Mufti Menk – Surah Saad – Part 2

Mufti Menk

Sisters Sunday Tafsir, Harare, Zimbabwe

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The history of Islam has caused regret and regret in the past, but it is not a complete lack of forgiveness. Abuse actions and actions caused regret and regret in the past are the most important actions to avoid regret and sin. The importance of avoiding regret and not letting things happen to avoid regret and sin is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to test one's health, be attached to someone, and show love to Allah in order to show one's love for them. The book of Islam is designed to help people understand the meaning of the book and achieve their goals.

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			Assalamu alaikum This video is brought to you by Muslim Central please follow us on social
media forward slash Muslim Central and forward slash Muslim Central. Also
check out our other websites Muslim Central and Muslim Central
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			inshallah, this morning we will be reading from verse number 27
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			which is page number
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			450 of international cancellation
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			than the cabin Marina vena cava. vena cava Boonen.
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			He has he can see Dean as in
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			Nero mellado.
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			Is rooting
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			to be happy
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			new year
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			he had me me on and he
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			was shy.
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			what's cool is man in our
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			case we
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			were in 13
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			Gen X
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			smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillah Allahu
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			alayhi wa sallam,
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			we praise Allah subhana wa Jalla we send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, his entire household, all his companions, and all those who have followed that particular
path, we ask Allah to make us from amongst them and our offspring as well. My brothers and sisters
last week, we heard some of the story of Tao Salatu was Salam.
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			And how Allah subhanho wa Taala tested him. In the same way, Allah subhanho wa Taala tests every
single person, and these tests have even come to the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala, all of
them, they've all been tested in bigger ways than you and I have ever been tested and would ever be
tested. So if you take a look at the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam For example, He has
had the biggest of tests and he has the highest of statuses. And if you look at the other prophets
of Allah subhanho wa Taala, they all had tests from Allah, like Tao that is Sanam when it came to
the judging between the two brothers who had come to see him and he issued a ruling without actually
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			giving the opportunity to the other, to express the view or to say something, immediately he
realized and he turned to Allah. From there we learn another lesson that we did not make mention of
last week and that is my mothers and sisters whenever we have gone wrong. immediately turn to Allah,
that is the way forward and Allah says, We will forgive you look at doubt Allah, his salon, when he
went wrong within an instant, he was seeking forgiveness of Allah and Allah says, Allah medallic we
forgave him for that completely. And when you are forgiven my mothers and sisters, your sin is wiped
out. Totally, it is not there anymore. One of the plans of shavon and this is very important to
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			listen to. One of the plans of Chopin is after repentance, he makes you doubt your forgiveness and
the mercy of Allah and the fact that you have been forgiven.
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			This is a clear plan of shaymin, which Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has warned us about, and
even the Quran has warned us about Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks on how he will forgive absolutely
everything. But shavon keeps on saying no, you're not so given and you know what, you're not pure
and you're not clean. And whatever you've done, what you've done is a little bit beyond the
forgiveness of Allah. So that is dangerous and detrimental. Imagine if that would add a Salam asked
Allah forgiveness. And then he felt no Allah did not forgive me and I'm not forgiven for this. This
was too big and so on, to build on that would have been made mentioned of in the Quran if it was the
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			case, but it wasn't. He sought forgiveness he fell prostrate, he got closer to Allah as a result,
because he fell prostrate immediately thereafter, he engaged in an act of worship and other acts of
worship. And at the same time, he knew with him that Allah has forgiven us because my mothers and
sisters have the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala of why he brought us into the world, as human
beings, with the desires we have with the brain we have with whatever system we have, is that
whenever we faltered, we turned to him. The more we turned to him, the more he loves us. So this is
the reason why are the money Salatu was Salam was made to commit a certain transgression, whilst he
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			was not yet on the earth. And immediately he asked for forgiveness, in order to show the rest of us
that when you will, out of human nature, and make a mistake and do something wrong. The way forward
is to actually ask Allah for forgiveness, and to carry on after that, to carry on within the past
that will lead to gentlemen to paradise to the pleasure of Allah. But now the past is gone. It is
history and you have been cleaned of it. It's cleansed, no need to now let it bog you down some time
later, years later, or even later, when we become old. And we sit back Yes, there will be an element
of regret in the heart to say I shouldn't have done this. That is sometimes it will come to everyone
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			and it's good. In fact without regrets, Toba is not valid, but that regret there are two different
instances of regret. One is regret upon the engaging of repentance or within repentance. When we are
engaging in repentance, that regret is regret with warm tears that roll down or we really feel so
bad what we did, but once we ask Allah forgiveness genuinely and sincerely and we say Allah, we will
not do this. Again. We need to notice what effect that I have been forgiven and I carry on if we do
not have that conviction. It is because our Eman is weak. We haven't understood the plan of Allah.
