was sent to the people of odd Sahara Holly him sabba Allah Yellin with a man near to

01:17:17 --> 01:17:23

Allah subhanho wa Taala sent the wind for seven nights and eight days.

01:17:26 --> 01:17:35

How quickly would they be killed? Probably just in a few minutes they'd be destroyed. seven nights and eight days.

01:17:37 --> 01:17:38

Allah destroyed everything.

01:17:40 --> 01:17:41

He wiped them from the earth.

01:17:43 --> 01:18:07

Federal coma v Hazara, they were like a tree that had been chopped down. There was said that there would be lifted up and they would be smashed down on their heads, and all their limbs would be out like roots like that. They were all destroyed. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, the head of Tera vaada home in valkia. Is there any remnants of them?

01:18:08 --> 01:18:09

The people of

01:18:10 --> 01:18:14

Allah subhanho wa Taala destroyed them. When the Prophet said Alon he was setting them

01:18:17 --> 01:18:28

when he would see a dark cloud coming to Medina. All right, Chateau de la hora. And how many of you are familiar with the Hadith of the prophets of the lion? I sent him that when you She said that when he would smile

01:18:29 --> 01:19:04

that his molars, the back teeth would show subtle light and Salah. And this was the majority of the profits of the lights. And when he would smile, and he's laughing, he would smile and it would be an enormous smile. And she said, and there was another time where she would see the change in the face of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and that was when the dark clouds would come to me he would see the dark clouds solonius and the dark clouds bring with it rain. And so for people who live in the desert, this is a time of happiness. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be extremely afraid.

01:19:05 --> 01:19:22

And he would go back and forth and she would see the fear on the face of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and eyeshadow Viola and when he would start to rain, the profits of a lighting system would calm down. And so she asked the Prophet satellite to send them and he said, so the lohani who was setting them.

01:19:27 --> 01:19:38

He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam La La Jolla Isha come out Pilar como Rajan, Fela mera Ohara. Vamos stuck a Bella Odia to him. Carlo had

01:19:39 --> 01:19:59

Tirana. He said to the LA Hollywood sent him that perhaps Aisha that these rain clouds are similar. He said Arusha it may be as the people of odd that when they saw the dark clouds coming to them, they said had it the moon Tirana. These are clouds that are going to bring us rain.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:41

But rather, it was the punishment of Allah subhana wa Tada. So now these days everybody's going green. Right? And that's a blessing thing if you're not recycling should start recycling for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala because as the Prophet said a lot I sent him said that if a person even if they're making will do out of the ocean, they still don't waste water. That is the believer May Allah smart Allah protect us and all these showers that we take and all the turning the taps on and leaky faucets and we act as if you know it's an infinite source that will never come to an end. This is not the believer, email to third party free sada picking up something from the from the

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earth. It's from a man in southern Africa, that if you see some trash that you pick it up, and the Prophet said ally sent him a woman she used to clean the masjid in the province. She died in the province that ally sent him said Where is she and they said she died last night. The Prophet said a lot he said I'm said not to do this. If someone dies amongst these prophets of Allah, they sent him winter grave and prayed janessa for her she was already buried, he prayed janessa for Salah law to send them and he knew her because she was the one who used to clean the masjid. And so this is understood. This is the believer, they're going green. But now there's another side to the story.

01:21:17 --> 01:21:22

And the story is what's causing the weather to act like this.

01:21:23 --> 01:21:32

What's causing the weather? And so what will the immediate response of those who don't believe in Allah? subhanaw taala they will say global warming.

01:21:33 --> 01:21:36

Okay, great global warming. Okay, beyond that.

01:21:38 --> 01:22:14

To the sins of Benny, Adam have anything to do with this? And what will happen when you say the sins of Benny Adam have something to do with this? They will mock you. Yes, they will mock you. Just the same way that nurse people were mocked and who was mocked. The mockery will come if you dare claim that a tsunami or an earthquake or anything had to come from Allah subhanaw taala you will be crucified on the news they will take you in they'll say look at the moslems they are saying that this is a punishment from God we all know it's Mother Nature

01:22:16 --> 01:22:19

in here Illa smart on some meet him or her and

01:22:21 --> 01:22:31

they said to who that is and they said bring us you haven't brought us any proof. He said that all these idols you made them yourselves.

