Mufti Menk – Why We Were Created

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the negative impact of actions taken by Allah, including false accusations and negative experiences. They explain that while negative experiences can be small in their size, they can have a negative impact on one's life and ultimately lead to blessings in the future. The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing one's actions and finding ways to change in order to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why did Allah make us? That's a question.

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Why were we created? Why did we come

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onto this earth?

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I wouldn't know unless

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I looked into revelation.

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I would never be able to tell

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did whoever made me, make me

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and put me onto this earth, where it

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is full of negativity all around?

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And it is full of hardship

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and challenges

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one test after another.

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So let me look at revelation

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to see

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what the almighty, who we as believers believe,

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made us, is saying to us regarding

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having made us.

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Do I sound a bit too technical?

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In all honesty, Allah Almighty says,

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I have not created mankind or jinnkind

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except so that they worship me. When I

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was younger,

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I thought to myself without much knowledge that

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that sounded very dry.

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Dry meaning,

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as a young person without much knowledge, if

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someone were to tell you Allah made you

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to worship him, you would say, but why?

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I mean, what did he need to do

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that for? What was the whole purpose?

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So the question is not in order to

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defy Allah, never, but just to know more.

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You know, when something happens to you that's

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are you allowed to say, why me?

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You know when you've lost a job, you've

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lost a loved one, you've lost 2 loved

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ones, you've lost your wealth, your factories burnt

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down, everything's happened that's negative. Are you allowed

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as a believer to say, why is this

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happening? Well, the answer is,

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it depends why you're asking the question. If

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you're asking the question in order to learn

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more, then it's okay. It's fine to say,

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why is this happening to me? Do I

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need to adjust something? Is there something wrong

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in the way I'm doing things? Is there

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something wrong with, you know, do I need

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to really change?

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If that's the reason why you're asking why

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is it happening to me, it's fine.

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Because you might find you've wronged someone. You

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might find you've done something very bad

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and some things are coming back to you

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in order

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for you to pay the price of what

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you've done. Maybe. Maybe.

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But if you're saying, why is this happening

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to me? Why is Allah doing this to

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Defying the maker

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or being upset and angry with him, then

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we would tell you, my brother, my sister,

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you need a little bit of help to

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put things into focus and perspective as a

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nothing negative that happens to a believer is

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actually negative in the long term.

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It's only short term negativity.

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If you take it in your stride, you

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will find long term benefit. But the question

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This is just gonna last maybe a year.

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We're getting close on to 2 years and

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things don't seem to have subsided much. And

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as they were subsiding a little, we found

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cry foul once again. And here we are

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with the world

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threatening to get back to where we were

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last year. Hopefully not. May Allah protect all

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of us. Say, amen.

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May Allah protect us. Amen. Amen. So

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these things that appear to be very negative,

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in actual fact, when we look at why

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we were created and what Allah promised us,

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we start getting a few answers and we

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start seeing things from a different angle. And

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that's why we're talking about the blessings in

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You were created and so was I. The

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almighty says to worship me. I need to

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look back into the book and find out

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more detail.

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To worship me is just in brief. But

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what is that worship? What does it entail?

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Allah Almighty explains to us in many places

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in the Quran,

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the details of the tests of life.

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And that would prove to us that he's

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created us in order to test us. Through

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those tests, we begin to worship him in

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a holistic way that would not only solve

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our problems but grant us contentment in this

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world and success together with contentment in the

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So if I have something really bad that

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happened to me, and I look at it

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from the angle that Allah wants me to

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look at it, I'll nod my head and

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it will be made a little bit easier

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for me. Although the same problem happening to

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someone who doesn't believe in anything at all,

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or who has a very loose relationship with

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a very

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small or should I say weak relationship with

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in that particular case, one

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would be going through the same issue with

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a smile, and the other one would be

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going through an issue half the size of

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the first, but with double the stress because

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they don't know how to look at it.

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