We don't
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			Understand Allah created as human beings. So this is why not a single one of us can claim that we
are sinless, have no self. Sometimes even if you are much older maybe during your young age your
young years, you may have done a few things, sometimes many things that you will not proud about the
mere fact that Allah has given you an age where you can look back and regret that already is the
mercy of Allah. Imagine if we died was committing sin, that's a punishment. May Allah forgive us.
Really? So isn't it the point of the mercy of Allah Today we are seated here speaking about how
Allah will forgive us and how Allah has given us an opportunity to look back and say what I did was
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			wrong. That alone is the mercy of Allah Think about it. So do not let shame on him trap you by
making you see locked in your sin in a way that you cannot get out of it to go further towards Allah
and you feel unclean and impure because of what you did in the past. The past is the past. This is
why we are taught by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if a person enters the fold of Islam,
all their bad is deleted, good is carried through. The bad is deleted, but the good is carried
through. And if a person engages in Toba, which means repentance, sincere, seeking of forgiveness,
to Allah alone, from Allah alone, then the same thing happens. It is as though they're purer than
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			the day they were born. Why do we say purer than the day they were born? The reason is, the day you
and I were born, we were spotless, we had nothing, no sins and no good deeds either. But when you
engage in tell about your sins upon what happens to your good deeds, not only to your good deeds
remain, but that repentance itself was a good deed.
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			I hope you're following what we're saying. So repentance itself was a such a good deed that that
alone will be written on your scale of good deeds to say this person repented. And this is why Allah
says in one place in the Quran, that if, after you repent to Allah, you try your best to do good
deeds and you believe in Allah, you build your conviction in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says,
those bad deeds which you did in the past, will bring them back. But we will bring them back as good
deeds on the right side of the scale, so that we know that you have now come closer to us when you
ever were before because you sinned and then you regret it. So sometimes when the person has seen
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			evil, they've been out in the clubs, they've been drinking, they've been on drugs, they've been on
whatever, may Allah protect us all and our offspring from these bad habits. But whatever it was,
whatever it was, sometimes when a person has seen the dark and felt the depressive life of sin, and
after that, they find that they are closer sometimes to Allah than those who have never seen the
dark side. Sometimes we're not saying always, but sometimes it does happen. So Wasn't that a
blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is why my mothers and sisters never lose hope in someone
turning to Allah after having lived a life full of destruction and sin. And never let yourself feel
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			that because I am a person who continues reading my Salah, and I'm trying the best in my life that I
am now better than this other person who's perhaps outwardly sinful in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa
Taala because that cannot be the case. Only Allah knows how I will end and how you will end. May
Allah grant us a good ending. I mean, I mean, that's a very important one Allah grant us an ending
with a man in a good condition. That is an extremely important to ask, Do you know why? Because
every one of us is coming to an end, every one of us and nobody knows what's going to happen. Nobody
knows whether your family will have your body to even know that you've died. Look at what has
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			happened in Malaysia, Allah subhanho wa Taala, Grant and closure. Look at what has happened to so
many other people across the globe. You don't even know whether they are there or not, then that is
more difficult. That is a big test of Allah. And here we are today speaking of the tests of Allah
Subhana Allah, which were tailor made for the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I will make
mention of a few of these tests in Sharla in a few moments, but there is something else that needs
to be discussed. And I've already spoken about how important it is for us to turn to Allah
immediately upon having done something wrong turn to Allah. You know, human nature might make you
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			sin, but your Eman will make you repent. Remember this human nature will make you sin. But your Eman
will make you repent. This is why veneration says if your bad deed makes you regret. You must know
that you have Eman it's a sign of Amanda's making you regret if you had no Eman, one bad deed and
other bad deeds you get excited you building the bad deeds building burning and you're not even
worried of the day you die. You know, when Allah gives us a few health problems, it is solely
because he's dead.