01:22:32 --> 01:23:06

You're there like I feel like a shark is there any doubt in a lesson hunter data? Everything that you're bringing? You just made it up? And you know it if you tell any person and you just say Do you truly believe in Mother Nature just honestly you've been talking about a lot Do you really believe in Mother Nature? Do you believe in nature? What is nature they're just trying to name Allah subhanaw taala by other than his name subhanho wa Taala This is all that they're trying to do to make it acceptable to speak about such

01:23:07 --> 01:23:14

terrible weather and actually it's interesting I don't know if it kept you for a very long time but this is a hot offer there's not just the general electric so stick with it inshallah.

01:23:16 --> 01:23:30

Killer storms. This is straight out of the meteorologists all these type of people this is the scientific definition of it. How does a killer storm start? How does it killer storm starts?

01:23:31 --> 01:23:42

This is the words of this is a non Muslim, and I'm quoting directly, he said when there is an imbalance on the earth. This will cause the killer storm to begin.

01:23:43 --> 01:23:46

And when balance is restored,

01:23:48 --> 01:23:49

the killer storm will stop.

01:23:51 --> 01:23:57

And I said Do you know what the Arabic words are for imbalance and balance?

01:23:58 --> 01:24:01

The Arabic word for imbalance is fun.

01:24:02 --> 01:24:03

It's fun.

01:24:04 --> 01:24:09

And do you know what the Arabic word for balances? Ha

01:24:11 --> 01:24:13

ha ha Kleber to volley mean

01:24:14 --> 01:24:27

this person knows nothing and he's not speaking about the Quran or something like that. The storms come when there is imbalance on the earth and they stop when the justice is restored.

01:24:29 --> 01:24:59

In conclusion inshallah Allah Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which he said so the lohani was said and whenever the rain clouds whenever you see these rain clouds coming, you should say as the prophets that align his hand and said Allahumma in Lucca hi raha alum in me as alcohol raha hai Rama fi have a higher amount or a solid B? What are the becoming Sheree ha was Sheree Murphy her Rashad Rima or clfp the profits of the line Hmm This is in Sahih Muslim narrated by eyeshadow, the

01:25:00 --> 01:25:36

Alanna, she said that the prophets of Allah they sent him whenever the rain clouds would come these black clouds, the prophets of Allah they would send them and say, Oh Allah, I asked you the height of the goodness of these cloud clouds and the goodness that is in in it and the goodness that it was sent for and I seek your protection or Allah from it's the evil of these clouds and the evil that's in it and the evil that it may have been sent for. This is the daughter of the prophets that a lot it was it's inside a Muslim, you can look it up inshallah Tada.

01:25:37 --> 01:25:43

Lots of subhana wa Tada. This is the last point galarza just says. Tikka.

01:25:45 --> 01:25:48

pada Hornet LA, Casa batswana

01:25:51 --> 01:25:53

while Luna

01:25:54 --> 01:25:56

can omiana

01:25:58 --> 01:26:05

Allah subhanaw taala says Tilikum, this was a nation, Lucha Makassar but where is odd right now

01:26:06 --> 01:26:40

they have gone to what they have attained wala comarca septum and you will go and you will journey on to what you are accumulating now. You are planting seeds here today you have planted a seed coming to this lecture and spending the time Allah Spano Tata bless you for that you're planting seeds. Tomorrow you will be planting more seeds and you will journey to the fruits of the seeds and what comes from them. And Eliza jello never asked you on the Day of Resurrection about the people of

01:26:42 --> 01:27:26

less pinata will ask you about yourself. And so you turn to Eliza gel in thankfulness and humility. The people of odd were not thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala and so let you be thankful to Allah azza wa jal the people of Eid were arrogant to Allah azza wa jal so Allah disgrace them, let you and myself all of us be humble for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala they had so many luxuries, yet they didn't spend from that. They didn't act the time the well all of that they didn't use it for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada and so it's not going to be them. And let it be you. Desert Kamala Clara

01:27:27 --> 01:27:30

Allah subhana wa Tada. I just want to say one more thing is that okay?

01:27:33 --> 01:27:38

surah Dynegy Allah subhanho wa Taala is speaking about himself.

01:27:39 --> 01:27:44

And he said, Well, no who have Hakka Africa and now who I met here.

01:27:45 --> 01:27:50

And then the verses continue one who who are a Bashara

01:27:51 --> 01:27:57

and then Allah subhanaw taala says, what an who laka had an Ola

01:27:58 --> 01:28:19

and it is Allah subhana wa tada who destroyed I didn't oola the first ad that is the last panel tada so that you understand how big and enormous and powerful they are. And you will get a little glimpse of how powerful our last panel is. Does that sound like?

