Mufti Menk – Dont Abuse Your Spouse

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of respecting each other's roles and having a good relationship. They stress the need for no abuse and suggest using words of wisdom to make people smile. The speaker also mentions a video they created for their partner and their children.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters learn to respect each other You boys out there, please remember something. Yes, you have a role to play. Your wife has a role to play, but there should be no abuse, no abuse. I believe from what I've read that her husband that actually said, you can go and kill yourself and make a video before you do so and send it to me. That's exactly what you did. What type of words are these? You're supposed to be saying good words all my life. I've been addressing people getting married and reminding them kulu Colin sadita say straight words to one another say beautiful, loving, kind, romantic words filled with goodness and make people smile, especially your spouse and

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your children. spend the time at home. Own up when you've gone wrong.

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