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			Telling us Hang on, start preparing to come back to us, that's all. So if we start becoming older,
or we have a few health matters and so on, it's normal, it's going to happen to everybody at some
stage in their lives if they are given a long life, and you need to know that it's just a gift of
Allah to make it more difficult for you to send and to make it easier for you to turn to Allah. This
is why the Hadith says when a person who is old and still engages in sin and engages in major sin,
then they are earning the curse of Allah because Allah says we're giving them chance after chance
after chance, Allahu Akbar, you know, it's like someone they come to you, they borrow money, and
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			they need to come back and pay back to you, they come to you, they borrow more money, then, without
paying it back, they come for more, and they come for more and more. And it's building and building
a day will come when the person they borrowing from will stop. And he will she will say you know
what, I think I've given you enough and now you need to start paying back. Now when we have a
relation with Allah, we sin, we repent, sometimes you might commit a sin again later on, it does not
mean your initial repentance was not correct. It could mean that your human nature has led you to
doing something you promised Allah not to do before not to repeat it and you've repeated it. So that
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			is separated from the person. This is part of the mercy of Allah. And I want to explain this, say
for example, a person has committed a sin. And then like what we learned from the story of salatu
salam, that immediately he realized that he turned to Allah He engaged in Toba and he and if that
had happened to one of us, and we engage in tobuy, we told a lie a lie will never do this again. And
we meant it when we said it that Toba is accepted. There is no ways that doba is rejected. If the
conditions are met, what are the conditions, you must admit what you did was wrong? You must
regrettably, you must ask Allah to forgive. And you must promise not to do it again. Simple
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			conditions, they're not difficult. And you promise Allah not to do it again. But say after one year,
two years, five years, you happen to fall again, the mercy of Allah separates the two sons, the one
that happened, although it was the same nature as the one that is happening, it is separated, it's
gone. It's something that was decided and discussed differently. It was a court case that occurred
that was won by you because of Toba. And it's wiped out and it's gone. And this one you've committed
now, even though it's exactly the same as the previous one, Allah's mercy separates it, that is,
that is Allah Allah
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			Rahim. He is the most forgiving, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful.
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			This is Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is why mothers and sisters never let something bog you down,
that you've done in the past, like we've said, we come out of a sin, we immediately engage in tilba.
If that happens to repeat itself, somewhere down the line, engage in it again and engage in it
again, to the degree that they tell you about on a daily basis should be a few times a day, several
times a day. 10s or hundreds of times a day. ask Allah Allah Allah forgive me, it elevates your
status. It keeps you going up higher and higher. Allah subhanho wa Taala, grant us goodness in the
dunya and the alpha. So in these verses, Allah Subhana, Allah says, Mama, Mama, our Mama,
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			we did not create the heavens and the earth and what is in between them aimlessly. It's not that we
just saw Okay, let's just have fun. And let's make the heavens and the earth. Unless there's no we
did not do it to have fun. Nor did we do it endlessly know that the governor Lavina cafaro. That is
the assumption of those who disbelieve those who disbelieve and from amongst them, or perhaps the
atheist and the others. They think that all this that was created is just for fun, you know, it's
just nature. It happened it popped up and popped up. May Allah subhanho wa Taala, say if God has
Allah says, No, no, no, no, we created it with a purpose. And with a reason. You know, of late,
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			we've been speaking about how we becoming older, if this life was supposed to be eternal or to
enjoy, we would have lived for longer than 70 years. 70 years is too little for us to be on the
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			If the earth was the main aim of us being created, but because paradise and the Hereafter is the
main aim for us having been created, this is only a passing phase, it's an examination. When you go
to school, you do not stay in grade one or two. However, you have to pass up to grade six and seven,
and you have to write your own aid and carry on and the different examinations of secondary and
beyond University and there comes a point. When you're no longer in school, you now start working.