01:28:21 --> 01:29:01

All of these tests vacations often? I'll tell people how many times it is part of data testifying this pseudos how many tests to vacations and if you count them, you probably miss how many times Allah subhanaw taala testified What is all this test certification for Allah subhanho wa Taala saying one I've seen one so well, and by the soul and your body is nothing without your soul. And Allah subhana wa tada all these scientists, they don't know anything about the soul. It's an affair of Allah subhanho wa Taala when fcms A waha, the Alhambra hub ha for jewel raha taqwa, Allah subhanaw taala gave Ill hand to the soul to do

01:29:02 --> 01:29:09

disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala or to worship Allah subhanaw taala and be a righteous servant of Allah.

01:29:11 --> 01:29:17

And then Allah subhanho wa Taala joab will pass them all of this justification is leading to God.

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01:29:25 --> 01:29:26

Allah subhanaw taala said

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that indeed successful is the one who purifies their soul. There is no doubt that the person who purifies his soul will be successful. Now just understand this. Imagine that you have no money and you have no job and everything's going bad for you in the world and problems and all of this thing, but Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses to enter you into Jenna, is there any sadness?

01:29:55 --> 01:29:59

Absolutely not. And now imagine the opposites of you.

01:30:00 --> 01:30:08

Have all the money in the world and you have all the wealth and you have all of everything seems to be going fine with you. But Allah is angry and ultimately you will be going to Hellfire

01:30:09 --> 01:30:22

just these few years in the dunya and the journey is to the Hellfire laylat in sabaha Ilana one night and the person's journey is to Hellfire for all eternity. Is there any happiness?

01:30:23 --> 01:30:57

Cuz afla Hammond zeca our called habermann the Sangha. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us an example, can the urban thermonuclear tafawa sammut one of the nations that perished? And so in the sutras, Allah subhanaw taala is giving us examples. The question is not will we perish, your day of judgment begins when you die. Your Day of Judgment begins when you die, how quickly can you die? How quickly

01:30:58 --> 01:31:17

in one hearts one of the first suitors revealed and Allah subhanaw taala says my ohana on whom Allah who his wealth availed him nothing will Makassar and is the unimat said America is his children the lies or anything he had gathered. It availed him nothing. In another verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, well you

01:31:19 --> 01:32:12

know Masha, Allah levy Gemma Ana de in Surah tomasa Allah subhanaw taala condemning this person who Gemma Ananda and who gathered wealth together wide data and counts it another of these statements another of these topics that Allah subhanaw taala repeats again and again and again is test suffocation. Allah subhanaw taala is swearing while Federer was shenzi Oh Ha ha. Was lately the Yahushua whoa ha and you keep going on and on Allah subhana wa tada testifying the test certification, the and when someone thing is being testified to it is pointing your attention to the miracle of Allah subhanaw taala and his power subhanho wa Taala in these creation if anybody tells

01:32:12 --> 01:32:42

you that they don't believe in what's the proof of God and so on. Was Shem ciobo. Haha, well Comrie that Allah ha and you just say to the person have you anything to do with the creation of the heavens in the earth? No, then it's best to kept quiet. It's best to kept quiet. And so in the sutras in in these areas, there is another topic and I'm just giving you a little glimpse. There are many other topics that Allah subhanaw taala repeats again and again and again, yet we don't focus on one of these topics.

01:32:44 --> 01:32:57

is the topic of perish nations is the topic of nations that were given the message and yet they turn their backs. And so one of the suitors Allah subhanho wa Taala says

01:32:58 --> 01:33:00

was Shenzhou although ha ha

01:33:03 --> 01:33:10

wanna honey the agenda was lately EDA OSHA was.

01:33:11 --> 01:33:14

You wanna wanna

01:33:16 --> 01:33:18

wanna wanna

01:33:20 --> 01:33:33

just a point here when I've seen one master work and by the soul, and the one who created it and fashioned it, Allah subhanaw taala is testifying by himself. One of suwama

01:33:36 --> 01:33:37


01:33:48 --> 01:34:12

in Al Hamdulillah nama do soprano who wants to know when to stop fiddle? When are the villa Himanshu rhodium fusina woman say at the marina mania de la huhtala Fela Malala wanna use lil fella howdy Allah, wa shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa de hula sherek Allah wa shadow Ana Mohammed Abu hora pseudo ama ban

01:34:13 --> 01:34:14

the brothers and sisters.