You know, after you've written your secondary, you cannot say look, I just want to stay in here,
just for fun. You know what? You were not born in order to just be at school your entire life.
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			I know some of you might be teachers and you must be thinking when I'm at school my entire life. But
here we're talking about people who are students. I mean, you've graduated you've come back to teach
people that's dead. But the same applies in life. We are we are only passing we graduate every year
and there's 70 different classes in
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			In the case of the average, for example, 60 to 70 classes every year, you move to a different class.
So when you get to class number 49, it will come another examination, when you get to class number
60, different examination 61, that examination might be connected to the way you teach your
children, sometimes 6204 I don't know why.
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			Anyway, then you get to class 63 or 64. And how you treat the people around you how you talk to
those who work for you, these are all your tests, you pass it You carry on class, 6566, and so on.
Until you get to a class when only Allah knows you've now graduated into a
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			into your grave.
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			What happens in your grave, you're waiting for price giving. You've already you've already been
issued the letter I'm just giving an example, you parents have already got a letter or you've
already got a letter to say you know what, please arrive at the prize giving your children if your
child is getting something
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			that happens in the dunya. But obviously, in the top, it's totally different. It's just an example I
gave. So so you're waiting for one for the day when the reckoning is going to be done properly. And
you will get your book and Sharla on the right hand mela granted to us. So this is life, we have
come to this world. This is not just a fun and a pastime. So if you are sitting in the dunya, having
fun and passing your time alone without Allah in the equation, then you've made a big mistake and
you will regret. But if you are, if you have Allah in the equation, you will still enjoy your life,
you are still allowed to go on holiday and you're still allowed to do so many different things and
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			you can go shopping, and you can do whatever else on condition that Allah is in every equation
throughout the day and night. That's the condition there's nothing else. So those people who think
that religiousness means that I must not go shopping not go holiday not do this not spend time with
my children not have a few fun and games and so on. They do not know what the balance of life is all
about. And there are others who do it completely the other extreme just have fun come time for Salah
we could not be bothered why. Because Salah is only for the old
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			come time for waiting proper dress code, you think No, because I'm not yet married, who's going to
see me.
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			Allah protect us, you find the girls now, because they want the others to see them because they want
to get married. Well, if that's what they married you for, to be honest with you, whatever you have
is going to deteriorate as time passes. And this is an amazing thing. I mentioned it in Juma the
Friday that we had. And you know, how Allah works that when you are young, and you're growing old,
and you becoming powerful, and you're looking good, and you become looking better and better. You
actually with your parents, have you thought of that. So who watches you develop and become stronger
and become pretty? Your parents, you get married, and then your spouse watches you become weaker,
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			and become wrinkled.
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			And you ever thought of it. So when you climbing up the mountain, you actually with your parents,
you're not with your spouse. And when you're going down the mountain, you've got your own kids in
most of the cases, but your spouse is watching your health deteriorate and watching you become a
little bit wrinkled. And from this alone, common logic would would tell us that when you're looking
for a spouse, don't look for someone who's going to look at your beauty alone because your beauty is
definitely going to deteriorate.
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			Common logic, even if you take out every other point of advice that you've been given, and you just
look at nature, naturally you become a little bit more wrinkled, your house deteriorates. If you
have a spouse who loved you because of your heart and your deen and your character. They will love
you more and more even though you can't walk anymore. And even though you might not be able to eat
and you might not be able to run around with them as you might have. Because when you hit your peak,
you are with your spouse, now you're coming down Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a deeper
understanding as to the fact that he has made mention of in this particular verse where he says, we
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			did not create all this just out of amusement English. No, there is no there is a purpose. I only
mentioned to you part of that purpose.
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			So Allah says, that is the assumption of those who disbelieve so woe to those who disbelieve from
the fire, warning to them regarding the fire, that will be their place, they will be punished
penalized if they think and they would have wasted their time. It's like a person who goes to a
school, job school and they granted everything. They don't work hard at all what will happen, they
may they will fail the examinations but after you fail once, twice, 3456 times the school will not
want you there anymore, and you might have to just be a dropout.
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			Allah safeguard us.
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			Then Allah says
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			Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Muhammad Ali, hottie Kelly, Merci de nothing out of the image Alma de pina
coladas with a beautiful question being asked by Allah to make us think that the people who are
doing good and the people who are doing bad the people who believe in the people who are sinful
should they be treated
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			Equally, can they be equal in all the ways? And in any way? To be honest, those who are trying hard
and those who are not those who have come closer to us and those who are not? Do you not think we're
going to test the people in order to distinguish and differentiate between those who have actually
worked hard and not? If you go to school for 20 years or 15 years, and there is no examination, they
will, you will feel that it was so unfair, that myself who was so good at school, I came out with no
certificate or with the same certificate as the person who did not even know what one plus one was?
How can the two of us be given the same certificate when that youngster did not know anything, and I
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			knew everything. So you would be happy when the examination comes? And the person who knows his work
will be happier when more difficult questions come? Because the bigger the challenge, the bigger the
certificate, and the better you know, you're going to do in comparison to those who did not know.
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			This is why when you have a bigger test in your life, you must know your exam is bigger. Why?
Because Allah has raised you higher. That's why even when
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			we've said this, so many times, the higher reward is with the higher test. So when Allah test you
with a B test, some of us misinterpreted that Allah is definitely punishing this person. Why?
Because they've got a B test. But no ways. It's got to do with how much Allah loves you in most
cases. And it depends how you react to it. If you have come through right up to all levels, is it
fair for you to just get a grade seven exam? No, you need a proper all level exam with tough
questions. And when you come out with an A people will say yes, this person did it. And they
succeeded. And they got the best results from all of us. Hence, they got the best place in varsity
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			or the best, whatever job and whatever else. But if you are just happy to say you know what I'm all
the way at a level. But I just want to write the grade seven exam, I don't want a bigger exam than
grade seven, no ways. when something comes in your direction, you just kick it off. If that's the
case, you have flopped, you have a problem, you don't understand what school is all about. The same
applies with us, we don't understand what life is all about. You have to be tested. Some of us have
been looked at every one of us has been tested and will continue to be tested. But some of us have
bigger tests than others by far. Sometimes your health deteriorates at an early age. And that's a
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			huge test from Allah, but it's because Allah loves you, He wants you to get closer to him. So that
one day ultimately, when you do go, the qualification you have is far higher than those who just had
a stone Creek on their finger.
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us to understand this plan. All this is connected to this
verse where Allah is saying, what we've created the earth, the heavens, what is between was not
English, it's not for nothing. It's for a purpose. It's for a reason. What is the reason? The reason
is, we do not want to tie both people with the same rope, meaning we do not want the criminals and
the good people to be considered equal. No, not in our eyes, not when they come to us. Not in
general, not even in the grave, not even in their condition in the Union. And this is why you have
people in the dunya, who have everything but they're not happy because they don't have a link with
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			Allah. And you have other people who've got nothing but they're very happy because they have a link
with Allah. So Allah already shows us through that, that ultimately what will help you my mothers
and sisters? Is the linkwood Allah developer make it and don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah. So
Allah Subhana Allah says, or should we treat those who believe and do righteous deeds, like the
corrupters in the land? Should we treat them the same? Or should we treat those who fear Allah,
similar to the wicked? Should we treat them the same? Some who fear Allah, the other, the others are
wicked? Can we treat them the same? The answer is no. So Allah says,
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			Now, you want to know more about the plan of Allah? Well, here it is. Allah says, this is a blessing
book, which is a blessing book, this the Quran.