01:34:16 --> 01:34:29

Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala, and who he once saw the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Hmong, and beautiful hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and amongst that that hair,

01:34:30 --> 01:34:42

he saw some hair that was shining, silver and white little patch, a few hairs. And so he said to the profits that alone It was selling them

01:34:43 --> 01:34:53

a rocket shaped. He said, I see you that you've gotten a little old. shaver is that white hair that comes out on the head.

01:34:55 --> 01:34:59

And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam responded

01:35:00 --> 01:35:15

Shaya Bethany houden our to her. He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that surah tude and it sisters her sisters have caused my hair to turn white sallallahu wasallam

01:35:17 --> 01:35:23

There was once a time when obey ebonylife in Mecca, he took some bones.

01:35:24 --> 01:35:48

He took some bones in front of everybody. And he publicly displayed these bones and the profits that align he was setting them was there and he took these bones and he crushed it. And he let the dust fall. And then he said yeah, Mohammed. He said, Oh Mohammed, a tester and what are you claiming that your Lord is going to resurrect these bones after they have become dust.

01:35:49 --> 01:35:57

And Allah subhanaw taala revealed Quran about this incident, Allah subhana wa tada says, Well load all that, and

01:36:01 --> 01:36:14

he coins in analogy to us. And yet he forgets his own creation. But many are hidden or evil on me, Tommy,

01:36:15 --> 01:36:25

he says, who will resurrect the bones after they have become dust? Blue, you know, he had nothing

01:36:29 --> 01:37:01

to say, the one who created it in the first place is the one who will resurrect it. The one who created it in the first place, is the one who will resurrect it. Dear brothers and sisters, in our dour, we have been giving dour for the most part for the most of us individually. Meaning that occasionally we will pass someone at our work or pass someone on the bus. And we will give data to them in sha Allah, I hope this is the case.

01:37:03 --> 01:37:55

But yet the messengers that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent were not sent only to individuals, they were sent to nations, they were sent to entire gatherings and cities of people. And so their dour was a type of data that few of us have experienced what happens when multiple people die. It is something indeed very sad. And I remember once at a janazah that there was a car accident, and the man who was driving his two daughters and his wife will were killed rahimullah in this car accidents. And I remember sitting there in the masjid, as one janessa came in one coffin game, and the father was driving, they were all killed in the accident. He had he was the only one who

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remained alive. And he was there at the janazah of his wife of his oldest daughter who had just graduated from grade eight.

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And his youngest daughter janaza, after janaza after janaza. In one second, he had lost all his family. Indeed it is something enormous. And on an opposite side, you may have never experienced this, but experiencing an entire nation coming into snam all together as one. And so there's an example shift use of sts have with Allah. He was once giving a lecture. And at the end of his lecture, he said to the group of people listening who believes in what I'm speaking about, who is willing to give their Shahada now, and over 100 people stood up at the same time in order to become Muslim.

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And so few of us have recognized this yet. This is a message that Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches in the Quran. This is the message of nations, some of which entered into Islam, and some of which turn their backs. If you look at the spirit of the prophets of Allah how to send them when he was told to call his people.

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What did he do sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he stood on Mount Safa and he called them nation the whole name all of us come tribe after tribe after truck, they all came and he called them to Islam and they turn their backs on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and so in the Quran, when Allah azza wa jal wants us to pay attention to something.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala in some of the verses you will see yeah levena No, you will see the same and of Allah subhana wa tada Oh, you who believe you're claiming that you're a believer than pay attention to what is about to be said, is one of the companions of the alohar who said that whenever you hear Allah subhanaw taala saying, Yeah, you have Lavina Amma know that he has semuc pay attention.

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Pay close attention to what is going to come next. Because after yeah your Latina woman who will always come a commandment of Allah subhana wa tada that Allah has an agenda wants you to pay special attention to,

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or it's going to be a forbidden that Allah subhanaw taala is commanding you to desist from. And so when Allah azza wa jal wants us to pay attention to something, he will repeat something again and again and again and again throughout the Quran.

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And so whenever you see these these topics being repeated, ask yourself how often do we repeat them in our gatherings? How often do we repeat them on the member

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and you will find that the topics that Allah subhanaw taala chooses to discuss and repeat again and again, are not always not frequently the topics that we like to discuss. And so to give you an example of this, you just look at just some final use of the Quran. And look at the topics that Allah subhana wa tada repeats again and again and again. One of them is the topic of money. It's the topic of money. Allah subhanaw taala says, Deb bettiah de ba ba ba,

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ba, ma Varna una una casa, Allah Subhana suet and I mentioned in the series because I know you've memorized but you may have not pointed your eyes and focused on these verses. Step back the other way.

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