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			This is a blessing Book which We have revealed to you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam that
they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.
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			This, to me is one of the most powerful verses in the entire Quran. In fact, to me the most powerful
verse in the whole Quran.
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			MOBA, Lacan, Leah de barro, it was clear.
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			To me, it is the most powerful verse in the whole Quran. I love this verse so much, and I repeated a
lot and I like to talk about it so much. Every time I get an opportunity, I talk about this verse.
Why? Because it is the whole reason why Allah revealed is encapsulated in one verse. Allah says, Do
you know why we reveal the Quran? Can we tell you why this Quran was revealed? Well, obviously I
would want to know and you should know
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			Is it is a blessing book that we reveal to you so that they can ponder over its verses and what that
means, so that they look into what we said and try to understand it. And by doing that, they will
understand the whole bigger picture of why we even made them in the first place. So the whole
instruction manual of your life, here it is in front of you, unless we revealed it in order for you
to know why we made you and to know where you're going to go and what is in store for you.
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			And to know what is right and wrong whilst you are here, and to know how to deal with with one
another, and judge between yourselves whilst you are here and to know how we will judge you when you
get back to us. All these things are written in this book. And that is why we have revealed it so
that those with understanding can take a lesson they can learn from it. And so that it can be a book
where each verse is taken and you ponder deeply over the verses. Now, like I said, the most powerful
verse in the Quran because it shows us how to treat the Quran. If you do not know this verse, you
will not know how to treat the rest of the foreigner. When Allah says, this book we have revealed to
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			you in order you know that lamb Li, Li means in order so that you get the bar so that they may
ponder deeply over it's versus my mother and sister, sometimes we need five Salah a day, sometimes
we give the calf sometimes we are considered pious, we've dressed properly we've done everything,
but we have not yet gone through the meanings of the verses of the Quran.
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			I've seen it loud and clear, we have failed. No matter how pious we think we are, we have failed.
Why? Because you don't know what Allah said. Allah revealed the book for you. Your life is once
Don't you have shame, you have not yet gone through the book of life, you have not yet gone through
the book that will take you two gentlemen, you have not yet gone through the word of the one who
made you He made you come on man, don't you have shame? Allah created you. And he put a book to say,
Hey, man, you want to know why I made you here's the book.
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			I made it so that you can look into the verses. And you can find the deeply over them and use those
with intellect. And those with a sound mind can actually take lesson and you know what you now have
lived for 50 6070 years, you have not yet looked at the word of Allah and tried to read and try to
understand it. Oh, if that's the case, we've lost love for
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			whoever's done this, maybe forgive us as well.
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			It's very shocking. And this is why the devil directly is the one that tells you to not go through
the meaning of that is that is the belief and his plot his plan, even if it comes to you, in the
voice of a person who might be religious, but he forgot about this.
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			And he forgot about the fact that when you meet Allah, Allah is not going to say what did that shape
in your community have to say about me? Allah is going to say, what did you read directly about me?
What do you know about my message? Yes, you might have learned from those you would have had to have
learned it from those with knowledge. Definitely. When you have a question, you do not answer it
yourself. You make sure that you've answered it through those who have the knowledge, that's
definite, we are not competing with that we're not arguing with it. And we're not trying to change
that at all. But what we are saying is if you have not made an effort to learn the book of Allah,
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			you are at a loss, complete loss. Why? Look at these three verses that we've done, covered today,
three verses, but they are in such a beautiful sequence. In one verse, realizing we did not create
everything just for fun. second verse, Allah is saying, look,
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			we will not make those who are good and those who are bad, all on one level, we cannot treat them
the same. And the third thing What if you want to know now how to become a person who is on the
right path, and who is doing the right thing, then you need to just read the book we've sent you
read the book which sent you it will lead you through to the sooner Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and then you will understand how to lead your life. And then you will know why you are here.
And when something happens to you, you will know why it's happening to you. And when you repent, you
will have the correct hope. And when you've committed the sin, you will still have the correct hope
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			in the mercy of Allah and you will know how to protect yourself and you will be able to be a happy
person content in the dunya and going to meet Allah wanting to meet with Allah subhanho wa Taala
amazing to me, this is very, very powerful. I can pause on this verse and I can cry my tears out to
say Subhana Allah what a gift of Allah. Allah gave you his word, his word. You know, I have to stop
here to give an example to my brothers and my sisters.
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			You see when you really really attached to someone, let's not talk about whether the attachment is
halal or haram. We're just saying you attach to someone. If they have to send you one SMS on your
phone. You'll get such a shock such a surprise. You skip a beat your heart skips a beat Wow.
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			From who?
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			You don't even want to know? I can't believe it. What did they say? You know, by heart exactly how
they started what they said and whatever it is a short message or a long message. Why? Because this
person is so important to you and your heart. So excited, you know, if someone even if they pass
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			what happened you just attached and you know, you skip a beat and even your your breath, you can
actually feel it. And people know from your face that you've just started blushing.
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			Now, the question I have here is, this is the message of the one who made you alarm, the one who
created you, the one who loves you, the one whom you have no option, but to go back to him. Whenever
you run, you're going back to him. And he tells you listen, there's a message, I've got a message
for you. And you know what today that message is available on your phone, on your iPod, on your
computers in book form, in CD form, in
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			microchip form, in plastic form in whatever other form you want, in manuscript form, in audio form,
in video form what you want it today, but we still haven't made it. So this is why we say take the
translations of the Quran in CD form, put it in your car, at least while passing although that is
the second way of doing things but why is passing you would have heard the message of Allah or take
a moment and put it into your DVD for example. At least you'd have heard what Allah is saying that
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			Allah protect us we know what Bollywood has said we know what Hollywood has said we know what
Nollywood has said and some of us are hooked on to the Zimbabwean. So Allah protect us. Really,
Allah Subhana Allah to Allah grant us forgiveness, life is not all about amusement, like I said, you
can enjoy yourself but keep Allah in the equation, keep Allah in the equation, which means let it be
within the limits of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So let's get through this verse, where Allah says,
this is a blessing.
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			And now we have revealed it to you all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
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			so that they may reflect upon its verses, and that those of understanding would be reminded. I
invite you, my mothers and sisters and all those who may listen to this later on. Are you prepared
to answer to this, that Allah is asking of me and you? Are you prepared? Are you prepared to be from
the ones who are when Allah says, we've reviewed this book that they might reflect upon?
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			That they do reflect upon its vessel? Do you want to be from amongst those who reflect over the
verses of Allah? Well, if that is the case, it's going to be a big effort. And you're going to have
to fight people who tell you don't do this, don't do that. Because sometimes the devil comes in the
form of others, and in the form of human beings who tell you not to do what you're supposed to be
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			You need to have knowledge of your own. You need to know that what I'm doing is right. And this is
your link between you and Allah. It's not good enough for us to go back to Allah and say, but you
know what, I didn't know.
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			We sent you the book, how could you not have known? We gave you the instructions, we told you what
to do. This is why the same forum today we spoke about some powerful points about how you must feel
the forgiveness of Allah and never feel bogged down by your past, never ever, and that is in the
Quran, Allah says
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			Allah but the problem is we've never read the Quran so we don't even know what the message of Allah
so we always feel like I'm so dirty I'm so bad. I'm so this so that no gem to Allah, you are pure.
You're also a human. Allah loves you. That's why Allah made you but you need to turn to Him in order
for you to show your love of Allah. Allah loves us, but we don't show our love to Allah, we then
sometimes you don't even love Allah in return.
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			The fact that he's given us a chance, obviously he cares for us. He's made us He is the owner of our
sustenance in every aspect of our existence. That is Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala has told us
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			in this beautiful way. Then Allah Subhana, Allah says,
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			and today when we gave a son Solomon, to Tao, ooh, la salami peace be upon them both. Allah says to
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			him, we gave a son Solomon, so the man gave to the man,
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			an excellent service. Indeed, he was one, repeatedly turning back to Allah. Look at this, all these
verses are connected. I was going to go through the story of Solomon today, but inshallah go through
it perhaps next week, if Allah gives us the opportunity to do so.
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			But what I want to tell you here is look at the main point that Allah has mentioned in this opening
verse of the story of Solomon, are part of the story of Solomon. What did he say? He was an
excellent worship. So I like gave a gift that would add a gift. What was the gift in the form of a
son, you have children, it's a gift. You don't have children. It's also a gift. Because Allah
chooses for you and he knows it's your taste like we say you perhaps
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			a PhD in spiritual terms, because you did not get what you wanted, you are actually just getting
what Allah wants. Some of us are lucky, we get what we want and what Allah wants. Obviously Allah
would want it, that's when we would get it. But we've got something that we would have loved and
it's there as a test as well. But if you don't get what you want, then you need to know the test is
bigger because you have an opportunity to get closer to Allah Subhana.
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			Allah says, We gave essential a man, we want you to know that he was an excellent servant. He served
us and he was an excellent service. If you have a servant to I have a servant, and you say this is
an excellent service. What does that mean? Whenever I've said something, they do it quickly, or they
do it even before I've said anything.
00:40:45 --> 00:41:27
			meaning they're willing something which is voluntary, you know, like your acts of worship, that
which is voluntary, you engage in it before it instructed upon, one is the instruction and to is
that which is over and above that in terms of voluntary permissible deeds, Allahu Akbar. So Allah is
an excellent service, and we want you to know that he was one who repeatedly turned back to us in
what in Toba? malabu, interval awaba. If you recall last week, we mentioned the term a word and I
said what a beautiful name. The father was called a web and the son is also being called a word, a
word meaning one who turns back to Allah in Toba in repentance, seeking forgiveness, often, often.
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			Now, why we're saying this is so a man.
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			They were too Who opinions as well as process, and they have done certain things within the taste of
Allah subhanho wa Taala, whereby repentance was required of them, and they engaged in repentance.
And Allah says, We forgave them. And now am I saying they were excellent. Did Allah say, a man was
not excellent, because he did this. And he did that and picked on two three things that he did done,
or that one was not excellent. He was not one who was worth it, because he judged between the people
and without listening to the other party, and he did this and he did that. No, Allah did not even
Allah raised all those things in order to show us that even with that, we still call them excellent
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			servants. And they were the best of the lot. And they were top and we chose them as prophets and
kings, and we put them they had the dunya, and the archaea set for them, but they were still the
most humble of people. You know, so a man inshallah next week, I hope, we will go through verses
which show you that he was given something that nobody after him was given. He made it to me that
which none will have after me.
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			And I gave him the power to do so many things. He could actually control the wind and the mountains
and so many other things that the animals he could speak to them, and he could talk to him do so
many things. And this was all the gift of Allah, because he made and what was the powerful point he
constantly repented to Allah? I hope and I pray the lesson we have today, my brothers and sisters,
as I close the session, let us constantly repent to Allah. Don't think that because I don't have a
son that I can remember, I'm not going to ask forgiveness. As forgiveness. Forgive me, forgive us
all. Continue to forgive us for those things. We know those things. We do not know those things.
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			we've committed openly those things we've committed in private, those things we remember those
things we cannot remember. Allah forgive us and continue to forgive us in a way that when we meet
with you, you are pleased with us and You grant us paradise. My mothers and sisters, it's important
to read the poem, it's important to understand the poem. So there's two things one is the recitation
extremely important, the other is the meaning and translation extremely important. We need to
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			No matter how old you are, no matter what has happened in your life, go into the meanings of the
words of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is where you will find comfort of the soul, you will happily
look forward to the meeting with Allah such that the day you are in succot you will not be a
depressed person, you will be such a happy person to return back to the Most Merciful who loves you
the most Allah subhanho wa Taala loves us all may grant us a lofty place in paradise. Allah mobarak
Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah Allah

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